Simplex/Fire Sprinker Services 08tgt:o Fire & Security Safeguarding your occupants and property from fire LaQuinta Civic Center Tom Hartung Inspection Plus Proposal C2W Simply mmmll LP All nghm t W Pogo I nfS TABLE OF CONTENTS Pricing Summary Special Provisions One Time Inspection Service Agreement Terms and Conditions 1;2U01 Si�lnfm'tmcll LP AO right. tumad. PW 2 nf8 Simp/exGiinne// ae sAFE Pricing Summary/Scope of Work LaQuinta Civic Center Location: LaQuinta Civic Center Fire Sprinkler S tvs ems hest and Insoectl Query Frequency 5-Year Certification Test (1) Riser & (1) FDC, California 2 Annual ( All equipment must be accessible at the time of inspection ) Total Investment : (Plus Any Applicable Tax) $1,598.00 Pricing. The pricing set forth in this Agreement is based on the number of devices to be installed as set forth in the Scope of Work If the actual number of devices installed is different than the number set forth in the Scope of Work, the price will be adjusted accordingly. 4:100'! Sim l.,W.11 LP. All righft m . Page 3 ofg SPECIAL PROVISIONS LaQuinte Civic Center, Solution 1 TEST AND INSPECTION OVERVIEW: Under this Special Provisions, SimplexCrr®ell tamed technicians will perform inspections and diagnostic tests for all accessible peripheral devices listed and carently connected to the tscikty life safety system. Tests will be scheduled in advance at the convenience of customers staff (see "List of Equipment" page for equipment to be tested). DOCUMENTATION: All amenmle components and devices shall be logged for: Exact location of each device tested, including system address or zone location Test results and applicable voltage readings Any discrepancies found shall be noted individually and on a separate summary page Inspection documentation shall be provided to customers designated peaomel and copies shall be archived by Simplexarinuell. NOTE: Certain additlond services may be required by the respective Authorities Having dmisdkHon (or ABA. NFPA: Local AH]s or Internal organizational requirements may be more restrictive than state requirements. The building owner or manager sboold make them sell aware of applicable coda and references in order to ensure that contracted services are la compliance with (and ta1611) all requirements. r:3 SimplaCmmdl LP AU dghm � PWaofa 04/28/2009 13:45 760777 fwl� ;1� SERVICE AGREEMENT TTIaagmamamamade Mandbemaen LOQW"am Owmrr("Ctn MMI and slmplandaheap LP rcumpany"), Pnr= pcl09 Culwmsr all to "head and Company We, m provide ee Berea,, an defined li voin, era mlerlam is sat (rRlll In IhltAgmomcnl aablad b lhncrmd end condhlone Of mAAgnRWL aCOPE OF WORK Sewall a adp oo puoddad drum baowllg bargee: LaCluft QftCS dar 6arvbohysnd pnclnQ TOTAL PRICE (Paw Arty Appombla Tap ()alp TI10asAAA Five Rumdred Nllltt)r—glot Dollars mead 0 Cents (51498,00� Pay"" Tars; paymod is dun upon 1,00011111 Of invobe. .,.ONE TIIA9 INSPEOnOeL. CURTOMERAOM"ANCn In m,andcosort,Itas imawsllordthatlbmmrmima emdlamahanwhedham and arryellemmlananewsaRadmd men Teel IOWdll W dmal hnnsa do�m mttheCU m is uhin"Md bmr arms tenor ohm common i awy ed by i aver arty vgle1wir In town and ooMalerd an m n W�ame order a Mrnr CUSI gnu Ra C h oxlrer mallbe at pryenmr, m0In ,ATTE m naa.mea by mB Cue TNg seer me ft open Nbde Agreement shell be paid ter AIID OrPERGeed Iris SCCNTARIIereerIMAGmedhng, AyTEMIOa rs pttaEFlEa tOT1161JMTATgN ertJAbaysY, ayAMAMyr, IMDEMMIfr AND OTAIfiR g0Na1TtONa COMTAINgb pe TNai Aq®ABet- CUSTOMER LaCI Civic Center 78495 Coge Tampico L Mina, CA OV43 Director (cusin,4 Date B=`' SIMPLEXGRINNELL LP Ranclta,Ctry�menSe, CA sy: PdIM Name: Arnie N n Phone NNuFIMAmbers / — Y 3—S! 2 2- Pax Number: E-Man Aaareap; amho9man®t aoint.com License Nule pllctj Ink Date: / Autlmehed Maleger: Camel Termsend eowbna t. r a Y m^ M. Vicet varfo,m>d or a ume one 2Pricing, lrm poeng ram faun in INa Agreement malenel bag heh31100 at the lmon-prevalling eased On me MlmhmdtlBYICBSwee in8[axea area COMM" raw fa mead4 hank and Round Items, saMees a a performed es scl foM In the scope in ailed at me Ism MuppOea undw bds ApROddnL ofvmrr. m the achal nombarviderkas mSRaodaf FilIthar, In pun ever that Its AgrftR l 19 lerrkls to lea 00Aonned is Imator pain than aN aoaowp an a rprbo rat temmaed' peep, [hclmm farlm In ten$00" of Wprk, the miss Mall he to customer shell ee letter d: t) mate bmk Pdm 1FINGHed acmmgimahr• (bmrpany mpy innease bvP.aa. a2) [NO ChAl cnmwmire vo ing r xed on prices upon notIm m the Cummor a annualiy to the aforameetlonad prevailing rate. Unless ragecm Increseae In meadaf and labor WSL$. mernlfp agreed in trrNng between the penes, Customer agrees to my at bwnr, permlh, am Cuatanw shtil PayC=PMYMInmayMsays Allele drtages. fiNVIlmig but Cal 9"%d to todics. dine taw dtnw Aananwm Cllshmmerapwgb &WearR laced calm end ones, bras 4mApypn Pay as bM permlw, and Other Charge, Including arahefrmPeni ff, fsba elm. emevSrnanb, oramy butt not lhllmdto slate AN was$Bms and e" Charges imposed by any government Input, MA9, hawamrgslplydhd, Iwlatorlmwd enme talmadeaplRled, bvhearaoadaam rrivha vomlce ch"ID" sursuant to this Agreement. IBmrpesinMsaedmrRs AgRanrwd, Cemoeny anon neaotbe rlghk err Company's eels a, Alarm N"Illaring aeRRrenc as, Any refee m atcnllon, to slop porforming any Sarvlcol If ahem mar oahna terdcap In this Agreement IS Customer bails to make any payment when der, hdmded for pddng purpWos only. Alarm monWAR atoll the acWUM It dream. Tap Catbmal's(MOM SWIMS Are performed puRusrd to are terms arm to maU payment Whorl dm Is a rairhi tl hmedh of Cemdlat, npepb apina0fd Cloth mmdbhb that Agrrramem. Pamvfoea agirMMIL CnaaT 9hmlatmdmdl D,AA FsArrlereaM, afwaKm(M.olr9'/J 4161]aW50 4. Code Compliance. Company does not undadaao an obmpw fa Instant fof Compliance with lore err web m umbras Specifically eared IT The amps or Wark. Cumemoreckrrwwrgoo that IN Ara""Wils Jwsdktlan (d,g. She Aamgfro9 May aellthlmh addklannl r"viloment: ter Compliance who total ads. Apy addltlonal SPMCad oreaulpme:d ngaimdata be pmldod N en Limitation Of Uskilleg e_ Llmllsllen Of Llehlllly; LlmllMllene Of Ramsey. It Is dMmseec4 err spread by the Cmiocoy MM pnytoreed Mervsad than Ie"farancc caveg0. W If errpr s11e11 be paslthotapatrhma m tint a p leer rsa w amemo audapa l the Whim of th esarrh eldlrare h scope of mats value of bats eanldos end he Mesta d 31011111 net forth In this Agreement and are pnretatad to rho value of the Cultamer's prspoKy and an prowny, or others Iodated on gas wraehw, Ram Svcs tqcolI Customer agrees to look exclusively to the Customer's Insurer to recover for Injuries or damage In the event of any loss or Injury and that Customer mission and walves all right of recovery against Company arising by way of subrogation. Company makes no guareny or Warranty, including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose that equipment or Serviw Supplied by Company will detect or avert occurrences or Me consequences therefrom that the equipment or seMwwas designed to doled or avert. It is Impractical and exbm ly dbTMM to fix the actual damages, N any, which may proad I III man from failure an the part of Company to perform any of Its obligations under this Agreement. Accordingly, Customer agrees that, Company shall be exempt from liability for any loss, damage or Injury arising directly or Indirectly from occurrences, or the conoagwn Overshot, which the equipment or service was designed to detect or avert. Should Company be found liable for any loss, damage or Injury arising from a failure of the equipment or service In any respect, Company's liability shall be limited to an amount equal to the Agreement price (as Increased by the price for any additional work) or where the Ume and material payment term Is Selected, Customers demand admi I payments to Company. Where this Agreement covers multiple a#", liability shall be limited to the amount of the payments allocable to the site where the Incident occurred. Such sum shall be complete and exclusive. If Customer desires Company to assume grSemitr liability, the parties shall amend Mle Agreem . by atfachhnga ridersdU"forth the amount of additional liability and the addhbrml amount payable by the Customer for the assumption by Company of Such greater liability, provided however that such rider shall In no way be Interpreted to hold ComPeny as an Insurer. IN NO EVENT SHALL COMPANY BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGE, LOBS, INJURY, OR ANY OTHER CLAIM ARISING FROM ANY SERVICING, ALTERATIONS, MODIFICATIONS, CHANGES, OR MOVEMENTS OF THE COVERED SYSTEM(S) OR ANY OF ITS COMPONENT PARTS BY THE CUSTOMER OR ANY THIRD PARTY. COMPANY SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO DAMAGES ARISING FROM THE USE, LOSS OF THE USE, PERFORMANCE, OR FAILURE OF THE COVERED SYSTENI TO PERFORM. The limitation of liability ad font in this Agreement shall Inure to the benefit of all perent% subsidiaries and affiliates of Company, whether direct or Indirect, Company's meployaes, spwvle, ef lows and directors. a. Goneral Provisions. Customer has selected the service level desired after considering and balancing various levels of protection afforded, and them related costs. Customer acknowledges and agrees that by this Agreement, Company, unless specifically stated, does not undertake any obligation to malrtam or render Customers system or equipment as Year 2000 compliant, which shall mean, capable of correctly handling the Processing of colander dates before or after December 31. 1999. AU work to be performed by Company will be performed during normal working hours of normal working days (8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding Company holidays), as SERVICE AGREEMENT (continued) defined by Company, unless additional times are specifically described in this Agreement. All work Performed unscheduled unless otherwise speed in this Agreement. Appointments scheduled for four-hour window. Additional charges may apply for special scheduling requests, e.g. working around equipment shutdowns, after fours work. Company will perform the services described in the Scope of Work section ('Services) for one or more system(s) or equipment as described in the Scope of Work section or the listed attachments ('Covered Syslem(sn The Customer shall promptly nobly Company of any malfunction in the Covered Syslwn(s) which comes to Customers attention. This Agreement assumes the Covered Systems) are in operatlonal and maintainable condNon as of the Agreement date. If. upon initial Inspection, Company determines that repairs are recommended, repair charges will be submitted for approval prior to any work. Should such repair work be declined Company shall be relieved from any and all Satisfy arrsinlg therefrom UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED IN THIS AGREEMENT, ANY INSPECTION (AND, IF SPECIFIED, TESTING) PROVIDED UNDER THIS AGREEMENT DOES NOT INCLUDE ANY MAINTENANCE, REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS, REPLACEMENT OF PARTS, OR ANY FIELD ADJUSTMENTS WHATSOEVER, NOR DOES IT INCLUDE THE CORRECTION OF ANY DEFICIENCIES IDENTIFIED BY COMPANY TO CUSTOMER. COMPANY SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR EQUIPMENT FAILURE OCCURRING WHILE COMPANY IS IN THE PROCESS OF FOLLOWING ITS INSPECTION TECHNIQUES, WHERE THE FAILURE ALSO RESULTS FROM THE AGE OR OBSOLESCENCE OF THE ITEM OR DUE TO NORMAL WEAR AND TEAR. THIS AGREEMENT DOES NOT COVER SYSTEMS, EQUIPMENT, COMPONENTS OR PARTS THAT ARE BELOW GRADE, BEHIND WALLS OR OTHER OBSTRUCTIONS OR EXTERIOR TO THE BUILDING, ELECTRICAL WIRING, AND PIPING. 7. Customer Responsibilities. Customer shall promptly no* Company of any malfunction in the Covered System(s) which comes to Customers attention. This Agreement assumes any existing systam(s) are In operational and maintainable condition as of the Agreement dais. ti, upon initial inspection, Company determines that repairs are recommended, repair charges will be submMW for approval by Customers or-afe representative prim to work. Should such repair work be declined, Company shag be relieved from any and all lmbify arising therefrom. Customer firm" agrees to: Provide Company clear access to Covered System(s) to be serviced including, If applicable, N1 trucks or other equipment needed to reach inaccessible equipment Supply suitable electrical Semite, heat, heat boding adequate water supply, and required system schematics andlor drewinga; Notify all required persons, including but not limited to aufianities having jurisdiction, empbYSes. and monitoring services, of scheduled testing ardor repair otayatems; Provide a safe work environment; In the event of an emergency or Covered System(s) failure, take reasonable precautions to protect against personal injury, death, and/or property damage and continue such measures uml the Covered System(s) am oporetional; and Comply with all laws, codes, and regulations pertaining to the equipment and/or services provltled under this agreement. S. Repair Services (if Selected by Customer). Where Customer expressly includes repair, replacement, and emergency response services in the Scope of Work, such sonnies apply only to the components or equipment of the Covered System(s). Customer agrees to promptly request repair san oss in the event the System becomes inoperable or otherwise requires repair. The Agreement price does not Include repairs to the Covered System(s) recommended by Company during the initial inspection, lor which Company may submit independent pricing to customer and as to which Company will not proceed until Customer authorizes such work and approves the pricing. Repair or replacement of min -maintainable pads of the Covered System(s) including, but not limited to, unit cabinets, insulating material, electrical wrong, sinuchnal supports, and all other min -moving pads, Is not included under tub Agreement 1L System Equlpmem. The purchase of equipment or peripheral devices, (including but not limited to smoke detectors, passive infrared detectors, card readers, sprinkler system components, extinguishers and hoses) from Company shall be subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. If, in Company's sole judgment, any peripheral device or other System equiPmar , which Is attached to the Covered System(s), whether provided by Company or a third party, mtederes with the proper operation of th Cowed System(s), Customer shall remove or replace such device or equipment promptly upon notice from Company. Failure of Customer to nit ove or replace tie device shall constitute a material breach of the Agreement If Customer adds any third party device or equipment to the Covered System(s), Company shall not be responsibleforany Amapa to orfailure of the Covered System(s) caused in whale or in pad by such device or equipment. 1p. Reports. Where inspection and/or test services are selected, such inspection and/or tot shall be completed on Company's then current Repod form, which shall be given to Customer, and, where applicable, Company may submit a copy thereof to the Waal authority having jurisdiction. The Report and recommendations by Company are only advisory in nature and are intended to assist Customer in reducing the Oak of loss to property by Indicating obvious defects or Impairments noted to the system and equipment impacted and/or tested. They am not Intended to imply that m other defects or hazards coat or that all aspects of the Covered System(s), equipment, and components are operational at the time of inspection. Final responsibility for the condition and operation of the Covered Sysmm(s), equipment and components lee with Customer. 11. Confined Spam. if access to confined space by Company is required for the performance of Services, Services shall be scheduled and performed in accordance with Company's than -current hourly rate. 12. Hazardous Materials. Customer represents that except to the extant that Company has been given written rrofce of the following hawrds prior to the execution of this Agreement, to the best o1 Cusk ees knowledge them ism: 'Pemd confined space,' es defined by OSHA, Risk of infectious disease, Need for air mondoring, respiratory protection, or other medical risk. a, SimelaRkhlmll LP All right rworcd srirZafx6 (Rc.01.e'h AJ6J3=0 Pegc6ofa tea// Asbestos, asbestos -containing material, formaldehyde or other potentially toxic or othembe hazardous material contained in or on the surface of the floors, walls, ceilings, Insulation or other structural components of the area of any building wham work Is required to be performed under this Agreement All of the above are hereinafter referred to as 'Hazardous Conditions'. Company shall have the right to rely on the representations listed above. If hazardous conditions are encountered by Company during the course of Company's work, the discovery of such materials shall constitute an event beyond Company's control and Company shall have no obligation to further perform in the area whom the hazardous conditions exist until the area has been made safe by Customer as cem0ed in wining by an independent testing agency, and Customer shall pay disruption expenses and re -mobilization expenses as detamuned by Company. This Agreement does not provide for the cost of capture, containment or disposal of any hazardous waste materiels, or hazardous materials, encountered In any of the Covered System(s) and/or during performance of the Services. Said materials shall at all times remain the responsibility and property of Customer. Company shall not be responsible for the toabrg, removal or disposal of Such hazardous midanats. 13. Limited Warranty. COMPANY WARRANTS THAT ITS WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIAL FURNISHED UNDER THIS AGREEMENT WILL BE FREE FROM DEFECTS FOR A PERIOD OF NINETY (90) DAYS FROM THE DATE OF FURNISHING. Where Company provides product or equipment of others, Conciliarly will warrant the product or equipment only to the extent warranted by such third party. EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH HEREIN, COMPANY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE WITH RESPECT TO THE SERVICES PERFORMED OR THE PRODUCTS, SYSTEMS OR EQUIPMENT, IF ANY, SUPPORTED HEREUNDER. COMPANY MAKES NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION, AND UNDERTAKES NO OBLIGATION TO ENSURE BY THE SERVICES PERFORMED UNDER THIS AGREEMENT, THAT COMPANY'S PRODUCTS OR THE SYSTEMS OR EQUIPMENT OF THE CUSTOMER WILL CORRECTLY HANDLE THE PROCESSING OF CALENDAR DATES BEFORE OR AFTER DECEMBER 31, INS. 14. Indemnity. Customer agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend Company against any and all losses, damages, costs, including expert fees and costs, and expenses rnduding reasonable defeese costs, arising from any and all third party claims for personal injury, death, property damage or economic less, including speofim0y any damages resulting from the exposure of workers to Hazardous Conditions whether or not Customer pre -notifies Company of the existence of said hazardous conditions, arising in any way from any ad or omission of Customer or Company relating in any way to Obis Agreement including bid not limited to the Services under this Agreement whotersuch claims are based upon contract, warranty, tort (including but not limited to active or passive negligence), strlcl liability or otherwise. Company reserves the right to select outside counsel to represent it in any such scum. SERVICE AGREEMENT (continued) 15. insurance. Customer shall name Company, Its officers, employees, agents, subcontractors, suppliers, and representatives as additional insureds on Customer's general liability and auto liability policies. 16. Availability and Cost of Stool, Plastics & Other Commodities. Company shall not be responsible for failure to provide services, deliver products, or otherwise perform work required by this Agreement due to lack or available steel products or products made from plastics or other commoddles. (b) In the went Company is unable, after reasonable commercial efforts, to acquire and provide steel Products, or products made from chance or other commodities, lf required to perform work required by this Agreement, Customer hereby agrees that Company may terminate the Agreement, or the relevant portion of the Agreement, at no additional cost and without penalty. Customer agrees to pay Company in full for all work performed up to the time d any such termination. (h) If Company is able to obtain the at" products or products made from plastics or other commodities, but the price of arty ofthe products has Haan by more than 10%from the date of the bid, proposal or date Company executed this Agreement, whichever occurred first then Company may pass through that increase through a reasonable price increase to reflect increased cost of materials. 17. Exclusions. This Agreement expressly excludes, without limitation, testing inspection and repair of duct detectors, beam detectors, and WIIR equipment; provision offire watches; Gearing of ice blockage; draining of improperly pitched piping; batteries; recharging of chemical suppression systems; reloading of, upgrading, and maintaining computer sdhavo; making mpaim or replacements necessitated by meson of negligence or misuse of components or equipment or changes to Customer's premises, vandalism, corrosion (including but not limited to micro -bacterially induced corrosion ('MIC')), power failure, current fluctuation, failure due to non -Company installation, lightning, slecklwl alma, or other Severe weather, water, arsida d, fire, acts of Gott or any other cause external to the Covered Syslem(s). This Agreement does not cover and specifically excludes system upgrades and the replacement of obsolete systems, equipment components or parts. All such services may be provided by Company at Company's sole discretion at an additional charge. If Emergency Services are expressly included In the scope of work section, the Agreement prim does not include bow expwims. 18. Force Majeure. Company shall not be responsible for delays or failure to render services din to causes beyond its control, including but not lensed to material shortages, Work stoppages, fires, civil disobedience or unrest, severe weather, fire or any other muse beyond the control of Company. 19. Termination. Company may terminate this Agreement immediately at its sole discretion upon the occurrence o1 any Event o1 Default as hereinafter defined. Company may also terminate this Agreement at its ads discretion upon notes to Customer if Company's performance of its obligations under this Agreement becomes Impracticable due to obsolescence of equipment at Cuslo e's premises or urevmladli y of parts, 29. DsfaulL An Event of Default shall be 1) failure of the Customer to pay any amount within ten (10) days after the amount is tlue and payable, 2) abuse of the System or the Equipment, 3) dissolution, termination, discon8nmrwe, insolvency or business failure of Customer. Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default, Company may pursue one or more of the following remedies, 1) discontinue furnishing Services, 2) by written notice to Customer declare the balance of unpaid amounts due and to become due under the this Agreement to be Immediately due and payable, provided that all past due amounts shall bear interest at the rate of 1 %% per month (18% per year) or the highest amount permitted by law, 3) receive immediate possession of any equipment for which Customer has not paid. 4) proceed at law or equity to enforce performance by Customer or recover damages for breach of this Agreement, and 5) recover all costs and expenses, including without limitation reasonable attorneys' fees, in connection with enforcing or attempting to enforce this Agreement 21. No Option to Solicit. Customer shall not, directly or indirectly, on its own behalf or on behalf of any other person, business, corporation or entity, solicit or employ any Company omployes, or induce any Company employee to leave his or her employment with Company, for a period of two years aRerthe lamination dthis Agreement. 22. Ors -Year Limitation On Actions; Choke Of Law. it is agreed that no suit, or cause of action or other proceeding shall be brought against enter party mom than one (1) year alter the accrual of She cause of action or one (1) year after the claim arises, whichever is shorter, whether known or unknown when the claim arises or whether based on tort contract, or arty other legal Meory. The laws of Massachusetts shall govern the validity, enforceability, and interpretation dth's Agreement. 23. Assignment. Customer may not assign this Agreement without Company's prior written consent. Company may assign this Agreement to an aMlsto without obtaining Customer's consent 24. Entire Agreement. The parties intend this Agreement, together with any attachments or Riders (cotledwely the'Agroment) to be the final, complete and exclusive expression of their Agreement and the terms and conditions thereof. This Agreement supersedes all prior representations, understandings or agreements between the parties, written or oral, and shall corn ilule the sole tarns and condflims of sale for all equipment and services. No waiver, change, or modification of any terms or conditions of this Agreement shall be binding on Company unless made in writing and signed by an Authorized Representative ofCompany. 25. Sevembi ft. 0 any provision dihls Agreement s hold by any court or other compiled authority to be void or unenforceable in whole or in part, this Agreement wig continue to be veld as to Bre other provisions and the remainder of the affected provision. 26. Legal Fees. Company shall be entitled to recover loom the Customer all reasonable legal fees Incurred in connection with Company enforcing the temp and conditions of this Agreement, 27. License Information (Security System Customers): AL Ammus Electronic Seventy Board of Licensure 7956 Vaughn Road, Pmb 392, Morrtyomery, Alabama 35116 (334) 254-9388: AR Regulated by: Arkansas Board of Private Investigators And Private Security Agencies, Al State Police Plaza Drive, Little Rock 72209 (501)518-8800: CA Alarm company operators are licensed and regulated by the Bureau of Security and Investigative Services, Department of Consumer Affairs, Sacramento, Ca, 95814. Upon completion of the installation of the alarm system, the alarm company shall thoroughly instruct the purchaser in the proper use of the alarm system. C2 Simrlafirawll LP. All rigid ris l gAMM(Rcr.0IAP) 1141J00T50 Pagol ok tQCO/=/5w Q&'H SERVICE AGREEMENT (CORMUD1 Failure by the licensee, without legal excuse, to when the work wall begin is a wolabon of the Alarm Private Security, 5805 N. Lamar Blvd., Austin, substantially commerxework within 20 days from Company Act: NY Licensed by the N.Y.S. 78752-4422,512-424-7710. the approxinais date spe a0ed In the agreement Department of the State: TX Texas Commission on 1J300'l Simpl=Cirin IILP Allrighar®crvnt SCA]69a6(14v. 01,a"/) Q0300Zi0 Pwg fx