Terex/Boom Truck Lease 08TEREX Rental Agreement Truck Lease for Traffic Signal Maintenance TNs RENTAL AGREEMEMT (the'Agreerrentl k by and between 01e LESSOR and Me LESSEE. LESSOR deshev to rent m LESSEE and LESSEE desires to rent from LESSOR the following pieces of equipment (tlte'Equipment')fnr the tared and motel amtlunk Indicated below: Phorre• 909.56&1209 Salesman: 231 f_rlcTnMFR mFN71FlCATION Lessee: C Of La QuiMa Corrdck Ann Weaver ~ ~ ~ Phone: 760.7/1-7113 Address: 185 Calk lam leo Fax: 766-T7Y-Y155 La Quinn CA 92247.1W6 ~~ PO Flhctive Date: Job SrTe: La QuiMa Tax Eaem #: eomPMENr DESCINPnoN E ui meM#: 93341040 IacemeM Value: 575,000.90 Chassis r. 2088 Make: FORD Model: F150 SM: 1FDAF56R56EDTi3698 ui maM ear. 2008 Make: TELELECT ModeL• TL36P SMI: 2050/36596 M0ea9e' 355 PTO hours• 1 RENTAL INFORM11TbN Commencement Dam: AM oPM Termination Date: oAM oPM BMI taYaR Date: fi1T109 AM oPM B6Rn Sm Data: oAM oPM PerD :450.00 Par Week: 1J100.00 Per MvMlr: 2,190.00 Other. Dallv Cha es and Terms: roe 245.00 Piek U Cha es and Terms: roe 245.00 Fuel Cha es: 8.00 r anon fuel cha e U unit realms ass ... Than FULL RENTAL RATES INCLUDE: FULL VEHICLE MAOlTENANCE, 24hr ROAD SERVICE, VERICLE REGISTRATION MSPECTION & PERM(FIING All invoiGeS are due and payable 01iry (30) days Tram the dale of invoice (i.6. NET 30). A one and one ha8 percent (1.5%) per moNh SaMce charge wifi be tha~ged m yore amourd iF any Imroice knot paid within thidy (30) days, but'd such rate vi0tates appuahle law, Then the maxnnum ram of trden~t alkumd by such law. Upon LESSOFi's request, LESSEE shoo fumkh m LESSOR at such 8mes and dales as may be spedfied M LESSOR, repods as 1o the Equipment renpl actiufiy and sm0emeitLl showing the financial mnBBon of LESSEE es a mndltlon m LESSOR eriending any credit temrs m LESSEE. O en Account CusmmLa Numbe Srle Number. Cash: Sec Oe osik VisalMasmr Cab#: Exp. Date: Cardholders Name: m addition, applimhla renhel taxes will ce charged m the LESSEE according 1o krodl stale, manly and oily laws. LESSEE'S responsible mrfuel meas. LEBSEE acknowledges that a D percent (0 %) Energy and ErnirvnmeMal Fee wtll be added m all inwiws. LESSEE hereby acknowledges and agrees m the terms end mndiBorG attached m 8ss AgreemerrtwHdt are krarpwated fremin and which LESSEE admowkdges and agrees he has read and understands. LESSEE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ENSURING COMPLUINCE BT R AND 115 EMPLOYEES, AND OF THE EQUIPMENT NSELF, WITH ALL APPLICABLE LAWS, REGULATIONS AND ORDINANCES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE OCd1PATI0NAL SAFEfY AND HEALTH ACT OF 1970 ('OSHA') AND REGULATIDNS (PARTICULARLY, 29 C.F.R PART 1926, SUBPART N AND 29 CF.R PART 19101&0.) The party ezemting this doament do behalf of LESSEE hereby repnsenG and wamank that (s) he has been tluly auMorized and hasiull power m exearN thk doament and all other document mla8ng hereto on behalf of LESSEE. (b) the execution of this Agreement wi8 oat violate the lama d any hw, rule, mgula8on a agreerrkM m which 81e LESSEE b arendy subjedm or bound, (r the exeatbn and delivery of 8rk Agreement does not requlm any mnsenm, approved, licemes dr96rgs with erfrom arty 1hiN party and (d) LESSEE has all licenses and permits that am necessar for LESSEE to operate id business. / IN WRNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have exemtedfhk Agreement as vrthk s~9 dayM ADO LESSOR: ^// - _ LESSEE By: Abram Tonez By:~f~ ~ sr~ Title: ReMaICmMlnator Title: / " " Dale: 5129108 pate: ~/_"7 ~a81~ nr. r-aom