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08-1923 (PAT)
P.O. BOX 1.504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 Application Number: 08-00001923 Property Address: 46755 HIGHLAND PALMS DR APN: 643-191-013-13 -2117 - Application description: PATIO COVER - RESIDENTIAL Property Zoning: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL Application valuation: 2594 T4hf 4 4. aha BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMIT Owner: DONNA RICKETSON KUEHL 46755 HIGHLAND PALMS LA QUINTA, CA 92253 IrD, Contractor: Applicant: Architect or Engineer: ATLAS AWNING & SCRE 754 S. WILLIAMS ROA PALM SPRINGS, CA 92 (760)327-8466 Lic. No.: 835140 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business nd rof7tionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License Class: D03 ; / License 0. 835140 q Date: f. JJ JJQY Contractor: OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's State License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county that requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit to file a signed statement that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's State License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he or she is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars 155001.: (_ 1 .I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does the work himself or herself through his or h6r own employees, provided that the improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he or she did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). (_ 1 I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for the projects with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.). 1 1 I am exempt under Sec. , BAP.C. for this reason Date: Owner: CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.I. Lender's Name: Lender's Address: r LQPERMIT 1, —1 VOICE (760) 777-7012 FAX (760) 777-7011 INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 Date: 12/11/08 DEC 111008 e�'OFLA 0iimjz. 1 WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: _ I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. _ I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Carrier ENDURANCE WC Policy Number WEN0012731-02 _ I certify that, in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, 1 shall not employ any person in any manners as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that, if I sho d come ubject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Co , sl II rthwith comply with those provisions. Date: �� Applicant: - WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE ORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000). IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on this application. 1 . Each person upon whose behalf this application is made, each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this application, the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees for any act or omission related to the work being performed under or following issuance of this permit. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the ov information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to build g nstruction, and hereby authorize representatives of this county to enter upon the above-mentioned propert fo inspection purposes. Date: Signature (Applicant or Agent): Application Number . . . . 08700001923 Permit . . . PATIO COVER PERMIT Additional desc . Permit Fee . . . . 54.00 Plan Check Fee 35.10 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . 2594 Expiration Date 6/09/09 Qty Unit Charge' Per Extension BASE FEE 45.00 1.00 9.0000 THOU BLDG 2,001-25,000 9.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Notes and Comments 195SF ALUMAWOOD.SOLID SHADE PATIO COVER AT THE FRONT OF RESIDENCE (ENGINEERED) ***VERIFICATION OF SETBACKS REQUIRED*** 2007 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODES. December 11, 2008 8:33:44 AM AORTEGA- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Fees . . . . . . . . . STRONG MOTION (SMI) - RES .50 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited ----------------------------------------------- ---------- Due Permit Fee Total 54.00 .00 .00 54.00 Plan Check Total 35.10 .00 00 35.10 Other Fee Total 50 .00 .00 .50 Grand Total 89.60 .00 .00 89.60 LQPERMIT /110/v I - - Jr. AW,*� - (kW TLAS For: 4 WN/NG t Fri ANO SCREEN 754 Williams Rd., Palm Springs, CA 92264 Uc #. 835940 PH: '327-8466 FAX: 327-8467 Park: Phone:- A nr ininnrnrt^Ri rre Ar Mn --- WILL BE CHARGED IF THE APPROVED PLANS AND 10B CARD ARE NOT ON THE 'SITE FOR A SCHEDULED INSPECTION. " N ADEQU kTELY SIZED DEBRIS CONTAIN IS REQUIRE ON THE JOB SITE DURING P P iASES OF CONSTRUCTION AND MUST EI IPTIED A NECESSARY. FAILURE TO DO M kY CAUSE HE CITY TO HAVE THE CONT0 D JMPED A THE EXPENSE OF THE OWNI n %tirmaivr, %n D dic6 CITY OF to QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION DA l I &— By Construction is NOT PERMITTFO on the following Code Holidays: New Year's Day DrMa in ther King Jr: Day President's ay Memorial D Independen a Day Labor Day Veteran's D Thanksgivin Day Christmas D v J F f err Y, -' ` :... ;. a � CTIJ ON HOURS Ist - April 30 Nlonday - Friday: :00 a.m. to 5:30 Saturday: 8:0 a.m. to 5:00 p.n Sunday: No e n K >:si b �� CF Government Code olidays: . Noi May 1st - Septemb r 30th Monday - Friday: :00 a.m. to 7:00 Saturday: 8:0 a.m. to 5:00 p.n Sunday: No e Government Code olidays: Noi � Atur�9 W�oao�.sbc gar SH90 t Covt4c 26 1,,9r1P,7e ; 111764, J I4U rn F. ; 21'-l'oD J 9[�uwr/�tvo0� ; 19S �9Gue zam �--� ►`� ems' F2©ter S�ne��s DEC 0 4 2008 CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. Carl Putnam, P. E. APPROVED Kuehl Residenc a FOR CONSTRUCTION Summary Calculation Sheet for: s-•.. 46755 Highlanc Palms Dri a IEVp La Quinta, CA Design Loads: Live Load, Dead Load LL�:= 10•psf Dead := 1-psf 813 Wind Speed WS := 90 mph ASCE7 6.5.6 Table 6-3 Exposure B Kz := 0.7 ✓ aj. C IL Structure Geometry L:= 12 -ft Projection := 6.5 -ft Overhang := 1.5 -ft StudSpa ,F�l nw Projection — Overhang ✓ trib := + Overhang trib = 4 ft PanelSpan = Projection — erh g 2 Define user functions maxi(amaxi,bmaxi) := if(amaxi > bmaxi,amaxi, bmaxi) Chooses the max value between 2 numbers Wind Directionality Factor able 6-4 Kd := 0.85 / ASCE7-05 6.5.5 Imp := I All structures are Category 11 ASCE7 /Topographic factors are outside the scope of this report Kzt := 1.0 ASCE7 6.5.10 V qz:= 0.00256•Kz•Kzt•Kd•WS2•Imp•14.959• lb 14.959 Ib/ft^3 is a hidden constant used for unit ' ft3 conversion in the ASCE 7 equation 6-15 that r/qz = 12.34 psf / MathCAD requires to be explicitly stated. Gust Effect Factor G := 0.85 v ✓ WL := maxi(G•gz,10•psf) WL = 10.49 psf WS = 90 mph ✓Header: 0.042"x3"x8" Aluminum Box Beam /ft-lbf Allowable moment (bottom in compression)MaT:= 111 MaB := MaT Actual Moment for structure MheaderLL := (LL + Dead)•trib•L2 MheaderWL :_ (WL — 0.6•Dead) •trib•L2 8 8 MheaderLL = 792lbf•ft MheaderWL = 712lbf•ft MtestHeaderLL := if (MheaderLL > MaT, "Check Moment" ; ".OK") MtestHeaderLL = "OK" MtestHeaderWL := if (MheaderWL > MaB, "Check Moment" , "OK") MtestHeaderWL = "OK" ,/Panel: 0.018"x2.5"x6" alum flat panel PanelWidth := 6 -in Allowable moment (top in compression) MaTop:= 151•ft•lbf MaBot:= 83•lbf•ft Actual Moment for structure (LL + Dead)•PanelWidth•PanelSpan2 MpanelWL :_ (WL — 0.6•Dead) •PanelWidth•PanelSpan2 MpanelLL := 8 8 (LL + Dead) •PanelWidth•Overhang2 MpanelWL2 :_ (WL — 0.6•Dead) •PanelWidth•Overhang2 MpanelLL2 := 2 2 MpanelLL = 17lbf•ft MpanelWL = 15lbf•ft MpanelLL2 = 61bf•ft MpanelWL2 = 61bf•ft MtestPanelLL := if(MpanelLL > MaTop, "Check Moment" , "Top OK") MtestPanelWL := if(MpanelWL > MaBot, "Check Moment", "Bottom OK") MtestPanelLL2 := if (MpanelLL2 > MaBot, "Check Moment", "Top OK") MtestPanelWL2 := if(Mpane1WL2 > MaTop, "Check Moment", "Bottom OK") C:\CarlPutnam\000SiteSpecific 11/25/2008 3:23 PM \CASummaryCalcSingleSpanSlab.xmcd MtestPanelLL = "Top OK" MtestPanelWL = "Bottom OK" MtestPanelLL2 = "Top OK" MtestPanelWL2 = "Bottom OK" 1 of 2 Carl Putnam, P. E. Determine Load on Post attached to slab Post =, (LL + Dead) 'tnb•L Post= 5281bf TestSlab := if(Post> 750•lbf,-"Check.S.14b" ,"OK Post: 0.024:'x3"x3" alum post w/ side plates PoRapac ty =`918•lbf TestSlab = "OK" TestPost if(Post > PostCapacity, "Check Post" , "OK") TestPost = "OK" Wall Fastening: #10 screw w/ 1.25" embed into DF wood ScrewCapacity:= 99•lbf Nscrews := 1 WallLoad0: (LL•+ Dead)• StudSpace•(Projection — trib) Cdwind := 1.6 duration factor for wind loads WallLoadl := WL — 0.6•DeadStudSpace•(Projection — ttib) Cdwind = lbf 21(WaIlLoad 17) TestScrew := if(max(Wa1lLoad) > Nscrews•ScrewCapacity, "Check Screw" , "OK") 21 StudSpace = 16 in TestScrew = "OK" These calculations are in conformance w/ the 2006 IBC and the 2007 California Building Code. The loads were determined from the critical load combinations in Section 1605.3.1, specifically Equation 16-9 (H=O, F=O, T=0) and 16-12 (H=O, F=0) C:\CarlPutnam\OOOSiteSpecfc 11/25/2008 3:23 PM 2 of 2 \CASummaryCalcSingleSpanSlab.xmcd 6' PLAN VIEW �3' I - 12' - I - 12' 30' - II DETAIL - A .018'1 FLAT•PANEL (30,041({6 ALUKWUM) #8 SHEET METAL SCREW @ 8' O/C ALONG PANEL 10 SHEET METAL CREWS @6' O/C ALONG Cl HEADER DETAIL B 3'x8' HEADER (3004-H36 ALUM. ALLOY) GENERAL NOTES: 1. . DESIGN COMPLIES WITH 2007 CBC. 2. LIVE LOAD: 10psf WIND LOAD: 90mph EXPOSURE B 3. L❑CATI❑N: KUEHL RESIDENCE 46755 HIGHLAND PALMS ..D.R, LA QUINTA, CA FRONT ELEVATI❑N I SIDE ELEVATI❑N PANEL (DETAIL A) II II II ADER (DETAIL B) DETAIL C 3'x3' POST FIBERGLASS DECORATIVE POST N�--,o, Colo �ramc Dr rmm= Pw r Ausm�w aovc,ncAr CITY OF to QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION OA 8Y DETAIL D POST TO SLAB CONNECTION BRACKET (6063-T6 ALUM ALLOY) D SCREWS EACH (DETAIL C) j POST FACADE (DETAIL G} 1 MIN SLOPE = 0,25' PER FOOT PANEL TO WALL CONNECTION (DETAIL F) HEADER TO POST CONNECTI❑N (DETAIL E) POST TO SLAB CONNECTIO(DETAIL D)N DETAIL E FIB RGLASS POST SLAB II II II II II E II m ' II II II II II II II II II II II II - II II II II II II❑ST II II II II II II DETAIL C 3'x3' POST FIBERGLASS DECORATIVE POST N�--,o, Colo �ramc Dr rmm= Pw r Ausm�w aovc,ncAr CITY OF to QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION OA 8Y DETAIL D POST TO SLAB CONNECTION BRACKET (6063-T6 ALUM ALLOY) D SCREWS EACH (DETAIL C) j POST FACADE (DETAIL G} 1 MIN SLOPE = 0,25' PER FOOT PANEL TO WALL CONNECTION (DETAIL F) HEADER TO POST CONNECTI❑N (DETAIL E) POST TO SLAB CONNECTIO(DETAIL D)N DETAIL E FIB RGLASS POST SLAB 3'x8' HEADER TO POST CONNECTI}O—N /14 SMS m 4- OIOl r + YII B• AUII r + + L3A0' ,A'� \ c Y ■ 1r AUAI WACM114 x 3/4' OA40'x3'X3' ALUM i � LF CRI LD(G + CLOVERLEAF POSSCREWS I + I 1�2A�•1 POST FIBERGLASS DECORATI' 3'X .3 lD SIDE6PLA 1/ ' ALUM BRACKET TVO �¢' STAINLESS STEEL HD_TI KWIK BLdT TZ (ICC ESR 1917) V/ 2' EMBEDMENT SLAB 24' DETAIL :F PANEL TO WALL ATTACHMENT (ROLLFOR EO HANGER 3DD4-H36 AUK ALLOT) e 1110 SMS @ SCREW FOLLOWING SPACING 6. O/C STRUCTURAL PANEL DETAIL G POST FACADE FIBERGLASS POST HEADER ATTACHMENT 2•X6.5• ALUM RAFTER BLE ALUMINUM 3'X8' 3'x3' POST NON STRUCTURAL FIBERGLASS POST ALUMINUM LATTIGE RAFTER 3'X8' HEADER FIBERGLASS POST COLLAR FIBERGLASS POST RESTS ON GRMJ14D 3'X3' POST DATE DRAWN BY CARL PUTNAM 2sNoe FG P.E. am'TATLAS FDS KUEHL.DWG DESc STRUCTURE 3441 IVY LIN( PLACE LYNCHBURG, VA 24503 (434) 384-2514 CARLPUTHAM@COMCAST.NET 1 OF 1 FIB RGLASS POST SLAB ® OR OOTING ATTACHMENT m \ c CO POST FIBERGLASS DECORATI' POST COVER G FIBERGLASS g, POST COLLAR L5'XL5' METAL L ANGLE BRACKET (TYP) FOOTING 3/8'X3/4' BOLT ' EF,} T •'. •'''�• '�• .a w CONCRETE ANCHOR , X55 �• .: rob 4*9 C►vr ATTACHMENT IS TO IS NONLOADEARING AGADW }�. ��,. � C OF G USE 1� E BRACKETS AS NEEDED. DATE DRAWN BY CARL PUTNAM 2sNoe FG P.E. am'TATLAS FDS KUEHL.DWG DESc STRUCTURE 3441 IVY LIN( PLACE LYNCHBURG, VA 24503 (434) 384-2514 CARLPUTHAM@COMCAST.NET 1 OF 1 TLAS For: q, iloAwlg �` WN/NG AND SCREEN 754 Williams Rd., Palm Springs, CA 92264- Lic #: 335140 PH: 327-8466 - FAX: 327-8467 Park: Phone: I'iGl g H L SCov � s y� 3S 30 loll �o�s► ze ; 117/4 OEC 0 4 20 21Li'00 !�► # ey 08.. 9Luwt/aatioo� ; l 9S � vIC}Ltd Q '. ZL�Up _ ftxe7ip �2� Tyvec ,,, I q.. Carl Putnam, P. E. Summary Calculation Sheet for: Kuehl Residence 146755 Highland Palms Drive La Quinta, CA Design Loads: Live Load, Dead Load LL :_ `10•psf Dead := 1-psf Wind Speed Ws:_ 90•mph ASCE? 6.5.6 Table 6-3 Exposure B Kz := 0.7 Structure Geometry L:=12-ftProjection := 6.5-ftOverhang := 1.5 -ft AW Projection — Overhang Q;—ACIpa%�c .= w•ui tnb := 2 + Overhang trib = 4 ft PanelSpan:= Projection — Overhang Define user functions maxi(amaxi,bmaxi) := if(amaxi > bmaxi, amaxi, bmaxi) Chooses the max value between 2 numbers Wind Directionality Factor Table 6-4 Kd := 0.85 ASCE7-05 6.5.5 Imp := I All structures are Category'll ASCE7 Topographic factors are outside the scope of this report Kzt := 1.0 2•Imp• 14.959•' lb 14.959 Ib/ft^3 is a hidden constant used for unit ASCE7 6.5.10 qz := 0.00256•Kz•Kzt•Kd• WS ft3 conversion in the ASCE 7 equation 6-15 that qz = 12.34 psf MathCAD requires to be explicitly stated. Gust Effect Factor G := 0.85 WL := maxi(G•gz,10•psf) WL = 10.49 psf WS = 90 mph Header: 0.042"x3"x8" Aluminum Box Beam z Allowable moment (bottom in compression) Mat := 1115•ft•lbf MaB := MaT Actual Moment for structure MheaderLL := (LL + Dead);trib•L2 MheaderWL :_ (WL — 0.6•Dead)•trib•L2 8 8 MheaderLL = 792lbf•ft MheaderWL = 7121bf•ft MtestHeaderLL := if (MheaderLL > Mat, "Check Moment" , "OK") MtestHeaderLL = "OK" MtestHeaderWL := if(MheaderWL > MaB, "Check Moment", "OK") MtestHeaderWL = "OK" Panel: 0.018"x2.5"x6" alum flat panel PanelWidth := 6- in Allowable moment (top in compression) MaTop= 151•ft•lbf MaBot:= 83•lbf•ft Actual Moment for structure MpanelLL := (LL + Dead) •PanelWidth•PanelSpan2 MpanelWL :_ (WL — 0.6•Dead)•PanelWidth•PanelSpan2 8 8 MpanelLL2 := (LL+ Dead) •PanelWidth•Overhang 2 MpanelWL2 :_ (WL— 0.6•Dead) •PanelWidth•Overhang 2 2 2 MpanelLL = 17 Ibf • ft MpanelWL = 15 lbf • ft MpanelLL2 = 6lbf•ft MpanelWL2 = 6lbf•ft MtestPanelLL := if(MpaneILL > MaTop, "Check Moment" , "Top OK") MtestPanelLL = "Top OK" MtestPanelWL := if(MpanelWL > MaBot, "Check Moment" ,'Bottom OK") MtestPanelWL = 'Bottom OK" MtestPanelLL2 := if (MpanelLL2 > MaBot, "Check Moment" , "Top OK") MtestPanelLL2 = ."Top OK" MtestPanelWL2 := if(MpanelWL2 > MaTop, "Check Moment" ,'Bottom OK") MtestPanelWL2 = 'Bottom OK" C:\CarlPutnam\000SiteSpecific 11/25/2008 3:23 PM \CASummaryCalcSingleSpanSlab.xmcd DEC 04 2008 III Ln N CD Z 1 of 2 Carl Putnam, P. E. Determine Load on Post attached to slab Post := (LL + Dead)•trib•L Post= 528 lbf TestSlab := if (Post > 750• lbf , "Check Slab" , "OK") Post: 0.024"x3"x3" , alum post w/ side plates PostCapacity 918.1bf TestSlab = "OK" TestPost := if(Post > PostCapacity, "Check Post", "OK") TestPost = "OK" Wall Fastening: #10 screw w/ 1.25" embed into DF wood ScrewCapacity := 99-lbf Nscrews := 1 Wa1lLoad0 := (LL + Dead). StudSpace•(Projection — trib) Cdwind := 1.6 duration factor for wind loads WL — 0.6 -Dead WallLoadI Cdwind •StudSpace•(Projection — trib) (11) TestScrew := if(max(WatlLoad) > Nscrews•ScrewCapacity,"Check Screw" , StudSpace = 16 in TestScrew = "OK" These calculations are in conformance w/ the 2006 IBC and the 2007 California Building Code. The loads were determined from the critical load combinations in Section 1605.3.1, specifically Equation 16-9 (H=O, F=O, T=0) and 16-12 (H=O, F=0) C:\CarlPutnam\0008iteSpecific 11/25/2008 3:23 PM 2 of 2 \CASummaryCalcSingleSpanSlab.xmcd 61. I I PLAN VIEW �3' - I - 12' . - I 12' 30' I FRONT ELEVATI❑N DETAIL A .018' IFLAT PANEL (3000(36 ALIOQNUM) #8 SHEET METAL SCREW @ 8' O/C ALONG PANEL 10 SHEET METAL CREWS @6. O/C ALONG Cl HEADER PANEL (DETAIL A) II II II EADER (DETAIL B) DETAIL C 3'x3' POST FIBERGLASS DECORATIVE POST mm wo EAAIc 0' rUKRMASS N4fT P. POST . NIDVOE2AY DETAIL D POST TO SLAB CONNECTION BRACKET (6063—T6 ALUM ALLOY) D SCREWS EACH (DETAIL C) Int B' ALK 0.040'x3'X3' ALUM CLOVERLEAF POST 3•X 3• ID 6 1/2• SIDLPLA ALUM BRACKET TWO ?A' STAINLESS STEEL HD_TI KVO( BDLT TZ (ICC ESR 1917) V/ 2' EMBEDMENT SLAB � �• • . 4' POST FACADE (DETAIL G) 1 DETAIL B 3'x8' HEADER (3004—H36 ALUM. ALLOY) GENERAL NOTES: L DESIGN COMPLIES WITH 2007 CBC, 2, LIVE LOAD: 10psf WIND LOAD: 90mph EXPOSURE B 3, LOCATION; KUEHL RESIDENCE 46755 HIGHLAND PALMS DR. LA QUINTA, CA SIDE ELEVATI❑N MIN SLOPE = 0.25' PER FOOT PANEL TO WALL - CONNECTI❑N (DETAIL F) HEADER TO POST CONNECTION (DETAIL E) POST TO SLAB CONNECTI❑N (DETAIL D) DETAIL E 3'x8' HEADER TO POST CONNECTION ,� 1�� # 1 X300' + + N 3' r e• PIM NDM 4 ,t4 gg #14 z 3/4' # fApi50E REVS + + DETAIL F PANEL TO WALL ATTACHMENT (ROJ.FONIED !ANGER 3004-M36 ALUM ALLAY) ZL62'5* #10 SMS @ u0' FOLLOWING SPACING 6. O/C STRUCTURAL PANEL DETAIL G POST FACADE FIBERGLASS POST HEADER ATTACHMENT 2'X6.5' ALUM RAFTER RUBLE ALUMINUM 3'X8' 3'x3' POST NON STRUCTURAL FIBERGLASS PDST ALUMINUM LATTIE6 7N FIBERGLASS POST COLLAR FIBERGLASS POST RESTS @N GROUND FIBERGLASS POST SLAB OR FOOTING ATTACHMENT IBERGLASS DECORATIVE POST COVER ID POST N L5'XL5' METAL L N= ANGLE BRACKET (TYP) N= FOOTING 3/8'X3/4' BOLT CONCRETE ANCHOR L 'TT POST IS NON LOAD BEARING II II II ' II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II ❑ST II II II II II II - DETAIL C 3'x3' POST FIBERGLASS DECORATIVE POST mm wo EAAIc 0' rUKRMASS N4fT P. POST . NIDVOE2AY DETAIL D POST TO SLAB CONNECTION BRACKET (6063—T6 ALUM ALLOY) D SCREWS EACH (DETAIL C) Int B' ALK 0.040'x3'X3' ALUM CLOVERLEAF POST 3•X 3• ID 6 1/2• SIDLPLA ALUM BRACKET TWO ?A' STAINLESS STEEL HD_TI KVO( BDLT TZ (ICC ESR 1917) V/ 2' EMBEDMENT SLAB � �• • . 4' POST FACADE (DETAIL G) 1 DETAIL B 3'x8' HEADER (3004—H36 ALUM. ALLOY) GENERAL NOTES: L DESIGN COMPLIES WITH 2007 CBC, 2, LIVE LOAD: 10psf WIND LOAD: 90mph EXPOSURE B 3, LOCATION; KUEHL RESIDENCE 46755 HIGHLAND PALMS DR. LA QUINTA, CA SIDE ELEVATI❑N MIN SLOPE = 0.25' PER FOOT PANEL TO WALL - CONNECTI❑N (DETAIL F) HEADER TO POST CONNECTION (DETAIL E) POST TO SLAB CONNECTI❑N (DETAIL D) DETAIL E 3'x8' HEADER TO POST CONNECTION ,� 1�� # 1 X300' + + N 3' r e• PIM NDM 4 ,t4 gg #14 z 3/4' # fApi50E REVS + + DETAIL F PANEL TO WALL ATTACHMENT (ROJ.FONIED !ANGER 3004-M36 ALUM ALLAY) ZL62'5* #10 SMS @ u0' FOLLOWING SPACING 6. O/C STRUCTURAL PANEL DETAIL G POST FACADE FIBERGLASS POST HEADER ATTACHMENT 2'X6.5' ALUM RAFTER RUBLE ALUMINUM 3'X8' 3'x3' POST NON STRUCTURAL FIBERGLASS PDST ALUMINUM LATTIE6 7N FIBERGLASS POST COLLAR FIBERGLASS POST RESTS @N GROUND FIBERGLASS POST SLAB OR FOOTING ATTACHMENT IBERGLASS DECORATIVE POST COVER ID POST N L5'XL5' METAL L N= ANGLE BRACKET (TYP) N= FOOTING 3/8'X3/4' BOLT CONCRETE ANCHOR L 'TT POST IS NON LOAD BEARING l: IS TO HOLD COVERING AGAINST �# HD4W FCRCEL 3. W LT04S BRACKETS AS NEEDED. Q' ti\ STA OF DATE DRAVN BY CARL P U T N A M 3441 IVY LINT( PLACE LYNCHBURG, VA 24503 11/25/08 FG P.E.,, (434) 384-2514 TMl 'ATLAS STRUCTURE 11 of 1