2006 07 11 PC Minutesr i I MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA July 11, 2006 7:00 P.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Quill who introduced Commissioner Engle who he asked to lead the flag salute. B. Present: Commissioners Ed Alderson, Katie Barrows, Rick Daniels, Jim Engle and Chairman Paul Quill. C. Staff present: Community Development Director Doug Evans, Assistant City Attorney Michael Houston, Public Works Director Tim Jonasson, Planning Manager Les Johnson, Associate Planner Andy Mogensen, and Secretary Carolyn Walker ~ II. PUBLIC COMMENT: None III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: A. Chairman Quill requested Agenda be reorganized to take Item A under Commissioner Items before the Public Hearings. Community Development Director Doug Evans presented the information contained in the staff report and explained the options available to the Commission. 1. Commissioner Alderson asked if a zone change would be required to allow the change in the rear setback. Staff explained the issue was that there had been some misinterpretation by staff regarding what the actual setback should be on different houses and it needed to be clarified. Commissioner Alderson asked how many lots were left that this would apply to. Staff stated there were only a few but, if the Code is not changed the setback will remain 15 feet and the Commission would have to deal with each lot individually. 2. Commissioner Daniels asked how difficult it would be for a lot owner to apply and receive a variance in this type of situation. Assistant City Attorney Michael Houston explained typically one of the requirement for a variance is that a unique feature of the property makes it difficult to develop within the zoning standards P:1Reports - PC12006\7-17-06\7-7 1-06 Minutes.doc Planning Commission Minutes July 1 t, 2006 so that it makes an equitable sense to deviate from the standards due to the unique configuration of a particular piece of a property. As a general rule granting a variance should not be something that can be done across the board for a particular piece of property in a location because by definition a variance is allowed for a unique situation. However, as a practical application, the Commission or City Council may use a variance to achieve a result when a situation is difficult even though the legal components are missing. Commissioner Daniels asked how many lots had the potential of being affected. Staff stated eight to ten. 3. Chairman Quill asked if an aerial could be prepared by staff to give a visual review of what lots exists and how great an impact this could have on the community. Also, he would like to see a comparison as to which lots have the ten foot and which have the 15 foot setback. Staff explained that was the purpose in requesting the Code change and the results will be same as what is before the Commission currently. 4. Following discussion, the Commission directed staff to prepare a City-initiated Zoning Text Amendment addressing the rear yard setbacks for the Cove Residential area. IV. CONSENT ITEMS: None V. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Continued -Environment Assessment 2006-568, and Specific Plan 2006-080; Consideration of: 1) Recommending to the City Council Certification of an Addendum to Environmental Assessment 2002-453; and 2) SilverRock Resort Specific Plan creating development guidelines and standards for the future development of a destination resort area. 1. Commissioner Daniels stated he had a potential conflict of interest and asked for Counsel advice. He declared he lives at 55-150 Shoal Creek, but will receive no financial benefit from this project. He therefore believes he is eligible to discuss and vote on this issue. City Attorney Michael Houston acknowledged Commissioner Daniels comments and stated he agreed. 2. Chairman Quill opened the public hearing and asked for the staff 1 report. Community Development Director presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. P:1Reports - PC12006V-11-06\7-71-06 Minutes.doc 2 Planning Commission Minutes July 11, 2006 3. Chairman Quill asked about the height of the signature hotel and the photo exhibits. Staff replied the photo was taken from the project entryway and is over 1,700 feet from the street. The design of the project and the surrounding projects would allow someone to see the building, but the visual impact of the height would be negligible. tt is in an appropriate location with an appropriate visual impact. 4. Commissioner Alderson asked if the 65 foot height of the hotel would be the highest height impact on the golf course. Staff replied that was correct. 5. Commissioner Daniels asked if there were going to be different elevations on the hotel and variations in the roof line, not just a building at 65 feet in height. Staff showed a map and explained how the hotel would be built with variations in height. 6. Commissioner Daniels asked for an explanation on how the number of units were determined. Staff explained how the room count was obtained in regard to phasing of the project. 7. Chairman Quill asked about the ratio of rooms versus key units. Staff stated the key count varies in regard to casitas. 8. Commissioner Barrows asked about Page 18 of the Addendum in regard to clarification on the mitigation measures, especially the analysis relative to drainage issues. She was aware there were some significant drainage issues and the Addendum does not acknowledge them. Public Works Director Tim Jonasson replied most of the drainage issues were created by off-site and mountain flows. He went on to explain how the first phase issues had been addressed. The only issue left is what falls on the site and should be able to be handled by local retention basins and storm drains consistent with golf course maintenance. 9. Commissioner Barrows said she was concerned about the large water usage on the site and the lack of drought-tolerant plants being used. Staff identified the location and replied the majority of the water is already on-site. The idea of introducing water to the second phase is artistic license. Commissioner Barrows asked staff to identify where the second golf course is planned. Staff replied the majority of the lakes are in and said water-efficiency is going to be a challenge. On the second course, the amount of water is substantially reduced and staff could look at that relative P:\Reports - PC\200617-1 1-06\7-17-06 Minutes.doc 3 Planning Commission Minutes , , July 11, 2006 to future designs. 10. Public Works Director Tim Jonasson added the water used for the lakes is taken from the All-American Canal and would be re- circulated throughout the course. There was also a back up well in case there is no water available from the Canal. 11. Commissioner Barrows noted the hotel descriptions and appreciated the resort environment. She did add the entry feature is excessive in water usage and felt the City was not making a statement of water conservation. She said if the Water District has approved the plans, we must have mitigated the project properly, but the measures seemed rather meager. Staff said mitigation measures were already in place, but from an environmental standpoint, the Commission could convey their concerns for water consumption to the Council. 12. Commissioner Barrows commented there was some artistic license on the second golf course. She asked if that was something that was going to go through Planning Commission and then to the Council. Staff gave a description of the future planning including water efficiency and said there is a routing plan to make sure sufficient land was devoted to the golf course. The next phase was to look out how we design the second golf course to make sure it is playable, including water tisage. Commissioner Barrows said she would like to see the mitigation measures, with respect to water, be more stringent. 13. Commissioner Barrows wanted clarification on energy conservation mitigation measures. Staff replied they pull out all the energy conservation measures and put them in a consistent consecutive set of requirements for project development. They are reviewed and tested as staff goes through the project design. Currently, there is some generic wording in the document. 14. Commissioner Barrows had further questions on meeting Title 24 standards. Staff replied every project has to comply with Title 24. In the architectural review staff starts to look at solar design issues, and energy issues. The Council is concerned about these issues as well. Commissioner Barrows asked if there was a possibly the mitigation measures could exceed Title 24. Staff replied it was possible they could. P:\Heports - PC\200617-1 1-0617-7 7-06 Minu[es.doc 4 Planning Commission Minutes July 11, 2006 15. Commissioner Barrows asked about the Big Horn Sheep activity on the golf course and if a fence would be necessary. Staff has kept Fish & Wildlife up-to-date on any siting of Big Horn Sheep and staff has been trained on how to handle any future sitings. Public Works has been advised of the possibility of putting up a protective fence if it is necessary. The City has brought in some outside expertise on how to keep the Sheep off the property. Staff added a fence could be harmful to the Sheep and they are working with Fish & Wildlife and the Big Horn Institute relative to how you keep Sheep off the property. The City is currently doing everything the mitigation measures require. 16. Commissioners Barrows pointed out Item #2, Page 29, where it refers to a mitigation measure on Big Horn Sheep. Staff replied there is a terminology problem because this refers to the adjacent property and there may have been a typographic error when this report was prepared. Staff will look into this further. 17. Commissioner Daniels asked if the hillsides were privately owned. Staff replied the City tried to purchase the hillsides, but they are currently owned by KSL or CNL. The City is still interested in purchasing the hillsides if it ever becomes possible. 18. Commissioner Barrows had a question with reference to Page 40 and asked if the Edom Hill Landfill was closed since it was noted in the report. It should be corrected to note it is closed. 19. Commissioner Daniels said it was closed and added information on other landfills which closed since the original report had been prepared. Staff replied they would make the necessary corrections prior to the report going to the Council. 20. Commissioner Barrows said she wanted to add this for purposes of clarification. She commented on the project having potential impact regarding aesthetics on Page 45 and she did not understand exactly what the report was referring to. Staff replied the mitigation measures on Page 47 the potential impacts would be less than significant. Staff replied they would do a global search on landfill information. 21. Commissioner Alderson asked if there was access from Avenue 52 to the front of the boutique hotel. Staff replied the primary access is through the main road. There would be a secondary access from the north side off Avenue 52 for emergency access only. P:IReports - PC12006V-11-06V-11-0fi Minutes.doc 5 Planning Commission Minutes July 11, 2006 22. Commissioner Alderson had asked if the casitas would be owned by individuals, or an offshoot of the hotel, and would they have garages. Staff stated they would likely be individually-owned and would have covered parking and/or with carports. There were intended to have different types of covered or shaded parking. Commissioner Alderson asked if they would garages. Staff replied no, the intent for the units was that they were not set up for full- time, year-round living. They would not have full-sized kitchens, closets, etc. The intent of the units is to remain in the rental pool. 23. Commissioner Alderson asked a question about the well sites. .Public Works Director Tim Jonasson said there is an irrigation back up well site by the driving range as well as mitigation well sites for offsetting the water usage. 24. Chairman Quill asked if they were CVWD well sites. Staff stated yes. 25. Commissioner Alderson referred to the Specific Plan on Page 60, 3`d paragraph where it discusses "... Canal would not only be used as a source for irrigation water for SilverRock, but also for stormwater drainage purposes..." Public Works Director Tim Jonasson replied there was talk at one time to obtain NPDES permit to take water from the site to the All American Canal. It would be nice to circulate water back into the Canal, but it requires a NPDES permit which the City does not have at this time but wanted to leave the option open. 26. Commissioner Alderson said he was still confused about the dual usage of the Canal. Public Works Director Tim Jonasson read the section the Commissioner was referring to. He said if the City worked with CVWD they would be able to bring water back into the Canal and function as a storm drain. Staff added commentary about recapturing water, storm drains and usage of storm water back into the Canal. Staff thought it was appropriate to leave that information in, but the Commission could recommend removing it. 27. Chairman Quill said he believed there were spillways in the mountains above PGA West that go directly into the Canal which were built by the Bureau of Reclamation. Staff replied they would tike to leave that in if the Commission is so inclined. 28. Commissioner Alderson asked since the Canal has nice, clean water for irrigation purposes, then you channel storm water into P:\Reports - PC12006V-17-06\7-11-06 Minutes.doc () Planning Commission Minutes July 71, 2006 the Canal how will it benefit the Canal. Public Works Director Tim Jonasson replied the Canal is actually not clean water as it has to be filtered several times in order to be usable. The storm water would probably be cleaner since it will work its way down through bio-filters. 29. Commissioner Alderson referred to one of the exhibits which discussed abandoning a forced sewer main currently in existence. Public Works Director Tim Jonasson replied those are requirements made by CVWD for the water and sewer agreements for the project site. He gave a brief overview of what would be done to compensate for the loss of the abandoned mains. 30. Commissioner Alderson pointed out the reference to multi-use trails and asked staff if that included equestrian use. Staff replied it could. The City's General Plan multi-use trails includes equestrian and pedestrian trails. The trails would be mainly used for pedestrians and golf carts. 31. Commissioner Alderson asked if an architectural theme, such as Southwest or Tuscan, had been discussed. Staff said the Specific Plan should not get into a detailed architectural plan at this point. Because the Redevelopment Agency owns the property, prior to going forward with the agreement for selling or leasing the property, the architectural treatments described for the property has not yet been decided, but would probably be a type of early Californian architecture. If the City was comfortable with the proposal, they would proceed with the architecture presented. If the current negotiations go forward, the La Quinta design palette would be utilized. 32. Chairman Quill asked if the Commission would be getting further development reviews on this project. Staff replied yes. 33. Chairman Quill asked about the trail from Jefferson Street along the Canal. Staff said that was a secondary local roadway servicing the driveway as well as the Club House. 34. Chairman Quill wanted to make sure the Commission had the opportunity to include pedestrian and bike pathways. He said it is wonderful we're planning multi-use pathways, but we're providing a lot of amenities for the golfers, but need to provide ambiance and amenities to other users of the project, such as joggers, bikers, etc. Desert Willow in Palm Desert is a beautiful project and P:\Reports - PC\2006V-7 7-06\7-17-06 Minutes.doc ~ Planning Commission Minutes July 11, 2006 they have done a better job of drought-tolerant planting, but have not done a good job on their pathways being pedestrian and bicycle-friendly. We should make sure we provide ample opportunities to include those amenities. 35. Chairman Quill said more attention needs to be paid to the drainage on the golf course. Ensure the drainage off the hillside is used for irrigation purposes. Also, ensure the next golf course has lakes that are interconnected. Public Works Director Tim Jonasson replied they will all be interconnected. 36. Commissioner Alderson asked if any reclamation water has been used. Staff replied not at this time. 37. Chairman Quill asked about the purple pipe if the opportunity becomes available. Public Works Director Tim Jonasson gave him information on the current status of reclamation water availability in this area. 38. Chairman Quill asked about the timing of the mitigation monitoring report. Staff stated Mitigation Monitoring Program 1MMP) is a part of the original Environmental Assessment. It could be made a separate document and made available to the City Council. The City Attorney was involved in the drafting of the MMP and it has been, and will continue to be used during the entire process of the development of the project. 39. Chairman Quill asked if fractional ownership is possible. Staff said it could be. 40. Chairman Quill asked if the water uses would be dual uses. For instances all exterior water uses would be potable. Public Works Director Tim Jonasson stated this was part of the Agreement with CVWD. 41. Chairman Quill said he likes the way the turf is maintained, but there have been issues with the landscaped areas and the drip emitters. Probably 50% of the on-site golf waste plant material has died out and removed and the irrigation has been capped. The long-term conditions of the golf course have not been planned out ~ very well. He referred to the usage of decomposed granite in the ~: areas where the landscape has eroded. He was concerned about the aesthetics of the golf course and use of drought-tolerant plants. He hoped the Planning Commission would get to look at P:\Reports - PC\2006\7-11-06\7-11-06 Minutes.doc $ Planning Commission Minutes 1 July 11, 2006 1 the landscaping plans for the next golf course plan. 42. Public Works Director Tim Jonasson stated the original design by the Arnold Palmer golf course architects was for native plants and it was worked into the Master Plan. He explained the design process and the drainage/erosion solutions for the landscaping. The original vision of the landscaping did not work out as planned. He added the City has constructed dry wells and moved some of the landscaping to accommodate and solve some of the problems. 43. Chairman Quill referred to the native landscaping on the Nicklaus Golf Course at PGA West. It proved the landscaping could be done and done well. He wanted to make sure the final landscaping at SilverRock was done as well. Staff added all of the planning areas that will have buildings will go through the standard Site Development Permit process. If the Commission feels strongly about looking at the golf course plan they might want to add that recommendation to the Council. 44. Commissioner Daniels made a comment regarding a bill working its way through the legislature, sponsored by CVWD requiring golf courses to use non-potable water, if available. On visual resources he hoped they were going to redesign the entrance statement at the entrance because, it blocks the view of the mountains. That is inconsistent with trying to protect the use of the mountainside. Also, the wall on Avenue 52 blocks the mountain views and any future walls on Jefferson Street should allow view of the mountains from Jefferson Street. Staff said one of the concerns on this project was to ensure the views remained and they were going to do a demonstration project along Avenue 54. 45. Commissioner Daniels asked if the Jefferson Street entrance would resemble the entrance off Avenue 52. Staff went over the concept drawings. 46. Chairman Quill said the Commission would like to have the opportunity to see the golf course and future plans for the future phases. 47. Commissioner Alderson asked if this would impede the progress of the project. Staff said it would add another layer and steps, but the Commission could make a motion to include the request. P:1Reports - PC\2006V-11-O6V-11-06 Mintrtes.doc 9 Planning Commission Minutes ~-~ July 11, 2006 48. Commissioner Barrows said one of the most important features of this site is the ancient shoreline and she did not see it mentioned in the Environmental Assessment. She asked if there was an opportunity to highlight some of the features of the trail. Staff gave information about the trails and stated the City would not be able to look at any trail system until the Ahmanson House is no longer a clubhouse. 49. Commissioner Barrows mentioned traveling to various trails throughout the world and what a great opportunity it would be to add this feature to the plan. Staff said the Commission could add this condition to their approval. Staff added the number one amenity the public has mentioned is trails. Commissioner Barrows was looking for an opportunity on the site, to highlight this feature. 50. Commissioner Daniels cautioned about having access to the Ancient Cahuilla Shoreline to allow an opportunity for defacing. He explained what had occurred in PGA West and the defacing that has occurred. 51. Commissioner Barrows said she only wanted an opportunity to draw attention to the feature. 52. Commissioner Alderson asked if the process goes forward, where would the public park fit into the sequence of events. Staff replied it was a primary consideration and it would be one of the first efforts. The City is currently going through a Parks and Recreation Master Plan and it is important this addition be aesthetically pleasing. 53. Commissioner Alderson said he was not an advocate of slowing down the procedure to look at the golf course design. 54. There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Quill asked if there was any other public comment. There being no public comment, the public participation portion of the hearing was closed and open for Commission discussion. 55. Chairman Quill asked that some opportunities for cultural resource usage built into the Specific Plan including interpretive trail elements and other things as stated. He suggested these items be included as recommendations. He also said it would be a good idea for the Commission to review the golf course landscape plans, P:\Reports - PC\200617-7 1-0617-7 1-06 Minutes.doc IQ Planning Commission Minutes July 11, 2006 parkways, the main boulevard through the project, multi-use trail design, and landscape aesthetics. Chairman Quill recommended the multi-use trails be done with a lot of artistic endeavor. 56. Commissioner Barrows wanted to encourage the water-conservation element to the furthest extent possible. 57. Commissioner Daniels requested they be allowed to review the entryway landscaping. Staff suggested the issues be made as two recommendations. 58. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Alderson to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2006-025, recommending approval of Environmental Assessment 2006-568 as recommended. ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Alderson, Barrows, Daniels, Engle, and Chairman Quill. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: . None. 59. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Alderson to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2006-026, recommending approval of Specific Plan 2006-080 with recommendations as recommended and amended: a. Multi-use trails are planned for the perimeter edge and within the Specific Plan Area that will accommodate both non- motorized and golf cart use. The perimeter trail will run along the south side of Avenue 52, west side of Jefferson and a short distance of the north side of Avenue 54. The multi-use trail will also run adjacent to SilverRock Way and may include the Jefferson Street entry access road as well. b. The multi-use, pedestrian, bicycle, and golf cart trails will be a key design feature of the resort encouraging public access to the clubhouse, signature hotel and resort commercial areas. In addition, the trails design will also include interpretation features that provide cultural, geological, and biological historical information of the area. A detailed analysis of the final interior trail design shall be conducted and incorporated into the project development plans.. c. Water and energy conservation measures shall be implemented in the future development of the resort to the fullest extent possible. At a minimum, said measures shall G:\WPDOCSIPC Minutes\2006V-11-06.doc 1 f Planning Commission Minutes July 11, 2006 ~ include the mitigation measures identified in the Addendum to ~ - Environmental Assessment 2002-453. d. Provide opportunity for Planning Commission to review the new clubhouse, landscaping plans for the second golf course, parkways (including walls and/or fences-, trails and walkways. e. City Council should evaluate the Avenue 52 entry feature, mound with palm trees, turf and waterfalls, and consider an entryway re-design in order to open up the views to the mountains and project. ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Alderson, Daniels, Engle, and Chairman Quill. NOES: Commissioner Barrows. ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None VI. BUSINESS ITEMS: None VIII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: None. IX. COMMISSIONER ITEMS: B. Notification of the Draft Village Parking Study. 1. Chairman Quill state the Study was very well done. Staff replied the consultant was exceptional and had done a very good job. 2. Commissioner Alderson asked if this was an informational presentation. Staff replied it was. C. Vista Santa Rosa Design Guidelines 1. Staff gave a brief presentation on this item including timelines and objectives on the area's development. Staff informed the Commission they were working to create Vista Santa Rosa Design Guidelines that were specific to the area. 2. Commissioner Barrows asked what would be the staff's timeline of finishing the design guidelines. Staff replied the first Phase of the plan should be completed within the first six months of the fiscal year. G:\WPDOCS\PC Minutes\2006\7-11-06.doc 12 Planning Commission Minutes ~( July 11, 2006 1 i D. Year 2006/2007 Work program. 1. Chairman Quill said the Work Program was very well done. Staff added there are a number of items they are still working on from the past fiscal year, such as the Golf Cart Plan and Lighting Plan, but they hope to have them finished soon. The first six months of the work program will be aggressive with regards to Vista Santa Rosa. Staff will then start working on an Urban Design Plan for the Village, with the Parking Study being the first phase of the Plan. 2. Commissioner Daniels asked when the General Plan is due for update. Staff replied money has been put away to update the General Plan. They will begin looking at the Southeast part of the City and hope to send out a Request for Proposals this year. 3. Chairman Quill added he was pleased to see parking addressed in the SilverRock project and discussed the Kohl's parking lot. Staff gave suggestions on what could be addressed in that parking area. E. Chairman Quill asked that staff place the election of the Chair and Vice- Chair on the next agenda. X. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Barrows/ to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to a regular meeting of the Planning Commission to be held on July 25, 2006. This meeting of the Planning Commission was adjourned at 8:57 p.m. on July 1 1, 2006. Respectfully submitted, ~~a~ Carolyn V.(% Iker, Secretary City of La Quinta, California P:1Reports - PC\2006V-11-06V-11-06 Minutes.doc 13