2008 05 27 PC MinutesMINUTES
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
May 27, 2008
7:00 P.M.
A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:05
p.m. by Chairman Ed Alderson who asked Commissioner Barrows to lead
the flag salute.
B. Present: Commissioners Katie Barrows, Jim Engle, Paul Quill, Robert
Wilkinson, and Chairman Ed Alderson. Absent: None.
C. Staff present: Planning Director Les Johnson, Planning Manager David
Sawyer, Assistant City Attorney Michael Houston, Attorney Glenn
Worthington, Principal Planner Andy Mogensen, Assistant Planners Eric
Ceja and Yvonne Franco, and Executive Secretary Carolyn Walker.
III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: Chairman Alderson requested two
Commissioner Items be added; Item C -Capital Improvement Program, and Item
D -Council call up of Village Use Permit 2007-039. It was moved and
seconded by Commissioners Barrows/Wilkinson approve the Agenda as
A. Chairman Ed Alderson asked if there were any changes to the Minutes of
April 22, 2008. There being none, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Barrows/Wilkinson to approve the minutes as submitted.
Unanimously approved.
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A. Village Use Permit 2005-032, Extension No. 1; a request of Nispero
Properties, Inc. for consideration of a One-Year Time Extension for
Construction of a ± 19,433 Square Foot Two-Story Office Building,
Located in the La Quinta Village.
Chairman Alderson opened the public hearing and asked for the staff
report. Assistant Planner Eric Ceja presented the information contained in
the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning Department.
Chairman Alderson asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Quill asked about on-street parking and separation from
sidewalks. He didn't see those two items and thought they had been
included as conditions in the original approval. He said he remembered a
streetscape where the sidewalk pulled somewhat away from the curb and
allowed the planting of shade trees. Planning Director Johnson said he
did remember the discussion of the condition. He didn't know if those
conditions were reflected in the current plans. However, he commented
during the building plan check they would make sure all the conditions
were adhered to. These may not necessarily represent the most current
proposal. These are similar to the original plans. Commissioner Quill
asked if there was an applicant representative in the audience and was
told there was not.
Commissioner Quill reconfirmed these plans had not been modified yet.
Staff replied they would be modified in the final process. Commissioner
Quill asked if they could make similar recommendations as to those made
in the first approval. Staff said they would already be part of the record.
Planning Director Johnson said he Commissioners could recommend
specific items or continue the ite and staff would research the previous
meeting. Commissioner Quill sai the applicant had not been adverse to
those conditions. Staff replied yo could add "as previously conditioned"
in the motion to approve.
Commissioner Quill said he di not remember what was previously
approved. Staff said the item co Id be continued if there was a problem.
Commissioner Barrows said it looked as though the sidewalk was next to
the curb in opposition to what Commissioner Quill had suggested.
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Chairman Alderson said we would have to verify those conditions be
met. Staff replied the recommendation would have to go to the Council
for an extension, as they are the final authority and staff could be
directed to make sure the record was correct.
Commissioner Quill said since this was an extension of time it would not
be an issue in extending the approval for two weeks. The Commission
could ask for the continuance and it would not be a major burden to the
applicant. Staff replied that was not a problem.
Commissioner Wilkinson said he noticed there was a water feature and
was concerned with its size. It appeared larger than what was is
normally considered acceptable. Planning Director Johnson said as long
as the time extension is granted they would still follow the original
approval criteria unless conditioned otherwise.
Commissioner Quill asked if conditions or modifications could be added if
it was deemed appropriate. Staff replied, since this was a time
extension, there was the potential for certain conditions to be revisited.
Assistant City Attorney Michael Houston said Tract Map Extensions
could only be approved or denied but could not include new conditions.
This was not the case for a Village Use Permit and conditions could be
added. He included this information for future clarification.
Chairman Alderson wanted to verify the Commission was considering a
continuation of two weeks while the original conditions of approval were
verified and to consider any changes to the fountain per Commissioner
Wilkinson's comments.
Commissioner Quill said regardless of the conditions he would like to pull
the minutes from that original meeting as a reminder of what was
decided. Planning Director Les Johnson said staff would research the
original approval and include a copy of the minutes from that meeting for
the next meeting.
Chairman Alderson said since time is not of the essence he would like to
see this matter cleaned up before it goes to Council for approval.
Commissioner Barrows wanted to clarify she would be supportive of
Commissioner Wilkinson's suggestion about the water feature. She
referenced to Condition No. 38, which referred to the landscaping plans.
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She added if those still needed to be submitted to the Planning
Department and CVWD, it would be based upon the time the approval
was made. Planning Director Johnson said with regards to the water
feature it was acity-imposed feature, but CVWD would look at these
with the new criteria. CVWD's provisions have changed and they may
be more stringent. Commissioner Barrows asked if they had gone through
the CVWD plan check process and staff replied no as far as they knew.
Commissioner Barrows asked if there were bicycle racks in this project.
She said that is a feature that should be encouraged. Commissioner Quill
said that subject had been discussed in the original meeting.
There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Alderson asked if
there were any applicant representatives or comments. There being
none, he asked if there was any public comment.
There being no public comment, Chairman Alderson closed the public
participation portion of the meeting and opened the matter for
Commission discussion.
Commissioner Quill said they do like the building but made a motion to
continue the item for two weeks to allow staff more time to research this
project and the prior approval.
There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Quill/Barrows to continued Village Use Permit 2005-032,
Extension No. 1, to the meeting of June 10, 2008.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Barrows, Engle, Quill, Wilkinson, and
Chairman Alderson. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN:
B. Sign Application 2003-735, Amendment No. 3; a request of PD Sign
Company for La Quinta Valley Plaza for consideration of a Sign Program
Amendment for Permanent Business Signage for La Quinta Valley Plaza
located on the north side of Highway 111 between approximately 100
feet from Dune Palms Road.
Chairman Alderson opened the public hearing and asked for the staff
report. Assistant Planner Yvonne Franco presented the information
contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning
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Chairman Alderson asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Engle asked if the panels were only in red panels or did the
color vary. He also asked if the change was only for the monument.
Assistant Planner Franco referred to the exhibit and said it was just for
the cabinet. She said the applicant originally asked for eight signs but
staff recommended six.
Commissioner Barrows asked if the monument sign allowed for the
placement of the center name and three tenants signs on each side for a
total of six as referenced in Attachment 3. Staff replied yes. Planning
Director Johnson referred to the Power Point slide which showed six of
those proposed instead of eight and the upper two would be a smaller
size and the center id would remain.
Chairman Alderson asked if there was an example of what staff
proposed. Planning Director Johnson replied they did not have an exhibit
but staff was recommending the plaza id be put on the top and six tenant
signs be included on each side instead of eight.
Commissioner Barrows wanted to clarify there were six tenants total on
each side. Staff replied that was correct.
There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Alderson asked if the
applicant would like to address the Commission.
Mr.Tad Black with Sign-a-rams located at 41-945 Boardwalk Street, Palm
Desert, introduced himself and said he was available to answer any
Chairman Alderson asked if he had any comments regarding the
presentation. Mr. Black commented the Center's interior clients have no
visibility and need to have their names added to the monument sign.
Commissioner Wilkinson asked if the monument was limited to six tenant
signs was it really necessary for the Center id to utilize two sign spaces.
Mr. Black said not all tenants would be able to have their information on
the monument sign. It would dramatically increase the visibility of the
monument sign that is currently there. Ultimately they are looking for all
the tenants to be included on the sign, but that was not staff's
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Commissioner Wilkinson asked if the intent of the sign was not to allow
all of the tenants to have their name on the sign. Mr. Black replied that
was correct.
Chairman Alderson said he had a couple of observations which were: 1-.
The monument sign was very hard to read. He had discussed this with
staff and asked them if there was any way more signage could be
added. He said if there was anything the City could do to help they
should do it. 2) He did not think they should remove the "Valley Plaza"
name because people want to identify it as a location. He asked staff if
there was any way to help this applicant create a better and more
functional sign to help promote this commercial center better than the
current proposal.
Commissioner Engle said the reason the "Valley Plaza" portion of the sign
was difficult to read was because the spacing was too tight and there
was not enough contrast. He suggested the applicant set the
identification on top and add more space to the letter. You would then
have a better picture of the "Valley Plaza" identification. He agreed the
tenants, in that center, needed the exposure. He said it was good there
was a little variation in color as it made the names stand out.
Chairman Alderson asked if the individual tenant letters were current as
large as the code allowed. Mr. Black said on the current sign cabinet
would have to be re-configured to accommodate larger individual panels.
The design is requested to be a little more consistent, but the tenants
would be very open to have more color. Even if they were smaller they
would be more visible.
Chairman Alderson asked if there was any reason why the Valley Plaza
monument sign could not be on the masonry column, adjacent to the sign
structure, and use the sign for the tenants only. Planning Director
Johnson said the code does limit the sign to 50 square feet per side. The
sign face excluding the decorative stone trim is at 50 square feet or close
to it. If it were added to the stone it would exceed the limit.
Commissioner Quill asked if the 50 square foot maximum was because
they did not have a sign program. He also wanted to ask if the
Commission could make modifications to this limit. Staff replied the 50
square foot maximum, for monument signs, has been strictly adhered to.
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Chairman Alderson said he recalled the Commission had given applicants
tremendous allowance for overage on some of the sign boxes previously
brought before them. Staff said allowances have been made for
corporate signs, but the monument sign requirements have been strictly
adhered to.
Commissioner Engle asked the applicant if it was imperative to have the
"Valley Plaza" portion of the sign illuminated. Mr. Black said no.
Commissioner Engle suggested the applicant put some flat cut out letter
below the cornice and just put it on top. That way the Center would get
its identification everything else could be lit and you could offer that
exposure. Mr. Black asked if he meant in a lighter color. Commissioner
Engle said put it in a contrasting color, space it, contrast it, and it would
be easier to read. It would appear the landlord would probably make an
allowance for more signage since he wants the tenants to be successful.
Commissioner Engle said if you just put something on top, just below
that cornice up on top and just some individual letters to identify the
center. It is imperative to keep the color consistency and he pointed to
Papa Dan's and Club Achilles as examples.
Chairman Alderson reiterated what Commissioner Engle had said in that
he proposed take the "Valley Plaza" lettering, clean it up and make it
more distinctive, remove the logo above, slide it up to the top of the sign
then take the area remaining and put in six tenant signs as large as the
Code would allow.
Commissioner Engle said that was correct. He said he would just "scrap"
the Valley Plaza ID; unless the landlord needed it. He referred to the
portion that says "La Quinta" and said that type of letter is a flat cut out
letter. He said scrap "Valley Plaza". Get rid of that and use the words
"La Quinta". You could put "La Quinta Valley Plaza" all the way across
the top and what they'll do is make that portion down below the new
type of lettering. The tenant panels would have a variation of color.
Commissioner Engle asked if they were going to change the monument
sign on Corporate Drive. Mr. Black said there was currently no plans to
change that sign.
Chairman Alderson asked if the sign contractor was available. Mr. Black
said that was him.
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Chairman Alderson asked if staff had any problems with any of the
suggestions. Staff said no, as long as they stay within the allowable
square footage.
Chairman Alderson asked if there were any more applicant
representatives or comments. There being none, he asked if there was
any public comment.
There being no further public comment, Chairman Alderson closed the
public participation portion of the meeting and opened the matter for
Commission discussion.
Commissioner Engle said to keep the sign low maintenance, the
background color should be consistent for all the tenants much as
There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Barrows/Engle to approve Minute Motion 2008-011
approving Sign Application 2003-735, Amendment No. 3, as amended:
a. Background colors be consistent for all tenants.
b. Use flat letters for La Quinta Valley Plaza
c. Put the corporate identification at the top of the sign
d. Use better spacing for the corporate identification
Unanimously approved.
C. Environmental Impact Report 2005-560 and Tentative Tract Map 33848;
a request of David Maman Designs for consideration of a Draft
Environmental Impact Report (SCH#2007021060) and Subdivision of
4.8± Acres into 12 Single-Family Residential and Miscellaneous Lots,
Located on the south side of Avenue 58, approximately 510 feet west of
Monroe Street.
Chairman Alderson opened the public hearing and asked for the staff
report. Principal Planner Andy Mogensen presented the information
contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning
Chairman Alderson asked if there were any questions of staff.
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Commissioner Quill had questions of staff regarding how the applicant
was dealing with the differences in grading levels between the two
subdivisions. He also asked if staff had the previous drainage plans.
Staff replied the largest difference would be one to one-and-a-half feet. If
this tract is constructed after Tentative Tract 33717, the applicant would
have to deal with the retaining wall.
Commissioner Quill asked if there would be a slope easement issue. Staff
replied said this is a condition found on other projects. This is not a
substantial difference.
Chairman Alderson asked which was higher. Staff said this tract was
Commissioner Quill asked if the City could have done an Environmental
Assessment, instead of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for this
property or was that triggered by the Historic Preservation Survey. He
added since this is only a 12-unit subdivision was an EIR absolute
necessity or did the City request it.
Nicole Criste, the Consulting Planner, said the City was required per
CEQA to do this. At the time the first archaeological/historical resource
study was prepared it identified the home as a potentially significant
historic resource. There was a second follow-up resource study that was
done which determined the initial site study needed to be altered and
answered a lot of the questions not answered in the first study. So, at
the time that we would do our initial environmental check to determine
the level of significance of any project that the standards established in
CEQA triggering the need for an environmental impact were met. She
also added that she had received several non-substantive form letters on
this project and the EIR would be modified to include the comments of
the Ramona Band tribal monitor request.
Commissioner Quill said he was dumbfounded the Ramona Band was the
only tribe to reply to the Draft EIR Request for Comments. He thought
the local tribes should be involved, but only the Ramona Band had
Commissioner Quill asked if the HABS HAER research was done as a
mitigation measure to record all the details of the structure because it
would be demolished. He asked who would be keeping those records.
Mrs. Criste replied they would be curated at the La Quinta City Museum.
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Commissioner Quill commented this is a 12-lot subdivision that ends in a
cul de sac; pointing out that you have to leave the subdivision and go
into another gate to reach the subdivision next to it. He said this plan
was reflective of the fact that we fail to do connectivity along Avenue
58. He did not know what we can do about creating these enclaves
without connecting them. We need to look at pedestrian, and bicycle
connections. He stated that we need to look at safe access and to
include that in our plans. He referred to the aerial showing the two
subdivisions next to each other. These is a 40 acre parcel between
Andalusia and Monroe Street. Someday there will be one that will be a
single row street along Almonte and behind the subdivisions there will be
opportunities to create the same. There will be a 40 acre residential
parcel with possibility of 5 subdivisions which will have to drive to
Monroe street to get to the other. He said that there is something wrong
with that picture.
Planning Director Les Johnson responded with the new provisions
requiring 20,000 square foot lots would encourage consolidation, better
design and higher yield. This application pre-dated those conditions.
Commissioner Quill said the Commission should be looking at future
connectivity. They should be recommending the provisions for a
prohibition against development and an easement, at the end of the cul
de sac, for connection to a possible development to the south. If
development does not occur the easement can be removed. This would
place a reservation on the property for future access for a residence, or
trails access. The issue everyone is concerned about is security, but the
idea of connectivity certainly isn't pervasive in our thinking yet and we
need to get there.
Chairman Alderson asked if Commissioner Quill wanted to discuss the
easement issue a little further. He wanted to know if Commissioner Quill
was proposing creating an easement that could be utilized sometime in
the future to allow access from the cul de sac to the south.
Commissioner Quill interjected it could even be east or west; some way
to connect future developments to this development. He said there has
been a mentality of privacy and security and it does not accomplish that
as much as it increases costs and HOA dues. This small subdivision will
have substantial costs to maintain a gate. Pedestrian, bicycle, trail
access between subdivisions are something we should think about. We
need to preserve easements even if it is between lots. We could even
consider the area between the lots near Avenue 58 which could be
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connected to Tentative Tract 33717. He suggested the Commission
consider these things since ultimately development would occur all
around the entire 40 acres and connecting them up would make sense.
Chairman Alderson commented the two site plans shown side by side
was really helpful. Principal Planner Andrew Mogensen replied both plans
were drawn by the same engineer and on the same scale.
Chairman Alderson asked Commissioner Quill if he had additional
comments regarding the easement and he replied he would hold further
comments until all the Commissioners had made comments. Staff pointed
out there was an easement at the south end of the property. Chairman
Alderson replied that was a utility easement.
Commissioner Wilkinson said there was an issue of retention not working
across the street. He spoke with staff earlier about the retention in
Tentative Tracts 33717 and 33848 their overflows. He asked if the
overflow would go into the street. Staff said yes. He mentioned the
stand pipe across the street. Staff was not sure if that had been
repaired. Commissioner Wilkinson wanted to make sure all these
hydrology issues were taken into consideration and looked at.
Commissioner Quill said he had heard from a resident, in the area, that
the stand pipe was being repaired.
Commissioner Wilkinson said there is no percolation in the soil and was it
engineered large enough for all the issues that previously occurred in the
project across the street. Staff replied they were aware of it. Planning
Director Les Johnson said plans showed a Maxwell system. Preliminary
hydrology had been made by Public works and there were nine conditions
addressing this.
Commissioner Barrows asked if the landscaping plans would come back
to the Commission and how the landscaping of a retention basin fit into
the new water efficient landscaping requirements. Staff said the
landscaping would come back to the Commission. He suggested the
Commissioners wait for the landscape plans from the applicant.
Commissioner Barrows wanted to encourage the applicant to use water
efficient landscaping in the retention basin.
Commissioner Barrows also commented on Commissioner Quill's
concerns about easement and connectivity. Staff said the matter could
be discussed during Commissioner Comments at this, or a later meeting.
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Chairman Alderson asked about the location of a manhole cover.
Principal Planner Andy Mogensen replied the current location for the
manhole cover was only a suggestion.
Chairman Alderson asked why we are bonding the split rail fence as
opposed to just building it. Staff replied the Agrarian Image Corridor
requires a split-rail fence which would be an improvement to the
subdivision and would be included in the bondable items; i.e., street
There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Alderson asked if the
applicant would like to address the Commission.
Mr. David Maman, 475 South La Pere Drive, introduced himself and said
he was available to answer any questions.
Mr. Maman said the pedestrian access comments were very interesting.
He was concerned about the future of his project with reference to the a
condition be required for connectivity. He said it could be an interesting
element for the neighborhood if his neighbors would be as
accommodating as he.
Chairman Alderson asked if he was referencing the connectivity of the
two projects since they would only be dedicating a small area on lots 7
and 8. Mr. Maman replied he was all right with it as long as it didn't
limit them from doing something else. He wanted to discuss this concept
with his partner.
Chairman Alderson asked if he was able to discuss the historical
mitigation measures with the Commission. Mr. Maman said he was not
that familiar with it, but had been restricted by those measures for three
years. He said once they received information the structure was unsafe
they had to have the tenant vacate the property. They could not fix it,
they could not destroy it, but they were liable.
Commissioner Wilkinson said he was involved in the restoration of the
Patton house in Indio and realizes this situation can be very complicated.
Robert White, P O Box 180, Sun City, representing Archaeological
Associates, cultural and paleontology consultants to David Maman. They
prepared the initial and the follow-up studies, as included in the EIR.
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Chairman Alderson said there are two groups scheduled to do historical
work on this; Historical American Building Survey and Historical American
Engineering. He asked if these firms would be preparing video tapes.
Mr. White said they are basically sister programs. They are essential
federally-based programs designed to record historical properties for the
federal register. In California we adopt this as a mitigation measure
following the federal guidelines to the best of our ability. Very fixed
standards on photos, drawing and video recordation, 35 mm you must
photograph the building using a large format camera and described the
different types of materials used. The whole idea is to produce a record
that will withstand the passage of time. On the Federal level most of this
is administered through the National Parks Service in San Francisco and
the ultimate repository would be the Library of Congress. The City will be
the ultimate owner of these documents (originals-. Basically the HABS
Haer has three components: photography, engineering record, and
written study of what was learned. He explained the detail of all the
components and how the work would be done.
Chairman Alderson asked if both these surveys were a part of the
conditions of approval for this project. Mr. White replied yes.
Commissioner Barrows said the uniqueness of this structure was
characterized in the report. She asked is this adobe unique as compared
to other adobes in La Quinta. Mr. White said the City has an inventory of
adobes. There are not as many left as there were because it was never
the preferred building method to begin with.
Commissioner Barrows said there are not many left. Mr. White said two
doors down there is one in very good condition. Mr. White went on to
describe the lintels, bevels, and other architectural features unique to the
subject adobe. They surmise that the same architect may have built both
places, but they're unable to document it.
Chairman Alderson asked if there were any more applicant
representatives or comments. There being none, he asked if there was
any public comment.
There being no further public comment, Chairman Alderson closed the
public participation portion of the meeting and opened the matter for
Commission discussion.
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Commissioner Quilt war
He asked the slide be F
side (Tentative Tracts
structure was on Almi
entrance into the Andal
road with easement to
new smart growth con
layouts emphasizing pe
the City can't dictate a
i to discuss about the subject of connectivity.
up comparing the two developments side by
717 & 33848). He asked if the other adobe
e Street. Almonte Street is the back door
a's sales office. He assumed this is a private
various owners adjacent to it. He said every
once he goes to goes back to standard block
>trian usage. Here is a block of 40 acres and
easements for connectivity.
Commissioner Quill said this is the perfect opportunity from Monroe
Street back to Almonte Street to be able to get to a trail and if there is an
existing easement that kind of thinking could really be helpful. He said if
they had looked at the whole 40 acres it would have been helpful. The
only thing they could do now was ask the applicant if they would be
willing to make an access easement. He asked staff to look up
easements to see if there is a future thought process as other
applications come in to look at the connectivity since Tentative Tract
33717 would be comi~rg back for a renewal.
Assistant City Attorney Michael Houston said if the Commission was
considering matters relating to another tract map, that would have to be
addressed later.
Commissioner Quill s~id the Commission should think through the 40
acre parcel before going on to the next subdivision to see if there is any
potential for connecti~rity. Planning Director Les Johnson said if the
Commission considers the easement identified as a lettered lot it would
retain its privacy, b i delineated on the map, and be dedicated to
pedestrian linkage.
Commissioner Quill siaid, as a property owner, he would want the
simplest reservation possible to allow that to go back to the adjacent lots
if it did not happen. f-~e said if you make it a lettered lot it's harder to go
back to the adjacent lots. Making it an easement would prohibit building
and the developer could take it back. Staff had two questions; 1). who
would the easement l~e granted to and, 2-. how would the language be
worded since it should not state "for public purpose" as this is a private
Chairman Alderson said they already talked to the landowner and he had
no problem with doing this. He asked if the Commission was going to
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implement this easement issue as a condition of approval and move
forward. Assistant City Attorney Michael Houston said if the action
taken tonight is to make a recommendation to the Council, and the desire
were to impose this sort of structure it could be done. Then if the
applicant needed the time to talk to his partners he could do that in the
time between this meeting and the Council meeting. He added regarding
Commissioner Quill's proposal, about having the property go back to a
residential development, the lettered lot seemed to make more sense
from a legal standpoint because the issue would become who is the
easement granted for the benefit of. If it is going to be granted to the
benefit of the City you are tacking on a right the City may have to
enforce something on the end of a private street which conceptually may
be a little difficult. If you create a lettered lot you could have it for open
space access and recreation purposes and tie a condition to the tentative
map. If an adjacent owner develops to the south that applicant would
work with those owners to facilitate connectivity. The only downside is it
would ultimately be a lettered lot.
Commissioner Quill asked if the lettered lots were added on the tentative
map and it didn't work out could they (under substantial conformance)
eliminate the lettered lot without coming back to the Commission prior to
final recordation. Assistant City Attorney Michael Houston said that was
certainly a determination that could be put in the record. Commissioner
Quill said it would be ridiculous for them to come back for approval of
removal of the lettered lot if the removal was deemed appropriate by
staff. It could then be a substantial conformance and at the recordation
of the final map the lettered lot could just disappear and the owners of
those two property owners would receive the extra property.
Planning Director Les Johnson said the only difficulty would be we have
no idea when the property to the south would come in for an entitlement
action. Commissioner Quill said the second part of the equation is have
the Commission direct staff to look at the rest of the 40 acres and if you
think you can come up with a scheme and it makes sense to have some
kind of an easement for trail purposes at the back of those subdivisions
there, then you're going to have your direction and you're going to know
how to treat future maps and you're going to want to keep the lettered
lot there. If you come back and say that's a stupid idea and that's not
going to work, then we can remove the lettered lot and you can give
them a substantial conformance and they can record their final map.
Staff said it does put a placeholder in for staff to do the additional
research to see if this is possible.
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Planning Commission Minutes
May 27, 2008
Commissioner Quill said that's all he wanted, was a placeholder, but he
wanted it to be the least onerous procedure to the owner.
There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Barrows/Quill to approve Resolution 2008-015 approving
Environmental Impact Report 2005-560, as recommended.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Barrows, Engle, Quill, Wilkinson, and
Chairman Alderson. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN:
There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Barrows/Quill to approve Resolution 2008-016 approving
Tentative Tract Map 33848 with amendments as follows:
a. Staff identify a mechanism, perhaps a lettered lot, to provide for
an open space and/or access easement at the terminus of the cul
de sac to the south and investigate the potential for access along
the southern boundary of the subdivision which could tie into other
parcels by whatever mechanism staff deems appropriate.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Barrows, Engle, Quill, Wilkinson,
and Chairman Alderson. NOES: None. ABSENT: None.
Discussion of League of California Cities and Planning Commissioner Training
brochure included in packet. Staff was making this available to the Commission
for general information as a recommendation, but not sponsorship. If the any of
the Commissioners have an interest in attending the functions there are to
advise staff. Staff added they did not want financial considerations to be a
deterrent for attendance.
A. Review of City council meeting of May 6, 2008.
Chairman Alderson gave a brief overview of the City Council meeting
of May 6, 2008 and referenced his addition of Item D.
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Planning Commission Minutes
May 27, 2008
B. Discussion regarding Commission summer meeting schedule.
Staff pointed out that Council has taken action to go dark August 19,
2008, and may also go dark September 2, 2008. Chairman Alderson
said the Commission usually goes dark one night only and if they go dark
on August 12 there wouldn't be any items for the Council meeting of
August 29, 2008. Commissioners agreed to go dark on August 12,
Staff commented they are currently working on the annual budget. The
Council will have a meeting on the June 19, 2008, and if the
Commissioners are interested in finding out more with next year's
budget, they should attend.
C. Discussion of the Capital Improvement Program Information
Chairman Alderson said the Commissioners should be receiving the
Capital Improvement log of events. He requested the Commissioners
begin receiving copies of these as they outline issues and dates on a
monthly basis. The report shows things that are under construction.
Staff added if they Commissioners don't receive their monthly copy
please let them know.
D. Council Call-Up of Arnold Palmer Project.
Chairman Alderson said, with reference to the Arnold Palmer project, the
Council had two areas of concern: 1) parking and some dangerous
pedestrian conditions and, 2) the neighbors concerns about future
development. There was extensive discussion and ultimately the Planning
Commission's decision was upheld. One additional condition was made
to change the valet parking, in front of the restaurant, to general parking.
This should help alleviate the parking concerns with people parking in the
street and crossing the street. Also the neighbors' development
agreement was resolved between the neighbors, on their own.
Staff commented the new Council condition added 29 stalls in front of
Palmer's entrance to be used as general public parking. That was a good
move as the concern was to provide another parking option rather than
on the fronting street.
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Planning Commission Minutes
May 27, 2008
E. Additional Discussion Items.
Commissioner Quill requested the staff take a look at the previously
discussed 40 acres and come back with information on access
easements to see if there's any opportunity which might be
advantageous to future plans of a neighborhood concept on the 12 lots.
Staff said they would look into public record information and would get
back to the Commission by the next meeting, if possible.
Commissioner Barrows wanted to broaden the discussion about the
Planning Commission Training information given to the Commissioners
regarding transportation planning for livable communities. I think we had
tried to look at the same sort of issues regarding the Highway 111
corridor. She wanted to know if staff could direct them to some
references that could give some background information.
Commissioner Quill mentioned Mr. Ron Snyder was working on a Cal
Trans grant to do a walkable communities survey in Mecca in the Moving
Mecca Forward Plan. His presentation will be at 6:00 on June 1 1, 2008
if any of the Commissioners are interested.
Commissioner Barrows commented Mr. Snyder did aNon-Motorized
Trails Plan for CVAG a few years earlier.
Staff commented that one of the items planned for discussion, at the
next Commission meeting, was to have a work session after the agenda
items. The work session will reference the programs the Commission will
be working on in 2009. It will be an opportunity for open dialogue and
the Commissioners can certainly discuss walkability items, as well as any
additional items or discussion points you may want to discuss at that
time. Staff said it would be an opportune time to discuss the
Commission's concerns for 2009.
Commissioner Barrows said it sounded great and referenced the Green
and Sustainable program discussed at the Council. She would be
interested in discussing those items.
Staff said Council approved the Green and Sustainable Program at their
last meeting. Staff then discussed how the program was to be directed
within the various departments and what programs are currently on-going
and will provide the Commission with additional information at the next
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Planning Commission Minutes
May 27, 2008
Chairman Alderson asked if the discussion would be an agenda item at
the next meeting. Staff replied yes.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Barrows /Quill to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to the next
regular meeting to be held on June 10, 2008. This regular meeting was adjourned at
9:18 p.m. on May 27, 2008.
Respectfully submitted,
~~~~~ z~ ~~~~
Carolyn alker, Executive Secretary
City of La Quinta, California
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