2006 03 28 PC MinutesMINUTES
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
March 28, 2006
7:00 P.M.
A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:00
p.m. by Vice Chairman Quill who asked Commissioner Barrows to lead
the flag salute.
B. Present: Commissioners Ed Alderson, Katie Barrows, Richard Daniels, Kay
Ladner and Vice-Chairman Paul Quill.
C. Staff present: Community Development Director Doug Evans, City
Attorney Kathy Jenson, Principal Planner Stan Sawa, and Secretary
Carolyn Walker
A. Tim Jonasson introduced Ed Wimmer, the Interim Principal
Engineer for the newly reorganized division of Development
Services within the Public Works Department. The Commission
welcomed him.
A. Continued - Environmental Assessment 2005-550, General Plan
Amendment 2005-106, Zone Change 2005-126, Specific Plan 83-002,
Amendment #5, and Tentative Parcel Map 32752; a request of Ray
Shaffer for consideration of: 1) Negative Declaration of environmental
impact; 2) Specific Plan; and 3) Review of a Parcel Map to subdivide
2.3 + aces into three single-family lots for the property located between
Weiskopf and Jack Nicklaus Golf Courses, immediately south of PGA
Boulevard, within PGA West.
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March 28, 2006
1. Commissioner Ladner informed the Commission she had a
potential conflict of interest due to her job and withdrew from the
2. Commissioner Daniels informed the Commission he belongs to the
Master Homeowners' Association (HOA) for PGA West, but not
the HOA for this subdivision. He does not believe it is a conflict of
interest and will participate in the meeting.
3. City Attorney Kathy Jenson advised the Commission that
Commissioner Barrows could comment on this item if she had
reviewed the tapes of the previous meetings. Commissioner
Barrows confirmed she had.
4. Vice Chairman Quill opened the public hearing and asked for the
staff report. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the
information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file
in the Community Development Department.
5. Commissioner Daniels was interested in the conclusion that until
Amendment No. 3 of the Specific Plan of 1996, the property was
designated as "Resort Core". He could not find a map or reference
to that effect. Staff replied they did have a document available for
the Commission to review.
6. Commissioner-Daniels had a question regarding a conflict in zoning
designations on Page 65. He was concerned about the zoning
shown on the Stadium and Palmer Courses where the golf course
was designated "G" and the residential areas were designated
"LDR" in the area in question. He asked if the whole Weiskopf
course, in it's entirety, was a separate parcel designated as "LDR".
Staff replied yes.
7. Commissioner Daniels referenced a letter on Page 82 of the staff
report from the applicant's attorney which indicated the reference
to Loveladys Harbor vs US which was decided in 1994. The letter
mentioned a requirement that the parcel be maintained by the
owner in perpetuity as open space amenities for the adjoining
properties. This would not only destroy the property owners'
reasonable expectation of beneficial use but, would impose an
uncompensated maintenance burden. Commissioner Daniels then
asked Legal Counsel if the Commission were to choose not to
approve the development of this property would this constitute a
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taking. City Attorney Kathy Jenson replied she did not believe so.
This area was subdivided in 1997 and the developer designated
this geographic area as lettered lots that were not intended for
residential development. She further explained that when you are
looking at the takings issue you're going to look at the property
being subdivided in 1997 and the developer certainly received
economic/development rights out of that map approval. And in
addition, that property is available for a use. The constitution does
not require that every single inch of a subdivision be put to the
most economically beneficial use. Right now that property, as
demonstrated by one of the earlier provisions, is providing a use.
It is part of the golf course, has pathways on it, and is part of a
putting green so it is a property that is subject to use. So there is
no takings issue here at all.
8. Commissioner Daniels had a question about the original Landmark
offices shown as Tourist Commercial and asked if the designation
used was because there were offices on the site at that time. He
further commented that on Page 65 it shows Tourist Commercial
on the hotel site and some commercial on the south side where
PGA Boulevard curves around and goes towards the clubhouse.
He asked if this was another piece of property that would be
similarly situated as a leftover piece of property that may come
before the Commission for change of designation. Community
Development Director Doug Evans replied you've heard testimony
to that effect from a property owner within PGA West. They've
not sat down and discussed any other properties with staff other
than the Tourist Commercial parcel to the north of this particular
9. Commissioner Daniels said earlier in the staff report there's
mention that the staff determined, on some original document,
that this property was designated as Resort Core. Staff replied
yes and explained there have been multiple Specific Plan
Amendments through this project's life and the diagrams have
gone from specific to generic. The key consideration is the way
this polygon was designated Low Density Residential when it was
an acreage piece. The Specific Plan was set up for future planning
and would allow the applicant to propose, through a subdivision
map, to carve out the golf course, subdivide the lots and that
would be the implementation tool of the Specific Plan to set in
place and lock in the land use that was approved. In this case the
subdivision map that staff went over was proposed by the
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applicant with the restrictions on the final map. Staff could find
no evidence that the City came in and said this area needs to be
zoned Recreation and Open Space. That was the applicant's
proposal. The City in making its findings, said this was consistent
with the General Plan and Specific Plan and basically is the locking
in of the development permit for the site. Now the applicant is
requesting you look at the lettered lot and change the previous
approval back and re-designate the site for three single family
10. Commissioner Daniels asked if it was Amendment No. 3 in 1996
that created the authorization for the development of the Weiskopf
Golf Course and the residential lots around it. Staff said yes, they
believed that was the time frame. Commissioner Daniels asked if
it was normal, usual, and customary when doing plats that lettered
lots are designated non-residential lots. Staff replied you could
quite often have open space or recreational lots that were lettered
lots. Commissioner Daniels asked if, on this particular plan that
was approved, there was a reference to this lot to designate what
it was or was not. Staff replied yes, it was Open Space.
1 1. Commissioner Alderson asked if the bottom line was whether or
not this could be legally divided into three parcels. If so, there
was no need to consider the General Plan or Specific Plan
Amendments. Staff replied yes. The Commission could make that
finding based upon the Specific Plan and General Plan.
12. Vice Chairman Quill asked about a reference on Page 7 regarding
the recommendations of the staff where it made reference to the
fact that the Homeowners' Association had no objection at this
time but, reserved the right to review the final plans in order to
make the final decision. He asked if that was relating to this
Parcel Map. Staff replied they would ask the Commissioner to
direct that question to the applicant. Staff added that was what
was stated in correspondence received but, they have not been
able to get any other communication from the Homeowners'
13. Commissioner Daniels said on Page 5 of the staff report there is
discussion about the relocation of the golf cart path and the
practice green. The statement was from the applicant's engineer
commenting that this could be done without major issues. He
asked for clarification of the major issues before them. Staff
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replied if you look at the exhibit, it showed the cart path would
generally stay in the same area, but they would cut the practice
green back so there was adequate room and topography. They do
not have significant concerns. When staff visited the site there
did not seem to be a problem in reconfiguring this area to move
the golf facility and adjust the golf cart path.
14. Commissioner Daniels said while he applauded the applicant for
doing the viewshed analysis, the format given to the Commission
was not of a scale to come to the conclusions the applicant
desired. He asked if there were any architectural drawings of the
three homes they planned to build and did staff know if they were
one- or two-story homes. Staff said they had not received any
plans and the applicant had not made any indications.
Commissioner Daniels mentioned the slide show depicted single-
story homes.
15. Commissioner Alderson asked if there was a golf cart path that
crossed Weiskopf from the east that would have to be
incorporated into the drive access of Parcels 2 and 3. Staff replied
16. Vice Chairman Quill said he believed the previous discussion
mentioned the golf cart path would be located around the practice
green and in front of the three lots. Staff said this was the
applicant's conceptual site plan and described where the cart path
would be placed.
17. Commissioner Daniels stated when this matter first came before
the Commission a number of people testified and a number of
letters were received. The Commission asked the applicant to
meet with the homeowners and wanted to know if staff had any
information on whether the meeting occurred. Staff replied the
applicant informed them a meeting had been held and several
homeowners attended.
18. Commissioner Barrows asked for clarification on Page 8 of the
staff report that referenced the option the Commission had for
denial. She asked if it was a reasonable assumption when
concerned citizens include in their letters they have referenced
inspecting documents and maps showing the current status of that
project that they are referring to the Tract Map. Staff replied yes,
they are referring to the Tract Map and the General Plan Map.
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They are the exhibits shown on the wall that the staff has used as
a working General Plan document to show entitlements and what
the on-the-ground land use is that was approved. It is not the
official General Plan Map.
19. Vice Chairman Quill stated the City has an existing General Plan
document which still reflects this property as Tourist Commercial
and the last Specific Plan Amendment for the Weiskopf course
labeled all of this property Low Density Residential. This was
within a few lettered lots in that area. The last entitlement
approval obtained on the property was the Tentative Tract Map
and the final Tract Map recordation which specifically designated
this property as lettered lots and Open Space/Golf Course. So, the
last approval on the property was Open Space/Golf Course. He
said he was not trying to find fault but, the correct zoning should
have been processed through all of the General Plan Amendmerits
and a Change of Zone to the Specific Plan. Golf and Open Space
are allowable uses within the LDR zone therefore that's why they
reflected it that way and didn't call it out that way initially. He
asked if the Tract Map approval would have locked in the correct
designations. Staff replied that is exactly what occurred. The
implementation permit or entitlement is the Subdivision Map and
PGA West has been developed in the fashion described. The
General Plan contains very general conceptual land uses which in
this case is LDR. The Specific Plan has evolved over time and
currently is Tourist Commercial which allows commercial,
residential, open space, and recreation.
20. Vice Chairman Quill stated he thought it was the other way
around; the zoning as LDR in the Specific Plan and Tourist
Commercial as part of the General Plan. Staff replied the Tourist
Commercial was in the Specific Plan. The implementation tool is
the Subdivision Map approval process. Very few cities would
implement a General Plan starting with a large polygon of 200
acres of LDR showing only single-family residential. You might
see some commercial and you might see a golf course but, at the
time the City approved the Specific Plan and the General Plan for
this area they didn't know what the design was. The intent was
the Tentative Subdivision Map and then the final map would carve
out the actual final language. And in this case that's the way PGA
West has been developed.
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21. Commissioner Daniels pointed out that when you look at the
General Plan document, on the golf courses and homes in
existence in 2002 the designations were very clear. It appears that
process had never officially occurred for this area.
22. There being no further questions of staff, Vice Chairman Quill
opened the public hearing portion of the meeting and asked if the
applicant would like to address the Commission.
23. The applicant's representative, Forrest Haag, 1254 North Coast
Highway, Laguna Beach, California, made his presentation. He
explained he had been involved in the PGA West Master Plan since
the acquisition of the land in the early 1980's and there had been
a lot of flexible interpretation of the intent of the Master Plan and
subsequent Specific Plan Amendments. He had previous Specific
Plans that evolved from either very specific concepts with defined
land uses to very non-specific plans which allowed for flexible
interpretation. This is a case, in his experience, from the very
early 80's and in the routing of this course that both the lot lines
and all of those things being ratified by CNL's purchase of the golf
course versus that land. He then discussed the impact of putting
three homes in the area and how it would not directly impact the
viewshed. He said it was totally consistent architecturally, height-
wise, and neighborhood-wise. These homes should prove to be a
welcome addition to the potential development outcome of a
tourist-commercial designated area which allows for multi-family
on the property. The applicant, Mr. Shaffer, lives in PGA West
and wants to be a good neighbor to the other residents. Mr. Haag
summarized the changes: 1) the cart path does relocate to the
south of the existing putting green; 21 the existing portion of the
cart path that attaches to Jack Nicklaus is unchanged in the
current configuration in this application; and 3) the. tees, the
approach to the green, and any of the golf course regulation play
areas are not touched by this application. There is no perceived
impact whatsoever in terms of the golf experience with the
implementation of this application. He went on to say it would be
valuable to have the map issue addressed in terms of the layering
of the approvals and what KSL's intent was, from a legal
standpoint, in setting aside those lots for their reservation into
those lettered lot designations in the evolution of the Plan. From
the planner's standpoint, it was a logical placeholder knowing the
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Specific Plan allowed these uses to eventually be used and were
always in the companion exhibits on file with the City that showed
that area as everything from having sectioned lots on them. He
had the exhibits with him and would present them if necessary.
He stated at no time was that area ever designated Golf and Open
Space in terms of the land use planning effort.
24. David J. Erwin, 74-760 Highway 111, Suite 200, Indian Wells,
California 92210, attorney representing Mr. Shaffer stated Mr.
Hargreaves, who sent a letter to the Commission, is a partner of
Mr. Erwin. This appeared to be a relatively straight forward
application. What the Commission has here, regardless of whether
it is a lettered lot or a numbered lot, is a separate parcel. That
separate parcel has the appropriate General Plan designation. It has
the appropriate zoning designation to allow the approval of a
Tentative Map. You have a Tentative Tract Map before you as well
as the Environmental Assessment and he believed those two
things were the only things necessary for the Commission to act
upon. Clearly the General Plan issue has been cleared up by the
staff as well as the zoning issue and the Specific Plan
Amendment. It would appear that the lack of any economical use
of this property, at least, on the surface appears to be a taking. He
has known the City Attorney for many years and respects her
opinion, but in this instance he disagrees with her in that there at
least has the appearance there is no beneficial, economic use in
open space. When you look at the legend condition under Tract
28444, which was one of the original subdivision maps in this
area, that lot was reserved by the developer. It was not dedicated
to the City, and was not accepted by the City as Open Space. It
was reserved by the developer for Open Space and Recreational
purposes. It was merely a holding pattern, if you will, and it is not
unusual to have that done in that manner.
25. Commissioner Daniels said he had a question of Forrest Haag and
referenced Mr. Erwin's reply that it is usual and customary to
designate a piece of property as Open Space on a Tract Map as a
placeholder. He asked if this was Mr. Haag's experience. Mr.
Haag replied the short answer is yes. The longer answer is that it
varies. In a Specific Plan where there is a larger series of
components of land use interacting with other adjacencies to
1,000 room resort hotel approval he said it was not very common,
but common.
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26. Commissioner Daniels asked if Mr. Haag had seen the residents'
letters and heard the earlier testimony about the concern on
viewshed and not being able to adequately view the scale of the
viewshed analysis. He also asked if it was Mr. Haag's testimony
those houses would not impede the view of the mountains from
those lots, particularly those along Weiskopf. Mr. Haag replied
yes. There is an effective purpose to that scale as well in that you
can see the adjacent homes. The distant shot, from the first lot on
the northeastern side has the applicant superimposed in the picture
to give a basis for scaling the homes to the correct height. As you
back up to the middle lots you can see the mountain backdrop and
40-foot palms towering over that site, which relate to a 28-foot
ridgepole height limitation in PGA West which is what the homes
along that area are built to. The viewshed, in his estimation, is less
impacting than looking directly across the fairway because the
viewshed down fairway is so long in most cases. In the meeting,
with the homeowners, the exhibits were all there and the focus
was on that issue. He commented several people said the impact
was less than they expected and in some cases there was no
impact. The fact is that these three compatible, consistent homes
are solidifying the neighborhood with a known element of design,
tastefully done, consistent with what's around it.
27. Commissioner Daniels asked how many other pieces of property
might have been labeled Letter "H" or "Open Space" around the
area. Mr. Haag replied he did not know. He said the Civil Engineer
was in attendance and might be able to quantify that question. He
did know there were additional remnant lots.
28. Vice Chairman Quill stated that since the basis for the discussion
is whether a lettered lot that is a place holder is labeled Open
Space and Recreation on the Tentative Map means the letter lot
that is the Golf Course Lot which is zoned as Low Density
Residential as a pfaceholder for what could potentially be future
homes, will be treated in the same manner. He could not see the
difference between these tots and the entire golf course since the
entire golf course is presently zoned Low Density Residential. He
asked for Mr. Haag's position on that. Mr. Haag deferred to Dave
Erwin. He added this area is not playable, usable for anything
other than residential, and in the master planning it's never been
seen that way. The old exhibits show this. They show lot lines
that show consistent lots with the ones shown there.
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29. Commissioner Daniels said he agreed with much of what was said
except that the practice green is being changed.
30. Commissioner Barrows asked if there was currently a practice
green on that piece of property. Mr. Haag replied about ten feet of
the northern edge is not on CNL's property. It's encroaching on
another property owner's property and so is the cart path. When
CNL bought the golf course, they did not buy these lots.
31. Commissioner Alderson said the concern here is about setting a
precedent in similar situations. On the left side of Jack Nicklaus
there is a similar piece of property and what was there to prevent
the same discussion coming up on that piece of property. Mr.
Haag replied the honest answer is nothing. The process allows a
private property owner the right to request a change of zoning if
it's a reasonable undertaking. This seems to be as reasonable as
you could possibly hope for on that property.
32. Commissioner Daniels stated the applicant has seen the letters and
heard the questions, why shouldn't the Commission assume that
in the whole scene of development of the Weiskopf course and
similar properties, this was part of the density transfer and there
were benefits derived from the transfer. That's the question we
would have to ask; were there other benefits derived from this
transfer. Therefore, there either is or is not a taking by leaving this
property as open space. He asked for Mr. Haag's position on the
benefits derived from this transfer. Mr. Haag replied that in the
normal course of events there are pieces of property held back for
future development. That strip of land south of PGA Blvd was
never designated as Golf Course. Every routing started and
finished shy of that piece of property so that it could be developed
with views down that huge green golf course area. The frontage
property is very valuable land and the developer would not give
that up. That was the whole land concept for spending millions of
dollars on that golf course was to get that frontage because that's
the value return on it and this is a three-lot sliver of that value.
33. Commissioner Daniels stated that if a property was going to be
developed as a lettered lot and not open space it should not have
been labeled as such. Mr. Haag replied if you look at the exhibits
overlaid on the technical exhibits like the Tentative Map, they
could show this area was always retained as Low Density
Residential or Tourist Commercial for the purpose of development.
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34. Vice Chairman Quill asked staff to comment. Community
Development Director Doug Evans stated they have been doing
Forensic Planning. Looking backwards at the Tentative
Subdivision Map that included this property and it very clearly
displayed it as Open Space, as a lettered lot, and had a separate
color in the exhibit that was presented to the City. The benefit
the developer received clearly was the subdivision of the land and
construction of the golf course. This property clearly had a note
not imposed by the City but, proposed by the developer for the
Open Space recreation. And in the areas around this property, not
a part of the map, they were labeled as future development.
Clearly, the exhibit that was before the Commission and City
Council called out where the future buildings were to be located.
The applicant did not indicate that the subject property, in
traditional subdivision terms, was not going to be developed. If
you're going to leave a piece of property for future development
you would label it as "Not a Part", leave it in acreage, and usually
note the area as "Future Development", but somebody very
carefully constructed a map that called out all those things. So,
when we took a look at it from the perspective of what the intent
of the approval was, because you cannot tell what the intent of
the developer was, but the intent that was just described isn't
reflected on the map they gave the City and asked the City to
approve. So, traditionally you would label future development lots
something other than Open Space and normally you would not call
them lettered lots. Normally, that is a lot that you would
traditionally label as open space, recreation, landscaping, parkway,
things of that nature. Typically you don't have lettered lots called
out for future development. So, when we looked at the history,
we came to the conclusion there was a conscious decision on both
the part of the applicant and the City to approve this property as
Open Space and Recreation and not future development.
35. Vice Chairman Quill asked City Attorney Kathy Jenson, if she had
anything to add to staff's comments. Ms. Jenson replied she
would like to point out two things: 11 when you are looking at a
takings issue you don't look parcel-by-parcel, you have to look at
the entirety of the map. This map created 69 parcels and a small
amount of open space. If you were to accept the proposition that
every single parcel created on this map would have to have the
maximum development rights you would never have open space
parcels created. So, the idea is you look at the overall issue and if
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there was a problem with that being designated as open space, it
should have come up at that point in time. 2). It clearly specifies
future residential. This was never dedicated to the City so it is not
truly open space. There is not a square inch, except a Fire Station
in PGA West, that has ever been dedicated to the City. It was not
as if it was dedicated as open space for a park and would go to
the City.
36. Commissioner Alderson had questions regarding the physical
aspects of the project and wanted to know about access to lots 2
and 3 and the storm drain easement.
37. Victor Villaneuve, MDS Consulting, 79800 Avenue 47, La Quinta,
was introduced. Commissioner Alderson asked if the proposed
Parcel One had a 10 foot wide storm drain easement. He asked if
it was a storm drain or an easement designated for storm drain use
in the future. Mr. Villaneuve said it is an active storm drain and
gave further details of the drainage system.
38. Commissioner Alderson asked if the storm drain was on site or off
site. He also asked if the storm drain was taking water off of PGA
Boulevard through that lot onto the Lake. Mr. Villaneuve said yes.
He added if you look at the topography there the elevations show
it is the lowest point of PGA Boulevard.
39. Commissioner Alderson asked if the house had to be designed
around the storm drain. Mr. Villaneuve replied there would be no
problem in relocating the storm drain.
40. Commissioner Alderson said his concern was access, especially
lots 2 and 3. When you enter the development, you enter through
the gate, it opens across the driveway. If someone is entering the
facility the gate closes off that driveway. In the reverse of that
the homeowners of parcels 2 and 3 are subject to intercepting
traffic inbound and outbound in that knuckle. There is potential
for traffic problems and there is no way to get a fire truck into that
cul de sac.
41. Mr. Villaneuve replied the Commissioners may have the
ingress/egress sites reversed. There is no gate on Weiskopf.
42. Vice Chairman Quill asked Mr. Villaneuve to reply to Commissioner
Alderson's questions.
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43. Mr. Villaneuve said parcel one would take access from Jack
Nicklaus and lot D would be purchased from KSL so there would
be access. There will be a T- intersection but there is no conflict
with the gates. Lots 2 and 3 take access from Weiskopf which is
on the east side. There is a gate further east on Spanish Bay and
that may be what Commissioner Alderson was referring to.
44. Commissioner Alderson asked Mr. Villaneuve to come up to the
dais and point out the area to which he was referring; which he
45. Commissioner Barrows asked Mr. Haag about a meeting held with
the Homeowners. Mr. Haag said an open forum was held at the
PGA West Clubhouse. Invitations to the forum were sent out as a
letter addressed from form letters received by the City. The
Clubhouse was packed with those concerned about the
application. Presentation boards were shown and there was a
question-and-answer period. Some folks had their minds made up
and could not be swayed. Others disagreed but were willing to
discuss the matter. Some attendees said they would not be
impacted. He also met with the Fairways Association Board,
made a formal presentation, and showed them the same materials.
They also had questions but were more interested in how the
project would affect their Association. He also made a
presentation to the Masters and Fairways Groups.
46. Commissioner Barrows asked if there were other lots in PGA West
that might be subject to the same treatment being addressed in
this application. Mr. Haag said yes there were. He said there
were probably 300 or 400 available remaining units to be
developed within the vision of the Master Plan and allowed by
Specific Plan.
47. Commissioner Daniels asked if Mr. Haag meant 300 or 400
parcels. Mr. Haag replied no. Commissioner Daniels asked if there
was someone who could identify how many there were. Vice
Chairman Quill asked if KSL would know how many of these
types of parcels were available. Mr. Haag said we could ask them,
but he did not have the answer since they hadn't been mapped
from his office.
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48. Patrick Green, Attorney for KSL said he did not have the answer.
He said the majority of the property has been sold by KSL. The
answer probably could be obtained from them, but he didn't think
there were very many parcels left.
49. Vice Chairman Quill stated there were several people who have
asked to speak and requested they keep their comments to 3
50. Mr. Larry Riggs, 80-720 Weiskopf, La Quinta, gave the
perspective of a new resident to La Quinta. He purchased his
home ayear-and-a-half ago. They bought their home because it
was an older, established resort community. He checked as many
documents as possible and they all showed the areas as Open
Space. He walks two or three times a week and the open
approach to the Weiskopf course is an important part of his walks.
He is concerned about the fate of this piece of property and any
other pieces of this type in PGA West. He is very much opposed to
this project.
51. Brian Ford, 80-970 Spanish Bay, La Quinta, said he had the same
concerns, but the other properties were his main concern. He was
concerned, if this is approved, the same arguments would be used
for the other properties. He joined the Architectural Committee of
the Fairways Association with the main purpose of protecting the
rights of the present versus the new property owners. Property
owners, adjacent to this property, have paid a premium for the
open space and he was afraid if this was approved other
properties would be treated in the same way. He was afraid the
developers would bring in CC& R's that say no view is guaranteed,
and views may be blocked where people have paid a premium for
52. Mr. & Mrs. Myron Mintz, 80-355 Weiskopf, La Quinta, are owners
of Lot 1 on Weiskopf. When they purchased their home in May of
2000 they did their due diligence and were told, by the City, the
land was designated Open Space. Based on comments by the
City, they purchased their home and paid a premium for the
location. They assured the Commission the homes will indeed
impede their view, and the planting of the trees would definitely
impede the views of the nearby homes. They also had concerns
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about the storm drain and what was going to be done about the
retention basin. Mr. Mintz also commented on the fact he
received the notification one night before the meeting. His wife
attended the meeting and assured him it only lasted about 45
minutes and the room was not packed. He did not understand Mr.
Haag's comments. He was concerned not only KSL, but CNL
would try to develop other properties as well.
53. Commissioner Daniels asked Mr. Mintz to point out the drainage
area. Staff circled the area on the presentation screen and Mr.
Mintz agreed that was the area he was referring to.
54. Henry Eilers, 56-340 Jack Nicklaus Boulevard, La Quinta, said his
home is the fourth house from the Nicklaus gate exit and has lived
there since 1997. He was in the first group of homes built on the
Weiskopf course. He chose his home because of the view and
carefully checked plans prior to purchase. Nowhere was there an
indication of homes being built on that property. At the last
Commission meeting it was requested Mr. Haag meet with
residents and concerned parties to address questions and
concerns. A February 23rtl (2:00 p.m.) meeting was scheduled at
the PGA West Resort Club courthouse. Unfortunately Mr. Eilers
received the letter the day prior to the meeting. Many homeowners
had to reschedule appointments in order to attend the meeting due
to the lateness of the notices. Mr. Eilers is concerned, if this is
approved by the Planning Commission, it will be just a matter of
time before other areas of PGA West will face the same re-zoning
predicament. He urged the Commission to vote no on this project.
55. Barbara Dondero, 56-190 Jack Nicklaus Boulevard, La Quinta,
said she lives in the first house on the left as you enter the
Nicklaus gate at PGA West. She purchased her home in December
of 2000 and the Open Space designation played an important part
in her decision. She paid a premium for her home because of its
location. She believed the area had been fully developed and is
now disappointed to find out KSL misrepresented the open space.
At no time were she, or nearby homeowners, shown maps where
additional homes would be built in the Open Space. Now she is
concerned about the traffic on the cart paths and at the Nicklaus
gate and said adding another cart path to that gate will create
more congestion. The putting green which is currently very
challenging would be downsized or taken away. Should this
proposal be approved, in just a matter of time, there would be
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other areas of PGA West facing the same re-zoning. She urged
the Commission to deny the request. She added she never
received any notice of any meeting.
56. Donald Mann, 55-506 Pinehurst, La Quinta, thanked the
Commission for providing notice of the meeting in a timely
manner. He said Mr. Haag's notice was given when he knew PGA
West members could not attend. Mr. Mann received his notice at
4:30 p.m. on February 22nd telling him there was a forum the next
day. If the intent was for the residents to attend the meeting the
notices should have been sent out earlier. Some of the folks there
had invested and worked all their lives to live in a first class club
and paid a lot of money to be there. When Mr. Mann first invested
he was given a tour and liked what he saw. He then explained
how the area was utilized by golfers. He added the area is also
used for chipping and was also part of the golf course shown to
him when he purchased his membership and now he is very upset
because it seems KSL and CNL don't care about the homeowners.
57. Bob Eller, 80-558 Hermitage, La Quinta, said he had always lived
in asingle-family home until he moved to PGA West about six
years ago. He now lives in Residential #3 and the rules state "...
until 85 percent of Residential #3 is built out, three of the
Homeowners' Association seats will be held by the builder and
two seats held by the public..." This situation would tend to give
the builder the opportunity to obtain favorable decisions. In
addition, one of the KSL employees is on the Board of Directors of
the Masters' Association, and doesn't appear to represent the
homeowners. He has spoken to many homeowners and they are
opposed to this development and any future development. The
Homeowners are very opposed to the development of this site, but
if you go to the Homeowners' Association of Residential #3 they
will favor the builders' projects.
58. Patrick Green, 515 South Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, Attorney
for KSL land, said all documents in the City records show this
property could be developed as residential from the very beginning.
People who said they did due diligence did not look at the General
Plan and Specific Plan because it is zoned Residential. As for the
Tentative Tract Map 28444 there is no dedication of this property
as Open Space. The Tract Map shows the first four or five
paragraphs are things dedicated to the City as either easements or
other access that the City would have over the property. There is
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no dedication here as Open Space. In fact KSL, at the time,
reserved this to do what it wanted to later on. In addition, there
are no map requirements as Open Space. If anybody did due
diligence they would have seen the Specific Plan. Some of the
people protesting had made a deal with the CC & R's and their
purchase contracts said they were not entitled to protection of
their view. If it's this Commission's intent to re-do contracts, it is
important to understand the legal issues of this project. People
coming in saying "I bought this" doesn't necessarily work. He
gave an example of a portion of open land and the protection of
that land. The lots have always been zoned residential and KSL is
entitled to sell that land as residential.
59. Vice Chairman Quill asked Mr. Green if the property being
purchased by Mr. Shaffer, is currently owned by CNL. Mr. Green
replied the property is not owned by CNL. Vice Chairman Quill
asked if the property was currently being maintained as golf
property. Mr. Green said he did not know, and was not sure of any
covenants for CNL to maintain it. Vice Chairman Quill asked about
an easement or obligation to maintain the property. Mr. Green did
not know.
60. Commissioner Daniels asked Mr. Green if he was describing how
Open Space could be dedicated. Mr. Green said no and gave
examples of a view corridor and how the view corridor could be
changed. He added information regarding the property owners'
legal rights.
61. Commissioner Daniels asked Mr. Green, if he could tell the
Commission the magnitude of other properties that could be
changed. Mr. Green did not know but he said he could find out.
He did not think there were a lot of them left.
62. Commissioner Barrows asked Mr. Green what maps he was
referring to. She referenced the Tract Map of 28444 showing lots
K, H, and L as Open Space and added it does not say these lots
are dedicated. It only says KSL reserves the right to do what it
wants. There are a number of places where property is dedicated
to the City, but there is no condition here requiring that property
be put in Open Space.
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63. Vice Chairman Quill asked City Attorney Kathy Jenson about the
difference between a Tentative Tract Map and a Final Map and
asked if there are notes on the Final Map that show those lots as
Open Space. Ms. Jenson replied yes. They are designed as an
Open Lot on the Final Map. Mr. Green was referring to designated
not dedicated. He read part of it as reserved to KSL to do what
they want in the future and that's not what it says. It is reserved
for recreational golf course use. Mr. Green said it doesn't say that
the City can do what it wants. And there are a lot of things that
are incorrectly designated. When you look at it this is not the
"designation" of the Parcel Map that controls, it is the General
Plan, the Specific Plan and the Zoning. Designated does not have
a legal consequence in the State of California. Maybe somebody
wants to say it's going to be a certain designation, but the things
that affect it are the General Plan and the Specific Plan.
64. Commissioner Barrows asked if she could just follow up for
clarification. She asked if the map Mr. Green presented had
showed the parcels as Open Space. She also asked if it was the
Tract Map that was used prior to the Final Tract Map. Ms. Jenson
said what Mr. Green was reading from was the Final Tract Map.
Commissioner Barrows asked if Mr. Green was referring to the
cover sheets where the various dedications were provided. Mr.
Green replied that was correct.
65. Ms. Jenson explained the process of the General Plan, Specific
Plan and Tract Map and referenced Community Development
Director Doug Evans' comments. She explained in the Tract Map
regulations in Chapter 13 of the Code it specifically requires maps
designate Open Space. If it is going to be a space map with future
development rights as part of that it should be noted on the map.
Homeowners that look at a map would only have the Plot Plan or
Site Development Permits as the next more precise thing they
could look at. Homeowners coming in and looking at the Tentative
Parcel or Final Parcel Maps are looking at the right document for
what they should be expecting. It was suggested that somebody
who owns a lot that was developed later and added on to their
house would have difficulty doing that because people had gotten
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used to looking at that. The difference is they own the whole lot.
The portion that they'd do something on is not designated as Open
Space or as a Golf Course. It is designated as part of the lot they
bought so that analogy does not carry any weight.
66. Mr. Forrest Haag asked to address the Commission on the issue of
the retention basin as it was labeled. He said it was actually a
depression, from a prior grading, when this was all being mass
graded. There is a scoop that over time, a slough area formed
which is lower than the surrounding area. It is it not a legal
retention basin. It is not part of the hydrology. He gave further
details of the drainage pattern. He also said time was of the
essence when the letter went out. He apologized for the short time
frame. They had asked formally, in a letter, for an April meeting.
That was summarily dismissed by staff as being too excessive.
They were given a shortened time frame and it turned out a
quorum was not available, that evening, so it did get continued.
This made the apparent time frame to have this meeting longer but
the fact was when they were finally scheduled for the Planning
Commission meeting they did not have enough time to prepare
their exhibits, send out letters, take responses and listen to the
concerns of the homeowners according to what was heard
tonight. The essence of the unpacked room was the same as
you've heard tonight. The putting green, in this scenario, is not
being taken away, but being reconfigured and probably improved
greatly. That putting green is not part of the golf course and
currently is part of the regulation play at the golf course putting
area. It is a staging element and an effective one. That's how it
was designed, and that's why it's there. It can easily be
reconfigured to address that in another area which is not the
property of the golf course.
67. Mr. Joe Dondero, 56190 Jack Nicklaus Boulevard, La Quinta, said
when he bought his property he thought it was Open Space. He
couldn't believe the future homes were not designated on the
original plan. He had concerns about traffic and asked the
Commission to vote no.
68. Vice Chairman Quill then closed the public hearing.
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69. Commissioner Alderson said this was a very difficult project. The
Commission has spent two hours discussing the legality of the
project, but has a realistic understanding of the development. The
concern is with setting a precedent on future development. The
homeowners' perception of this, and other areas, as Open Space
has also been presented. The intention of Open Space was
presented when they bought their property. The Commission has
received well over 100 letters of opposition and absolutely none in
favor of this project. It's a very difficult decision, but ultimately
this Commission is duty bound to rule on this with the best
interests of the Community as a whole and it seems the
Community is better served if this is not approved.
70. Commissioner Barrows had no questions
71. Commissioner Daniels had no further questions
72. Vice Chairman Quill had a question about the ownership issue.
The property is a lettered lot right now. It is owned by KSL and
being maintained by CNL who probably doesn't have a covenant to
maintain the property. Do the CC & R's, or the documents on the
community, show KSL having a covenant, or does Mr. Shaffer
have a covenant to maintain this property in its existing condition
to the property line as turfed, and landscaped, with mowed greens
as it looks today. Are they required to do that. Ms. Jenson
replied she was sure all of the open area and common space lots
held an obligation to maintain them, she assumed by the property
owner or the HOA. She didn't know all the details but there
would be an obligation to maintain that. As a standard condition of
approval it would be surprising if it wasn't in the 1997 map that
those areas be maintained. It is currently owned by KSL and they
would be responsible for the maintenance as long as they own it.
If they transfer ownership then it'll be someone else's
responsibility. They may be accomplishing that with an
arrangement with someone else. She didn't know if that was
relevant to the question.
73. Vice Chairman Quill said the relevance is if nobody maintains the
property will it be left to die. Ms. Jenson said it can not do that.
She said she was assuming there was a condition of approval that
required maintenance of the common areas by the HOA. It's pretty
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standard for Conditions of Approval to require CC & R's be
reviewed by the Planning Department to verify that the common
areas are going to be maintained. Vice Chairman Quill said from
an ownership perspective this was not a common area. Ms.
Jensen said it was a preserved Open Space. So, presumably the
company who made the reservation to own it as Open Space and
Golf Course had the obligation to maintain it. The City has laws on
the books requiring maintenance of the property.
74. Commissioner Daniels asked if it was safe for the Commission to
assume the property was being maintained by a). either the golf
course, CNL, or b). the HOA of which KSL, as the owner of the
property, would be a member. Ms. Jenson said she assumed that
was correct.
75. Vice Chairman Quill asked Commissioner Alderson if he had any
additional comments. Commissioner Alderson replied no.
76. Commissioner Barrows said she appreciated the opportunity from
the applicant, legal counsel, and staff to gain a better
understanding of the issues. She was concerned about the existing
landowners. It seemed clear, from looking at the map, these lots
had been identified as Open Space and it concerned her that this
was identified as Open Space and now it was going to be
changed. She was concerned that Open Space be maintained.
She said the City had taken a very proactive effort in regard to
that, and it was her intent to oppose this application since it
appeared this was an Open Space lot.
77. Commissioner Daniels said he came to the same conclusion but
from a different angle. He said it isn't about the green size or
location. It isn't about a referendum as to whether it's popular or
not and how many people are in the room. It isn't about the views
since the Council identified there were contracts and notices in the
CC & R's to deal with views being guaranteed and as long as
anything that is built there is within the architectural requirements
of PGA West Homeowner's Association and within the guidelines
of the Specific Plan they're not going to build anything that is
going to block the views of the hillside. He said he looked at it
from a different angle which dealt with designations on the
property. He said a few months ago it was all under KSL
ownership and so was the golf course. The documents submitted
by the developer and approved by the City designated this
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property as Open Space as opposed to an area reserved for future
development as the City code requires. We've heard in testimony
tonight the property owners relied on those documents in making
investments decisions on their homes. He joined with
Commissioners Barrows and Alderson on the designation of the
78. Vice Chairman Quill said he had to agree with the comments that
the last Tract Map to be recorded called out this property as Open
Space. Obviously the Conditions of Approval, irrespective of who
owns it and would probably follow suit. The Commission has
been given three options. One option, if we do deny the project is
to continue the project until the findings could be put together for
the project. He asked staff if that was correct. Staff replied it was
and the Commissioners could make a Minute Motion to deny the
project. It was not recommended any action be taken on the
environmental assessment. CEQA does not apply to projects that
are denied. City Attorney Kathy Jenson clarified it would not be a
Minute Motion to deny, but a Minute Motion to recommend denial.
79. Commissioner Daniels asked staff if, as a second component to
the recommendation, they initiate a re-designation of the property.
Then the administrative record would be very clear for future
generations to refer to. Staff did not disagree.
80. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Barrow to
adopt Minute Motion 2006-003 to recommend denial of the
application. AYES: Commissioners Alderson, Barrows, Daniels and
Vice Chairman Quill, NOES: None, ABSENT: Commissioner Lander,
B. Specific Plan 2006-078 and Site Development Permit 2006-857; a
request of Coachella Valley Housing Coalition for consideration of 1)
Review of "Dune Palms Neighborhood" Specific Plan Design Guidelines
and Development Standards fora 250 unit apartment complex and, 2)
Accessory buildings; and review of the Dune Palms Neighborhood 218
unit apartment complex elevations and landscaping plans. Located on a
14.8 acre parcel, north of Avenue 48, west of Dune Palms Road.
1. Principal Planner Fred Baker presented the staff report which is on
file in the Community Development Department.
2. Commissioner Ladner rejoined the meeting.
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3. Reuel Young, President of Interactive Design and architect of
record, 2494 Via Monte Vista, Palm Springs, was introduced. Mr.
Young addressed the Commission and complimented the staff on
their communication with the applicant. He proceeded to explain
how the project combines compatibility and fits within the City.
Mr. Fred Baker discussed the uses, scale, design and boundaries of
the project, and explained why the applicant requested relief from
the height and the overall design of the property. Mr. Young then
explained one goal of non-profits is to design projects where a
person of limited means will have the desire to live there. Their
goal was to make the project memorable, livable, walkable, and
safe. Their first step was to meet with the homeowners from
Rancho La Quinta and address their concerns of privacy from the
two-story buildings across the street. Secondly the issue came up
about the project's impact on Watercolors. They met with the
developer and representative of Watercolors and explained it was
an asset to have the two story project on their side of the
development. He referred to "eyes on the street" to provide safety
and limit the amount of open space that is not supervised. Parking
lots next to residents caused an inevitable discussion. The third
boundary is next to Sam's. They have addressed the boundaries
and the undulating green belt wall barrier Watercolors will have
which places trees on their side of the fence. They then addressed
the public realm in the development and described the amenities.
Their intent was to provide a landscape which would reinforce a
somewhat urban project. The last issue is a continuum of privacy.
He showed a slide presentation which featured the architecture
and amenities of the project. He then offered to answer any
4. Vice Chairman Quill thanked Mr. Young and complimented him on
the project.
5. Marvin Roos, Mainiero Smith Associates Consulting , 34-200 Bob
Hope Drive, Rancho Mirage, said it was a pleasure to work with
Mr. Young because the livability and passion he brings to a
project is impressive. He explained they would be taking 70,000
yards of dirt off the site and moving the dirt to a City site. The
reason for the lowering of the site was in deference to the
Watercolors project. He addressed the requirements of the
entries on Dune Palms and Avenue 48, including the
acceleration/deceleration lanes. He was concerned about the
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Dune Palms entrance as you are coming to Avenue 48, at the t-
section. He asked if they could state "if necessary" on the
decal/accel lanes so they could continue to talk to the staff about
the design. He suggested the City Attorney might agree on
number 77, in the effect of a conflict that the DDA would probably
prevail. There may be some conflicts there. He offered to answer
any questions the Commissioners might have on the site
6. John Mulie, Executive Director of the Coachella Valley Housing
Coalition, 45701 Monroe Street, Indio, said CVHC is a local, non-
profit organization that has been in the Valley for over 25 years
and he explained some of their accomplishments. Has worked
with Reuel Young and Mainiero Smith and has many national
awards. He said this should be an award winner which will provide
great housing for working families.
7. Vice Chairman Quill told Mr. Young he appreciated the comment
about the parity of cars, people, and pedestrians.
8. Vice Chairman Quill then opened the meeting to the public.
9. Commissioner Lander had several questions regarding requests to
deviate from zoning codes. She was overwhelmed with the
project and how it would affect the people living in it. The first
one she was curious about was the setback in the day care center.
She asked if there was another way to design it so it could be
behind the community center.
10. Mr. Reuel Young said the five foot setback came from an earlier
design to have a bus stop right in front of the community building.
When that was discussed they had decided there should be shade
there, and it was designed to have an extension of shade covering
the sidewalk. The ALRC then asked them to flip it to the north.
They designed it so there was a gentle curve that jutted out and
covered the sidewalk. The five feet is not critical, but they
wanted to have it closer to the street rather than the 25 or 30 foot
setback and include the shade in front. They did not want to
undermine the whole intent of being a good neighbor.
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1 1. Commissioner Lander asked if there was only afive-foot setback.
Mr. Young said they actually had a significantly larger one. They
are only asking for afive-foot relief. Commissioner Lander
reiterated they were only asking for a five foot relief. Mr. Young
said yes.
12. Commissioner Daniels asked Staff who and what was determining
the drainage issue. Staff replied they are looking at an overall
drainage plan for this area. Initially CVHC took a look at the site
and came to the conclusion if they do on-site retention they will
lose 10 to 15 units. So, the idea was somewhere along Dune
Palms there would be storm drains put in, which would connect in
and work with Stamko to look at what the possibility of a storm
drain could do to the retention basin on the west side of Walmart
to free up some very valuable land there. Mainero Smith contacted
CVWD to see if they could discharge into the Evacuation Channel
and CVWD replied that was why the Channel was built. A
Condition was added, in the event there may be technical
problems with going into the Channel and it becomes technically
unfeasible when they get into final engineering the retention could
be on-site. This may result in the loss of some units and the
objective is to try to retain as many as possible.
13. Commissioner Daniels questioned day care out by the street, and
asked if there will still be a bus stop there. Mr. Young said he was
not sure. Commissioner Daniels then asked about the basketball
court with late night lights. Mr. Young said the location was
previously on the other side where the parking is, but the issue
came up about noise and the court was moved. He said any abuse
of amenities or disturbance of use will be manageable.
14. Commissioner Daniels asked if the CVWD site had been gifted to
them already or was it still in play. He asked if the main access
point by the child care center lined up with the Desert Sands site.
Mr. Young said it did not. Commissioner Daniels said it would
then seem natural to have the spine road that runs through come
out directly east. Mr. Young replied when they did the
configuration of the site they felt the cross access of the public
ground was very important. They felt the loop road surrounding
the community would not be the primary access but it congealed
lots of stuff in the middle of the site. They wanted the entry to
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have a component that was like entering the Clubhouse or
something of comparable shared amenities rather than most
convenient for traffic.
15. Commissioner Daniels said the project seemed a little busy as you
come off the north access road off of Dune Palms. He added he
had a question dealing with the reduction in the parking pole
setback. Mr. Young explained the layout of the project and said it
was recommended by the structural engineer and parking
16. Commissioner Alderson said he applauded the applicant on his
design, particularly the site line study, and appreciated their
sensitivity in putting the higher buildings in the middle of the site.
He said he wanted to see some benches in the common area
walkway as well as bicycle racks. One of his concerns was the
security in underground parking. Mr. Young said they will have
security lighting and they have discussed cameras. It is not a
gated area, has assigned parking. Commissioner Alderson asked
about the walls in and around the pool, if you could through them,
and would there be a railing. Mr. Young said the walls will be
17. Commissioner Barrows asked if the all the windows were
recessed. Mr. Young said not all of them. He also deferred to the
architectural drawing showing the recessed windows as
architectural features, as well as awnings for solar control. There
are low-e windows to help control the heat factor, but not every
window is blocked from the sun. Considerable attention has been
given to addressing the heat factor. Commissioner Barrows
complimented them on their project design, including energy
efficiency, and asked about the height issues. She asked how
the grading will fit with respect to the ground level. Mr. Young
explained how the grading will blend with the surrounding areas as
well as the Watercolors project where there will only be a three-
and-a-half foot difference. One of the things they have discussed
with staff is that the walls also need to be sensitive so they don't
tower above, but does not block the site of the cars.
18. Commissioner Barrows said the applicant had done a nice job on
pedestrian focus in the interior. She was concerned about the fact
there may be a lot of children riding bikes especially outside of the
project. She asked if this had been considered. Mr. Young said
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they will have to go to the intersection to cross Dune Palms. They
pulled the sidewalks away from the curb on the interior of the
project. They were unable to do that on the outside If the decal
lane is required, they would propose the idea of putting a wall
between the sidewalk and the decal lane.
19. Vice Chairman Quill asked Mr. Young about a wall pass-through to
Walmart. There's no access to the commercial opportunities so
that someboday could walk literally a block to get their groceries.
They will have to go all the way out to Dune Palms. He asked if
there was a way to provide that access. Mr. Young said the
loading docks and the truck circulation were right there, and that
made the area too dangerous. They looked at this very carefully
with staff, but this is a truck corridor for Sam's and Walmart and
does not have any security. One of the challenges is that this is
an unsecured area. They do have a condition which concerns a
connection point to direct the pedestrians. Mr. Young pointed it
out on the map.
20. Commissioner Daniels suggested they make the pedestrian point
off of CVWD. Mr. Young said there is a grade issue. Staff said
they looked at it and had the Police Department look at it.
21. Vice Chairman Quill asked if they have deeded the CVWD well site
to CVWD as yet. He suggested they give themselves ample
parkway adjacent to it for comfortable pedestrian access to Dune
22. Vice Chairman Quill opened the Public Hearing again.
23. Mark Moran, P. O. Box 1305, La Quinta, introduced himself as the
Chair of the Advisory Council on Aging for Riverside County. One
of their issues is affordable housing. They are in support of this
project and every project that brings quality affordable housing to
any city. They were pleased to hear all the positive comments and
of course, Reuel Young is an outstanding architect who really does
think and care about the communities that he would be building.
They are really pleased and hope the Commission votes in favor of
24. Commissioner Ladner asked a question about the parking post
problem. Mr. Young explained the requirements of the parking
garage and the burden on the structure. Parking structures are
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tighter than service parking and pointed out how the parking
spaces would work. Commissioner Lander said she loved the trees
on the section by Watercolors and asked how they would be
maintained. Mr. Young said he hadn't thought about it, but the
Watercolors project should be in charge of the maintenance of the
trees. Staff said the applicant will need to do a reciprocal access
and maintenance agreement with Watercolors.
25. Commissioner Daniels said this was a tremendous project. He
couldn't wait to see the next one.
26. Commissioner Barrows had no further comment.
27. Commissioner Alderson wanted to make sure the applicant had
seen the conditions of approval and agreed to them.
28. Vice Chairman Quill said it was a fabulous project.
29. Commissioner Daniels said he was not willing to back off of the
accel/decel lanes without hearing the views of the Public Works
Director. Public Works Director, Tim Jonasson said the condition
was written so it would make it easier for the applicant. The
traffic engineer looked at the project and determined that it would
trigger the threshold which is more than 50 vehicles in the peak
hour going into those entrances for the decal lane. Staff was just
trying to make it easier rather than having the applicant dedicate
property after having to go through a traffic analysis. They
wanted to make the applicant aware, up front, the 50 vehicle
threshold had been met.
30. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Alderson to
adopt Resolution 2006-011 recommending the Council approve
Specific Plan 2006-078 as submitted. Unanimously approved.
31. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Alderson to
adopt Resolution 2006-012 recommending the Council approve
Site Development Permit 2006-857 as submitted. Unanimously
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C. Site Development Permit 2005-845; a request of KB Home Coastal for
consideration of three prototypical floor plans, common areas, clubhouse,
walls, entry gates, and landscaping plans fora 125 lot single-family home
subdivision on 38.3± acres located on the northeast corner of Monroe
Street and Avenue 61.
1. Associate Planner Andrew Mogensen presented the staff report for
Site Development Permit 2005-845 which is on file in the
Community Development Department and explained Site
Development Permit 2005-842 was the northern portion of this
2. Vice Chairman Quill suggested staff could present both staff
reports, the Commission would open the public hearing portion for
both projects (SDP 05-845 and SDP 05-8421 but vote on the
applications separately.
3. Vice Chairman Quill asked Principal Planner Stan Sawa to present
his staff report on the southern portion of this development. Mr.
Sawa presented the staff report for Site Development Permit
2005-842 which is on file in the Community Development
4. Mr. Ty Mangrum, Forward Planner for KB Homes, located at
77933 Las Montanas, Suite 100, Palm Desert, mentioned one of
the issues brought up about the access on the second entrance
was whether it would be card access or clicker and replied it
would be a clicker. The main entrance would be on the northern
tract (TT 31732) and would have a touch pad at the entry way.
5. Commissioner Alderson Ed asked if they would be guarded gates.
Mr. Mangrum replied they would not.
6. Mr. Mangrum stated the cabanas are shade structures and they
have no intention of putting any materials such as canvas which
would be a maintenance issue. They will provide something
similar to the parking structures at City Hall. This is only to provide
shade for the people at the Recreation Center. Their main concern
is the roof tile. They have a national contract with Moniere Life
Tile. He showed examples of the which appears the same as clay
tiles, but with more durability and less breakage. Maintenance
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issues are better and they are substantially less expensive since it
is a national contract. It would be a cost issue as well as a
maintenance issue, with the same effect as clay tile. They are not
committed to the corner elements but thought the vertical element
at the entryway lent balance to the perimeter of the community .
They requested they be able to work with staff on an appropriate
design on the corner monuments.
7. Gary Werner, Project Manager, 77933 Las Montanas, Suite 101,
Palm Desert, said in addition to the comments by Ty Mangrum he
wanted to get clarification on the tree or large shrub recommended
by staff to be inserted in the planter adjoining the alleyway
(service lane) on the northerly tract. He stated there isn't
sufficient room or depth for a large tree and preferred a large
shrub. He elaborated on the wall growing vines, other plantings,
and the second half basketball court. They had their landscape
designer show them on both plans initially because at that time
our engineer happened to have done an analysis to determine
whether one or the other or both would provide adequate
percolation as well as retention. The one on the north side has
qualified within the engineering analysis and they prefer to keep it
on the north side recreation center because that recreation center
was not oriented toward fitness and more active recreational use.
They are okay with putting in something as an alternative to a
basketball court, something that would allow more percolation as
well as retention, in the southerly portion.
8. Commissioner Alderson asked about the southern site. He said it
has a more circular design in the streets while the northern site
has a straighter, more forward, rectangular layout. He asked if
there could be some sort of traffic calming device installed in the
middle of the drawing in the intersection. Mr. Mangrum replied
there could be since there was a walking path in that area with a
raised treatment in the street which causes the cars to slow down.
They are not opposed to doing that in other areas as well.
9. Commissioner Barrows asked for clarification on the corner
monuments. She wanted to clarify that the applicant said they
were okay with reducing the height of the monuments to the four
foot recommendation. Mr. Mangrum replied they requested leeway
to work those details out with staff. They are concerned with the
look of the corner monuments and asked to work that out with
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10. Mr. Werner replied the wall will become a stepping stone if it is
less than eight feet. Someone might gain access to the
community by going over the wall. They would like to work with
staff grid possibly put in a 45- degree angled wall with a marker on
the wall. They asked for some flexibility to locate a monument
either side of the front entry and be able to work with staff on the
11. Commissioner Barrows asked staff to explain the differences
between the clay and concrete tiles. Staff gave an explanation of
the differences between the double-barreled tiles, S-tiles and
concrete roof tiles. Community Development Director, Doug
Evans commented that the concrete tiles will make them look like
production homes and the clay tiles will have the character of the
actual design of the building. Staff did not disagree there is an
increase in cost and labor. They added that the applicant is
designing very nice buildings, and they should try to make them
authentic through the use of clay tile.
12. Vice Chairman Quill wanted staff to clarify their recommendation
on the tiles. Staff replied they recommended clay S-tile in this
case. It was also pointed out this was only for the recreation
building and not for the production houses. Mr. Mangrum said
they took objection to this recommendation and asked the
Commissioners to look at the handouts provided showing concrete
roof S-tiles. The only difference was the material used; concrete
versus clay. The concrete tiles are similar to the clay tiles. The
concrete has the same look and effect as the clay tile. They felt
this satisfied the roof the element.
13. Commissioner Daniels asked staff if they had a different
recommendation, after hearing the explanation on the monument
sign. They also asked how high the Palms Country Club
monument sign was. Staff replied said their goal was to make
something less significant. Community Development Director,
Doug Evans added a four foot feature would not be visible once
the landscape was established. Staff made some other
suggestions on height.
14. Vice Chairman Quill asked what materials would be used for the
split-rail, exterior fence along the horse trail. Mr. Mangrum replied
it would be poly vinyl. Vice Chairman Quill asked about the large
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shrubs on the alley way. If not using trees, what type of shrub
would be used. The applicant explained their plans for the types of
shrubs and landscaping plans they would be using.
15. Vice Chairman Quill opened the public hearing. Seeing no one who
wished to speak, he closed the public hearing.
16. Commissioner Alderson asked if these were the final landscape
plans or would additional plans come before the Commission.
Staff said these were the final plans the Commission will see.
Commissioner Alderson asked if that included the houses. Staff
said they would be reviewing both and they would not come back
to the Commission.
17. Commissioner Daniels said he was not concerned about the 12'
monument signs. They may create benchmarks or landmarks.
18. Commissioner Ladner said she was familiar with the tiles and
didn't have an issue with it as long as they put some concrete
under it to give it a textured feel. It should give it a boost from the
19. Vice Chairman Quill said there were comments on the shrubs
versus the trees on the alleyways, and the basketball court
replacement with some other amenity. He suggested they leave
those decisions to staff but wanted to ensure there was another
amenity of recreational physical activity in that location.
20. Commissioner Alderson suggested something that will allow
21. There being no further public comment, the public participation
portion of the hearing was closed and the matter was opened to
Commission discussion.
23. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Alderson /Barrows
to adopt Minute Motion 2006-004 to accept Site Development
Permit 2005-845 as amended showing the concrete roof tiles with
concrete boosting and the corner monument be accepted at a
height of eight feet, or a suitable alternative, with design approval
by the Director of the Community Development Department.
Unanimously approved.
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D. Site Development Permit 2005-842; a request of KB Home Coastal for
consideration of -common areas, clubhouse, walls, entry gates, and
landscaping plans fora 197 lot single-family home subdivision on 39.7 ±,
acres located on the southeast corner of Monroe Street and Avenue 60.
1. There being no public comment, the public participation portion of
the hearing was closed and the matter was opened to Commission
2. There being no further discussion it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Alderson /Barrows to adopt Minute Motion 2006-
005 approving Site Development Permit 2005-842 as amended to
accept the concrete roof tiles with concrete boosting and the
corner monument be accepted at a height of eight feet, or a
suitable alternative, with design approval by the Director of the
Community Development Department. Unanimously approved.
E. Site Development Permit 2006-855; a request of Desert Elite, Inc. for
consideration of architectural and landscaping plans for two prototypical
residential plans for use in Tract 31202 (Rancho Santana) located at the
southwest corner of Monroe Street and Avenue 52.
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the staff report which is on
file in the Community Development Department.
2. John Pedalino 78-401 Highway 1 11, La Quinta, said these 13 lots
were always intended to have larger homes on them. The only
alteration I have which was indicated in the ALRC was the
courtyard walls that had gates. The ALRC requested custom-
designed gates as opposed to the standard-style wrought iron
gates. We are trying to offset these homes from the production
3. Commissioner Daniels asked staff if there were problems with the
concrete tiles on this project. Staff said no. John Pedalino said
they want to offset these homes from the production homes but
don't want to make them substantially different and the roof
materials need to blend in with the other 188 homes in the project.
4. Commissioner Barrows asked with the lawn areas, if there was
the same setback in terms of the irrigation that is offstreet using
CVWD standards that provide for the irrigation setback. Staff
replied they were the same.
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5. Vice Chairman Quill asked if that applied to setting the sprinklers
18 inches from the curb. Staff replied yes.
6. There being no further public comment, the public participation
portion of the hearing was closed and the matter was opened to
Commission discussion.
7. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Ladner/Barrows to
adopt Minute Motion 2006-006 accepting Site Development
Permit 2006-855 as submitted. Unanimously approved.
F. Environmental Assessment 2005-546 and Tentative Tract Map 33801; a
request of Blake Jumper for consideration of the subdivision of ±2.58
acres into eight single-family lots and associated lettered lots located on
the west side of Madison Street, 500 feet north of Avenue 60.
1. Associate Planner Andrew Mogensen presented the staff report a
copy of which is on file in the Community Development
2. Commissioner Alderson asked staff about sliding that street north
as that 6-feet would encumber all the lots one through eight, they
are still buildable lots, with the exception of lot number 1, and it
would be detrimental to that lot. He asked if there was anyway
the knuckle could be reconfigured so they didn't lose as much on
lot 1. Staff said the cul-de-sac would remain the same, the street
would be adjusted and not Lot number 1.
3. Commissioner Barrows had no comments.
4. Commissioner Daniels had no comments.
5. Bob Grabel D & D Consultants, 89254 Via San Diego Drive, San
Diego, said Staff had given a good description of the project. He
gave a brief overview of the landscaping and how the drainage
would be affected. Vice Chairman Quill asked if he was okay with
pushing the street. Applicant said they would like to leave it at the
28 foot level as is indicated now.
6. Commissioner Alderson commented on the front page reference
which was regarding Lake Coachella and it should have been Lake
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7. Commissioner Barrows asked if the client could elaborate with
regards to the 28 foot versus the 32 foot and what were the
reasons for that suggestion. Client said they are only looking at 8
lots and with parking on the side this could be detrimental to the
8. Ryan Decoster, 80900 Calle Conchita, La Quinta, said he bought
property when it was zoned one house per 2-1 /2 acres. The
property owner was told this area would remain rural density of
two homes per acre. The density,proposed does not fit in with an
area with an equestrian overlay. He said this density does not fit
in with the semi-rural area. The lots are too small for the area.
The staff has indicated there would be a horse trail down Madison
and making the assumption that old Madison is abandoned, which
it isn't. If this is a public street, why is it being made less than
City standards. He wanted to point out the project that shares the
property line with this was in the process of being submitted with
lots in the 17,000 to 19,000 square foot range.
9. Vice Chairman Quill asked if that was the property to the South.
Mr. Decoster replied it was the project to the north. The tract is
being designed with approximately four 2-1 /2 acre lots. Vice
Chairman Quill asked if the Tract was in the south part of
Andalusia. Mr. Decoster said he didn't believe it was. Staff replied
the Tract to the south was not Andalusia. It was a separate 25 lot
Tentative Tract. Vice Chairman Quill said the north was not
Andalusia either. Staff replied the north was Calle Conchita.
10. There being no further public comment, the public participation
portion of the hearing was closed and the matter was opened to
Commission discussion.
11. Commissioner Alderson asked if the 32 foot street width would
allow parking along one side. Staff replied that was the City
12. Vice Chairman Quill asked if the lots to the south were
significantly larger. Staff replied they are not and gave a
description of the lot and tract sizes surrounding this project.
13. Commissioner Barrows addressed the comment that was made
with regard to the equestrian trail and how it fits in. She asked
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were it was located. Staff replied this property was actually
within an agricultural overlay which allowed construction of
accessory structures related to the keeping of horses and that
goes back to the fact this used to be a rural residential area. In
regards to the equestrian trail it was not identified in the General
Plan for Madison Street.
14. Vice Chairman Quill said the trail is on Madison to 58`", but then it
isn't south of 58`". Staff said that was correct it was not on the
General Plan and may have been part of the overall master
planning for the Andalusia type project when they took a look at
street alignments.
15. Vice Chairman Quill asked if the City allowed it to be removed on
Madison somewhere in that process, for the approval of Andalusia.
Staff said yes, but has not had a chance to research why it's not
in the General Plan.
16. Commissioner Barrows asked if the equestrian trail that comes
down Madison cuts across at Jefferson and 58`" is where the
equestrian trail terminates. Staff replied it goes west at that point.
Commission Barrows continued there's not a provision south of
that area for an equestrian trail on Madison or Monroe. Staff
replied correct.
17. Vice Chairman Quill said there is an equestrian trail on Monroe all
the way to the dike. This is still equestrian overlay property but
there is no access for a horse to leave this community and go and
get on a bridle path. Staff replied that was correct and the real
challenge to get into there was just south of this property where
there was no requirement to put in an equestrian trail. The City
may require it be put there but it doesn't connect to the south.
Staff agreed Mr. DeCoster had a legitimate concern but
unfortunately the subdivisions have been established.
18. Mr. DeCoster said there is no of accessing these trails that La
Quinta has available. His wife rides to Madison, north of 58`", but
then can go no further. They can't deal with ever-increasing traffic
and feel this is a problem. They should be allowed to have access
to equestrian trails without going five extra miles.
19. Vice Chairman Quill said he felt it was a legitimate issue but said
Mr. DeCoster should approach the Planning Department on a
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separate matter not related to this subdivision because it's a bigger
issue as this was not the appropriate time or place to discuss it.
20. Mr. Decoster replied he had contacted the Planning Department
and had written letters stating his concerns.
21. Mr. Steve Kleeman, 54420 Vallejo, La Quinta, said he discussed
the 32 foot right-of-way for the project when he first submitted
the project. He showed this concept to both the Engineering and
Planning Departments and they were both in agreement since this
was a minor subdivision and with less lots the parking on one side
should be acceptable. Vice Chairman Quill asked if he was
referring to 32 feet or 28 feet. Mr. Kleeman said 32 feet. Vice
Chairman Quill asked if he was okay with the 32 feet. Mr.
Kleeman replied the owner said if it had to be 32 feet that would
be fine.
22. Commissioner Daniels said he did not have a problem with 28 feet.
Vice Chairman agreed with him. Commissioner Daniels asked if,
without it being on the General Plan, the Commission had the
ability to require horse trails in this area. He also asked if it was
wise to go forward if this isn't acceptable and they miss the
connections north and south. Vice Chairman Quill said he asked
the question simply by virtue of the fact that Madison is not
developed on the west side right now so if there is an opportunity
we need to do it before construction starts on Andalusia on the
west side. City Attorney Kathy Jenson said typically you don't
require it if it's not on the map, however you could suggest that
an amendment be considered and impose a requirement that if the
plan is amended prior to some point in the process they will
comply with the new General Plan requirement if that amendment
could be put in place. Doing something like that would be
appropriate. This is an issue that should be addressed at the
General Plan stage and if an amendment is needed to make some
connection then you could put in a placeholder for that.
23. Vice Chairman mill asked if there was any direction they could
give staff. He asked if anybody would like to suggest they ask
staff to come back with some kind of an opportunity to see what
exists to see how they could conceivably extend the bridle path up
Madison. Commissioner Barrows said she would very much
support that effort because they need to take the opportunity
before it's precluded. This is an area with an equestrian history
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and we need to make those opportunities available. Vice Chairman
Quill agreed with that and he would like to see that happen on the
west side of Madison. The other Commissioners agreed.
24. Community Development Director, Doug Evans said if the
Commission would like to reserve the opportunity to try to get a
horse trail they will need to add a condition back in. The staff had
one drafted and the subdivision map shows that they were
required to propose to install amulti-use trail subject to final
review of the Public Works and Community Development Directors
and connecting somewhere. He said the likelihood would be they
would have to connect somewhere to the north and there are very
large property owners that might object.
25. Vice Chairman Quill said the question he would ask then is now it
looks like it is already reflected on the Tentative Map so there's
nothing to do in terms of space requirements or anything right
now. They simply need to add that as a condition to the motion.
Staff said yes and put in the proviso that it could be deleted if the
connection cannot be made.
26. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/ Barrows
to adopt Resolution 2006-013 to accept Environmental
Assessment 2005-546 as submitted. Unanimously approved.
27. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Barrows to
adopt Resolution 2006-014 to accept Tentative Tract Map 33801
with amended conditions to shift the roadway and language added
regarding the multi-use (equestrian) trails.
1. The roadway width be shifted to provide a six foot
landscaped area on the south property line. The
roadway be reduced to 28 feet and the language
which was suggested by staff as related to the
equestrian trail.
Unanimously approved.
G. Environmental Assessment 2005-557 and Tentative Tract Map 34243; a
request of Innovative Communities Ifor Masque Development) for
consideration of subdivision of 20± acres into 70 single-family and
miscellaneous lots located on the north side of Avenue 58, 1,000 ± feet
west of Madison Street.
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1. Vice Chairman Quill opened the public hearing and asked for the
staff report. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the
information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file
in the Community Development Department
2. Commissioner Daniels asked if the project was lower than the
surrounding properties. Staff replied it was and gave comparison
heights for the whole project.
3. Commissioner Daniels said it was not apparent to him that there
were a lot of design options considering the shape of the property.
He asked if staff had any alternatives. Staff replied they had and
outlined them.
4. Commissioner Alderson asked if the problem with the design was
street configuration. Staff replied it was one of the design
5. There being no further questions of staff, Vice Chairman Quill
asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr.
Dan Doughbron, Developer/Builder with Innovative Communities,
200 East Washington Avenue, Suite 100, Escondido, California
92725, representing the applicant, stated he would take
6. Commissioner Daniels asked if the applicant had any objections to
any of the conditions. Mr. Doughbron said they had an objection
to Condition Number No. 76, page 18, regarding reduction of the
turf area in the retention basin. The retention basin design was
related to the homes abutting the greenbelt and was primarily for
recreational use. They wanted to create an open space to be used
as an entry and they preferred to maintain that corridor. They
asked that condition 76 be deleted.
7. Vice Chairman Quill asked staff if this would be the final
opportunity for the Commission to see the landscape plans. Staff
replied it was unless the Commission revised the condition. Vice
Chairman Quill said he would like to consider the fact that the
Commission could see these plans again from a landscape
perspective for this greenbelt. Mr. Doughbron said staff suggested
they consider adding pockets of desertscape material and he
thought the concern was for water conservation and turf
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reduction. The applicant is open to creating pockets areas, but
still wanted to maintain the greenbelt. They felt it was necessary
for the integrity of the development.
8. Vice Chairman Quill said the City has a Water Conservation
Ordinance and the applicant will have to comply with it as well as
the Coachella Valley Water District requirements. Staff replied the
applicant will comply with the condition. It may be necessary for
the applicant to redesign the corridor to comply with the
landscaping ordinance.
9. Commissioner Alderson said it would appear this entire site is
being drained by way of the streets into this retention basin to the
core of the site and none of the water is going off-site. He asked
where the nuisance water and drainage were going. Vice Chairman
Quill said that was one reason why he wanted to see the
landscape plans come back since they had not proposed anything
in terms of how to deal with the nuisance water and the drainage.
10. Vice Chairman Quill asked Public Works staff about the retaining
walls and the retention basin in the project. Public Works staff
replied it had to do with an aspect/ratio problem and they have to
use the retaining wall to get the depth for the capacity. Vice
Chairman Quill then asked about the slope and expressed his
concern about drainage in the area. It was really important the
Commission see the landscape plan again and his concern was
that this would be designed as an amenity for the project but,
proper drainage is the priority. The applicant replied they had no
1 1. Vice Chairman Quill commented on the curvilinear streets and cul-
de-sacs. The applicant pointed out some features they had added
such as circular areas and additional landscaping included in
several areas. They also added a common area in the center of
the project and a connector bridge amenity. Vice Chairman Quill
asked if there was access to the greenbelt from the east/west
walkway. The applicant said no. Vice Chairman Quill was
concerned about access to this amenity. Staff replied that was
one of the items they identified as one of their concerns and
expanded upon some of the conditions.
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12. Commissioner Alderson asked if the Commission could address
staff's issues with the revised landscape plans. Staff said a
revised landscape plan may resolve some of the problems but the
final design will be squeezed.
13. Commissioner Barrows had a question regarding a revised design
and using a more innovative concept. She asked if the applicant
could defend the project in terms of what they saw as the
innovative elements. The applicant said they were pinched
between three existing developments and it's difficult to be
creative under those conditions. When they purchased the land
and looked at the design, the previous owner had done the
designing without much forethought. They have used more
creativity in designing the project to create more of an open field
design. They had Chris Bergh, MDS Consulting, look at eight
different design options, all of which were worse than the plan
presented. Accessibility seems to be the main design problem.
14. Commissioner Alderson said if the landscaping ordinance does not
allow for large areas of sod when that calculation is made then
there is no longer the large sod area, but a desertscape, which is
not conducive to a playground effect and then access to this area
may become a moot point. No one is going to want to get into
that area as it is not a playground. Vice Chairman Quill said a
community of this size does need an area to walk their dogs and
it's important that it be somewhere.
15. Commissioner Barrows said it could be attractively landscaped
consistent with water efficiency guidelines and not necessarily
100% turfed.
16. There being no further questions or comments, Vice Chairman
Quill asked if there was any other public comment. Mr. Frank
Gresick, 57-025 Mountain View, La Quinta, stated he was there in
his capacity as President of the Lion's Gate Homeowners'
Association which represents 25 property owners in the
community. They were happy to see development on the adjacent
parcel, but very concerned about privacy and density issues. Their
property sits two to three feet lower than this property, especially,
at the entrance of Lion's Gate where there are homes worth two
to two-and-a-half million dollars. The wall in some areas is only
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three to four feet high and with a twenty foot setback the
neighboring homes will be staring right down our throats. They
would appreciate the opportunity to work with staff and the
developers to see if they can mitigate some of these issues. He
gave the Commission several letters from homeowners.
17. Vice Chairman mill asked for the location of Lion's Gate project,
which Mr. Gresick said was due east of this project. Vice
Chairman O.uill asked if the elevation differences were the problem.
Mr. Gresick explained the height of the wall versus their project.
Vice Chairman Quill asked staff what they were proposing to do
regarding the perimeter wall in terms of where the existing wall is
located. Staff replied the applicant should address that. Mr.
Doughbron said there was a suggestion to use the parcel near the
entrance as part of a green belt.
18. Vice Chairman Quill asked the applicant's representative, Chris
Bergh, MDS Consulting, 78-900 Avenue 47, La Quinta, to address
the question regarding the wall. Mr. Bergh gave a technical
explanation of the elevations on the project and the design of the
wall. Vice Chairman Quill asked if he thought they had done their
very best to design the wall so there was no significant difference
between the lots on one side of the wall versus the other side of
the wall. Mr. Bergh replied they had. Vice Chairman Quill asked if
the wall was originally constructed by Lion's Gate development.
Mr. Bergh replied it was. Vice Chairman Quill asked if the wall was
on Lion's Gate property and who the wall belonged to. Mr. Bergh
said the wall was right on the line and he wasn't sure who it
belonged to, but assumed it was the property of the Lion's Gate
19. Commissioner Alderson asked if the homes, on the east side of the
project, would be single story. Mr. Doughbron replied all the
homes would be single story and they would be willing to work
with the neighbors on the height.
20. Vice Chairman Quill asked Mr. Gresick if he had had any
conversations with the Innovative group. Mr. Gresick replied no.
They had only recently found out about the project.
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21. Commissioner Daniels asked how long it would take to develop
landscape details. Mr. Doughbron said he would anticipate the
landscape drawings could be brought back to the Planning
Commission some time in May.
22. Commissioner Alderson asked Chris Bergh if the elevations
established on this site were done by using the street as his
benchmark and then worked his way in at minimum grades. He
asked if they were as low as they could go. Mr. Bergh replied a
minimum pad elevation is based on an emergency overflow
elevation at the existing street and gave a detailed explanation of
how they arrived at their elevations. Staff clarified one of the
conditions on Page 48, Item 1 1, A. 1)., is a Public Works
recommendation fora 36 foot travel width for residential streets to
allow parking on both sides and wanted to make sure the
Commission understood it is a 29 foot street only on short cul-de-
sac streets.
23. Commissioner Alderson made the suggestion to continue this
approval until the landscaping plans could be made available and
the landscaping and retention basin concerns evaluated.
24. Commissioner Daniels wanted to hear more discussion about the
perspective on the grading in regards to the adjacent property.
25. Vice Chairman Quill said it appears as though the applicant has
done their best to match the grades. He asked the applicant what
the difference there was between Lion's Gate building pad
elevations and this project's building pad elevations. Applicant's
representative Chris Bergh gave an explanation of the difference
between the two projects and how the difference was measured.
He said the largest variation was 3.3 feet at Lot #1.
26. Vice Chairman Quill asked if the Lion's Gate wall, at Lot #1 is
significantly higher than six feet. Mr. Berge said that was correct
and went on to explain the height of the pads versus the wall
heights. He added they were proposing no fill on their side of the
wall. Vice Chairman Quill asked if there was to be no fill
anywhere along the way. Mr. Bergh replied very little, but it
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Planning Commission Minutes
March 28, 2006
27. Commissioner Alderson commented the site balances on the high
end. He was also concerned that the Lion's Gate property owners
should have an opportunity to discuss their concerns and provide
input to the applicant.
28. Vice Chairman Quill asked staff if they had any engineering issues
with the height differential. Public Works Director Tim Jonasson
said the Municipal Code allows fora three foot maximum
differential in proposed/existing developments. He was concerned
that Lots #66 and #1 exceed that differential by a half foot and
that would have to be addressed. The rest of the lots appeared as
though they were within allowed tolerances. Vice Chairman Quill
asked that Condition 76 be changed to require the landscape plans
be returned to the Commission and include more access to the
greenbelt for walking and from the center parkway down to the
bottom. Staff commented the current conditions state the
Commission will not see the landscaping plans and after approval
of the final map and asked if the Commission wanted this
condition to read "prior" to approval of final map. Vice Chairman
Quill said it should absolutely be changed to "prior to issuance of
any grading permits."
29. Commissioner Alderson asked if this was tentative to continuing
this application. Staff stated it was not continuing the project, it
meant the applicant would have to get their landscape details done
so they are incorporated into the grading plan and that plan would
be brought back to the Commission for approval. Commissioner
Alderson stated the applicant would probably not want to go
ahead with the design until he was confident of the approval. Staff
told the Commissioners if they approved the subdivision it would
mean the Commission was encouraging the applicant to go
30. Vice Chairman Quill said he was willing to approve the Tentative
Tract Map so they could keep moving forward but he was not
"warmed up" to the basic design.
31. Commissioner Barrows asked if the Commission needed
elaboration on the recommendation for project re-design. Staff
stated the grid system design was not as creative as the project
could be and wanted to see something with smaller loop streets
and culs de sac incorporation. Staff added the landscape corridor,
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March 28, 2006
in the final design, is going to be a design challenge. It will get
narrower and tighter in all likelihood with final design. It will not
really be active open space nor recreational. It will not function
well due to the size/shape of the project parcel. It may require a
very expensive design to fix the interior so it is something more
than a fairly straight sidewalk down the middle of a channel with
limited access.
32. Vice Chairman Quill said outside of a wholesale denial and going
back to the drawing board, what were the Commission's options.
Staff replied they had talked to the applicant about wholesale re-
design of the project and the applicant said it was not something
they wanted to do. They tried to include everything suggested by
staff and the changes made were pointed out by staff.
33. Commissioner Alderson asked if the lots were wide enough to
introduce some additional intersecting sidewalks in the north/south
34. Vice Chairman Quill said there were no additional sidewalks
proposed at this time, but he agreed with Commissioner
Alderson's suggestions. He asked if the Commission wished to ask
the applicant to go back and revise the plans or give them some
suggestions to improve the current Tentative Map provided they
come back with a more elaborate, detailed landscape and amenity
plan for the greenbelt, primarily with better access.
35. Commissioner Daniels said he would prefer they give approval to
the submitted Tentative Tract but Condition 76 be changed to
have the landscaping plans come back to the Commission for
approval prior to granting of grading permits.
36. Commissioner Alderson asked if Vice Chairman Quill was
discussing the two considerations he was recommending were
adding another cross sidewalk and having them all have access to
the retention basin/recreation area.
37. Commissioner Daniels said they need to address their ideas in the
landscape review and move forward to approve the Tentative
Tract with the landscape plans coming back for review.
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38. Commissioner Barrows said another suggestion would be to flip
the placement of the homes on those lots in order to widen the
39. Vice Chairman Quill said they need to give extra space to the lots
that abut the east/west crosswalk. Staff said it was already in the
40. Vice Chairman Quill stated there would also need to be east/west
access to the greenbelt walkway and it should be addressed in a
landscape review. He said the Commission should give the
applicant their ideas, so when they bring back the map they know
what the Commission is looking for. He said the Commission
should move forward, approve the Tentative Map, and amend
Condition 76 to have detailed landscape drawings come back to
the Commission prior to issuance of a grading permit.
41. Commissioner Barrows asked if the Commissioners were satisfied
the needs of the neighbors had been addressed.
42. Commissioner Alderson stated he would like to see the Lion's Gate
homeowners have the opportunity to meet with the applicant so
their concerns could be addressed.
43. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Alderson to
adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2006-015 recommending
approval of the Environmental Assessment 2005-557, as
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Alderson, Daniels, Ladner, and Vice
Chairman Quill. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None. ABSENT:
44. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Alderson/Daniels to
adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2006-016 recommending
approval of Tentative Tract Map 34243, as recommended and
a. Condition added: The applicant shall create sidewalk
crossings so there is better pedestrian access to the
retention basin/greenbelt floor.
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b. Condition added: The applicant shall provide an opportunity
for the Lion's Gate Homeowners' Association to meet with
the design staff of Innovative Communities.
c. Add to Condition 76: The revised landscaping plans shall be
brought back to the Planning Commission for review and
approval before issuance of grading permits.
d. Condition added: The applicant shall remit Quimby Park
Fees prior to recordation of the Final Tract Map.
A. Minor Use Permit 2006-763; a request of Mark Ladeda for consideration
of the placement of a manufactured home on a residentially-zoned 4.19
acre parcel located at 55-075 Monroe Street.
1. Assistant Planner Jay Wuu presented the staff report on file with
the Community Development Department.
2. Vice Chairman Quill asked where the access to the driveway was
discussed. Commissioner Alderson replied it is straight down the
dirt road from Monroe.
3 Commissioner Alderson asked for an explanation of Condition
number 27 regarding a 24-inch roof overhang on all sides of the
home and solar control overhang on the ends. Staff replied this
condition referred to the need to have a specific type of overhang
that is not a clip design. Staff explained solar control means they
need to put some type of overhang on the end of the building to
assist with solar control.
4. Commissioner Alderson made an observation that the applicant is
doing a wonderful job of cleaning up and removing debris. In his
accessway there has been a security problem and his residence
will bring security back there. He has no problem with the
8. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Alderson/Barrows
to adopt Minute Motion 2006-007 accepting Minor Use Permit
2006-763 as submitted. Unanimously approved.
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March 28, 2006
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Alderson/Daniels to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to a
regular meeting of the Planning Commission to be held on April 1 1, 2006. This
meeting of the Planning Commission was adjourned at 12:27 a.m. on March 29,
Respectfully submitted,
Carolyn Walker, Secretary
City of La Quinta, California
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