1984 07 10 PC1
A Regular Meeting to be held at the La
Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado,
La Quinta, California
July 10, 1984 7:OOp.m.
A. Flag Salute
A. Tentative Tract Map No. 20158, Amended No. 1, a request
for approval of a 54 unit planned residential development
on 8.69 acres, located at the northwest corner of Washing-
ton Street and the La Quinta Stormwater Channel; Jack L.
Clark Enterprises, Applicant.
1. Report from Staff
2. Motion for Adoption.
B. Variance Case No. 84-002, a request to allow patio covers
to encroach into the 10-foot required rear yard in a planned
residential development, located at the northwest corner
of Washington Street and the La Quinta Stormwater Channel;
Jack L. Clark Enterprises, Applicant.
1. Report from Staff.
2. Motion for Adoption.
C. Tentative Tract Map No. 20218, a request for approval of a
16 unit planned residential development on 4.32 acres, lo-
cated at the southwest corner of Washington Street and
50th Avenue; William G. Young, Applicant.
1. Report from Staff.
2. Motion for Adoption.
A. Minutes of the regular meeting of June 12,1984.
B. Minutes of the adjourned meeting of June 21,1984.
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Page 2
A. Plot Plan No. 84-059, a request to construct a single family
dwelling on the east side of Roudel Lane 180 feet south of
the end of the street; Chris Caras, Applicant.
1. Report from Staff.
2. Motion for Adoption.
B. Plot Plan No. 84-062, a request to costruct a single family
dwelling on the west side of Avenida Madero 150 feet south
of Calle Chillon; Rick Johnson Construction, Applicant.
1. Report from Staff.
2. Motion for Adoption.
C. Plot Plan No. 84-063, a request to construct a single family
dwelling on the east side of Avenida Diaz 300 feet north of
Calle Tecate; Rick Johnson Construction, Applicant.
1. Report from Staff.
2. Motion for Adoption.
D. Plot Plan No. 84-064, a request to construct a single family
dwelling of the east side of Eisenhower Drive 250 feet north
of Calle Monterey; Bob Monroe, Applicant.
1. Report from Staff.
2. Motion for Adoption.
E. Plot Plan No. 84-065, a request to construct a single family
dwelling on the west side of Avenida Obregon 100 feet south
of Calle Madrid; Bob Monroe,Applicant.
1. Report from Staff.
2. Motion for Adoption.
F. Plot Plan No. 84-066, a request to construct a single family
dwelling on the west side of Avenida Obregon 150 feet south
of Calle Madrid; Bob Monroe, Applicant.
1. Report from Staff.
2. Motion for Adoption.
July 10,1984
Page 3
G. Informational Reprt by the Community Development Director
on "phantom" assessment districts. (INFORMATION ONLY)
H. Informational Report by the Community Development Director
on certain single family development standards. (INFORMATION
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To: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission
From: Planning Department
Date: July 10, 1984
Location: Northwest Corner of Washington Street and the La Quinta Stormwater Channel
Applicant: Jack L. Clark Enterprises
Request: Approval of a 54-Unit, Statutory (Airspace) Condominium on 8.69 Acres
1. General Plan
a. Site: A portion of Specific Plan No. 83-0011 Duna La Quinta, designated
as a maximun of 8 units per acre or a maxn= total of 69 units.
b. Surrounding Area: Golf course and 5 dwellings per acre to the north; 4.3
dwellings per acre to the west; watercourse and 5 dwellings per acre to
the south, and watercourse to the east.
2. Zoning
a. Site: R-2-5000
b. Surrounding Area: R-5 to the north; R-2-8000 to the west; R-1 and R-2-8000
to the south, R-1 to the east.
3. Existing Conditions
The site is vacant and was rough graded during the construction of the La Quinta
Stornswater Channel and the La Quinta Hotel Golf Course. The flood channel levee
extends along the inside of the site's southern boundary, with the remainder of
the parcel being relatively level. There are existing golf links on the north
and south sides of the project, with the Duna La Quinta subdivision currently
under construction adjacent to the west.
Access to the site will be from 50th Avenue along Avenida Los Verdes, an existing
37-foot wide, two-lane, paved, private street. Washington Street, a two-lane,
paved road designated as an Arterial Highway/Specific Plan Road (110' right-of-way)
is adjacent to the project's eastern boundary. There will be no access from the
site to Washington Street. As shown on the topographic map, the grade of this
street and the bridge is above the level of the project site.
Water and sewer lines are existing along Avenida Los Verdes and Washington
Street. other urban services are also available to the site.
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Page 2.
4. Environmental Assessment
An environmental impact report was prepared and certified for the related
Specific Plan No. 83-001. This report noted that this project will impact
the already overcrowded public school system. In addition, the project
will add incrementally to traffic on public streets and also increase
the demand for public services and facilities. These impacts can be
adequately mitigated by the tract conditions of approval.
The report also noted that the site may be subject in the future to excessive
noise generated by traffic along Washington Street. Mitigation world include
the requirement that all structures comely with the State's interior noise
5. Project Description
The Applicant is proposing to construct a 54-unit, statutory condominium
project on 8.69 acres. This site is Phase 2 of the approved Duna La Quinta
Specific Plan. Due to the long, narrow shape of the site, the units will
be located in a row on either of the access streets. Two pool areas are
Access to the site will be from Avenida Los Verdes, the existing entry
street from 50th Avenue. The street will be 32-feet wide, which will permit
parking along one side. 13 off-street parking spaces will be provided
adjacent of the recreation areas. This street will extend the length of the
site and will link up with the road within Tentative Tract Map No. 20218
located at the corner of 50th Avenue and Washington Street, thereby completing
a loop street.
The intersection of this access street with Avenida Ins Verdes is offset
approximately 15 feet from Calle Norte (the access street within the Duna La
Quinta tract located to the west).
Five unit designs are proposed. Unit 1 is a two bedroom/two bath unit with
1705 square feet; Unit lA is a two bedroom/two bath unit with 1588 square
feet; Unit 2 is a two bedroom/two bath unit with 1638 square feet; Unit 3
is a two bedroom/two bath unit with 1537 square feet; and Unit 4 is a
three bedroom/two bath unit with 1736 square feet. The average dwelling
size for the project is 1643 square feet. All units have attached double -
car garages. The units along the north side of the street will be one level
with building heights ranging from 1416" to 2216". The units located along
the south side atop the levee will be split level, with the garage located
along the street level, and the one story dwelling located behind the garage
atop the levee. The buildings will be modern Spanish style with peaked roofs
and stucco siding. All the units have minim-n two -foot -wide roof overhangs.
6. Comments Received from Other Agencies
a. City Engineer - Washington Street and private street to be fully improved
to City standards. Submit grading plan for review and
approval by City Engineer. Provide hydrology and hydraulic
calculations. All building pads shall be protected from
July 10, 1984
Page 3.
100-year storm. Provide for off -site drainage and
drainage easements. Connect to CVWD for water and
sanitary sewer service. Cbtain Fire Marshal approval
of water plans. All utilities shall be installed under-
ground. Provide channelization plans for 50th Avenue
and Washington street. Submit final map for review and
approval by City Engineer.
b. City Fire Marshal - Fire protection shall be provided in accordance with
the requirements of Municipal Ordinance No. 7. Any
street 150' or longer shall be provided with a cul-de-sac
or hammerhead for fire department turnaround. Fire pro-
tection shall be in place prior to the arrival of
combustible materials on the construction site.
c. Coachella Valley Water District - The area is protected from stornwater
flows by a system of channels and dikes, and may be
considered safe from stormwater flows except in rare
instances. The district will furnish domestic water
and sanitary sewer service in accordance with district
regulations. Requests City to withhold issuance of
building permits until arrangements can be made with
District for the possible relocation of existing District
facilities which may conflict with the project.
d. Imperial Irrigation District - The District has existing underground power
facilities bordering this project on the west - Tract No.
18767 - and that underground facilities would be extended
east into subject subdivision to provide service for same.
It is estimated that it will require 1,152,000 kilowatts
of electricity per year to serve subject project with an
estimated maximum demand of 263 kilowatts. With the addi-
tional loads imposed on the Marshall Substation by other
housing units and projects in the City, it will not be
possible to provide service to Tract No. 20158 during the
summer of 1984 nor the summer of 1985 if the La Quinta
Substation is not in service by June of 1985.
e. Desert Sands Unified School District - The schools are currently operating
over capacity. The developer shall be required to pay an
impact mitigation fee.
f. Comments were requested, but not received from Riverside County Health
Department, Southern California Gas Company, General
Telephone and La Quinta Chamber of Camierce.
7. Ccm ants Received from the Public
Two written comments were received in response to the Notice of Hearing. One
letter stated an objection to the proposed number of units on the grounds
that it would create additional traffic congestion. The second letter stated
no objection to the project specifically, but objected to any future high rise
development in the general area.
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Page 4.
The proposed project complies with the minimum development standards for
residential development as regulated under the municipal zoning and land
division ordinances and the approved Duna La Quinta Specific Plan. The
proposed density of 6.2 units per acre is less than the 8 units per acre
allowed under the specific plan. The buildings are set back a mininnumm
20' from the street and 10' from the rear property boundary. The distances
between buildings range from 14' to 22' at their closest points, with the
majority of the buildings separated approximately 161. Because of the shape
of the buildings, the actual average distance between the structures exceeds
this figure.
Concerning the general site layout, the units are within duplex and fourplex
buildings located along both sides of the street. The units cannot be clustered
to help reduce the appearance of density due to the site's long and narrow shape
and the location of the flood control levee along the southern portion of the
property. The Applicant has reduced the density from the previous proposal of
7.5 to 6.2 units per acre in order to provide required additional open space and
to increase the separation between buildings.
Regarding open space and recreation areas, approximately 530 of the net site
area is not covered by buildings, streets or driveways, which exceeds the
minimum 40% required by the ordinance. Because of the unit layout, the majority
of the open space will be in the form of private open space between and to the
rear of the units. The only open space areas provided for the use of all the
residents are the two pool areas. The proposed recreational facilities should
be adequate to accorodate the residents' needs provided that the easterly
recreational area is constructed in conjunction with Phase 4 of development.
in addition, staff recommends that the conditions of approval require the
submittal of plans showing amenities and facilities for the recreation areas.
Regarding circulation access to the dwellings, there will be a 32'-wide street
extending off the existing Avenida Los Verdes. This road extends the length of
the site and will connect with the 24'-,wide street proposed for Tentative Tract
Map No. 20218 located to the north. The width of street will be transitioned
from 24' to 32' along the east side of the golf link between the two developments.
The intersection of this street with Avenida Los Verdes will be offset approxi-
mately 12' south of Calle Norte, the loop street in the Duna La Quinta tract
located adjacent to the west. The cul-de-sac in the southeasterly portion of
the tract will be widened to 24' and have a hammerhead turnaround in order to
conform with Fire Department requirements. In addition, the intersection of
this cul-de-sac should be redesigned to an angle closer to perpendicular. Adequate
parking will be provided along one side of the street, within the 20'-long drive-
ways and in 13 off-street parking spaces located adjacent to the recreation areas.
The City Engineer has reviewed the street plan and has concluded that it will be
adequate to safely handle the traffic generated by this project.
July 10, 1984
Page 5.
The proposed unit designs comply with the City's adopted standards for single-
family residences and with ordinance No. 38 regulating unit sizes within
planned residential developments. The exterior design of modern Spanish with
stucco walls and tile peaked roofs is compatible with existing and proposed
development located to the north and west of the site.
1. The proposed density of 6.2 units per acre is less than the specific plan
designation allowing a maximum of 8 units per acre or 70 units.
2. 530 of the net site area is proposed as open space and recreation areas,
which exceeds the standards of the R-2-5000 and the municipal planned
residential development standards.
3. The site is physically suitable for the proposed 54-unit development. All
utilities are available to the site.
4. The environmental impacts of the project, as identified within the EIR
prepared for the Duna La Quinta Specific Plan, are the impact on the local
public schools and incremental increases in traffic and the demand for City
services. Mitigation will be provided by the conditions of approval requiring
the payment of school mitigation fees and other additional fees to be estab-
lished by the City.
5. The m;n;mim, dwelling size is 1537 square feet and the average dwelling size
is 1643 square feet, which complies with the standards of ordinance No. 38.
6. The proposed circulation and parking plan will be adequate to handle the
development's anticipated traffic flaw safely and efficiently.
7. The proposed recreational facilities will adequately provide for the
residents' needs.
1. The design and improvement of the proposed subdivision are consistent with
the goals and objectives of the La Quinta General Plan.
2. The project is consistent with the standards of the municipal zoning and
land division ordinances.
3. The subject site is physically suitable for a 54-unit, condom nilun develop-
ment with a density of 6.2 units per acre.
4. The design of the subdivision and its related improvements are not likely
to cause environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish
and wildlife or their habitat provided that approval conditions related
to mitigation measures for the fringe -toed lizard are complied with.
July 10, 1984
Page 6.
5. The design of the subdivision and the type of improvements are not likely
to cause public health problems nor could they conflict with existing
public easements.
6. The location and appearance of the proposed dwelling units are compatible
with the area in which the 54-unit, condominium development is located.
7. The proposal to provide approximately 53% of the site as usable open space
area exceeds the minimum requirements for planned residential developments.
8. The proposed subdivision is consistent with Specific Plan 83-001 approved
for the site and surrounding property.
9. The project will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment.
Based upon the above findings, the CcmTmuty Development Department recommends
approval of Tentative Tract Map No. 20158, Amended No. 1, subject to the attached
1. Tentative Tract Map No. 20158, Amended No. 1, shall ccuply with standards and
requirements of the State Subdivision Map Act and the City of La Quinta Land
Division ordinance, unless otherwise modified by the following conditions.
2. This tentative tract map approval shall expire two years after the date of
approval by the La Quinta City Council unless approved for extension as
provided for by the City of La Quinta Land Division Ordinance.
3. Tract phasing plans (if any), including any proposed phasing of public
improvements, shall be submitted to the City Engineer and Community
Development Department for review and approval.
4. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for construction of any use
contemplated by this approval, the Applicant shall first obtain permits
and/or clearances from the following public agencies:
• Riverside County Enviroun ntal Health Department
• City Engineer
• City Fire Marshal
° Community Development Department, Planning Section
• Desert Sands Unified School District
Evidence of said permit or clearance from the above agencies shall be
presented to the Building Section at the time of the application for a
building permit for the use contemplated herewith.
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Page 7.
Project and Building Design
5. The development of the site and buildings shall amply with approved
Exhibits A, B, C, and landscaping, as contained in the Community
Development Department's file for Tentative Tract Map No. 20158, Amended
No. 1, and the following conditions, which conditions shall take precedence
in the event of any conflict with the provisions of the tentative tract map.
6. Engineering design, orientation of buildings, and noise barriers shall be
utilized to reduce noise impacts from nearby existing roadways to within
State standards.
7. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Applicant shall demonstrate
that residential structures satisfy the State's indoor criterion. Mere
exposed to noise levels in excess of State standards, Applicant shall install
special design features such as double -glazed windows, mechanical ventilation,
special roof venting, increased insulation, weatherstripping, or combinations
of these measures.
B. All heating and cooling mechanical equipment shall be ground mounted or
screened from the view of adjoining public and private streets.
Streets, Grading and Drainage
9. The Applicant shall amply with the following requirements of the City
Washington Street shall be fully improved to City standards (excepting
the installation of a bridge).
b. Interior streets shall be improved to City standards with a minimum
road section of 2'Y" asphaltic concrete on a 4" class 2 base.
c. The cul-de-sac street shall have a minimnn 24'-wide travelway with
a hammerhead turnaround designed and marked in accordance with the
requirements of the City Engineer and City Fire Marshal.
d. The width of the access road shall transition from 24' to 32' in that
�J section immediately adjacent to the golf course lake.
( e� The intersection of the cul-de-sac with the loop street shall be
,/ redesigned to create an angle closer to perpendicular.
f. Grading plans shall be submitted for review and approval by the City
Engineer prior to the issuance of a grading permit.
g. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the Applicant shall suhtnit
a hydrology study with hydraulic calculations to the City for review.
All pads shall be protected from a 100-year storm.
h. Domestic water and sanitary sewer service shall be provided in
accordance with the requirements of the City and CVWD. The water plan
shall be approved by the Fire Marshal.
i. All utilities shall be installed underground.
July 10, 1984
Page 8.
�. Prior to map recordation, the Applicant shall submit channelization
plans for Washington Street to the City Engineer for review and
4 10. Provision shall be made to complete the continuous loop street with both
connections into Avenida Los Verdes prior to beginning combustible con-
struction, except that the Applicant may provide alternate means of access
to the satisfaction of the Fire Marshal in the event that the timing of
this project with that of the adjacent subdivision is not co patible.
11. A plan showing proposed parking along the private road system shall be
submitted for review and approval by the Community Development Department.
The plan shall designate any "no parking" areas and indicate the method
of identifying then.
A plan showing non -automotive means of transportation within the project,
including bicycle and pedestrian paths, shall be submitted for review and
approval by the Community Development Department prior to final map recorda-
Public Services and Utilities
13. The Applicant shall amply with the requirements of the City Fire Marshal
in accordance with Municipal ordinance No. 7 and as follows:
a. Prior to issuance of any building permit, the following conditions
shall be met/certified to:
(1) Fire Hydrants - Install super fire hydrants located no less than
(� � �25 feet nor greater than 165 feet from any portion of exterior
U"walls of proposed building(s), spaced 320 feet apart, as treasured
along approved vehicular travelways. Installation shall be on a
water system capable of delivering 2750 GPM fire flaw for a two-
hour duration at 20 psi residual operating pressure in accordance
with ordinance No. 7, Section 10.301c.
(2) cul-cie-
Any street 150, or longer shall be provided with a sac or
hanmerhead for Fire Department turnaround.
Developer shall furnish two copies of water system plans to the
Fire Department for review and approval. Plans shall conform to
fire hydrant types, location and spacing; the water system shall
meet fire flow requirements. Plans shall be signed by a registered
Civil Engineer and approved by the water company with the following
"I certify that the design of the water system in Tentative Tract
No. 20158 is in accordance with the requirements prescribed by the
Riverside County Fire Department."
prior to arrival of combustible materials on the construction site,
the above (1, 2) fire protection must be operating.
Provide written certification from the water company that hydrants
will be installed and will produce the required flaw.
July 10, 1984
Page 9.
14. The water and sewage disposal systems shall be installed in accordance
with the requirements of the City and of 0oachella Valley Water District.
15. The Applicant shall provide all necessary easements for public utilities.
�All on -site utilities shall be placed underground.
_nWX6.1 The Applicant shall comply with the requirements of Imperial Irrigation
U � - District:
a. Prior to issuance of building permits, Applicant shall provide
written clearance to the City Community Development Department
that Imperial Irrigation District can provide service to this
17. As mitigation for the impact on the public schools, the Applicant shall
ccnply with the following:
a. Prior to recordation of a final map, the Applicant shall ccenplete
a school impact mitigation agreement with Desert Sands Unified
School District.
b. prior to the issuance of any building permits for construction of
dwellings, the Applicant shall provide the City Community Development
Department with written clearance from Desert Sands Unified School
District stating that the per -unit impact fees have been paid.
18. Prior to the recordation of the final map, the Applicant shall submit to
the Commmunity Development Department the following documents which shall
demonstrate to the satisfaction of the City that the open space/recreation
areas and private streets and drives shall be maintained in accordance with
the intent and purpose of this approval:
a. The document to convey title;
b. Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions to be
recorded, and
c. Management and maintenance agreement to be
entered into with the unit/lot owners of this
land division.
The approved Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions shall be recorded at
the same time that the final subdivision map is recorded.
A homeowners association, with the unqualified right to assess the owners
of the individual units for reasonable maintenance costs shall be estab-
lished and continuously maintained. The association shall have the right
to lien the property of any owners who default in the payment of their
assessments. Such lien shall not be subordinate to any encunbrance other
than a first deed of trust, provided that such deed of trust is made in
good faith and for value and is of recore prior to the lien of the home-
owners association.
July 10, 1984
Page 10.
19. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Applicant shall submit
plans showing the location and design of the project perimeter walls or
fences, the landscaping of the setback and right -of -ray areas, and the
design and location of the sidewalks to the Community Development
Department for review and approval. The approved landscaping and
improvements shall be installed prior to the issuance of occupancy
permits. Landscaping shall be maintained in a healthy and viable
condition for the life of the project.
a. The wall design and materials shall match the existing
block wall located along the north boundary of the site.
b. A minimmi of one 5' x 80' recessed cutout shall be provided
along Washington Street for the perimeter wall. The wall,
sidewalk and landscaping shall be installed by December 31,
1984, or by the recordation of Tract 20158, whichever occurs
20. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Applicant shall submit
plans to the Community Development Department for review and approval
showing landscaping, lighting, pedestrian pathways for the entire site
and detailed improvement plans for the recreational areas.
21. The recreational area located within Phase 4 shall be constructed prior
to the issuance of certificates of occupancy for any unit located within
Phases 4, 5 and 6.
22. Desert or native plant species and drought -resistant planting materials
shall be incorporated into the landscaping plans for the project and the
public street parkways.
23. The Applicant shall utilize dust control measures in accordance with
the Municipal Cale and the Uniform Building Code and subject to the
approval of the City Engineer.
24 Applicant understands that the City was incorporated in 1982 and has not
yet enacted a camplete policy on exactions on new development to provide
municipal improvement and facilities needed as a result of the cunulative
impact of such new development; and that City is in the process of pre-
paring and enacting such a policy, which will include uniform fees to be
imposed upon new construction to fund the following public improvements
and facilities: fire station, public safety facility, city hall, park
and recreation facilities, schools, drainage facilities, major thorough-
fares and bridges and traffic signalization; that City expects to enact
said fees policy on or before December 31, 1984; Applicant agrees to pay
said fee or fees in the amount and at the time enacted and from time to
time amended by the City. If said fee shall include financing of permanent
or temporary school facilities, Condition No. 17 (school development fee)
shall be deleted.
Sandra L. miner D: Stevens, AICP
Principal Planner Community Development Director
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OF TflE��s
To: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission
From: Planning Department
Date: July 10, 1984
Subject: VARIANCE NO. 84-002
Location: Northwest Corner of Washington Street and La Quinta Stormwater Channel
Applicant: Jack L. Clark Enterprises
Request: Approval to Allow Structures Within the 10-Foot Rear Setback Area for
Tentative Tract Map No. 20158.
1. General Plan
a. Site - A portion of Specific Plan No. 83-001, Duna La Quinta, designated as
a maximum of 8 units per acre or a maximum total of 69 units,
b. Surrounding Area: Golf Course and 5 units per acre to the north; 4.3 units
per acre to the west; watercourse and 5 units per acre to the south; water-
course to the east.
2. Zoning
a. Site: R-2-5000
b. Surrounding Area: R-5 to the north, R-2-8000 to the test, R-1 and R-2-8000
to the south and R-1 to the east.
3. Existing Conditions
The site is vacant and was rough graded during the construction of the La Quinta
Stormwater Channel and the La Quinta Hotel Golf Course, The levee extends along
the site's southerly boundary, with the top of the levee being 2 to 9 feet higher
than the remainder of the site. The property is bounded by golf course on the
north and south, and the Duna La Quinta subdivision on the west. Access to the
site will be from 50th Avenue on Avenida Los Verdes, the private entry to Duna
La Quinta.
4. Environmental Assessment
Refer to the environmental assessment prepared on the related Tentative Tract
Map No. 20158, Amended No. 1.
5. Project Description
The Applicant is requesting a Variance from the standards of the planned
residential developments and the R-2-5000 zone which require a minimum 10-foot
rear yard setback between structures and the exterior property boundaries of
planned residential or condominium developments. The purpose of the request
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July 10, 1984
Page 2.
is to allow the construction of patio covers up to the rear property line. The
Applicant's stated reason for the request is that "This property does not enjoy
the same golf course view as other property in the vicinity". The Applicant's
stated justification for the request is that since the property is adjacent to
a golf course, the rights of the owner of the adjoining property will not be
infringed upon.
36 of the total 54 units have all or portions of their patio structures within the
rear setback area. Only 12 of the 26 units along the north side of the street
encroach into the setback area, while 24 of the 28 units along the south side
extend into the rear setback.
6. Comments Received fran Other Agencies:
a. City Fire Marshall - No additional comment.
b. City Engineer - No additional comment.
c. Comments were requested, but not received £ran Riverside County
Health Department, Coachella Valley Water District and the La Quinta
Chanmber of Commerce.
As stated in Section 18.27(a) of the municipal zoning ordinance, a variance may be
granted when, because of special circumstances applicable to a parcel of property,
including size, shape, topography, location or surroundings, the strict application
of the ordinance deprives such property of privileges enjoyed by other property in
the vicinity that is under the same zoning classification. A variance should not
be approved where it constitutes the granting of special privileges inconsistent
with the limitations which the zoning places on other similarly zoned property
within the vicinity.
First, regarding the finding of "special circumstances" justifying the variance
request, the Applicant states that the property does not enjoy the same golf course
view as other property within the vicinity. After numerous inspections of the site,
staff did not find evidence supporting this claim. In addition, neither the lot's
shape, size, topography, location or surroundings prevent the Applicant from complying
with the rdninnum 10-foot building setback from the project boundaries.
Secondly, other than the Applicant's desire to maximize the amount of developable
area on the site, no facts were presented which would contradict the belief that
the units could be designed so as to allow adequate space for a covered patio area
without encroaching into the setback area, options open to the Applicant include
changing the mix of the type of unit (for example, Unit 1 is 99 feet long, whereas
Unit 3 is 8316" long), or redesigning the levee units to shift the dwelling towards
the street on top of the garage (similar to the Duna Ia Quinta units to the west)
instead of behind the garage. The Applicant has informed staff that he does not
favor the design of the living area on top of the garage.
Lastly, approval of the variance would constitute the granting of special privileges
inconsistent with the limitations which the zoning places on similarly zoned property
within the vicinity. The southern portion of the Duna La Quinta Tract 18767 adjacent
to the west has almost identical topography, shape and surrounding land uses, yet no
unit is located within the setback area. Tentative Tract Map No. 20218 located north
_,. t, I m -
July 10, 1984
Page 3.
of the Applicant's site faces onto the same golf course link, yet no units are
located within the setback. Regarding this last mentioned tract, the Applicant
is purchasing an additional 10-foot-wide strip of land from the owner of the golf
course in order to allow additional space for the construction of patio covers
without the need to extend into the setback.
1. The strict application of the rear yard setback requirements will not deprive
the property of privileges enjoyed by other similarly zoned property in the
vicinity which do provide for rear yards in corpliance with ordinance standards.
2. No "special circumstances" with respect to the physical constraints of the lot
prevent the Applicant from ccrplying with the requirements of the ordinance.
3. Approval of the request would constitute the granting of special privileges
inconsistent with the limitations enforced on similarly zoned property and
other developments within the vicinity.
Based upon the above findings, staff recampsmds that the Planning Commission deny
Variance No. 84-002.
..�a L. BonZi7
! �
Principal Planner
Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP
Community Development Director
DATE %-/d - g
'. T
To: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Coemission
From: Planning Department
Date: July 10, 1984
Subject: TENTATIVE TRACT MAP No. 20218
location: Southwest Corner of Washington Street and 50th Avenue
Applicant: William G. Young
Request: Approval to Construct a 16-Unit Statutory (Airspace) Condominium
Project on 4.32 Acres
1. General Plan
a. Site: A portion of approved Specific Plan No. 83-001, Duna La Qu ntn.
designated for a maximnn density of 5 dwellings per acre.
b. Surrounding Area: Medium Density Residential (5-10 dwellings per acre)
to the north; Low Density Residential (3-5 dwellings per acre) to the
east; Specific Plan 83-001 with maxin mi 5 units per acre to the west and
open space and a naxiam 8 units per acre to the south.
2. Zoning
a. Site: R-2-8000
b. Surrounding Area: R-2*8000 to the north and west; R-l* to the east;
R-2-5000 to the south.
3. Existing Conditions
The site is vacant and was rough -graded when the adjoining golf course was
constructed. A block wall exists along 50th Avenue on the north side of the
property and is approximately 8 feet high fr¢n the average grade level of the
site. The golf course and water hazard/lake is adjacent to the south boundary.
50th Avenue is an existing four -lane, paved road adjacent to the site in
accordance with the street's designation as a major highway (100' right-of-way).
The parkway landscaping has been installed along 95% of the street frontage.
Washington Street is a two-lane, paved road and is designated as an arterial
highway (110' right-of-way) and a specific plan road. Access to the site is
fran Avenida Los Verdas, the private entry street to the Duna La Quinta Project.
Water and sewer lines are existing along 50th Avenue. other urban services
and utilities are also available to the site.
July 10, 1984
Page 2.
4. Environmental Assessment
An envirormiental impact report was prepared and certified for the specific
plan. This report noted that the project will inpact the already overcrowded
local schools. in addition, the project will add incrementally to traffic
and the demand for public services and facilities. These impacts can be
adequately mitigated by the conditions of approval placed on the tentative
tract map.
5. Project Description
The Applicant is proposing a 16-unit, statutory (airspace) condominium project
on a 4.32 acre site with a density of 3.7 dwellings per acre. Under the specific
plan approval, a maximum of 5 units per acre or 22 units is allowed. Approximately
53% of the project will be developed as recreational areas and landscaped common
open space.
The units are located along the south side of the 25-foot-wide, private road.
The pool area and common open space area abuts the existing golf course along
the south side of the project. At the northeast corner of the site is a sunken
tennis court which will be 4 feet below ground level. Behind the tennis court
is a CVWD sewage pump station.
The 16 units will be located within four buildings, each containing four units.
Four dwelling designs are proposed. The "El Sol" unit is a 2 bedroan/2 bath
unit with 1375 gross square feet; the "El Lago" is a 2 bedroom/den/2 bath unit
with 1814 gross square feet; the "El Desierto" unit is a 2 bedroan/den/3 bath
unit with 1981 gross square feet; and the "La Montana" unit is a 3 bedroom/3 bath
with 2160 gross square feet. The average dwelling size for the entire project
is 1860 square feet of livable area. All the units have spas within private
courtyards and attached double -car garages. The buildings are one story in
height (1513" to 171) and spanish style with a carbination of pitched roofs and
flat roofs with parapet walls. The exterior walls will be covered with rough
texture plaster and the roof will be mission tile.
6. Comments Received from Other Agencies:
a. City Engineer - 50th Avenue and Washington Street to be fully improved to
City standards. Interior streets to be improved to City
standards with a mi_ninun road section 2z" asphaltic concrete
on a 4" class 2 base. Submit grading plans for review and
approval by the City Engineer. Provide hydrology report
and hydraulic calculations. All pads shall be protected
from 100-year storm. Connect to CVWD water and sewer
facilities. The water plan shall be approved by the City
Fire Marshal. Submit final map for review and approval by
City Engineer. install all utilities underground. Provide
channelization plans for 50th Avenue and Washington Street.
b. City Fire Marshal - Provide 2750 GPM fire flaw. Provide super fire hydrants
spaced 320 feet apart commencing at first unit.
July 10, 1984
Page 3.
c. Coachella Valley Water District - Site is protected fran storrwater flows
by a system of channels and dikes, and may be considered
safe from stormwater flows except in rare instances. The
District will furnish danestic water and sanitation service
in accordance with the District's current regulations.
There may be conflicts with existing District facilities;
the District requests that the City withhold issuance of
building permits until arrangements have been made for the
relocation of these facilities.
d. Imperial Irrigation District -
e. Southern California Gas Company - There are facilities in the area and
service can be provided without any significant impact
on the environment. Provision of service will be in
accordance with the company's policies and extension
f. General Telephone Ccnipany - No additional ooirments.
g. Desert Sands Unified School District - The schools are currently operating
above capacity. The developer shall be required to pay
an irrpact mitigation fee.
h. Comments were requested, but not received fran Riverside County Health
Department and the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce.
Because of the site's long and narrow shape, the units are located along one side of
the access road adjacent to the golf course. The minimum building setback from
curbline is 65 feet, with the majority of the buildings being set back in excess of
80 feet. The structures should not be visible frcan the adjacent streets due to the
high perimeter wall and the low building heights. The tennis court will be sunken
4 feet so that the court fence will only be 6 feet above the grade of the site and
thus not visible from the adjacent streets.
The units are sited at an angle to the interior road in order to allow 20-foot-long
driveways and to maximize the size of the open space and recreation area at the rear
of the dwellings. As shown on the tract map, the Applicant is intending to purchase
an additional 10-foot-wide strip along the southerly project boundary to allow for
the future construction of rear patio covers for the units.
The proposed recreation areas will adequately serve the residents. In additon to
the private spas within each unit, there is a central pool and spa area and a tennis
® 0
July 10, 1984
Page 4.
Regarding circulation, the interior road will be 25 feet wide with 24 feet of paving;
no on -street parking will be permitted. Adequate guest parking will be provided by
the driveways and the 8 off-street parking spaces. The road will be of adequate
width to handle the traffic generated by this project and the adjacent proposed
54-unit tract located to the south. Staff recommended the reduced road width as a
means to reduce paving area and increase the landscaped area within the project.
The City Engineer had no objection to the proposed width due in part to the shall
number of units and the single loading of the street.
The unit designs are compatible with the existing houses to the north and west of
the site. The low building heights and varied roof levels will help to create
interest and minimize the appearance of bulk. The Applicant proposes to roof mount
the mechanical equipment on the flat portions of the roofs with the 3-foot-high
parapet walls providing screening.
1. The proposed density of 3.7 units per acre is less than the specific plan
designation allowing a maximum of 5 units per acre or 22 total units.
2. 53%.of the net site area is proposed as open space and recreational areas,
which exceeds the standards of the R-2-8000 zoning and the City's planned
residential development standards.
3. The site is physically suitable for the proposed 16-unit development. All
utilities are located adjacent to the site. Access to the site from 50th Avenue
will be provided by Avenida Los Verdes, an existing private road.
4. The environmental impacts of the project, as identified within the EIR prepared
for the Duna La Quinta Specific Plan, are the immpact on the local public schools
and incremental increases in traffic and the demand for city services. Mitigation
will be provided by the conditions of approval requiring the payment of school
mitigation fees and other additional fees to be established by the City.
5. The minimum dwelling size is 1375 square feet and the average dwelling size is
is 1860 square feet, which complies with the standards of Ymnicipal Ordinance
No. 38.
6. The proposed circulation and parking plan will be adequate to handle the
development's anticipated traffic flaw safely and efficiently.
7. The proposed recreational facilities, which include 16 private spas and a
community pool, spa and tennis court will adequately provide for the needs of
the residents.
�n� mti
1. The design and improvement of the proposed subdivision are consistent with the
goals and objectives of the La Quinta General Plan.
2. The project is consistent with the requirements of the municipal zoning and
land division ordinances.
July 10, 1984
Page 5.
3. The subject site is physically suitable for a 16-unit, condominium development
with a density of 3.7 units per acre.
4. The design of the subdivision and its related improvements are not likely to
cause environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish and
wildlife or their habitat provided that approval conditions related to mitigation
measures for the fringe -toed lizard are complied with.
5. The design of the subdivision and the type of improvements are not likely to
cause public health problems nor would they conflict with existing public
6. The location and appearance of the proposed dwelling units are compatible with
the area in which the 16-unit, condominium development is located.
7. The proposal to provide approximately 53% of the site as usable open space area
exceeds the minummi requirements for planned residential developments.
8. The proposed subdivision is consistent with Specific Plan 83-001 approved for
the site and surrounding property.
9. The project will not have a significant adverse impact on the envirorr ent.
Based upon the above findings, the Planning Department recomends approval of
Tentative Tract Map No. 20218, subject to the attached conditions.
1. Tentative Tract Map No. 20218 shall comply with standards and requirements of
the State Subdivision Map Act and the City of La Quinta Land Division Ordinance,
unless otherwise modified by the following conditions.
2. This tentative tract map approval shall expire two years after the date of
approval by the la Quinta City Council unless approved for extension as provided
for by the City of La Quinta Land Division Ordinance.
3. Tract phasing plans (if any), including any proposed phasing of public improve-
ments, shall be submitted to the City Engineer and Community Development
Department for review and approval.
4. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for construction of any use contemplated
by this approval, the Applicant shall first obtain permits and/or clearances from
the following public agencies:
° Riverside County Environmental Health Department
° City Engineer
° City Fire Marshal
° Community Development Department, Planning Section
° Desert Sands Unified School District
Evidence of said permit or clearance from the above agencies shall be presented
to the Building Section at the time of the application for a building permit
for the use contemplated herewith. -`' ' �,
July 10, 1984
Page 6.
Project and Building Design
5. The development of the site and buildings shall comply with approved Exhibits
A, B, C and D and landscaping plan, as contained in the Community Development
Department's file for Tentative Tract Map No. 20218, and the following conditions,
which conditions shall take precedence in the event of any conflict with the
provisions of the tentative tract map.
6. Engineering design, orientation of buildings and noise barriers shall be utilized
to reduce noise impacts from nearby existing roadways to within State standards.
7. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Applicant shall demonstrate that
residential structures satisfy the State's indoor criterion. vthmere exposed to
noise levels in excess of State standards, Applicant shall install special
design features such as double -glazed windows, mechanical ventilation, special
roof venting, increased insulation, weatherstripping, or combinations of these
8. All mechanical heating and cooling equipment shall be ground mounted or screened
from view of adjoining public and private streets.
Streets, Grading and Drainage
9. The Applicant shall comply with the following requirements of the City Engineer:
a. 50th Avenue and Washington Street are to be fully improved to City standards.
b. Interior streets shall be improved to City standards with a minim= mad
section of 23-2" asphaltic concrete on a 4" class 2 base.
c. Grading plans shall be submitted for review and approved by the City Engineer
prior to the issuance of a grading permit.
d. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the Applicant shall submit a
hydrology study with hydraulic calculations to the City for review. All
pads shall be protected fran a 100-year storm.
e. Danestic water and sanitary sewer service shall be provided in accordance
with the requirements of the City and CVWD. The water plan shall be approved
by the Fire Marshal.
f. All utilities shall be installed underground.
g. Prior to map recordation, the Applicant shall submit channelization plans
for 50th Avenue and Washington Street for review and approval.
h. The Applicant shall submit the final map to the City Engineer for review
and approval.
10. Provision shall be made to complete the continuous loop street with both
connections into Avenida Los Verdes prior to beginning combustible construction,
except that the Applicant may provide alternate means of access to the satis-
faction of the Fire Marshal in the event that the timing of this project with
that of the adjacent subdivision is not compatible.
July 10, 1984
Page 7.
11. A plan showing proposed parking along the private road system shall be submitted
for review and approval by the Community Development Department. The plan shall
designate any "no parking" areas and indicate the method of identifying than.
A plan showing non -automotive means of transportation within the project,
including bicycle and pedestrian paths, shall be submitted for review and
approval by the Cmmunity Development Department prior to final map recordation.
Public Services and Utilities
13. The Applicant shall caply with the requirements of the City Fire Marshal in
accordance with Municipal Ordinance No. 7 as follows:
a. Prior to issuance of any building permit, the following conditions shall
be met/certified to:
(1) Fire Hydrants - Install super fire hydrants located no less than 25
feet nor greater than 165 feet from any portion of exterior walls of
f proposed building(s), spaced 320 feet apart, as measured along approved
1 vehicular travelways. Installation shall be on a water system capable
of delivering 2750 GPM fire flow for a two-hour duration at 20 psi
residual operating pressure in accordance with Ordinance No. 7,
section 10.301c.
(2) Developer shall furnish two copies of water system plans to the Fire
Department for review and approval. Plans shall conform to fire
hydrant types, location and spacing; the water system shall meet fire
flow requirements. Plans shall be signed by a registered Civil Engineer
and approved by the water cmUzany with the following certification:
"I certify that the design of the water system in Tentative Tract No.
20218 is in accordance with the requirements prescribed by the Riverside
County Fire Department."
(3) Prior to arrival of conbustible materials on the construction site,
the above (1) fire protection must be operating.
4) Provide written certification from the water company that hydrants
will be installed and will produce the required flaw.
14. The water and sewage disposal systems shall be installed in accordance with the
requirements of the City and of Coachella Valley Water District.
15. The Applicant shall provide all necessary easements for public utilities. All
on -site utilities shall be placed underground.
16. The Applicant shall amply with the requirements of Imperial Irrigation District.
a. Prior to issuance of building permits, Applicant shall provide written
clearance to the City Community Development Department that Imperial
Irrigation District can provide service to this development.
17. As mitigation for the impact on the public schools, the Applicant shall amply
with the following:
July 10, 1984
Page 8.
a. Prior to recordation of a final map, the Applicant shall canplete
a school impact mitigation agreement with Desert Sands Unified
School District.
b. Prior to the issuance of any building permits for construction of
dwellings, the Applicant shall provide the City Community Development
Department with written clearance from Desert Sands Unified School
District stating that the per -unit impact fees have been paid.
18. Prior to the recordation of the final nap, the Applicant shall submit to the
Community Development Department the following documents which shall demonstrate
to the satisfaction of the City that the open space/recreation areas and private
streets and drives shall be maintained in accordance with the intent and purpose
of this approval:
a. The document to convey title;
b. Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions to be recorded; and
c. Management and maintenance agreement to be entered into with the
unit/lot owners of this land division.
The approved Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions shall be recorded at the
same time that the final subdivision map is recorded.
A homeowners association, with the unqualified right to assess the owners of
the individual units for reasonable maintenance costs shall be established
and continuously maintained. The association shall have the right to lien
the property of any owners who default in the payment of their assessments.
Such lien shall not be subordinate to any encumbrance other than a first
deed of trust, provided that such deed of trust is made in good faith and
for value and is of record prior to the lien of the homeowners association.
19. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Applicant shall submit plans
showing the location and design of the project perimeter walls or fences, the
landscaping of the setback and right-of-way areas, and the design and location
of the sidewalks to the Omnu city Development Department for review and approval.
The approved landscaping and improvements shall be installed prior to the issuance
of occupancy permits. Landscaping shall be maintained in a healthy and viable
condition for the life of the project.
a. The wall design and materials shall match the existing block wall located
along the north boundary and northeast corner of the site.
b. A minimum of one 5' x 80' recessed cutout shall be provided along Washington
Street for the perimeter wall. The wall, sidewalk and landscaping shall be
installed by December 31, 1984, or by the recordation of Tract 20218, which-
ever occurs first.
July 10, 1984
Page 9.
20. Desert or native plant species and drought -resistant planting materials shall
be incorporated into the landscaping plans for the project and the public street
21. The Applicant shall utilize dust control measures in accordance with the
Municipal Code and the Uniform Building Code and subject to the approval of
the City Engineer.
22. Applicant understands that the City was incorporated in 1982 and has not yet
enacted a complete policy on exactions on new development to provide municipal
improvement and facilities needed as a result of the cumulative impact of such
new development; and that City is in the process of preparing and enacting such
a policy, which will include uniform fees to be imposed upon new construction
to fund the following public improvements and facilities: fire station, public
safety facility, city hall, park and recreation facilities, schools, drainage
facilities, major thoroughfares and bridges and traffic signalization; that
City expects to enact said fees policy on or before Decenber 31, 1984; Applicant
agrees to pay said fee or fees in the amount and at the time enacted and from
time to time amended by the City. If said fee shall include financing of
permanent or temporary school facilities, Condition No. 17 (school develogrent
fee) shall be deleted.
L. BcrTner
Principal Planner
Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP
Community Development Director
-2-1 /8
0 �L
yro;$gJ /
A Regular Meeting Held at the la Quints
City Hall, 78-105 Calle Fstado, la Quinta,
June 12, 1984 7:00 p.m.
A. Chairman Klimkiewicz called the planning Commission meeting to order
at 7:00 p.m. He then called upon ODmllssiOneT Ink mp to lead the
flag salute.
A. Chairman Klimkiewicz requested the roll call. The Secretary called
the roll:
present: C=ussimeis Coetrheus, Imkanp, Thornburgh, Salas and
Chairman Klimkiewicz
Also present were Planning Director Lawrence L. Stevens, Principal
Planner Sandra L. Bonner and Secretary Donna Velotta
Chairmen Klimkiewicz advised the Commissioners and all those present that
the first two hearings Mere regarding the same planned residential develop-
ment project and therefore Mould be heard concurrently as follows:
A. Change of Zone Case No. 84-010, a request by Psomas and Associates to
change the existing zoning from R-1-12,000/PD to R-1-10,000/PD to allow
for a planned residential development in accordance with a proposed
tentative tract.
B. Tentative Tract Map No. 20016, Amended No. 1, a request for approval of
a 140-unit, detached, single-family dwelling, planned residential
development located at the northwest corms of Miles Avenue and Dune
Palms Road: Psamas and Associates, Applicant -
Chairman Klimkiewicz then called for the report from staff.
1. principal Planner Bonner presented the staff report informing all
present that the Applicant is proposing a 140-unit, statutory
co daniruum project. The residences are detached, single-family
units at a density of four (4) units per acre. They will be clustered
along me main collector loop street, smaller loop streets and
cube -sacs. There is a plan for a large centrally located recreation
area plus three (3) smaller recreation areas. The main entrance to
the project is from Miles Avenue with an emergency entrance along
Done Palms Roar]. There are three (3) designs proposed and the
majority of the units are set back farther than the 20-foot minimal
setback required. The residences all conform to single-family
dwelling s`_-d_�,_.
principal Planner Bonner mentioned the concern brought cut at the
study session m June 11 regarding the closeness of the units in
the center of the project site. She advised that staff feels there
is enough flexibility in the overall density to allow the units in
this area to be shifted in Order to provide adequate space between
all of the units.
In conjunction with the tentative tract, the Applicant is requesting
a zone change to R-1-10,000/PD. Staff is remmiending that the
change of zone be approved based upon the findings in the staff report.
Staff also recamiends approval of the tentative tract map based upon
the findings and subject to the conditions of approval.
i 3-
June 12, 1984
Page 2.
Planning Director Stevens advised the C01MUSSIM that the only
potential condition of approval tat rota] is the one to provide
inprovemnt of Dune Palms Road through the storm channel. He
read aloud the condition of approval inposed upon an adjacent
project by the City Council:
"Provision shall be node to inprove Dune Pales laud as it Crosses
the 4hitewater Storm Channel to protect the roadway from damage
and/or washout during high-water times. Lmproveoent plan drawings
shall be prepared by a registered Civil mrigineer and be sbTatted
for review and approval by the City Engineer and the City Council.
If the Applicant so requests, the City shall dete=ine a reimb rse-
memt area and establish a reirbarsement program affecting any
benefiting properties in the area."
The Planning Comussiamers had no questions for staff at this time,
therefore Chairman Alimkiewicz called upon the Applicant for his
Bill Tackabery, Psanas Associates, 158 Paulerino, Costa Mesa, CA,
Applicant, explained some of the highlights of the project. He
advised the Camiission that this project is a redesign of one
originally presented to staff. He rated that they plotted for
140 units, which is 3 less than the R-1-10,000 zoning permits.
Some of the units along the outer edge of the project may have
private, fenced yards. Time large, central recreation area would
have restroam facilities and a cabana. The smaller recreation
arras will have a jaeuzzi, but no other facilities. Mr. Tackabery
stated that they concurred with the auditions of the staff report.
However, regarding the new condition Mr. Stevens read aloud previously,
regarding tame Palms laud inpzovenents, he felt they would be w llirg
to contribute toward these inprovenents on an equitable basis, but if
they were the first to develop in this area, the}' do not believe they
should be required to build a crossing, as they do have other routes
out of their project.
Oomissioner Cnetcheas asked the Applicant how they could draw up
CC 3 R's and designate cvmcm areas and still tell saneone they
could fence in their own backyard.
'fie Applicant responded stating that the fencing would be built by
then and the unit sold that way. He rated that they have not done a
project with a mix of common area and fenced yards prior to this one
and he did not know at this time hoe the CC s R's would be drawn up
to rover this situation.
Oo aissiomer Goetcheus asked Planning Staff if this would be our
problem or the Applicant's.
Planning Director Stevens stated that it could become the City's
problen depending on whether we want the 70% open space to be avail-
able to everyone. He stated that as these are statutory oododnimms,
he would prefer not to see fences.
Principal Planner Bonner stated that it is not unemnn for statutory
eordaniniums to have fen¢ord-in patios. If you look at the point that
all the property remains in canon ownership, there has to be a way
to designate what property is attache] to certain units because the
unit itself is standing on canon open space reserved exclusively for
that unit's use.
Chairman Alimkiewicz opened the hearing for public cement. there
being nu public comments, he closer] the public hearing.
Commissioner Goetcheus requested that staff pursue the topic of having
developers install restroans next to "all" pool areas in any project.
This request was followed by substantial disc h sion of same. It was
decided that staff would work with this Applicant to see if this would
be a feasible request to require of future tracts. Staff will then
bring a report back to the Cormission.
June 12, 1984
Page 3.
Density was the next topic of discussion betreer Cramuissim and
staff. Principal Planner Bonner advised the Cmarissioners that
the area in question was prezoned in February '03 as Very low
Density Residential, but the actual annexatim did not take place
until September 183. The Planning 03mrissim and City Cosrcil
designated this zoning as appropriate at the time of the prezoning.
Chairman Klimkiewicz advised the C mdssim to keep in mud the
fact that, even if they should vote to approve the charge of zone,
it does not mean that they cannot require fewer units in the design
Of this project. the units prescribed for arty particular zoning is
maxuran, and the Commission has the discretion to change the number
of units permitted to a lessor figure if they deem it appropriate
to the project area.
Commissioner arorndughr stated he preferred to leave the zoning at
R-1-12,000. He stated the Applicarrt would lose approximately 20
units, but felt it would be a better project, He also felt the
Commission world have lived up to the prezoning and what they had
told the citizens of la Quinta at that time.
Commissioner Imkarp felt that a few units should be pulled mt.
She liked the concept of unattached dwellings feeling this would
be a draw for the sale of these units,
Commissioner Salas stated he had no problem with the density of this
project, but reminded the Ca raission that City Council has already
kicked one change of zone approval back to then. He felt if they
deny this charge of zone, it would set a prince of Very row
Density Residential for the area under discussion. He wondered if
that was the zoning the 0mussion wanted there. C mdssioner Salas
felt the Commission should give this matter more thought and possibly
a continuance.
Carrnissiorer Coetrheus had no objection to the Applicant's request,
but stated he would like some feedback from staff with regard to
the a e R's and the feasibility of requesting restmrns be provided
at all swimming pool sites.
Principal Planner Bonmr advised that all contact with surrounding
property owners revealed no objections to this project.
Planning Director Stevens informed the Commmissim that when prezoning
was dare, the Bermuda Dunes area to the north was Very Icw Density
I�esidential (0-3 units/acre) and the County in doing its new Geheral
Plan, which was after we had done our prezoning and pre -General Plan,
changed that zoning to 2-8 units/acre. He noted that staff feels
that is too large of a range to provide much direction to a developer.
Therefore, staff felt that the slight increase was in keeping with
those additional oranges and was still reasonable and mt Out of line
with the thinking that was presented during the annexatim, prezming
Principal Planner Bonner added that at the time of the prezoning,
the City wanted planned developments in this area, then when this
project and another one close by were presented to the Planning
Department, staff realized that, emnomucally, PRD's may not get
developed at 3 wits per a¢e. Staff had really not thought about
parcel size and the economics involved. She toted that if the
Commission wants PRD's, then the zoning should facilitate it. Staff
believes that 4 units per acre makes it economically viable so that
we will get PRD's in this area. Consequently, being that services
are being brought in from the north for this area, staff has an
interest in seeing the northerly portion of our annexation area
developed so that services are extended in order to have development
to the south.
June 12, 1984
Page 4.
Chairman Klimkiewicz stated that he felt this was a good project,
but also felt he could not vote in favor of the requested zone
change. He thought the design could be loosened up by deleting
possibly 10 units.
After further discussion, it was decided to continue these two
items of hearing to an adjourned meeting. Planning Director
Stevens infozmd the Commission that the Horizon Palms project
would be brought back for discussion to the sane adjourned meeting
as the City 0ouncil had referred it back to the Commission for
further evaluation.
Chairman Klimkiewicz called for a motion.
2. Commissioner Sales made a motion to continue Change of Zone Case
No. 84-010 and Tentative Tract Map No. 20016, Amended No. 1 to an
adjourned meeting to be held on June 21, 1984, at 7:00 p.m.
Commissioner lukarp seconded the motion. Unanimously adopted.
C. Chairman Klimkiewicz introduced the next hearing as Change of Zone Case
No. 84-011, a request by Morris and Grayson, Inc./Rufus Associates to
change existing zoning from A-1-10 to R-2-12,000. He called upon staff
for their report.
1. Principal Planner Bonner stated that this request is for an 80-acre
site located on the south side of 50th Avenue, a half mile west of
Jefferson Street. It is contiguous to the west of Orchard at La
Quinta's resort hotel. The Applicant is requesting this change of
zone to allow the maximum 3.6 units per acre which is consistent
with the General Plan designation of Very Dow Density Residential.
This request is consistent with surrounding development.
A point of concern brought up at the study, session was whether the
Property should be rezoned to R-1 (Single -Family Dwelling) zoning
or R-2 (Multiple Family Dwelling) zoning. Principal Planner Banner
advised that density of the use is still ruled by the General Plan,
which is 3 units per acre. That would not be changed whether the
zoning was R-1 or R-2. She noted also that the City always maintains
control over the design of the density through the tentative tract or
PM process. So, even though R-1 allows 2 units per building and B-2
allows UP to 8 units per building, the Planning Commission and City
Council still have the right to review the design and decide what
world be appropriate for the area.
Another point brought cut at the study session is the differentiation
between the two types of zoning as far as how many units can be in
the buildings. This is something that is most likely going to be
changed in our zoning ordinance. It is pretty much an arbitrary limit
and creates confusion. There is really no need for the differentiation
now that we have design review process.
Staff reoomesds that the Planning Commission reoomesd to the City
Concil approval of this change of zone to R-2-12,000.
She Commission had no questions of staff at this timre. Therefore,
Chairman Klimkiewicz called upon the Applicant for his presentation.
Larry Spector, 70-098 Dago Drive, Le Quinta, CA (President of Fbrris
and Grayson, Inc./Bunfus Associates), Applicant, began by thanking
the Commission and the City for the approval of the first half of
their project a few meetings back. He note] they have nor purchased
the parcel of land adjacent to the first half and wish to complete
the project by rezoning those 80 acres. He explained that the con-
sideration of the Commission to change the zoning to R-1 rather than
the requested R-2 would put them in serious financial jeopardy as the
appraisal of the property would be changed. He urged the Planning
Commission to support staff's resmrendation of R-2.
June 12, 1984
Page 5.
Cnarrnann Klvnkiewia Opened the hearing to public o=mmnt; there
being none he closed the public hearing.
CUIMmISsiOner Goetcheus felt they should not vote for a change of
zone on the entire 80 acres without seeing a development plan.
After a brief discussion, C,ainna„ Klimkiewicz called for a notion.
2. COmnissionner Thornburgh made a motion to approve Change of Zone
Case No. 84-011 fram A-1-10 to R-2-12,000 based on the findings in
the staff report and in accordance with the attached Hdiibit A.
0Mmissicner Dmkanp seeded the motion. Mtr unously adopted.
D. Chairman Klimkiewicz introduced the nett hearing as Tentative Tract
Nap No. 20052, a request to approve a planned residential development
for that portion of Tentative Tract Nap No. 13640 (Laguna De La Paz)
not recorded, consisting of 336 units on 69.7 acres, located at the
northwest corner of Washington Street and Eiserkc er Drive; Laguna
De Ia Paz, Ltd., Applicant. He galled for the staff report.
1. Principal Planner Bonrer stated that this is a resub'nittal of a new
tentative tract map on that portion of Tentative Tract 13640 which
has not been recorded. This property is located on the northwest
corner of Waajxgtm Street and Eisenhower Drive. The site has been
previeusly graded and, in fact, the Applicant has brought in a half
million cubic yams of dirt to build up the pads above flood level.
The water line is being currently installed along Washington street
at this time, from 50th Avenue to the Catholic church. The Applicant
has recorded 3 phases of this 9 phase map. phase 1 is the model ham
complex, Phase 2 is the open space area consisting of a 6-acre lake,
approximately 9 tennis courts and a swumang pool, and Phase 3 is the
first phase of hmmes for sale. Of the remaining phases, the Applicant
bas 4 of the 6 in plan check with the City. The Applicant is requesting
approval of this new tentative tract nap to allow completion of the
final map check process and have the City approve the final map so he
can reed and begin construction and land sales. Principal Planner
Bonner advised there have been no design changes of this nap from the
previously approved design. The Applicant has complied with all of
the building standards of the City.
Regardvg the conditions of approval, the majority of them are Ones
ne previously applied to the nap. There are several new conditions
which will be addressed by the Applicant. Principal Planner Barer
referred the Cammission to Condition No. 7.f, which should be changed
to read:
"7.f. Knuckles shall be constructed throughout the lard division
in accordance with requirements of the City Engineer and
Fire Departnart."
The Applicant has concerns with Coditiahs 8 and 16.b, however, staff
supports these conditions. Ctonditions 20, 22, 24 and 25 are new, but
are being applied to all tentative tracts in the City.
staff recavends that the Planning Commission reconue d approval of
this tentative tract nap in accordance with exhibits and subject to
the conditions of approval contained in the staff report.
Chairman Klimkiewi called upon the Applicant for his presentation.
Gary Fatland, Engineer for the project, Community Engineering Services,
5225 Canyon (Pest Drive, Suite 252, Riverside, CA, spoke in behalf of
the Applicant stating that they do have 3 tracts currently recorded
and have inprwamsrt plans ompletei for the majority of the project,
which the City Engineer has checked. He noted, however, that some of
the new conditions of approval inposed will put a burden on this
development with regard to budget, etc. The conditions of concern are
as follows:
Ah Aft
June 12, 1984
Page 6.
7.i. - Mr. Fatland stated that the Applicant had paid fees to the
Canty at the time the first tract, 13640-1, was decked by
Um. Now the City is imposing this condition and they feel
this is a mattes of double feeinq. They would like the City
to acquire these fees from the County and give then back to
the Applicant or have the City do the striping required by
this condition.
B. and 11. - The Applicant feels both of these conditions would be
and unfair burden to then.
16.b: The Applicant would like this condition rewritten.
21.b.- The Applicant world like this condition changed to show
"6-foot wide" path instead of the "8-foot wide" as sham.
Mervin Johnsen, 400 N. Tustin Avenue, Suite 431, Santa Ana, CA, the
Applicant, spoke to the Coanission regarding Conditions 7.b., 8, 17
and 25.
After further discussion, Chairman Klimkiewicz opened the hearing
for public comment.
Kiki Haynes, 51-945 Avenida Velasoo, la Quinta, CA, spoke in favor
of the project, but questioned the reasoning of not having lighting
installed along Washington Street or Eisenhower Drive.
Sue was informed that the City only requires developments to light
intersections or entryways.
Dick Felling, Fresno, CA (soon to be a Ia Quints resident), introduced
himself as a new member of the M. H. Johnson staff. He noted that we
would be seeing a lot of him as the project got under construction.
He also stated that he was in favor of this project.
As these were no further public camients, Qnai..; -- KlimkIewacz closed
the public hearing.
Plarrung Director Stevens went over the conditions of approval that
were of caneern to the Applicant.
7.f. Will be rewritten as noted previously.
7.i. This is an original condition and staff will do research
as far as fees are concerned and work with the Applicant.
8. This condition will remain as written.
11. Staff will modify this condition to reflect the fact that
the City has a minimum street lighting program, principally
at the entrance and intersection and the City will take care
of the intersection with our signalization program.
16.b. Will remain as written.
17. Will be deleted.
21.b. Will be charged to reflect a 6-foot wide path.
Following a discussion period, Chairman Klimkiewicz called for a
2. C=rnissioner Imkanp made a motion to approve Tentative Tract Map
No. 20052 for that portion of Tentative Tract Map No. 13640 not
recorded, based on findings in the staff report and subject to the
conditions of approval, as amended. Cormissioner Salas seconded
the notion. Dn�isly adopted.
June 12, 1984
Page 7.
E. Ca=r Kliniciewicz introduced the next hearing as Tentative '!tact MAP
No. 20158, a request for approval of a 48-unit, statutory oo ndonin iun
Project on a 6.4 acre site located on the north side of the Ia Quinta
Sta nrrater Charnel west of washington Street; Jade L. Clark Enterprises,
Applicant. He called for the staff report.
1. Principal Planner Bonner infonrEd the Commission that staff is
recomending that consideration of this tentative tract be Continued
to the July 10, 1984 Planning COlmmissioh meeting to provide the
Applicant additional time to make necessary changes in the proposed
site plan. The Applicant is also purchasing the parcel of lard
adjacent to the east and intends to include this land in the mended
site plan and tentative tract map.
Chairmen Kl mkiewicz called for a notion.
2. Commissioner Tnoahburgh made a motion to canti the hearing for
Tentative Tract Map No. 20158 to the next regular meeting of the
Planning Cmaussion to be held on July 10, 1984. Commissioner Salas
seconded the notion. [karhvrously adopted.
Moved by Commissioner Salas, seconded by Om ssiaeer Goetcheus to adopt
the Consent Calendar, subject to the change of Chairman Salas to Comissioner
Salas under CAI . TO CROER
A. The minutes of the regular meeting of May 8, 1984, were approved as
corrected. Unanimously adopted.
A. Caixm n Klimkieaicz introduced the first item of business as Plot Plan
No, 84-041, Revised, a request for approval of a revised plan for a
previously approved single-family house located on the west side of
Avenida Diaz, 250 feet south of Calle Madrid; Michael Head, Applicant.
He called for the staff report.
1. Principal Planner Baum advised the Orn sigh that this revised
plan is companent-type housing vuhereby the walls are constructed
at a factory and then assembled at the site. The Applicant has
two other houses now urxler construction, but will be oocpleted
within the month. He is also requesting approval for a single-
family house an the adjacent lot to the north (Plot Plan No. 84-042).
To provide variety, the layout of the second dwelling, which is of
the eame design, will be flipped and other differ nt crnmrental
features will be varied. This request is consistent with the zoning,
the design is in campliance with the City's adopted standards and
the proposed house is c npatible with the surromding developmnt.
Therefore, staff is reoomending that the Planning Cormissian approve
this plot plan.
Caiy -- Klindciewicz called for a notion.
2. Owmissixner Salas made a motion to approve Plot Plan No. 84-041, Revised,
based on the findings in the staff report, in accordance with adduibits
A, B and C and subject to the attached conditions. Commissioner Tcrnbugh
seconded the motion. Unanimously adopted.
B. ''had' Klimkiewicz introduced the next iten of business as Plot Plan
No. 84-042, a request to construct a single-family house on a single
lot on the west side of Avenida Diaz, 300 feet south of Calle Madrid;
Michael Head, Applicant. He called for the staff report.
1. Principal Planner Bonner advised the Cmnission that this Applicant
had previously submitted plans for a pueblo -style house on this lot,
but later withdrew the plans from consideration prior to an action
by the Planning C m ssion. This plan is of the same design as
Plot Plan No. 84-041 with the exception that the floor plan and
elevations are reversed. This is a component -type housing also.
j .,
June 12, 1984
Page B.
This request is consistent with the zoning, the design is in
cmplianoe with the City's adapted standards and the proposed
house is cmpatible with the surrounding development. Therefore,
staff is reoomesding that the Planning C muissim approve this
plot Plan.
Chairman Rlimkiewicz called for a motion.
2. Connissrarer Thornburgh made a motion to approve Plot Plan No.
84-042 hosed on the findings in the staff report, in accordance
with Exhibits A, B and C and subject to the attached evditions.
Cbm imer Sal, s seconded the motion. [lnanimously adopted.
C. Chairman Rlimkieviez introduced the next item of business as Plot Plan
No. 84-044, a request to appeal a condition of approval for a previously
approved sfrgle-family house located on the northwest corner of Avenida
Martinez and Calle Ensenada; Thurston and Joan Pendley, Applicants.
He called for the staff report.
1. Principal Planner Bonner advised the Camnission that the Applicants
were requesting deletion of Condition of Approval No. 7 for this
Plot Plan requiring heating and cooling mechanical equipment to be
ground mounted. She noted that this has been a requirement of the
Plamung Cmvdwim since January, 1983. Staff feels that the design
for screening of the roof mounted equipment proposed by the Applicant
will draw attention to the unit, therefore defeating the purpose of
requiring the equipment to be ground mounted to inprove the aesthetics
of the City. Staff is therefore recnuerding that the Planning
Commissim deny the appeal requesting deletion of Condition of
Approval No. 7 for Plot Plan No. 84-044.
Hoyt Pedley, 84-591 Via Hermosa Avenue, Coachella, CA, the Applicant,
presented his appeal to the Planning emission.
After a short discussion, Chairman xlimkiewicz ra11M for a motion.
2. Caemissioner Thornburgh nude a motion hosed on the fact, stated in
the staff report to decry the appeal requesting deletion of Condition
of Approval No. 7 for Plot Plan No. 84-044. Commissioner Imkanp
seconded the motion. Unanimously adapted.
D. Chairnun Rlimkiewicz introduced the next i.ten of business as Plot Plan
No. 84-059, a request to construct a single-family house on a single
lot on the east side of Roudel Tare approximately 180 feet south of
the end of the street; Cris Caras, Applicant. He then called for the
report from staff.
1. Principal Planner Banner described the house to the Cannssion.
She stated that the intent of Ordinance 12 reqaires review of the
design of single-family houses to ensure that the architectural
aspects of the developurnt will be compatible with the surrounding
neighborhood. Beginning with the first single-family Plot Plans
reviewed by the City, the staff and Cmmission has considered the
height, size and bulk of the units.
It is staffs opinion that the house, as designed, with its long
and narrow design, is not consistent or coupatible with existing
area develophent. In addition, since the house will be Visible
from the lower lying country club area to the east, which has an
average mini= dwelling size of approximately 1500 to 2000 square
feet, the design of the house should have the appearance of greater
width and bulk, both from the front and rear of the property.
'huerefore, staff recamesds that the Planning Comuission require
that the Applicant redesign the house to address the concerns
discussed. If the Applicant refuses to redesign the structure,
staff reocmends that Plot Plan No. 84-059 be denied.
-ji 1 1�
Joe 12, 1984
Page 9.
Chris Caras, 46-465 laludel Lane, Indio, CA, the Applicant, spoke
to the Planning Cm ssion in behalf of this request.
After a short discussion, the Planning a�ion determined that
the Applicant should submit a revised house plan addressing the
concerns discussed at this meeting. Chairman Klimkiewicz called
for a motion.
2. Ommuissioner 'Thornburgh made a motion to continue this request for
Plot Plan No. 84-059 to the next regular meeting of the Planning
C mmission to be held on July 10, 1984, O mnissia er Salas Seconded
the motion. @nanum sly adopts].
E. Chairman Klimkieaicz introduced the last item of business as Plot Plan
No. 84-060, a request to construct a single-family house on a single lot
on the norUsest corner of Avenida Carranza and Calls Tecate: David
Caygill, Applicant. He called for the staff report.
1. Principal Planner Bonner advised the Crrmmission that this request
is consistent with the zoning, the proposed douse is onpatible
with surrounding developresnt and if it is constructed in accordance
with the conditions of approval, the design will be in cc upliance
with the city's adopted standards, Therefore, staff is reo miending
that the Planning OTmission approve this plot plan request.
Ch� Klimkiewicz called for a motion.
2. Co missirner 9lornblugh made a mrtion to approve Plot Plan No.
84-060 based on the findings in the staff report in accordance
with EWnibits A, a and C and subject to the attached Conditions.
Cmmissioer Imkmnp seconded the motion. lnuanin sly adopted.
I1f"MhZIL.RiL 1
There being no further items of agenda to erne before the Pla-nirg Ca aion,
(Ra;,sun Klimkiewicz called for a motion to adjourn.
CouTmissioner Sala s made a motion to adjourn to an adjourned neeting to be
held on Jere 21, 1984, at 7.00 p.m., in La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle
Estado, la Quinta, CA.
1be regular meeting of the Planing Camussion of the City of La Quinta,
California, was adjourned at 10:30 p.m., June 12, 1984, at the la Quinta
City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, la Quinta, CA.
An Adjourned Meeting Held at the Ia Winter
City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, Ia Winta,
June 21, 1984 7:00 p.m.
A. Chairman Klimkiewicz called the Planning COmdssion meeting to order
at 7:00 p.m. He then called upon Coannissionez Salas to lead the flag
A. Chairman Klimkiewicz requested the roll call. The Secretary called
the roll:
Present: Commissioner, lmkanp, Thornburgh, Salaand Chairman
Absent: Commissioner Goetcheus
Also present were Planning Director Lawrence L. StEvenS, Principal
Planner Sandra L. Horner and Secretary Donna Velotta.
Before the hearings began, Planning Director Stevens armounced the appointment
of Jahn G. 4hllixg and the reappointment of Ton 'hnrnburgh by the City Council
to the Planning Commission. W. Walling was present and introduced to all.
Planning Director Stevens informed the Carmission that the RPP's for the General
Plan had been mailed and the deadline for receipt of proposals was this week.
He noted that we had received nine (9) proposals and hope to get a recommendation
to the Council by the second meeting in July.
A final item of note that Planning Director Stevens brought to the attention of
the Commission was that at the next regular meeting, we will have the reorganiza-
tion for Chairmen and Chairmen Pro Tan as provided in the rules and regulations
of the Planning Commission.
Chairman KlmTkiewicz advised that the following two hearing items were
regarding the Psomas Associates project and world be heard concurrently
as follows:
A. Change of Zone Case No. 84-010, a request by Psomas and Associates
to change the existing zoning from R-1-121000/PD to R-1-10,000/PD
to allow for a planned residential development in accordance with
a proposed tentative tract.
B. Tentative Tract Map No. 20016, Amerded No. 1, a request for approval
of a 140-unit, detached, single-family dwelling, planned residential
development located at the northwest corner of Miles Avenue and Arne
Palm; Road; Psomas and Associates, Applicant.
He then called for the report from staff.
1. Principal Planner Bonner stated that consideration of the related
Change of Zone and Tentative Tract cases was continued from the
June 12, 1984 meeting to allow the Planning Dismission additional
time to review the proposed project design and density. concern
wee expressed about project and area density and for the tightness
of the site design in several locations. She stated that the
Applicant has redesigned a portion of the site to increase the
mmmumum� separation between the rears of some dwelling units from
25 feet to 42 feet. This was accomplished by the shifting of
the locations of the units and the parkingbays. She stated that
the Planning Commission has three alternatives regarding this
project. They are:
June 21, 1984
Page 2.
1. Denial of the Change of Zone, Redesign of the Project.
2. Approval of the Change of Zane, Approval of Project with Redesign.
3, Revise Charge of Zone, Pedesign of Project.
Principal Planner Sooner explained the alternatives to the Ckamussion
in detail.
There has also been discussion concerning the .inproveuent of, or
participation in the inpzovemnt of Arne Palms where it crosses the
4hiteweter Stoma Channel to the south of the project. Principal
Planner Banner explained two alternate conditions which staff is
suggesting to the C naissicn if they determine such an inprovment
is appropriate for this project.
Staff is reommending that the requested Change of zone and the
Ttentative Tract be approved.
Chainan Klimkieaicz then called upon the Applicant for his presentation.
Bill Tackabery, Psaaas and Associates, 150-A Paulerino, Cbsta Mesa, CA,
Applicant, stated that they have collected several letters from
surrounding property owners supporting this project. This project is
of lesser density than those around it, and therefore, Mr. Tackabery
feels that there should be no problem with its approval. The entire
plan was prepared from a narket study for which they paid a substantial
anount of money. The horns are to have a selling price of approcimately
$100,000 to $117,000. If they would have to drop units, naturally, the
prices would have to escalate and, therefore, could perhaps take then
out of the market niche they believe exists at this time. W. Tackabery
urged the Planuung Coamission to approve this request for zone charge
as m1mitted.
After a very lengthy discussion regarding what alternatives they had
to work with for the zone change, the Camhissian determined that they
would deny the zone change as requested, and approved a zone change
to R-1-11,000.
Ralarding the tentative tract, the co mission requested the following
revisions. Add Conditions 5. (a) and 5. (b) , and 25. to rid as follows:
"5.(a) The number of dwelling units shall be reduced to
a maxim of 130 units."
"5.(b) The revised site plan shall be subject to review
and approval by the Planning Comnissian and shall
crnply with the following perfornance standards:
(1) M;niv distance between rears of buildings
shall be 40 feet.
(2) Mini= distance between sides of buildings
shall be 10 feet.
(3) Mirdm setback fray interior property lines
shall be 20 feet.
(4) Minim distance between the side of one building
and the rear of an abutting building shall be 15
"25. Applicant shall contribute to the cost of inproving
Arne Palms FWd as it crosses the Nhitewater Storm
Channel. Said contribution shall be made prior to
recordation of a final map and shall be based on the
estimated cost of the inprovo eats as determined from
a plan prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer and
approved by the City. The amount of the contribution
shall be detenr nel by the City Council."
I .t'
June 21, 1984
Page 3.
Chairman Klimkiewicz called for a motion.
2. Commissioner Thornburgh made a motion to approve Change of Zone
Case No. 84-010 from R-1-12,000 to R-1-11,000 subject to the
findings in the staff report. Ctanissioner lukamp seconded the
notion. Ikanimously adopted.
Commissioner lndcamp made a notion to approve Tentative Tract Map
No. 20016, Anmaded No. 1, based on the findings in the staff
report and subject to the attached conditions, as amended.
Unanimously adopted.
Chairman Klimkiewicz advised that the following two items were regarding
the Horizon Palms project and would be discussed concurrently.
A. Change of Zoe Case No. 84-008, a request by General Management
Corporation dba "Horizon Palma" to change the existing zoning from
R-1-12,000/PD to R-1-10,000/PD to allow for a planned residential
development in accordance with a proposed tentative tract.
B. Tentative Tract Man No. 19903, a request to subdivide a 40.4 gross
acre site into 168 lots for the purpose of constructing a 160-unit,
single-family, planned residential development, located at the south-
west corner of Fred Waring Drive and Dune Palms Road alignment;
General Management Corporation dba "Horizon Pales", Applicant.
Planning Director Stevens explained to the Planning Commission that these
two items were brought hack to than for further consideration due to the
City Council's coomn that there was an inconsistent raommendatim before
them. He noted that if the O missieh feels their prior recommendation
does not need to be altered then these items can be dismissal without any
further nensame elation: Plarvurg Director Stevens advised the Commission
that there have been changes in the unit floor plans and in the distribution
of the units within the project. The actual number of units, however, has
not been changed. He further advised the Commission that they have the
Prerogative to change their previous recce me dation. He stated that the
City Council did not deny the Charge of Zone, but referred it back to staff
and directed the Applicant to modify the floor plans to comply with Condition
No. 38, which the Applicant has done.
Mike Euccuro, landscape Architect, 340 S. Farrell, Palm Springs, CA, spoke
as a representative of the Applicant and stated that the smaller units in
the project are being upgraded to 1000 square fact, the project has 71%
open space and there is approximately 320 acres that are completely
surrounded by densities in excess of what these two projects before the
Commission this evening are zoned. He stated he could see no reason why
these two project could not be zoned to 4 units per acre.
After a lengthy discussion, the Planmirg Commission determined that they
world like to change their previous motion regarding the change of zone.
Chairman Klimkiewicz called for a motion.
Commissioner Thornburgh made a motion to approve Change of Zone use No.
84-008 from R-1-12,000/PD to R-1-11,000/PD. Chairman Klimkiewicz seconded
the notion. Unanimously adopted.
There being m further items of agenda to come before the Planning emission,
Chairman Klimkiewicz called for a motion to adjourn.
CUmhissioner Thornburgh made a motion to adjourn to the regular meeting of
July 10, 1984, at 7:00 p.m., in la Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Fstado,
Ia Quints, CA.
The adjourned meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of la Quinta,
California, was adjourned at 8:45 p.m., June 21, 1984, at the la Quinta
City Hall, 78-105 Celle Fstado, La Quints, CA.
5. A.
To: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission
From: Planning Department
Date: July 10, 1984
Subject: PLOT PLAN NO. 84-059
Location: East Side of Roudel Lane Approximately 180 Feet South of the End
of the Street
Applicant: Chris Caras
Request: Approval to Construct a Single -Family House Intended for Sale.
Consideration of this case was continued frarn the June 12, 1984 Planning Commission
meeting to allow the Applicant time to provide revised plans. The Applicant failed
to submit the required plans in time for consideration at this meeting.
Staff recamnends that consideration of Plot Plan No. 84-059 be tabled. The case
will be rescheduled at such time that the Applicant submits the required revised
Sandra L. Bonner
Principal Planner
Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP
Cam¢uiity Develom ent Director
y✓/ /(/%/�7,,
a a
_.,G t b
To: Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission
From: Community Development Department
Date: July 10, 1984
Subject: PLOT PLAN NO. 84-062
Location: West Side of Avenida Madero, 150' South of Calle Chillon
Applicant: Rick Johnson Construction
Request: To construct a single family dwelling intended for sale.
The house is intended for sale. The Applicant has received approval
for four (4) other houses in the City, 3 of which have been completed
and sold and one which will be finished within one month.
The siting or location of the house is consistent with both the
existing development in the area and the zoning requirements. The house will
have a 20-foot front yard setback, 5-foot sideyard setbacks and a 18-foot rear
yard setback. The vast majority of houses in the immediate vicinity are built
on a single lot as is proposed by the Applicant.
Design of the Structure
The floor plan meets the City's adopted standards for single family houses. The
house has approximately 1592 square feet of livable area, three bedrooms with
dimensions exceeding ten feet, 1 3/4 baths and an attached double car garage,
with a connecting door into the house.
Concerning the exterior of the house, the overall height of the building is
approximately16 1/2 feet, which is below the 17-foot height limit imposed by
the zoning. The house will have stucco covered exterior walls. The roof will
have a 4 in 12 pitch and be covered with asphalt shingles. The roof eaves are
24-inches wide, which exceeds the minimum 18-inch requirement.
_„ 0 f.
July 10, 1984
Page 2
The surrounding area has a variety of house styles, with the most common being
the California Ranch Style similar to that proposed by the Applicant. Roofing
materials also vary between rock or gravel, asphalt shingle and tile. The
proposed house's design and materials are consistent with the surrounding
existing dwellings. The structure's height, bulk and shape are also compatible
and consistent with existing houses within the vicinity.
The Applicant has a house of the same design on the adjacent lot. To provide
variety, the layout of the dwelling will be flipped and other different ornamental
features will be varied (e.g., color of stucco siding); the conditions of approval
will require that these minor modifications be specified and approved prior to the
issuance of a building permit.
Additional Comments
Staff has determined that this project is exempt from the requirements of CEQA
and a Notice of Exemption has been filed.
1.The request is consistent with the zoning.
2. The design is in compliance with the City's adopted standards.
3. The proposed house is compatible with the surrounding development.
Based upon the Findings the Community Development Department recommends
approval of Plot Plan No. 84-062, in accordance with Exhibits A,B, and C
and subject to the attached conditions.
Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP
Community Development Director
1. The develcpnent of the site shall be in conformance with the Exhibits A,
B and C contained in the file for Plot Plan No. 84-062, unless otherwise
amended by the following conditions.
2. The approved plot plan shall be used within two years of the approval date;
otherwise, it shall become null and void and of no effect whatsoever. By
"use" is meant the beginning of substantial construction, not including
grading, contemplated by this approval which is begun with the two-year
period and is thereafter diligently pursued to completion.
3. Water and sewage disposal facilities shall be installed in accordance with
the requirements of the Riverside County Health Department.
4. Fire protection shall be provided in accordance with the standards of the
Uniform Fire Code as adopted by the City of La Quinta.
5. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the developer shall submit
and have approved, a detailed landscape plan for the front yard showing
the species, size, location and spacing of all planting materials, including
a minimum of two (2), 15-gallon, street trees. The plan shall indicate the
irrigation system and the location of the required three (3) outdoor water
spigots. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the Applicant
shall install landscaping in accordance with the approved landscape plan.
All trees and plants shall be maintained in viable condition for the life of
the approved use.
6. The heating and cooling mechanical equipment shall be ground mounted, as
shown on plans.
7. Refuse containers and bottled gas containers shall be concealed by fencing
or landscaping.
8. The driveway shall be surfaced with concrete and have asphaltic concrete
connecting pavement to the existing street pavement.
9. The Applicant shall obtain clearances and/or permits from the following
agencies prior to submitting these plans to the Building Department for
plan check:
° Riverside County Health Department
° City Fire Marshal
° Community Development Department, Planning Division
10. Prior to the issuance of a building permit on Plot Plan No. 84-062, the
Applicant shall submit to the Ccuru pity Develocment Department for review
and approval specific information or details on siding color and texture,
trim and other architectural features which will vary from the appearance
of the adjacent dwelling constructed by the Applicant under Plot Plan
No. 84-054.
-JIB f '�.I-
DATE -1 v -"
To: Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission
From: Community Development Department
Date: July 10,1984
Subject: PLOT PLAN NO. 84-063
Location: East Side of Avenida Diaz, 300' North of Calle Tecate
Applicant: Rick Johnson Construction
Request: To construct a single family dwelling intended for sale.
The house is intended for sale. The Applicant has received approval
for four (4) other houses within the City, 3 of which have been
completed and sold and one which will be finished within one month.
The siting or location of the house is consistent with both the
existing development in the area and the zoning requirements. The house will
have a 20-foot front yard setback, 5-foot sideyard setbacks and a 18-foot rear
yard setback. The vast majority of houses in the immediate vicinity are built
on a single lot as is proposed by the Applicant.
Design of the Structure
The floor plan meets the City's adopted standards for single family houses. The
house has approximately 1592 square feet of livable area, three bedrooms with
dimensions exceeding ten feet, 1 3/4 baths and an attached double car garage,
with a connecting door into the house.
Concerning the exterior of the house, the overall height of the building is
approximately16 1/2 feet, which is below the 17-foot height limit imposed by
the zoning. The house will have stucco covered exterior walls. The roof will
have a 4 in 12 pitch and be covered with asphalt shingles. The roof eaves are
24-inches wide, which exceeds the minimum 18-inch requirement.
July 10, 1984
Page 2
The surrounding area has a variety of house styles, with the most common being
the California Ranch Style similar to that proposed by the Applicant. Roofing
materials also vary between rock or gravel, asphalt shingle and tile. The
proposed house's design and materials are consistent with the surrounding
existing dwellings. The structure's height, bulk and shape are also compatible
and consistent with existing houses within the vicinity.
Additional Comments
Staff has determined that this project is exempt from the requirements of CEQA
and a Notice of Exemption has been filed.
1.The request is consistent with the zoning.
2. The design is in compliance with the City's adopted standards.
3. The proposed house is compatible with the surrounding development.
Based upon the Findings the Community Development Department recommends
approval of Plot Plan No. 84-063, in accordance with Exhibits A,B, and C
and subject to the attached conditions.
Sandra L. Bonner
Principal Planner
AP P VE &"- B n
LawrenceL. Stevens, -AICP
Community Development Director
-:)to I J-
1. The development of the site shall be in conformance with the Exhibits A,
B and C contained in the file for Plot Plan No. 84-063, unless otherwise
amended by the following conditions.
2. The approved plot plan shall be used within two years of the approval date;
otherwise, it shall become null and void and of no effect whatsoever. By
"use" is meant the beginning of substantial construction, not including
grading, contemplated by this approval which is begun with the two-year
period and is thereafter diligently pursued to completion.
3. Water and sewage disposal facilities shall be installed in accordance with
the requirements of the Riverside County Health Department.
4. Fire protection shall be provided in accordance with the standards of the
Uniform Fire Code as adopted by the City of La Quinta.
5. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the developer shall submit
and have approved, a detailed landscape plan for the front yard showing
the species, size, location and spacing of all planting materials, including
a minimum of two (2), 15-gallon, street trees. The plan shall indicate the
irrigation system and the location of the required three (3) outdoor water
spigots. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of occupancy, the Applicant
shall install landscaping in accordance with the approved landscape plan.
All trees and plants shall be maintained in viable condition for the life of
the approved use.
6. The heating and cooling mechanical equipment shall be ground mounted, as
shown on plans.
7. Refuse containers and bottled gas containers shall be concealed by fencing
or landscaping.
8. The driveway shall be surfaced with concrete and have asphaltic concrete
connecting pavement to the existing street pavement.
9. The Applicant shall obtain clearances and/or permits from the following
agencies prior to submitting these plans to the Building Department for
plan check:
° Riverside County Health Department
° City Fire Marshal
° Community Development Department, Planning Division
DATE % a
8� Ub4- -
To: Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission
From: Community Development Department
Date: July 10, 1984
Subject: PLOT PLAN NO. 84- 064
Location: East Side of Eisenhower Drive, 250' North of Calle Monterey
Applicant: Bob Monroe
Request: To construct a single family dwelling intended for sale.
The Applicant has submitted requests for two (2) other single-family
houses concurrently with this Application. Mr. Monroe has received
no previous approvals for houses. Rick Johnson will be the Applicant's
The siting or location of the house is consistent with both the
existing development in the area and the zoning requirements. The house will
have a 20-foot front yard setback, 5-foot sideyard setbacks and a 18-foot rear
yard setback. The vast majority of houses in the immediate vicinity are built
on a single lot as is proposed by the Applicant.
Design of the Structure
The floor plan meets the City's adopted standards for single family houses. The
house has approximately 1592 square feet of livable area, three bedrooms with
dimensions exceeding ten feet, 1 3/4 baths and an attached double car garage,
with a connecting door into the house.
Concerning the exterior of the house, the overall height of the building is
approximately16 1/2 feet, which is below the 17-foot height limit imposed by
the zoning. The house will have stucco covered exterior walls. The roof will
have a 4 in 12 pitch and be covered with asphalt shingles. The roof eaves are
24-inches wide, which exceeds the minimum 18-inch requirement.
k, I j
July 10, 1984
Page 2
The surrounding area has a variety of house styles, with the most common being
the California Ranch Style similar to that proposed by the Applicant. Roofing
materials also vary between rock or gravel, asphalt shingle and tile. The
proposed house's design and materials are consistent with the surrounding
existing dwellings. The structure's height, bulk and shape are also compatible
and consistent with existing houses within the vicinity.
Additional Comments
Staff has determined that this project is exempt from the requirements of CEQA
and a Notice of Exemption has been filed.
1.The request is consistent with the zoning.
2. The design is in compliance with the City's adopted standards.
3. The proposed house is compatible with the surrounding development.
Based upon the Findings the Community Development Department recommends
approval of Plot Plan No. 84-064, in accordance with Exhibits A,B, and C
and subject to the attached conditions.
.ndra L. Bon e4i r
Principal Planner
awrence L. Stevens, AICP
Community Development Director
a. t
1. The development of the site shall be in oonformanoe with the Exhibits A,
B and C contained in the file for Plot Plan No. 84-064, unless otherwise
amended by the following conditions.
2. The approved plot plan shall be used within two years of the approval date;
otherwise, it shall become null and void and of no effect whatsoever. By
use is meant the beginning of substantial construction, not including
grading, contemplated by this approval which is begun with the two-year
period and is thereafter diligently pursued to ompletion.
3. Water and sewage disposal facilities shall be installed in accordance with
the requirements of the Riverside county Health Department.
4. Fire protection shall be provided in accordance with the standards of the
Uniform Fire Code as adopted by the City of La Quinta.
5. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the developer shall submit
and have approved, a detailed landscape plan for the front yard showing
the species, size, location and spacing of all planting materials, including
a minim, of two (2), 15-gallon, street trees. The plan shall indicate the
irrigation system and the location of the required three (3) outdoor water
spigots. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the Applicant
shall install landscaping in accordance with the approved landscape plan.
All trees and plants shall be maintained in viable condition for the life of
the approved use.
6. The heating and cooling mechanical equipment shall be ground mounted, as
shown on plans.
7. Refuse containers and bottled gas Containers shall be concealed by fencing
or landscaping.
8. The driveway shall be surfaced with concrete and have asphaltic concrete
connecting pavement to the existing street pavement.
9. The Applicant shall obtain clearances and/or permits from the following
agencies prior to submitting these plans to the Building Department for
plan check:
° Riverside County Health Department
• City Fire Marshal
° Community Development Department, Planning Division
;7—/y —8-/
o� /O6 � —
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_,j G f ii
To: Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission
From: Community Development Department
Date: July 10, 1984
Subject: PLOT PLAN NO. 84- 065
Location: West Side of Avenida Obregon, 100' South of Calle Madrid
Applicant: Bob Monroe
Request: To construct a single family dwelling intended for sale.
The Applicant has submitted requests for two (2) other single-family
houses concurrently with this application. Mr. Monroe has received
no previous approvals for houses. Rick Johnson will be the Applicant's
The siting or location of the house is consistent with both the
existing development in the area and the zoning requirements. The house will
have a 20-foot front yard setback, 5-foot sideyard setbacks and a 18-foot rear
yard setback. The vast majority of houses in the immediate vicinity are built
on a single lot as is proposed by the Applicant.
Design of the Structure
The floor plan meets the City's adopted standards for single family houses. The
house has approximately 1592 square feet of livable area, three bedrooms with
dimensions exceeding ten feet, 1 3/4 baths and an attached double car garage,
with a connecting door into the house.
Concerning the exterior of the house, the overall height of the building is
approximately16 1/2 feet, which is below the 17-foot height limit imposed by
the zoning. The house will have stucco covered exterior walls. The roof will
have a 4 in 12 pitch and be covered with asphalt shingles. The roof eaves are
24-inches wide, which exceeds the minimum 18-inch requirement.
o f.J
July 10, 1984
Page 2
The surrounding area has a variety of house styles, with the most common being
the California Ranch Style similar to that proposed by the Applicant. Roofing
materials also vary between rock or gravel, asphalt shingle and tile. The
proposed house's design and materials are consistent with the surrounding
existing dwellings. The structure's height, bulk and shape are also compatible
and consistent with existing houses within the vicinity.
The Applicant is proposing to construct a second house with this same design on
the adjacent lot. To provide variety, the layout of the dwelling will be flipped
and other different ornamental features will be varied (e.g., color of stucco
siding); the conditions of approval will require that these minor modifications
be specified and approved prior to the issuance of a building permit.
Additional Comments
Staff has determined that this project is exempt from the requirements of CEQA
and a Notice of Exemption has been filed.
l.The request is consistent with the zoning.
2. The design is in compliance with the City's adopted standards.
3. The proposed house is compatible with the surrounding development.
Based upon the Findings the Community Development Department recommends
approval of Plot Plan No. 84-065, in accordance with Exhibits A,B, and C
and subject to the attached conditions.
Sandra L. Bo ner
Principal Planner
��iyjt... Bi
Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP
Community Development Director
1. The development of the site shall be in conformance with the Exhibits A,
B and C contained in the file for Plot Plan No. 84-065, unless otherwise
amended by the following conditions.
2. The approved plot plan shall be used within two years of the approval date;
otherwise, it shall became null and void and of no effect whatsoever. By
"use" is meant the beginning of substantial construction, not including
grading, contemplated by this approval which is begun with the two-year
period and is thereafter diligently pursued to completion.
3. Water and sewage disposal facilities shall be installed in accordance with
the requirements of the Riverside County Health Department.
4. Fire protection shall be provided in accordance with the standards of the
Uniform Fire Code as adopted by the City of La 4uinta.
5. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the developer shall submit
and have approved, a detailed landscape plan for the front yard showing
the species, size, location and spacing of all planting materials, including
a minimum of two (2), 15-gallon, street trees. The plan shall indicate the
irrigation system and the location of the required three (3) outdoor water
spigots. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the Applicant
shall install landscaping in accordance with the approved landscape plan.
All trees and plants shall be maintained in viable condition for the life of
the approved use.
6. The heating and cooling mechanical equipment shall be ground mounted, as
shown on plans.
7. Refuse containers and bottled gas containers shall be concealed by fencing
or landscaping.
8. The driveway shall be surfaced with concrete and have asphaltic concrete
connecting pavement to the existing street pavement.
9. The Applicant shall obtain clearances and/or permits from the following
agencies prior to submitting these plans to the Building Department for
plan check:
° Riverside County Health Department
° City Fire Marshal
° Community Development Department, Planning Division
10. Prior to the issuance of a building permit on Plot Plan No. 84-065, the
Applicant shall submit to the Community Development Department for review
and approval specific information or details on siding color and texture,
trim and other architectural features which will vary from the appearance
of the adjacent dwelling constructed by the Applicant under Plot Plan
No. 84-066.
o 10
S. F.
To: Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission
From: Community Development Department
Date: July 10, 1984
Subject: PLOT PLAN NO. 84-066
Location: West Side of Avenida Obregon, 150' South of Calle Madrid
Applicant: Bob Monroe
Request: To construct a single family dwelling intended for sale.
The Applicant has submitted requests for two (2) other single—family houses
concurrently with this application. Mr. Monroe has received no previous approvals
for houses. Rick Johnson will be the Applicant's contractor.
The siting or location of the house is consistent with both the
existing development in the area and the zoning requirements. The house will
have a 20—foot front yard setback, 5—foot sideyard setbacks and a 18—foot rear
yard setback. The vast majority of houses in the immediate vicinity are built
on a single lot as is proposed by the Applicant.
Design of the Structure
The floor plan meets the City's adopted standards for single family houses. The
house has approximately 1592 square feet of livable area, three bedrooms with
dimensions exceeding ten feet, 1 3/4 baths and an attached double car garage,
with a connecting door into the house.
Concerning the exterior of the house, the overall height of the building is
approximately16 1/2 feet, which is below the 17—foot height limit imposed by
the zoning. The house will have stucco covered exterior walls. The roof will
have a 4 in 12 pitch and be covered with asphalt shingles. The roof eaves are
24—inches wide, which exceeds the minimum 18—inch requirement.
July 10, 1984
Page 2
The surrounding area has a variety of house styles, with the most common being
the California Ranch Style similar to that proposed by the Applicant. Roofing
materials also vary between rock or gravel, asphalt shingle and tile. The
proposed house's design and materials are consistent with the surrounding
existing dwellings. The structure's height, bulk and shape are also compatible
and consistent with existing houses within the vicinity.
The Applicant is proposing to construct a second house with this same design on
the adjacent lot. To provide variety, the layout of the dwelling will be flipped
and other different ornamental features will be varied (e.g., color of stucco
siding); the conditions of approval will require that these minor modifications
be specified and approved prior to the issuance of a building permit.
Additional Comments
Staff has determined that this project is exempt from the requirements of CEQA
and a Notice of Exemption has been filed.
1.The request is consistent with the zoning.
2. The design is in compliance with the City's adopted standards.
3. The proposed house is compatible with the surrounding development.
Based upon the Findings the Community Development Department recommends
approval of Plot Plan No. 84-066, in accordance with Exhibits A,B, and C
and subject to the attached conditions.
Sandra L. Bonner
Principal Planner
Lawrence L. `Stevens, AICP
Community Development Director
1. The development of the site shall be in oonformance with the Exhibits A,
B and C contained in the file for Plot Plan No. 84-066, unless otherwise
amended by the following conditions.
2. The approved plot plan shall be used within two years of the approval date;
otherwise, it shall become null and void and of no effect whatsoever. By
"use" is meant the beginning of substantial construction, not including
grading, contemplated by this approval which is begun with the two-year
period and is thereafter diligently pursued to completion.
3. Water and sewage disposal facilities shall be installed in accordance with
the requirements of the Riverside County Health Department.
4. Fire protection shall be provided in accordance with the standards of the
Uniform Fire Code as adopted by the City of Ia Quinta.
5. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the developer shall submit
and have approved, a detailed landscape plan for the front yard showing
the species, size, location and spacing of all planting materials, including
a minimum of two (2), 15-gallon, street trees. The plan shall indicate the
irrigation system and the location of the required three (3) outdoor water
spigots. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the Applicant
shall install landscaping in accordance with the approved landscape plan.
All trees and plants shall be maintained in viable condition for the life of
the approved use.
6. The heating and cooling mechanical equipment shall be ground mounted, as
shown on plans.
7. Refuse containers and bottled gas containers shall be concealed by fencing
or landscaping.
B. The driveway shall be surfaced with concrete and have asphaltic concrete
connecting pavement to the existing street pavement.
9. The Applicant shall obtain clearances and/or permits from the following
agencies prior to submitting these plans to the Building Department for
plan check:
• Riverside County Health Department
° City Fire Marshal
° Community Development Department, Planning Division
10. Prior to the issuance of a building permit on Plot Plan No. 84-066, the
Applicant shall submit to the Community Development Department for review
and approval specific information or details on siding color and texture,
trim and other architectural features which will vary from the appearance
of the adjacent dwelling constructed by the Applicant under Plot Plan
No. 84-065.
DATE 7-10 - 84
jl%L/�IAhA U
04 '
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OF TflF��s
To: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning commission
From: Community Development Department
Date: July 10, 1984
At their July 3, 1984 meeting, the City Council reviewed the attached memorandum
fran the City Attorney and determined that it would be appropriate for the standard
condition on "phantom" assessment district to be dropped. As a result, that condi-
tion will not be included on future tentative tracts, specific plans, etc.
Stevens, AICP
Coununity Development Director
_J(J It
{ V E
To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
From: James Longtin, City Attorney
Date: June 27, 1984
Subject: Recommended Termination of Phantom Maintenance Districts
On the recommendation of the City Attorney's office, and commencing
with approval of the PGA West Specific Plan, the City has imposed as
a condition of tentative tract map approval the following standard
"Applicant shall consent to the formation of a maintenance
district under Chapter 26 of the Improvement Act of 1911
(Streets and Highways Code, Section 5820 et seq.) or the
Lighting and Landscaping Act of 1972 (Street and Highways
Code 22600 et seq.) to implement maintenance of landscaping,
pavement, and on -site lighting within all commonly maintained
driveways, parking areas, greenbelts, private streets and
other improved common ownership areas. It is understood and
agreed that appropriate homeowners' associations shall pay
all above costs of maintenance for said improved common areas
until such time as the City Council determines that, by
default of the homeowner's association, a need for maintenance
work and establishment of a tax rate exists and until such
time as tax revenues are received by the district for assess-
ment upon the real property".
This condition was formulated by myself while acting as City Attorney
of Thousand Oaks and had been continuously used by that community as a
standard condition. The condition, although establishing a maintenance
district prior to final tract map approval, would not be activated
until such time as a homeowners' association defaulted in the maint-
enance of common areas. The condition provides the City with a quick
remedy, through an already formed maintenance district, for stepping
in, performing the necessary maintenance, and charging the costs
against the benefitted homeowners as per any assessment district. To
my knowledge, no such "phantom" maintenance district has ever been
As a result of my observation of the machinations and resistance to
this condition over the past few months, it is my recommendation
that it be deleted as a standard condition.
Memorandum to City Cc®cil Alft
Re: Termination of Phantom Maintenance, Dist.
June 27, 1984
Page Two.
It is my observation that this condition has a detrimental effect
on the development process in the following two ways: (1) the
condition must be reported in the Department of Real Estate
Public Subdivision Report. The effect is to raise an issue in
-the minds of prospective buyers,and their attorneys or other
advisors, as to the effect of the condition and what it could
mean to the homeowner as far as a future cost of assessment; and
(2) the condition raises potential problems with lenders that are
unfamiliar with its true intent and purpose (which probably
includes all lenders in this geographical area). Although the
two mentioned problems are by no means insurmountable, they have
and will continue to generate a significant amount of City staff
time explaining the purpose and ramifications of the condition,
not to mention the time and energy expended upon analysis of the
condition by prospective homeowners, lenders, and their attorneys
and advisors. When I now weigh the benefits versus the detriments
of imposing such a condition, the detriment seems to far outweigh
the perceived benefit. In as much as it is highly likely that
activation of such a phantom maintenance district will never take
place, and in as much as the City Council will have other remedies
available to it in the event of failure of a homeowners' associa-
tion to performance of maintenance on common areas, I am now
advising the Council that the imposition of the condition in the
first place was a mistake and I recommend that the condition now
be deleted.
For the reasons above mentioned, it is recommended that the condi-
tion requiring the formation of a phantom maintenance district be
hereby deleted as a standard City condition and that such deletion
be retroactive to the date of its first imposition (PGA West
Specific Plan approval); and that all applicants to whose projects
the condition has been applied, be notified of the deletion of the
condition and be given the opportunity to consent to its deletion
as applied to their particular project.
Respectfully subip tted,
To: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Camiission
From: Carmunity Developnent Department
Date: July 10, 1984
After reviaaing standards applied to Plot Plan approvals for single-family
residences, the City Council determined as follows:
1. That the standard condition requiring performance guarantees
for curb and gutter be dropped and that prior bonds or deposits
be returned.
2. That the wording on the standard condition on ground mounting
of mechanical equipment be revised to require adequate screening
consistent with the building architecture rather than ground
Staff is now modifying the standard condition list and the informational
hand to acc,-ornplish this.
Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP
Cantunity Development Director
CF'y0F �pti
To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
From: Frank M. Usher, City Manager
Date: June 29, 1984
Subject: Collection of Curb and Cutter Fees and Bonds
The staff has reviewed the collection of fees and bonds for the future
installation of curbs and gutters relative to single family residential
development. We now believe that the present practice does not materially
assist the City in arriving at the desired goal of providing storm water
protection, safer streets and proper street design through the
installation of curbs and gutters. We continue to believe that such
improvements are necessary, and that a policy direction toward them
should be set. However, the funding of this would be better done by
establishment of assessment districts prior to the time of construction.
Therefore, it is respectfully recommended that the Council adopt a
motion directing that curb and gutter fees and bonds no longer be
collected and that fees previously collected be refunded and bonds
previously accepted be released.
S. C.
To: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
From: Planning Director
Date: June 19, 1984
Subject: Status Report on Development Standards for Single -Family Residences
At the June 4, 1984 study session, the City Council inquired about certain development
standards,particularly bonding for curbs and gutters and location of mechanical equip-
ment, and requested more information on the matter.
On August 3, 1932, the City Council adopted ordinance No. 12 requiring all single-
family residences in the R-1 zone to obtain a plot plan approval. ordinance Nos. 18
and 37 were adopted extending this approval process requirement to August 3, 1984.
None of these ordinances have included any specific development standards.
on September 21, 1982, the City Council agreed to a list of requirements for residences
in the R-1 zones. This list was amended by the adoption of Ordinance No. 42 relative
to underground utilities in November, 1983. These requirements are included in
Attachment #1.
Since the adoption of Ordinance No. 12 (and its successors), the Planning Commission
has reviewed 45 applications for single-family residences (26 in 1983, 19 in 1984) and
has developed a set of standardized conditions (see Attachment #2) to facilitate pro-
cessing of these plot plans. It is evident that the September, 1982 listing and the
standardized conditions are not a precise match, but this should not be expected since,
in fact, the standardized conditions are typically varied slightly to fit a particular
project. For exanple, the ground -mounted mechanical equipment condition could be
revised to allow roof mounting on Pueblo -style houses with flat roofs provided that
the parapet was of sufficient height to accomplish the desired screening effect.
As a result of a number of Planning Commission study sessions on residential standards
and the continuing review of individual plot plan applications, the standards have
evolved, particularly to include the screening of mechanical equiptrent (similar to
refuse and bottled gas containers which were in the original listing), concrete drive-
ways, and street improvements (curb and gutter and connecting pavement). These changes
have evolved due to both Staff and Planning Coianission input as each learned more about
problems with residential designs and worked towards better solutions.
•� r r•• a �a
On January 25, 1983, Plot Plan No. 83-003, the first plot plan for a single-family
house, was reviewed by the Planning Commission. Staff recommended requiring the
posting of a cash bond for street improvements prior to issuance of a building permit.
June 19, 1984
Page 2.
The improvements required include:
° Concrete Curb and Glitter
° Asphalt Connecting Pavement
° No Sidewalk
Since Plot Plan No. 83-003 was the first house considered by the Planning Co u ssion,
and it involved the first conditions of approval ever placed on a house in the R-1
zone of the City, staff and the Planning Commission discussed at length the require-
ment for street improvements. Reasons given by staff and supported by the Co missio-.
on the need for curb and gutters within the R-1 zone included:
Curbs and gutters needed to handle drainage which currently is
causing damage: (1) to existing buildings and lot improvements;
(2) to streets by eroding shoulders and undermining pavement; and,
(3) by creating traffic hazards by carrying debris off of lots and
depositing it onto streets.
° Curb and gutters would prevent continuing damage to road edge,
particularly at intersections where vehicles cutting corners
break off paving.
Curb and gutters at intersections stops vehicles from cutting
over shoulders and kicking up gravel and dirt onto roadway
creating a safety hazard and added expense to the City for
° Street inprovements are already required for all development
in the R-2 and R-3 zones, so requiring improvements in the
R-1 zone would be equitable.
° The requirement is not unreasonable; developers of single-
family houses in other incorporated areas in the Coachella
Valley are required to install or bond for street improvements.
° Fases future formation of assessment districts for street
improve ants.
Following discussion of the need for curb and gutters, the Commission amended the
proposed condition of approval to allow, in addition to a cash bond, "a performance
bond or other financial arrangement acceptable to the City Attorney and City F7igineer".
other forms of arrangements include a lien against property (no up -front cash required)
and a certificate of deposit (interest to go to City).
Although bond required prior to issuance of building permit, the Building and Planning
Departments have allowed, in several instances, additional time for the Applicant to
ccuplete financial arrangements after issuance of building permit. You should be
aware that the Applicant has option to install inprove eats, but no one has chosen
this because costs exceed bond amount and because it would be difficult to set grades
for the improvements.
S`rAFF RM'Dxr - CITY cauacn,
June 19, 1984
Page 3.
Street improvements and bonding costs are determined as follows (based upon discussion
with the City Engineer):
° Concrete curb and gutter @ $10.00 per lineal foot
° Asphalt connecting pavement between existing street
pavement and gutter @ $1.00 per square foot, estimate
of 10-foot-wide connecting pavement
° Total bond, $1000.00 per 50 feet of street frontage
° Engineering costs will be assumed by the City
Bond is attached to the property and frees property owner from future assessments
for these improvements.
pia n a� r is �• a� �
This requiremnt is intended primarily to preclude unsightly roof -mounted equipment
and to preclude fences (on roofs) to "screen" such equipment. The planning Cortmissicn
has included this screening condition on all plot plan approvals since that review
process was established, although this standardized condition is modified when appropriate
to allow parapet -type screening on flat roofs and to allow equipment within attic areas
on pitched roofs.
This roof equipment screening is also part of the architectural standards being
developed by the Ccrwdssion and is evidently intended to create a more pleasing
aesthetic effect in residential areas.
It is my judgment that these represent both reasonable and typical development
standards for residential areas and should be continued in effect. The Planning
Department is trying to complete studies on these standards in the near future so
that they can be incorporated into the City's ordinance requirements and eventually
move to a less time consuming approval process for residences.
Llawrence L. Stevens, AICP
Planning Director
Atchs: 1. Requirements for Development of Residences in the R-1 Zone.
2. List of Standardized Conditions for S/F/D.
To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
From: Frank M. Usher, City Manager
Date: September 21, 1982
Subject: Requirements for Development of Residences in the R-1'Zone
At its study meeting of September 20, 1982, the City Council indicated
agreement to adopt the following requirements for development of
residences in the R-1 zone:
° Minimum gross usable living area shall be 1200 square feet.
° There shall be not less than 1-1/2 baths in one or two -bedroom homes.
° There shall be not less than 1-3/4 baths in homes with three or more
° There shall be a 10-foot minimum clear dimension in bedrooms.
° There shall be a two -car garage.
° There shall be a separate pedestrian door into a garage.
° Eave overhangs and parapets shall be at least 18 inches.
° Refuse containers and bottled gas containers shall be concealed.
° A minimum of three (3) outside water spigots shall be required.
° When houses are developed on two adjoining lots, a zero foot side -
yard setback should be encouraged in order to maximize a useful
sideyard on the opposite side of the structure.
° A landscaping plan for the front yard of all lots and the sideyard
of corner lots shall be required to be approved. The plan shall
include a minimum of two, 15-gallon trees for interior lots and
four, 15-gallon trees for corner lots.
° All houses shall be identified with street numbers which are visible
from the street.
° If a developer is applying for five (5) or more plot plan approvals,
he must have no vacant homes for sale in La Quinta at the time of
® 0
Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council
R-1 Development Requirements
September 21, 1982
Page Two.
The foregoing shall be considered as general requirements in all
cases, provided that waivers of individual requirements may be
granted by the Planning Commission (or by the City Council in the
event of appeal) in cases where it is shown satisfactorily that
because of special circumstances in a particular case, the strict
application of such individual requirements would impose undue hard-
ship or otherwise would be unreasonable.
April 4, 1984
AMENDMENT NO. 1 - As of November 15, 1983, Ordinance No. 42,
was adopted by the City Council. This Ordinance
requires that:
"All electric services, overhead wires or associated
structures must be installed underground."
1. The development of the site shall be in conformance with the E�Khibits A, B and
C contained in the file for Plot Plan No. unless otherwise amended by
the follo
wing conditions.
2. The approved plot plan shall be used within two years of the approval date;
otherwise, it shall becane null and void and of no effect whatsoever. By
"use" is meant the beginning of substantial constriction, not including grading,
oontenplated by this approval which is begun with the two-year period and is
thereafter diligently pursued to completion.
3. Water and sewage disposal facilities shall be installed in accordance with the
requirements of the Riverside County Health Department.
4. Fire protection shall be provided in accordance with the standards of the
Uniform Fire Code as adopted by the City of La Quinta.
5. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of occupancy, the Applicant shall submit
and have approved a detailed landscape plan for the front yard showing the
species, size, location and spacing of all planting materials, including a
minimum of , 15-gallon street trees. The plan shall indicate the irri-
gation system and the location of the required three (3) outdoor water spigots.
All trees and plants shall be maintained in viable condition for the life of
the approved use.
6. The Applicant will be required to post a cash bond, performance bond or other
financial arrangement acceptable to the City Attorney and City Engineer with
the City Cavnunity Development Department for the installation of the required
street improvements along including curb, gutter and
connecting pavement. The amount of this bond shall be $ , which shall
be sutmitted to and accepted by the City of La Quinta Communty Development
Director and City Manager prior to the issuance of a building permit.
7. The heating and cooling mechanical equipment shall be ground mounted.
8. Refuse containers and bottled gas containers shall be concealed by fencing or
9. All roof eaves shall be a minimum width of 18 inches.
10. The Applicant shall obtain clearances and/or permits from the following agencies:
City Engineer/Public Works
Riverside County Health Department
City Fire Marshall
a ConTunity Development Department
11. The driveway shall be surfaced with concrete with asphalt connecting pavement.
�Tf1�NNI ENT �`2
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C��OF TtIE���
To: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission
From: Community Development Department
Date: July 10, 1984
After reviewing standards applied to Plot Plan approvals for single-family
residences, the City Council determined as follows:
1. That the standard condition requiring performance guarantees
for curb and gutter be dropped and that prior bonds or deposits
be returned.
2. That the wording on the standard condition on ground mounting
of mechanical equipment be revised to require adequate screening
consistent with the building architecture rather than ground
Staff is now modifying the standard condition list and the informational
7handto accomplish this.
Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP
Coumnity Development Director
Cry OF
To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
From: Frank M. Usher, City Manager
Date: June 29, 1984
Subject: Collection of Curb and Gutter Fees and Bonds
The staff has reviewed the collection of fees and bonds for the future
installation of curbs and gutters relative to single family residential
development. We now believe that the present practice does not materially
assist the City in arriving at the desired goal of providing storm water
protection, safer streets and proper street design through the
installation of curbs and gutters. We continue to believe that such
improvements are necessary, and that a policy direction toward them
should be set. However, the funding of this would be better done by
establishment of assessment districts prior to the time of construction.
Therefore, it is respectfully recommended that the Council adopt a
motion directing that curb and gutter fees and bonds no longer be
collected and that fees previously collected be refunded and bonds
previously accepted be released.
To: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
From: Planning Director
Date: June 19, 1984
Subject: Status Report on Development Standards for Single -Family Residences
At the June 4, 1984 study session, the City Council inquired about certain development
standards, particularly bonding for curbs and gutters and location of mechanical equip-
ment, and requested more information on the matter.
Cn August 3, 1982, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 12 requiring all single-
family residences in the R-1 zone to obtain a plot plan approval. Ordinance Nos. 18
and 37 were adopted extending this approval process requirement to August 3, 1984.
None of these ordinances have included any specific development standards.
On September 21, 1982, the City Council agreed to a list of requirements for residences
in the R-1 zones. This list was amended by the adoption of Ordinance No. 42 relative
to underground utilities in November, 1983. These requirements are included in
Attachment #1.
Since the adoption of Ordinance No. 12 (and its successors), the Planning Commission
has reviewed 45 applications for single-family residences (26 in 1983, 19 in 1984) and
has developed a set of standardized conditions (see Attachment #2) to facilitate pro-
cessing of these plot plans. It is evident that the September, 1982 listing and the
standardized conditions are not a precise match, but this should not be expected since,
in fact, the standardized conditions are typically varied slightly to fit a particular
project. For example, the ground -mounted mechanical equipment condition could be
revised to allow roof mounting on Pueblo -style houses with flat roofs provided that
the parapet was of sufficient height to accomplish the desired screening effect.
As a result of a number of Planning Commission study sessions on residential standards
and the continuing review of individual plot plan applications, the standards have
evolved, particularly to include the screening of mechanical equipment (similar to
refuse and bottled gas containers which were in the original listing), concrete drive-
ways, and street improvements (curb and gutter and connecting pavement). These changes
have evolved due to both Staff and Planning Commission input as each learned more about
problems with residential designs and worked towards better solutions.
On January 25, 1983, Plot Plan No. 83-003, the first plot plan for a single-family
house, was reviewed by the Planning Commission. Staff recormlended requiring the
posting of a cash bond for street improvements prior to issuance of a building permit.
June 19, 1984
Page 2.
The improvements required include:
° Concrete Curb and Gutter
Asphalt Connecting Pavement
° No Sidewalk
Since Plot Plan No. 83-003 was the first house considered by the Planning Coninission,
and it involved the first conditions of approval ever placed on a house in the R-1
zone of the City, staff and the Planning Commission discussed at length the require-
ment for street improvements. Reasons given by staff and supported by the commission
on the need for curb and gutters within the R-1 zone included:
Curbs and gutters needed to handle drainage which currently is
causing damage: (1) to existing buildings and lot improvements;
(2) to streets by eroding shoulders and undermining pavement; and,
(3) by creating traffic hazards by carrying debris off of lots and
depositing it onto streets.
° Curb and gutters would prevent continuing damage to road edge,
particularly at intersections where vehicles cutting corners
break off paving.
Curb and gutters at intersections stops vehicles from cutting
over shoulders and kicking up gravel and dirt onto roadway
creating a safety hazard and added expense to the City for
° Street improvements are already required for all development
in the R-2 and R-3 zones, so requiring improvements in the
R-1 zone would be equitable.
° The requirement is not unreasonable; developers of single-
family houses in other incorporated areas in the Coachella
Valley are required to install or bond for street improvements.
° Eases future formation of assessment districts for street
Following discussion of the need for curb and gutters, the Commission amended the
proposed condition of approval to allow, in addition to a cash bond, "a performance
bond or other financial arrangement acceptable to the City Attorney and City Engineer".
other forms of arrangements include a lien against property (no up -front cash required)
and a certificate of deposit (interest to go to City).
Although bond required prior to issuance of building permit, the Building and Planning
Departments have allowed, in several instances, additional time for the Applicant to
complete financial arrangements after issuance of building permit. You should be
aware that the Applicant has option to install improvements, but no one has chosen
this because costs exceed bond amount and because it would be difficult to set grades
for the improvements.
I j"
June 19, 1984
Page 3.
Street inprovements and bonding costs are determined as follows (based upon discussion
with the City Engineer):
° Concrete curb and gutter @ $10.00 per lineal foot
• Asphalt connecting pavement between existing street
pavement and gutter @ $1.00 per square foot, estimate
of 10-foot-wide connecting pavement
° Thtal bond, $1000.00 per 50 feet of street frontage
° Engineering costs will be assumed by the City
Bond is attached to the property and frees property owner from future assessments
for these improvements.
This requirement is intended primarily to preclude unsightly roof -mounted equipment
and to preclude fences (on roofs) to "screen" such equipment. The Planning Commission
has included this screening condition on all plot plan approvals since that review
process was established, although this standardized condition is modified when appropriate
to allow parapet -type screening on flat roofs and to allow equipment within attic areas
on pitched roofs.
This roof equipment screening is also part of the architectural standards being
developed by the Commission and is evidently intended to create a more pleasing
aesthetic effect in residential areas.
5 6 0k, •\
It is my judgment that these represent both reasonable and typical development
standards for residential areas and should be continued in effect. The Planning
Department is trying to crnplete studies on these standards in the near future so
that they can be incorporated into the City's ordinance requirements and eventually
move to a less time consuming approval process for residences.
Ltawrence L. Stevens, AICP
Planning Director
Atchs: 1. Requirements for Development of Residences in the R-1 Zone.
2. List of Standardized Conditions for S/F/D.
To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
From: Frank M. Usher, City Manager
Date: September 21, 1982
Subject: Requirements for Development of Residences in the R-l'Zone
At its study meeting of September 20, 1982, the City Council indicated
agreement to adopt the following requirements for development of
residences in the R-1 zone:
• Minimum gross usable living area shall be 1200 square feet.
° There shall be not less than 1-1/2 baths in one or two -bedroom homes.
° There shall be not less than 1-3/4 baths in homes with three or more
° There shall be a 10-foot minimum clear dimension in bedrooms.
° There shall be a two -car garage.
° There shall be a separate pedestrian door into a garage.
° Eave overhangs and parapets shall be at least 18 inches.
° Refuse containers and bottled gas containers shall be concealed.
° A minimum of three (3) outside water spigots shall be required.
° When houses are developed on two adjoining lots, a zero foot side -
yard setback should be encouraged in order to maximize a useful
sideyard on the opposite side of the structure.
• A landscaping plan for the front yard of all lots and the sideyard
of corner lots shall be required to be approved. The plan shall
include a minimum of two, 15-gallon trees for interior lots and
four, 15-gallon trees for corner lots.
° All houses shall be identified with street numbers which are visible
from the street.
° If a developer is applying for five (5) or more plot plan approvals,
he must have no vacant homes for sale in La Quinta at the time of
/ATTAC,NM Eti' 1 4- 1 ,
Honorable Mayor and Members of city Council
R-1 Development Requirements
September 21, 1982
Page Two.
The foregoing shall be considered as general requirements in all
cases, provided that waivers of individual requirements may be
granted by the Planning Commission (or by the City Council in the
event of appeal) in cases where it is shown satisfactorily that
because of special circumstances in a particular case, the strict
application of such individual requirements would impose undue hard-
ship or otherwise would be unreasonable.
April 4, 1984
As of November
was adopted by
requires that:
15, 1983, Ordinance No. 42,
the City Council. This Ordinance
"All electric services, overhead wires or associated
structures must be installed underground."
/ J
1. The development of the site shall be in conformance with the Exhibits A, B arO
C contained in the file for Plot Plan No. unless otherwise amended by
the following conditions.
2. The approved plot plan shall be used within two years of the approval date;
otherwise, it shall become null and void and of no effect whatsoever. By
"use" is meant the beginning of substantial construction, not including grading,
contemplated by this approval which is begun with the two-year period and is
thereafter diligently pursued to completion.
3. Water and sewage disposal facilities shall be installed in accordance with the
requirements of the Riverside County Health Department.
4. Fire protection sha11 be provided in accordance with the standards of the
Uniform Fire Code as adopted by the City of La Quinta.
5. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the Applicant shall submit
and have approved a detailed landscape plan for the front yard showing the
species, size, location and spacing of all planting materials, including a
minimum of , 15-gallon street trees. The plan shall indicate the irri-
gation system and the location of the required three (3) outdoor water spigots.
All trees and plants shall be maintained in viable condition for the life of
the approved use.
6. The Applicant will be required to post a cash bond, perforce bond or other
financial arrangement acceptable to the City Attorney and City Engineer with
the City Cam=ity Development Department for the installation of the required
street improvements along including curb, gutter and
connecting pavement. The anount of this bond shall be $ , which shall
be submitted to and accepted by the City of La Quinta C armnity Development
Director and City Manager prior to the issuance of a building permit.
7. The heating and cooling mechanical equipment shall be ground mounted.
B. Refuse containers and bottled gas containers shall be concealed by fencing or
9. All roof eaves shall be a minimum width of 18 inches.
10. The Applicant shall obtain clearances aryl/or permits from the following agencies:
" City Engineer/Public Works
° Riverside County Health Department
o City Fire Marshall
o Com pity Development Department
11. The driveway shall be surfaced with concrete with asphalt connecting pavement.
� T
V � 4
To: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission
From: Commmity Development Department
Date: July 10, 1984
At their July :3, 1984 meeting, the City Council reviewed the attached memorandum
fran the City Attorney and determined that it would be appropriate for the standard
condition on "phantom" assessment district to be dropped. As a result, that condi-
tion will not be included on future tentative tracts, specific plans, etc.
wrence L. Stevens, AICP
Community Development Director
I j 1'
To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
From: James Longtin, City Attorney
Date: June 27, 1984
Subject: Recommended Termination of Phantom Maintenance Districts
On the recommendation of the City Attorney's office, and commencing
with approval. of the PGA West Specific Plan, the City has imposed as
a condition of tentative tract map approval the following standard
"Applicant shall consent to the formation of a maintenance
district under Chapter 26 of the Improvement Act of 1911
(Streets and Highways Code, Section 5820 et seq.) or the
Lighting and Landscaping Act of 1972 (Street and Highways
Code 22600 et seq.) to implement maintenance of landscaping,
pavement, and on -site lighting within all commonly maintained
driveways, parking areas, greenbelts, private streets and
other improved common ownership areas. It is understood and
agreed that appropriate homeowners' associations shall pay
all above costs of maintenance for said improved common areas
until such time as the City Council determines that, by
default of the homeowner's association, a need for maintenance
work and establishment of a tax rate exists and until such
time as tax revenues are received by the district for assess-
ment upon the real property".
This condition was formulated by myself while acting as City Attorney
of Thousand Oaks and had been continuously used by that community as a
standard condition. The condition, although establishing a maintenance
district prior to final tract map approval, would not be activated
until such time as a homeowners' association defaulted in the maint-
enance of common areas. The condition provides the City with a quick
remedy, through an already formed maintenance district, for stepping
in, performing the necessary maintenance, and charging the costs
against the benefitted homeowners as per any assessment district.. TO
my knowledge, no such "phantom" maintenance district has ever been
As a result of my observation of the machinations and resistance to
this condition over the past few months, it is my recommendation
that it be deleted as a standard condition.
.Memorandum to City
s -_.Re: Termination of
June 27, 1984
Page Two.
C Ph it
It is my observation that this condition has a detrimental effect
on the development process in the following two ways: (1) the
condition must be reported in the Department of Real Estate
Public Subdivision Report. The effect is to raise an issue in
-the minds of prospective buyers,and their attorneys or other
advisors, as to the effect of the condition and what it could
mean to the homeowner as far as a future cost of assessment; and
(2) the condition raises potential problems with lenders that are
unfamiliar with its true intent and purpose (which probably
includes all lenders in this geographical area). Although the
two mentioned problems are by no means insurmountable, they have
and will continue to generate a significant amount of City staff
time explaining the purpose and ramifications of the condition,
not to mention the time and energy expended upon analysis of the
condition by prospective homeowners, lenders, and their attorneys
and advisors. When I now weigh the benefits versus the detriments
of imposing such a condition, the detriment seems to far outweigh
the perceived benefit. In as much as it is highly likely that
activation of such a phantom maintenance district will never take
place, and in as much as the City Council will have other remedies
available to it in the event of failure of a homeowners' associa-
tion to performance of maintenance on common areas, I am now
advising the Council that the imposition of the condition in the
first place was a mistake and I recommend that the condition now
be deleted.
For the reasons above mentioned, it is recommended that the condi-
tion requiring the formation of a phantom maintenance district be
hereby deleted as a standard City condition and that such deletion
be retroactive to the date of its first imposition (PGA West
Specific Plan approval); and that all applicants to whose projects
the condition has been applied, be notified of the deletion of the
condition and be given the opportunity to consent to its deletion
as applied to their particular project.
Respectfully subs fitted,
I—''!';S TO CONTENT. �
1 30.