2008 05 21 RDA MinutesLA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADJOURNED MEETING MINUTES MAY 21, 2008 An adjourned meeting of the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency was called to order by Chairman Kirk at 5:30 p.m. PRESENT: Agency Members Adolph, Henderson, Osborne, Sniff, Chairman Kirk ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT -None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA -Confirmed CONSENT CALENDAR -None BUSINESS SESSION 1. CONSIDERATION OF SILVERROCK RESORT CLUBHOUSE DESIGN DEVELOPMENT PLANS, SITE PLAN, INTERIOR DESIGN PROGRAM, LEED CERTIFICATION UPDATE, AND BUDGET UPDATE. Assistant City Manager-Development Services Evans presented the staff report. Bob Altevers, of Altevers Associates, reviewed the Clubhouse Arrival Perspective with modifications based on comments from the Agency at a previous meeting relating to the tower dome; and reviewed materials for the exterior, location of fountains, and clubhouse floor plan. Agency Member Osborne inquired about an outside smoking area, and why the golf entry area is accessed through the seating area. Mr. Altevers explained there is more room in the seating area than what is depicted in the renderings, and stated a smoking area will be provided off of the locker room area. He added a ramada can also be provided away from the building for smoking. Redevelopment Agency 2 May 21, 2008 Adjourned Meeting Minutes Assistant City Manager-Development Services Evans provided an update on legislation regarding indoor/outdoor smoking, and stated there are many lawn areas that will accommodate smoking. Agency Member Osborne stated it would be nice to have a place for smokers and not offend others. Agency Member Sniff stated he likes the dome, and asked how it would be illuminated. He also asked about the bands of color on the exterior and the interior beams to be used. Mr. Altevers stated there will be up-lighting from the landscaping on the outside, and the inside will be illuminated by a chandelier and cove lighting. The color bands will be approximately six inches wide; and the solid timber beams will vary in size from 6" X 8" to 12" X 14". Agency Member Sniff asked about the height of the ceilings, and how many people the building would accommodate. Mr. Altevers stated the heights range from 10' to 15"6", and the building will accommodate up to 400 people. He also confirmed the clubhouse design is approximately 1,000 square feet larger than previously proposed, and that ceiling fans can be used to circulate air in the high ceilings. Agency Member Adolph asked about the possibility of using the long hallway for lockers instead of being wasted space. Mr. Altevers stated they anticipate the hallway being used as a bag drop area. Agency Member Adolph noted the interior elevations don't show the fireplace at the entrance, and Ms. Amy Altevers, of Altevers Associates, stated it will be similar to the outside design. Agency Member Adolph stated he supports the changes made to the cart barn area. Agency Member Henderson stated she is very impressed with the dome, especially since it has been opened up. Chairman Kirk expressed appreciation for the presentation and photo simulation. He feels the cart barn design is much better, and asked if staff is happy with it. Randy Duncan, representing Landmark Golf, responded, "Yes." Chairman Kirk inquired about the colors used for the dome and the design of the top element. Mr. Altevers stated the patterns and colors still need to be designed, but assured him they will not be washed-out colors. He stated the top element of the dome is a stone copula to decorate the dome. Chairman Kirk asked if any door surrounds would be used on the outside where they are not being used on the inside of an opening. Mr. Altevers stated there would be some at the board room, conference room, and golf shop, but they Redevelopment Agency 3 May 21, 2008 Adjourned Meeting Minutes didn't feel it was needed on the inside. Chairman Kirk stated the use of palm trees has significantly mitigated his concerns about the horizontal plane of the roof. He asked if the perspective was done before completing a study of the dome, to which Mr. Altevers responded that it was not. Agency Member Sniff stated he would like to see some banding differentiation on the exterior of the tower leading to the dome to provide a better sense of design. Chairman Kirk stated he would like to see more detail on the tower in the final design. Ms. Altevers then reviewed the interior design, including materials to be utilized for paving inside and outside of the building, wall finishes, upholstery, lighting, dining areas, bar area, banquet seating area, board room, restrooms, and locker rooms. Agency Member Henderson asked about the size of the chandelier in the entrance. Ms. Altevers stated it has not yet been determined, but will be scaled to the area. Agency Member Henderson commented on the light color of the carpet, the gothic look of the chandeliers in the dining room, and asked if red chairs are proposed in the interior. Ms. Altevers stated they are still working on carpet colors; as for the chandeliers, the chain will be different and shades will be added. She confirmed no red chairs are proposed. In response to Agency Member Adolph, Ms. Altevers confirmed area rugs will be fastened down in areas where tripping is a concern. She also addressed his concern about the difficulty of moving stacking chairs on the carpet, stating carpet glides will be used on the dining and banquet chairs and casters on the bar chairs. Agency Member Sniff asked about any plans for water features or inset lighting along the walls, and if the carpeting would be fire resistant. Ms. Altevers stated no water features or inset lighting are proposed, and confirmed the carpeting and fabrics will be fire resistant. Agency Member Sniff also asked about the height and adjustability of the light fixtures, and the possibility of using partition walls for added privacy in any of the rooms. Ms. Altevers stated the chandeliers will be 8 to 9 feet high, and have dimmer controls. She further stated the ballroom will have two walls, and the board room could be used as a private dining area. Agency Member Osborne suggested the possibility of using teak wood instead of wrought aluminum for patio seating because of heat from Redevelopment Agency 4 May 21, 2008 Adjourned Meeting Minutes the sun. Ms. Altevers stated the wrought aluminum will get warm, but not hot, and the teak wood would be heavier and more expensive. Agency Member Osborne voiced concern about the size of the board room. Ms. Altevers stated the table seating can be increased to accommodate 14 chairs, and a few chairs can be added along the side wall. Agency Member Sniff stated he believes there will be a demand for private areas. Chairman Kirk inquired as to how a group of 20 to 30 people could be accommodated. Ms. Altevers referenced the possibility of outdoor seating, or having partition walls available. In response to Agency Member Sniff, Mr. Altevers stated the glass will be a light solar bronze tone, and a skylight will be utilized in the hallway going into the golf shop. Agency Member Adolph asked about the availability of umbrellas on patio areas to deflect the sunlight. Mr. Altevers stated the plans call for umbrellas near the trellis area. In response to Agency Member Osborne, Mr. Altevers stated heaters will be available, and misters for cooling can be added along the back wall in the patio area. Chairman Kirk suggested a solar study of the patio areas would be beneficial, and inquired about a theme for the artwork. Ms. Altevers stated the artwork theme, which they do not have at this time, will tie in to the hacienda atmosphere. Yul Roe, of HAS Landscape Architects, reviewed various aspects of the site plan including a reduction in the lake size, arrival and cart staging areas, and parking. Agency Member Osborne inquired about the surface proposed for the staging area, and about any plans for an outside grill. Mr. Roe stated pavers will be used with tree grates around the date palms. As for plans for an outside grill, he stated there will be a snack bar. Agency Member Sniff questioned Medjool Date Palms being the most appropriate type of date tree to use. In response to an inquiry by Chairman Kirk, he stated date trees about 15 feet high that have not been moved multiple times should be fine to use. Redevelopment Agency 5 May 21, 2008 Adjourned Meeting Minutes In response to Chairman Kirk, Mr. Roe confirmed the tree grates will be of sufficient size to accommodate the ball of the trees if any have to be removed. Agency Member Adolph commented on the importance of harvesting the date trees to avoid having dates fall to the ground. He also suggested not using an abundant number of citrus trees because they attract bees. Agency Member Henderson commented on the importance of having shade in the staging area and adequate space for the trees to grow. Mr. Roe stated the tree fronds will overlap as they mature, and they anticipate the trees growing to approximately 18 feet high. Chairman Kirk stated he feels a more obvious drop-off area is needed for self-parking. Mr. Roe confirmed the area can be widened, and Assistant City Manager-Development Services Evans noted there is enough space to include apull-out lane. Chairman Kirk asked what will make this clubhouse special from other clubhouses. Mr. Roe stated he feels the introduction of date palms in the entry will have a dramatic effect. Chairman Kirk stated he would like to see something special or unique incorporated. Mr. Roe explained they have not gone to that level of detail yet. Chairman Kirk requested they come back with something dramatic to review. Ron Nester, of Nestor+Gaffney Architects, reviewed the qualifications the project meets for LEED certification. He stated additional LEED points are possible through reduction of mercury in lighting fixtures, exemplary landscape irrigation, green cleaning methods, and golf cart trails. In response to Agency Member Osborne, Mr. Nester stated about 12'/z % of the electricity generated for the clubhouse will be from solar panels. Assistant City Manager-Development Services Evans noted solar panels will be a large percentage of the total amenity package cost for LEED certification. He noted LEED only allows credits for up to 12'/z % of the building. Agency Member Osborne stated he is more concerned about energy and water efficiency than he is about LEED points. He questioned the cost effectiveness of spending 5500,000 to generate 12% of the facility's energy. Assistant City Manager-Development Services Evans Redevelopment Agency 6 May 21, 2008 Adjourned Meeting Minutes stated LEED certification will allow the City to get a rebate of approximately 5100,000 from Imperial Irrigation District. He stated the intent is to maximize energy efficiency and reduce long-term operation costs instead of just generating LEED points. He stated a suggestion has been made to consider firms that provide the upfront capital and install solar panels in order to receive a tax credit; the City would pay for the energy and get a reduced energy price for that percentage of the power. He stated staff is looking at different ways to finance the cost, but do not wish to delay the project. Chairman Kirk stated he believes the Agency is in agreement that energy efficiency is more important than LEED certification. Agency Member Sniff suggested one way to make the project special would be to enhance the entry ways with water features that include lighting and color. He feels the sign design could be of significant value, and suggested using pavers instead of just asphalt. Agency Member Adolph suggested installing Insta-Hot for water heating as a water conservation measure. Mr. Nester stated they will consider it in the design. Agency Member Henderson commented on the importance of being leaders in energy efficiency, and the expense of the LEED brand. She noted solar energy will not be less expensive until municipalities step forward and showcase it by using it in their buildings. Regarding the idea of coming back with something dramatic, she suggested using the logo or a monument to provide a dramatic accent at the clubhouse. She also referenced the possibility of using Art in Public Places funds. Chairman Kirk noted the capital cost of being energy efficient may not be as sensitive an issue as ongoing operation and maintenance costs. Assistant City Manager-Development Services Evans stated if the industry comes up with a more cost-effective solar panel, there may be additional opportunities in the future to construct carports near the canal and use solar panels. He also commented on the cost increases related to LEED certification, and requested direction from the Agency as to whether or not staff should pursue LEED certification. He noted LEED certification would make the SilverRock clubhouse unique because no other public clubhouses in the State have it. Agency Member Adolph questioned the concern, noting the project is already close to meeting the LEED Silver designation. Agency Member Redevelopment Agency 7 May 21, 2008 Adjourned Meeting Minutes Osborne pointed out the LEED certificate alone will cost 530,000. Chairman Kirk noted the City's marketing budget for next year is $500,000, and he feels having the first public clubhouse with LEED certification will provide far more than 530,000 in marketing value. Agency Member Henderson noted the additional time component for LEED certification is also an issue. Assistant City Manager- Development Services Evans confirmed there are a number of elements where the LEED budget influences production of the project, including hard costs of the software, soft costs of the consultant time, and tracking everything on the job site. However, the hard and soft costs are already included in the projected cost of the project. Agency Member Sniff suggested skipping LEED certification and just building an energy efficient building. Agency Member Henderson noted skipping that would not change the timeframe at this point. Mr. Altevers stated the cost of LEED certification for the clubhouse at this time is approximately 51.1 million, including approximately 5895,000 in additional costs to the contractor. In response to Chairman Kirk, he confirmed the 5895,000 cost will be there regardless if the same level of efficiency is desired. Agency Member Henderson stated she will support going for LEED certification because of its advantages for marketing. She feels, however, it's important to get some expertise in the future to keep from having to go down the LEED pathway. Agency Member Osborne stated he doesn't feel $200,000 is worth the certificate. Agency Member Sniff agreed. Chairman Kirk stated he supports continuing with the LEED certification. Chairman Kirk recessed the Agency meeting at 7:42 p.m. and reconvened it at 7:54 p.m. Assistant City Manager-Development Services Evans presented a brief review of amenities that have increased costs beyond the budgeted amount. He stated that with the LEED program, the building cost is approximately 530.1 million plus contingencies. Redevelopment Agency 8 May 21, 2008 Adjourned Meeting Minutes Agency Member Sniff asked how the project will be financed. Assistant City Manager-Development Services Evans stated staff anticipates the City being able to build the clubhouse with existing Redevelopment Agency funds and future revenues without having to sell additional bonds. Finance Director Falconer stated the clubhouse will be fully funded by next fiscal year, adding that approximately 510 million is generated each year of excess tax increment money in Project Area 1. He referenced the possibility of needing a brief two-year loan from the General Fund to make up the difference between the 530.1 million cost and the 525 million on hand. The second golf course is budgeted for 519 million in Fiscal Year 2009/2010, but construction is anticipated to take about 1'/z years, and depending on the construction schedule, another short-term loan from the General Fund could be needed to complete the project. Assistant City Manager-Development Services Evans stated the second golf course will probably not happen in the timeframe budgeted because of market conditions. He stated at the next meeting staff will be coming back with the operational budget for the clubhouse, and presenting some contract amendments for design services. After that, staff will be able to come back with an outline of the budget. Agency Member Sniff stated he would feel more comfortable if the Agency had a relative certainty of when the hotels would be built. Assistant City Manager-Development Services Evans stated although the market is difficult at this time, Lowe Destination Development still has their equity firms in place and anticipates submitting for plan check in July 2008. He confirmed Lowe is not yet fully funded for construction. In response to Agency Member Adolph, Assistant City Manager- Development Services Evans stated staff anticipates being able to do the clubhouse without another bond, but will take an additional look at it to bring it back with the operational budget. Agency Member Henderson inquired about a statement in the staff report regarding the potential use of the clubhouse as an alternative emergency operations center. Assistant City Manager-Development Services Evans explained the clubhouse could be used as a field command center, but the generator would not be sufficient to handle a full emergency operations center. Redevelopment Agency 9 May 21, 2008 Adjourned Meeting Minutes In response to Agency Member Osborne, Ms. Altevers confirmed they are comfortable that S2 million is a sufficient amount for the interior improvements, and added the amount includes some room for inflation. Mr. Altevers also confirmed the overall budget amount of 530.1 million is consistent with other clubhouses they have designed. Chairman Kirk asked for confirmation that the amount of the interior budget will be sufficient to achieve a high quality interior, to which Ms. Altevers responded, "Yes." Agency Member Adolph asked if the acoustic material will be sufficient to absorb noise. Mr. Altevers stated the space decking will have acoustical material on top, plus carpeting and furniture. Agency Member Adolph pointed out the renderings presented do not accurately depict how the building will look when it is first constructed because it will take years for the landscaping to mature. He commented on the need for consistency, referencing prior concerns from Agency members about using too much .water on the project, and the fact that an earlier suggestion was made today about adding more water features. In response to Agency Member Henderson, Ms. Altevers confirmed the octagon rug at the entrance is inset in the stone. Agency Member Henderson suggested they consider the possibility of wanting to move the rug out sometime in the future. She also referenced the need for enough electrical outlets, including floor receptacles. Agency Member Sniff stated he would like to have the budget discussion at the next meeting before making a final decision. Agency Member Osborne expressed appreciation for an outstanding job by the design team, and stated he likes the idea of putting something for SilverRock in the front. In response to Chairman Kirk, Assistant City Manager-Development Services Evans confirmed staff is looking for approval of the design at this time. Chairman Kirk reviewed the Agency recommendations for design considerations including adopting a special feature, a smoking area, bands around the tower, and pavers. He added the Agency would also like the design team to look at lifecycle costs and come back with Redevelopment Agency 10 May 21, 2008 Adjourned Meeting Minutes a financial plan. Assistant City Manager-Development Services Evans stated staff can come back with the financial plan at the next meeting, but it may take a little longer to obtain all the details for lifecycle costs. MOTION - It was moved by Agency Members Osborne/Sniff to tentatively approve the design package as presented with information coming back on lifecycle costs and a financial plan. Agency Member Henderson voiced concern about delaying the project, and questioned staff being able to present anything new in the budget that hasn't already been discussed. Chairman Kirk noted the motion gives authority to expend funds per the design details presented. Due to the market changes from two years ago, he stated he would like to know how it relates to hotel development, the second golf course, and cash flow. In response to Agency Member Henderson, Assistant City Manager- Development Services Evans confirmed it is staff's understanding that the motion allows them to move forward with complete engineering and design. Motion carried unanimously. STUDY SESSION -None AND AGENCY MEMBERS' ITEMS -None PUBLIC HEARINGS -None ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved by Agency Members Sniff/Osborne to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respect Ily submitted, ,~ ~/~~ ~2i~~J~~~i~ ~ VERONICA J. NTECINO, Secretary City of La Quinta, California