PC Resolution 1982-002L
BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of
a Quinta, California, that Rules of Procedure for Planning
ommission meetings and related functions and activities are
.ereby adopted, as attached.
APPROVED and ADOPTED this 12thday of October , 1982•
�� I7'Y K
1. Functions.
The functions of the Planning Commission are as follows:
(a) It shall develop and maintain a general plan.
(b) It shall develop such specific plans as may be
necessary and desirable.
(c) It shall periodically review the capital improvement
program of the City.
(d) It shall perform such other functions as the City
Council may provide.
2. Membership; term of office; vacancies.
The Planning Commission is composed of five members, who
are appointed by the City Council. The regular term of
office is three years, and a term generally begins on the
first day of July. Each member may serve a maximum of two
consecutive terms, subject to the provisions of Section
2.06.010 of the Municipal Code. Vacancies are filled by
appointment of the City Council for the unexpired portion
of the term. A member may be removed by a majority of the
City Council.
3. Bylaws.
The Planning Commission establishes its own rules and
procedures not inconsistent with the intent of ordinances
or laws of the City or State.
4. Meetings.
The Planning Commission shall hold at least one regular
meeting each month.
. officers and Terms of Office
1. The officers of the Planning Commission shall be a Chair-
man and Vice Chairman, both who shall be elected at the
first meeting held after June 30, each year.
2. The Chairman and Vice Chairman shall hold office for one
(1) year and thereafter until their successors are
elected. No Chairman shall serve for more than two
consecutive terms. In the case of a vacancy in office, the
vacancy shall be filled by an election held at the first
regular meeting after the occurance of the vacancy.
C. Duties of Officers and Staff
1. Chairman: The Chairman shall preside at all meetings
of the Commission. He shall appoint all committees and
shall perform all duties necessary, customary or inci-
dental to his office.
2. Vice Chairman: The Vice Chairman shall act in the absence
of the Chairman. The Vice Chairman shall have the power
to function in the same capacity as the Chairman in case
of the Chairman's inability to act. In the event of the
absence of both the Chairman or Vice Chairman, the remain-
ing members of the Commission shall appoint one (1) of
their number to act as temporary Chairman.
3. Secretary: The Secretary shall be the Planning Director
or his authorized deputy who shall provide professional
and technical advice to the Planning Commission, shall
sign approved final subdivision maps, shall assist said
Commission in the discharge of its responsibilities and
shall maintain minutes of meetings and records of
hearings and official actions.
D. Meetings
1. Regular meetings of the Commission shall be open to the
public and shall be held on the second Tuesday of each
month at 7:00 p.m., at the City Hall. If the regular
meeting falls on a legal holiday, the meeting shall be
on the next regular working day. The meeting may be
adjourned by the presiding officer or by the Secretary
within twenty minutes from the scheduled time for
opening the meeting if a quorum is not present.
2. Special Meetings and study session of the Commission shall
be open to the public and shall be held at such times the
Chairman or two-thirds of the Commission request the same.
3. Notice: The following shall constitute adequate notice
to the members of the Commission:
(a) Agendas �f W,,A4Lregular meetings shall be fftaizcc�
to membersA our Says prior to such meeting.
(b) The vote to hold a"regular adjourned meeting shall
constitute adequate notice to members in attendance.
The Secretary shall notify all absentee members
by any reasonable means.
(c) Notice for special meetings shall be made at least
twenty-four hours in advance by any reasonable
(d) The local news media, which requests notices of
meetings, shall be informed of such by the Secre-
(e) The Secretary shall have the responsibility for
informing the City Council and others of Commis-
sion meetings.
4. Voting: Every official act taken by the Commission shall
be by Resolution or Motion adopted by majority vote.
(a) Voting Procedure: On the passage of every motion,
the vote shall be taken by voice or roll call and
entered in full upon the record. The order of
voting shall be alphabetical, with the Chairman
voting last.
(b) Roll Call Voting: A roll call vote shall be used
for all public hearing matters. Any other ques-
tion before the Commission shall not require a
roll call vote unless requested by any member.
Any member may change his vote before the next
order of business.
(c) Reconsideration: Any member who voted with the
majority may move a reconsideration of any action
at the same meeting. After a motion for recon-
sideration has once been acted on, no other motion
for a reconsideration thereof shall be made with-
out unanimous consent of the Commission.
(d) Resolutions: All matters that have been decided
at the conclusion of a public hearing and are to
be directed as a recommendation to the City Council,
or when action is taken to commend someone, or
something, in a permanent manner, a resolution is
necessary. Reasons for granting or denying in a
request must be declared for the record, as must
conditions and terms of approval. A simple majority
vote is required.
5. Order of Business at any regular meeting shall be as follows:
(a) Call to Order.
(b) Roll Call.
(c) Hearings.
(d) Consent Calendar.
(e) Business Session.
(f) Adjournment.
6. Public Hearings: In the conduct of any public hearing,
the procedure shall be as follows:
(a) Chairman or Secretary announces case under
(b) Planning staff describes area under considera-
tion and presents staff report and recommendation.
(c) Questions by Commission concerning staff report.
(d) Chairman opens hearing.
(e) Applicant is given first opportunity to speak.
(f) Persons in favor speak.
(g) Persons in opposition speak.
(h) Applicant is allowed rebuttal.
(i) Questions by Commission.
(j) The public hearings is closed. After the hearing
is closed by the Chairman, no further testimony
shall be received unless the hearing is reopened
by consent of a majority of the Commission.
(k) Commission acts.
7. Parliamentary Procedure: The rules of parliamentary practice
as set forth in Robert's Rules of Order, Revised, shall be
used as a guide for all meetings of the Commission, except
as otherwise herein provided.
8. Motions.
(a) Procession of Motions: When a motion is made and
seconded, it shall be stated by the Chairman or
Secretary before debate. A motion shall not be
withdrawn by the mover without the consent of the
member seconding it and the approval of the
(b) Motions out of order: The Chairman may at any time,
by a majority consent of the Commission, permit a
member to introduce a resolution, or motion, out
of the regular Agenda order.
(c) Division of Question: If the question contains two
or more divisionable provisions, the Chairman may,
and upon request of a member shall (unless ap-
pealed), divide the same.
(d) Precedence of Motions: When a motion is before the
the Commission, no motion shall be entertained ex-
cept the following which shall have precedence in
following order:
1. Adjourn.
2. Fix hour of Adjournment.
3. Table.
4. Previous Question.
S. Amend.
6. Postpone.
(e) Motion to Adjourn: (not debatable) A motion to
Adjourn shall be in order at any time except as
1. When repeated without intervening business or
2. When made as an interruption of a member while
3. When the previous questions have been ordered,
4. While a vote is being taken.
A motion to adjourn "to another time' shall be
debatable only as to the time to which the meeting
is adjourned.
(f) Motion to Fix Hour of Adjournment: Such a motion
shall be to set a definite time at which to adjour.
and shall be undebatable and unamendable except
as to time set.
(g) Motion to Table: A motion to table shall be used
to temporarily by-pass the subject. A motion to
table shall be undebatable and shall preclude all
amendments or debate of the subject under consider
tion. If the motion shall prevail, the matter may
be "taken from the table" at any time prior to the
end of the next regular meeting.
(h) Motion for Previous Question: Such a motion shall
used to close debate on the main motion and shall
be undebatable. If the motion fails, debate shall
be reopened; if the motion passes, a vote shall b
taken on the main motion.
(i) Motion to Amend: A motion to amend shall be debatable
only as to amendment. A motion to amend an amendment
shall be in order, but an amendment to amend an
amendment shall not be in order. An amendment modi-
fying the intention of a motion shall be in order,
but an amendment relating to a different matter
shall not be in order. A substitute motion on the
same subject shall be acceptable, and voted on before
a vote on the amendment. Amendments shall be voted
first, then the main motion as amended.
(j) Motion to Continue: Motions to continue to a defi-
nite time shall be amendable and debatable as to
propriety of postponement and time set. If desired,
the maker of the motion to continue may also move
to reopen the hearing to receive further testimony.
9. Rules, Decorum and Order.
(a) Points of Order: The Chairman shall determine all
Points of Order subject to the right of any member
to appeal to the Commission.
(b) Decorum and Order - Commission Members:
1. Every Commissioner desiring to speak shall aJJ rcS:
the Chair and, upon recognition by the
Chairman, shall confine himself to the question
under debate.
2. A Commissioner once recognized, shall not be
interrupted while speaking unless called to
order by the Chairman, unless a Point of Order
is raised by another Commission member or
unless a speaker chooses to yield to questions
from another Commission member.
3. If a Commissioner is called to order while he
is speaking, he shall cease speaking immediately
until the question of order is determined. If
ruled to be not in order, he shall alter his
remarks so as to comply with rules of the
4. Commissioners shall accord the utmost courtesy
to each other, to City employees and to the
public appearing before the Commission.
5. Any Commissioner may move to require the Chair-
man to enforce the rules and the affirmative
vote of a majority of the Commission shall re-
quire him to so act.
6. Members of the Commission shall not leave their
seats during the meeting without the consent of
the Chairman.
(c) Decorum and Order - Employees: Members of the
Administrative Staff and employees of the City
shall observe the same rules procedure and decorum
applicable to members of the Commission. Any staff
member desiring to address the Commission or member
of the public shall first be recognized by the Chai
(d) Decorum and Order - Public: Public members attend-
ing Commission meetings shall observe the same rule
of order and decorum applicable to the Commission.
Any person making impertinent and slanderous remark
or who becomes boisterous while addressing the Com-
mission or while attending the Commission meeting,
may be removed from the room if so directed by the
Chairman. Unauthorized remarks from the audience,
stamping of feet, whistles, yells, and similar demc
strations shall be cause for the Chairman to direct
removal of such offenders from the room.
(e) Manner in addressing the Commission:
1. The person desiring to speak shall proceed to
the podium and/or microphones and wait to be
recognized by the Chairman.
2. After recognition, the person shall state his
name and address for the record.
3. All remarks and questions shall be addressed
to the Chairman and shall be limited to the
issue under consideration.
4. The comments may be subject to the following
a. At any time during the oral communication,
the Chairman may direct that the communica
tion be made to the Director of Planning
or other appropriate staff member during
regular business hours or in writing for
subsequent submittal to Commission members
b. Speakers shall be prohibited from address-
ing the Commission on a topic currently be
or about to be submitted to a City Commis=_
Committee, Board or other agency before wl-
the speaker should make the presentation.
C. The Chairman may limit the number of
speakers heard on non -agenda topics.
Those whose presentations were post-
poned shall be given priority at the
next meeting.
d. When several speakers desire to speak on
a single topic, the Chairman may request
that repetitious statements be avoided
and that only new material be presented.
(f) Enforcement of Decorum: The Chief Law Enforcement Offi
shall be ex-officio sergeant -at -arms of the Commission.
shall carry out all orders and instructions given him bl
the Chairman for the purpose of maintaining order and
decorum in the City Hall.
E. Committees
1. The Chairman may establish standing or special committees
when necessary for the conduct of Commission business, and
may appoint the Committee Chairman.
2. Committees shall continue to serve until abolished or re-
placed by the Chairman.
F. Policies
1. Publicity: The secretary shall release all official infor-
mation or "stories" to the press unless otherwise instructec
by the Chairman. No Commission member shall speak for the
Commission as a whole without specific permission of the
2. Attendance: Attendance at all meetings is an obligation of
each member. Should a member be absent from five meetings
during a twelve-month period, the Planning Commission may
ask the City Council to replace the,member.
3. Conflict of Interest: Any Planning Commissioner who has
direct or indirect financial or other personal interest
in any matter before the Commission shall publicly dis-
close, on the official record, the nature and extent of
such interest, and such Commissioner shall not participate
in the proceedings and shall not vote on any such matter.
4. Taping of Planning Commission Minutes: The taping of
Planning Commission meetings shall be done at the discre-
tion of the Secretary of the Planning Commission for the
purpose of assisting in the preparation of detailed minutes
of the meetings and for no other purpose. Upon approval
of the minutes of the latter meeting of the Planning Com-
mission, the tapes will be held and maintained for a period
of time not to exceed three years.
G. Amendments
These Rules and Regulations may be amended by the Commission
at any regular meeting by a two-thirds majority, or at any
special meeting, provided that the proposed amendment is inclu-
ded in a written notice of such meeting.
E X H I B I T" A "
SECTION I - State Law Requirements for Duties of a Planning
A. It shall develop and maintain a general plan.
B. It shall develop such specific plans as may be
necessary or desirable.
C. It shall periodically review the Capital Improve-
ment Program of the City.
D. It shall perform such other functionings as a
Legislative Body, (City Council) may provide.
SECTION II - The responsibilities of maintaining a General
Plan are as follows:
A. Authority and scope of General Plans.
1. Each planning agency/commission shall prepare
and adopt a comprehensive long-term General
Plan for the City.
2. The General Plan shall include territory out-
side the City Limits, which in the City's
judgement, bears relation to it's planning.
3. The required General Plan elements which must
be adopted and maintained by the Commission
are as follows:
a. Land Use
b. Circulation
C. Housing
d. Conservation and open space
e. Seismic safety
f. Noise
g. Scenic Highway
h. Safety
SECTION III - Current Responsibilities of the Commission
With respect to duties assigned by the City Council as of this
date the following are, to our knowledge, the current responsi-
bilities of the Commission.
A. Zoning Regulations
1. Advisory to the City Council with respect to
Zone changes, Amendments to the text of the
Zoning regulations and General Plan Amendments.
2. Design review authority with respect to new de-
velopmental projects within the City.
Page Two
3. Variance review authority.
4. Conditional use permit review and authority.
5. Appeals from Administrative decisions.
6. Advisory to the City Council with respect to
matters of the Zoning text.
7. Design review authority when signs are a part
of an overall project review.
B. Subdivision Regulations
1. Advisory Agency to the City Council in subdivi-
sion matters, i.e. tentative map and parcel map
2. Advisory to the City Council in matters of
specific plans for street right-of-way.