2008 03 20 HPCHistoric Preservation Commission Agendas are now available on the City's Web Page @ www.la-auinta.orq HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AG E N DA The Regular Meeting to be held in the Study Session Room at the La Quinta City Hall, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California MARCH 20, 2008 3:00 P.M. Beginning Minute Motion 2008-001 CALL TO ORDER A. Pledge of Allegiance B. Roll Call 11. PUBLIC COMMENT This is the time set aside for citizens to address the Historic Preservation Commission on matters relating to historic resources within the City of La Quinta which are not Agenda items. When addressing the Historic Preservation Commission, please state your name and address and when discussing matters pertaining to prehistoric sites, do not disclose the exact location of the site(s) for their protection. III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA IV. CONSENT CALENDAR: A. Approval of the Minutes for February 28, 2008. Historic Preservation Commission Agenda V. BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Discussion of the updated Historic Preservation Commission Timeline and Accomplishments Report. B. Discussion of scheduling the completion of the Historic Context Statement. VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: VII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS: Vill. ADJOURNMENT DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Carolyn Walker, Executive Secretary of the City of La Quinta, do hereby declare that the foregoing agenda for the La Quinta Historic Preservation Commission meeting of Thursday, March 20, 2008, was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chamber, 78-495 Calle Tampico, and the bulletin board at the La Quinta Cove Post Office, on Friday, March 14, 2008. DATED: March 14, 2008 CAROLY� N' WALKER Executive Secretary City of La Quinta, California PARnnnnn - HPC\2008\3-20-08\ACFNDA.doc MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING A Regular meeting held in the South Conference Room at the La Quinta City Hall 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA February 28, 2008 This meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called to order by Chairman Wilbur at 3:00 p.m. who asked for the roll call. I. CALL TO ORDER A. Roll Call. Present: Commissioners Puente, Redmon, Sharp, Wright, and Chairman Wilbur Absent: None Staff Present: Planning Manager David Sawyer, Principal Planner Stan Sawa, and Executive Secretary Carolyn Walker II. PUBLIC COMMENT: None III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: Confirmed IV. CONSENT CALENDAR: A. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Puente/Sharp to approve the minutes of January 17, 2008, as submitted. Unanimously approved. V. BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Discussion of the status of the Museum and curation efforts. 1. Kim Mack Director of the La Quinta Museum, was introduced by David Sawyer. She spoke about building progress and potential programs involving the Historical Society and the Museum. P:\Reports - HPC\2008\3-20-08\Minutes 2-28-08 Draft.doc Historic Preservation Commission February 28, 2008 2. Ms. Mack then gave an overview of her background. 3. She explained how the new Museum would be utilized and included information on exhibits, archival uses, rentals and events. 4. She explained there will always be a gallery featuring "The History of La Quinta." There are also plans to include traveling exhibits in cooperation with National Geographic and the Smithsonian Institute as well as other history museums with traveling exhibits. 5. She discussed the possibility of holding free events the first Friday of every month, as well as a summer camp in conjunction with the La Quinta Playhouse. They are also hoping to hold some weekend family events. 6. She said the collections will be maintained by the Historical Society. They are catalogued and the archives will be very useful to scholars. 7. She will be working with the Planning Department on what artifacts are appropriate for the Museum/Historical Society to collect. Space is limited in the archival area and it will be necessary to be selective about what is collected. 8. The building is estimated to be finished the third week in April and there will probably be a soft opening. 9. Commissioner Sharp asked if there will be admission charged. Ms. Mack replied there will be no admission in the summer and the "season" admission was expected to be very modest. She said that would be the decision of the City Council. 10. Commissioner Wright commented that members of the Historical Society will not have to pay admission. Ms. Mack added, however, they will have to pay for traveling exhibits. 11. Commissioner Sharp mentioned the Indio and Palm Desert Museums do not charge admission. Commissioner Wright pointed out they do not have the facilities or same caliber of curator as La Quinta. P:\Reports - HPC\2008\3-20-08\Minutes 2-28-08 Draft.doc 2 Historic Preservation Commission February 28, 2008 12. Commissioner Sharp asked what days the Museum would be open. Ms. Mack said probably four days a week as they will have to work out staffing. Commissioner Sharp suggested they be open more hours. Ms. Mack said they will be working on improving the hours as they hope to attract a large number of visitors. 13. Commissioner Wright compared the opening of the Museum to the opening of the former library. Initially, they were only open a few hours, in a small facility, and now we have a beautiful facility with more convenient hours. The same will happen with the Museum. The hours will be extended as time goes on. 14. Commissioner Wright said one of his big pushes is getting young people involved. He also asked if Ms. Mack was in possession of all the previously archived items. She replied she did have many of them. 15. Ms. Mack said she had been looking at Idylwild and some of the music programs they offer. There will be an effort to try out different music venues. Commissioner Wright commented on the former Village Street Faire and how that event drew people to the downtown area. 16. Commissioner Wright congratulated Ms. Mack on being a real asset to the City of La Quinta and complimented her on her background and ideas on bringing additional resources to the City. 17. Ms. Mack said there were artifacts that came out of the Desert Club such as some of the doors, and stained glass windows which have been incorporated into the new building. 18. Commissioner Sharp asked if there had been any outreach to the Native American population. Ms. Mack said she had contacted them and went over some of the programs they will be doing with the Native American groups. She added they will be working with the Latino population and their involvement in the Agricultural display which will be coming from the Library of Congress. She is trying to make an effort to include the diversity of the people and cultures of the area. 19. Ms. Mack commented on the Dorothea Lang display which will be coming from the Library of Congress. P:\Reports,- HPC\2008\3-20-08\Minutes 2-28-08 Draft.doc 3 Historic Preservation Commission February 28, 2008 20. Ms. Mack is also hoping to boost funding mechanisms such as promotion of the Historical Society and sale of items in the Museum's gift shop. 21. Commissioner Redmon said there were some local authors that had done a lot of good things and could be contacted regarding items for the gift shop. 22. Ms. Mack said she has a small budget for programs but she is hopeful in a year or two they can apply for funding for more programs. Commissioner Redmon suggested selling permanent plaques, displayed at the Museum, for funding. Commissioner Sharp commented on an area appropriate for placing plaques. 23. Ms. Mack said there will be naming opportunities for cases or galleries. There will be a place for donor recognition in the foyer and they are considering developing digital monitors for that use. 24. Commissioner Wright commented on the McCallum Theatre and their plaque system. He suggested Ms. Mack get brochures or information to the local hotels so their guests can visit the Museum. It would also be an opportunity to obtain more funding from visitors. 25. Commissioner Redmon suggested contacting outside publications for fillers and free advertising. 26. Ms. Mack said they were currently working on a map and the company they are working with distributes materials to hotels. 27. Commissioner Wright said visitors are interested in seeing the history of an area. Since there is never enough money at the beginning of a museum, he suggested there be materials in the lobby on how to give, endow, etc. He gave an example of the La Quinta Arts Foundation, when it first started, and how they did fund raising. 28. Ms. Mack discussed her part in promoting the Museum. Commissioner Sharp made several suggestions on promoting events at the Museum, such as being on the local radio stations which could include promotion of any concerts the Museum might have. Ms. Mack agreed. PAReports - HPC\2008\3-20-08\Minutes 2-28-08 Draft.doc 4 Historic Preservation Commission February 28, 2008 29. Chairman Wilbur asked what the tax status was of the Museum. Ms. Mack referred him to the fact the Historical Society is a tax-free donation. 30. Commissioner Wright commented on previously held black tie events and the need to get the general public, especially youth, involved in the Museum. Ms. Mack agreed and added her ideas on how to encourage participation of youth groups. 31. Commissioner Puente asked if the Commission would be getting a tour of the Museum and Ms. Mack replied they would. 32. Commissioner Redmon wanted to know the opening date. Ms. Mack replied they were not sure at this time. 33. Commissioner Wright asked about the Museum as a curation facility and its climate control. Ms. Mack described curation procedures and the facilities. B. Distribution of Annual Report 1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa went over the CLG Annual Report, how it is prepared and what information was included. C. Review/Status of work program requests and scheduling. 1. Planning Manager Dave Sawyer discussed the work program schedule. 2. He went over what items they have already covered and commented on the addition of items, such as: • Curation (Coordinating with Museum Director, Kim Mack) • The HPC Accomplishments Update Historic Homes Tour to keep in mind as a future project. • A Historical Sites driving tour with site map. Enhancing the City Website Looking into Awards for CLG programs as discussed at the California APA Conference. He gave the example of Ontario, California receiving an award for their website and the community's interaction on the site. • Work program resource list, to be kept as an on -going item. • Mitigation Monitoring Program and the coordination of efforts with the Museum. P:\Reports - HPC\2008\3-20-08\Minutes 2-28-08 Draft.doc 5 Historic Preservation Commission February 28, 2008 VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: None VII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS: 1. Executive Secretary Carolyn Walker presented information on the upcoming California State Preservation Conference and the finalization of plans. Commissioner Redmon had just visited the Embassy Suites and commented on how excellent the accommodations were. VIII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Puente/Redmon to adjourn this Meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission to the next Regular Meeting to be held on March 20, 2008. This meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was adjourned at 4:02 p.m. Unanimously approved. Submitted by: Carolyn Walker Executive Secretary P:\Reports - HPC\2008\3-20-08\Minutes 2-28-08 Draft.doc 6 BI #A HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION FROM: LES JOHNSON, PLANNING DIRECTOR VIA: DAVID SAWYER, PLANNING MANAGER SUBJECT: HISTORIC PRESERVATION TIMELINE AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS REPORT DATE: MARCH 20, 2008 Please find for your review and discussion the attached updated Timeline and Accomplishments for the Historic Preservation Commission. This list includes all the reviews and actions taken by Commission and which was last updated in 2003. With this update it now includes all items up to the present. PAReports - HPC\2008\3-20-08\HPC Accomplish-Update08 memo.doc HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION FROM: LES JOHNSON, PLANNING DIRECTOR VIA: DAVID SAWYER, PLANNING MANAGE SUBJECT: HISTORIC PRESERVATION TIMELINE AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS REPORT DATE: MARCH 20, 2008 Please find for your review and discussion the attached updated Timeline and Accomplishments for the Historic Preservation Commission. This list includes all the reviews and actions taken by Commission and which was last updated in 2003. With this update it now includes all items up to the present. PAReports - HPC\2008\3-20-08\HPC Accomplish-Update08 memo.doc HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION TIMELINE AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS TIMELINE INFORMATION ➢ Nov. 16, 1993 Request to Amend Municipal Code Amendment 93- 037 to amend title 7, Historic Preservation to create a separate Historic Preservation Commission and application to the State Certified Local Government program - Minute Order 93-242 and 243. ➢ Dec. 7, 1993 Ordinance 238 is adopted Amending Title 7 Historical Preservation of the La Quinta Municipal Code. ➢ May 17, 1994 (By Minute Order 94-126) Commissioners were appointed to the new Historic Preservation Commission. The Commissioners are: Laypersons: Terry Henderson, Ned Millis Professionals: Maria Puente, Robert Wright, and Drew Pallette ➢ June 15, 1994 The First Historic Preservation Commission Meeting ➢ April 20, 1995 Draft Historic Preservation Element (General Plan Amendment 94-046) ➢ April 20, 1995 Received notification of certification as CLG with Ms. Lauren Bricker to serve as advisor to fulfill requirements for CLG. ➢ April 20, 1995 INCO Homes donates prehistoric artifacts to the City. ➢ March 21, 1996 Ordinance 280 - Amendment to Section 7.04 of the La Quinta Municipal Code ➢ June 20, 1996 Brian F. Mooney & Associates selected to conduct the Historic Survey ➢ August 22, 1996 Mellon & Associates selected to conduct the City's Historic Resources Survey ➢ November 8, 96 Certificate of Appropriateness 96-001 - review & recommendation of approval for design modifications and porch addition to the Hacienda del Gato and demolition of several out buildings in the Tradition project. ➢ November 21, 96 Certificate of Appropriateness 96-002 - review & recommendation of approval for seismic retrofit and design for the Fischer Building (the old P:\CAROLYN\Hist Pres Com\HPC Accomplish-Update08.doc 0 lumberyard) located at 77-895 Avenida Montezuma. - (April 2, 98 - Consideration of CUP 98-039 & eA 98-355 for a historic structure's adaptive reuse as a Veterinary Clinic located at 77-895 Ave. Montezuma). Feb 20, 1997 Environmental Assessment 96-333 for TT 28470 - capping of CA-RIV-1 179 by the Keith Companies for Tract 28470, south of Washington Street, east of Avenida Bermudas. April 17, 1997 Adams Street Archaeological Report reveals pottery that will be retained by La Quinta for use in educational displays and for study purposes for qualified researchers. May 22, 1997 Jim Brock (AAG) makes presentation on 48`" Avenue Extension/Adams Street Widening. A highly sensitive area as identified by the Archaeological Clearing House (EIC) of Riverside. (Burning Dunes site???) - he gives another presentation on 7/17/97. - (2/19/98 - Investigation at the Burning Dune Site (CA-RIV- 4754) Avenue 48 Extension/Adams Street widening project, by James Brock and Brenda D. Smith, AAG)) June 19, 1997 Certificate of Appropriateness 97-003; a request of KSL Land Corp for a Historic Resources Evaluation of the La Quinta Hotel and architectural appropriateness of proposed houses and spa buildings within the Hotel compound. (retrofit Hotel and bungalow outside design and a/c's???) Sept 18, 1997 La Quinta Hotel Historic Resource Evaluation - a report done by Mellon & Associates. Also, at same meeting a report of the Cyrus Pierce house at the La Quinta Hotel. Oct 16, 1997 Final report of the Historic Survey. Jan 15, 98 Report on the Archaeological Monitoring for The Tradition Club Development TT 28470 and what purpose "Lot J" would serve. April 2, 1998 Report on an Archaeological Monitoring Program for the Retreat at the Quarry, Parcel Map 28650 - Paleontological resources were found that included a clustering of freshwater bivalve clams approximately 3 to 5 feet below surface and near the ancient lake shoreline. ....location P:\CAROLYN\Hist Pres Com\HPC Accomplish-Update08.doc June 18, 1998 June 18, 1998 ➢ Nov 19, 1998 ➢ Dec 17, 1998 ➢ Jan 20, 1999 marked on City Paleontology Map ??? to keep track of where the paleo resources are located. Preiliminary Draft Archaeological Report on Test and Limited Data Recovery Programs for the Village on the Green Project - major buried deposit and appears to be on the shoreline of the ancient lake; with three radiocarbon dates obtained. It appeared this site represented occupation dating from AD 1300's up to an approximately 1600's time period. (Limited data recovery and a stipulation that the site be capped with a minimum of 18 inches up to a maximum of three feet with sterile soil. (5/27/99 - Phase II Test Excavation Report for property owned by the City's Redevelopment Agency; located at the northeast corner of'48`h Avenue and Jefferson Street, by Archaeological Advisory Group, Mr. James Brock and Brenda D. Smith (remains given to Riverside County Coroner?) Phase If Archaeological Test Program for CA-RIV- 5972, Cove Area of La Quinta prepared for Coachella Valley Housing Coalition. An Interim Report on the Phase II Archaeological Resources Assessment of the 40± acre site, APN 649-100-015 (Tract 28964) (blessing ceremony by the local tribe - material found identified by the Coroner's Physical Anthropologist to be human) (Any capping or re -burial??) TTM 28964 - Feasibility Assessment for Phase III alternatives for potentially significant cultural resources. - Memo from the Riverside County Coroner states there was some burned bone and pieces of bone that were recovered, but none of them are large enough to be identifiable as human. Doesn't mean they are not ... just legally could not be identifiable as human (see 1 1 /19/98). Final Report on Archaeological Testing and Mitigation for the Rancho La Quinta Project - potential cremation and media attention. - Cultural Resources Report for Proposed Borrow Area within the Rancho La Quinta project, PACAROLYWHist Pres Com\HPC Accomplish-UpdateMdoc i )01 30 a )01 Archaeological Testing and project Impact Mitigaiton. Jan 20, 1999 Interim Cultural Resources Report - Testing and Evaluation of CA-RIV-2936 - Hotel 111 Project Site, Highway 111 and Adams Street. Jan 20, 1999 Interim Cultural Resources Report - Testing and Evaluation of CA-RIV-2936-Hotel 111 Project Site, Highway 111 and Adams Street. (large pieces of fired clay). Jan 20, 1999 Cultural Resources Regulations and Procedures - Qualifications. August 19, 99 Environmental Assessment 98-383, Phase II Archaeological Assessment of Specific Plan 99- 036 located northwest of the intersection of Highway 111 and Dune Palms Road. Troll- Woodpark CA-RIV-2936 - floor and chimney site to be placed under a parking lot (Jan 6, 2000 - Phase Ill.) August 19, 99 Phase I Archaeological Assessment of 54.65 acres owned by the City's Redevelopment Agency - Washington/Miles - cremation site and cremains - CA-RiV-6275, CA-RIV-6276, CA- RIV-6277 (Nov 9, 2000 - Phase II Archaeological Testing and Site Evaluation Report for Parcel Map 26860; located at the SW corner of Washington Street and Miles Avenue - Cottonwood Triangular Projectile (??), shell beads (3/22/01 - Final Reporton an Archaeological Mitigation of Project Effects to a Native American Cremation Found on Parcel Map 26860; located at the southeast corner of Washington Street and Miles Avenue - more human remains found, (radiocarbon dating required on all artifacts found on the site) report to include an expansion of the discussion regarding trade, ceramics, and shell beads as discussed in November 9, 2000 meeting). Sept 15, 1999 Environmental Assessment 98-383, Phase III Archaeological Assessment of Specific Plan 99- 036 located northwest of the intersection of Highway 111 and Dune Palms Road. Troll- Woodpark CA-RIV-2936 - floor and chimney site to be placed under a parking lot P:\CAROLYN\Hist Pres Com\HPC Accomplish-UpdateMdoc 19 Sept 15, 1999 Nov 17, 1999 ➢ Nov. 17, 1999 ➢ Jan. 6, 2000 Recommendation to the City Council for the allocation of funds to hire a cultural resources consultant to prepare Guidelines for the Curation of Archaeological Collections. - (March 22, 2000 - CC 3/21 /00 - approved finalization of a contract with Greenwood and Associates to prepare the Guidelines for curation of the archaeological resources and other consultant services as necessary.) (7/27/00 - Review and Acceptance of Curation Guidelines - Cdi gave report on the Collections Management Plan) Interim Archaeological Testing and Mitigation Report for Tentative Tract 28964 - remains sent to UCLA for analysis. Artifacts supposed to be returned to Native Americans for collection and/or re -burial. (Oliphant - north side of 50', west of Jefferson) Review and comment on the possible acquisition, use, location and expansion of the Historical Society Museum (June 15, 2000 - Cdi reports back the CC would be forming a Committee to work on the Museum Expansion - Commissioner Barbara Irwin is appointed as the HPC's representative.) (1/31/02 - Determination of consistency with the Secretary of Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties for the two story detached addition and rehabilitation of the historic City of La Quinta Historic Society Museum: design plans approved. Phase I Historic/Archaeological Assessment for Future Commercial Development located at the northwest corner of Highway 111 and Washington. (Madison Development) - located some sun -colored amethyst pieces. (March 22, 2000 - Interim Cultural Resources Report on Archaeological Testing and Evaluation of Site CA-RIV-3659/H and 6385 - large bones discovered. (9/20/01 - Phase II Archaeological Testing, Mitigation, and Monitoring of a Ten Acre Commercial Site (Madison) - condition added regarding monitoring during excavation if a basement is approved for any of the buildings. P:\CAROLYN\Hist Pres Com\HPC Accomplish-Update08.doc ➢ Feb. 17, 2000 Cultural Resources Survey, Historic Buildings Evaluation and Archaeological Testing for Norman Golf Course; Results of Monitoring and Archaeological Testing for Norman Golf Course; Results of Monitoring and Archaeological Testing at Site CA-RIV-6362; and Results of Paleontological Monitoring Program within the Norman Golf Course, on the north side of Airport Boulevard, between Madison Street and Monroe Street (KSQ - (Results of report???) )o- Feb. 17, 2000 Final Report on Phase II Test Investigation at CA- RIV- 6376 in Tract 23995; located on the north bank of the Whitewater River Storm Channel between Washington Street and Adams Street. (Century - Crowell Communities). (results of report?? - (July 27, 2000 - Final Report - collected artifacts to be given to City). ➢ May 18, 2000 Cultural Resources Report on Archaeological Testing and Evaluation on Site CA-RIV-6214 (EA 2000-394) - beads found - all artifacts to be submitted to the City for curation.) ➢ July 27, 2000 Certificate of Appropriateness 2000-005 - a request to allow a wood patio cover with a tile roof on the front of a restaurant located at 78- 039 Calle Estado - El Ranchito. (9/21 /00 - brought back to the Commission) - (11/9/00 - brought back to the Commission - approved wood patio covers for the El Ranchito Restaurant which matched, as closely as possible, the material used on the building. ➢ Sept. 21, 2000 Certificate of Appropriateness 2000-006; located at 49-499 Eisenhower Drive within the La Quinta Resort and Club to revise the entry area of the restaurant to the west of the Hotel Lobby. (retrofit and retention of artifacts(??►) ➢ Sept 21, 2000 Paleontological Resources Assessment - Phase I and II Archaeological Testing of Seven Archaeological Sites, CA-RIV-6352 to -6357 (Palmilla) - located clay pieces with stick P:\CAROLYN\Hist Pres Com\HPC Accomplish-UpdateO8.doc impressions (may have been used for graineries where they kept their mesquite beans) ➢ Dec 21, 2000 Certificate of Appropriateness 2000-007 for a new freestanding sign for a historic commercial building; located at the southwest corner of Calle Tampico. (Cathcart) - sign and planter to be compatible with history and style of building. ➢ Jan 18, 2001 Historical/Archaeological Resources Survey and Testing Report - Vista Montana; located at the northwest corner of Eisenhower Drive and Calle Tampico for KSL Development Corp. - original site where all the adobe bricks were made for the La Quinta Hotel. ➢ Feb 15, 2001 Historical/Archaeological Resources Survey Report for the Palm Desert National Bank site; located at the southeast corner of Washington Street and 471" Avenue for McDermott Enterprises by CRM Tech. Significant historical site - it was used for the growing of row crops and contained the only windmill at that time. The Burkett family has a long history in the Valley so it is important that this information on their homestead be included in the report. (2/21 /02 - Commemorative Plaque for Burkett Ranch) ➢ April 19, 2001 Revised Historical/Archaeological Resources Report - Palm Desert National Bank; located at the southeast corner of Washington Street and Avenue 47. - discussion of plaque for historic property. ➢ April 19, 2001 Review of a Grant Proposal to the State Office of Historic Preservation for Historic/Archaeological Preservation Plan, Historic Context Statement and Revised Historic Preservation Ordinance - Debbie Powell presented report on the Grant proposal. ➢ June 21, 2001 Procedures for submitting Archaeological Reports discussed (under Commissioner Items, #A) . P:\CAROLYN\Hist Pres Com\HPC Accomplish-Update08.doc ➢ July 19, 2001 Conditional Use Permit 2001-061 and Site Development Permit 2001-706; a request to install a wireless communication monopalm and construction of a 1,002 square foot equipment building at 49-499 Eisenhower Drive, within the La Quinta Resort and Club by AT & T Wireless. Monopalm - palm fronds to assist in disguising the towers and time limitation added (??) ➢ October 18, 2001 Phase I Cultural Resources Assessment of the Point Happy Ranch Project Area; a request for approval of the Phase I Cultural Resources investigation of a 3 acre parcel of property located on the west side of Washington Street, approximately 300 feet south of Highway 111.(first project with Robert Sundstrom - The Pointe at Point Happy Ranch) —arborist does a complete a complete count of every tree, required Oral History to be prepared in cooperation with the La Quinta Historical Society, any material, oral history, photographs, derived from the Oral History, would become the property of the City of La Quinta per the adopted standards of curation, client agreed to maintain the historic integrity of the property which included incorporating the original metal ironwork and an all-weather outdoor history display. - Sept. 18, 2003-Point Happy Ranch Phase I Cultural Resources Assessment - (Madison Development - Phase I Cultural Resources Assessment to a). include all time periods that place this property in its cultural context for both local and regional significance. The report shall include such historical aspects, as'the relationship to the Bradshaw Trail, the stage coach line, the water wells and prehistoric Indian villages and trails; b►. work with the Public Works and Community Development Depts to provide staff with a current site plan which includes the location of the existing historic gate; and c). the buildings on the site shall be reviewed under the National Register criteria and fully documented. P:\CAROLYN\Hist Pres Com\HPC Accomplish-UpdateMdoc ➢ Dec 20, 2001 Phase I Cultural Resources Assessment for the La Quinta Grill; located on the southeast corner of Calle Cadiz and Avenida Bermudas; a request for approval of a Phase I Cultural Resources Assessment (The Woodward Group) - three office buildings - question about the water tower. ➢ Feb. 21, 2002 Cultural Resources Element of the General Plan; a request of the City for review. Commission accepted the Cultural Resources Element of the General Plan establishing policies and programs for the City. ➢ March 21, 2002 Certificate of Appropriateness 2002-1009 (City's Commercial Property Improvement Program 2002-015); a review of proposed property improvements at 51-650 Avenida Bermudas, located on east side of Avenida Bermudas north of Calle Amigo (Lori Abdelnour) - remodeling approved if kept in the style of the building. Applicant replied building would be restored to what was there originally including the paint color. ➢ May 16, 2002 Archaeological Testing and Mitigation Sites CA- RIV-6765, 6766, and 6767; Applicant: Charles Crookall, Clubhouse Associates - remains found and turned over to the Torres -Martinez Tribe to be re -interred off the property. ➢ May 16, 2002 National Register of Historic Places Eligibility Evaluation of CA-RIV-2195 - Applicant: Southern California Presbyterian Homes - (what was done????) ➢ Sept. 26, 2002 Phase I Historical and Archaeological Resources Survey Report for the Realiged Madison Street between Avenue 58 and Avenue 60. - Applicant: Coral Option I - Commission requested completed report from CRM Tech to include a structure of concern - 59-650 Madison Street - 10/3/02 - house had been demolished. A permit had been issued by the Building & Safety Dept without the P:\CAROLYWHist Pres Com\HPC Accomplish-UpdateMdoc Commission's review. The procedure has been revised to require all demolition permits to be reviewed by staff for value and possible review by the Commission. ➢ Nov 21, 2002 Report on Archaeological Testing and Mitigation at a portion of Site CA-RIV-150 (Phase Il, for the area generally bounded by Highway 111, Adams Street, Avenue 47, Washington Street and Simon Drive) - Applicant: Dale F. Frank, Jr. - plaque to note this archaeological site - as well as Lowe's?? ➢ Dec. 19, 2002 Archaeological Investigation of CA-RIV-6349, Tentative Tract 29323 for the property located on the northwest corner of Fred Waring Drive and Jefferson Street. Applicant: Cornerstone Developers. ➢ March 6, 2003 Consideration of an Addition to Property located at 46-370 Cameo Palms: Applicant: Mr. & Mrs. James Chester. - historic house built in the 1920's or 30's. Plaque placed on site??? ➢ March 20, 2003 Phase Paleontological Results and Phase I and II Archaeological Testing and Mitigation of Site CA-RIV-7013 Tentative Tract 31123. - pot sherds, bones, and cremations found. Reburial? ➢ April 3, 2003 Archaeological Testing and Evaluation Report for Site CA-RIV-6769 (Tentative Tract 30487) - Applicant: Santa Rosa Developers (David Brudvik) - ceramics?? ➢ April 3, 2003 Archaeological Testing and Mitigation Report for Site CA-RIV-6134 (St. Francis of Assisi Church) - collected archaeological and paleontological resources to be given to the City. (Artifacts??) ➢ June 19, 2003 Paleontological Assessment Report for Desert Elite, Rancho Santana, for Specific Plan 2003-064 - artifacts collected. ➢ Aug. 29, 2003 Phase I Historica, Archaeological, and Paleontological Resources Reports - Applicant: P:\CAROLYMHist Pres Com\HPC Accomplish-UpdateMdoc Coachella Valley Engineerings for Madison/581h Partners - collected artifacts. ➢ Aug. 29, 2003 Results of Phase II Archaeological Assessment of Archaeological Sites for Specific Plan 2003-065 - Applicant: Centex - prehistoric pottery, milling stones - " Conservation Easement shall be placed over that portion of the subject site containing milling stones. The Conservation Easement shall be prepared in the manner prescribed and approved by the City Attorney." ➢ Oct. 16, 2003 Phase I Cultural Resources Assessment for the City's SilverRock Ranch - documented the clubhouse; City to document, prior to any building alterations. Formerly the Ahmanson Ranch. Staff documented structure with photos (per Commission's request) prior to demolition. Commission recommended - photographic documentation be included in the City's Historical database and a presentation be made to the Commission, by the designated architect, of the updated plans for altering the Ranch house. ➢ Oct. 16, 2003 Phase I Cultural Resources Assessment with added conditions. Applicant: Madison Development - Paleontological Consultant: McKenna et al, Jeanette A. McKenna, Principal - Location: West side of Washington Street, south of Highway 111. ➢ Nov. 20, 2003 Historical/Archaeological Resources Survey Report - Watermark Villas (Tentative Tract Map 31798) as submitted. Applicant: Robert Selan - Archaeological Consultant: CRM TECH - Michael Hogan - Location: Northwest corner of Jefferson Street and Avenue 52. ➢ Nov. 20, 2003 Phase I Cultural Resources Assessment Report and Interim Archaeological Testing and Mitigation Report (Phase II) for Specific Plan 2003-067 with the provision there be a stop work order issued until a monitor can be placed on site. Applicant: T. D. Desert Development/Coral P:\CAROLYN\Hist Pres Com\HPC Accomplish-UpdateMdoc Option I, LLC - Archaeological Consultant: CRM TECH - Michael Hogan - Location: Area generally bounded by 58`h Avenue, Monroe Street, 60`h Avenue and Madison Street. ➢ Nov.20, 2003 Phase I Cultural Resources Assessment for the La Quinta Family Apartments (SDP 2003-788) with additional recommendations. Applicant: La Quinta Family Apartments, L.P. - Archaeological Consultant: TRC Companies - Greig Parker, RPA - Location: East side of dune Palms Road, approximately 650 feet south of Highway 111 ➢ Jan. 15, 2004 Phase I Cultural Resources Assessment for Tentative Tract Map 31816. Applicant: Mattco Construction, Inc. - Archaeological Consultant: Archaeological Advisory Group (James Brock) - Location: Southwest corner of Westward Ho Drive and Roadrunner. Drive. ➢ Feb. 19, 2004 Archaeological Monitoring Report for the Washington Park Project. Applicant: Washington 111, Ltd. - Archaeological Consultant: CRM TECH - Location: South side of Highway 1 1 1, between Simon Drive and Adams Street. ➢ Feb. 19, 2004 Cultural Resources Assessment for a 12,943 square foot parcel. Applicant: Coronel Enterprises - Archaeological Consultant: Archaeological Advisory Group (AAG) - Location: Southwest corner of Calle Tampico and Avenida Navarro. ➢ Feb. 19, 2004 Historical and Archaeological Resources Report for a 38.65 acre site proposed for Tentative Tract Map 31910. Applicant: John Megay and Associates - Archaeological Consultant: Archaeological Associates and Eilar Associates - Location: West side of Monroe Street, between Airport Boulevard and Avenue 58. ➢ Feb. 19, 2004 Paleontological Resources Report for Tentative Tract Map 31910 as submitted. Applicant: P:\CAROLYN\Hist Pres Com\HPC Accomplish-Update08.doc John Megay and Associates - Archaeological Consultant: Archaeological Associates and Eilar Associates - Location: West side of Monroe Street, between Airport Boulevard and Avenue 58. ➢ April 22, 2004 Phase I Cultural Resources Assessment for Tentative Tract Map 32201 as submitted. Applicant: Choice Enterprise - Archaeological Consultant: Archaeological Advisory Group - Location: Northwest corner of Madison Street and Avenue 60. ➢ May 20, 2004 Paleontological Resources Assessment Report for Tentative Tract Map 32072 as submitted. Applicant: RJT Homes -Archaeological Consultant: CRM TECH - Location: Southeast corner of Jefferson Street and Avenue 52. ➢ May 20, 2004 Denied Archaeological and Paleontological Survey Report on Tract 31852 as submitted and requested revision and resubmittal. Applicant: Ehline Company - Archaeological Consultant: L & L Environmental, Inc. - Location: Northwest corner of Madison Street and Avenue 52. ➢ May 20, 2004 Denied Phase I Archaeological Survey Report for Tentative Tract Map 31087 as submitted and requested revision and resubmittal. Applicant: Tahiti Partners - Archaeological Consultant: L & L Environmental, Inc. - Location: South side of Darby Road, east of Washington. Street. ➢ May 20, 2004 Interim Phase II Cultural Archaeological Test Program for Tentative Tract Map 32201 as submitted. Applicant: Choice Enterprise - Archaeological Consultant: Archaeological Advisory Group - Location: Northwest corner of Madison Street and Avenue 60. ➢ May 20, 2004 Cultural Resources Investigation of the Point Happy Ranch Project Area (Tentative Tract Map 31348) as submitted. Applicant: Madison Development - Archaeological Consultant: McKenna, et al - Location: 46-201 Washington P:\CAROLYMHist Pres Com\HPC Accomplish-UpdateMdoc Street (located on the west side of Washington Street, approximately 300 feet south of Highway 1 1 1). ➢ June 17, 2004 Phase I Cultural Resources Survey for the La Quinta Family Apartments, as conditioned. Applicant: UHC La Quinta LP - Archaeological Consultant: TRC Companies (Greig Parker, RPA) - Location: East of Dune Palms Road, approximately 640 feet south of Highway 111. ➢ June 17, 2004 Phase I Paleontological Survey for the La Quinta Family Apartments, as conditioned. Applicant: UHC La Quinta LP - Archaeological Consultant: TRC Companies (Greig Parker, RPA) - Location: East of Dune Palms Road, approximately 640 feet south of Highway 1 1 1. ➢ June 17, 2004 Paleontological Resources Assessment for Tentative Tract 32201, as conditioned. Applicant: Choice Enterprise - Archaeological Consultant: CRM Tech (Harry Quinn) ➢ June 17, 2004 Historical/Archaeological Resources Assessment Report for Assessor's Parcel No. 762-240-01 1, as conditioned. Applicant: DUC Housing Partners - Archaeological/Paleontological Consultant: CRM Tech - Location: North side of Avenue 58, approximately one-half mile west of Madison Street. ➢ June 17, 2004 Paleontological Resources Assessment Report for Assessor's Parcel Parcel No. 762-240-011, as conditioned. Applicant: DUC Housing Partners - Archaeological/Paleontological Consultant: CRM Tech - Location: North side of Avenue 58, approximately one-half mile west of Madison Street. ➢ July 15, 2004 Revised Phase I Archaeological Survey Report on the Bermuda Dunes Property. Applicant: Tahiti Partners - Archaeological Consultant: L & L Environmental, Inc. (Leslie Nay Irish, Principal) - Location: South side of Darby Road, east of Washington Street and Palm Royale Drive. P:\CAROLYN\Hist Pres Com\HPC Accomplish-Update08. doe ➢ July 15, 2004 Revised Phase I Archaeological and Paleontological Survey Report on Tentative Tract Map 31852. Applicant: Ehline Company - Archaeological Consultant: L & L Environmental, Inc. (Leslie Nay Irish, Principal) - Location: Northwest corner of Madison Street and Avenue 52. ➢ Aug. 19, 2004 Archaeological Survey and Testing, Assessor's Parcel No. 770-040-012 (SP 2004-071). Applicant: Pacific Retirement Services - Archaeological Consultant: CRM TECH (Michael Hogan, Principal, and Harry Quinn, Geologist/ Paleontologist) - Location: Southeast corner of Washington Street and Avenue 50. ➢ Aug. 19, 2004 Paleontological Resources Assessment Report, , Assessor's Parcel No. 770-040-012 (SP 2004- 071). Applicant: Pacific Retirement Services - Archaeological Consultant: CRM TECH (Michael Hogan, Principal, and Harry Quinn, Geologist/ Paleontologist) - Location: Southeast corner of Washington Street and Avenue 50. ➢ Aug. 19, 2004 Historical/ Archaeological Resources Survey Report, Assessor's Parcel No. 767-580-015 (TT 32742). Applicant: Village Properties - Archaeological Consultant: CRM TECH (Michael Hogan, Principal, and Harry Quinn, Geologist/ Paleontologist) - Location: West side of Monroe Street between Mountain View Lane and Brown Deer Park. ➢ Aug. 19, 2004 Historical/ Archeological Resources Survey Report, Assessor's Parcel No. 762-240-015 (TT 32225). Applicant: Earth Systems Southwest for Vince D'Ambra - Archaeological Consultant: CRM TECH (Michael Hogan, Principal, and Harry Quinn, Geologist/ Paleontologist) - Location: Northwest corner of Madison Street and Avenue 58. ➢ Aug. 19, 2004 Paleontological Resources Assessment Report, Assessor's Parcel No. 762-240-015 (TT 32225). Applicant: Earth Systems Southwest for Vince D'Ambra - Archaeological Consultant: P:\CAROLYN\Hist Pres Com\HPC Accomplish-Update08.doc CRM TECH (Michael Hogan, Principal, and Harry Quinn, Geologist/ Paleontologist) - Location: Northwest corner of Madison Street and Avenue 58. ➢ Aug. 19, 2004 Archaeological Mitigation and Data Recovery Report - Site CA-RIV-5158 (TT 32398). Applicant: Robert Schumacher - Archaeological Consultant: CRM TECH (Michael Hogan, Principal, and Harry Quinn, Geologist/ Paleontologist) - Location: Northeast corner of Monroe Street and Avenue 60. ➢ Aug. 19, 2004 Paleontological Resources Assessment Report - Site CA-RIV-5158 (TT 32398). Applicant: Robert Schumacher - Archaeological Consultant: CRM TECH (Michael Hogan, Principal, and Harry Quinn, Geologist/ Paleontologist) - Location: Northeast corner of Monroe Street and Avenue 60. ➢ Sept. 16, 2004 Phase I Cultural Resources Investigation for Tentative Tract Map 31874. Applicant: Stonefield Development - Archaeological Consultant: San Bernardino County Museum, Division of Geological Sciences and The Keith Companies - Location: Northwest corner of Monroe Street and Avenue 53. ➢ Sept. 16, 2004 Paleontological Assessment Report for a 40-acre site for Tentative Tract Map 31874. Applicant: Stonefield Development - Archaeological Consultant: San Bernardino County Museum, Division of Geological Sciences and The Keith Companies - Location: Northwest corner of Monroe Street and Avenue 53. ➢ Sept. 16, 2004 Phase I Cultural Resources Investigation of a 17,883 square foot piece of lot. Applicant: James F. Kelly - Archaeological Consultant: The Keith Companies (Leslie J. Mouriquand) - Location: Southwest corner of Desert Club Drive and Calle Barcelona. P:\CAROLYN\Hist Pres Com\HPC Accomplish-Update08.doc ➢ Oct. 21, 2004 Cultural Resources and Paleontological Resources Monitoring Program for Mountain View Country Club. Applicant: Toll Brothers - Archaeological Consultant: LSA Associates - Location: North of Avenue 52 and east of Jefferson Street within Mountain View Country Club. ➢ Oct. 21, 2004 Historical/Archaeological Resources Survey Report for Griffin Ranch Project. Applicant: Trans West Housing, Inc. - Archaeological Consultant: CRM TECH (Michael Hogan, Principal) - Location: Southeast corner of Madison Street and Avenue 54. ➢ Oct. 21, 2004 Historical/Archaeological 2004-034 Resources Survey Report; and Addendum Archaeological Studies for The Hideaway. Applicant: ND La Quinta Partners, LLC - Archaeological Consultants For Historical /Archaeological Resources: CRM TECH (Michael Hogan, Principal) - Addendum Archaeological Studies: McKenna, et, al - Location: South side of Avenue 52, east of Madison Street. ➢ Oct. 21, 2004 Historical/Archaeological 2004-036 Resources Survey Report; and Paleontological Resources Survey Report for Tentative Tract Map 32848. Applicant: MDS Consulting for Richard Hughes - Archaeological Consultant: CRM TECH (Michael Hogan, Principal) - Location: North side of Avenue 60, west of Madison Street. ➢ Nov. 18, 2004 Archaeological Testing and Mitigation at Griffin Ranch (Tentative Tract Map 32879). Applicant: Trans West Housing - Archaeological Consultant: CRM Tech (Michael Hogan, Principal) - Location: Southeast corner of Madison Street and Avenue 54. ➢ Nov. 18, 2004 Phase I Cultural Resources Investigation of 27.7 acres. Applicant: City of La Quinta Redevelopment Agency - Archaeological Consultant: The Keith Companies (John Goodman and Leslie J. Mouriquand) - Location: P:\CAROLYN\Hist Pres Com\HPC Accomplish-UpdateO8.doc North of Avenue 48, west of Dune Palms Road and south of Highway 111. ➢ Nov. 18, 2004 Archaeological Monitoring Report for Cable Trenching, Hammer Property. Applicant: Cochran Communication Construction, Inc. - Archaeological Consultant: The Keith Companies (John Goodman and Leslie J. Mouriquand) - Location: North of Avenue 48, west of Dune Palms Road and south of Highway 111. ➢ Jan. 20, 2005 Archaeological Monitoring Program for the Arnold Palmer's Restaurant. Applicant: La Quinta Restaurant Group - Archaeological Consultant: CRM TECH (Michael Hogan, Principal) - Location: Northeast corner of Avenue 52 and Desert Club Drive. ➢ Jan. 20, 2005 Mitigation Recordation of Historic Building in Future Madison Club Site. Applicant: ND La Quinta Partners, LLC (John Gamlin) - Archaeological Consultant: CRM TECH (Michael Hogan, Principal) - Location: South side of Avenue 52, east of Madison Street. ➢ Feb. 17, 2005 Phase 11 Testing and Data Recovery at the Hammer Property. Applicant: City of La Quinta Redevelopment Agency - Archaeological Consultant: The Keith Companies (John Goodman and Leslie Mouriquand) - Location: North corner of Avenue 48 and west of Dune Palms Road. ➢ Feb. 17, 2005 Paleontological Resources Assessment Report For Griffin Ranch (Tentative Tract 32879). Applicant: Transwest Housing, Inc - Archaeological Consultant: CRM TECH (Michael Hogan, Principal) - Location: Southeast corner of Madison Street and Avenue 54. ➢ Feb. 17, 2005 Archaeological Testing and Evaluation Report For Sites CA-RIV-7521 to 7526 For The Griffin Ranch (Tentative Tract 32879). Applicant: P:\CAROLYN\Hist Pres Com\HPC Accomplish-UpdateMdoc Transwest Housing, Inc. - Archaeological Consultant: CRM TECH (Michael Hogan, Principal) - Location: Southeast corner of Madison Street and Avenue 54. ➢ March 14, 2005 Paleontological Resources Assessment Report. Applicant: Monroe Dates, LLC - Archaeological Consultant: CRM TECH (Harry Quinn, Geologist/Paleontologist) - Location: West side of Monroe Street at Avenue 61 (60-995 Monroe Street). ➢ March 14, 2005 Phase I Cultural Resources Assessment of a 28.73 Acre Property. Applicant: Monroe Dates, LLC. - Archaeological Consultant: Archaeological Advisory Group - Location: West side of Monroe Street at Avenue 61 (60-995 Monroe Street). ➢ March 14, 2005 Phase II Test of Site CA-RIV-7138/H - Archaeological Testing and Evaluation Report. Applicant: Monroe Dates, LLC. - Archaeological Consultant: CRM TECH - Location: West side of Monroe Street at Avenue 61 (60-995 Monroe Street). ➢ March 14, 2005 Historical/Archaeological Resources Survey Report for Tentative Tract Map 32979. Applicant: Foxx Homes - Archaeological Consultant: CRM TECH - Location: West of Washington Street and North of Avenue 47. ➢ April 21, 2005 Final Phase II Cultural Archaeological Test Program for Tentative Tract Map 32201. Applicant: Choice Enterprise - Archaeological Consultant: Archaeological Advisory Group (James Brock, Principal) - Location: Northwest corner of Madison Street and Avenue 60. ➢ April 21, 2005 Paleontological Evaluation Report and Mitigation Plan for a 9.78 Acre Parcel. Applicant: GLC/DUC LQ - Archaeological Consultant: Cogstone Resource Management Inc. (for ECORP Consulting, Inc.) - Location: 80-600 Avenue 58, west of Madison Street. P:\CAROLYN\Hist Pres Com\HPC Accomplish-Update08.doc ➢ April 21, 2005 Phase I Archaeological Survey Report. Applicant: GLC/DUC LQ - Archaeological Consultant: Cogstone Resource Management Inc. (for ECORP Consulting, Inc.) - Location: 80-600 Avenue 58, west of Madison Street. ➢ May 19, 2005 Archaeological Testing and Evaluation Report - Site CA-RIV-7205/H (33-12956) - Applicant: RT Hughes, LLC - Archaeological Consultant: CRM TECH (Michael Hogan, Principal) - Location: Southwest corner of Madison Street and Avenue 60. ➢ May 19, 2005 Historical/Archaeological Resources Survey Report for the Dunes Retail Center - Applicant: Jeff Loweden (The Dunes Business Park, LLC) - Archaeological Consultant: CRM TECH (Michael Hogan, Principal) - Location: North side of Highway 111, east of Dune Palms Road. ➢ May 19, 2005 Historical/Archaeological Resources Survey Report - Tentative Tract Map 33085 - Applicant: Core Homes, LLC, - Archaeological Consultant: CRM TECH (Michael Hogan, Principal) - Location: West side of Madison Street between Avenue 50 and Avenue 52. ➢ May 19, 2005 Paleontological Resources Assessment Report - Tentative Tract Map 33085 - Applicant: Core Homes, LLC - Archaeological Consultant: CRM TECH (Michael Hogan, Principal) - Location: West side of Madison Street between Avenue 50 and Avenue 52. ➢ July 21, 2005 Paleontological Evaluation Report and Mitigation Plan - Applicant: Quadrant, Inc. - Archaeological Consultant: Cogstone Resource Management, Inc. (for ECORP Consulting) - Location: South side of Avenue 58, west of Monroe Street. ➢ July 21, 2005 Phase II (Test Level) Archaeological Investigation at CA-RIV-5211, Tentative Tract Map 31732 - Applicant: IREC PAC LQ/197, LLC - Archaeological Consultant: Archaeological P:\CAROLYN\Hist Pres Com\HPC Accomplish-UpdateMdoc Resource Management Corporation (Carol R. Demcak, RPA and Sue A. Wade, RPA - Location: Southeast corner of Monroe Street and Avenue 60. ➢ Oct. 20, 2005 Revised Cultural Resources Phase I Survey for the Costco Project. Applicant: HDR Engineering, Inc. for KOMAR Development - Archaeological Consultant: Harris Archaeological Consultants (Nina Harris, RPA) - Location: South Side of Highway 111, midway between Jefferson Street and Dune Palms Road. )o- Oct. 20, 2005 Revised Cultural Resources Phase II Test for the Costco Project. Applicant: HDR Engineering, Inc. for KOMAR Development - Archaeological Consultant: Harris Archaeological Consultants (Nina Harris, RPA) - Location: South Side of Highway 111, midway between Jefferson Street and Dune Palms Road. ➢ Oct. 20, 2005 Phase I Cultural Resources Survey Report for Proposed Tentative Tract 33801. Applicant: Blake Jumper - Archaeological Consultant: Vanessa Mirro, Applied Earth Works, Inc. - Location: West side of Madison Street, 500 feet north of Avenue 60. ➢ Oct. 20, 2005 Paleontological Evaluation Report and Mitigation Plan for a 2.58 acre parcel. Applicant: Blake Jumper - Archaeological Consultant: Vanessa Mirro, Applied Earth Works, Inc. - Location: West side of Madison Street, 500 feet north of Avenue 60. ➢ Oct. 20, 2005 Phase I Cultural Resources Survey Report for Proposed Tentative Tract 33802. Applicant: Blake Jumper - Archaeological Consultant: Vanessa Mirro, Applied Earth Works, Inc. - Location: Calle Conchita and Madison Street, about 1,000 feet north of Avenue 60. ➢ Oct. 20, 2005 Paleontological Evaluation Report and Mitigation Plan for a 2.66 acre parcel. Applicant: Blake Jumper - Archaeological Consultant: Vanessa P:\CAROLYMHist Pres Com\HPC Accomplish-Update08.doc Mirro, Applied Earth Works, Inc. - Location: Calle Conchita and Madison Street, about 1,000 feet north of Avenue 60. ➢ Nov. 17, 2005 Cultural Resources Phase I Survey for Tentative Tract Map 34243. Applicant: Masque Development, Inc. - Archaeological Consultant: CRM Tech (Tom Tang & Michael Hogan, Principals) - Location: North side of Avenue 58, ±980 feet west of Madison Street. ➢ Nov. 17, 2005 Paleontological Resources Assessment Report for Tentative Tract Map 34243, Applicant: Masque Development, Inc. - Archaeological Consultant: CRM Tech (Tom Tang & Michael Hogan, Principals) - Location: North side of Avenue 58, ±980 feet west of Madison Street. ➢ Feb. 16, 2006 Approved Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed Casa La Quinta Project. Applicant: Borrego Resort Holdings, LLC - Archaeological Consultant: Foothill Archaeological Services - Location: South side of Calle Tampico, between Avenida Navarro and Avenida Villa. ➢ Feb. 16, 2006 Approved Paleontological Records Review of the Proposed Casa La Quinta Condominiums. Applicant: Borrego Resort Holdings, LLC - Archaeological Consultant: Bonterra Consulting - Location: South side of Calle Tampico, between Avenida Navarro and Avenida Villa. ➢ March 16, 2006 Denied Phase I Cultural Resources Survey Report for Proposed Tentative Tract Map 34495. Applicant: John Hansen (Garland Project) - Consultants: Larry Pierson, RPA, Brian F. Smith & Associates, George L. Kennedy, Ph.D. - Location: Calle Conchita and Madison Street, about 1,000 feet north of Avenue 60. ➢ March 16, 2006 Paleontological Evaluation Report and Mitigation Plan for a 13.75 Acre Parcel. Applicant: John Hansen (Garland Project) - Consultants: Larry Pierson, RPA, Brian F. Smith & Associates, George L. Kennedy, Ph.D. - Location: Calle P:\CAROLYN\Hist Pres Com\HPC Accomplish-Update08.doc Conchita and Madison Street, about 1,000 feet north of Avenue 60. ➢ April 27, 2006 Revised Phase I Cultural Resources survey Report for Proposed Tentative Tract Map 34495. Applicant: John Hansen (Garland Project) - Consultants: Larry Pierson, RPA, Brian F. Smith & Associates, George L. Kennedy, Ph.D., Brian F. Smith & Associates, Seth Rosenberg, Project Archaeologist. ➢ May 18, 2006 Phase I Cultural Resources Survey Report for Proposed Eden Rock Residential Development. Applicant: Chris Hentzen, GMA - Consultants: CRM Tech (Michael Hogan) - Location: North side of PGA Boulevard within PGA West. ➢ May 18, 2006 Paleontological Evaluation Report and Mitigation Proposed Eden Rock Residential Development. Applicant: Chris Hentzen, GMA - Consultants: CRM Tech (Michael Hogan) - Location: North side of PGA Boulevard within PGA West. ➢ June 15, 2006 Paleontological Evaluation Report and Mitigation Plan for a 4.84 Acre Parcel. Applicant: David Maman Designs - Consultants: Robert White and John Minch for Eilar Associates - Location: South side of Avenue 58, West of Monroe Street. ➢ July 20, 2006 Phase I Cultural Resources Survey Report for a 15± Acre Site. Application: Jerry Herman, Trans West Housing - Consultants: CRM TECH (Daniel Ballester and Laura Hensley Shaker) - Location: West side of Monroe Street, '/4 mile south of Avenue 54. ➢ July 20, 2006 Paleontological Evaluation Report and Mitigation Plan for a 15 ± Acre Site. Applicant: Jerry Herman, Trans West Housing - Consultants: CRM TECH (Harry M. Quinn) - Location: West side of Monroe Street, 'A mile south of Avenue 54. P:\CAROLYMHist Pres Com\HPC Accomplish-Update08.doc ➢ Sept. 21, 2006 Phase I Cultural Resources Survey Report for a 40± acre site, Assessor's Parcel Number 767- 320-009. Applicant: Jerry Herman, Trans West Housing - Consultants: CRM TECH (Terri Jacquemain, Daniel Ballester and Laura Hensley Shaker) - Location: Southwest corner of Avenue 54 and Monroe Street. ➢ Sept. 21, 2006 Paleontological Evaluation Report and Mitigation Plan for a 40± acre site, Assessor's Parcel Number: 767-320-009. Applicant: Jerry Herman, Trans West housing - Consultants: CRM TECH (Harry M. Quinn and Thomas Shackford) - Location: Southwest corner of Avenue 54 and Monroe Street. ➢ Jan. 18, 2007 City-wide Historic Resources Survey Update. Applicant: City of La Quinta - Consultants: CRM TECH (Bai "Tom" Tang) - Location: City- wide. ➢ May 17, 2007 Historical/Archaeological Resources Survey Report for The Enclave at La Quinta. Applicant: Bayshore Development Company - Consultants: CRM TECH (Michael Hogan and Bai Tang, Principals) - Location: Northeast corner of Monroe Street and Avenue 62 in the City's Sphere of Influence. ➢ May 17, 2007 Paleontological Resources Assessment Report for The Enclave at La Quinta. Applicant: Bayshore Development Company - Consultants: CRM TECH (Michael Hogan and Bai Tang, Principals) - Location: Northeast corner of Monroe Street and Avenue 62 in the City's Sphere of Influence. ➢ June 21, 2007 Historical/Archaeological Resources Survey Report for The La Quinta Country Club Clubhouse. Applicant: Heinz U. Hofmann (La Quinta Country Club Clubhouse) - Location: Northeast corner of Eisenhower Drive and Avenue 50. ➢ June 21, 2007 Paleontological Resources Assessment Report for The La Quinta Country Club. Applicant: Heinz P:\CAROLYMHist Pres Com\HPC Accomplish-UpdateMdoc U. Hofmann (La Quinta Country Club Clubhouse) - Location: Northeast corner of Eisenhower Drive and Avenue 50. ➢ Aug. 16, 2007 Paleontological Resources Assessment of the Travertine Project, La Quinta, Riverside County, California. Report approved as submitted. Applicant: Hoffman Land Development - Consultants: SDWCA Environmental Consultants - Location: Area roughly bounded by the extensions of Jefferson Street, Madison Street, Avenue 60 and Avenue 63. ➢ Aug. 16, 2007 1►. Class III Cultural Resources Inventory and Evaluation, Including Limited Subsurface Testing of Archaeological Site Ca-Riv-7394 for the Proposed Travertine Development Project, and 21. Phase I Report on Vineyards Within Section 33 of the Proposed Travertine Development Project. Reports approved as submitted. Applicant: Travertine Corporation - Consultants: SWCA Environmental Consultants - Location: Area roughly bounded by the extensions of Jefferson Street, Madison Street, Avenue 60 and Avenue 63. ➢ Aug. 16, 2007 Paleontological Evaluation Report and Mitigation Plan for a 3.4± Acre Site, Assessor's Parcel Number 770-020-012. Report approved as submitted. Applicant: Dan Cline, Forward Architecture and Design - Consultant: George L. Kennedy, Ph.D., Brian F. Smith & Associates - Location: Northeast corner of Calle Tampico and Desert Club Drive. ➢ Aug. 16, 2007 Phase I Cultural Resources Survey Report for a 3.4± Acre Site, Assessor's Parcel Number 770- 020-012. Report approved as submitted. Applicant: Dan Cline, Forward Architecture and Design - Consultant: CRM Tech (Clarence Bodmer, Daniel Ballester, and Laura Hensley Shaker). ➢ Aug. 16, 2007 Updated Cultural Resources Report for St. Francis Church Parking Lot. Report approved as P:\CAROLYN\Hist Pres Com\HPC Accomplish-Update08.doc submitted. Applicant: Prest Vuksic Architects - Consultant: CRM Tech (Michael Hogan, Ph.D.) - Location: Washington Street, 500 feet south of Avenue 47. ➢ Sept. 20, 2007 Phase I Cultural Resources Investigation of 76.76 Acres - Tentative Tract 35238 approved as submitted. Applicant: La Quinta Motorcoach Resort, Inc. - Consultants: Applied Earth Works, Inc. (Michael Mirro and Tracy Formica) - Location: South Side of Avenue 58 between Monroe Street and Jackson Street. ➢ Sept. 20, 2007 Paleontological Records Review, La Quinta Property, Riverside County, California. Applicant: La Quinta Motorcoach Resort, Inc. - Consultants: Applied Earth Works, Inc. (Michael Mirro and Tracy Formica) - Location: South Side of Avenue 58 between Monroe Street and Jackson Street. ➢ Dec. 6, 2007 Historical/Archaeological Resources Survey Report for Tentative Parcel Map 31876. Applicant: The Robert Mayer Corporation (Larry Brose) - consultants: CRM TECH (Michael Hogan, Principal) - Location: North side of Fred Waring Drive, between Washington Street and Palm Royale Drive. ➢ ACCOMPLISHMENTS & SITES OF INTEREST ✓ Hacienda del Gato/Tradition ✓ The lumberyard (the Vet's office) ✓ The Museum ✓ Capping of R1V 1179 (in Tradition) ✓ Adopted the first City-wide Historic Resources Survey, conducted in 1997 ✓ Adopted the second City-wide Historic Resources Survey, conducted in 2007 ✓ The La Quinta Hotel retrofit ✓ City-wide plaque program ✓ The Miraflores Housing Subdivision ✓ The National Register Assessments of the La Quinta Hotel, Walter Morgan House, Cyrus Pierce House and La Sala P:\CAROLYMHist Pres Com\HPC Accomplish-Update08.doc ✓ The discovery of the Burning Dune site (CA-RIV-4754) - Buried middin within the site, northeast corner of Adams and 48th ✓ Phase III data recovery of two archaeological sites determined to be potentially significant according to National Register criteria within Tentative Tract Map 28964 - cremains (now Talante) ✓ President's Award bestowed by the California Preservation Foundation for exceptional service in preserving California's cultural and architectural heritage ✓ Update the City's Historic Context Statement ✓ Assisted the California Preservation Foundation Annual Meeting in Palm Springs in May 1999 ✓ Point Happy Ranch and the Dupont House (Oral History and documentation) ✓ Marshall Ranch ✓ Directed applicant on the proper way to preserve the historicity of the building where the El Ranchito restaurant is located ✓ Directed applicant on the proper way to preserve the historicity of the real estate building on the corner of Calle Estado and Avenida Bermudas ✓ Cameo Palms house building in the 1930's ✓ Dune Palms Road House ✓ Identified landscape features - All American Canal and Date Palm Grove at 52"d Avenue and Jefferson ✓ (See minutes 9/18/97 for list from Mellon & Assoc) ✓ Historic Plaque Program (Point Happy - PDNB - Tradition/Hacienda del Gato - ✓ Troll-Woodpark CA-RIV-2936 - floor and chimney site to be placed under a parking lot - northwest of intersection of Highway 111 and Dune Palms. ✓ LQ Arts Foundation - CA-RIV-2199, CA-RIV-4168 - west side of Washington Street, north of the extension of 48`h Avenue. (prehistoric site (CA-RIV-6214), temporary camp, scatters of pottery, animal bone, two shell beads and fire affected rock. (6214 is determined to not be an historic resource because it lacks subsurface deposits, intact features, and adequate artifact quantity and diversity to address substantive research questions.) (5/18/00 - Cultural Resources Report on Archaeological Testing and Evaluation on Site CA-RIV-6214 (EA 2000-394) - beads found - all artifacts to be submitted to the City for curation.) ✓ Cultural Resources Survey, Historic Buildings Evaluation and Archaeological Testing for Norman Golf Course; Results of Monitoring and Archaeological Testing at Site CA-RIV-6361; and Results of Paleontological Monitoring Program within the Norman Golf Course, on P:\CAROLYN\Hist Pres Com\HPC Accomplish-UpdateO8.doc the north side of Airport Boulevard, between Madison Street and Monroe Street. (skull found) ✓ Washington Square (Eagle Hardware - now Lowe's) re -burial - CA- RIV-150. ✓ Point Happy Commercial - CA-RIV-3659H - cremains ✓ Village on the Green (Miraflores) - capped site - human remains identified by the Coroner's Office ✓ Washington/Miles - cremation site and cremains - CA-RIV-6275, CA- RIV-6276, CA-RIV-6277 OTHER ITEMS OF INTEREST 44 Robert Wright and Maria Puente - original commissioners from May 17, 1994. PACAROLYMHist Pres Com\HPC Accomplish-UpdateOB.doc HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION FROM: LES JOHNSON, PLANNING DIRECTOR VIA: STAN SAWA, PRINCIPAL PLANNER SUBJECT: HISTORIC CONTEXT STATEMENT REVISION SCHEDULE DATE: MARCH 20, 2008 Completion of the City Historic Context Statement has been identified as one of this years work program goals. The original draft was done in 1997, but never adopted by the City. Because the draft was done over 10 years ago, revision and updating is necessary for it to accurately reflect the City and its history. Staff is in the early stages of its update. A schedule for revision and completion of the Historic Context statement has been prepared as follows: Task Target Completion Date Final Staff review for needed revisions March 28, 2008 Revisions to document: Sections 1-3 (review by HPC) May 15, 2008 Sections 4-8 (review by HPC) June 19, 2008 Review of total document by HPC July 17, 2008 Review by Planning Commission August 12, 2008 Review and approval by City Council September 2, 2008 P:\Reports-hpc\2008\3-20-08\historic context memo 2 hpc.doc HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION FROM: LES JOHNSON, PLANNING DIRECTOR \ VIA: STAN SAWA, PRINCIPAL PLANNER SUBJECT: HISTORIC CONTEXT STATEMENT REVISION SCHEDULE DATE: MARCH 20, 2008 Completion of the City Historic Context Statement has been identified as one of this years work program goals. The original draft was done in 1997, but never adopted by the City. Because the draft was done over 10 years ago, revision and updating is necessary for it to accurately reflect the City and its history. Staff is in the early stages of its update. A schedule for revision and completion of the Historic Context statement has been prepared as follows: Task Target Completion Date Final Staff review for needed revisions March 28, 2008 Revisions to document: Sections 1-3 (review by HPC) May 15, 2008 Sections 4-8 (review by HPC) June 19, 2008 Review of total document by HPC July 17, 2008 Review by Planning Commission August 12, 2008 Review and approval by City Council September 2, 2008 P:\Reports-hpc\2008\3-20-08\historic context memo 2 hpc.doc Eos AnQeles Times erTXW1GWe8 122rAuee ix . U Thursday, March 20„2008: Inland Empire llaa,nNAT6a AnAd atnw ____ _____ _.... dN lnuaiort oJllnq. The president said the war was a ytBhl America ban and muaR win."NATION.M anvtu Putuo nraroNW lwv.. IN IRAQ; U.S. tmoparace out efan armoreduehtcto nw3heaettafRaghdad. An hvgi council dropped.W.0,10na to a taw that helps Clear the wayjaryrvv.statat election, Considered key to reconciling the ceuntry's ethnicand reliplonjaetfon, tVQRLO; AV COLUMN ONE song in his heart Ond in 2is roots A.. country -western Iformer in search of k#s biological parents hats a musical t�gqnnectton — and a 1Qother to boot. r I'lN SWW` Yikr A ¢chelunetton, Ariz. HB rGFFrB was over, the drinks were fl¢wingandthe 'e grey-haired crowd " at VFW Post 0399 JNnmamoodtopariywhen caa�e^vi�d Semyappwechedthe Yt"a" AlanW'eouthPandena emger-songwriter, Serbyhm beenan edto sit inwhIrthe IN SAN FRANCISCO: Potictolash - With demontrataramaMyiip44eJVth anniversary of the war. NAUCIS, M It's a Pentagon "divided Tension rises about when to bring troops home, elfposing rifts over long-term Iraq war strategy. By 1e41AN B. BANNS. flmaf saffa ,4r WASHINGTON — By many im- portant measures, the U.S, mll- itary hoe reason to feel better about Iraq. Violence has de- chned, casualties ere down, the president is touting the current Strategy end the public% an- guish has ebbed. But Inside the Pentagon, turmoil over the war has m- cressed. sup levels of tire m0- itary leadership remem di- vided overwar strategy and the pace ottroop cute. Te4smm has risen along with concern Over the strew of unending Cycles of deployments. In one camp krethe ground Commanders, mcluding Gen, David H. retreads, who have pushed to keep a large troop presence In Iraq, Worted that withdrawingtoo quickly Will al- low violence to flare. In the other are the military service and high troop levels will drive away mid-levol service mein• ben, leaving the Army and Me- rin Corps hollowed out and the fifth anmversaryof the lrnq invest= Wednesday, said he Would act approve nay U.S. troop withdrawals that could Jeopardize Security gales St• ready made there. Indeed. top FWA91 L.A. stops 5,553-unit, home plan In a rare move, the City Council blocks Las Lomas, the focus of increasing anger over urban sprawl. By DAVID ZAHNIana R.X Ywp W/IM A divided Los a fatal 'This project Would have put 111,000 OM a al- ready heavily impaccted are%" Saki City counenman ordif Smith, who represents the northwest San Fernando Val- loy.'"rhe people of LA. said we aen't take that w ynwre. We're tlredoflt." The 30-5 vote, wrach m- strvated the Planning Depart- metit to stop pmeee akng the ap- pllcatlon, represented a huge vletory for Smith, who had sr - Sued that the Wunea had no need to review a pooled that Would flood the region with traffic and yet is ImWde city limits. The decision also reflected the heightened anxiety Over growth and traffic felt by some of the city% elected ofllclels, whoaHmat never issue ancut• right rejection of a develop• mewpwpodd For weeks, tas Lomas Land Co. had been waging an uPhal battle to keep the project via - his, arguing that Log Angeles should process an onvirortmen- W Impact report and than an- nex the firm% land firm min. eoepersted Los Angeles Can. The company said it bad spent $20 million amce 2008 trying to get its PrgJmt ap- In reav ways, Los Angeles had been the devetopmenVa last resort. The site, just north Of Where the Golden State Freeway Intersects, the 14. Is In territory represented by Las Angeles' County Supervisor Mike Anto- novlch, who opposed the prot- ect. Much of It borders Santa Cladta, which also had lought (See PmJect, McA14J Why this downturn doesn't portend another Depression By MICHABLA. HILT.M nmea AW%9, fe' Dysametional capital mar, the crippling of onetme giants such as Bear Steams Cos., Countrywide Financial Corp. am Amerlquest Mortgage Co. Mary emmndets believe sank Gm7� 1 i\ ! aw,ec.: swv, oerwwm, uses 9WM maNM I.eute a/.nt.eap I.AN UC look to Texas for new presider Mark Yudof has it a large system, be pay could be an i' By LAdayGUADON ".8mow w The chancellor of i varsity of TWe" systet leading candidate to the next President of versify of Callforala am named to that post an today, allordmg W knowledgeablewureat Mark G.YUdoQeleg arwho has headed the pus Texas system Sind Intalks with allCngm mttee to succeed cur chief Robert C. Dynes scheduled to retire In ternowlyaveyeamm) Though aoutcea on VISION California I went Is not a done is aim add that he Is we strongeat name, in an tionalaevrhforenewl the 10-campus UC sysl experience presiding , other huge, public w &Airy with both ban graduate Programs phstleated medical makes a good flt.for I said. -The moue is on m one ohlelat who n anonymity beam of Ildentlalnatureofthet - The UC regents She in San Francisco Code previously unechaduli abouta Bmcwl mssion A14 THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 2008 LOS ANGELES TIMES ,F,F Pruc*,ject 1S St() ed in its tracts, Wroject,from Papa All them idect. Thatleft f.03'Angeles, Where Smith introduced a proposal last month to stop an wank on the project, partly to avoid wasting the Planning Deport- ment's time over the next two years, Even Las Lomas' defender on the ebunciludd theycild pot live the proposal, Which Would have placed a smell cry on a chaparral -covered kniside. But they argued that the city al, ready had made a promise to review it — and that stopping would leave Los Angeles vul- nerable In court. "Our city attorney has said that lied, fall to move forward, he behaves we ern m great jeop- ardv of being sued,," slim Coun, oilmen &chardAlareornwhgsa Son Fernando Valley district bordersthe Last omaesh, Alarcon, along With Corm - oilmen Ed Reyes, Jose Halsor, Herb Wesson and Bernmd C. Parke,vatedtpkeeptheproject an". WednesdWs vote delivered the councils most direct repa- dishon of a mai0r,developer, since 2003, when issued to stop the 3,050-home _41ins an Ranch develapment inVentum County that was ultimately Within the city's borders, the council in recent years has approved mom than 5,800 homes at Plays Vista, just The next major residential' DPHILL BATTLE: FbrmanynPPane Oct4sLamrtkthestt"sieephttfsonda4dfuswa WildiVecorrtdormadettapoorchoicefo thousmrds0(nmatmideosae."Wilalnrtribivote Wedric day, gfMryears Ofbatttes, is probably afatal bamolid the project. strategy Of "smart growth" budding greater density along transit corridors and filling in gapaineldstingurban areas. "We believe that Las Lomas is 4 floe project prodding many . benefits to the community," he end. Opponents had a dramatl- raly different view, saying Les Lomas represented more ur- L400 homes. Sanm Cgarita played a sig- nifloam role in the Lag LonrEs fight, reigning veteran lobby - let Steve Atiat in malre lteesse In Las Angeles. Las Lama re, lied on several lobbying Mine, moluding can headetl by Fer- nando f3uerra, a Loyola mount Maty- University p b nW, and Weston Itenshoof anew project loreeenLO,Argef2s0& ban apmWl, albeit mespeckdly firm that has aggressively' ficials Will be Pante Vista, a steep terrain. raised money for annual mem- 1,950-home subdivision planned to San Pedro, which "A proposal m build a mind- ebyonthesideofammm min bemoverthelastyeen WestunHenshaofwasaw- couldmcerveaPlanningCom- themNme oPe wildlile0mr1dor host ofmndralsem last year for mission review by late summer, doesn't begin to meet the deft- Alumna, Wesson, Parks, Hut A 2,900-home development nitlon of smart gruatq" said zar and Reyes — all of whom planned for Uuversai City Santa Clerita City Councg- sided with Les Lomas.-wwau could receive its first public woman Diane Trautman as council members Janice hearingby theend ofth year. Tmutmon said she believes Hahn, :ors LeBonge and Big 7 Dan Palmer, president of -the cwmel's decision eflec- RosendeN. The firm _. held Las Lomas Land Co., said he tively kilts LasLonms. Still, she eventsforChyAtdy,ROcJWDel- pose! for Idling the project, he beaded k copy in Almon on the emmoefWor. Refire Smith had teddies gathering sW%- tams for the motion, an Alsr- ton aide had farad the motion to start tea to Looms Land Co. Alarcon add his Edda was Wrong In doing so. "It would have been in the public record anyway:'hesaid , Alarcons biggest boost came in December, when Deb gedeipsounce issued a legs, opinion stadrlg that the city should continue processing the Las LLm1B5 implication, be- oause the Planning Depart - mart had been him" the casefpryears. That confidential opium fell into the bands of neighbor- hood comet leaders, wlio ire. :%iNIfABMglta8Q1I�}'finonetdl�m�ryd,obpoPtb¢ ' Biateat-gloWingparCebf Southern C&Wngia. ere Lpn "Wild nIP�-deealuprhlntirypPosldPot'thepre&$eW it atberseitrylrprapaeedorpyIlE: 1CgtgeanYal VRlage VINE CePYO'U eery About gamniadcrthW04 of Thlimtleatwoultl Wi SantisCgmita, Caoteegdsga amesend basejza masilr-Planalt}peWtuWll,te being tadaedillev ' detdchldppita�LS spa®ekktOPconaoa Tejon ltanOhiThpbu�#aW, developmanterquldlpt6tgr' aBIOI, BOeltEpofoi+n mto•mileaotiralbew CheAD11119 o�lnteletata,6aPd CBWorua F994Mi¢29"ywaT oaf boarws vdifii plazis. � 2"966 BaretaRkoathe SeidaClpr'jte, •AnBvetde press, 'SItyllne'Rane6i - • - a legildmthenpnblastern eadte ciattta valrey, HF,t'Wreta scaled modal r 2,1g9 amY,8and, weolrupadnt@ 1,82a $In& -MR MYOX" It wm feguireaparkorrpinlliUM andp.sehool lbs. About 1,000 ad@ahass bulkillwo,00-bold 110000de master-pVj Obmnlanily, TheessHHqq devektpmentwouldrd k"ravlumsosm ols Peett4, =th4U7,lO{ .theurojeett etaslaty Rhter Ranch' Workiyetsotemporall halted at glitter Haan} 7.RWbopmO�s, 4thiil(umgggdp g�ut 11*11 a lbree Ob0imniltd ''arks moatputthandeai instailad, buthonies$ inbetiWRlutlde w9mj mmomthandpP00aq Idlaabovairehrldalec� valley. dgaottheAd v —Axx M, 14 mg itself as the 4Wner of the- roast was wrong in a cans j rend. While Smith Pointed out Lincoln Plara a coo ghat some of the site is owned Venice where hundred by nXin Nuys resident, Las U. ants were meted. rune said it had an option to - He also reminded. buy theland — and had be- thatDelgadhluhadam haved Properly. council not to pursue i To strengthen his real, lion R,the2oofibalotl against the Project ,Smith that Weakened term lit liked a onethne lawyer fir Los anoWed Ahupm to id Angeles County Who adtdwd the agency that OItYHaIL has not decided on ids neat made. Mind, her cdy's position on Las Lomas tldee not necessarily gedlibus o®eeholder account medietey posted it on their 4PP an- resmttons. And pn Wednesday, Mr. Alarcon, you s beheretodayifwebad ^ -- he voiced dice Olm„ Santa curim would opposeunotherr endantl:racalleBorG. In the weeks wangle. Alarcon demanded an do into the aoumz of Smith tried in away his col- leagues against l.ss Lomas by to the city agarney: rent With the wanWBpdeal- sion, saying his coin prgY had developments planned for the 8mtr Clarlte the vote, the City Ilant menu oaring over Les Lomas intensi- rho Wk Small called for Writing, Out other Deigpmeo said, . . worlmd hard W make Los Lo- rose environmentally wind Valley. That list includes the fled, with Alarcon red Small a criminal investigation in determine g legal opinions that turned Out mbewrong daaid.;ohntser(diatina ?4mees.ai}'wNterAnn with end m klaPuig with the city'a Ranchupcom, "olVistad Canyon upW Ranee. which wood have upon each seekingtheupperhrtut, When Smith wrote big Pm• Lee Lomas had behaved DaWfuniub, when morainal- Smth,reminded Hosendald that Sipe atty;athuaaya nine, SYmmwrs tontrfkvtedh report.• The_Ntirrietrnm_4,tehnlux hu,