PC Resolution 1985-003 Street Vacation - Tampico & Obregon RESOLUTION NO. P.C. 85-3 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CI`CY OF LA QUINTA DETERMINING THAT THE PROPOSED ABANDONMENT OF CALLE TAMPICO WEST OF AVENIDA CARRANZA AND OF AVENIDA OBREGON TO A DISTANCE APPROXIMATELY THREE-HUNDRED-FEET SOUTH OF CALLE TAMPICO IS IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE LA QUINTA GENERAL PLAN. WHEREAS, the City of La Quinta has adopted a General Plan pursuant Government Code Section 65302; and WHEREAS, Government Code Section 65402 provides that no street call be vacated until the location, purpose and extent of such street acation is submitted to the Planning Commission and is reported upon s to its conformity with the La Quinta General Plan; and WHEREAS, the portions of Calle Tampico and Avenida Obregon request be vacated are not needed to serve any substantive public benefit asociated with traffic circulation since they serve primari]_y a limiter ~calized area which would not be adversely affected by alternate access Lutes, including cul-de-sacs, providing that any cul-de-sacs are adequ+ 'signed; and G7HEP.EAS, anticipated area traffic and related circulation needs i_thin the area are not sufficient to indicate that the road: proposed ~r abandonment are necessary for future public use as road rights-of-w. Lthough portions of the abandoned road rights-of-way will be: used for iture public benefit as part of flood control improvements 1.o the area id the proposed abandonments will accommodate this need; and WHEREAS, approval of the requested street vacation will not cause significant impact on the environment and the preparation of an ivironmental Impact Report is not necessary. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commis:>ion of the Lty of La Quinta hereby finds and determines that the proposed vacatio: Calle Tampico west of Avenida Carranza and of Avenida Obregon to a istance approximately three-hundred-feet south of Calle Tampico is in ~nformance with the Circulation Element of the La Quinta General Plan. ADOPTED this 12th day of March , 1985, by the following vote: AYES: Commissioners Goetcheus, Klimkiewicz, Walling & Chairman Thornburgh NOES: Commissioner Moran ABSENT: None CHAIRMAP7, PLANNING COMMI ON PTEST: ~%~~ ~. ~~ SECRETARY, PLANNING COMMISSION ill, GSOLUTION NO. P.C. 85-3 age 2. ?PROVED AS TO FORM: J: CITY ATTO Y APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: r,~. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRE