2008 06 02 RDA&# 4 4 ade6i Redevelopment Agency agendas are available on the City' web page @ www.la-quinta.org REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENDA CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 78-495 Calls Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 Adjourned Meeting MONDAY, JUNE 2, 2008 3:00 P.M. Closed Session / 4:00 P.M. Open Session Beginning Resolution No. RA 2008-002 CALL TO ORDER Roll Call: Agency Board Members: Adolph, Henderson, Osborne, Sniff, and Chairman Kirk PUBLIC COMMENT At this time, members of the public may address the Redevelopment Agency on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "request to speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. CLOSED SESSION NOTE: Time permitting the Redevelopment Agency Board may conduct Closed Session discussions during the dinner recess. In addition, persons identified as negotiating parties are not invited into the Closed Session meeting when acquisition of real property is considered. 1. CONFERENCE WITH AGENCY'S REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR, DOUGLAS R. EVANS, PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 CONCERNING POTENTIAL PRICE, TERMS, AND CONDITIONS OF ACQUISITION AND/OR DISPOSITION OF REAL PROPERTIES IDENTIFIED AS APNS: 773-370-028 AND -029, SILVERHAWK APARTMENT HOMES. PROPERTY OWNER/NEGOTIATOR: G COMPANIES, JAMES C. GIANULIAS. Redevelopment Agency Agenda 1 June 2, 2008 - 001 RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION RECONVENE AT 4:00 P.M. 4:00 P.M. PUBLIC COMMENT At this time members of the public may address the Redevelopment Agency on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "request to speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA APPROVAL OF MINUTES APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MAY 20, 2008. CONSENT CALENDAR NOTE: Consent Calendar items are considered to be routine in nature and will be approved by one motion. 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED JUNE 2, 2008. BUSINESS SESSION CONSIDERATION OF A CONTRACT AMENDMENT WITH ALTEVERS ASSOCIATES FOR SILVERROCK RESORT PERMANENT CLUBHOUSE DESIGN SERVICES. A. MINUTE ORDER ACTION STUDY SESSION 1. DISCUSSION OF SILVERROCK RESORT CLUBHOUSE FINANCING AND OPERATIONS PROGRAM. 002 Redevelopment Agency Agenda 2 June 2, 2008 AND BOARD MEMBERS' ITEMS - NONE PUBLIC HEARINGS - NONE ADJOURNMENT The next regular meeting of the Redevelopment Agency will be held on June 17, 2008, commencing with closed session at 3:00 p.m. and open session at 4:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Veronica Montecino, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, do hereby declare that the foregoing agenda for the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency adjourned meeting of June 2, 2008, was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chamber at 78-495 Calle Tampico and on the bulletin boards at 51-321 Avenida Bermudas and 78-630 Highway 111, on May 29, 2008. DATED:/May 29, 2008 VERONICA J.AONTECINO, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California -- - 00.3 Redevelopment Agency Agenda 3 1June 2, 2008 La� 444 � 5 C ` OF COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: June 02, 2008 ITEM TITLE: Demand Register Dated June 02, 2008 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Redevelopment Agency Board: Receive and File the Demand Register Dated June 02, 2008 of which $33,401.97 represents Redevelopment Agency Expenditures AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION CONSENT CALENDAR STUDY SESSION PUBLIC HEARING PLEASE SEE CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NUMBER 1 ON CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ME Fc£`y OF'CK09� COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: June 2, 2008 ITEM TITLE: Consideration of a Contract Amendment with Altevers Associates for SilverRock Resort Permanent Clubhouse Design Services RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Approve an amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with Altevers Associates to provide additional architectural and sub -consultant services in an amount not -to -exceed $76,537 and authorize the Executive Director to execute the amendment. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The PSA amendment is included as Attachment 1; Exhibit "A" "Professional Scope of Services and Compensation" identifies the respective fees. The Phase II SilverRock Resort Improvements are included within the 2008- 2009 Capital Improvement Program. Project components include: Infrastructure, Permanent Clubhouse, Second Golf Course, and Entry Feature/Roads. Each of the above -listed components includes funding for "engineering' as follows: Project Component Fiscal Year 2008-09 En ineering Budget Infrastructure $1,989,000 Permanent Clubhouse $1,404,000 Second Golf Course $2,106,000 Entry Feature/Roads $351,000 Total $5,850,000 005 The Permanent Clubhouse component includes funding from the engineering and construction as follows: Task Budget Design (Engineering) $1,404,000 CM/Testing/Inspections $775,000 Construction $18,674,000 Entry Feature/Roads $4,559,010 Total $25,412,010 The costs for the additional architectural and sub -consultant services (Items 1 and 2 of Exhibit A) will be charged to the "engineering" category of the "Permanent Clubhouse" project components. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: On April 17, 2007, the Agency Board approved a contract with Altevers Associates, clubhouse architects, to provide Professional Services for the design of the Phase II SilverRock Resort Permanent Clubhouse. At that time, the preliminary clubhouse program was established; however, there had been no consideration by the Agency Board to pursue certification through the U.S. Green Building Council's LEED Program. On October 2, 2007, the Agency Board approved a PSA with Nestor + Gaffney Architects, to provide LEED consulting services for the clubhouse project. As part of the Clubhouse Schematic Design presentation to the Agency Board on January 15, 2008, an update on the LEED Certification Program and the efforts of the RDA's Design Team to incorporate energy efficiency into the clubhouse design was discussed. Throughout the Design Development phase of work, the Design Team has continued to incorporate additional features and energy efficient systems into the clubhouse plans and specifications, under the direction of Nestor + Gaffney Architects. As part of the Clubhouse Design Development presentation to the Agency Board on May 21, 2008, an update on the LEED Certification Program was presented along with the updated clubhouse plans. The current Design Development Plans were reviewed by Nestor + Gaffney and the updated Pre - Certification Estimates indicated the project might achieve a "Certified" or "Silver" certification. 006 At the May 21, 2008 meeting, the Agency Board gave direction to staff to continue the pursuit of LEED certification for the Clubhouse, based on the LEED update presented by Nestor + Gaffney Architects. At this time, Altevers Associates is requesting additional compensation to provide the additional coordination and design services required to incorporate LEED recommended design considerations into the clubhouse plans and specifications ($64,037) Additionally, Altevers Associates will be providing electrical engineering sub consulting services for the design of the clubhouse site and parking lot lighting systems ($11,500). These services were originally included in RBF Consulting's (project engineer) scope of services. However, the RDA's Technical Team, in consultation with Altevers Associates and RBF Consulting, placed these services under Altevers Associates' scope of services to ensure design consistency and compatibility. The services requested in this Amendment include architectural and sub -consultant services related to the design of the "Permanent Clubhouse" including additional LEED coordination and design services, and site electrical services. A detailed summary of the additional work, task and fees is set forth in Amendment No. 1, Altevers Associates Professional Services Agreement, Amendment, Exhibit "A", Professional Scope of Services and Compensation. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the Agency Board include: 1. Approve an amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with Altevers Associates to provide additional architectural services in an amount not -to -exceed $76,537 and authorize the Executive Director to execute the amendment; or 2. Do not approve an amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with Altevers Associates to provide additional architectural services in an amount not -to -exceed $76,537; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. - 00 Respectfully submitted, Assistant City Manager -Development Services Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, Executive Director Attachment: 1 : Professional Services Agreement, Amendment No. 1 ATTACHMENT 10 Y IK N4�� h �S CE`k OF TK4'9 PROJECT: CONSULTANT: PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT AMENDMENT NO. 1 SilverRock Resort, Clubhouse Design Services Altevers Associates w*wkkw*kkw**kww**wwk*ww*kkk**kww***wkkkkkkkk***wk***kkkkkkkk*kkkkkkk*x**kw**kkw*********k* Pursuant to the terms of the original Contract Agreement, you are hereby directed to make the herein described changes or do the following described work not included in the plans and specifications for this Contract. Unless otherwise stated all work shall conform to the terms, general conditions, and special provisions of the original Contract. DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE Provide additional design and sub -consultant services for LEED enhancements; add site electrical engineering to scope of services. ****x****x*k****k*x***k*******kkx**w*****x**********w****x*k************************k************* Previous Contract Amount $1,249,000 Amendment No. 1 $76,537 Revised Contract Total $1,325,537 **********k***k****k***k*x*k*x******k***wk**********x********k***Orx*******k*****x*kkx**k**x****w** Submitted By: Date: Approved *********k********k****w***x*******xw************x**k*****x****x***w****x*******x****************k We, the undersigned Consultant, have given careful consideration to the changeproposed and hereby agree, if this proposal is approved, that we will provide all equipment, furnish all materials, perform all labor, except as maybe noted above, and perform all services necessary to complete the above specified work, and hereby accept as full payment the amount shown above. Accepted By: Title: Consultant: Date: PSA96041.dm — ' 009 AVENTINE, SUITE 250 8910 UNIVERSITY CENTER LANE SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92122 TEL 858 535 9722 FAX 858 535 1181 E-MAIL architecture®akt lers.com A L T E V E R S A S S O C I A T E S ARCHITECTURE - PLANNING March 10, 2008 Mr. Robert E. Jones, ASLA Golf Dimensions 3 Park Plaza, Suite 1490 Irvine, CA 92614 RE: SllvLrRock Golf Clubhouse Dear Rob: In accordance with the Professional Services Agreement, Exhibit D - Hourly Based Services and Additional Services. Below please find our request for the following Additional Services: 1. Architectural fees required to design and coordinate the LEEDS Certification requirements, Architectural $18,750.00 MechanicaVPlumbing $23,500.00 Electrical $16, 750.00 Service Fee (1.15 x Consultant Fee) 037.00 Subtotal $65,037.00 2. Add site electrical to the Architectural/Consultant Scope of Services: Electrical $10,000.00 Service Fee (1.15 x Consultant Fee) $1,500,00 Subtotal $11,500.00 GRAND TOTAL Additional Service 1 & 2 $76,537.00 Sincerely, ALTEVERS ASSOCIATES Robert J. Altevers, AIA Managing Principal RJA/Icb Enclosures cc: Lyla Aitevers 0 A IlCliiylanl� n6 Sun & Carter Consulting Mechanical Engineers PIIFlOpa19 Ke"th Rogw C K. Kw% RE eager ,Rr, P.E. Lerry Sun, P.E A.ClaR Pn'=061 Tj do L Tong, P E. February 12,2008 Mr. Anthony Tarra ALTEVERS ASSOCIATES 8910 University Center Lane, Suite 250 San Diego, California 92122 Subject: Additional Services Proposal SilverRock Golf Clubhouse LEED Coordination Services Dear Anthony: TKSC .lob ##07-186.01 SBnMr AS5at131e Fus99ll D. GaeYl Aaspdr,. and, R. Er�B9h, P E and, L Abtl Dewn Sere, P E. The following additional services have been requested. They constitute a change in scope and are hereby presented for your review. o � 6 O LEED Coordination Services: p o U W Ju- a. Water Use Reduction: 20% Reduction & 30% Reduction WE-3.1 & WE-3,2 Incl. Incl. Incl. b. Minimum Energy Performance calculations EA-P2 Incl. I Incl. Incl. c. Fundamental Refrigerant Management EA-P3 WA Incl. Incl. d. Optimize Energy Performance EA-1 Incl. Incl. Incl. e. Enhanced Refrigerant Management(EA-4) Ind. Incl. Incl. f. Minimum IAQ Performance EQ-P1 Ind. Incl. Incl. g. Increased Ventilation EQ-2 Incl. Ind. Incl. h. Indoor Chemical & Pollutant Source Control. Includes provision of MERV-13 Excl. Excl. Excl. filters and exhaust for hazardous gas areas. EQ-5 I. Thermal Comfort: Design: (EQ-7.1). Incl. Incl. Incl. j. Meetings for LEED Coordination. (One meeting in San Diego, One meeting N/A NIA N/A in Santa Ana and Four conference calls. The Additional Fee for this Scope Change: .... ......................... ............................................... $23,500.00 17911 Von Karmen Avenue • Suite 250 - Irvine • California 92614. 949.756.0565 - FAX 949.756.0927 'such iyI"rrtti Sun & Carter Consulting Mechanical Engineers Mr. Anthony Tarra ALTEVERS ASSOCIATES February 12, 2008 Page 2 If this description of the additional services requested and the related scope change design cost are correct, please indicate your acceptance by signing below and return one copy for our files. Sincerely, TSUCHIYAMA KAINO SUN & CARTER Roger Carter, P.E. Principal taa Enclosure: One copy iaaddserv%QAA071e6-1.doc Accepted and Agreed: ALTEVERS ASSOCIATES Oil k February 20, 2008 Mr. Anthony Tarra Altevers The Aventine, Suite 250 8910 University Center Lane San Diego, California 92122 Re: SilverRock Golf Club — New Clubhouse Electrical Engineering Proposal Dear Anthony, Thank you for requesting this proposal to furnish electrical engineering services for the project referenced above. This proposal is in accordance with the program information received to date. Please refer to the attached Exhibit A for the proposed compensation pertaining to this project. Please refer to the attached Exhibit B for the proposed scope of services pertaining to this project. We are looking forward to working with you on this project. Please contact me if you have any questions and / or comments regarding this proposal. Sincerely, %ONSORTUM1 Raymond W. Swartz Raymond W. Swartz, PE / LEED AP / IES President /rws HAProposaa0802024 doe Attachments 1714) SeS-4200 • 1714) 686.4215 fax • 1532 E Werner Avenue • Santa Ana, Ca 52705 • w Aanaortum1.oam Oi3 SilverRock Golf Club — New Clubhouse Electrical Engineering Proposal February 20, 2008 Page 1 A. C. H E. EXHIBIT A COMPENSATION Compensation for the scope of services described in Exhibit B, shall be based upon the following fixed fees: LEED-NC Certification Scope of Work: Sixteen Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($16,750.00) If additional services are required, the following hourly rates shall apply: Principal $160.00 Associate 130.00 Engineer 120.00 Project Manager 110.00 Designer 90.00 Cad Drafting 70.00 Clerical 55.00 Reimbursable expenses are in addition to compensation and include the expense of reproductions, plotting, express mailing, delivery charges, travel charges, and plan check fees. Billing for allowed reimbursable expenses will be as follows: Cost plus 10%. Total liability for this project shall be limited to the following amount, and shall not include any claims based upon the Owners loss of revenue. One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00). This proposal is valid for a time period of sixty (60) days from date of proposal. ---- END--- 014 j„ wf'gY SilverRock Golf Club — New Clubhouse Electrical Engineering Proposal February 20, 2008 Page 1 A. 10 C. EXHIBIT B ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING SCOPE OF SERVICES Proiect Description: This scope of work is for the LEED Certification of the SilverRock Resort Golf facility new Clubhouse. The Clubhouse is a two level structure with a 20,000 s.f. ground level and a 12,000 s.f basement level. The project is located in the La Quints area of Southern California. The following LEED Credit points are included in this scope of work: SS Credit 8 Light Pollution Reduction EA Prereq 2 Minimum Energy Performance EA Credit I Optimize Energy Performance EA Credit 2 On -Site Renewable Energy (36 kW PV system) IEQ Credit 6.1 Controllability of Systems — Lighting IEQ Credit 8.1 Daylight & Views — 75% of Spaces ID Credit 1.2 Reduced Mercury Content The following LEED exhibits and paperwork will be provided., Credit Exhibits / Models SS Credit 8 Site Lighting Photometric Plan EA Prereq 2 Title 24 Documentation EA Credit I Enhanced Title 24 Documentation EA Credit 2 PV Drawings / Specifications IEQ Credit 6.1 Lighting Plan Exhibit IEQ Credit 8.1 Daylight Model ID Credit 1.2 Mercury Content / Lumen Hour Matrix Design Development Services Paperwork LEED Online Paperwork, Enhanced Title 24 Documentation, and Lumen Distribution Matrix Summary N/A N/A LEED Online Paperwork and kWH Calculations. LEED Online Paperwork LEED Online Paperwork LEED Online Paperwork 1. Meet with the design team, as necessary, to discuss LEED concepts and alternatives for the project. 2. Incorporate selected LEED Credit points into the design development electrical plans on base sheets as provided by the Architect. Construction Document Services: Meet with the design team to discuss LEED concepts and alternatives for the project. 2. Incorporate LEED Credit points into the electrical construction documents. SilverRock Golf Club — New Clubhouse Electrical Engineering Proposal February 20, 2008 Page 2 D. Construction Administration Services 1. Interpret the electrical construction documents during the bidding phase and assist the architect in the preparation of addenda responding to these interpretations. 2. Interpret the electrical construction documents for proper execution of electrical work during construction. Office consultations with the owner, architect or contractor as required during construction are included. 3. Review shop drawings and submittals as required by the construction documents. 4. Perform the following site visit: a. One rough -in observation. b. One final punch list observation. 5. Prepare site visit reports for the Architect. 6. Review of the contractor's electrical record drawings. 7. Provide LEED Online support of all applicable credit points. E. Additional Services Not Included in the Scope of Warlc 1. Extensive revisions to plans and specifications after substantial completion of design. 2. Temporary power design / documentation. 3. Structural calculations or details for poles, foundations, supports, etc. 4. Cost estimates. 5. Value engineering services. 6. Submittal of documents to governmental agencies. Preparation of document package for review by government agencies. 7. Any LEED commissioning services. ----END--- 0 i6 COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: June 2, 2008 ITEM TITLE: Discussion of SllverRock Resort Clubhouse Financing and Operations Program RECOMMENDATION: As deemed appropriate by the Agency Board. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: AGENDA CATEGORY: [UMIR►T*T&1 *111610 CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: The 2008/2009 SilverRock Resort Annual Plan, approved by the City Council on April 15, 2008, estimates an operating deficit of $342,426. The first year projection for the new Clubhouse operations (including estimated golf operations) estimates an operating deficit of $499,961. The second year projection estimates an operating deficit of $310,638 (Attachment 1). The larger deficit for the first year of new clubhouse operations is due to the larger facility and increased staffing without the immediate increase in banquet and restaurant revenues. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Staff and Landmark Golf Management have worked together to develop a two year operations projection for the new clubhouse as currently designed by Altevers Associates. Landmark has experience in large clubhouse operations at PGA West and the Landmark Club (now Terra Lago). Staff worked closely with Landmark to develop the operations projection which was then reviewed by the General Manager at Desert Willow Resort. The Clubhouse Projection Assumptions (Attachment 2) include: Revenue Food & Beverage Revenue. For the first year, banquet sales will not be at full capacity due to the timing of selling weddings, parties, and special events. Lead time to sell banquets is between 6 and 12 months; therefore, banquet sales will be lower in the first year of operations. For projected revenue in the restaurant, terrace, snack bar, and beverage carts, a capture ratio of $20.36 per round of golf �l� was used. This assumption is based upon Landmark's knowledge of other similar 18-hole resort golf courses. For the second year of new clubhouse operations and projected banquet revenue, an assumption of two banquet events per week for the entire year (104 total banquets) with an average size of 125 people per banquet and an average of $45 per person was used. This equals $5,625 per banquet event (a total of $585,000 in banquet revenue for year two). Food & Beverage Gross Revenue. Gross revenue is calculated by taking the Food & Beverage Revenue (restaurant and banquet) less the standard Cost of Sales of 39%. Golf Rounds & Revenue. It is assumed that rounds of golf will increase 1 % by 2009-2010. It is also assumed that the average green fee rate will increase from $79.12 to $79.86. Based on these two assumptions, green fee revenue will increase nearly 2% to $3,315,435 by 2009-2010. Miscellaneous Revenue/Range. It is assumed that miscellaneous revenue, including driving range revenue, will increase to $118,217 annually. This increase will be a result of the driving range's proximity to the Clubhouse. Golf Shop Merchandise. It is assumed that merchandise sales will increase to $14.39 per round of golf. The increase will be due to the size of the golf shop and the ability to have additional product selection in inventory. Expenses Food & Beverage Expenses. Food & Beverage expenses consist of staffing (salaries and benefits), supplies and materials (no actual food or beverage costs). The staffing model is based upon operating a full-size kitchen, grill, snack bar, beverage carts, and banquets. Additional banquet staff may be contracted as needed during concurrent banquet events. Clubhouse Expenses. Clubhouse expenses consist of the increased size of the Clubhouse. It is assumed that all utilities expenses (electricity, telephone, cable, water, sewer, and gas) will increase proportionally with the size of the Clubhouse. In addition, insurance costs will increase to cover the increased size of the Clubhouse. Golf Cars/Bags/Range Expenses. Will increase due to Clubhouse logistics. Additional staff will be needed to cover the bag drop and staging area while other staff members will be in the cart storage area tending to other golf service duties. Golf Shop Merchandise Expenses. Will increase due to additional sales staff needed to cover and maintain the increased inventory and size of the golf shop. Golf Course Maintenance Expenses. The existing parking lot and Clubhouse area at the Ahmanson Clubhouse will need to be maintained as well as the new Clubhouse • I OA area, which will be somewhat larger. Also, the new water feature located at the Clubhouse will need to be maintained which will require additional manpower and supplies. Marketing Expenses. It is assumed that a Sales Manager will be added. The Sales Manager will be responsible for selling banquets, special events, and golf events and will also be part of the coordination and planning process. Additional advertising money will be necessary to promote and sell banquet events at the Clubhouse. General and Administration Expenses. It is assumed that a Concierge will be added. The Concierge will welcome, greet, answer telephone calls, and direct guests. In addition, general and administration expenses (recruiting, payroll processing, equipment rental, office supplies, computer supplies, and uniforms) will increase due to increased staff and larger Clubhouse. Clubhouse Financing Staff has been operating under a 'pay as you go method using previous bond issue proceeds and tax increment to fund the Phase 2 SilverRock Resort improvements, which include the permanent Clubhouse. At the May 21, 2008 Agency Board meeting, the Agency Board expressed its support for an additional $6 million (plus contingency) in improvements and enhancements to the permanent clubhouse, and requested staff investigate the cash flow implications. Staff has reviewed the cash flow impacts arising from this meeting and believes that by shifting the construction of the second golf course from Fiscal Year 2009/2010 to Fiscal Year 2010/201 1, these improvements may be funded on a "pay as you go" basis. Market conditions do not support moving forward with the second golf course in Fiscal Year 2009-10. Estimated cost for Phase 2 Infrastructure is $25,358,941, and the clubhouse is estimated at $30,103,961. The anticipated completion date for the clubhouse is March/April 2010. It is important to note that staff's projections are based upon current economic conditions. Events may occur in the future that could require staff to recommend modifications to this 'pay as you go' strategy. The potential events may include State take-aways, or decreasing property tax values. If these were to occur, staff would first evaluate the materiality of the impacts and offer alternative solutions. These solutions would include first recommending to the Agency Board implementing General Fund Advances or, as a last resort, issuing tax increment financing. Life Cycle Analysis At the May 21, 2008 Agency Board meeting, the Agency Board requested a life cycle analysis of the proposed solar panels and pavers. Staff is currently working on this analysis and will report back to the Agency Board in the near future. Respectfully submitted, nwi L� Douglas R. Evans Assistant City Manager — Development Services Edie Hylton Community Services Director Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, Executive Director Attachments: 1. New Clubhouse Projections vs. Annual Plan 2. Clubhouse Projection Assumptions 020 ATTACHMENT 1 S 2 z y " > o a 'o of j m o m H.o5* A O a,� 3 t] y am C m N Q w w w w w ip H w m m a c o n N � � O O w 0 O O m O n m m j N C w w w. o cw 0 m � c nm'y °`5.3 R. S 0 N 7 m • 9 N v 0 o O to'f tomo o w'�am O 0 O Z J 3 c a o a °-im row Q m O c m N S n � w m w^9 n 3 v G) o w m m i m w 3 w w 0 3 w O0 O. O ro w o 3 0 r 3 � � n o r 3 O -4saaz-4rm2OmOmO*OOmOQ O� m �,Q�mmo0mm 4 m m ....-1°>ocaicyz-air°rCCorrrr m m m -p W m W �a W7� ItImT W O mm mrny O-4O 0?!0 N r° rrom T n m OC iZ a to to tnz W aG)S(n 9W0tn psNn W oS S m mmo<m pozz >0 W N mNN,;, �COmmCzrpCw mom mm m; irm mS 3-mN2m W�m((nm<90 g m6i TJ ml<1 cmmz m> C m m z_� Dp, mi m<y ST a0 m mam G) O m SO cm 323naWa N mm =fjZtl)m=N > m2(Oj N cm3 m.. �C.)-� m�W m m N c) rz3ao O m C D N z m US US� L y w y N V <iz 2 p nr^m O mm aac N m N ymm w r m m m G) N m 1:)3 O z fD 2 20 W > m y 2 9 Z N N y N C y 0 QO N W A w W c 6 H N WA JbNL V wOI �Np W O gp N J V W 1G G O D 0pp � Wwp J�� eA q � N pin m W N N V O+�I �+NO N b W O N N Op ±O � pWp �1 p0 p �CPpp JpOpO W W jtOw OViNA w W W +N NO 0po P. __ O 0+pP N �AmiN Ci lONOO SOLO W OAA W JJ W -�O W NlT mw V m s e O £+ YP A W W W r Jw 0 W N oN000Q�m G„OJ ?� W wn"i W W iu !T mv,.Wimw O N u W -A+ w OOl � OtOH m IWSt OO W m tOi110D � O NO b �0�00000000 PNe m z E A W W W •a .J " N A N V W NN W O O-�O W t6 mW Nof C O C� NN W tO �Nwgw ww m Nt)twwO W w W+J 4�O� m W _0 n W W -� W V �fii W IJ V OJ W O N t0 i0 JA NOS A <J I w g W ONOf0000 t n M—O 60 W tO tLN �' Otll J O N 4 O N O O q O f 01 V V tit 0 0 6 0 0 N N mm OYO A c0 P O J g Tw" V S O O O O� 0 N N O J W V W 0 0 0 @ t0 N O W O 0 0 0 0 rn Cz C n C 0 C N m m m O `m cy 0 z co ° N (A A 021 ATTACHMENT 2 4/28/2008 Clubhouse Projection Assumptions REVENUE Food and Beverage Revenue • For the first year, Banquet sales will not be at full capacity due to the timing of selling weddings, parties and special events. Lead time to sell banquets are between 6 and 12 months, therefore banquet sales will be lower in the first year of operations. • For projected revenue in the Restaurant, Terrace, Snack Bar and Beverage Carts, we used a capture ratio of $20.36 per round of golf. This assumption is based upon Landmark's knowledge of other similar 18 hole resort golf courses. • For the 2" year of Operations in the new clubhouse and projected Banquet Revenue; we used an assumption of 2 banquet events per week for the entire year (104 total banquets) with an average size of 125 people per banquet and averaging $45 per person. This equates to $5,625 per banquet event. Food and Beverage Gross Profit ' • Gross profit is calculated by taking the Foodand Beverage Revenue (Restaurant and Banquet) less the standard Cost of Sales of,39%. Golf Rounds and Revenue • It is assumed that rounds of golf will increase 1,% by 2009-2010. It is also assumed that the average green fee rate will increase from $79.12 to $79.86. Based on these two assumptions, green fee revenue will increase nearly 2% to $3,315,435 by 2009-2010. Misc. Rev./Rance • It is assumed that misc. revenue including driving range revenue will increase to $118,217 annually. This increase will be a result of the driving range's proximity to the Clubhouse. Golf Shoo Merchandise • It is assumed merchandise sales will increase to $1,4.39 per round of golf. The increase will be due to the size of the golf shop and the ability to have,2dditional selection of product in inventory. EXPENSES Food and Beverage Expenses • Food and Beverage expenses consist of staffing (salaries and benefits), supplies and materials (no actual food or beverage costs). The staging model is based upon operating a full size kitchen, grill, snack bar, beverage carts and banquets. Additional banquet staff may be contracted as needed during concurrent banquet events Clubhouse Expenses • Clubhouse expenses consist of the increased size of1hp Clubhouse. It is assumed that all utilities expenses (Electricity, Telephone, Cable, Water, Sewer, Gas) will increase proportionally with the size of the Clubhouse. 'in addir6n,lnsuranoe cost will ,increase.fo cover the increasecj,$ize of the Clubhouse. . Golf Carts/Baas/Ranae Expenses - • Will increase due to Clubhouse logistics. Additional staff will be needed to cover the bag drop and staging area while other staff members will be in the cart storage area tending to other golf service duties. Golf Shoo Merchandise Exoenses , ... f • Will increase due to additional sales staff needed to cover and maintain the increased inventory and size of the golf shop. Golf Course Maintenance Expenses • The existing parking lot and Clubhouse area at the Ahmanson Ctubhouse will need to be maintained as well as the new Clubhouse area which will be somewhat farger then 18 hole usually requires while waiting on the second 18 holes. Also, the new water feature located at the Clubhouse will need to be maintained which will require additional manpower and supplies. Marketina Expenses • It is assumed that a Sales Manager will be added. The Sales Manager will be responsible for selling banquets, special events and golf events and will also be part of the coordination and planning process. • Additional advertising money will be necessary to promote and sell banquet events at SilverRock Resort's Clubhouse. General and Administration Expenses • It is assumed that a Concierge will be added. The Concierge will welcome, greet, answer telephone calls and direct guests. In addition, G & A expenses (recruiting, payroll processing, equipment rental, office supplies, computer supplies, uniforms) will increase due to an increased staff and larger Clubhouse. ,- . 0 ` 2