2006 03 14 PC MinutesMINUTES
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
March 14, 2006
7:00 P.M.
A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:08
p.m. by Acting Chairman Daniels who asked Commissioner Alderson to
lead the flag salute.
B. Present: Commissioners Ed Alderson, Kay Ladner and Acting Chairman
Rick Daniels. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Daniels/Alderson to excuse Commissioner Quill. Unanimously approved.
C. Staff present: Community Development Director Doug Evans, Assistant
City Attorney Michael Houston, Planning Manager Les Johnson,
Associate Planner Wallace Nesbit, and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer
A. Mr. Myron Mintz, 80-355 Weiskopf asked that the Shaffer item be
continued to April 1 1, 2006. Acting Chairman Daniels thanked Mr. Mintz
for his request.
A. Acting Chairman Daniels asked if there were any changes to the Minutes
of the March 14, 2006 regular meeting. There being no changes to the
minutes, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Alderson/Ladner
to approve the minutes as submitted.
A. Continued - Environmental Assessment 2005-550, General Plan
Amendment 2005-106 Zone Change 2005-126, Specific Plan 83-002,
Amendment #5, and Tentative Parcel Map 32752; a request of Ray
Shaffer for consideration of: 1) a Mitigated Negative Declaration of
environmental impact; 2-.a General Plan Amendment and Zone Change
from Golf Course to Low Density Residential; 3) a Specific Plan to allow
the conversion of 2.3+ acres of existing golf course/common area to
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Planning Commission Minutes
March t4, 2006
residential use; and 4) review of a Parcel Map to subdivide 2.3+ aces
into three single-family lots for the property located between Weiskopf
and Jack Nicklaus Golf Courses, immediately south of PGA Boulevard,
within PGA West.
1. Commissioner Ladner recluse herself due to a potential conflict of
interest and withdrew from the dais.
2. There being no quorum to discuss the item, it was continued to
March 28, 2006.
B. Site Development Permit 2006-853; a request of Trans West Housing,
Inc. for consideration of architectural plans for 11 prototype production
units for Griffin Ranch for the property located within Tract 328789, on
the south side of Avenue 54, east side of Madison Street, north side of
Greg Norman course project and '/4 mile west of Monroe Street.
1. Acting Chairman Daniels asked for the staff report. Associate
Wallace Nesbit presented the information contained in the staff
report, a copy of which was on file in the Community
Development Department. Staff explained proposed changes to
Condition No. 1 1 in regard to compatibility.
2. There being no questions of staff, Commissioner Daniels asked if
the applicant would Tike to address the Commission. Ms. Marty
Butler, representing Trans West Housing gave a presentation on
the project and explained that in regard to Condition No. 1 1 they
are concerned that the 20 one acre lots being custom homes will
be more than 10% larger than the production lots. This is a
conflict with the Zoning Code and they are asking for relief. Mr.
Jerry Herman, Trans West Housing, asked that Condition No. 14
be amended to allow them the flexibility to use either concrete or
clay "S" file with a tri-color mix.
3. Commissioner Alderson asked for an explanation of the garage
doors that appear to be hinged. Mr. Kirk McKinley, architect,
explained they are fiberglass doors with detailing, they do not
swing open, but roll-up.
4. Commissioner Daniels asked if there were any limitations on the
height and how will the Commission regulate custom lots being
located next to a two-story house. Staff stated there are no
restrictions along the property boundaries. Commissioner Daniels
asked staff's recommendation in regard to the mix of concrete and
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Planning Commission Minutes
March 14, 2006
clay roof tile. Staff stated they were in agreement with allowing
the applicant latitude to use either the concrete or clay tile. Acting
Chairman Daniels asked if staff had any objection to the
applicant's request in regard to Condition No. 11. Staff stated
they would reword the condition to reflect their concerns. Mr.
Herman asked that the Commission adopt the language of the
Architecture and Landscape Review Committee for Condition #14.
5. Commissioner Alderson asked if the custom lots could become an
issue in regard to two-story units being slotted on these tots.
Staff stated yes, and in addition the Code prohibits any two-story
units being sited within-in 50 feet of a single story in any adjacent
tract. Discussion followed regarding height limitations. Staff
recommended Condition #11 be amended to delete the final
sentence and replace it with "If the 20 one-acre lots are developed
as a custom phase, the Griffin Ranch Specific Plan provisions shall
apply as custom home design guidelines for the purpose of
regulating custom home development." Mr. Herman stated they
had no objection to staff's revision to Condition #11.
6. Commissioner Daniels asked if anyone else wanted to speak on
this project. Mr. Pete Morrissey, 81-815 Mt. View Lane, stated his
property borders the east end of this project and he is concerned
about the heights. They have built this end of the project up to be
higher than it should be and in addition the amount of fugitive dust
problems they have had since construction began. They are
requesting height limitations on the eastern boundary. In addition,
they have had problems with Trans West keeping the dust under
control and crews working late and on weekends. Ms. Butler
stated the maximum height for the eastern portion is 18 feet. Mr.
McKinley, architect for the project, stated the maximum height is
22 feet. Ms. Butler explained there is a City restriction of no more
than a three foot differential between pad heights of adjoining
7. Commissioner Ladner asked about the dust problems. Ms. Butler
stated they have water trucks on site and they are doing their best
to control the dust. They did have a problem with CVWD shutting
off the water while they made changes to their water lines. They
have not had any fines or complaints from AQMD. In addition,
they are using soil stabilizers.
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Planning Commission Minutes
March 14, 2006
8. Mr. Morrissey stated there was only one water truck for the entire
site. Acting Chairman Daniels asked if the grading plan was
consistent with the site grading. Staff stated to their knowledge
they are. The plan is in compliance with the conditions.
Commissioner Daniels asked if the Commission could condition the
project to not allow any two story units on the east boundary.
Community Development Director Doug Evans stated they could
do that. The applicant has stipulated the Madera units will be in
this location and the plan states they are 17.5 feet in height. Mr.
McKinley has stated they could go up to 22 feet which is a
different unit. The Commission could condition the project to
require a certain plan on certain lots.
9. Commissioner Alderson asked that Code Compliance be on duty to
assure they are only working on site during the allowable hours.
He asked the applicant what height limitation they were going to
have for the eastern boundary. Mr. Herman stated the height
limits along Avenue 54 would be within the allowable height of 22
feet and with the height differential the limit would be 24 feet.
Mr. Rod Grienberg, Trans West Housing, stated they would have
no objection to a restriction to 22 feet adjacent to the existing
residential lots. Ms. Butler explained they are currently doing the
phasing of house plans to the lots. They do not want to be tied to
a certain plan in case they come in with a new unit design.
10. Commissioner Ladner clarified there appears to be a street
between and a wall between these units and the adjoining project.
Ms. Butler stated that was true.
11. There being no further public comment, the public participation
portion of the hearing was closed and the matter was opened to
Commission discussion.
12. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Alderson/Ladner to
adopt Minute Motion 2006-002 approving Site Development
Permit 2006-853, as recommended and as amended:
a. Condition 14: delete the word random.
b. Condition /t1 1 amended to read: If the 20 one-acre lots are
developed as a custom phase, the Griffin Ranch Specific
Plan provisions shall apply as custom home design
guidelines for the purpose of regulating custom home
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Planning Commission Minutes
~ March 14, 2006
c. Applicant shall be limited to a single story and a height
limitation of 20 feet for all lots adjacent to the Estates
Project lots.
Unanimously approved.
A. Community Development Director Doug Evans informed the Commission
that two letters had been received in regard to parking in the Village and
drainage at the Griffin Ranch project. Staff will address the questions
and respond to the letters.
B. Planning Manager Les Johnson asked the Commission to consider
whether or not they would want staff to begin the process of a Text
Amendment to the Neighborhood Commercial Zoning District in order to
allow retail stores between 10,000 and 50,000 square feet in size.
Commissioners directed staff to prepare a text amendment.
C. Commissioners reviewed the City Council meeting of March 7, 2006.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
AldersonlLadner to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to a
regular meeting of the Planning Commission to be held on March 28, 2006. This
meeting of the Planning Commission was adjourned at 8:09 p.m. on March 14, 2006.
Respectfully submitted,
B y wyer, Exe utive Secretary
City of La Quinta, California
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