2008-1264 (SIGN)sly � P.O. Box -1504 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO (760) 777-7000 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 FAX (760) 777-7101 June 27, 2008 Mr. Martin Wolter Leisuremax 72680 Dinah Shore Dr., Palm Desert, CA 92211 SUBJECT: SIGN PERMIT 2008-1264 LEISUREMAX Dear Mr. Wolter: The Planning Department has reviewed and approved your request for one permanent building mounted sign at 78-267 Highway 111, as shown in the attached exhibit. The approvahs subject to the following Conditions: 1. This sign permit grants one permanent illuminated signs ("LEISUREMAX") at 13.45 i square feet and two permanent illuminated signs (LEISUREMAX BBQ ISLANDS JACCUZI SPAS PATIOS BILLIARDS") at approximately 47.79 square feet. The materials for the sign are per the approved plans on file with the Planning Department. 2. The word "LEISUREMAX" shall not exceed '30 inches. in height for the signs not proposed at the main entrance. 3. A building permit shall be obtained from the Building & Safety Department prior to installation of the sign. Should you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact me at (760) 777-7125. Sinc rely, Y E FRANCO Assistant Planner C: _ Building & Safety Department ., t `t• y •r irranni aiva • zn�eri �ooa • s3�ruaau zras osrurr•snarv�srs•sanrnroee 5318 VI 100,1 r - - �.-I I - I- II _ F LJ CEJ �L- 4 CEJ �L- - 1wTOP* 4p 4w L'+fes * ■ � " � ,s im 46 I SIB- ■ 4''' ■ iM ML �'. •_ 7r - � F •a � � _ � � � _ � ��� way ', �— � _ , I - , - 4m '� ' I � 4 �r i COMPLIANCE. QLTG-4-C SIGN LIGHTINGDATE PROMT ItAME i A1Mrnelire 2 —for Sign that OILY ux one Of mo+e &IV" ARtmet m 1. - LIGNinp Power ARowances td�nobQies IlsEad In M tluvupA 9 i ! Chalk as chat • p H. 1 J K L" IA N O: P C A 3 A B C � Alto Watts Lam / Bailsal Desl Walla m jo CL 3. AgaQ� n N Q pesedlpYon ar sr. S ^ O %a iu T :b it z p` LxsCion �- . o 3 A. s y 1 F For ANotted tPt) use 12 wattsls�uare tool for Intemaily Niuminated Signs,.and us 2.3 Wattsl for Externally UlutNntrted Signs. h S , such Note: II an Internally Ruuminated or Externally Illuminated sign contains 1'ght sources and ballasts 011ier than those includ8d in columns (M) ttlroug i ) as incandescent temps, medium'base sbckets, magnetic behests. etc, then the iign must onmply under Alternative 1. 'Htmever, unfiherdd signs, and unbNered poltl4re of lrftrnaNy and idemall 11luminated skni, am not rectfired to nWM those Standards. �0051Yonres1denttal Compliance Forms ApfB2005- 07/01/2008 09:37 7607777011 LA GUINTA BLDG DEPT PAGE 01/03 Repw6m. T1rIs CeNieett eppttes onl b build ' _n_. _...w,.,., ...,,...,,� w oomprywM Y „D ghting.requtrements. The doCUMM"M Propww hereby cerfrres that Ow dOotrrnetttation Is so=le end mmptote. d`" .`7-1-081 TM Nowipal t$0n9 04VW heresy cergas M the prow- oor 4hling and eVn deslpn mwse'nted In this sat of oorshua0sn docunvnts IS oonsideni ao Ille other VOILA nrx:ar= and worksh with the spacM,pU-ns, end wNh any olher rmksbtlorts selxts^Ited with Ws pamth appl C&*M The proposed bUA&Arp-has Seen designed b meet the fighting roqutramorft corftkmd to the applleabla paRa vtUCOINS 110, �11►,130 throuoh 132,146, and ldealTige 24, hart 6, Rase :/ one: ❑ t hereby ofOmt that I am etgtbte under v* ploMsbn" of DIVWOn 3 of the Bustneae and Prdbmions Code to smn ift docuw *M as the person respomMic for Its prepeMlon: and that 1 am Itoensed In ft Stale of CaNlmnti•as a CM wVkIw er or etecblcal onjfneer, or I em a rwertsed. atrhltecl. ❑ 1 affm IW'I am eight under Me pwAslona d l4M00r, 3 or the Buslnesa end Prefe"lons Code by saaion 55372 or 6737.3 to sign this document a3 the penton rt:sponiidle W It pre *Mftn; and OW I am a Itoensed COW add perfbradng Ods WOdr_ ❑ 12MM IMt I am eligible wan -the pm*slons of C'MO on -3 of the 6u"iness and Pnolesslorm Code b Sign N* document because it pert *m to a structure or type Of rrork desafbed as exempt pursuant b Sudnass and Prubcdorq Code Seelton" 5537.553a and 6737'.1. Post -r Fax Note • 7671 0"�" e;no� ► 2005 NonrosialerWai Comp nP. I pPhone �O U Fix 4 4 April 2005 07/01/2008 09:37 7607777011 LA QUINTA BLDG DEPT PAGE 01/03 The doeta!+anria On Propacet hereby eendliea-0011 the documer mgm Is acarate ane mmprale. The Prirxipal Lighting hereby cereftes QtatMJOZashilng and $ na design rspneseMW to thla set otoon gruclion domargnb 'is oonshleet *0 1119 Otlter comp/ante tarns. are w?"SW. the spartlloalbns. and with any ether akutaftm w&&* ted w1h this appliadlon. The proposed tttlftWhas ttaen designed b meet Me fighting rogerirernaniz CW**Md h pre. spptleabla partra of 9eoibna 110. 91J0 through 132,108, and.1499tTilie 24, per 6. Pllvateb V bne: • ❑ t hereby MOrm that I am eaga fe undier the' provialons of Olvlslon 3 of (he. Bust"$$ and prfotoWOM Code b mcpeus!� for 1b preparation: and .ih6rt 1 am 1loertae . In the Stale 61 Calltomti• as a civl ftal nghis deeltrr lrtl m fife person o�tited. anarioor or eleelelnl angneer, a t sun a Gowned. ❑ i affirm that 1 am logibia under she proHabna of OMeton 3 Of Ihe MMIMase and Pralreaslons Code by sacllon 55372 or 6737.9 to sign this eoaimerttaa Iho pen►oa rEspof�iibla qtr ps PrePot>atlon; and (Atli I am a Ibertsad oontrarlee perfatning tltis veott� ' ❑ 1 afrnet gtat I am aRgible tmrtlx: tha Provisions Of D'wlsfan -3 of the Business and M ofeaslons Code b alyrt•ihb document because it pertalre to a nie 94NO Of>arpe Of week desalbed as exempt pumant to Susin0ss any protoodaq Code Sections 5537,56911 and 6737.1 _ s seWons of 4m BUSUMS and Pro ns Cede aceFfmadIAN11in aver Nenfes<dedial Manual. INSTRtICTIOPM TO APPLICANT OUTDOOR LIGHTIM0 COMPLIANCE s WORKaRt T8 (✓ box if "Oricaheot is Indudeo For detailed btatnrcLions on the user of INS and elf EnerY ElrealaIW Standards conpfianow-Anw, please refer to the Nortrsaidentjal Marivaipubfished by the Calffbmla Energy CorRrrrf8we rl. Q OLTd-1 +C CattiNeate of t.arnplange. Required on p1an6 for ell tuWittah for outdoor lighting. Pert 2 of 2 may be* inoorocraded In schedules On the plans. Either LTG -1 -C orOLTO.1-C•n ey be used for signs as follows: 1. Use LTG -1-C If the .project Cons(sts solely of Indoor signs 2. Use LTC, -1-C If the project consists ef.Woor lighting, and outdoor or Indoor signs, but tier other outdoor IigltGng. 3..Use OLTG-I-C'ef the project consists solely of outdoor signs. 4. Ube OLTC„1-C If the project Consists of outdoor lighting, and Indoor or outdoor signs, but no Other Indoor • •h h ❑ OLTO-2-C VGWING OMPLIANC";5 MMARY. Applicable Parts neQuire outdoor UgMing al[ovranoe9 (Except for ns ❑ OLTG.9.0 AREA CALCULATIONS WORKSHEETS. Applicable parts mquired.for ell outdoor area calculations. -OLTG-4d; SIGN UC3 IN13 COMPLIANCE. equirpd r all intemaly'end extemally Blumlinated signs, for both indoor aitd outflow as} ne. Pb8t4P Fax Nate 7671 2005 NohraslderWal Comp a�• �+ Pnrrna r Fs[ a ;e;ft P. ns a —7-7-7- T 777K Aprf12005 Bin # Citof La City Quinta Building & Safety Division P.O. Box 1504, 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 - (760) 777-7012 Building Permit Application and Tracking Sheet Permit # U Project Address: Owner's Name:s A. P. Number: Address:��?' Legal Description: City, ST, Zip: Telephone: Project Description: Contractor: ow Address: City, ST, Zip: !� Telephone: State Lie. # : City Lie. #: Arch., Engr., Designer: Address: City, ST, Zip: Telephone: State Lie. #: Name of Contact Person: Construction Type: Occupancy: Project type (circle one): New Add'n Alter Repair Demo Sq. Ft.: #Stories: F4 Units: Telephone # of Contact Person: Estimated Value of Project: Jim APPLICANT: DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE # Submittal Req'd Rec'd TRACKING PERMIT FEES Plan Sets Plan Check submitted. Item Amount Structural Calcs. Reviewed, ready for corrections Plan Check Deposit Truss Calcs. Called Contact Person Plan Check Balance Energy Cates. Plans picked up Construction Flood plain plan Plans resubmitted Mechanical Grading plan tad Review, ready for corrections/issue Electrical Subcontactor List Called Contact Person Plumbing Grant Deed Plans picked up S.M.I. H.O.A. Approval Plans resubmitted Grading IN HOUSE:- ''d Review, ready for correetions/issue Developer Impact Fee Planning Approval Called Contact Person A.[.P.P. Pub. Wks. Appr Date of permit issue School Fees Total Permit Fees