A regulaz meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, CA
September 26, 1995
3:00 P.M.
A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 3:07 P.M. by
Chairman Abels. Commissioner Adolph led the flag salute.
A. Chairman Abels requested the colt call: Present: Conunissioners Adolph, Barrows,
Butler, Gardner, Newkirk, and Chairman Abels.
B. Commissioners Adolph/Gazdner moved and seconded a motion to excuse
Commissioner Anderson. Unanimously approved.
C. Staff Present: Community Development Director Jeny Herman, City Attorney Dawn
Honeywell, Planning Manager Christi di Iorio, Senior Engineer Steve Speer,
Principal Planner Stan Sawa, Associate Planners Wallace Nesbit, and Executive
Secretary Betty Sawyer.
A.. Zoning Ordinance Update; a request of staff for a review of the Zoning Ordinance.
I. Staff presented portions of the revised Zoning Ordinance Update for the
Commissioners review. Items discussed included clarification of the
maximum building heights and leaf blower regulations.
2. Staff presented information regarding why an "envelope" method of
measuring building heights is more desirable than using a "mean" point
method. After discussion, the Planning Commission determined that an
"envelope" method as originally presented by the consultant should be
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Planning Comtnission Minutes
September 26, 1995
3. It was determined that exceptions to the development standazds for drive thru
facilities as presented in Section 9.150.080(J), should be deleted.
4. Associate Planner Wallace Nesbit, presented the history of the leaf blower
regulations. Commissioners asked questions of staff regarding the proposed
regulations. Following discussion, Commissioners asked staff to: ,
a. Restudy the time frame and hours for the leaf blowers (possibly the
same as construction hours) and fmd a way to enforce it. Automatic
exemption between approximately September 15th and December 1st
should be considered. Exact time of exemption to be determined by
the survey.
b. In addition, the Commissioners asked staff to include a section on
golf tournaments and notification to the respective homeowner
associations, if hours aze to be eazlier.
c. It was noted that a potential conflict exists between 9.145.030 and
9.145.060 due to the definition of "real property landscape
maintenance" and "golf course landscape operations."
4. Page 007, Section 9.145.040A
a. The City Attorney noted to staff a need to make a more general
statement as to who is subject to time limitations.
5. Page 008, Section 9.145.OSOB
a. The City Attorney noted a need for criteria to determine exemptions
by the Community Development Director.
6. Page 011, Section 9.30.020
a. Rewrite to reflect the Housing Element changes for any new
developments (not pre-existing) very low, low, and moderate income
7. Page 019, Section 9.40.030. Table 9-1
a. Staff noted a change needed for "apartment projects (rental units)" to
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September 26, 1995
allow them in the RVL, RL, and RC with a specific plan with
8. Page 029, Section 9.50-060
a. Change how the height is measured from using a "mean point" to a
building envelope.
9. Page 033, Section C.3.c.
a. Change to allow two azches or two pairs of pilasters.
10. Page 038, Section 9.60.060. B.1
a. Check this section to insure that it complies with the Table of
Development Standards, Section 9.50.040.B.
11. Page 043, Section 9.60.110C.4.
a. Reword or modify to allow home occupations, or rewrite "detached
accessory structure" in the Defmition Section.
12. Commissioner Butler asked staff to see if there were azeas within the City
that could be caned as CP (Commercial Pazk). Suggestions were: Jefferson
Street and the south side of Highway 111 east of Dune Palms.
13. Page 072, Table 9
a. Staff noted a need to add residential as a conditional use in the CR
14. Page 076 -reword the height definition same as Page 029, Section 9.50.060.
15. Special Advertising devices - staffto go through and eliminate the repetitious
azeas. Staff with remove most of Chapter 5. Place "Seazchlights" under
Special Advertising Devices.
16. Commissioner Adolph asked for clarification on the time length a temporary
chain link fence may be used. Staff stated generally it runs consecutively
with the building permit. As long as the building permit is active, the fence
is allowed. Commissioners asked staff to check into the time limits allowed
for the temporary fences at the Citrus Course.
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September 26, 1995
17. Commissioner Adolph asked if political banners were allowed in a
commercial zone. He understood banners required to a permit. City
Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated the political signs aze not enforceable. She
would look into the use of a banner in a commercial zone.
Chairman Abels stated that due to the hour, he opened the meeting up for "Commissioner Items",
A. Chairman Abels gave a report of the CCAPA Workshop in Diamond Bar held at the
offices of the South Coast Air Quality offices attended by Commissioners Butler,
Gardner, and himself. He stated this was the type of workshop all commissioners
should attend. The Workshop was informative and created a number of questions.
Some issues that were brought out at the Workshop, he would like to see
implemented here, such as:
Having the Planning Commission packets distributed earlier. Discussion
followed regarding the mechanics of preparing the agenda. Staff stated they
would look at the process and see if there was a faster way to get the agenda
2. When new commissioners are appointed, there should be indoctrination
process to inform them about the planning process and explain what would
be expected of them. Staff should inform all new Commissioners of their
Funds should be budgeted to allow the Commissioners an opportunity to
attend educational courses/workshops.
4. A tour of the major projects prior to their review and approval.
B. Commissioner Butler stated that discussions at the Workshop were helpful and he
was very appreciative of City Attorney's attendance and input at the Commission
C. Commissioner Barrows questioned the legality of Commissioners attending meetings
with developers prior to the meetings. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated that
when a Commissioner is voting on a project, this should be stated during the
meeting. In addition, if anything at the site influenced their decision, this should also
be stated. It needed to be made a part of the record. Due process requires that
everyone at the hearing be made aware of how each Commissioner came to a
decision on the project. Discussion followed.
Planning Commission Minutes
September 26, ].995
D. Chairman Abels inquired why it was so difficult to schedule joint meetings with the
City Council. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated the purpose of the meetings.
E. Planning Manager Christi di Iorio stated that following the review of the Zoning
Ordinance Update, a study session regazding the Village would be scheduled.
hollowing that session, staff would draft a letter to the City Council and outline the
issues raised by the Commission.
Chairman Abels recessed the meeting at 5:25 P.M. and reconvened at 7:04 P.M.
A. ]'lot Plan 92-490; a request of Michael Hurst for approval of a time extension for a
previously approved commercial shopping center consisting of approximately
251,550 squaze feet on approximately 23 acres at the northwest corner of Highway
l I 1 and Jefferson Street.
Planning Manager Christi di Iorio presented the information contained in the
staff report, a copy of which is on :31e in the Community Development
:?. Commissioner Adolph asked staff for clarification on why the extension was
for four months. Staff stated the applicant had submitted his request for an
extension on time eight months eazlier, but had asked to delay processing the
request until now due to financial difficulties.
3. There being no further comments of staff, Chairman Abels opened the public
hearing. Mr. Michael Hurst, architect, spoke on behalf of the applicant. He
stated there were no changes from the original approval. He only needed
additional time to get things together for the developer. He generally had no
objection to the updated conditions except for a clarification of Condition #2.
He asked whether the condition required them to be under construction by
February, 1996, or to have pulled a building permit. Staff stated a building
4. Commissioner Adolph asked Mr. Hurst if he thought the project was viable.
Mr. Hurst stated he was working with the partners and since the
reorganization, he felt it was probably more viable now than before.
Planning Commission Minutes
September 26, 1995
Commissioner Butler asked about keeping the dust under control before
construction begins. Mr. Hurst stated that no grading had occurred and the
site was landscaped with native plant material.
6. Commissioner Gardner asked if the applicant was awaze of the expiration
date at the time of his request for extension in February, 1996. Staff stated
the applicant was awaze of it.
There being no further discussion, Chairman Abels closed public hearing
$. Commissioner Adolph asked staff to clarify why this application was before
them at this time rather at the time of the expiration date of February, 1995.
The extension only had four months lefr before expiring again. Staff clarified
that the applicant had filed his request on time and he was aware of the time
limitations. Staff further clarified that the Planning Commission could
extend the time if they so chose. Staf:Ps recommendation was based on the
original date stated in the conditions.
9. Commissioner Adolph asked the applicant if he felt the project could be
ready to pull building permits in February. Mr. Hurst stated that if he were
granted a yeazs extension from this date, they could use the time. However,
they anticipate being ready by February, 1996.
10. Commissioner Barrows asked staff if there was any problem granting the
extra time. Staff stated there was no problem. Discussion continued.
11. Commissioner Gazdner stated he was uncleaz as to the extension date. It was
his understanding that the applicant had extenuating circumstances that didn't
allow him to bring this matter before the Commission before now. Staff
stated that was what they had been told. Commissioner Gardner stated the
applicant had received his yeaz extension whether the Commission heazd the
request in February, 1995, or now. He did not feel the request warranted
additional time.
12. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners AdolphBarrows to adopt Planning Commission Resolution
95-040 recertifying the previously approved Environmental Assessment 92-
241 and recommending approval to the City Council of a second time
extension for Specific Plan 92-022 and Plot Plan 92-490, until September 26,
Planning Commission Minutes
September 26, 1995
12. Commissioner Gazdner stated he did not see any reason to extend the time as
the applicant had the entire yeaz.
13. Commissioner Newkirk stated he too did not believe the extended time was
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Adolph and Barrows. NOES:
Commissioners Butler, Gardner, Newkirk., and Chairman Abels.
ABSENT: Commissioner Anderson. ABS'T'AIN: None.
14. The motion failed on a 4-2 vote with Commissioner Anderson being absent.
15. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Butler/Barrows to adopt
Planning Commission Resolution 95-039 recertifying the previously
approved Environmental Assessment 92-241 and recommending approval to
the City Council of a second time extension for Specific Plan 92-022 and Plot
Plan 92-490, until February, 1996.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Adolph, Bazrows, Butler, Gazdner, Newkirk,
and Chairman Abels. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner
Anderson. ABSTAIN: None.
B. Plot Plan 95-565; a request of KSL PGA West Corporation for approval of additional
design schemes for the elevations of the recently approved Ryder, Heritage, and
Masters Collection units.
Commissioner Gazdner withdrew due to a possible conflict of interest.
2. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff
report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
There being no questions of staff, Chairman Abels opened the public hearing.
Mr. Chevis Hosea spoke on behalf of the applicant, and explained their
4. Commissioner Barrows asked the applicant about the question raised by the
Homeowners' Association regazding their review rights. Mr. Hosea stated
it was not applicable to his request as the units would not be constructed
within this Homeowners' Association area. If any units are to be built within
their jurisdiction KSL would submit plans for their review.
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Commissioner Adolph asked the applicant to clarify his statement that these
units would not be built within Res #].. Mr. Hosea stated that was not their
plan to build these particular units within Res #1. Discussion followed
regarding clarification of the boundaries of the two HOA's.
6. Commissioner Adolph stated he felt the new designs met all the Association
requirements and the changes were fine.
Mr. Clazk Forrest Butts, azchitect for the Heritage Collection described the
additional elevation changes that were to be approved. The changes were
slight articulations of the approved designs.
$. Mr. Butts stated the conditions required a four inch deep trim azound the
windows on the side and rear yard and it was his understanding this was not
normal for La Quinta. Other tracts be had worked in required a two inch
trim. He was concerned that the four inch trim would look awkward on
some of the units and would not be beneficial. Commissioner Adolph stated
their concern was for energy issues and that the south and west facing walls
were covered to provide more shade. Staff stated this was Condition #4 and
the Commission had imposed it on the first set of units as well. Discussion
followed as to the origin of the condition. Following discussion, the azchitect
stated he would like to put a smaller recess treatment on the side windows.
Commissioner Adolph asked if exposed rafters were to be used. Mr. Butts
stated some of the units would have exposed tails to add variety on the street
scene and would give an interesting shade feature on the side walls. It would
be added only to selected azeas.
10. Commissioner Adolph stated this could become a maintenance problem for
the Association. In addition, the elevations show a double hung window.
Mr. Butts stated that on the Heritage project there would be no double hung
windows. Mr. Pat Austin, architect for the Ryder and Masters units, stated
these units would not have double hung windows.
11. Mr. Pat Austin, CYP Architects, architect for the Ryder and Master
Collection, spoke regarding his portion of the project. He too expressed his
concern for the four inch popouts.
12. Commissioner Butler asked if there were any windows of significant size that
would cause Commissions concern. Mr. Austin stated the lazgest side
windows would be 3' X 8' or 5' X 5'. Commissioners discussed the various
windows on the Heritage elevations. Ddr. Austin stated the overhangs would
be 18-inches to 24-inches.
Planning Commission Minutes
September 26, 1995
13. Commissioner Adolph stated most of the windows were relatively small.
Commissioner Butler asked if the Commissioners had any problems with the
sliders on the 3C plan. No comment was made.
14. There being no further discussion, it was moved by Commissioners
Adolph/Barrows to adopt Minute Motion 95-040 approving Plot Plan 95-565,
subject to the amendment to Condition #4 requiring two inch deep popouts.
15. Staff clarified that this approval was for the units being approved at this time
and did not apply to the units previously approved. In addition, these units
could be subject to the new regulations of the Updated Zoning Ordinance if
the building permits were not pulled before the Updated Zoning Ordinance
was adopted.
16. Motion carried unanimously.
A. C~necial Advertisine Device 95-079; a request of the La Quinta Chamber of
Commerce for approval of temporary advertising for the upcoming La Quinta
Mainstreet Marketplace events between October, 1995 to April, 1996.
1. Ms. Eileen Salvan, representing the Chamber of Commerce, requested a
change on Condition #5. They would like to install the banners eazlier and
it would be a hazdship to have the banners removed within 48 hours of the
event. Commissioners agreed and asked staff to amend the condition.
3. Planning Manager read the condition as revised: "The temporary banner
shall be installed the Monday prior to each of the six events and shall be
removed the Monday following the event."
4. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioner Barrows/Adolph to adopt Minute Motion 95-041, subject to
the amended conditions. Unanimously approved.
B. Sy~ggific Plan 84-004 (Rancho La Ouinta); a request of Mr. Grady Spazks, Sparks
Construction, for approval of two new unit types in compliance with the adopted
Specific Plan (i.e., Terraza and Palacio units).
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff
report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
2. Mr. Tom Cullirtan, spoke on behalf of the applicant TD Desert Development.
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September 26, 1995
3. Commissioner Adolph asked if these were the lazgest units being built. Mr.
Cullinan stated the Terraza was an extension of the eazlier lots and aze
slightly lazger. He stated the demand was for lazger houses and they were
being asked to make a lot of room additions.
4. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioner GazdnerButler to adopt Minute Motion 95-042 approving
Special Advertising Device 95-079, subject to conditions. Unanimously
A. Commissioner Butler asked that the Minutes of September 12, 1995, be amended on
Page 4, Item #23, to show that he voted no and not Commissioner Gazdner. There
being no further corrections, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Gazdner/Butler to approve the minutes as corrected. Unanimously approved.
A. Commissioner Adolph gave a report of the City Council meeting of September 19,
There being no fturther business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners GazdnerButler to
adjourn this meeting of the Planning Commission to a regular meeting of October 10, 1995. This
meeting of the Planning Commission was adjourned at 8:00 P.M.
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