1990 01 23 PCl3k,11 WIN, AL PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY OF LA QUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY OF LA QUINTA A Regular Meeting to be Held at the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California January 23, 1990 - 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER - Flag Salute ROLL CALL **NOTE** ALL AGENDA ITEMS NOT CONSIDERED BY 11:00 P.M. MAY BE CONTINUED TO THE NEXT COMMISSION MEETING. Beginning Resolution No. 90-004 Minute Motion No. 90-002 HEARINGS 1. Item ................ CONTINUED HEARING - TENTATIVE TRACT 25402 Applicant ........... NORTH STAR CALIFORNIA CORPORATION Location ............ SOUTH SIDE OF 48TH AVENUE, WEST OF DUNE PALMS ROAD (EXTENDED) WITHIN THE PYRAMIDS PROJECT Request ............. APPROVAL OF A TENTATIVE TRACT MAP TO SUBDIVIDE 35.66 + GROSS .ACRES INTO 61 RESIDENTIAL LOTS AND OTHER MISCELLANEOUS LOTS Action .............. CONTINUED TO FEBRUARY 13, 1990 PUBLIC COMMENT This is the time set aside for citizens to address the Planning Commission on matters relating to City planning and zoning which are not Agenda items. Persons wishing to address the Planning Commission under Public Comment and scheduled Agenda items should use the BJ/AGENDA1.23 - 1 - 19,,. 001 Persons wishing to address the Planning Commission under Public Comment and scheduled Agenda items should use the form provided. Please complete one form for each item you intend to address and submit he form to the Planning Director prior to the beginning of the meeting. Your name will be called at the appropriate time. When addressing the Planning Commission, please state your name and address. The proceedings of the Planning Commission meeting are recorded on tape and comments of each person shall be limited. CONSENT CALENDAR Minutes of the regular Planning Commission meeting held January 9, 1990. BUSINESS SESSION 1. Item ................ SETTING PUBLIC HEARING FOR STREET NAME CHANGES Applicant ........... City of La Quinta Request ............. Change street names for Avenues 50, 52, 54, or others Action .............. Resolution 90- 2. Item ................ TENTATIVE TRACTS 22982 (CACTUS FLOWER) AND 24208 (CACTUS FLOWER EXTENSION) Applicant ........... La Quinta Associates II, Elizabeth G. Williams Request ............. Review of proposed architectural elevations. Action .............. Minute Motion OTHER - None ADJOURNMENT BJ/AGENDA1.23 - 2 - -�.002 ----------------------------- I:TEMS FOR JANUARY 22, 1990, 4:00 P.M. STUDY SESSION "DISCUSSION ONLY" 1. Review of Parkland Study of the La Quinta area north of the Coachella Valley Water District Whitewater Wash. 2. All Agenda items. 3. Identification of future Commission Agenda items. ITEMS IDENTIFIED FOR FUTURE AGENDAS a. Downtown Parking District b. Street Address Illumination C. PGA West Specific Plan d. Commercial Noise Study e. Life safety support design, including access and circulation, public and private BJ/AGENDAI.23 - 3 - 003 PH-1 STAFF REPORT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DATE: JANUARY 23, 1990 (CONTINUED FROM JANUARY 9, 1990) CASE NO.: TENTATIVE TRACT 25402 (EA 89-149) APPLICANT: NORTH STAR CALIFORNIA CORPORATION (THE PYRAMIDS) ENGINEER: SANBORN/WEBB, INC. REQUEST: APPROVAL OF A TENTATIVE TRACT MAP TO SUBDIVIDE 35.66+ GROSS ACRES INTO 61 RESIDENTIAL LOTS AND OTHER MISCELLANEOUS LOTS. LOCATION: SOUTH SIDE OF 48TH AVENUE, WEST OF DUNE PALMS ROAD (EXTENDED), WITHIN THE PYRAMIDS PROJECT. This item was originally scheduled for January 9, 1990, and continued at the Applicant's request to this hearing. The Applicant has asked for a further continuance to February 13, 1990, since they have not yet revised their map. RECOMMENDATION: Staff has no objections to a further continuance and recommends that the hearing be opened and continued to the meeting of February 13, 1990. BJ/STAFFRPT.034 STAFF REPORT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DATE: JANUARY 23, 1990 APPLICANT: LA QUINTA ASSOCIATES II ELIZABETH G. WILLIAMS OWNER: LA QUINTA ASSOCIATES PROJECT: REVIEW OF ARCHITECTURAL ELEVATIONS FOR ADDITIONAL UNIT FOR TRACT 22982 (CACTUS FLOWER) AND TENTATIVE TRACT 24208 (CACTUS FLOWER EXTENSION). LOCATION: SOUTHEAST CORNER OF FRED WARING DRIVE AND ADAMS STREET. BACKGROUND: The Conditions of Approval for both Tract 22982 and Tentative Tract 24208 require all units to be approved by the Planning Commission. Five single family unit designs have already :been approved and a new design has now been proposed. Units Already Approved Number of Dwelling Garage Different # Bedrooms Family Room Garage Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Elevations Plan 1 3 0 3 1,340 641 3 Plan 2 3 1 3 1,612 687 3 Plan 3 4 1 3 1,628 620 3 Plan 4 4 1 3 1,870 614 3 Plan 5 4 1 3 2,057 594 3 Proposed Additional Unit Number of Dwelling Garage Different # Bedrooms Family Room Garage Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Elevations Plan 6 4 1 3 2,328 628 3 BJ/STAFFRPT.036 - 1 - 005 ANALYSIS: As can be seen, Plan 6 is a much larger unit with larger rooms than the already approved units 1 to 5. The elevations of Plan 6 exhibit a similar architectural style as units number 1 to 5. Window detailing and roof vent detailing have been included on all four elevations of unit #6. The Applicant proposes to use the same color materials for unit 6 as was used for units 1 to 5. These are desert colors and were previously approved. RECOMMENDATION: Approve by minute motion the elevations for unit 6 for Tract 22982 and Tentative Tract 24208. Attachments: Floor plan and elevations for Tract 22982 and Tentative Tract 24208, Unit #6 BJ/STAFFRPT.036 - 2 - 006 STUDY SESSION TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: W-A I / I MEMORANDUM HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT JANUARY 13, 1990 PARKLAND STUDY OF THE LA QUINTA AREA NORTH OF THE COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT WHITEWATER WASH Attached is a parkland report for your discussion. BJ/MEMOGL. 012 7 PARKLAND STUDY OF LA QUINTA AREA NORTH OF THE COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT WHITEWATER WASH SUMMARY: Three smaller neighborhood, three larger neighborhood, and one community park have been planned for the La Quinta area north of the Coachella Valley Water District Whitewater Wash (see attached maps). TOTAL PARKLAND TO BE DEDICATED PER SUBDIVISION REQUIREMENTS TOTAL PARKLAND NEEDED TO BE PURCHASED BY THE CITY Neighborhood Park Community Park TOTAL TOTAL AMOUNT OF PARKLAND TO BE PROVIDED IN THE SUBJECT AREA NOTE: TOTAL ACRES REQUIRING FEE IN -LIEU PER SUBDIVISION REQUIREMENTS 1. BACKGROUND: 11.32 ACRES 3.01 18.66 21.67 ACRES 32.67 ACRES 14.63 ACRES The La Quinta area north of the Coachella Valley Water District Whitewater Wash has shown tremendous growth in the last few years. Almost 3,000 residential units have been approved and approximately 80% of this area has been developed. It is important therefore, at this stage, to provide for the implementation of a park plan to serve the future residents of this area. 2. PROPOSED PARK PLAN A. Total amount of parkland provided: The La Quinta General Plan has the following guideline regarding parkland and the total amount of parkland to be provided "POLICY 5.1.1 - Provide, maintain, and operate park and recreation facilities which are adequate for the existing and planned population, using a variable standard between one and five acres per 1,000 population. The standard used shall depend upon housing type, density and the amount and availability of private open space." BJ/MEMOGL.012 - 2 - - UO3 The total projected population for the La Quinta area north of the Whitewater Wash is approximately 12,000 people. The majority of the area will be medium density, middle income, single family residential. It is therefore proposed that a standard of 3 acres per 1,000 people be used. This calculates out to be 33 acres of parkland to be located in the northern La Quinta area. B. Size, number and location of The La Quinta General Plan states the following guideline as regards size of parks in La Quinta. "POLICY 5.1.2 - Future development of parks shall conform to the adopted open space/community facilities plan which includes a system of community parks (greater than ten acres in size with an average size of thirty acres), neighborhoods parks (between five and ten acres; in size with an average size of 7.5 acres) and mini -parks (less than one acre in size)." The Open Space/Community Facilities Plan shows one Community Park and two large Neighborhood Parks located in the northern La Quinta area (see Attachment W . After careful analysis of present and proposed development in the study area, this report proposes that three smaller neighborhood, three larger neighborhood and one community park be located in the La Quinta area north of the Coachella Valley Water District Wash. The following table and attachments #2 and #3 show details of this park proposal. BJ/MEMOGL.012 - 3 '" 009 PARK PROPOSAL SERVICE AREA/ PROPOSED SIZE RADIUS TYPE OF PARK # PARKS (ACRES) (MILES) USE Smaller Neighborhood 3 1 to 2 0.25 Landscaped passive recreation area, playground apparatus for small children. Larger Neighborhood 3 2.5 to 5 0.5 Playfields/courts playground apparatus landscaped passive recreation area, picnic facilities, restrooms. Community Park 1 10 - 30 1 to 3 Facilities of a neighborhood park, sports fields, community center/recreation building and swimming pool, restrooms. TOTAL # ACRES FOR ALL PARKS = +33 ACRES The reasons for the difference between the new park plan and the La Quinta General Plan guidelines as regards neighborhood parks is as follows: i. The land in the subject area has been developed incrementally with an average tract size of 40 acres„ It has therefore been difficult to accumulate large parcels of parkland. ii. In essence the northern La Quinta area comprises one --half mile square "super blocks" surrounded by arterial streets. In general smaller children require a park located close to their homes with no busy streets to cross. Each "super block" therefore has been provided with a neighborhood park and the largest two neighborhood parks. BJ/MEMOGL.012 - 4 - 0 1 g 3. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PARK PLAN. A. The Quimby Act The Quimby Act allows local governments to require the dedication of land or fees in -lieu as a condition of residential subdivision map approval. In La Quinta the amount of land to be dedicated is 3 acres/1000 residents, the maximum allowed by law. This land or fees in -lieu is required to be used for the provision of parks and recreational facilities. B. Implementation of the Park Plan Usina the Act. Implementation of the Park Plan requires the execution of the following three elements. 1. When a subdivision is approved, if the location is suitable, parkland will be required to be dedicated in accordance with the Quimby Act. 2. when a subdivision is approved and the location is not suitable for a park a fee in -lieu of parkland will be required to be dedicated in accordance with the Quimby Act. 3. Using the fees identified in Item #2, the city will purchase parkland to enlarge parkland area dedicated in Item #1 and create new parks all in accordance with the proposed park plan. The following tables show details of the implementation of the proposed park plan. BJ/MEMOGL.012 - 5 - h Oil SMALLER NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS Three smaller neighborhood parks are proposed TO BE SIZE ACRES ALREADY* TO BE PURCHASED LOCATION ACRES ALLOCATED DEDICATED BY CITY Spanos Project 1.5 to 2 1.22 0.28 to 0.78*** 0 (TT #23995) N/W corner Miles & Dune Palms 1 0 1 0 Between Abrams (TT 023519) & Noble (TT #239:35) Project 1 0 0.29** 0.71 * As shown on approved tentative tract maps. ** Still to be dedicated as part of future tentative tract map approvals. *** Still needs to be dedicated by Tentative Tract #23995 prior to final map approval. BJ/MEMOG:11.012 - 6 - ,. 012 LARGER NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS Three neighborhood parks are proposed. TO BE ULTIMATE ACRES ALREADY* TO BE* PURCHASED LOCATION SIZE DEDICATED DEDICATED BY CITY (ACRES) North of Miles (Deane Homes) TT #23971 3.34 3.34 0 0 West of Adams (La Quinta Highlands (TT #23269) 2.49 Center of Fred Waring/Dune Palms/ Miles/Jefferson block 5 2.49 0 0 2.7 0 2.3 * As shown on approved tentative tract maps ** Still to be dedicated as part of future tentative tract map approvals. C. COMMUNITY PARK One community park is proposed. TO BE PURCHASED POSSIBLE LOCATION SIZE BY CITY (ACRES) N/E corner Adams & Westward Ho 18.66 TOTAL amount of parkland to be dedicated TOTAL acres requiring fee in -lieu TOTAL amount of land to be purchased by the City for Neighborhood Parks TOTAL amount of land to be purchased by the City for Community Park TOTAL amount of parkland to be provided in the subject area BJ/MEMOGL.012 - 7 - 18.66 11.32 Acres 14.63 Acres 3.01 Acres 18.66 TOTAL 21.67 Acres 32.67 b 013 It should be noted that 36.6 acres of private open space and 42.36 acres of golf course open space have been provided by the private projects located within the study area. These figures were not :included in the overall park calculations. Details of the parkland study calculations are provided in Attachment #4. 4. CONCLUSION: A Park Plan has been proposed for the northern La Quinta area. To complete this plan, the City would be required to purchase 21.67 acres of parkland. Attachments: 1. General Plan parkland guidelines 2. Proposed park plan 3. Plan showing radius area of each proposed park will serve. 4. Detailed parkland study calculations. BVMEMOGL.012 - 8 - "• U14 ATTACHMENT #4 1. PRIVATE PARKLAND PROVIDED IN PRIVATE TRACTS AND MULTI -FAMILY PROJECTS A. PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT NUMBER OF RESIDENTIAL *PRIVATE/OPEN GOLF COURSE TRACT # NAME LOTS SPACE (ACRES) (ACRES) 18915 Palm Royale 354 8.21 23.52 19903 La Quinta Palms 146 21.94 2180/2190 Westward Ho 92 18.84 TOTAL 592 30.15 42.36 * Excludes Golf Course B. MULTI -FAMILY DEVELOPMENTS PRIVATE/OPEN TRACT # NAME # RES. LOTS SPACE _ 23995 TOTAL Spanos 736 736 6.45 6.45 C. GRAND TOTAL: FOR PRIVATE AREAS (PRIVATE TRACTS + MULTI FAMILY) NUMBER OF PRIVATE OPEN RESIDENTIAL LOTS SPACE GOLF COURSE 1328 36.6 42.36 BJ/MEMOGL.012 - 9 - '. fJ 1 5 2. PARKLAND REQUIRED FROM EXISTING AND PLANNED SUBDIVISIONS A. FINAL TRACTS * NUMBER OF PARK AREA RESIDENTIAL REQUIRED PROVIDED ACRES FEE TRACT # NAME LOTS (ACRES) (ACRES) IN -LIEU 22982 Cactus Flower 137 1.20 0 1.20 23269 La Quinta Highlands 250 2.19 2.49** 0 23773-1 Starlight 0 0.46 Dunes 53 0.46 Phase I TOTAL 440 3.85 2.49 1.66 * Includes Retention Basin lots that will eventually become residential lots. ** Part park/part temporary retention basin. CITY 0 x e BJ/MEMOGL.012 - 10 - o 016 B. TENTATIVE TRACTS TO BE * NUMBER OF PARK PURCHASED RESIDENTIAL AREA REQUIRED PROVIDED ACRES FEE BY CITY TRACT # NAME LOTS (ACRES) (ACRES) IN -LIEU (ACRES) 23268 Bella La Quinta 199 1.74 0 1.74 0 23519 Abrams 107 0.94 0 0.94 0 23773 Starlight 101 0.88 0 0.88 0 Dunes (balance) 23913 Quinterra 116 1.02 0 1.02 0 23935 Noble 196 1.72 0 1.72 0 23971 Deane Homes 228 1.96 3.34** 0 23995 Spanos 300 2.63 +1.5*** +1.13 0 24197 Jefferson 238 2.08 2.10 0 Square 2.3+ 24208 Cactus Flower 0.6 0.60 0 Ext. 69 24517 Rancho 91 0.8 0 0.@'0 0 Ocotillo 24950 Desert Flower 37 0.32 0 0.32 0 TOTAL 1,682 14.69 7.54 8.55 2.3 * Includes Retention Basin lots that will eventually become residential lots. ** Part park/part temporary retention basin. *** Only 1.22 acres are shown. The park needs to be 1.5 to 2 acres in size. More parkland therefore has to be dedicated. + Parkland to be purchased from TT 24197 and TT 24208 to make a acre neighborhood park. BJ/MEMOGL.012- 017 s�w� C. TENTATIVE TRACTS IN PROCESS * NUMBER PARK AREA CITY RESIDENTIAL REQUIRED PROVIDED ACRES FEE PURCHASE TRACT # NAME LOTS (ACRES) (ACRES) IN -LIEU (ACRES) 25154 Strothers 117 1.03 0 1.03 0 25290 Rancho Ocotillo 31 0.27 0 0.27 0 Ext. TOTAL 148 1.3 0 1.3 0 * Includes Retention Basin lots that will eventually become residential lots. D. GRAND TOTAL: PUBLIC PARKS (EXISTING AND PLANNED SUBDIVISIONS) TO BE PURCHASED BY * RESIDENTIAL PARK AREA PARKLAND ACRES FEE THE CITY LOTS REQUIRED (ACRES) PROVIDED (ACRES) IN -LIEU (ACRES) 2270 19,84 10.03 11.51 2.3 BJ/MEMOGL.012 - 12 - +, ni s 3. POSSIBLE FUTURE PARKLAND TO BE OBTAINED FROM EXISTING VACANT AREAS *POSSIBLE PARK AREA PARKLAND ACRES PROVIDED APPROXIMATE REQUIRED REQUIRED FEE BY THE APN # AREA # LOTS ACRES ACRES IN -LIEU CITY 613-421-005 4.21 15 0.13 0 0.13 0 613-421-007 33.78 118 1.03 1 0.03 0 613-421-006 9.24 32 0.28 0 0.28 0 613-422-008 4.20 15 0.43 0 0.43 0 613-431-002 9.5 33 0.29 0 0.29 0 613-431-004 10.0 35 0.29 0.29 0 0.71 613-431-005 10.0 35 0.29 0 0.29 0 613-431-006 18.66 65 0.57 Possible 0 18.66 Community 613-431-009 17.64 62 0.54 0 0.54 0 613-431-010 2.00 7 0.06 0 0.06 0 613-431-011 9.31 33 0.29 0 0.29 0 617-080-001 1.76 6 0.05 0 0.05 0 617-080-003 1.88 7 0.06 0 0.06 0 617-080-005 13.98 49 0.43 0 0.43 0 617-090-007 7.77 27 0.24 0 0.24 0 TOTAL 539 4.68 1.29 3.12 19.37 * A figure of 3.5 units/acre was used to determine possible approximate number of lots. BJ/MEMOGL.012 - 13 - +_' 0.19 MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY OF LA QUINTA A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California January 9„ 1990 I. II III 7:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER A. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Walling. The Flag Salute was led by Commissioner Steding. ROLL CALL A. Chairman Walling requested the roll call. Present: Commissioners Zelles, Steding, Moran, and Chairman Walling. Absent: Commissioner Bund B. Staff Present: Planning and Development Director Jerry Herman, Principal Planner Stan Sawa, Department Secretary Betty Anthony. HEARINGS Chairman Walling introduced the Public Hearing items as follows: A. CONTINUED HEARING: Zoning Ordinance Amendment No. 89-012; a City -initiated request for revision to the current Parking Ordinance, Municipal Code Chapter 9.160; effective City-wide. 1. Planning Director Jerry Herman presented the information contained in the Staff Report:, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. 2. Chairman Walling opened the continued Public Hearing. No one wished to address the Commission at this time. BJ/MIN1/9.DFT - 1 - 41 029 Planning Commission Minutes January 9, 1990 3. A motion was made by Commissioner Moran and seconded by Commissioner Zelles to continue the Hearing on Zoning Ordinance Amendment No. 89-012 to February 13, 1990. Unanimously adopted on a roll call vote. Chairman Walling excused himself from participation of the following item at this time, due to a possible con]`lict of interest. Vice Chairman Moran introduced the following Public Hearing. B. Tentative Tract 25402, a request to subdivide 35.66 + gross acres into 61 residential lots and other miscellaneous lots. 1. Planning Director Jerry Herman presented a brief summary of the request and stated that the the Planning & Development Department had received a request by the Applicant to continue the Hearing. 2. Vice Chairman Moran opened the Public Hearing. No one wished to address the Commission at this time. The Hearing was then closed and opened to discussion among the Commissioners. 3. Commissioner Zelles moved to continue the Public Hearing to January 23, 1990, per the Applicant's request. Commissioner Steding seconded the motion. Unanimously adopted. Vice Chairman Moran returned the meeting to Chairman Walling. C. Tentative Tract 25397; a request to re -subdivide a 17.5 acre portion of Tract 20717, from three condominium lots with 51 units to 31 individual single family lots for custom home development. 1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the Staff Report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. Principal Planner Sawa requested that the following changes be made: Conditions of Approval #7 to read, "The Applicant shall submit a grading plan that is prepared by registered civil engineer. A registered civil engineer shall exercise sufficient engineering control during grading and construction to insure compliance with plan specifications and code within his purview. Certification at the final grade stage and verification of pad elevations is also required prior to final approval of grading construction." BJ/MIN1/9.DFT - 2 M., (J2 1 Planning Commission Minutes January 9, 1990 0 Condition #l.a. should be eliminated. 2. There being no questions of the Staff at this time, Chairman Walling opened the Public Hearing. Mr. Allan Levin, Sunrise Company, spoke for the Applicant and questioned the wording of Condition #7 and wanted to know if it was necessary to specify that the grading plan is necessary prior to the issuance of building permit. Staff stated that timing stipulation was not part of the conditions. 4. There being no questions by the Commission or anyone else. Chairman Walling closed the Public Hearing and opened the matter I -or Commission discussion. Commissioner Steding moved to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 90-001 subject to the revised conditions as stated above. Commissioner Moran seconded and after a roll call vote passed unanimously. Tentative Tract 23971, Amendment #1; a request by Deane Homes to amend Conditions of Approval. 1. Planning Director Jerry Herman presented the information contained in the Staff Report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department, and asked for a modification of Condition #14 to substitute the information previously approved for the prior tract (TT #25397) dealing with the grading revisions agreed to by the City Engineer. Chairman Walling opened the Public Hearing. Mr. John Curtis, representative of Deane Homes, spoke concerning the concerns of the Applicant having to do with the following: a. Condition #6 - eight -foot sidewalks. b. Condition 414 - grading plan. C. Condition #30 - two-story dwellings along Washington Street. Mr. Curtis presented the argument that with their significant setback of 130-feet from the centerline of WashingtonStreet and the project wall and varied heights, the image of the Washington Corridor would not be detrimentally altered. BJ/MIN1/9.DFT - 3 - °• 022 Planning Commission Minutes January 9, 1990 3. There being no further comments, Chairman Walling closed the Public Hearing and opened the matter to Commission discussion. 4. Following discussion by the Commission regarding the location of the project, other projects in the area which have two-stcry dwellings, and the previously prepared Noise Study, Commissioner Moran moved to continue the Hearing to February 13, 1990, to allow the Applicant time to conduct a addition to the Noise Study as it relates to the two-story units along Washington Street. Commissioner Steding seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. E. Tentative Tract 25389; a request of M. J. Brock I -or a subdivision of 63.6 acres into 254 single family lots for sale, plus numerous street and one future single family residential lot. 1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the Staff Report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. Principal Planner Sawa explained that modifications to the Conditions need to added as follows: 4.b.(1). Full street improvements along Calle Tampico from Washington Street to Calle Rondo as part of Phase One development improvements are required. No further improvements to this section of Calle Tampico shall be required of this Tract nor of Oak Tree West Specific Plan 85-006. 4.b.(3). Half street improvements on Calle Tampico from Calle Rondo to Park Avenue and along Park Avenue between Calle Tampico and the Tract entrance (Lot: E) are required. 4.b.(4). Twenty-eight feet wide street improvement centered on Park Avenue centerline between the Tract entrance (Lot E) and 50th Avenue. This improvement is subject to reimbursement as provided by future action of the City Council. 6. Add "...gate and wall or chainlink fence with Oleanders at the west..." BJ/MIN1/9.DFT - 4 - p' 023 Planning Commission Minutes January 9, 1990 7. Add "...gate and wall or chainlink fence with Oleanders at the golf...) 8. Add "the alignment of Adams Street" to the list of streets. 2. Commissioner Moran questioned where the chainlink fence would be used, and the existing aesthetic problem in regard to the maintenance facility and the vacation of Avenida Ultimo. Planning Director Jerry Herman stated that the problem of the maintenance facility could not be addressed at this time. Discussion followed relative to the fencing and landscaping. 3. Chairman Walling opened the Public Hearing. 4. Mr. Ken Ayers, representative for M. J. Brock addressed the Commission regarding the density changes, and explained that the project would be to sell a product, not develop lots. Commissioner Moran asked the price range and square footage of the homes. 5. Mr. Rick Moreno, 50-825 Calle Rondo, addressed the issue of the existing chainlink fence on Calle Rondo and dust control. 'The Applicant indicated that except for the existing chainlink fence on Avenida Ultimo, the project will be surounded by a block wall. 6. Greg Abadie, Landmark Land Company, spoke in support of the M. J. Brock Company and the project. There being no further comments, Chairman Walling closed the Public Hearing. Following discussion relative to the above described issues, Commissioner Steding moved to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 90-002 subject to the conditions as modified. Commissioner Moran seconded the motion. Following a roll call vote the motion carried unanimously. F. Change of Zone 89-051; a request of Landmark Land Company for preannexation zoning for the property generally located south of 55th Avenue, west of Monroe Street, north of Airport Boulevard, east of Madison Street, and north of 58th Avenue, south of the current City limits approximately 2,600 feet west of Monroe along both sides of Madison Street. BJ/MIN1/9.DFT - 5 Planning Commission Minutes January 9, 1990 1. Planning Director Jerry Herman presented the information as contained in the Staff Report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. 2. Commissioner Moran questioned how this would affect the total approved number of units that are now approved for PGA West. Planning Director Herman stated that it would probably cause an amendment to the Specific Plan but at present all that is proposed is a golf course. 3. Chairman Walling opened the Public Hearing. There being no one wishing to speak, the Hearing was closed. 4. There being no questions, Commissioner Zelles moved to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 90-003; Commissioner Moran seconded the motion. Following a roll call vote the motion carried unanimously. IV. PUBLIC COMMENT No one wished to addressed the Commission. V. CONSENT CALENDAR A motion was made by Commissioner Steding and seconded by Commissioner Moran to approve the minutes of November 28, 1989 and December 12, 1989. Unanimously approved. VI. BUSINESS A. Tentative Tract 23913; a request of Waldon Financial Corporation for approval of parkland fee in -lieu proposal. 1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the Staff Report:, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. 2. There being no discussion, Commissioner Moran moved and Commissioner Zelles seconded to adopt Minute Motion 90-001 recommending to the City Council acceptance of the proposal. Motion carried unanimously. B. Consideration of name change for 50th Avenue; a request by the La Quinta Arts Foundation to rename 50th Avenue to Andy Williams Drive. BJ/MIN1/9.DFT - 6 g.•Ji 025 Planning Commission Minutes January 9, 199U 1. Planning Director Jerry Herman presented the information contained in the Staff Report, a copy of which is in the Planning and Development Department. 2. After a great deal of discussion regarding which streets could be named for different individuals who had contributed to the development of the City of La Quinta, it was moved by Commissioner Moran and seconded by Commissioner Zelles, to continue to matter to a Study Session where more indepth consideration could be given to the matter (scheduled for January 23, 1990, Study Session). The motion passed on a vote of three to one with Commissioner Steding voting no, Commissioner Bund absent. Commissioner Moran moved to excuse Commission Bund from the meeting. Commissioner Steding seconded the motion. Unanimously approved. VI. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner Steding and seconded by Commissioner Moran to adjourn to a regular meeting on January 23, 1990, at 7:00 P.M. in the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. This meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission was adjourned at 8:12 P.M., January 9, 1990. BJ/MIN1/9.DFT - 7 - BI-1 I MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DATE: JANUARY 23, 1990 SUBJECT: CONTINUED DISCUSSION ON SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING ON STREET NAME CHANGES BACKGROUND: The City Council on December 19, 1989, considered a request; to rename 50th Avenue to "Andy Williams Drive. After some discussion the Council referred the matter to the Planning Commission as set forth in the Municipal Code. The Code requires the Commission to adopt a resolution of intent. to change the street name and set a date for public hearing. On January 9, 1990, the Planning Commission considered the Council :request. After discussion the Commission determined that other streets within the City should be considered for street names for other local residents. The matter was then continued to January 23, 1990. Attached is a draft resolution establishing the Public Hearing. The specific streets with recommended names will have to be added upon Commission discretion. ACTION: Move to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 90- , setting a Public Hearing for March 13, 1990, to consider various street name changes. Attachment: 1. Chapter 14.08 La Quinta Municipal Code City Council Minute, December 19, 1989, Page 5 BJ/MEMOJH.019 v, 027 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 90-004 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER RENAMING VARIOUS CITY STREETS. WHEREAS, Chapter 14.08 of the La Quinta Municipal Code provides for the procedures for processing a street name change; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California on January 9, 1990, and January 23, 1990, discussed various street name changes; and, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: 1. The: Planning Commission hereby declares its intention to conduct a Public Hearing to consider a request to rename the following streets within the City: 50th Avenue 52nd Avenue 54th Avenue Some of the names to be considered for these streets are, Andy Williams Drive, Frank Capra Drive, Mery Griffin Drive, and/or other names as may be deemed appropriate. 2. The Public Hearing with regard to these street name changes shall be held before the Planning Commission on March 13, 1990, at 7:00 P.M., in the City Council Chambers at City Hall, located at 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. 3. The Planning Commission hereby authorizes and directs this Resolution to be published at least 15-days prior to March 13, 1990, in the Desert Sun, a newspaper of general circulation, circulated in the City and to further cause notices of this Resolution to be posted in at least three places along the streets considered for name changes at least 10-days prior to March 13, 1990. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission, held on this 23rd day of January, 1990, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Bund, Zelles, Moran, Chairman Walling NOES: Commissioner Steding ABSENT: ABSTAIN: BJ/RESOPC.037 - 1 - a. � 028 JOHN WALLING, Chairman City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: JERRY HERMAN, Planning Director City of La Quinta, California BJ/RESOPC.037 - 2 City Council Minutes Page 5 December 19, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 89-140 A RESOLUTION OF THE:.CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ANNOUNCING FINDINGS, CONFIRMING THE ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS AND APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 25290 TO ALLOW THE CREATION OF A 31-LOT RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION ON A 9.5-ACRE SITE. CASE NO. TT 25290 - WARING ADAMS VENTURE. It was moved by Council Members Bohnenberger/Sniff that Resolution No. 89-140 be adopted as recommended. Motion carried unanimously. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS a. Leter from Lauren Lewis regarding renaming Avenue 50 as "Andy Williams Drive". Mayor Pena noted that a letter has been received from Lauren Lewis asking that consideration be given to renaming Avenue 50 to "Andy Williams Drive". Council Member Sniff noted that this item periodically surfaces and MOVED that the February newsletter contain a survey form asking the citizens of La Quinta if they wish to rename Avenue 50 and if so, would they like to see it named for Andy Williams, Frank Capra, Mery Griffin or some other person; and that the results of the survey be considered meaningful and significant if we receive 15% response or more. MOTION DIED FOR LACK OF A SECOND. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Bohnenberger/Rushworth that the procedures set forth in the Municipal Code be initiated to change the name of Avenue 50 to "Andy Williams Drive" (public hearing before the Planning Commission with report back to the City Council) and that notices also be sent to the Cities of Indio, Coachella and County of Riverside. Discussion ensued with Council Member Sniff feeling that it would be appropriate to get a sense of the community before going through the process with Council Member Rushworth noting that a public hearing would serve the same purpose. Council Member Bohnenberger advised that there probably would be time to put an article in the newsletter between the Planning Commission hearing and City Council meeting. Mayor Pena suggested that Avenue 50 also be posted. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MINUTE ORDER NO. 89-142. Sections: 14.08.010 14.08.020 14.08.030 14.08.040 14.08.050 14.08.060 14.08.070 14.08.080 14.08.090 14.08.100 14.08.110 Chapter 14.08 STREET NAME CHANGES Petition for initiation of street name change. Initiation of petition. Application fee. Manager's examination. Adoption of resolution of intention. Publication. Posting. Commission hearing. Commission recommendation. Council action. Commission recommendation without and hearing. 282 petition 9• i 031 14.08.010--14.08.090 14.08.010 Petition for initiation of street name change. Any person may initiate a street name change for any reason consistent with law, by complying with the provi- sions of this chapter. (Ord. 10 51(part), 1982) 14.08.020 initiation of petition. A proposed change of street name may be initiated by filing with the planning commission an application in the form prescribed by the city manager and signed by the owners of at least sixty percent of the lineal frontage abutting the street to be affected. (Ord. 10 S1(part), 1982) 14.08.030 Application fee. The application shall be accompanied by a fee in an amount established by resolution of the city council, in order to defray the costs of pub- lishing, posting and processing, as hereinafter prescribed. (Ord. 10 S1(part), 1982) 14.08.040 Manager's examination. The city manager shall examine the application and determine the sufficiency of same as to the percentage requirement of Section 14.08- .020. (Ord. 10 S1(part), 1982) 14.08.050 Adoption of resolution of intention. Upon determination of the sufficiency of the petition, the com- mission shall adopt a resolution of intention to change name and set a date for public hearing not less than thirty days from the date of adoption of the resolution. (Ord. 10 S1 (part), 1982) 14.08.060 Publication. The city manager shall provide for at least one publication of the resolution of intention in a newspaper of general circulation within the city at least fifteen days prior to the hearing date. (Ord. 10 51 (part), 1982) 14.08.070 Posting. The city manager shall provide for posting copies of the resolution of intention in at least three public places along the street proposed to be affect- ed. The posting shall be completed at least ten days prior to the hearing date. (Ord. 10 51(part), 1982) 14.08.080 Commission hearing. At the time set for hearing, or at any time to which the hearing may be contin- ued, the commission shall hear and consider proposals to adjust, alter or change the name(s) of the street(s) men- tioned in the resolution, and objections to the proposals. (Ord. 10 51(part), 1982) 14.08.090 Commission recommendation. conclusion of the hearing, the commission ormnendation to the city council which the 283 At or after the may make any rec- commission deems U.: 032 14.08.100--14.08.110 appropriate. in its deliberations the commission shall con- sider any applicable specific plans in effect. (Ord. 10 51(part), 1982) 14.08.100 Council action. The city council may, pur- suant to California Government Code Section 34091.1, take such action as it deems appropriate upon the recommendation of the commission, and failure to take action within sixty days after submission of the commission's recommendation shall be deemed denial of the application. (Ord. 10 S1 (part), 1982) 14.08.110 Commission recommendation wi and hearing. Notwithstanding any other parts of this code, the commission may, for any reason it deems in the public interest and necessity, recommend to the city council that a street name be changed. The recommendation may be made with- out complying with the requirements of Sections 14.08.020 through 14.08.080. The recommendation shall be in the form of a resolution of the commission directed to the city coun- cil. Thereafter the city council shall take such action as it deems appropriate. (Ord. 10 51(part), 1982) 284 033 RESOLUTION NO. 90-1 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE LA QUINTA ARTS FOUNDATION TO RECOMMEND THE RENAMING OF A STREET IN LA QUINTA TO "ANDY WILLIAMS DRIVE" DE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of La Quinta Arts Foundation endorses and is in support of renaming a street in La Qulnta to "Andy Williams" Drive In recognition of the contrlbutlons that Andy Williams has made to the City of La Qulnta and to the Coachella Valley. ADOPTED this nlneth day of January, 1990 AYES: 16 NOES: 0 ABSENT: 1 ATTEST: ByG�7� ohna Davis, President By - Margo et Ro ertson Exec ive Director By Q /iF 1 & Nanc}i Marks, Secretary 0311 I HE ;; } RTA x •,ioxu •sso m•nox cnnuolas ❑. AS Orn Lrwie III I, nnnnn LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL Ladies and Gentlemen: We are supportive to the suggestion of renaming Avenue 50 to Andy Williams Drive. He has given of his talent and time to our community. I would not support any change in Avenue 52 or 54 as is proposed. I like Frank Capra, but he hasn't been supportive as has Andy Williams. F have no knowledge of anything Mery Griffin has done for La Quinta other than building a house. H.Lauren Lewis 51-290 Avenidas Bermudas • Post Office Box 1627 • La Quinta, California 92253 • (619)564-1857 �'•_ 035 RESOLUTION NO. 90-1 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE LA QUINTA ARTS FOUNDATION TO RECOMMEND THE RENAMING OF A STREET IN LA QUINTA TO "ANDY WILLIAMS DRIVE" BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of La Quints Arts Foundation endorses and is in support of renaming a street In La Quints to "Andy Williams" Drive In recognition of the contributions that Andy Williams has made to the City of La Quinta and to the Coachella Valley. ADOPTED this nineth day of .January AYES: 16 NOES: 0 ABSENT: 1 ATTEST: U .v CJ. vis, President 1990. i By — arga et Robertson Exec ive Director By �C �� , Nanct/Marks, Secretary 036 FZNTIAC Coca" December 14,1989 Mayor John Pena City of La Quints. 78-105 Calle Estado La Quints, Ca. 92253 Dear Mayor Pena, I would like to express my support for the effort to rename Avenue 50 after our Honorary Mayor, Mr, Andy Williams. Andy has been a tireless supporter of our community since the late 1950's and is now working with both the Boys and Girls Club of La Quinta, and the La Quinta Arts Foundation. It is time to raise our La Quints, the gem of the desert, to celebrity status. It is time for us to dedicate Avenue 50 as Andy Williams Boulevard. Sincerely, LaIRL Mark Simon 0,37 ' "The Home of Personal Service"' P. 0. Box 1461, 78-611 Highway 111, La Quinta, California 92253 (619) 346-2345 BE IT RESOLVED, THAT WE, THE UNDERSIGNED DO HEREBY DECLARE THAT,T4E„ FOLLOWING AVENUES BE CHANGED: n)`.`ri�:;',,,',.j OLD AVENUE 50 TO NEW ANDY WILLIAMS DRIVE lP.P1 �' 19�0 AVENUE 52 TO AVENUE 54 TO FRANK CAPRA DRIVE MERV GRIFFIN DRIVE P�tti!G!R1G & DE [[.0P,¢iEiJ DEP3 THESE THREE: LA QUINTA RESIDENTS OVER THE PAST YEARS HAVE PROVEN TO BE STARS IN THE ENTERTAINMENT FIELD OF MOTION PICTURES, TELEVISION, AND RECORDING INDUSTRIES. EVEN MORE IMPORTANTLY, THEY HAVE GIVEN OF THEIR OWN TIME AND EFFORTS TO HELP THE LA QUINTA COMMUNITY IN CHARITABLE, CIVIC, AND CHURCH FUNCTIONS. TWO HAVE SERVED AS HONORARY MAYORS OF LA QUINTA. THEIR WORLD-WIDE REPUTATIONS WILL GIVE LA QUINTA ADDED PUBLICITY THE WORLD OVER. ALL THREE GENTLEMEN HAVE BEEN LOVERS OF GOLF AND TEINNIS. AS OF NOVE14BER 15, 1989, ALL THREE STREETS HAVE NOT BEEN DENSELY POPULATED SO THAT THE CHANGE WILL BE LARGELY DEPENDENT ON THE CITY FATHERS APPROVAL. WE STRONGLY FEEL THAT NOW IS THE TIME FOR THIS ACTION AS INDICATED BY OUR SIGNATURES BELOW AND WE RESPECTFULLY ASK YOUR CONCURRENCE. DATE SIGNATURE ADDRESS PHONE NO. , � C 9 �. I 8 9 -77 l� (42 i eck 9 G L.Q f s'( 4, o s76 �-. Sig e lI -19 53925� 1 � S 6 5_0 89 444 S6 S-Z) 6 A .. fl'1C vuu BE IT RESOLVED, THAT WE, THE UNDERSIGNED DO HEREBY DECLAR-'tIAT THE FOLLOWING AVENUES BE CHANGED: OLD NEW AVENUE 50 TO ANDY WILLIAMS DRIVEAVENUE 52 TO FRANK DDRIVE �iFli?l;ll.'G ° DcyFtJ' AVENUE 54 TO MERRViGRIFFIN ,r;!j pFal THESE THREE LA QUINTA RESIDENTS OVER THE PAST YEARS HAVE PROVEN TO BE STARS IN THE ENTERTAINMENT FIELD OF MOTION PICTURES, TELEVISION, AND RECORDING INDUSTRIES. EVEN MORE IMPORTANTLY, THEY HAVE GIVEN OF THEIR OWN TIME AND EFFORTS TO HELP THE LA QUINTA COMMUNITY IN CHARITABLE, CIVIC, AND CHURCH FUNCTIONS. TWO HAVE SERVED AS HONORARY MAYORS OF LA QUINTA. THEIR WORLD—WIDE REPUTATIONS WILL GIVE LA QUINTA ADDED PUBLICITY THE WORLD OVER. ALL THREE GENTLEMEN HAVE BEEN LOVERS OF GOLF AND TENNIS. AS OF NOVEMBER 15, 1989, ALL THREE STREETS HAVE NOT BEEN DENSELY POPULATED SO THAT THE CHANGE WILL BE LARGELY DEPENDENT ON THE CITY FATHERS APPROVAL. WE STRONGLY FEEL THAT NOW IS THE TIME FOR THIS ACTION AS INDICATED BY OUR SIG14ATURES BELOW —AND WE RESPECTFULLY ASK YOUR CONCURRENCE. DATE SIGNATURE ADDRESS PHONE NO. EI 1ci 5421-1 -t.cle66 /L,� l % i'Jay, Si- /oo Akt Uc� Nra� 6 33 9 0 .56 - S-) Aw /iL -ou—d 536 GtlRP7/R/C C S(o 1�9 qli��t �l 3 ql- 1 3 l / 51�.4 ocoa '17), q-i913 of� W6 b /' /y ' 39 - f el 4 &00 L., BE IT RESOLVED, THAT WE, THE UNDERSIGNED DO HEREBY DECLARE THAT THE FOLLOWING AVENUES BE CHANGED: OLD NEW AVENUE 50 TO ANDY WILLIAMS DRIVE AVENUE 52 TO FRANK CAPRA DRIVE AVENUE 54 TO MERV GRIFFIN DRIVE THESE THREE LA QUINTA RESIDENTS OVER THE PAST YEARS HAVE PROVMq -TO.BE STARS IN THE ENTERTAINMENT FIELD OF MOTION PICTURES, TELEVISIONO-RNE RECORDING INDUSTRIES. EVEN MORE IMPORTANTLY, THEY HAVE GIVEN OF THEi R OWN TIME AND EFFORTS TO HELP THE LA QUINTA COMMUNITY IN CHARITABLE, CIVIC, AND CHURCH FUNCTIONS. TWO HAVE SERVED AS HONORARY MAYORS OF LA QUINTA. THEIR WORLD-WIDE REPUTATIONS WILL GIVE LA QUINTA ADDED PUBLICITY THE WORLD OVER. ALL THREE GENTLEMEN HAVE BEEN LOVERS OF GOLF AND TENNIS. AS OF NOVEMBER 15, 1989, ALL THREE STREETS HAVE NOT BEEN DENSELY POPULATED SO THAT THE CHANGE WILL BE LARGELY DEPENDENT ON THE CITY FATHERS APPROVAL. WE STRONGLYFEEL THAT NOW IS THE TIME FOR THIS ACTION AS INDICATED BY OUR SIGNATURES BELOW -AND WE RESPECTFULLY ASK YOUR CONCURRENCE. DATE SIGNATURE ADDRESS PHONE NO. r 478 _gZ4-1 C) ZlV re _ /Z/2 9 78-//s C��Pz �02 S� y-3�'/ F ��)q /gg - f eluumc, BE IT RESOLVED, THAT WE, THE FOLLOWING AVENUES BE CHANGED: DO HEREBY DECLARE THAT THE OLD NEW AVENUE 50 TO ANDY WILLIAMS DRIVE AVENUE 52 TO FRANK CAPRA DRIVE AVENUE 54 TO MERV GRIFFIN DRIVE k �• THESE THREE LA QUINTA RESIDENTS OVER THE PAST YEARS''IiyF PROVEN TO BE STARS IN THE ENTERTAINMENT FIELD OF MOTION PICTURES, TELtEF7ISION,.AND RECORDING INDUSTRIES. EVEN MORE IMPORTANTLY, THEY HAVE GIVEN`0 ��THEIR OWN TIME AND EFFORTS TO HELP THE LA QUINTA COMMUNITY IN CHARITABLE;" CIVIC, AND CHURCH FUNCTIONS. TWO HAVE SERVED AS HONORARY MAYORS OF LA QUINTA. THEIR WORLD-WIDE REPUTATIONS WILL GIVE LA QUINTA ADDED PUBLICITY THE WORLD OVER. ALL THREE GENTLEMEN HAVE BEEN LOVERS OF GOLF AND TENNIS. AS OF NOVEMBER 15, 1989, ALL THREE STREETS HAVE NOT BEEN DENSELY POPULATED SO THAT THE CHANGE WILL BE LARGELY DEPENDENT ON THE CITY FATHERS APPROVAL. WE STRONGLY FEEL THAT NOW IS THE TIME FOR THIS ACTION AS INDICATED BY OUR SIGNATURES BELOW -AND WE RESPECTFULLY ASK YOUR CONCURRENCE. DATE SIGNATURE ADDRESS PHONE NO. is - �c) 5a 9 ° �. �a t c � << i 1� a-Scr. 5`I3S5 qve /heA)do2� sb`�- 3��9 • L. /yao,,,�,� m �3s- cO. 6ZV-37C/ it fe. . BE IT RESOLVED, THAT WE, THE UNDERSIGNED DO HEREBY DECLARE THAT THE FOLLOWING AVENUES BE CHANGED: OLD NEW AVENUE 50 TO ANDY WILLIAMS DRIVE AVENUE 52 TO FRANK CAPRA DRIVE AVENUE 54 TO MERV GRIFFIN DRIVE THESE THREE LA QUINTA RESIDENTS OVER THE PAST YEARS HAVE PROVEN;;?T0"BE', STARS IN THE ENTERTAINMENT FIELD OF MOTION PICTURES, TELEVISION, AND_=; RECORDING INDUSTRIES. EVEN MORE IMPORTANTLY, THEY HAVE GIVEN OF THEIR OWN TIME AND EFFORTS TO HELP THE LA QUINTA COMMUNITY IN CHARITABLE, CIVIC, AND CHURCH FUNCTIONS. TWO HAVE SERVED AS HONORARY MAYORS OF LA QUINTA. THEIR WORLD-WIDE REPUTATIONS WILL GIVE LA QUINTA ADDED PUBLICITY THE WORLD OVER. ALL THREE GENTLEMEN HAVE BEEN LOVERS OF GOLF AND TENNIS. AS OF NOVEMBER 15, 1989, ALL THREE STREETS HAVE NOT BEEN DENSELY POPULATED SO THAT THE CHANGE WILL BE LARGELY DEPENDENT ON THE CITY FATHERS APPROVAL. WE STRONGLY FEEL THAT NOW IS THE TIME FOR THIS ACTION AS INDICATED BY OUR SIGNATURES BELOW -AND WE RESPECTFULLY ASK YOUR CONCURRENCE. DATE SIGNATURE ADDRESS PHONE NO. �v 2 0, 49 q- y Z t 3 c 7 II-2U-e� 2-�3o e. NAv(V,4o 15&q- I%F ,Sb 2-1 Cf U�2 E BE IT RESOLVED, THAT WE, THE UNDERSIGNED DO HEREBY DECLARE THAT THE FOLLOWING AVENUES BE CHANGED: OLD NEW AVENUE 50 TO ANDY WILLIAMS DRIVE �F�`�7,'`:,�,,,•'! AVENUE 52 TO FRANK CAPRA DRIVE AVENUE 54 TO MERV GRIFFIN DRIVE rncP; THESE THREE LA QUINTA RESIDENTS OVER THE PAST YEARS HAVE PROVEN TO BE STARS IN THE ENTERTAINMENT FIELD OF MOTION PICTURES, TELEVISION, AND RECORDING INDUSTRIES. EVEN MORE IMPORTANTLY, THEY HAVE GIVEN OF THEIR OWN TIME AND EFFORTS TO HELP THE LA QUINTA COMMUNITY IN CHARITABLE, CIVIC, AND CHURCH FUNCTIONS. TWO HAVE SERVED AS HONORARY MAYORS OF LA QUINTA. THEIR WORLD-WIDE REPUTATIONS WILL, GIVE LA QUINTA ADDED PUBLICITY THE WORLD OVER. ALL THREE GENTLEMEN HAVE BEEN LOVERS OF GOLF AND TENNIS. AS OF NOVEMBER 15, 1989, ALL THREE STREETS HAVE NOT BEEN DENSELY POPULATED SO THAT THE CHANGE WILL BE LARGELY DEPENDENT ON THE CITY FATHERS APPROVAL. WE STRONGLY FEEL THAT NOW IS THE TIME FOR THIS ACTION AS INDICATED BY OUR SIGNATURES BELOW AND WE RESPECTFULLY ASK YOUR CONCURRENCE. DATE SIGNATURI ADDRESS PHONE NO. �a7' L4t�-Lil-- i 1-16J2 ' 1 / S /� L• �_ )dl i -'l ht,✓, is (� i -i�t I r 1l/7- ��3 BE IT RESOLVED, THAT WE, THE UNDERSIGNED DO HEREBY DECLARE THAT FOLLOWING AVENUES BE CHANGED; RECEM OLD AVENUE 50 TO NEW ANDY WILLIAMS DRIVE IP.iI 199� AVENUE 52 54 TO FRANK CAPRA DRIVE CITY OF LA QUINTA TO MERV GRIFFIN DRIVE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEFT. THESE THREE LA QUINTA RESIDENTS OVER THE PAST YEARS HAVE PROVEN TO BE STARS IN THE ENTERTAINMENT FIELD OF MOTION PICTURES, TELEVISION, AND RECORDING INDUSTRIES. EVEN MORE IMPORTANTLY, THEY HAVE GIVEN OF THEIR OWN TIME AND EFFORTS TO HELP THE LA QUINTA COMMUNITY IN CHARITABLE, CIVIC, AND CHURCH FUNCTIONS. TWO HAVE SERVED AS HONORARY MAYORS OF LA QUINTA. THEIR WORLD-WIDE REPUTATIONS WILL GIVE LA QUINTA ADDED PUBLICITY THE WORLD OVER. ALL THREE GENTLEMEN HAVE BEEN LOVERS OF GOLF AND TENNIS. AS OF NOVE4BER 15, 1989, ALL THREE STREETS HAVE NOT BEEN DENSELY POPULATED SO THAT THE CHANGE WILL BE LARGELY DEPENDENT ON THE CITY FATHERS APPROVAL. WE STRONGLY FEEL THAT NOW IS THE TIME FOR THIS ACTION AS INDICATED BY OUR SIGNATURES BELOW -AND WE RESPECTFULLY ASK YOUR CONCURRENCE. DATE SIGNATURE ADDRESS PHONE N0. I � u � / I I � ■ 1 I I y r_� �' T I BE IT RESOLVED, THAT WE, THE UNDERSIGNED DO HEREBY FOLLOWING AVENUES BE CHANGED: DECL OLD NEW �^ �j � ;' 199 AVENUE 50 TO ANDY WILLIAMS DRIVE CITv OF � AVENUE 52 TO FRANK CAPRA DRIVE PIANNING & o fi ��ENIT CEP). AVENUE 54 TO MERV GRIFFIN DRIVE THESE THREE LA QUINTA RESIDENTS OVER THE PAST YEARS HAVE PROVEN TO BE STARS IN THE ENTERTAINMENT FIELD OF MOTION PICTURES, TELEVISION, AND RECORDING INDUSTRIES. EVEN MORE IMPORTANTLY, THEY HAVE GIVEN OF THEIR OWN TIME AND EFFORTS TO HELP THE LA QUINTA COMMUNITY IN CHARITABLE, CIVIC, AND CHURCH FUNCTIONS. TWO HAVE SERVED AS HONORARY MAYORS OF LA QUINTA. THEIR WORLD-WIDE REPUTATIONS WILL GIVE LA QUINTA ADDED PUBLICITY THE WORLD OVER. ALL THREE GENTLEMEN HAVE BEEN LOVERS OF GOLF AND TENNIS. AS OF NOVEMBER 158 1989; ALL THREE STREETS HAVE NOT BEEN DENSELY POPULATED SO THAT THE CHANGE WILL BE LARGELY DEPENDENT ON THE CITY FATHERS APPROVAL. WE STRONGLY FEEL THAT NOW IS THE TIME FOR THIS ACTION AS INDICATED BY OUR SIGNATURES BELOW AND WE RESPECTFULLY ASK YOUR CONCURRENCE. DATE-�S`IGNATURE ADDRRESS PHONE NO. `11l9 `k4 �n... tinlr, �$-L45i i/ietA roc C -S]12 � - I i PFMAIL) 03119701TAr REPAIR', AI NI11, I F4,61,021WX / , i i ,"PI/AlP -rock" I BE IT RESOLVED, THAT WE, THE -UNDERSIGNED DO HEREBY DECLARE THAT THE FOLLOWING AVENUES BE CHANGED: OLD NEW gs AVENUE 50 TO ANDY WILLIAMS DRIVE AVENUE 52 TO FRANK CAPRA DRIVE '^"r AVENUE 54 TO MERV GRIFFIN DRIVE P(gc/�T� �, /�;Z0 THESE THREE LA QUINTA RESIDENTS OVER THE PAST YEARS HA�,Vl'RQ C (4Oji_ STARS IN THE ENTERTAINMENT FIELD OF MOTION PICTURES, TELEVIS of?a"IL4ee RECORDING INDUSTRIES. EVEN MORE IMPORTANTLY, THEY HAVE GIVEN OF THitS OWN TIME AND EFFORTS TO HELP THE LA QUINTA COMMUNITY IN CHARITABLE, CIVIC, AND CHURCH FUNCTIONS. TWO HAVE SERVED AS HONORARY MAYORS OF LA QUINTA. THEIR WORLD-WIDE REPUTATIONS WILL GIVE LA QUINTA ADDED PUBLICITY THE WORLD OVER. ALL THREE GENTLEMEN HAVE BEEN LOVERS OF GOLF AND TENNIS, AS OF NOVEMBER 15, 1989, ALL THREE STREETS HAVE NOT BEEN DENSELY POPULATED SO THAT THE CHANGE WILL BE LARGELY DEPENDENT ON THE CITY FATHERS APPROVAL. WE STRONGLY FEEL THAT NOW IS THE TIME FOR THIS ACTION AS INDICATED BY OUR SIGINATURES BELOW —AND WE RESPECTFULLY ASK YOUR CONCURRENCE. DATE SIGNATURE ADDRESS YOMA OXY-N PHONE NO. 6 _ 7 �l-l9� r, ►, � r �, y 47� A X57 - rl - lq-wK [Ier-ter - (9-f� 0r2/tdin 56 Y - l 9 7�-irs 6zl&8—�— U45 BE IT RESOLVED, THAT WE, THE UNDERSIGNED DO HEREBY DECLARE THAT THE FOLLOWING AVENUES BE CHANGED; OLD NEW �T > AVENUE 50 TO ANDY WILLIAMS DRIVE O ��i, AVENUE 52 TO FRANK CAPRA DRIVE . lt'� AVENUE 54 TO MERV GRIFFIN DRIVE ClT �' ? l90n THESE THREE LA QUINTA RESIDENTS OVER THE PAST YEARS �PRQ- TiS BE STARS IN THE ENTERTAINMENT FIELD OF MOTION PICTURESP�flS I RECORDING INDUSTRIES. EVEN MORE IMPORTANTLY, THEY HAVE GIVE �1Nr IR OWN TIME AND EFFORTS TO HELP THE LA QUINTA COMMUNITY IN CHARITABL ;7. CIVIC, AND CHURCH FUNCTIONS. TWO HAVE SERVED AS HONORARY MAYORS OF LA QUINTA. THEIR WORLD-WIDE REPUTATIONS WILL GIVE LA QUINTA ADDED PUBLICITY THE WORLD OVER. ALL THREE GENTLEMEN HAVE BEEN LOVERS OF GOLF AND TENNIS. AS OF NOVEMBER 15, 19891 ALL THREE STREETS HAVE NOT BEEN DENSELY POPULATED SO THAT THE CHANGE WILL BE LARGELY DEPENDENT ON THE CITY FATHERS APPROVAL, WE STRONGLY FEEL THAT NOW IS THE TIME FOR THIS ACTION AS INDICATED BY OUR SIGNATURES BELOW —AND WE RESPECTFULLY ASK YOUR CONCURRENCE. DATE SIGNATURE ADDRESS PHONE NO. -o 2aa fc 1 � `6 d- Sc�.�• s ti 3 SS Q v� /h e tid p2 � 5� �-/- 3 v v y • Tftr L• /iao.�r�+jin� -37(�/ �.. (1� BE IT RESOLVED, THAT WE, THE UNDERSIGNED DO HEREBY DECLARE THAT THE FOLLOWING AVENUES BE CHANGED: OLD NEW Ilk AVENUE 50 TO ANDY WILLIAMS DRIVE AVENUE 52 TO FRANK CAPRA DRIVE AVENUE 54 TO MERV GRIFFIN DRIVE p (% CI _fir l.44(NI If1�������,y THESE THREE LA QUINTA RESIDENTS OVER THE PAST YEARS HAVE PR0n7E1� 7j STARS IN THE ENTERTAINMENT FIELD OF MOTION PICTURES, TELEVISION, ' IVP7 RECORDING INDUSTRIES. EVEN MORE IMPORTANTLY, THEY HAVE GIVEN OF THEIR OWN TIME AND EFFORTS TO HELP THE LA QUINTA COMMUNITY IN CHARITABLE, CIVIC, AND CHURCH FUNCTIONS. TWO HAVE SERVED AS HONORARY MAYORS OF LA QUINTA. THEIR WORLD-WIDE REPUTATIONS WILL GIVE LA QUINTA ADDED PUBLICITY THE WORLD OVER. ALL THREE GENTLEMEN HAVE BEEN LOVERS OF GOLF AND TENNIS. AS OF NOVEMBER 15, 1989, ALL THREE STREETS HAVE NOT BEEN DENSELY POPULATED SO THAT THE CHANGE WILL BE LARGELY DEPENDENT ON THE CITY FATHERS APPROVAL, WE STRONGLY FEEL THAT NOW IS THE TIME FOR THIS ACTION AS INDICATED BY OUR SIGNATURES BELOW AND WE RESPECTFULLY ASK YOUR CONCURRENCE. DATE SIGNATURE ADDRESS PHONE NO. fu.oRe z S y- y 2 0.3 6 791 II-20-e� 2-93o Ne. ivAVOeo 1gY ii/���af li7�GYJ%9�y�¢. ov�� ���lGvGru like SL y— ` x LN-� ?6ft' Lille tirQN�l shy -a )37 not fle&tiolt BE IT RESOLVED, THAT FOLLOWING AVENUES BE OLD AVENUE 52 AVENUE 54 WE, CHANGED; TOKGRIFFINCAPRADRIVE TO THE UNDERSIGNED DO HEREBY DECLARE Tfwb ,!A.j0 NEW PIgHICi NI y r »�o MERVvj DRIVEE Nc� Df f O M N`rDt THESE THREE LA QUINTA RESIDENTS OVER THE PAST YEARS HAVE PROVEN TO BE STARS IN THE ENTERTAINMENT FIELD OF MOTION PICTURES, TELEVISION, AND RECORDING INDUSTRIES. EVEN MORE IMPORTANTLY, THEY HAVE GIVEN OF THEIR OWN TIME AND EFFORTS TO HELP THE LA QUINTA COMMUNITY IN CHARITABLE, CIVIC, AND CHURCH FUNCTIONS. TWO HAVE SERVED AS HONORARY MAYORS OF LA QUINTA. THEIR WORLD-WIDE REPUTATIONS WILL GIVE LA QUINTA ADDED PUBLICITY THE WORLD OVER. ALL THREE GENTLEMEN HAVE BEEN LOVERS OF GOLF AND TENNIS. AS OF NOVEMBER 15, 1999, ALL THREE STREETS HAVE NOT BEEN DENSELY POPULATED SO THAT THE CHANGE WILL BE LARGELY DEPENDENT ON THE CITY FATHERS APPROVAL. WE STRONGLY FEEL THAT NOW IS THE TIME FOR THIS ACTION AS INDICATED BY OUR SIGNATURES BELOW AND WE RESPECTFULLY ASK YOUR CONCURRENCE. DATE SIGNATURE ADDRESS PHONE NO. / lop9 — ---- r d Z s. rT_Z=_`F C_ �-'c=gl— SoGX< �°��4. Q ��L'!. (i_�i?i._L� �I_.<, <<•.. Ut. 1tl' 3 �i __._.J C^_•T — ! ,�,J-3 Sg/ 5�,V- Y/ 7-K non Ow TRUCKS „� •o'� December 14,1989 Mayor John Pena City of La Quinta 18-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, Ca. 92253 Tear Mayor 7 � I would like to express my support for the effort to rename .Avenue 50 after our Honorary Mayor, Mr, Andy Williams. Andy has been a tireless supporter of our community since tine late 1950's and is now working with both the Boys and Girls Club of La Quinta, and the La Quinta Arts Foundation. It is time to raise our La Quinta, the gem of the desert, to celebrity status. It is time for us to dedicate Avenue 50 as Andy Williams Boulevard. Sincerely, Mark Simon "The Home of Personal Service" P. O. Box 1461, 78-611 Highway 111, La Quinta, California 92253 (619) 346-2345 �(� PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING r� Date: !0?.3- 9G) Time Started /. Flag Salute 2i / &q,&. Roll Call.: Commissioner Bund ✓ Commissioner Moran Commissioner Steding .i Commissioner Zelles ✓ Chairman Walling HEARINGS: 1. TT 25402, North Star California Corp. - Continued Request: Approval of TT Map to subdivide 35.66 gross acres into 61 residential lots and other miscellaneous lots. Staff Report by: ra�� Questions of Staff Public Hearing - Applicant A//5A,1 �+ n Commission Discussion Conditions of Approval Modified: ACTION TAKEN: Resolution No. '—t:::7 (Resolution #90-004) Moved by Commissioner zo Seconded by Commissioner Roll Call Vote: Moran Bund Zelles Steding CI Walling y BJ/FORM.010 - 1 - n51 Public Comment: - 77— M ca --u/&t r i—. - - Consent Calendar: M'nutes 1/9/90 Moved by S� d P.� . —� — Q�p � /y,�� Seconded by VM �— .u-i�,, avv �YLGt r/�u l yQe �J'�`� Sv Vote let ufsv� 'o�� `•oTCL�c..�Jgd�<.t3"�, la;., �Cbv►�. BUSINESS SESSION: H" 1. Street Name Changes Staff Report by Commissioner Discussion W-R_C(�. `JOWIN V � ACTION TAKEN: Resolution No. 0-60(Resolution 90-00'.y) Moved by Commissioner f71_ Seconded by CommissionertQQc✓ Roll Call Vote: Moran Bund Zelles Steding t[b _ Walling BJ/FORM.O10 �dJ' = ✓)t Q i {a�-Y .�c. w + _tea t 2. TT 22982 & TT 24208 - Cactus Flower - Architectural Elevations Staff Report by Applicant: Commissioner Discussion Conditions of Approval Modified ACTION TAKEN: Minute Order No. 00 1 (90-002) Moved by Commissioner YYLAr`.�- Seconded by Commissioner Roll Call Vote: Moran Bund Zelles Steding Walling Other ADJOURNMENT: Moved by Commissioner Seconded by Commissioner4 Next meeting date: Time: BJ/FORM.01.0 - 3 -