1985 01 08 PCEl 11 AGENDA PLANNING COMPASSION - CITY OF IA QUINTA A Regular Meeting to be held at the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quintal California January 8, 1985 7:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER A. Flag Salute 2. ROLL CALL 3. HEARINGS doo ✓ A. Change of Zone Case No. 84-013, a request for a change of zone �'k from A-1-10 to R-2-12,000 at the southwest corner of Jefferson Street and Avenue 50; Norris and Grayson/Rufus Associates, Applicant. 1 1. Report from Staff 2. Notion for Adoption B. Street Vacation No. 84-005, a request to vacate portions of Calle TaiTipico and Avenida Obregon; Landmark Land Cccpany, Applicant. 1. Report from Staff 2. Notion for Adoption C. Plot Plan No. 84-088, a request to construct a golf course maintenance building at the southeast comer of Calle Tampico and Avenida Obregon; Landmark Land Company, Applicant. 1. Report from Staff 2. Notion for Adoption A. Minutes of the regular meeting of November 13, 1984. B. Minutes of the regular meeting of December 11, 1984. 5. BUSINESS A. Street Vacation No. 84-006, a request to vacate Hatajo Drive portions of Airport Boulevard,- Landmark Land Coipany, Applicant. 1. Report from Staff 2. Motion for Adoption AGENDA - PLANNING COMMISSION January 8, 1985 Page 2. 5. nt'd) /BTJSINESS (Co 7/ B. Plot Plan No. 84-100, a request to construct a single-family dwelling at the southeast corner of Avenida Madero and Calle Ensenada; Noel and Elaine Jensen, Applicants. 1. Report from Staff / 2. Notion for Adoption ,/C. Plot Plan No. 84-101, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on the east side of Roudel Lane approximately 180 feet south of the end of the street; Daniel Ferguson, Applicant. 1. Report from Staff 2. Notion for Adoption ✓D. Plot Plan No. 84-102, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on the west side of Avenida Martinez, 100' north of Calle Arroba; Larry Rogers, Applicant. 1. Report from Staff 2. Notion for Adoption 6. ADJOUFOU-= r..UoU 02 RE: ITEM NO. DATE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ;Y. °o 0 PM. MOTION BY: GOETCHEUS FTATiT,ING KLIMKIEWICZ SECOND BY: GOETCHEUS ViAUING KLIMKIEWICZ 6 L3 '� MORAN THORNBURGH MORAN THORNBURGH� ROLL CALL t CO*IMISSIONERS: AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT GOETCHEUS -/ KLIl7IES+IICZ / v MORAN DULLTNG THORNBURGII -✓ UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: YES NO 19 ITEM 140. �• a DATE y� D /�� 6�2e- i` PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING RE: & �,4,e- dZ . Y �'O�� - MOTION BY: GOETCHEUS SECOND BY: GOETCHEUS DISCUSSION: ING WALLING KLIMKIEWICZ KLIMKIEWICZ MORAN THORNBURGH �NI?RAN THORNBURGH l� ROLL CALL VOTE: CO*IMISSIONERS: GOETCHEUS hZIMKIESVICZ MORAN WALLING THORNBURGH UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: AYE NO ABSTAIN YES NO ABSENT PRESENT — — — — — 04 MEMORANDUM83 -CITY OF LA QUINTA �C�40F ovsv4)'i To: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission From: Om mnity Development Depart rent Date: January 8, 1985 Subject: CHANGE OF ZONE CASE NO. 84-013 Location: Southwest Corner of Jefferson Street and Avenue 50 Applicant: Morris and Grayson, Inc./Rufus Associates Request: Change of Zone from A-1-10 (Light Agriculture, 10-Acre Mi-nimmnn Parcel Size) to R-2-12,000 (Multiple -Family Residential, 12,000 Square Feet Net Lot Area Per Dwelling) on a 40.2-Acre Parcel. 1. General Plan a. Site: Very Low Density Residential Q or Less Units/Acre). b. Surrounding Area: Very Low Density Residential to the north, south and west; Riverside County General Plan designates area to east as Agricultural Area. Area proposed in Coachella Valley Community Plan for .4 to 2 units/acre, with � to 2z-acre minimm parcel sizes. c. Streets: Avenue 50, Major Highway with 100' right-of-way. Jefferson Street, Arterial Highway with 110' right -of -Tray. 2. Zoning a. Site: A-1-10 (Light Agricultural, 10-Acre minimum parcel size) b. Surrounding Area: A-1-101 R-2-12,000, R-3/Specific Plan (see attached exhibit). 3. Existing Conditions: The site is predominantly flat with three small sand dune areas. The site is currently a producing citrus orchard. There is an existing house with farm outbuildings located at the southeast corner of the property. The properties to the north, south and west are also citrus orchards; the land to the east is in agricultural and rural residential uses with the average parcel size being larger than five acres. Regarding public facilities and utilities, Avenue 50 and Jefferson Street are both existing two-lane, paved roads. Neither water nor sewer service is available at the site; both facilities are located at Washington Street and Avenue 50 and Coachella Valley Water District has stated that there is adequate capacity to serve this site. Electric distribution lines exist along the north side of Avenue 50, the west side of Jefferson Street and the west side of the site. Telephone lines are located along the south side of Avenue 50. Q 5 ,II vU6 STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CCH IISSION January 8, 1984 Page 2. 4. Environmental Assessment: An initial environmental study of the project was prepared by staff and it was determined tentatively that the project will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment. Approval of this zone change request and the ultimate development of the site will result in a decrease in agricultural land in production. However, the Applicant has stated that, as with the adjacent proposed hotel site, a substantial majority of the existing orchard will be retained and remain in production. Review of future land division or development plans will include consideration of the design with respect to the preservation and protection of the trees. Desert Sands Unified School District has stated that their facilities are currently operating at or above designed capacity; the Applicant will be required to pay school mitigation fees at the time of development. 5. Project Description: The Applicant is requesting a zone change from A-1-10 (Light Agriculture - 10-Acre Mininn parcel Size) to R-2-12,000 (Multiple Family Residential - 12,000 Square Feet Net Lot Area Per Dwelling Unit). The maximum allowed density for the entire site is three units per gross acre as limited by the general plan. The R-2 Zoning would allow a maximmt of eight dwellings to be attached or located within a single structure. Although the Applicant has sub- mitted a conceptual plan showing future development of the site to be detached, single-family dwellings on 1/3-acre lots, the R-2 Zoning would allow the developer flexibility to cluster the units as an alternate means to retain the orchard. 6. Comments from Public Agencies: a. City Engineer - No cc mient on the zone change request. Conditions will be imposed at such time that a development proposal or land division application is submitted. b. City Fire Marshal - No comment on the zone change request. c. Coachella Valley Water District - The site is considered safe from stonmwater flaws except in rare instances and therefore has been designated Zone C on Federal Flood Insurance rate maps. Domestic water and sanitation service will be provided to the site in accordance with district regulations. 7. Prior Actions: a. No prior cases on the subject property. b. On February 7, 1984, the City Council approved Change of Zane Case No. 83-005 fran A-1-10 (Light Agriculture, 10-Acre Minimum Parcel Size) to R-2-12,000 (Multiple Family Residential, 12,000 Square Feet Net Lot Area Per Dwelling Unit) and R-3/SP (General Residential, Specific Plan Required). In conjunction with this zone change, the City Council also approved Specific Plan No. 83-003 for a resort hotel on 30 acres. c. On July 3, 1984, the City Council approved Change of Zone Case No. 84-011 from A-1-10 to R-2-12,000 on the 80 acres located adjacent to the west of the above mentioned hotel site. d. No building plans for the hotel nor subdivision plans for the R-2-12,000 zoned property has been submitted to the City. on 0 0 STAFF REPORT - PLAMINING CCMISSION January 8, 1985 Page 3. STAFF COMMETPS AND ANALYSIS This is the third change of zone request filed by the Applicant on contiguous property. During the hearings for the second request, Change of zone Case No. 84-011, an issue of discussion for both the Planning Commission and City Council was whether change of zones should be processed only in conjunction with development proposals. (Although the Applicant submitted a narrative description of his intentions, no tentative sub- division map was submitted). The zone change to R-2-12,000 was approved partially on the basis that. the proposed multiple-family'zoning and the density of three units per acre would be consistent with the proposed adjacent development of ATO/Figgie and the nearby Duna La Quinta project, both of which included attached single-family housing. Discussion of the Current Request On the basis of the comments of the Planning Commission and City Council during the hearings on the previous change of zone, staff requested conceptual development plans to accompany this application. As shown on the attached plans, the Applicant is proposing single-family lots with sizes ranging from 12,000 to 65,000 square feet for a maximum of 496 units as allowed under the general plan. The plan for the smaller lots would allow two units to be attached. Approximately 40% of the trees will be retained, with the remainder being removed for building pads and roads. No additional setbacks or retention of extra rows of trees are provided on the subject property abutting Jefferson Street and Avenue 50. A concern of staff is that the requested R-2 type zoning, which would allow up to eight units per building, will not be consistent with existing area development and zoning. As discussed previously, the adjacent unincorporated land east of Jefferson Street is divided into five -acre or larger parcels for rural residential and agricul- tural uses. The proposed County Community Plan would designate this area as rural residential (3A) with parcel size h to 2' acres; this is an increase in density from the previous 10-acre minimmn parcel size under the Open Space Element of the Riverside County Comprehensive Plan. It is likely that the land will remain in large lot, rural, single-family development due to the following factors: ° The Riverside County Comunity Plan designation as rural residential with minimum �-acre parcel size. ° The City of Indio's stated opposition to extending any north -south streets down to Avenue 50 between Jefferson Street and Monroe Street. on the basis of retaining the rural residential character of this area. ° The lard pattern with small acreage lots and numerous land owners. ° The existence of E1 Dorado Polo Club, which sets the character of the area for rural residential uses with pastures or agriculture. Since the typical lot layout indicates that a maxinm of two units will be attached, staff recommends that R-1 type zoning be attached to this property. This would allow 07 0 STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CCWnSSION January 8, 1984 Page 4. the Applicant to develop as shown on the plans. Since the City has no assurance that this property will be developed by the Applicant, it would be prudent to zone the site for low intensity residential which would be consistent with the rural residential uses to the east. If a tentative tract map is submitted showing clustering of units away from Avenue 50 and Jefferson Street and the City determines that such a plan is consistent with planned and existing area development, then a change of zone to R-2-12,000 could be processed at that time. 1. The recommended R-1-12,000 zoning is consistent with the general plan designation of Very Loa Density Residential (3 or Less Units Per Acre). 2. The terrain of the site is flat and is not subject to flooding. 3. All necessary services are existing at or available to the site. 4. The conceptual development design provides for the retention of approximately 40% of the existing citrus trees on the site. The proposed CC&R's on future development will provide for the retention and continued upkeep of these trees. 5. The requested R-2-12,000 zoning would allow a maximum of eight units per building. This intensity of development would not be consistent with the large acreage, rural residential development adjacent to the east. 6. The recammt?nded R-1-12,000 zoning would allow a maximum of two units per building, which would be consistent with the proposed typical lot layouts and would be less intensive than the proposed zoning and more compatible with area development. 7. The recommended R-1-12,000 would be an appropriate transition from the more intensive residential uses planned for the area to the west (R-2-12,000 residential and a resort hotel) and the very law intensity, rural residential uses located to the east. 8. Approval of the zone change and the subsequent development of the site will result in a reduction of agricultural land in production; however, a substantial portion of the orchard will be retained and remain in production. 9. The impacts of future development on the public schools and streets can be mitigated by conditioning approval on future land divisions or development proposals. 1. The recommended R-1-12,000 zoning will be consistent with the la Quinta General Plan. 2. The recommended zoning will be consistent with area development both within and adjacent to the City. 3. The R-1-12,000 zoning would be a logical transition between more intensive residential uses within the City and the rural residential area to the east. ,Y 08 ® 0 STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMISSION January 81 1984 Page 5. 4. The change frcrn agricultural to residential zoning is appropriate based upon area zoning, approved developments and existing utilities and services. 5. Approval of the request will not result in a significant adverse inpact on the environment. STAFF RDCCnMnMATION Based upon the above findings, the a munity Development Department recmuends denial of Change of Zone Case No. 84-013 from A-1-10 to R-2-12,000, as show on Exhibit "A"; however, the Couniuuty Development Department recommends approval of Change of Zone Case No. 84-013 fran A-1-10 to R-1-12,000, and adoption of the negative declaration for the environmental assessment, based upon the above findings and in accordance with Exhibit "A", amended. �X Sandra L. Bonner Principal Planner BY: Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP Camunity Development Director 99 SURROUNDING ZONING Zone Change 84-013 (619) 664-6676 ® 0 MORRIs & GRAYSON, INC. POST OFFICE BOX 299 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 November 2, 1984 Ms. Sandy Bonner Senior Planner City of La Quinta La Quinta, CA 92253 RUFUS ASSOCIATES APPLICATION FOR RE -ZONING OF FARACOS N.V. 40-ACRE PARCEL ON CORNER OF JEFFERSON STREET & AVENUE 50 Dear Sandy: CABLES: LAwsFEc, LA QUINTA, CA We are enclosing under separate cover our application for rezoning of the Faracos N.V. 40-acre parcel of land on the southwest corner of Jefferson Street and Avenue 50, La Quinta. As you will recall the history of our program, we originally applied to the City for re -zoning into about 30 acres of commercial and about 50 acres of R2-12,000 residential the 80-acres comprising the former Lushing and Lasar parcels on Avenue 50. Lushing was the 40-acre parcel fronting on Avenue 50, and Lasar the 40-acre parcel contiguous to it on the south boundary. These re -zonings were granted to Rufus Associates earlier this year. We subsequently applied for a re -zoning from Agricultural to R2-12',000 of the 80-acre parcel formerly known as Tara Verde Ranch, which is contiguous to Lushing/Lasar on its west side. This re -zoning was granted to us a few months ago. We have put into escrow what we believe should be a final parcel of contiguous orchard property owned by Faracos N.V., located strategically for us on the corner of Jefferson and Avenue 50. It is this parcel we now come before you with for, re -zoning into residential to match the zoning granted on our contiguous 160 acres, excepting of course the more or less 30-acres of commercial for our hotel project. As you can appreciate, it is important for us to create an atmosphere of peace and privacy for the type of hotel development we plan at The Orchard, and tantamount to that is the need to insure that the land immediately surrounding the hotel, restaurant and spa facilities is protected by ownership and development harmonious to our overall plans RECEIVED NOV 20p1984 CgMMUNITTY DEVEL6PMENT DEPT Page 2 November 2,84 Ms. Boner for the total project. It is with this in mind that we have negotiated the purchase of Faracos. Below our property will be Landmark and they plan an 18-hole golf course which would surround our project on three sides, which of course is in harmony with our own project and which we are very pleased to support. As to this application, we are mindful of a promise we gave to you during the public hearings on Tara Verde some months ago that we would attempt to submit a rough plan or layout sketch of our residential concepts. The enclosed sketch in no way constitutes a tentative map or anything like that. But it is an attempt to reflect our thinking in response to some of the design elements of our concept, and to that degree, we hope it will be helpful as a guide to our present intentions. Let me touch briefly on some of the considerations to be kept in mind in reviewing this sketch: 1. It reflects a conceptual plan for the utilization of the total 200 acres of orchard property we now own or control, and it may well be adjusted downward as to our development plans as we come closer to a final concept. We show it in this way to reflect our zoning and our present concepts in some harmonious combination. 2. The lots will be developed for detached housing, semi-detached housing, and/or condominium housing, under present thinking. While we hope to initially market the property as a minimum of two half -acre parcels for purchase we recognize there is no existing similar residential zoning in our area, and we wish to provide for a negative marketing experience in pioneering this larger concept. We further note that three units per acre is still low density under the existing land use patterns we have studied. 3. The site would be developed with roads being privately owned and maintained. The development as we now study it would have only two off -site accesses. 4. As presently conceived, the Hotel site of 40 acres gross is now 34 acres with dedications as follows: a. Residential subdivision 3.8 acres b. Morris & Grayson (Spector) 2.2 acres TOTAL 6.0 acres With a dedication for Avenue 50 of 1.5 acres, the net for this site would be 32.5 acres. Page Three ® 0 November 2, 1984 Ms. Bonner Our major concern now will be to restudy our plan to provide for the maximum protection and perpetuation of our on -going citrus and date orchard production as well as to maintain as many of the trees as is possible. To this end, we have always considered one -acre homesites as the ideal. In the past year, in becoming more familiar with marketing concerns, we have recognized that our final plan will need to reflect possible sales resistance to such a sweeping concept, which as noted above is unique in our area. We certainly wish to preserve our present zoning, which at about 3 units per acre, is still low density, since this in turn protects our options as we phase -plan our residential project. We will therefore review all possibilities, including detached housing, semi-detached housing, and even condominium concepts if the use of some or all of these three concepts will through cluster or re -design increase the number of trees we can preserve. All trees will be numbered and controlled by us, all homesites will be staked to maximize the orchard concerns (a potential buyer/owner cannot locate his own home siting but purchases the land with our cleared homesite location as part of his agreement, as a further protection to the trees), and we are putting in a drip system of irrigation to enhance the production and protection of the maximum number of trees as well. As we re -study and conceptualize our residential ideas, we will keep the City fully informed. With best wishes, Sincerely, MORRIS & GRAYSON, INC. Lawrence A. Spector President LAS:kmc encl. A.., . 12 MoRRIs 8c GRAYSON, INC. POST OFFICE BOX 299 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 90253 CABLES: LwwsFEc, )019) 604-0070 LA Qv1NTA, CA APPLICATION TO CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA EXH "A" SU16 ECT: NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT We are proposing to develop a resort complex at La Quinta, California, to be called THE ORCHARD AT LA QUINTA. The owners will be Rufus Associates, a California limited partnership, which is directed by its General Partner, a California corporation entitled Morris & Grayson, Inc. President of Morris & Grayson is Lawrence A. Spector, who developed the Ventana Inn in Big Sur in 1975. Project Director is Mr. Christopher B. Keehn of Carmel, California. It was designed by Kipp Steawart. Our proposal is for a 60-unit resort hotel, a restaurant serving the public for luncheon and dinner, and an adjoining fitness spa on the hotel premises. The property is on 50th Avenue, one -quarter mile West of Jefferson in La Quinta. The spa, hotel and restaurant will occupy 30 acres of a citrus and date orchard, with the central theme embracing the concept of preserving the orchard as part of the design plan. The restaurant will be open to the general public and will feature both a regular menu ("Cuisine Gourmand") and a special diet menu ("Cuisine Minceur"). The fitness spa will feature a full range of hydrotherapy systems, exercise programs, and stress reduction activities, including a gymnasium, exercise pool, massage, facilities, beauty salon, aerobics, yoga and dance classes The hotel will feature fifty single guestrooms with private terraces, four one - bedroom suites, and six villas, all set within the existing citrus orchard. There will be an outdoor theatre for guests featuring films, musical and dramatic entertainment and lec- tures; a guest library building for reading and study; an extensive swimming pool area near a breakfast loggia, and various on site sports activities. RECEIVED I�UV 2 01984 CITY OF lA O ANTA U 1 V COMMUNITY DEVEL(iPMENT DEPT Page Two The adjoining 160 acres as shown on the enclosed maps -- consisting of the former Lasar 40 acres to the south of the Hotel site (Lushing 40 acres, originally), the former Tara Verde ranch of 80 acres to the West, and the proposed Faracos property of 40 acres to the east -- will be developed as a Phase Two homesite residential park under current plans. The Lasar and Tara Verde properties of 120 acres combined have already been rezoned into 112-12,000 by the City of La Quinta, plus 10 acres of the 40-acre Lushing parcel, the other 30 acres of which has been zoned Commercial by the City in previous action. Residential homesites are anticipated to be half -acre and one -acre sites for the most part, with the possibility of some areas, perhaps in a condominium cluster arrangement, at one-third acre sites. Limitations as to cleared site space, design and construction controls will be part of sales contracts. Owners will have available to them the Hotel's facilities, including restaurant, room service, housekeeping and maintenance services, security services, and concierge services. It is anticipated that the project would have ground -breaking by February, 1985, and open for business about 14 months thereafter. While we will begin our marketing on the basis of one -acre homesite sales as originally conceived, we wish to preserve flexibility as we commence marketing with a product that is essentially unique in our area. To this end, we may find it helpful to eventually market a "mix" of several housing concepts from one -acre homesites to a clustered condominium grouping permitted under our 112-12,000 zoning held now on 160 acres and requested on the enclosed 40-acre parcel, Faracos. This would give us the maximum flexibility in responding to the changing market needs as we enter the sales period, and has been the basis of our strategy in the project. .A'_ 14 M r z 0 C CO m N 0 z_ Z G) ill S 0 rm- m Z _ m F �9 y c = 2 o n p m x � A , V 1 r JJ o m, U 1 o: �I o TI Oz� O N s O m n ,m m m ITEM NO. DATE /— PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MOTION BY: GOETCHEUS FIAL7,ING KLIMKIEWIC MORAN SECOND BY: GOETCHEUS VPJ LING KLIMKIEWI'CZ NYC DISCUSSION: QC.�/7 l _ -• `i" ' THORNBURGH THORNBURGH ROLL CALL VOTE: COX!MISSIONERS: AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT GOETCHEUS — KLI2,7KIEWP-_Z — MORAN — WALLING — THORNHURGH — UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: YES NO i S C� OF �ti MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA E To: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission From: Community Development Department Date: January 8, 1985 Subject: STREET' VACATIO14 NO. 84-005 - PORTIONS OF AVENIDA OBREGON AND CALLE TAMPICO Location: 1. Calle Tampico Between Avenida Carranza and Avenida Obregon 2. Avenida Obregon Between Calle Tampico and Calle Montezuma Applicant: La xhkirk Land Company Request: To abandon portions of Avenida Obregon and Calle Tampico BACKGROUND 1. General Plan The Circulation Element of the General Plan does not indicate local streets such as Calle Tampico and Avenida Obregon. 2. Zoning The area south of Calle Tampico is zoned R-1*++ which is designated for single- family residential use. The area to the north is zoned R-5 which is an open - space combining zone with residential development. 3. Existing Conditions Avenida Obregon is a 60-foot right-of-way and is currently improved, but not to current standards. Calle Tampico is a 30-foot right-of-way and is improved between Eisenhower Drive and Avenida Carranza, brat is not accessible west of Avenida Carranza due to existing flood control channel. The subject area is partially developed with single-family residences. The area north of Calle Tampico is developed as part of the La Quinta Hotel and Golf Course complex. The area south of Calle Tampico consists of scattered site development of single-family residences. Mach of the area is vacant due to limited access across existing flood control improvements. There is an existing improved flood channel located parallel to and between Avenida Carranza and Avenida Obregon. This channel currently empties into the golf course. It is contemplated that the area used for flood improvement will be relocated to a point west of Avenida Obregon within the next two years. 17 STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMMISSION January 8, 1985 Page 2. 4. Environmental Assessment: Staff has conducted an initial study reviewing environmental impacts associated with the proposed road vacation. It appears that the vacations themselves will not create a significant impact on the environment provided that adequate provision is made for cul-de-sacs, including turnarounds, at necessary points along the roads rights -of -way. 5. Project Description: The Applicant is requesting to vacate a small, triangular portion of Avenida Obregon in front of Lots 5 and 6 of Block 44 and to vacate a rectangular portion of Calle Tampico to the north of Lot 1 of Block 44. These vacations are intended to facilitate construction of a golf course maintenance facility (see separate report entitled Plot Plan No. 84-088). Remaining portions of Calle Tampico and Avenida Obregcn will be proposed for vacation by Coachella Valley Water District in conjunction with finalization of plans for flood improvements to the area. 6. Comments From Public Agencies A. General Telephone Company - The telephone company has no objections and no plant involved. B. Fire Marshal - Recommended that the vacated portion of Calle Tampico on the east side be maintained as private, gated driveway for alternate access. C. Coachella Valley Water District - The District has no objections to abandon- ment. D. Southern California Gas Company - No comment. E. City Engineer - No osnment. F. Comments were requested, but not received fran the Health Department, Imperial Irrigation District, Southern California Water Company, the Haneowners' Association, the Property Owners' Association and Chamber of Commerce. STAFF COMMENTS AND ANALYSIS This application to vacate portions of Calle Tampico and Avenida Obregon is intended to facilitate construction of a golf course maintenance building (see separate report for Plot Plan No. 84-088). It should be anticipated that additional road abandonments within the immediate area will be necessary in conjunction with flood improvements to be constructed by the Coachella Valley Water District. In considering this request, several essential determinations should be made including: ° Consistency of the proposed abandonment with the General Plan • Evidence of public benefit of proposed abandonment ° Demonstration that roads proposed for abandonment are not needed for future use ° Compliance with provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act I(? STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMMISSION January 8, 1985 Page 3. General Plan Consistency: The vacation of both Calle Tampico and Avenida Obregon could be considered to be in compliance with the adopted Circulation Element since 60-foot-wide, local streets are not shown on the General Plan. This does not, however, mean that other general circulation standards could be considered in making the detennination of General Plan consistency. Public Benefit: Ultimately, the abandonment of public rights -of -way in this area will be necessary to facilitate anticipated changes to the flood control system; however, final plans for the flood improvements in this area are not yet complete. As a result, it is difficult to fully and adequately assess the impacts to roads in the area. Principal concerns related to public benefit should be local circulation needs, particularly those related to emergency vehicles. It would appear that, based on a preliminary understanding of the ultimate road configuration in the area, abandon- ments of these roads would not significantly affect local circulation or emergency vehicle access provided that provision is made for adequate cul-de-sac turnarounds for any cul-de-sacs that would occur as a result of road changes. It does, however, appear that a piecemeal approach to vacating these roads to facilitate private development could add short-term disadvantages to circulation since inWave ants associated with the private development could provide temporary blockages to existing rights -of -way. of course, it should be noted that the condition of existing improvements, particularly the flood crossing at Tampico are currently only limited in their accessi- bility. Future Use: The future use of these portions of Calle Tampico and Avenida Obregon seen somewhat limited. They principally provide local circulation to a limited number of lots. It does, however, appear that the anticipated, ultimate road configuration would provide adequate access for residential type developments. The nature of the area indicates that the volume of traffic generated by residential uses would not be large enough to require Avenida Obregon and Calle Tampico to connect with each other. Environmental Review: The road vacation has been reviewed for environmental concerns and pertinent oamrents are included under the heading "Environmental Assessment" with the Background section of this report. Briefly, the only apparent mitigation necessary for the vacations appears to be provision for adequate cul-de-sacs and associated turnarounds. Additional Remarks: It seems evident that the ultimate road configuration in the area will be adjusted primarily to acconmdate future flood improvements. Nevertheless, there is significant concern that the piecemeal abandonment of these rights -of --way is not advantageous to the City's needs, nor to those of surrounding residents. It seems necessary, in order to fully and adequately assess the potential impacts of adjustments to the area circulation pattern to have a complete proposal from the water district and Landmark Land Oon any for abandonment, so that adequate coordination can be made with these changes proposed in the area. 19 STAFF PEPOW - PLANNING CaMMSSICN January 8, 1985 Page 4. Mlile it is principally the role of the Planning Commission to review General Plan consistency of road vacations, it nevertheless seems appropriate to consider this proposed vacation slightly differently because of the associated plot plan application, over which the Planning Commission has final review authority. As a result, it seems necessary to withhold consistency determination until problems associated with that plot plan and these piecemeal vacations are adequately resolved. ,he Camaumity Development Department recommends that Street vacation No. 84-005 be continued to the Planning Commission meeting of February 12, 1985, and that the Applicant be requested to meet with staff to resolve concerns related to the application as expressed in the "Analysis" section of this report. Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP Community Development Director LLS:dmv 2!7 RR - ITEM NO. -�?. (�,) . DATE /- Jr - PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING k D��- MOTION BY: GOETCHEUS WALT.ING LIMKIEWICZ MORAN THORNBURGH SECOND BY: GOETCHEUS VVELING KLIMKIEWICZ N!1RAN THORNBURGH DISCUSSION: ROLL CALL VOTE: COMMISSIONERS: AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT GOETCHEUS - KLINKILWICZ - MORAN - VWJ,LING - THORNBURG3 - UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: YES NO 21 11 � _ s OFO�S MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA O.UINTA To: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission From: Community Development Department Date: January 8, 1985 Subject: PLOT PLAN No. 84-088 Location: Southeast Corner of Calle Tampico and Avenida obregon Applicant: Landmark park Land Company Request: To construct a one-story, 8,000-square-foot, golf course maintenance building. 1. General Plan a. Site: Low Density Residential. b, surrounding Area: Low Density Residential to the east, west and south; Specific Plan No. 121, Revised, designating golf course and flood control improvements to the north. 2. Zoning a. Site: R-1*++ (one -Family Dwellings, 1200-Square-Foot Minimum Dwelling Size, 17' Height Limit) b, Surrounding Area: R-l* (one -Family Dwellings, 1200-Square-Foot Minimum Dwelling Size) to the west; R-1*++ to the east and south; R-5 (open -Space Combining Zone -Residential Development) to the north. 3. Environmental Assessment: An Environmental Assessment was prepared by staff in accordance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. The impacts identified include: ° Noise resulting from siting of building facing rock hill which will aqhasize sounds, and from proposed hours of operation (6:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.) which are not consistent with normal hours of activity. ° Lighting - yard and building will be lit for security. ° Iand Use - change from residential intensities typical of single- family neighborhood which currently exists in the area. ° Risk of upset due to fuel, fertilizer, pesticides and insecticides; all access, including emergency fire access to site could be cut off during flooding of Fear Creek Channel, particularly prior to final flood improvements. 22 STAFF REPORT - PLAMING COMMISSION January 8, 1985 Page 2. ° May decrease attractiveness of adjacent area for residential uses. ° Would generate substantial traffic over current levels. Would add incremental increased demand for public services and utilities. It appears that the project can be determined to not have a significant adverse impact on the environment provided that appropriate mitigation measures are incor- porated in the design. These mitigation measures should be reflected as conditions of approval if the project is approved. Existing Conditions: Avenida Obregon is a 60-foot right-of-way and is currently improved, but not to current standards. Calle Tampico is a 30-foot right-of-way and is improved between Eisenhower Drive and Avenida Carranza, but is not accessible west of Avenida Carranza due to existing flood control channel. The subject area is partially developed with single-family residences. The area north of Calle Tampico is developed as part of the La Quinta Hotel and Golf Course caTlex. The area south of Calls Tampico consists of scattered site development of single-family residences. Much of the area is vacant due to limited access across existing flood control improvements. There is an existing improved flood channel located parallel to and between Avenida Carranza and Avenida Cbregon. This channel currently empties into the golf course. It is contemplated that the area used for flood improvement will be relocated to a point west of Avenida Obregon within the next two years. 5. Project Description: The Applicant proposes to construct a golf course maintenance building of armroximately 81000 square feet with an overall height of 1416". Floor plans su:mitted indicate areas within the building for open storage, a small shop, _3arts storage, a small office, and employer locker and restroan areas. outside the building are sandpits and areas for other seasonal outdoor storage. Exterior elevations submitted indicate the building will be of metal construction with the wall panels being white, a decorative strip which is green, with a bronze -colored metal roof. overhead doors are shown along the west building elevation. A parking lot consisting of 16 parking spaces is shown along the south side of the building. Entry to the fenced parking and building area is shown from Avenida Obregon. A 6' high, block wall is proposed along the south property line, but all remaining perimeter property lines are fenced with chain - link fencing. Access from the facility to the golf course is sham at the north end of the project. Proposed landscaping consists of a planter along the south property line and retention of existing trees (off the site) along the east property lire. Plans note that the exact location of the future flood control channel and its dike are unknown at this time. Plans also indicate location of a gasoline pump with three underground, 1,000 gallon storage tanks. .0 23 STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CCM IISSION January 8, 1985 Page 3. 6. Co mrents fran Public Agencies: a. Fire Marshal - The Fire Marshal notes as follows: (1) All metal, noncombustible construction would require 1250 GPM fire flow fran a water system capable of sustaining such flow for a two-hour duration at 20 psi residual pressure. "Super" type fire hydrants located not more than 165 feet nor less than 25 feet fran any portion of the building exterior. (2) Recommend paved access on west side of building be widened to at least 24 feet. (3) Reccn end that the vacated portion of Calle Tampico on the east be maintained as private, gated driveway for alternate access. (4) Recommend that gates be equipped for immediate emergency access. b. City Engineer - S&Anit grading plan prepared by registered Civil Engineer for review and approval. c. Southern California Gas Company - No canoent. d. Coachella Valley Water District - The area is subject to shallow flooding and is designated Zone A3 on the Federal Flood Insurance Rate Maps in effect at this time. There may be conflict with existing district facilities and we request building permits be withheld until arrangements have been made with the district for relocation of these facilities. e. General Telephone Company - General Telephone Company has no objections and will feed said building fran the south where facilities are currently available. f. Comments were requested, but not received fran the Health Department, Imperial Irrigation District, Desert Sands Unified School District, Southern California Water many, Property Owners' Association and the Chamber of Commerce. STAFF CCMMENTS AND ANALYSIS The Commission should be aware in the review of this plot plan application that it was filed after the Community Development Director interpreted the existing R-1 Zoning regulations to allow golf course maintenance buildings as a typical accessory building for golf course facilities which are permitted in the R-1 Zone. This interpretation noted that the golf course maintenance facility shall be contiguous to the golf course in order to be considered accessory. The Planning ommission does have the option to differ with this interpretation as part of the review of the plot plan application. There are a number of concerns with respect to this development proposal which need to be carefully reviewed prior to taking action. These concerns principally include the following: STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CCMMISSION January 8, 1985 Page 4. ° Traffic and circulation impacts on the surrounding residential area. ° Adequacy of proposed parking. ° Building design. ° Noise and related activities associated with building use. ° Timing of project as it relates to flood improvements necessary in the area. ° Associated application to vacate roads in the area. ° Landscaping improvements at Tampico and Eisenhower. ° Fire Department access and facility needs. Traffic and Circulation: Concerns related to traffic and circulation were discussed to sane degree in the associated report on the road vacation request. of particular concern here is the type of traffic which would be generated by the proposed golf course maintenance facility and its difference fran typical residential development. There is concern that the proposed access from Avenida Obregon will result in traffic of a more commercial nature coming to this site. That traffic could include larger vehicles delivering landscaping supplies, fertilizer, sand and related materials and tanker trucks delivering gasoline to the underground storage tanks. It does not appear it would be appropriate to bring such traffic along Montezuma and Obregon into the subject site. In addition, employee traffic would not be typical of that traffic which now occurs in the area. As a result, it appears to us that if the use is to be allowed, traffic should be encouraged to come in fran Calle Tampico rather than Avenida Obregon. Although, emergency vehicle type access and a gate for that access appears to be necessary on Avenida Obregcn. As noted in the report prepared for the road vacation request, there are concerns about the timing of cul-de-sac and related improvements which are part of the future flood improvements to the area. Parkui : Sixteen parking spaces are proposed as part of the project. There is no definitive basis upon which to base parking requirements for this type of facility. Staff has visited a number of similar uses in the area over the last six to eight weeks. Most of these facilities provide a similar number of parking spaces and it appears the number proposed is reasonable. However, concern does exist relative to the continued use of these parking spaces for their designated purpose. Observation of other facilities indicates that over time the parking spaces end up being used for activities associated with the maintenance facility and that parking typically occurs outside of the fenced -off maintenance facilties. This would be particularly undesirable if the Avenida Obregon entrance is the only one provided because the parking world then be occurring along a typical residential street. If the access is moved to Tampico, the concern would be lesser based on existing development, but should be a considera- tion in light of future development in that area. Building Design: The proposed building is of metal construction with a lam height of approximately 1416". This building is typical of others observed during staff visits to some more facilities in the valley. However, all of those structures were located within the projects to which they were accessory. There is concern that the use of this type of building along the perimeter of a project where the principal exposure is to residential uses, which are not part of the project being served by the mainte- nance facility needs to be considered in the building design. The use of; the metal 25 STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CCMMISSION January 8, 1985 Page 5. type building of this size (nearly 8,000 square feet) may not be appropriate to and oompatible with this single-family area. Considerations to different types of building exteriors and to reorienting the building are appropriate. While it is possible that sane upgrade to the building materials, particularly the roof, could be considered, it should be noted that there are substantive concerns related to building design and orientation that need to be resolved. Building Use and Related Activities: There are a number of activities typically associated with a maintenance operation, especially one of this size and scope, which can be detrimental to the surrounding residential area. Mile some of these have been discussed as part of other issues, it is important to rote that noise, outside storage and the time of proposed operations seem particularly incompatible with the area. With the orientation of overhead doors facing to the west directly towards large mountains, it can be anticipated that some deflection of noise to the surrounding area will occur. There does not appear to be any reasonable way to mitigate this increased noise as long as the proposed building orientation is retained. There are several areas currently proposed for outside storage of certain materials; propably sand, some landscaping and associated materials. If these are retained in the areas shown, it is likely they would have limited impact. However, observation of other maintenance activities indicates that these storage activities are, from time to time, likely to spill over into other areas of the site and these can be particularly unattractive to surrounding residential areas if proposed buffering of fencing and landscaping is inadequate. The proposed hours of operation would likely generate significant noise early in the morning. This noise is not typical of residential areas; particularly as early as 6:00 to 6:30 in the morning. It appears that the placement of hours restriction on the use, while enforceable, would be counter productive to typical operations of this sort. In general, it appears that there are a number of activities associated with the proposed use which would be incompatible with the surrounding area. Mile conditions of approval could mitigate these to some extent, it is nevertheless apparent that all of them cannot be completely mitigated. Timing Problems: The proposed design is to some extent dictated by flood improvements, both existing and proposed, for the area. The existing channel, which must be main- tained for the present, is in effect the east boundary of the project. When new improvements are installed (estimated to be at least a year in the future) to the west of the proposed building, the existing improvements will be abandoned. It seems that the approval of this building without ]mowing the full extent of future flood improve- ments is premature. The Applicant's apparent need for the golf course maintenance facility can probably not be adequately coordinated with flood improvements in the area. Road Vacation: There is an associated road vacation application with this project and that would have to be approved in order to accommodate the proposed project. As noted in the separate report, there are problems with timing and the piecemeal nature of the road vacations which need to be considered. Landscaping at Eisenhower and Tampico: There have previously been discussions with the Applicant concerning the need to improve the road right-of-way, including associated landscaping, along Eisenhower and Tampico frontages for the existing golf course facility. Mile it is difficult to directly associate such an improvement condition with this facility, it is nevertheless a concern that needs to be evaluated. u 26 STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CC MISSICN January 8, 19815 Page 6. Staff attempted, as part of the application, to secure preliminary plans for those improvements with the intention of coordinating those improvements with any approval that might be granted for this facility. However, the Applicant contends that these improvements cannot be reasonably related to this project approval and has, in fact, verbally offered a counter proposal related to additional improvements along Eisenhower in the vicinity of Avenue 50. Fire Department Access and Facilities: The camients from the Fire Marshal indicate that 1250 GPM fire flow will be necessary for the area. It does not appear to us, based on our knowledge of the water system available to the area, that this require- ment can be satisfied. This further indicates to us that the proposed use is not likely to satisfy necessary requirements nor to achieve necessary canpatibility with a typical single-family residential area. y In conclusion, it appears that there are significant problems with the proposed use. Miile it is possible to make modifications to the proposed project to mitigate at least sane of the concerns identified, it is not likely that all of the concerns identified can be fully mitigated. Nevertheless, it is possible to work with the Applicant to resolve, to the extent feasible, the identified problems unless it is the Commission's perception that the subject property and its location are simply unsuitable for the proposed use. If the latter is the case, it is frankly not beneficial to continue to work on design alternatives and this would indicate the project application should be denied. (NC7PE: The Staff can prepare findings to go with such an action.) The Community Development Department reccauends that this matter be continued to the meeting of February 12, 1985, to allow Staff to work with the Applicant to see if design modifications can mitigate concerns raised within the report. Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP Omfamity Development Director LLS:dmv Atch: Site Plan 27 ITEM NO. DATE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MOTION By{ GOETCHEUS F1",ING7 KLIMKIEWICZ MORAN THORNBURGH SECOND BY: GOETCHEUS WALLING KLIMKIEWICZ MRAN THORNBURGH � DISCUSSION: Z` C ' ROLL CALL VOTE: COMMISSIONERS: AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT GOETCHEUS - h'LII'IICIEATICZ - MORAN - WALLING - THORNBURGH - UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: YES NO 7 �� ® CITY OF INPA y-' L( C PIANNING MISSION - CITY OF IA QUINPA / /' A Regular Meeting Held at the La Quints City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, la Quinta, California November 13, 1989 7:00 p.m. � • M. A. Chairman Thornburgh called the Planning Crnmission meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. He than called upon Commissioner Klir*iewiai to lead the flag salute. 2. ROIL CALL A. Chairman Thornburgh requested the roll call. The Secretaxv called the roll: Present: CanmisSlOnners Goetcheus, Klimkiewicz, Walling and Chairman Thornburgh Absent: None Also present were Camu:i.ty Development Director Lawrence L. Stevens, Principal Planner Sandra L. Bonner and Secretary Iona M. Velotta. 3. HFARINGS A. Chairman 'Thornburgh introduced the first public hearing as Tentative Tract Map No. 18765, Revised No. 1, a request to approve a revision of a previously approved tentative tract reducing the dwellings from 108 to 72 units on 19.1 total acres; na.,dnurk Lard Company, Applicant. He called for the staff report. Principal Planner Bonner explained that the Applicant was proposing this revision to the tentative tract map to reduce the number of units from 108 to 72 and in their place they are adding to the number of tennis courts. This tract was originally approved by the City Council in November of 1982 and this first phase (23 units) has been constructed and intend to begin construction on the remaining two phases at the beginning of 1985. In addition to reducing the number of units and adding additional tennis marts, the Applicant has charged their building designs from all single and duplex structures to single, duplex, tri- plex and fourelex structures. Also, to change the driveway locations and designs to acoamndate the change in building locations. Principal Planner Bonner noted that a couple of points were brought out at the study session. First, were the i7pmvements to Avenida Cbregon. Staff is recamending, on the basis that this street serves not only this subdivision and the tennis club, but also the adjoining hotel which will be expanded to the west. In addition, this is the entrance to Santa Rosa Cove. Secondly, the Applicant was concerned with Condition No. 12 which requires, prior to issuance of a building permit, the Applicant to provide written clearance from IID stating, in fact, that he had electrical power. 'ion Hill of IID called the City this date stating that he would issue such a letter. However, Staff is still recmme ding that this condition be included on the basis that we have required it for all the tracts since Duna La Quinta, when the issue was brought up about the substation. Staff feels for equity and since it will be no problem for the Applicant that this condition remain. Principal Planner Bonner continued stating that Staff (lid go out and look at Avenida Cbregon and in light of what improvements are in the area, we feel that the street could be reduced to 29 feet, which is the m +�* so width allowed by the Fire Department. Al, in talkirg to theCityEngineer this date, Staff still reocn a ds that curb and gutter be a required condition, particularly since Cbregon leads into Santa Rosa Cove which has curb and gutter. There was Sore question whether to require rolled curb or straight face curb and the City Engineer recommended that we just request curb and gutter, and after he sees the hydrology report, then the design of the duub can be determined, 'Therefore, Staff is requesting that the Ccmnission consider revising Condition No. 7.a. changing the width from 32 to 29 feet and requesting that the street be marked for no parking to guarantee a fire lane. 29 2 balNUTES - PIANNING CCtMSSION November 13, 1984 Page 2. Therefore, Staff is rec mending that the Planning Camdssion approve the revised map in accordance with the findings in the Staff Report and subject to the conditions. After a short discussion, Chairman Thornburgh called upon the Applicant for his presentation. Andy Vossler, Iandnark Iaid Company, P. O. Box 1000, la Quintal spoke in behalf of the Applicant. He stated that there are only two conditions that he wished to address. First, Condition No. 7.a. relating to Avenida Cbregon. The Applicant feels that reducing Cbralon to a 24-foot width would be a fair condition. Secondly, Condition No. 12 - to bring the Conmission up to date where the Applicant stands with lleperial Irrigation District - the Applicant is continuing to work with IID to try to solve the substation site needs in the vicinity of Avenue 51 and Jefferson Street. The Applicant has been dealing with IID on a weekly basis, but are still not to the point of a written agreement, however progress is being made. Mr. Vossler stated that the Applicant still feels that the electric situa- tion was dealt with when the map was approval two years ago and their preference would be that this condition should be eliminated. Chairman Thornburgh then opened the hearing for public torment. There being none, he closed the public hearing. There was a brief discussion regarding Avenida Cbregon and Imperial Irrigation District. Chairman Thornburgh then called for a motion. 2. Co dssicner Goetcheus made a motion based upon the fu ii gs in the Staff Report and subject to the conditions, as revised, to approve Tentative Tract Mp No. 18765, -Revised No. 1. Cormissioner Walling seconded the notion. Unanimously adapted. B. Chairman Thornburgh introduced the next hearing item as a Public Use Permit No. 84-002, a request by Desert Sands Unified School District to construct throe schools on a 43t acre site. He called for the Staff Report. 1. Commmaty Development Director lawrence I. Stevens advised that the school site is at the northwest corner of Avenue 50 and the Adams Street alignment. The K-2 and 3-5 would be the first schools built. In the future, a 6-8 school would be constructed. We have structured this public use permit as a master concept plan approval. It should be noted that we are dealing with a separate government entity that has its won operating authorities and that, to some extent, restricts the City's zoning authority over how they might develop the site and also over any conditions we might impose. However, in working with the District, they have indicated that they wish to work with — to provide the type of environment that the City wants. As a point of information, the City does not issue a building permit for a school nor does it do the plan check. This is all done through the State agencies. Director Stevens noted that the conditions the City has kTose] speak for themselves and there are no major issues raised by then nor any objections indicated to Staff by the District in the mestigs that we have had with them. One of the issues addressed in the conditions is related to trying to create a streetscape in terms of the type of fencing, lamscaping and walkways that would be con- sistent with the types of frontage appearances we are creating on surrounding residential projects. Staff is recannencing approval of Public Use Permit No. 84-002 based on the conditions and findings in the Staff Report and would also redcMTe d that your motion specifically indicate that the project is in confor ceded with the general plan since that is a specific require- ment of the government code. Director Stevens advised the Co rdssion that there is one condition that was chatted from the Staff Report and that is that we need a road vacation for the remaining half -street of Adams in the event that Adams does not go through. ® MR4V= - PIAMING CMUSSICN November 13, 1984 Page 3. Discussion among the Camiission and Staff addressed bicycle paths fran the Cove area of town to the school site. chairman Thornburgh then called upon the Applicant fox his presentation Richard Beck, Facilities Planner for the Desert Sands Unified School District, 82-138 Sierra, Indio, CA, spoke as representative for the Applicant. Mr. Beck reiterated what Director Stevens had said earlier with regard to working together to get the best plan possible for the City. He also thanked Landmark lard Canpany for their help and informa- tion about the school site and other potential sites. In addressing the conditions, Mr. Beck advised the Crnmission that they are recamwdatrons and that there may be some that the District cannot amply with due to State restrictions on where the money can be pat. He advised everyone that the Superintendent of the Desert Sands Unified School District has written a letter to the la Quints city council regarding the Adams Street situation and also the potential park dedication. In short, Adams Street being extended would not benefit this project and the additional 10-acre park world be of benefit as an extension of the recreational area already planned for the school. 'there was discussion armng the Camussion and the Applicant regarding the funding of the project, the expected time schedule for beginning Of canstructimn to opening (possibly in January 1987). Chairman Thornburgh opened the hearing to public ammnt. 'there being none, he closed the hearing. 2. GoOnissioner Klimkiewicz made a notion to approve Public Use Pevnit No. 84-002 based on the fact that it is in conformance with the City's General Plan, and based on the findings in the Staff Report, and subject to the conditions of approval, as amended. Canmissionnr Goetcheus seconded the motion. Unanimously adopted. A. The minutes of the special meeting of October 30, 1984, were not available for approval. 5. BUS A. Chairman Thornburgh introduced the first item of business as an extension Of time request for Tentative Tract Map No. 18765, a request for approval of a one-year extension of time in which to file the final map; Iandnark Land Company, Applicant. He called for the Staff Report, 1. Principal Planner Bonner explained that the Applicant is requesting the first one-year extension of time in which to record the final map for this tentative tract for the la Quints Hotel Tennis Club Villas. This development was approved by the la Quints City Council on November 2, 1982. Although the expiration date was November 2, 1984, this request was received by Staff prior to this date, therefore the extension of tine would make the new expiration date Novedaer 2, 1985. Staff is recamealing that the Planning Canmfssicn recamend approval of this one-year extension to the City Council based or, the findings in the Staff Report. 2. Camdssioner Walling made a motion to recamend approval to the City Council of this request for a one-year extension of tine in which to file the final rrep for Tentative Tract Map No. 18765 to Novadber 2, 1985. Crnmissioner Coetcheus sew the motion. Unaniro ly adopted. B. c.7naitntan Thornburgh introduced the next item of business as a General Plan Consistency Review of proposed projects by the Coachella Valley Water District. He then called for the report from staff. 3.1 ® 0 MINUTES - PLANNING COMMISSION November 13, 1984 Page 4. 1. Principal Planner Horner explained that in accordance with the requirements of Section 65401 of the Government Code, Coachella Valley Water District has advised the City of three projects proposed for construction in the fiscal year 1984-1985. They are as follows: ° An elevated water storage facility to be located on the hillside due west of the downtown area and near Southern California Water Company's existing storage facility. ° Phase one of the 30" water transmission main eastward extending from the above mentioned water storage facility along Calle Twice to Washington Street. ° Phase two of the La Quata Stormater Project for construction Of the flood control channels, training dikes, retention and debris basin, and other related flood control inprovanents along the east, west and south sides of the Cove area. Ms. Bonner advised the Commission that the proposed projects manly with the goals of the La Quata General Plan. Regarding the proposal domestic water facilities, a goal of the current City General Plan is to "achieve a high quality water and sewer system for the Cove comuni- ties by the year 1990". With respect to flood cantml, the goal is to establish stormater and drainage facilities. In addition to complying with these goals relating to public facilities, all three projects will corply with the objectives to encourage new development within existing urbanized areas and to protect and promote the health and safety of the residents of the community. Based on the findings in the Staff Report, the Comnun.ty Development Department recommends that the Planning Commission deternnine that the projects proposed by Coachella Valley Water District are consistent with the goals and policies of the la Quanta General Plan. After a short discussion, Chairnian Thornburgh called for a motim. 2. C>cardssioner Walling made a motion determining that the three projects proposed by the Coachella Vailey Water District are consistent with the goals and policies of the Ia Quita General Plan basal on the findings in the Staff Report. Commissioner Goetcneus seconded the motion. Unanimously adopted. C. Chairnian Thornburgh introduced the next item of business as Plot Plan No. 84-073, a request to construct a single-family dwelling along the west side of Avenida Navarro, 100' north of Calle Chihuahua; Michael Head, Applicant. He called for the Staff Report. 1. Principal Planner Bonner advised that the floor plan, height and siting of the house conply with the R-1-+ Zonang requirements and the City's adopted minimm standards for single-family houses. The design of the house is very similar to the existing houses along the block. 'this will be the only house with asphalt shingle roofing; however, this should be coupatible with the existing housing. Terefore, Staff is recommending that the Planning Commission approve this request. Ms. Bonner further advised that it is now a standard condition of approval that all Applicants of single -faintly housing shall pay a school mitigation fee as deternaned by the Desert Sands School District in accordance with the school mitigation agrement as approved by the City Council and in effect at the time of issuance of a building Permit. Ms. Bonier stated that the Applicant has changed his plans with regard to roofing materials from the asphalt shingle to concrete tile. After a short discussion, Chainran Thornburgh called for a motion. 'f 32 2 i u MINUTES - PIANNING CCEMISSION November 13, 1984 Page 5. 2. ca miissiorer Nlimkiewicz made a motion bassi upon the findings in Staff Report to approve Plot Plan No. 84-073 in accordance with Exhibits A, B and C and subject to the attached conditions. Crnmissioner Goetcbeus seconded the :ration. Unanimously adopted. Chairman Thornburgh advised that the next three single-family houses are of the sm a design and are being constructed by the same Applicant, therefore they would be reviewed concurrently as follows: D. Plot Plan No. 84-075, a request to construct a single-family dwelling along the east side of Avenida Madero, 100' north of Calle Tare la; Rick Johnson construction, Applicant. E. Plot Plan No. 84-076, a request to construct a single-family dwelling along the west side of Avenida Ramirez, 250' south of Cade Monterey; Rick Johnson Construction, Applicant. P. Plot Plan No. 84-077, a request to construct a single-family dwelling along the east side of Avenida Marti , 250' south of Carle Monterey; Rick Johnson Construction, Applicant. He then called for the report from Staff. 1. Principal Planner Bonner stated that all three houses are consistent with City standards as far as mmimmm room size, height and situp. Plot Plan No. 84-076 is the Only one that will be situated adjacent to a house that the Applicant has built in the past, so we have requested that sore modifications be made to the exterior design so there will be sate variation. Ms. Bonner informed the Commission that Condition No. 8 needs to be revised as follows: "8. The driveway shall be surfaced with concrete and have asphaltic concrete =meets g pavement (a 2" x 4" header) to the existing street pavement." This condition should be so reflected for all three of the proposed dwellings. Staff is recalmending that the Planning Commission approve Plot Plan No. 84-075, Plot Plan No. 84-076 and Plot Plan 84-077 based on the findings in the Staff Report and subject to the approved Conditions, as amended. cma.rnan Thornburgh called for a motion. 2. Camiissioner Goetcheus made a motion based upon the findings in the Staff Reports to approve Plot Plan NO. 84-075, Plot Plan No. 84-076, and Plot Plan No. 84-077 in accordance with Exhibits A, B and C and subject to the attached conditions, as amended. cony i.ssioner walling seconded the motion. Unanimously adopted. G. Chairman Thornburgh introduced the next item of business as Plot Plan No. 84-078, a request to construct a single-family dwelling along the west side of Avenida Madero, 160' south of Calle Madrid; Tom Baker, Applicant. He called for the Staff Report. 1. Principal Planner Bonner stated that this Applicant has received One prior approval and that house is located directly on the next lot. Therefore, mr. Baker has made exterior modifications to provide variety. The Applicant has not "flipped" the house plan because the main yard area is on the side of the house. By keeping the same site plan, the patios keep their southerly exposure and also remain private. Based upon the findings in the Staff Report, the Cam mty Development Department recamends that the Planning Ca fission approve this request. -33 MINUTES - PIANNING CC nSSICN November 13, 1984 Page 6. Ms. Bonner noted that Condition No. 8 needs to be revised to show the 2" X 4" header. 2. Chairman Thornburgh made a motion to approve Plot Plan No. H4-078 based on the findings in the Staff Report in accordance with Exhibits A, B and C and subject to the attached conditions, as amended. Camiss. Klimkiewicz seconded the motion. Unanimously adopted. H. Chairman Thornburgh introduced the next item of business as Plot Plan No. 84-079, a request to construct a single-family dwelling along the west side of Eisenhower Drive, 50' south of Cade Monterey; Frank Roberts, Applicant. Be called for the Staff Report. 1. Principal Planner Bonner advised that the Applicant has received one prior approval. The previous house is approximately one block away and has the same floor plan as this dwelling. This house is in three sections with the two sides being modular and moved onto the site with the center, or living roam area, site built. The floor plan is consistent with our standards. in this particular area, there is a very wide variety of house designs. Therefore, while some variety is desirable, this immediate area has such a wide range of styles that the proposed flat roof should be changed to maintain a there or design consistency which is similar to the existing. By doing this, some design cohesiveness is given to this neighborhood. 'Therefore, Staff recommends that the roof design be charged to a peaked roof. Based upon the findings in the Staff Report, the Comuaity Development Department reornmends approval of this request. 2. After a short discussion period, Chairman Thornburgh made a motion to approve Plot Plan No. 84-079 based on the findings in the Staff Report in accordance with Exhibits A, B and C and subject to the attached conditions. Commissioner Goetcheus secoded the motion. Unanimously adopted. I. Chairman 'Thornburgh introduced the next item of business as Plot Plan No. 84-081, a request to construct a single-family dwelling along the west side of Eisenhower Drive, 20U' south of Calle Hidalgo; Desert Design and Development, Applicant. He then called for the Staff Report. 1. Principal Planner Bonner advised the Camdssion that this is the first request by this Applicant. The Applicant has stated that this is a "hbmccan" style with stucco siding, a flat roof with minimum two -foot eaves. The eaves will be wrapped and stuccoed to match the siding. As part of the plan, a swimming pool will be installed in the front yard and will be enclosed within a six -foot -high masonry wall stuccoed to match the house. What the Applicant has done is move the entire house back to the 10-foot rear setback line to have the space in front for the pool. She noted that Condition No. 11 should be deleted as a notation "Not to Scale" was noted on the plans and was overlooked. The Applicant has also agreed to charge the driveway from AC pavement to concrete. staff is recamending that Plot Plan No. 84-081 be approved. After a short discussion, Chairman Thornburgh called for a motion. 2. Commissioner Csuetcheus made a motion to approve Plot Plan No. 84-081 based on the findings in the Staff Report in accordance with Exhibits A, B and C and subject to the attached conditions, as amended. Chairman 'Thornburgh seconded the notion. Unanimously adopted. J. 14,a;*,".a., Thornburgh introduced the last item of business as Plot Plan NO. 84-083, a request to construct a single-family dwelling along the south side of Calle Monterey, 60' west of Avenida Madero; Stuart wood, Applicant. He called for the Staff Report. 31 MINlUTES - PL4I4NTNG (,'(I•fIISSION November 13, 1984 Page 7. 1. Principal Planner Bonner stated that this is another house with a different design. The Applicant has cmbined flat roofs with slant roofs and has nixie a really interesting lookup house. It does not look boxy and because of the building style and the intention of the Wilder to maintain clean lines without the side overhangs, Staff reoanmends that this roof style be determined to be consistent with the intent of the c:ity's standards. Staff is requesting that the Planning Commission approve this request with the change to Condition No. 8 requiring the 2" x 4" header. After a brief discussion, Chairman Thornburgh called for a motion. 2. cknmissioner Klimkiewicz made a motion to approve Plot Plan No. 84-083 based on the findings in the Staff Report in accordance with hldndbits A, Hard C and subject to the Conditions of approval, as amended. Crn ssioner Goetcheus seconded the motion. Unanimously adopted. � hx• A. Chairman 'Thornburgh introduced this item as a review of revised site plan for Tentative Tract Map No. 20016, Amended No. 1. He called for the Staff Report. 1. Principal Planner explained that a condition or approval on Tentative Tract Map No, 20016, Amended No. 1 (Psanas Associates), was that the site plan be reviewed and approved by the Planning Camussion-for ocuplianee with the following performance standards: ° Minimum distance between rears of buildugs shall be: 4U feet. • Minimum distance between sides of buildings shall be 10 feet. • Minimum setback from interior properly lines shall be 20 feet. ° Minimum distance between the side of one building and the rear of an abutting building shall be 15 feet. Ms. Hemmer stated that Staff has reviewed the revised site plan with respect to the above mentioned requirements and has determined that the plan Implies with the setback requirements. Therefore, Staff reamneeds that the Planning Commission approve the site plan for this tentative tract. After a brief discussion, Chairman Thornburgh called for a motion. 2. Camnissioner Walling made a motion to approve the site plan for Tentative Tract hap No. 2U016, Amended No. 1, as revised. Chairman Thornburgh seconded the motion. Unanimously adopted. ylvliha There being no further items of agenda to care before the Planning Commission, Chairman Thornburgh called for a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Klimkiewicz made a motion to adjourn to the next regular meeting of December 11, 1984, at 7:00 p.m., in Ia Quinta City [-fail, 78-105 Ca11e Estaoo Ia Quints, California. Chairman Thornburgh seconded the motion. [hiarumously adopted. The regular meeting of the Planning Camhission of the City of Ia Quints, California, was adjourned at 9:05 p.m., November 13, 1984o at the Ia Quints City Hall, 78-105 Calls Estado, Ia Quints, California. 3s CITY OF *INPA PLANNING COMUSSION - CITY OF LA QUINTA A Regular Meeting Held at the La Quints �- City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quints, California December 11, 1984 7:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER A. Chairman Thornburgh called the Planning Commission meetimr to order at 7:00 p.m. He then called upon Commissioner Palling to lead the flag salute. 2. ROLL CALL A. Chairman Thornburgh requested the roll call. The Secretary called the roll: Present: Commissioners Goetcheus, Klimkiewicz, Pbran, Walling and Chairman Thornburgh Absent: None Also present were Community Development Director Lawrence L. Stevens, Principal Planner Sandra L. Bonner and Secretary Donna M. Velotta 3. HEARINGS 4. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Moved by Commissioner Goetcheus, seconded by Commissioner Falling to approve the minutes of the special meeting held October 30, 1984. 1. The minutes of the special meeting of October 30, 1984, were approved as sutrnitted. Unanimously adopted. B. Due to the late submission of the minutes for the regular meeting of Nwarber 13, 1984, to the Planning Commission, it was determined that they should be held over for discussion until the next regular meeting on January 8, 1985. At this point, Conuunity Development Director Stevens suggested to Chaff Thornburgh that a new Vice Chairman be elected to serve ant the remainder of Juan Salas' term due to his resignation from the Commission. chairman Thornburgh opened nominations for the office of Vice Chairman of the Planning Commission. Commissioner Goetcheus nominated John Klimkiewicz for this office. Chairman Thornburgh called for any further nominations. Commissioner Klimkievicz nominated John Falling. Commissioner Goetcheus then withdrew his nomination in favor of John Walling. Chairman Thornburgh then called for any further nominations and as there were none, he closed the nominations for office of Vice Chairman. Chairman Thornburgh then called for a vote. By voice vote, there were five ayes, unanimously electing Commissioner John Walling as Vice Chairman of the Planning Commission to serve out the remainder of the 1984/85 term of office. 5. BUSINESS A. Chairman Thornburgh requested staff to report on the first item of business. 1. Principal Planner Sarx1 a L. Bonner introduced the first item of business as Plot Plan No. 84-086, a request to construct a single- family dwelling along the southwesterly side of San Vicente Street, 315 feet south of Eisenhower Drive; Joseph Foster, Applicant. ,F 3s MINUTES - PLANNING CCH IISSION December 11, 1984 Page 2. Ms. Bonner stated that the house has 2360 square feet with three bed� and an attache] double -car garage. It is located in the La Quints Golf Course Estates No. 1. The house complies with the standard 17-foot height limit. Therefore, staff recamwsds that the Planning Camission approve this request based on the findings in the staff report. 2. Camissioner Walling made a motion to approve Plot Plan No. 84-086 bassi on the findings in the staff report, in accordance with Exhibits A, B and C and subject to the attached conditions. Chairmen Thornburgh seconded the motion. Unanimously adopted. B. Chairman Thornburgh requested staff to report on the next itan of business. I. Principal Planner Bonner introduced the next item of business as Plot Plan No. 84-087, a request to construct a single-family dwelling at the southeast corner of Avenida Carranza and Calle Sonora;: W. s Mrs. Joseph Carpini, Applicants. bls. Bonner state] that this is the same house as built by the Applicants' parents, approximately four blocks away f= this site. ''The house has 1290 square feet, with three bedrooms, two baths and an attache] double - car garage. The siding and height of the house ccuply with the City standards for single-family dwellings. Ms. Bonner stated that a point was brought out at the Study Session regarding the garage door design. Therefore, staff is recommending that an additional condition be added to the conditions of approval stating that the garage door design be submitted for Planning Division approval. Subject to the findings in the staff report, staff is recomending that the Planning Camdssion approve this request as amended. 2. Cmmissioner Goetcheus made a motion to approve Plot Plan No. 84-087 based on the findings in the staff report, in accordance with Exhibits A, B and C and subject to the attached conditions, as amended. Co missiomer Klimkiewicz seconded the notion. Unanimously adopted. Community Developrent Director Lawrence L. Stevens requested that the Co mission hear the next ten items of business together. The items are ten single-family houses presented by the same applicant and all have the same conditions of approval. Therefore, Chairman Thornburgh requested the report from staff on these next ten items. 1. Ms. Bonner introduced the next ten items of business as follows: C. Plot Plan No. 84-089, a request to construct a single-family dwelling along the west side of Avenida Diaz, 100' south of Calls Colima; Brian Dane, Applicant. D. Plot Plan No. 84-090, a request to construct a single-family dwelling along the west side of Avenida Diaz, 150' south of Calls Colima; Brian Monroe, Applicant. E. Plot Plan No. 84-091, a request to construct a single-family dwelling along the west side of Avenida Mendoza, 100' north of ialle Ar'roba; Brian Monroe, Applicant. F. Plot Plan No. 84-092, a request to construct a single -Family dwelling along the west side of Avenida Mendoza, 50' north of C311e Arroba; Brian Mbnroe, Applicant. G. Plot Plan No. 84-093, a request to construct a single-family dwelling along the west side of Avenida Villa, 150' north of Cade Cnillon, Brian Monroe, Applicant. E. Plot Plan No. 84-094, a request to construct a single-family dwelling along the west side of Avenida Villa, 100' north of CaLle Chillon; 0 MINUTES - PANNING CQHMISSICN Decanter 11, 1984 Page 3. I. Plot Plan No. 84-095, a request to construct a single-family dwelling along the east side of Avenida Ramirez, 200' south of Calle Monterey; Brian Monroe, Applicant. J. Plot Plan No. 84-096, a request to construct a single-family dwelling along the east side of Avenida Ramdres, 150' south of Calle Afpterey; Brian Monroe, Applicant. X. Plot Plan No. 84-097, a request to construct a single-family dwelling along the east side of Avenida Pzmireo, 100' south of Celle Monterey; Brian Moarce, Applicant. L. Plot Plan No. 84-098, a request to construct a single-family dwelling along the west side of Avenida Alvarado, 250' north of Calle Temecula; Brian Monroe, Applicant. Ms. Bonner advised that Brian Monroe, the Applicant, nuns 25 lots in the Cove area and these ten plot plan application; are for ten of those lots. Mr. Monroe is requesting approval of these ten requests at this time in order to begin concurrent construction on the houses in order to cut costs. Estimated construction time for each house is 60 to 90 days. Ms. Bonner noted that these are two concerns with regard to these ten applications. First is the City's policy regarding multiple plot plan requests and second is the house design. Explaining the first concern, Ms. Bonner noted that the stated requirement for the submittal of multiple plot plan applications for single-family houses in the R-1 Zone as adopted by the City Council in 1982 is as follows: "If a developer is applying for five (5) or more plotplan approvals, he mist have no vacant homes for sale in la Qainta at the time of application." Adoption of this requirement resulted from two problems which arose in la Quinta in previous years. First, during the period of high interest rates there were a substantial number of vacant homes which were unsold or in foreclosure. Secondly, a large number of houses remained unfinished due to contractors losing financing or being unable to find buyers. Both situations led to a bliJgted condition which adversely affected both the property values and the City's image. Therefore, this requirement was adopted as a way to avoid this situa- tion from occurring again. Ms. Bonner explained that since this is the first time that a develorer has submitted four or more applications concurrently for houses that have not been presold, the Planning Commission must interpret the intent of the requirement. Staff interprets the requirement to mean the limitation is intended to minimize the number of unsold houses under construction which may remain vacant or unfinished should either the developer fail or the market for single-family houses decline. on the basis of this, Staff is recortmendinq that these Plot plans be approved, subject to the condition that no more than five of the Applicant's unsold houses shall be under construction at any one time. As the ]onuses are presold, then construction may begin on the remaining houses. Explaining the second concern, Ms. Bonner stated that Staff has a concern abort the Applicant's use of a single house design for all ten applications, especially since nine of the requests are grouped on adjacent lots in four locations, Changes in the design, such as reversion the plan, changing the color of the stucco cx adding different window or door treatments, do not make substantial charges in the Overall appearance. Because of the large number of houses with this design built and proposed by both the Applicant and his contractor, Staff recommends that the roof design also be varied in conjunction with the other above mentioned changes. This would serve to vary the appearance without causing an undue financial burden on the developer. Staff has discussed this concern with the Applicant, who has agreed and has submitted examples of three roof designs. ,1 -Qrl 38 ® MII70TES - PLANNING CCDMISSION December 11, 1984 Page 4. M. Bonner further stated that if the Planning Cc SSion determines that another number, other than the five which Staff has recamprded, would be more appropriate with regard to how many homes should be under construction at any given time, then they should change Condition No. 12. With regard to the house design, Director Stevens zoom sted that the Planning Commission give Staff the flexibility to work with the Applicant to determine which roof design should go on which house. Ms. Bonner further stated that in all cases, the houses comply with the zoning requirarents and the City's adopted minihmnnn standards for simile -family houses and that they are all cur patible with the surrounding areas, Therefore, Staff is reocawnling approval of these ten plot plans subject to the findings in the staff report and in accordance with Exhibits A, B and C, and subject to the attached conditions. There was considerable discussion regarding the intent of the requirement for the suYmittal of nultiple plot plan applications. Director Stevens stated that Staff would bring smmetiling back to the Planning Cmmission in January in the form of a staff report discussing all of the issues related to single-family dwelling Plot Plan applications, including the level of approval and what- ever standards we want in an ordinance versus a policy. 2. Chairman Thornburgh called for a motion. CUMMISslAner Goetcheus made a motion based upon the findings in the staff reports to approve Plot Plan No. 84-089 through Plot Plan No. 84-098 in accordance with Exhibits A, B and C and subject to the attached conditions as amended; the anerdtmnt being deletion of Condition No. 12. Co missioner Falling seconded the notion. Unarm ly adopted with Ca Ssionnsr Ki mkiewicz opposing. M. Chainhen Thornburgh called upon staff to report on the final item of business. 1. Principal Planner Bonner introduced the last item of business as Plot Plan No. 84-099, a request to construct a single-family dwelling along the west side of Eisenhower Drive, 100' north of. Calls T..*. a: Richard Baumhofer, Applicant. b1s, Bonner explained that the house world be 1244 square feet in size, with three bedroans, two baths aria an attached double -car garage with a pedestrian door leading out onto the covered front porch. She noted the house ecnVlies with the City's Standards for single-family dwellings and is coupatible with the surrounding development. Therefore, staff is recamething approval of this request based on findings in the Staff Report. There was a short discussion regarding the plans presented by the Applicant not being very clear of detail. Director Stevens advised the Plamning Cmnission that the Applicant would have to clean up the plans before they were presented to the Building Division for plan check. Ms. Horner further advised that the Applicant is aware of this. 2. Chairman 'Thornburgh made a motion based upon the findings in the Staff Report to approve Plot Plan No. 84-099 in accordance with Exhibits A, B and C and subject to the attached conditions. Cmussioner Moran seconded the motion. Ufi IMously Adopted. MI4[PPE4 - PIANMING CCRAISSICN December 11, 1984 Page 5. :[ i. I:nblipil There being no further items of agenda to come before the Planning CUmldssion, Chairman Thornburgh called for a :ration to adjourn. Chairmen Thorrnburgh made a motion to adjourn to the next regular meeting of January 8, 1985, at 7:00 p.m., in Ia Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, Ia Quintal California. Chairman Thornburgh seconded the motion. Unanimously adopted. The regular meeting of the Planning C=assion of the City of Ia Quinta, California, was adjourned at 7:40 p.m., Deemer 11, 1984, at the Ia Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Fstado, Ia Quinta, California. ITEM NO. DATE �� 8' %J S PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MOTION BY: GOETCHEUS VAILING KLIMKIEWICZ MORAN SECOND BY: GOETCHEUS � WALLING KLIMKIEWICZ MORAN DISCUSSION: ),t . ROLL CALL VOTE: COMMISSIONERS: GOETCHEUS nI KIEWICZ MORAN VOULING THORNBURGH UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: QfHT ORNBURGH THORNBURGH AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT YES NO 83 � s k'y0F nsvv MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA 11 5. 14. To: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission From: Coaanunity Development Department Date: January 8, 1985 Subject: STi= VACATION NO. 84-006 - AIRPORT BOULEVARD AND HATAJO DRIVE Location: 1. Airport Boulevard from Jefferson Street to the east boundary of the All American Canal. 2. All of Hatajo Drive. Applicant: Landmark Land Company Request: To Abandon Hatajo Drive and a portion of Airport Boulevard I•pM. ;�.I I� 1. General Plan The Circulation Element of the General Plan was amended in conjunction with General Plan Amendment Case No. 84-002 (PGA West) to delete from the plan those public road right-of-ways located within the boundary of the.PGA West project site. The roadways deleted were Jefferson Street between Avenues 54 and 58, and. Airport Boulevard (Avenue 56) west of Madison Street. Local streets, such as Hatajo Drive are not shown on the General Plan Circulation Element; therefore, inclusion of this road in the general plan amendment was not required. 2. Zoning The PGA West subject property has been zoned (for the area west of Jefferson Street) and prezoned (for the area east of Jefferson Street) in conjunction with Change of Zone Case No. 84-007 to R-2, R-3, R-5 and C-P-S in order to accommodate Specific Plan No. 83-002. The surrounding unincorporated area is generally zoned for agricultural use. 3. Existing Conditions On August 21, 1984, the La Quinta City Council conditionally approved the vacation of Jefferson Street between Avenues 54 and 58, and Airport Boulevard between Jefferson and Madison Streets, in accordance with the approved General Plan Amendment No. 84-002 described previously. Airport Boulevard exists as a paved street east of Jefferson Street, and as a gravel road west of Jefferson Street to the All American Canal. The 30-foot wide road right-of-way, which follows the section line, does not exist as a 42 STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CQ"M4ISSION January 8, 1985 Page 2. road west of the All American Canal. Approximately 200 feet west of the canal is the base of the mountains, which makes extension of this road impossible. Hatajo Drive does not exist as either a paved or dirt road. The purpose of this street was to provide access to lots created within Parcel Map No. 11933, a land division recorded in July, 1978 (see attached exhibit for location). At the time of recordation, the County did not accept the offer for dedication of Hatajo Drive. However, this offer for dedication may still be open to the City; therefore, this vacation is being processed to clarify that the City does not intend to request dedication of Hatajo Drive in the future. There are no existing telephone or electrical lines or irrigation pipelines on either of the streets. 4. Environmental Assessment An Ewironmental Impact Report has been previously prepared for the PGA West project and said EIR considered the potential impacts of the proposed road abandonments. The EIR, which was certified, identified various mitigation measures pertinent to area access and circulation and the proposed road abandon- ments. These measures were incorporated into the conditions of approval for the previously approved road vacations by Resolution No. 84-65 (copy attached). 5. Project Description The previous request for street abandonments neglected to include two right-of- ways located within the PGA West project bowoaries; Airport Boulevard from Jefferson Street to the east boundary of the All American Canal and Hatajo Drive. The purpose of this application is to vacate those right-of- ways inadvertently not addressed within the earlier request for vacation. 6. Comments Received From other Agencies a. City Engineer: No additional comments. b. Fire Marshal: No comment. c. Southern California Gas Ccnpany: No gas facilities are located within the proposed street vacations. d. Comments were requested, but not received, from Riverside County Roads Department, Imperial Irrigation, Coachella Valley Water District, General Telephone and the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce. STAFF COMMENTS AND ANALYSIS This application is the final request of Landmark land Company for vacation of right-of-ways located within the PGA West site. Although ideally the requests for all street abandonments should have been included within one application, approval of this request will be subject to compliance with the same conditions of approval attached to the previous request as approved by Resolution No. 84-65. % .1 13 STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMISSION January 8, 1985 Page 3. In order to favorably consider this request, several essential determinations, should be made, including: ° Consistency of proposed abandonment with the General Plan; ° Consistency of proposed abandonment with an adopted Specific Plan; ° Evidence of public benefit of proposed abandonment; ° Demonstration that roads proposed for abandonment are not needed for future use; and, ° Compliance with provisions of California Environmental Quality Act. General Plan Consistency: The deletion of Airport Boulevard from the Circulation Element was approved by the City in conjunction with General Plan Amendment No. 84-002. Therefore, the vacation of this street west of Jefferson Street is in ccinpliance with the Circulation Plan as amended. Hatajo Drive, as well as all other 60-foot-wide local streets, is not shoran on the general plan. The purpose of this street was to provide access to lots 5 and 6 of Parcel Map 11933. Since this land has been included into the PGA West proposed project and is under common ownership, the street is no longer needed for access. The vacation of Hatajo Drive will not affect areawide circulation. Therefore, the abandonment is consistent with the goals and policies of the general plan. Specific Plan Consistency: The approved Specific Plan No. 83-002 for the PGA West project calls for the abandonment of these roads. The approval for the Specific Plan required ccnpliance with certain conditions prior to the actual vacation and closure of existing streets. Although these conditions apply more directly to the closures of Jefferson Street and Airport Boulevard east of Jefferson Street, approval of this vacation request should be canditiened to require compliance with the conditions of approval for the previously approved street vacations. This uniform approach would ensure that no street vacations within the PGA West site became effective until the conditions contained within Resolution No. 84-86 are complied with. Public Benefit: The abandonment of the public right-of-ways within the PGA West project boundary is required to facilitate the development as planned by the Applicant and approved by the City. Therefore, abandonment of these public streets will yield substantive public benefit in that the development project will be the major support for the redevelopment agency's tax increment financing program for area -wide flood control - particularly benefiting the developed Cove area. This flood control program would be extremely difficult to finance through any other means. Moreover, adequate provision is being made for alternative routes to serve areas south of the PGA West project with only minor increased in travel distance. Effort has been made to offset this inconvenience by various perimeter road inprovements, including off -site improve- ments, and by a contribution to facility improvement at the major use south of the project - lake Cahuilla. Other public benefits would include increased enployment opportunities for area residents and :increased revenue opportunities for the City meaning possible increased service levels for the general public. STAFF REPORT - PLAMING CONtassION January 8, 1985 Page 4. Future Use: The future use of Airport Boulevard west of Jefferson Street is negligible in light of the following facts: ° The public right-of-ways leading to this section of roadway already have been approved for vacation. ° The All American Canal and the mountains prevent the extension of the existing roadway westward. Because of the mountainous terrain, Airport Boulevard to the west boundaries of Sections 17 and 20 does not provide useable access to other properties located west of the PGA West site. Regarding Hatajo Drive, since all the lots created by Parcel Map 11933 are under cannon ownership, and the lots are not intended to be sold off individually, the future use of this access road is negligible. Environmental Review: The development project including the proposed road abandonments has been the subject of a previous EIR. Associated impacts were evaluated and appro- priate mitigating measures were incorporated into the previous street vacation approval and this approval. 1. Approval of the abandonment of Airport Boulevard from Jefferson Street to the east boundary of the All American Canal ., and the abandonment of Hatajo Drive is consistent with the Circulation Element of the La Quinta General Plan and with its related goals and policies. 2. The requested road abandonments are consistent with adopted Specific Plan No. 83-002 provided that recommended conditions are complied with. 3. Substantial benefits will accrue to the general public in the form of area -wide flood control financing support, employment opportunities and possible increased public services when development associated with these road abandonments occurs. 4. The identified segment of Airport Boulevard and Hatajo Drive are not necessary for prosepctive use because area terrain precludes future major traffic generators and adequate alternate means of access are available to existing uses. 5. An Environmental Impact Report has been certified for the associated development project and identified mitigation measures are being incorporated into this approval. STAFF RECOMME3 ATICN TO PLANNING CCHMISSION Based upon the above findings, the CMrMity Development Department recamiends that the Planning Commission determine that the proposed abandonments are consistent with the Circulation Element of the General Plan, as set forth in the attached Resolution. •.`)0 45 STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CCWUSSICN January 8, 1985 Page 5. STAFF RECCDR46MATION TO CITY COUNCIL Based upon the above findings, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the vacation of Airport Boulevard from Jefferson Street to the east boundary of the All American Canal. , and of Hatajo Drive, subject to compliance with the conditions contained within Resolution No. 84-86. Sandra L. Bonner Principal Planner Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP ZZr,,,,,,r- Commminity Development Director -.•JG�' 46 'I,idl RESOLUTION NO. 84-65 Ll A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, VACATING CERTAIN PORTIONS OF JEFFERSON STREET AND AIRPORT BOULEVARD. WHEREAS, the City Council did adopt its Resolution No. 84-62 declaring its intention to vacate certain portions of Jefferson Street and Airport Boulevard pursuant to the Public Streets, Highways and Service Easements Vacation Law; and WHEREAS, said Resolution No. 84-62 fixed September 18, 1984? at the hour of 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, as the time and place for hearing all persons interested in or objecting to the proposed vacation; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Public Hearing was published in the time and manner provided by law and notices of said hearing were posted along said portions of the streets to be vacated in the time and manner provided by law; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has adopted its Resolution No. P.C. 84-1 determining that the vacation of said streets is not in conflict with the Circulation Element or any other element of the General Plan; and WHEREAS, the City Council has conducted its hearing and has heard the evidence concerning this matter. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of La Quinta does RESOLVE as follows: 1. The City Council hereby finds and determines that the following described portions of Jefferson Street and Airport Boulevard are unnecessary for present or prospective public use and hereby orders said streets vacated and abandoned. 2. Said streets ordered vacated and abandoned are Jefferson Street between 54th and 58th Avenues and Airport Boulevard between Jefferson and Madison Streets. Said real property is particularly described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. A map designating the portion of said street and boulevard to be vacated is attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and incorporated herein by this reference. 3. The City Council hereby finds and determines that the streets hereby vacated and abandoned are not useful as a non -motorized, transportation facility as defined in Streets and Highways Code, Section 156, nor useful as a bicycle path or route pursuant to Public Resources Code, Section 5079. 0 RESOLUTION NO. 84-65 4. This Council hereby determines that the public convenience and necessity require, and it is accordingly ordered, that there is further reserved and excepted from the vacation of the said streets, an easement in favor of the public, the City of La Quinta, the County of Riverside, the State of California and all public agencies, and their officers, agents, employees and contractors, for access, ingress and egress of fire, police and other emergency services vehicles and personnel, on, in, over and across the areas of the said streets herein ordered vacated. 5. The City Council hereby finds and determines that public convenience and necessity require that the presently existing public utility easements shall be either relocated and/or abandoned to the satisfaction of the affected public utilities prior to the recordation of this Resolution. 6. The portions of Jefferson Street and Airport Boulevard hereby vacated shall not be closed to public use nor shall any construction or demolition occur thereon until the following conditions are completed and performed: a. To fund improvements to Lake Cahuilla County Regional Park, Landmark Land Company shall contribute $50,000 to the City. b. Landmark Land Company shall pay all costs to relocate existing and erect new directional signs for Lake Cahuilla County Regional Park. The revised directional signing program shall be approved by the City of,La Quinta Community Safety Coordinator and the County Road Department. c. All Phase I improvements, as shown on the "R/W Improvement Phasing" plan on file with the Community Development Department, are to be completed and accepted by the City of La Quints, including: (1) Three -fourths (3/4) improvements to an ultimate 100' wide, major highway on Avenue 54 for the entire property frontage. (2) Three -fourths (3/4) improvements to an ultimate 100' wide, major highway on Madison Street between Avenue 54 and Airport Boulevard. (3) 28-foot-wide pavement improvement on Madison Street between Airport Boulevard and Avenue 58. - 2 - ,0.1). 4S RESOLUTION NO. 84- 65 rJ d. Improvement plan drawings for road improvements shall be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. Pavement evaluation studies (if deemed necessary for 28-foot-wide improvements), transi- tional paving for intersections and lane reduction areas, channelization (or striping) plans, and traffic control device plans shall be submitted for review and approval with improvement plan drawings. (1) Any required encroachment permits shall be secured prior to beginning any work within rights -of -way. (2) All necessary right-of-way dedications shall be made. e. All proceedings relative to Annexation No. 2 to the City of La Quinta are to be completed. 7. The City Council finds and determines that the condition which requires a total cash contribution of $1,000,000, payable at $200,000 per year for five years, to fund a special community services project/facility is intended to mitigate these road abandonments and shall continue in full force and effect until fully executed. ATTEST: The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to record a certified copy of this Resolution in the office of the County Recorder of Riverside County at such time as the conditions set forth in Sections 5 and 6 hereof are satis- factorily completed and performed. CITY I C APPROVED AS TO FORM: MAYOR APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: CITY MANAGER 3 - •1.. 11� 4 4 H 11 PARCEL 1 (Airport Blvd.) That portion of Airport Blvd., 60.00 feet wide, within Sections 16 and 21, Township 6 South, Range 7 East, S.B.M., as shown by Record of Survey on file in Book 70 of Records of Survey at pages 96 through 98 thereof, Records of Riverside County, California. EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion lying Westerly of the Easterly line of Jefferson Street and lying Easterly of the Westerly line of Madison Street, all as shown on said Record of Survey. PARCEL 2 (',Jefferson Street) That portion of Jefferson Street, 60.00 feet wide, within Sections 16, 17, 20 and 21, Township 6 South, Range 7 East, S.B.M., as shown by Record of Survey on file in Book 70 of Records of Survey at pages 96 through 98 thereof, Records of Riverside County, California. EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion lying Northerly of the Southerly line of 54th Avenue and lying Southerly of the Northerly line of Seth Avenue, all as shown on said Record of Survey. ROAD ABANDONMENT (Jefferson Street and Airport Boulevard) EXHIBIT "A" RESOLUTION NO. 84- 65 .2.0 /j' 5J -t C m W T l•L u O : m iW r C v j�. A N A 0 -1 w (� � n�� ,— N Or 3wa 6W 87Z.93, �! MADISON STREET CIO a MPAM ar WE8S, r+71iCITfOFlAOUWTA,G Po Box 6781AQUKMCA92253 R/HIV ABANDONMENT (619)564.6W AIRPORT BLVD A HATAJO DRIVE SEC71"16J"7$20 75S ROE 1,11 bp,�tY L.�•---Fes,-.....-.- RESOLUTION NO. P.C. 85-1 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA DETERMINING THAT THE PROPOSED ABANDON- MENT OF AIRPORT BOULEVARD BETWEEN THE ALL AMERICAN CANAL AND THE WEST BOUNDARY OF SECTIONS 17 AND 20, TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SBB & M, AND HATAJO DRIVE IS IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE LA QUINTA GENERAL PLAN. WHEREAS, the City of La Quinta has adopted a General Plan pursuant to Government Code Section 65300; and WHEREAS, Government Code Section 65402 provides that no street shall be vacated or abandoned until the location, purpose and extent of such street vacation or abandonment is submitted to the Planning Commission and reported upon as to its conformity with the La Quinta General Plan; and WHEREAS, the City Council, in concurrence with the recommen- dation of the Planning Commission, adopted Resolutions Nos. 84-29 and 84-30 approving General Plan Amendment No. 84-002 amending the Land Use and Circulation Elements of the La Quinta General Plan to delete the subject segments of Jefferson Street and Airport Boulevard; and WHEREAS, provision has been made for adequate alternate means of Circulation in conjunction with the approval of Specific Plan No. 83-002. NOWT THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta hereby finds and determines that the proposed abandonment of Airport Boulevard between the All American Canal and the west boundary of Sections 17 and 20, Township E, South, Range 7 East, SBB & M, and of Hatajo Drive is in conformance with the La Quinta General Plan. ADOPTED this day of , 1985, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: SECRETARY, PLANNING COMMISSION CHAIRMAN, PLANNING COMMISSION .&J? o 52 11 F RESOLUTION NO. P.C. 85-1 APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY - 2 - APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR 53 pMur Illllx. . ��91Y r✓Y rn ^xmwnr rllrn ean" Nnr +Ixne "nrd q "/nir• rnn; nln; �LWIIP•N/IW "IIIINWlu• l," ~= 4 „\Yx� MY.. rXlYi IIIY t� ^ od Y 1 x\\\x w110u ynu F" xun\\+N/x.•>„Irr b11in` loan•' e r111• "llll" i11 „��^ da �lr\\4• lIl A\i .u\f YN\.. Mp IIr" Y nllnd Nun I ..wl1f \\\x• nlll Vi J .N�s �nll�. a pX" �. Yllx 41P .11. a f/b„" rieJ /rYCRIC6N nrlllt P\t I I plll`' �M�IION I � I I I I I 1 I I I I Co �-4 ® 0 ITEM NO. DATE 8 S PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MOTION BY: GOETCHEUS NF1U rU KLIMKIEWICZ MORAN THORNBURGH� SECOND BY: GOETCHEUS WALLING KLIMKIEWICZ RAN THORNBURGH DISCUSSION: —;?/(-j. ROLL CALL VOTE: COMMISSIONERS: GOETCHEUS KLI f<IESSVIc,Z MORAN WALLING THORNBURGH[ AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: YES NO 5T MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA O.UINTA C�MOF TFQ+�4S 11 To: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission From: Community Development Department Date: January 8, 1985 Subject: PLOP PLAN No. 84-100 Location: Southeast Corner of Avenida Madero and Calle Ensenada Applicant: Noel and Elaine Jensen Request: Approval to Construct a Single -Family House BACKGROUND 1. General Plan: Low Density Residential (3-5 dwellings/acre). 2. Zoning: R71*++ (One Family Dwellings, 17' Height Limit, 1200 Square Foot Minimum Dwelling Size). 3. Existing Conditions: The 72' x 100' lot is located within the subdivided Cove area at the corner of Avenida Madero and Calle Ensenada. The lot currently has a partially constructed garage which will became a part of the proposed house. The majority of the houses in the vicinity have the typical California style of architecture which is predaninant in the Cove. The house adjacent to the west is modern Spanish style with a flat roof surrounded by parapet walls. There is a variety of roofing and siding materials on the houses in the area, with the most camcn materials being stucco siding and gravel roofing. 4. Errvironwxtai Assessment: The project is categorically exempt from the require- ments of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and a Notice of Exeuption will be filed with the County Recorder. 5. Description of the Request: The Applicant is intending to construct the single- family house for his personal residence. The house will have 1480 gross square feet of livable area with two bedrooms having interior dimensions exceeding ten feet, 2' baths and an attached, double - car garage. There is no connecting door between the garage and the house, although there is at pedestrian door leading to the backyard which is covered with a three- foot roof overhang. The floor plan as proposed will not acconmodate a door into the house since the bedrooms are adjacent to the garage and the living and dining room face westward towards the view of the mountains. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CCMMISSION January 8, 1985 Page 2. The house will have cream or off-white colored stucco siding with roughsawn, dark brawn trim around the doors and windows. The roof will have a 4 and 12 pitch with red concrete tile with a facia board painted blue or turquoise blue. All the eaves will be 36 inches wide. The rear patio will be covered with a slant roof covered with white gravel to reflect the sunlight in order to keep the patio cooler. The setbacks are 20 feet from Avenida Madero, 12 feet from Calle Ensenada, approximately nine feet from the south property line and ten feet from the east property line. The garage faces out onto Calle Ensenada. As stated previously, there is an existing, partially finished garage on the site which was constructed by the Applicant. In response to the deteriorating condition of this structure, the slow progress towards campletion of the garage and house (it was begun five years ago) and complaints from neighboring property owners, the City initiated abatement action. On December 18, 1984, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 84-85 (copy attached) requiring either removal of the existing structure or the construction of a house in accordance with current City requirements and subject to omplianoe with a completion schedule. In response to this Resolution, the Applicant has filed this plot plan application as the first step to complying with the City Council's action. Discussion of Request The floor plan of the house complies with the City's adopted standards with the exception that the pedestrian door fran the garage does not lead into the house. Because of the location of the bedrooms adjacent to the garage, a door is not either feasible or permitted by the building code. The Applicant does not wish to reverse or change the floor plan of the house because the current plan provides for the living roan and dining roan to face westerly towards the view of the adjacent mountains. As currently proposed, the pedestrian door opens onto a walkway which is covered by the three -foot -wide roof overhang and which leads to the covered patio at the rear of the house. It is staff's belief that this complies with the intent of the City's policy. Regarding the compatibility of the house's design with the surrounding development, the overall design and roof style are compatible with the hares in the area. The proposed stucco siding is compatible; there is an even mix in the area of houses with wood paneling and stucco siding. The the roof is also oompatible. The house's size and bulk are consistent with area development. Regarding the siting of the house, the garage faces onto Calle Ensenada and is set back 12 feet fran the street right-of-way. In the past, the Planning Commission's policy has been to require the garages for houses on corner lots to face onto that side with the 20-foot setback in order to provide adequate area for a vehicle to park without extending into the right -of -sway. Howeverr in this instance, the garage has already been constructed and was done so legally under a building permit issued by Riverside county. It would seen an unreasonable request to require the Applicant to remove the existing garage and redesign the house. Therefore, staff recommends that the plan be approved as proposed. .s 57 STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMISSION January 8, 1985 Page 3. Regarding a second point about the siting of the house, the majority of the hares in the area are constructed on one lot. Therefore, the Applicant's proposal to construct the house on a single lot should be caTpatible with the area development. FINDINGS 1. The request is consistent with the requirements of the R-1 Zone and the goals and objectives of the La Quinta General Plan. 2. The building design is ccanpatible with area development. 3. The project will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment. Based upon the above findings, the Camauiity Development Department reco miends approval of Plot Plan No. 84-100 in accordance with Exhibits A, B and C and :subject to the attached conditions. PREPARED BY: Sandra L. Bor ner Principal Planner Atchs: Conditions Exhibits A, B and C P/PyROVED BY: ASL /1C e<so ldf,- Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP Cam¢udty Development Director SV MIS APPF40M IS Sl7fX�' �10 "M FCUMM COMITIONS® 1. 'fie development of the site shall be in confarmannoe with the Exhibits A, B and C contained in the file for Plot Plan No. 84-100, unless otherwise amended by the following conditions. 2. The approved plot plan shall be used within two years of the approval (. date; otherwise, it shall beoame null and wind and of no effect whatsoever. By "use" ,is meant the beginning of substantial constructicr►, not including grading, contemplated by this approval which is begun with the two­year period and is thereafter diligently pursued to oonpleticn. 3. Water and sewage disposal facilities shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of the Riverside County Health Department. 4. Fire protection shall be provided in accordance with.the standards of the Uniform Fire Oode as adopted by the City of la Quinta. 5. Priorto the issuance of a building permit, the developer shall subanit and have approved, a detailed landscape plan for the front yard showing the species, size, location and spacing of all planting materials, including a minima% of two (2), 15-gallon, street trees. gie plan shall indicate the irrigation system and the location of the required three (3) outdoor water spigots. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the Applicant shall :install landscaping in accordance with the approved landscape plan. All trees and plants shall be maintained in viable condition for the life of the approved use. 6. The heating and cooling meckianical equipment shall be ground mounted, or screened entirely by the roof structure., 7. Refuse containers and bottled gas o0ntainers shall be concealed by fencing or landscaping. B. The driveway shall be surfaced with concrete and have asphaltic onnamte connecting pavement (a 2" x 4" header) to the existing street pavement. 9. The Applicant shall obtain clearanoes and/or permits from the following agencies prior to submitting these plans to the Building Department for plan dheck: " Riverside County Health Department " City Fire Marshal ° OQanhnity Development Department, Planning Division Desert Sands Unified School District 10. The Applicant shall pay a school development fee as determined by the Desert Sands Unified School District in accordance with the school mitigation agree- ment as approved by the City Council and in effect at the time of issuance of a building permit. A letter from Desert Sands Unified School District stating that these fees have been paid shall be presented to the Ccmwnity Development Department, Building Division, prior to issuance of a building permit. 11. All utilities, including any existing service, shall be placed underground. 59 CCNDITIONS (Cont'd) Page 2. 12. The Applicant shall congply with the requirements of Resolution No. 84-85 regarding the abatement of a public nuisance at 52-470 Avenida Madero. The Applicant: shall perform the following work and activities to complete the full construction of said structure in accordance with the following time schedule; provided that the Ccnmunity Development Director may grant time extensions to the following schedule not to exceed thirty (30) days upon written request by the pemi.ttee when it is demonstrated that the additional tame is due to circumstances beyond the control of the permittee: ACTIVITY DATE TO COMPLETE a. obtain building permit. February 1, 1985 b. Complete foundation, including inspection March 15, 1985 thereof. c. Complete rough framing, electrical, plumbing, including inspection thereof. June 15, 1985 d. Complete drywall and insulation, including inspection thereof. August 1, 1985 e. Final. inspection of structure and related improvements. November 1, 1985 Upon cospletion of all activities to the reasonable satisfaction of the City within the time above specified, said abatement order and declaration of public nuisance shall be deemed expunged. in the event of noncompliance with said activity and time schedule, said abatement order shall be in full force and effect. 69 2 RESOLUTION NO. 84-85 f .I A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA DECLARING CERTAIN PROPERTY TO BE A PUBLIC NUISANCE AND ORDERING THE ABATEMENT THEREOF (52-470 AVENIDA MADERO). WHEREAS„ Chapter 11./2 of the La Quinta Municipal Code declares it a public nuisance to maintain premises in such a manner that any of certain specified conditions are found to exist thereon; and WHEREAS„ said Chapter 11.72 provides for the abatement of said property nuisance and said chapter further provides a procedure for said abatement; and WHEREAS„ in accordance with said abatement procedures, the Community Development Director as agent of the City Manager, has determined that a public nuisance exists on the following described premises, and has given the notice required by law; and WHEREAS„ the owner of said premises has filed an appeal from said determination to the City Council; and WHEREAS„ on November 20, 1984, and December 18, 1984, at regular meetings, the: City Council conducted hearings to consider all relevant evidence, objections or protects, to determine whether the premises, or any part thereof, as maintained constitutes a public nuisance. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of La Quinta does hereby RESOLVE as follows: 1. The City Council hereby finds, determines, and declares that the following premises is being maintained in the following condition, and thereby constitutes a public nuisance. Property Description and Address: 52-470 Avenida Madero; Lot 1, Block 42, Santa Carmelita at Vale La Quinta Unit No. j Nuisance Condition: The existing garage structure is partially completed and the construction project appears to have been abandoned since no substantive construction necessitating inspections has occurred in at least five years; the structure has been subjected to weathering and is in a deterioriating condition; the structure does not have a valid zoning approval and/or building permit. 61 1 RESOLUTION NO. 84-85 Page 2. 2. The City Council hereby orders the abatement of the above mentioned conditions of nuisance in the following manner: All structures, including foundations therefore, shall be demolished with materials disposed of in a legal manner. All utility connections shall be disconnected and removed from the premises. The existing private sewage disposal system shall be removed and/or abandoned in a manner which complies with the Uniform Plumbing Code. Said abatement shall be completed within thirty (30) days; and if not so completed within said time period, the City Manager is directed to abate and report in accordance with Section 11.72.240 of the La Quinta Municipal Code. 3. Said abatement order, as contained in Section 2 above, is hereby suspended upon condition that the owner of said premises shall perform the following work and activities to complete the full construction of said structure in accordance with the following time schedule; provided that the Community Development Director may grant time extensions to the following schedule not to exceed thirty (30) days upon written request by the permittee when it is demonstrated that the additional time is due to circumstances beyond the control of the permittee: ACTIVITY DATE TO COMPLETE Submit completed Plot Plan Application December 21, 1984 to Community Development Department. Obtain building permit. February 1, 1985 Complete foundation, including inspection March 15, 1985 thereof. Complete rough framing, electrical, plumbing, June 15, 1985 including inspection thereof. Complete dry wall and insulation, including August 1, 1985 inspection thereof. Final inspection of structure and related November 1, 1985 improvements. Upon completion of all activities to the reasonable satisfaction of the City within the time above specified, said abatement order and declaration of public nuisance shall be deemed expunged. In the event of noncompliance with said activity and time schedule, said abatement order shall be in full force and effect. oz 0 RESOLUTION NO. 84-85 Page 3. 4. The Community Development Director is hereby directed to mail a copy of this Resolution to the owners of said property. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of December , 1984, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ATTEST: Council Members Allen, Bohnenberger, Pena, Wolff and Mayor Cox. None. None. APPROVED AS TO FORM: IS V11111111 —�ff�AO MEW . APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: 40 CITY ATTOiMEY / CITY- _ 0 0 ITEM NO. J� DATE 8 A5 _ PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING RE: MOTION BY: GOETCHEUS WP.LLING KLIMKIEWICZ MORAN THORNBURGH� SECOND BY: GOETCHEUS WLI G KLIMKIEWICZ MORAN THORNBURGH DISCUSSION: ROLL CALL VOTE: CONMSSIONERS: AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT GOETCHEUS - KLDIKIEWICZ -- - MORAN - WALLING - THORNBURGH - UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: YES NO • "r 10 MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Cc nnission From: Canmunity Development Department Date: January 8, 1985 Subject: PLCT PLAN NO. 84-101 Location: East Side of Roudel Lane Approximately 180 Feet South of the End of the Street Applicant: Daniel Ferguson Request: Approval to Construct a Single -Family House Intended for the Applicant's Residence BACKGROUND 1. General Plan: Low Density Residential (3-5 dwellinqs/acre). 2. Zoning: R-1 (One Family Dwelling). 3. Existing Conditions: The 61' x 139' lot is within an existing subdividers area located on a small hill adjacent to the west side of the Indian Springs Country Club. Because of the higher terrain, the house will be visible from the country club area. There are currently five houses along Roudel Lane with the remainder of the lots being vacant. Two of the houses are large dwellings sited parallel to the street and have stucco siding and tile or shake roofs; one is an octagon - shaped house with lap siding and a gravel roof, and two houses are approximately 22-feet wide with a bend or dogleg in the midsection, which increases their appearance of width. These two homes have stucco siding and tile roofs. Roudel Lane is a paved, local street which terminates approximately 180-feet north of the site. Curbs and gutters are existing on a portion of the street. All necessary services are available to the site with sewage disposal being handled by a septic system. 4. Environmental Assessment: The project is categorically exempt from the require- ments of t:he California Environmental Quality Act (CFQA) and a Notice of Exemption will be filed with the County Recorder. 5. Description of Request: The Applicant is intending to construct the single- family house for his private residence. The house will have 1489 square feet of livable area with three bedrooms having interior dimensions equal to or exceeding ten feet, two full baths and an attached, triple -car garage with a connecting pedestrian door into the house. 65 STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMMISSION January 8, 1985 Page 2. The overall dimensions of the house are 22 to 27;5-feet wide and approxi- mately 100-feet long with a bend or dogleg in the middle. The house will have a gable roof with a 4 and 12 pitch covered with red clay tile. The roof eaves vary from 18 to 36 inches. The siding will be stucco which will be navajo white in color. The overall height of the building will be approximately 14 feet. STAFF COMMENTS AMID ANALYSIS The floor plan, height and siting of the house comply with the R-1 Zoning requirements and the City's adopted minim standards for single-family houses. Although the width of the house is only 22 to 27h, feet, the bend in the house creates the appearance of greater width and bulk (this is the same general design as three ether houses on the street). The house has an identifiable front entrance visible from the street. The garage has been turned so that the entry is on the side of the house. Regarding the compatibility of the house's design with surrounding develop mt, the overall design and roof style are compatible with the majority of the homes in the area. The proposed stucco siding is consistent with the majority of the houses in the area. The tile roof should also be compatible with the surrounding homes. The house's size and bulk are consistent with area development. Regarding the siting of the house, the majority of the hames in the area are constructed on one lot. Therefore, the Applicant's proposal to construct the house on at single lot should be compatible with the area development. FINDINGS 1. The request is consistent with the requirements of the R-1 Zone and the goals and objectives of the La Quinta General Plan. 2. The building design is compatible with area development. 3. The project will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment. STAFF REC "ENDATION Based upon the above findings, the Community Development Department recommends approval of Plot Plan No. 84-101 in accordance with Exhibits A, B and C and subject to the attached conditions. • tp• � • H� ZZ�Z L. Bonner Principal Planner Atchs: Conditions Exhibits A, B and C T BY: Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP Community Development Director THIS APPXAFAL IS SA 70 7M iCH.LOW= COMMONSP 1. The development of the site shall be in Confamenoe With the nhibits A, 8 and C Contained in the file for Plot Plan No. 84-101 , unless otherwise amrsded by the following conditions. 2. 2he approved plot plan shall be used within two years of the approval date; otherwise, it shall became mill and void and of no effect whatsoever. By Ruse" is meant the beginning of substantial oonstnnction, not including grading, Cante►plated by this approval which is begun with the two-year period and is thereafter diligently pursued to completion. 3. Water and sewage disposal facilities shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of the Riverside County Health Department. 4. Fire protection shall be provided in accordance with the standards of the Uniform Fire Code as adopted by the City of la Quinta. 5. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the developer shall submit and have approved, a detailed landscape plan for the front yard showing the species;, size, location and spacing of all planting materials, including a minimum of two (2), 15-gallon, street trees. The plan shall indicate the irrigation system and the location of the required three (3) outdoor water spigots. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of occupancy, the Applicant shall install landscaping in accordance with the approved landscape plan. All trees and plants shall be maintained in viable condition for the life of the approved use. 6. The heating and Cooling mechanical equipment shall be ground mounted, or screened entirely by the roof stricture.. 7. Refuse containers and bottled gas cbntainerx shall be conoealed by fencing or landscaping. 8. The driveway shall be surfaced with concrete and have asphaltic concrete Connneating pavement (a 2" x 4" header) to the existing street pavement. 9. 7he Applicant shall obtain clearances and/or permits Exam the following age axes prior to submitting these plans to the Building Department for plan mac: ° Riverside County Health Department ° City Fire Marshal ° Cmemity Development Departments Planning Division ° Desert Sands Unified School District 10. The Applicant shall pay a school development fee as determined by the Desert Sands Unified School District in accordance with the school mitigation agree- ment as approved by the City Council and in effect at the time of issuance of a building permit. A letter fran Desert Sands Unified School District stating that these fees have been paid shall be presented to the Community Development Department, Building Division, prior to issuance of a building permit. 11. Plot Plan No. 84-059 shall be deemed null and void. 6y. 0 0 ITEM NO. DATE �S PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING RE: U � MOTION BY: GOETCHEUS WALLING KLIMKIEWICZ MORAN / pTH RNBURGH� SECOND BY: GOETCHEU KLIMKIEWICZ MORAN THORNBURURGH DISCUSSION: ROLL CALL VOTE: C0111MISSIONERS: AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT GOETCHEUS - KLIMKIEWICZ - MORAN - WALLING THORNBURGH UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: YES NO 1z ( lO�Tlev*tl�'Ur) 4C�'� O MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA E To: Tie Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission From: Om m=ty Development Department Date: January 8, 1985 Subject: PLOT PLAN NO. 84-102 Location: West Side of Avenida Martinez, 100' North of Calle Arroba Applicant: Larry Rogers Request: Approval to Construct a Single -Family House BACKGRUM 1. General Plan: Low Density Residential (3-5 dwellings/acre). 2. Zoning: R-1*++ (One Family Dwellings, 17' Height Limit, 1200 Square Foot Minimum Dwelling Size). 3. Existing Conditions: The 50' x 100' lot is located within the subdivided Cove area on Avenida Martinez, north of Calle Arroba. The houses in the vicinity have the typical California style architecture which is predaninant in the Cove. There is a variety of roofing materials in the area, including gravel, asphalt shingle and tile. All the houses have stucco siding. 4. Envirommntal Assessment: The project is categorically exempt from the require- ments of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and a Notice of Exemption will be filed with the County Recorder. 5. Description of the Request: Time Applicant is intending to construct the single- family house for his personal residence. The house: will have 1396 gross square feet of livable area with three bedrooms having interior dimensions equal to or exceeding 10 feet, two baths and an attached, double -car garage with pedestrian door leading out into the house. The home will have white stucco siding and a gable roof covered with brown asphalt shingle. All the windows will be trimmed with wood. The roof overhangs are 24 inches. The overall height of the building is 12# feet. The building will have a 23-foot front setback, 10-foot rear setback and 5 and 6-foot side setbacks. 69 STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMMISSION January 8, 1985 Page 2. STAFF CCIME NTS AND ANALYSIS The floor plan, height and siting of the house comply with the R-1*++ Zoning require- ments and the City's adopted minimCnn standards for single-family houses. Eicwever, the air-conditioning unit as shave is within the 10-foot rear yard setback, which is not permitted by the Zoning Ordinance. The conditions of approval require the mechanical equipment to be located outside the setback area. Regarding the compatibility of the house's design with surrounding development, the overall design and roof style are compatible with the houses within the vicinity. The proposed stucco siding is consistent with the surrounding homes, all of which have stucco siding. The proposed asphalt shingle tile is also compatible since the surrounding hones have a mixture of rock, asphalt shingle and file roofs. The house's size and bulk are consistent with area development. Regarding the siting of the house, the majority of the homes in the area are constructed on one lot. Therefore, the Applicant's proposal to construct the house on a single lot should be ccnpatible with the area development. FINDINGS 1. The request is consistent with the requirarents of the R-1 Zone and the goals and objectives of the La Quinta General Plan. 2. The building design is compatible with area development. 3. The project will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment. STAFF REC'CKOMATION Based upon the above findings, the Cammunity Development Department recomends approval of Plot Plan No. 84-102 in accordance with Exhibits A, B and C and subject to the attached conditions. / SandraL. Horuier Principal Planner , Atch: Conditions of Approval Atchs. A, B & C Iawrence L. Stevens, AICP C=u nity Development Department 79 0 THIS APPROVAL IS S ® 70 MM MH.IUAM OCMrTI 1. The development of the site shall be in conformance with the Ddnibits A, B and C contained in the file for Plot Plan bib. 84-102 , unless otherwise amended by the following conditions. 2. The approved plot plan shall be used within two years of the approval date; otherwise, it shall become null and void and of no effect ufnatsoever. By "use" is meant the beginning of substantial Construction, not including grading# oonte lated by this approval which is begun with the two-year period and is thereafter diligently pursued to conpletion. 3. Water and sewage disposal facilities shall be installed in aeeozdanoe with the requirements of the Riverside Camty Health Department. 4. Fire Protection shall be provided in accordance with the standards of the Uniform Fire Code as adopted by the City of la Quints. S. Prior to the issuance of a baildiig permit, the developer shall submit and have approved, a detailed landscape plan for the front yard showing the species, size, location and spacing of all planting materials, including a minimum of two (2), lon, street trees. The plan shall indicate the irrigatim system and thlocation of the rapired three (3) wtdoor water spigots. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of CCcapancy, the Applicant shall install landscaping in aamrdaauoe with the approved landscape plan. All trees and plena shall be maintained in viable condition for the life of the approved use. 6. The heating and cooling mechanical equipment shall be ground mounted, or screened entirely by the roof stn=b=e., 7. Refuse containers and bottled gas ptgntainers shall be concealed by fencing or landscaping. S. The driveway shall be surfaced with concrete and have asphaltic eerncrete connecting pavement (a 2" x 4" header) to the existing street pavement. 9. The Applicant shall obtain clearances and/or permits from the following agencies prior to submitting these plans to the Building Department for plan check: ° Riverside County Health Department ° City Fire nli cram ° OMMU ity Development Department, Planning Division ° Desert Sands Unified School District 10. The Applicant shall pay a school development fee as determined by the Desert Sands 161nified School District in accordance with the school mitigation agree- ment as approved by the City Council and in effect at the time of issuance of a building permit. A letter from Desert Santis Unified School District stating that these fees have been paid shall be presented to the Comuz ty Development Deparbnmt, Building Division, prior to issuance of a building permit. 11. No mechanical equipment shall be located within the setback areas. 12. All the windows shall be trimmed with wood. 71