2006 06 27 PC MinutesMINUTES
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
June 27, 2006 7:00 P.M.
A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:0/ p.m.
by Chairman Quill who asked Commissioner Ladner to lead the flag
B. Present: Commissioners Ed Alderson, Katie Barrows, Rick Daniels, Kay
Ladner and Chairman Paul Quill.
C. Staff present: Community Development Director Doug Evans, City
Attorney Kathy Jenson, Public Works Director Tim Jonasson, Planning
Manager Les Johnson, Development Services Principal Engineer Ed
Wimmer, Principal Planners Stan Sawa and Fred Baker, Assistant Planner
Jay Wuu, and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer
A. Chairman Quill asked if there were any changes to the Minutes of the
June 13, 2006 regular meeting. There being no changes to the minutes,
it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Barrows to
approve the minutes as submitted. Unanimously approved.
A. Right-Of-Way Closure 2006-001; a request of the City for General Plan
consistency that closure to non-emergency vehicular traffic on Calle
Serena approximately 120 linear feet south of the intersection of Vista
Grande and Calle Serena is no longer needed.
1. Chairman Quill opened the public hearing and asked for the staff
report. Public Works Director Tim Jonasson presented the
information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file
in the Community Development Department.
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Planning Commission Minutes
June 27, 2006
2. Chairman Quill asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Alderson asked if the 39 feet being vacated will
become what. Staff stated the gate would allow visibility, but no
street cleaning equipment would not be allowed. The use of the
land has not been determined other than emergency access.
Commissioner Alderson asked if a curb access would be provided.
Staff stated no as there never was one.
3. Commissioner Daniels asked why not extend the closure all the
way to the end to keep people from jumping the curb. Staff
stated the fence is just to the south of the southerly driveway.
4. Commissioner Alderson stated the existing sliding gate is open and
was closed. Kathy stated under the vehicle code it would not be
allowed. The closure is being done to deny access to everyone
which is permissible under the Vehicle Code.
5. Commissioner Daniels asked the closest fire station and does the
access off of Jeffeson Street allow fire access. Chairman Quill
stated the project was constructed under the
6. There being no questions of staff, Chairman Quill asked if there
was any other public comment.
7. Mr. Joe Hill, 3940 Hancock Street, San Diego, represents the
owners of the La Quinta Springs Apartments. Requested a
continuance to allow closed session discussion before he makes
his comments for the record. He then read into the record a letter
written regarding their concerns. He raised concerns that sooner
or later there will be a serious accident involving the front
driveways and the traffic on Jefferson Street. Denying access
onto Calle Serena will open La Quinta to serious liability.
8. Lisa 46-896 Jefferson Street #10, stated she has a 16 year old
daughter who has just started driving and for her to have to enter
Jefferson Street with the speeds as they are. She strongly
opposes the closure of Calle Serena.
9. Mr. Noll Barns, #37, opposed because the entrance off of
Jefferson Street is now dangerous. It is not fair to them to close
this street.
10. Mr. Mike Levins, 80-065 Vista Grande, stated he has lived at this
location for 18 years and there are several children who live on
this street and the Calle Serena has been closed since then. They
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Planning Commission Minutes
June 27, 2006
' want safety for the same reasons for their families.
11. Chairman Quill asked if any of the residents on Vista Grande were
notified by the City of Indio of the street being opened.
12. Mr. 80-006 Vista Grande, stated this street has been closed since
he moved and they are looking to return their neighborhood to
what it was previously.
13. Mr. Les 80-005 Vista Grande, stated he has been to several
meetings of the City Council and all they are asking for is to return
the street to what it was before the construction of Jefferson
Street started.
14. Ms. Laurie 80-065 Vista Grande, stated that when they first
opened the Calle Serena gate and she attended Council meetings
at La Quinta and Indio and it was stated at one of those meetings
that the street would be closed after the construction.
15. Mr. Tracy 80-805 Vista Grande, stated she understands having
the gate open during construction. To think they are complaining
because they are racist is ridiculus.
16. There being no further public comment, the public participation
portion of the hearing was closed and open for Commission
discussion. Public Works Director Tim Jonasson explained that
the City of Indio was not aware of the Agreement as mentioned
byh Mr. Hill and are not a signer on the Agreement. He spoke
with several staff members at the City of Indio and none of them
are aware of the comments made by Mr. Hill. The widening of
Jefferson Street is in the second phase and he is unaware of any
liability issues that have arisen since the widening has been
completed. The turning movements remain the same. The access
to the apartments off Calle Serena was designated as an
emergency access by the Fire Department and the City of Indio.
17. Commissioner Daniels asked if the southerly access was a right
in/right out. Staff stated that was correct.
18. Commissioner Ladner asked if there were any plans that indicated
this was a fire access only. Staff stated yes.
19. Commissioner Alderson asked if it was staff's understanding that
the Fire Department determined this to be an emergency access
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Planning Commission Minutes
June 27, 2006
only. Staff stated yes.
20. Chairman Quill asked if there was an agreement with the City of
Indio for this gate to remain open. Staff stated there is an
agreement with the City of Indio for the gate to remain open.
Chairman Quill asked if the Jefferson Street entrances had any
decal lanes. Staff stated no.
21. Commissioner Barrows asked if the Agreement the property owner
has with the City of Indio. Kathy stated the City of Indio has an
Agreement without notification to the City agreed to take out the
curb and install a curb. The City if not a party to the Agreement
and is not bound by the terms of the agreement.
22. Commissioner Ladner asked if the Agreement went through the
public hearing process. Kathy no, it was probably handled in a
closes session for property acquisition. LQ conducts acquisitions
in open session.
23. Chairman Quill asked if the City of Indio received any approvals
from the City of La Quinta before making the repairs to the street.
La Quinta notified Indio they violated our Municipal Code. Indio
did not remove the illegal structures and Indio has removed La
Quinta for the cost of repairing the street to its original condition.
24. Commissioner Ladner asked if it was possible to have a pedestrian
gate to allow the children to get to Vista Grande
25. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Alderson to
adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2006-024, recommending
approval of Right of Way Closure 2006-001, as recommended.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Alderson, Barrows, Daniels, Ladner,
and Chairman Quill. NOES: None. ABSENT: None.
B. Site Development Permit 2006-861; a request of Villa sienna, L.L.C. for
consideration of architectural and landscaping plans for five prototypical
residential plans and perimeter landscaping for use in Tract 32225
located at the northwest corner of Avenue 58 and Madison Street.
1. Chairman Quill opened the public hearing and asked for the staff
report. Principal Planner Fred Baker presented the staff report, a
copy of which is on file in the Community Development
r i
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Planning Commission Minutes
• June 27, 2006
2. Chairman Quill asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Alderson clarified pools would be both in the back
and front; how will they be undulated. Staff indicated on the site
plan that they are within the 25 foot rear yard setback. The units
along Madison Street will be both in the front and rear which may
have an affect on the setbacks. Commissioner Alderson asked the
use of the retention basin. Staff requested the applicant answer
this question.
3. Chairman Quill asked if the applicant would like to address the
Commission. Mr. Greg Larkin with G5 Architecture stated he was
available to answer any questions.
4. Commissioner Alderson asked about the retention basin on the
southerly side; will the entire site drain to this site. Mr. Larkin
stated yes. It was expanded to get relief from both streets.
- Commissioner Alderson asked if you would be able to see through
the entry gates. Mr. Larkin explained the material and design of
• the gate.
5. Commissioner Alderson asked if the stacking at the entrance
would be about four cars. Mr. Larkin stated they are conditioned
to four cars.
6. Chairman Quill asked what "over story" was. Tom Edgemon,
landscape architect, explained the landscape material and how it
would be used. Chairman Quill stated the retention basins in this
area historically donot work well; what are they dong to make
sureit wil not become a quadmyer. Mr. Edgemon stated
decomposed granite and the infiltration he is not aware of what
will be used. Chairman Quill stated the standing water is the
problem. Mr. Larkin stated this has not been addressed by him or
City staff. Chairman Quill asked if he would be opposed to a
condition requiring a drywell or something similar. Mr. Larkin
stated they would have no objection.
7. Commissioner Alderson asked if they would object to adding any
playground equipment. Mr. Larkin stated they do not believe it
would be an addition to the market they are addressing.
8. There being no further public comment, there being none the
public participation portion of the hearing was closed and open for
Commission discussion.
9. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Barrows/Ladnedr to
adopt Minute Motion 2006-015, approving Site Development
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June 27. 2006
Permit 2006-861, as recommended and amended:
a. Condition added: addition of a drywell for nuisance water
Unanimously approved.
C. Environmental Assessment 2006-568 and Specific Plan 2006-080; a
request of the City for a recommendation to the City Council Certification
of an Addendum to Environmental Assessment 2002-453 and approval
of the SilverRock Resort Specific Plan creating development guidelines
and standards for the future development of a destination resort area for
the 546 acre site south of Avenue 52, west of Jefferson Street, north of
Avenue 54.
1. Staff requested the item be continued to July 1 1, 2006 due to an
error in notifying the hearing notice. The item was removed from
the agenda
A. Sign Application 2006-1006; a request of CP Development La Quinta,
LLC for consideration of a Sign Program for Centre Pointe project located
at the southeast corner of Washington Street and Miles Avenue.
1. Chairman Quill asked for the staff report. Principal Planner Stan
Sawa presented the information contained in the staff report, a
copy of which was on file in the Community Development
2. Chairman Quill asked if there was a color board and asked if the
applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr. Richard
Oliphant, ownerldeveloper of the project stated they had no
objection with the conditions as recommended.
3. There being no further public comment, the public participation
portion was closed and the matter was opened to Commission
4. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners LadnerlAlderson to
adopt Minute Motion 2006- 015 approving Sign Application 2006-
1005, as recommended. Unanimously approved.
B. Sign Application 2006-993; a request of Best Signs, Inc. for
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r. , Planning Commission Minutes
June 27, 2006
consideration of an Identification Sign for Rooms Express for the property
located on the north side of Highway 111, west of Adams Street in the
One-Eleven La Quinta Shopping Center.
1. Commissioner Alderson declared he had a potential conflict of
interest and withdrew from the dais.
2. Chairman Quill asked for the staff report. Assistant Planner Jay
Wuu presented the information contained in the staff report, a
copy of which was on file in the Community Development
5. Chairman Quill asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Daniels askd if inside the building it was one
showroom. Staff stated the applicant would need to answer.
6. There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Quill asked if
the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr. Eric
Fopla, Best Signs gave a presentation on the signs requested. The
signs as proposed represent the branding that represents the
businesses inside.
7. Commissioner Daniels asked staff to explain their
recommendation. CDD stated that to allow the signs to be moved
up it would create a problem with other owners wanting to use the
for frontage.
8. Commissiner Barrows asked how the sign totals were chosen.
Staff stated they were recommending a total sign area that would
be proportional to the wall.
9. There being no further public comment, the public participation
portion was closed and the matter was opened to Commission
10. Commissioner Daniels stated staffed staff's proposal was
11. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Ladner to
adopt Minute Motion 2006- 016 approving Sign Application 2006-
993, as recommended. Unanimously approved.
Commissioner Alderson rejoined the Commission.
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Planning Commission Minutes
June 27, 2006
A. Commissioners reviewed the City Council meeting of June 20, 2006.
B. Community Development Director Doug Evans discussed the summer
meeting schedule with the Commission. Commissioners determined to
go dark on August 22, 2006. ~.
C. Commissioner Ladner expressed her sadness in leaving and appreciated
her time on the Commission.
D. Commissioner Daniels asked that all mail come electronically.
E. Chairman Quill asked how much involvement the Commission would have
in the Vista Santa Rosa guidelines. CDD Doug Evans requested they
start writing down their ideas as the process would be moved forward as
fast as possible.
F. Commissioner Barrows asked if Commissioners could have a tour of the
VSR area. Staff stated it would need to be noticed and discussion
G. Commissioner Alderson asked if the same could be done for SilverRock.
H. Commissioner Daniels asked for a copy of the department's work
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Daniels/Barrows to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to a
regular meeting of the Planning Commission to be held on July 11, 2006. This meeting
of the Planning Commission was adjourned at 8:40 p.m. on June 27, 2006.
Respectfully submitted,
et er, Executive Secretary
City of L uinta, California
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