PC Resolution 1985-008 Street Vacation - Eisenhower Dr RESOLUTION N0. P.C. 85-008 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, DETERMINING THAT THE PROPOSED ABANDONMENT OF A PORTION OF EISENHOWER DRIVE BETWEEN SAN VICENTE STREET (EAST) AND AVENIDA FERN,ANDO (SOUTH) IS IN CONFORP4ANCE WITH THE LA QUINTA GENERAL PLAN. WHEREAS, the City of La Quinta has adopted a General Plan pursuant to Government Code Section 65300; and WHEREAS, Government Code Section 65402 provides that no street shall be vacated or abandoned until the location, purpose and extent of such street vacation or abandonment is submitted to the Planning Commission and reported upon as to its conformity with the La Quinta General Plan; and WHEREAS, the portion of Eisenhower Drive requested to be vacate will be developed in accordance with the goals and policies of the La Quinta General Plan relating to traffic circulation, community design and noise; and WHEREAS, the portion of the proposed abandoned road right-of-wa will be used for future public benefit by the development of a front road and perimeter wall to improve the traffic safety and usual appearance of Eisenhower Drive and to reduce noise impacts; and WHEREAS, the portion of Eisenhower Drive requested to be vacate is not needed in the future to serve any substantive public benefit associated with traffic circulation; and WHEREAS, approval of the requested street vacation will not cac a significant impact on the environment and the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report is not necessary. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT P.ESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta hereby finds and determines that the proposed vacation of a 29-foot-wide portion of the east and south half of San Vicente (east) and Avenida Fernando (south) are in conformance with the La Quinta General Plan. ADOPTED this 22nd day of October , 1985, by the following vote: AYES: Commissioners Brandt, De Gasperin, Moran, 6Va11ing and Chairman Thornburgh NOES: None ABSENT: None ~- CHAIRMAN, PLANNING COMMI ATTEST• SECRETARY, PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION N0. 85-008 - 2 - APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIP.ECTOR APPROVED AS TO FORM: