PC Resolution 1983-003 RESOLUTION N0. P.C. 83-3 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AN~IDING THE COMMISSION'S RULES BY ADDIIVG PROVISIONS REGARDING THE REGULAR HOLDING OF STUDY SESSIONS. BE IT RESOLVID by the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California that the Commission's Rules of Procedure for meeting and related functions and activities as adopted by Resolution No. P.C. 82-2, hereby are amended by adding to Section D. (Meetings) thereof, the following: 1.5 Study Sessions: (a) Those Commission Members who are able to attend will meet in the Commission's regular place of meeting at 3:00 p.m, on the Monday preceding each regular meeting of the Commission for the purpose of reviewing the agenda for a Commission meeting and meeting and conferring with City staff, civic organizations and City officials relative to future Commission business. If such a day is a holiday recognized by the City, the Study Session shall be held at the same time and place on the preceding Friday. (b) The time or place for study sessions as specified above may be altered by the Commission or by the Chairman on individual occasions when appropriate to the convenience of the Commission Manbers, provided that when this occurs, written notice of the change shall be delivered personally, or by mail to each local newspaper of general circulation, radio or tele- vision station at least 24 hours before the study session to be held at the changed time or location. Each Commission Member shall be notified of the changed time or location personally or by whatever means the Chairman or City Manager deem appropriate. (c) Study Sessions are not intended to constitute a meeting of the Commission and they shall be carried on regardless of the number of Commission Members in attendance. (d) At said study sessions, no formal action shall be taken, no mmtions shall be offered, no arguments entered into; the sole purpose of said meetings being to provide background information to members of the Commission and to allow Commission Members to ask questions and to express personal opinions. APPROVED and ADOPTED this 10th day of May , 1983. iL, RESOLUTION NO. P.C. 83-3 ATPEST: CITY APPROVED AS TO FORM: ATPORNE~~~ '1/~ CHAIRMAN PRO TF~1 APPROVED AS TO CONTF."VT: ~-- _ - ~~~ I GER