0301-280 (RC) Equipment Specificationsl- wk,.EQUIPMENT:-SPECIFICATIONS' ' Page of Project # 02219 MPA ARCHITECTURAL GROUP, L.L.P. ' Date: ' November 12, 2002 ' Project: La Quinta Cleaners 78-279 Hwy. 111 La Quinta, Ca. 92253 tClient: M&H Realty Partners 12555 High Bluff Drive, Suite 385 San Diego, CA. 92130 Architect: MPA Architectural Group, L.L.P. 1205 J Street, Suite F San Diego, CA 92101 CITY OF LA QVIN PA ' T. BUILDING & SAFETY DE <ff gPPR4R �N ' FOR CON TE1� BY DA t cq%a SE� ' 1205 J Street • Suite F • San Diego, California 92101 • (619) 236-0595 • Fax (619) 236-0557 www.mpa-architects.com .1 { I t 1 di! 1 fY i O 5 T E .,:1.-i. rt ti �'-:• . -� I Nt • J i � _ � '}:., �*±.A i _#- -'F 5 1' �, Y �} ��;} � P ,, i,` 4�. � �1 E� - AS" = i4� as - � �'. y �; iiF j t tt f[ rr Li 4A !! ty a! {r{r 1 t ;j, H L H p 0 0 THE NEW GENERATION 1 J. } 1 Ai I f� i +f ' t{t{ • k Its, .a A f�' On,esigned for HYD.AOCAR�B�ONrand GRE EH �flgT silicon solvent qq [Class.Type A solvent o.nl] i �t ro lAtby7 @y� y jj �1 t' �y `' � iz ��� F��� � �� � ,;,�• li#� iu �� ����j(j�y� �f.,�, ° ����� ���� i �,f Ij ' ��i .4 t) �I,� (( . ;�i t � ' � ,�s' jiS x • mss. ! A o _ p S 1� � <; T +�,�• .f : ' �� :� 'fig ® �� 1 4 ` ! X11 i..o CAU � BY I J. } 1 Ai I f� i +f ' t{t{ • k Its, .a A f�' On,esigned for HYD.AOCAR�B�ONrand GRE EH �flgT silicon solvent qq [Class.Type A solvent o.nl] i �t ro lAtby7 @y� y jj �1 t' �y `' � iz ��� F��� � �� � ,;,�• li#� iu �� ����j(j�y� �f.,�, ° ����� ���� i �,f Ij ' ��i .4 t) �I,� (( . ;�i t � ' � ,�s' jiS x • mss. ! A o _ p S 1� � <; T +�,�• .f : ' �� :� 'fig ® �� 1 4 ` ! c Iuaaw. I—. vl uw Oracf1...- 15 rower man I 00 k/i) ,jffl ' F. N All technical daa are subject to change without notice. Amp >> �- 3pWK Z UNION s.p.a. - 40010 Sala Bolognese (Bologna) - ITALY -Via Labriola 4/D HP840 HP 8SO HL 83S HL 840 HL 8SO HL 860 HL 880 HL 890 HP 840 HP 850 HL 83S HL 840 HL 8SO C HL 860 HL 88 HL 890 RASKET.. 'i 6*1 td 18. 10 II I8 10 is )1 40 AJ 40 45 !) 10 If 0 ]0 0 Ammar ma 0p'- 1000 800 • 800 In In 1100 1700 iglu J(s 11,1 J(S 1(4 11,4 � 11.4 41) 413 46 mm S7S 110 560 Ill SIO 440 570 110 iads 21 10 21 71 10 11) 144 28 kn•ad rym 11=50 I2 -Jo 11=50 12=50 IPSO 11=50 IPSO IPSO rpm Il=Il=fO IM0 IH0 IPSO 112+0 11=50 IPSO kn - um I m 100=510 100'540 100-540 100'540 10=540 )00=510 100'410 JOO'410 rpm 700'540 100=NO 100=510 J0=340 700'110 1004110 100=450 I&M Duaoprnng mn 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 600 iak 10 10 10 20 10 i 10 10 91 TANKS Int I If is IIO )5 110 160 160 140 140 gil 2f 28 20 29 41 1142 !14 04 Int 1 h ISO M5 75 110 160 160 140 140 gil 10 41,4 10 I8 41 X41 ', 114 141 lot i h 110 100 100 100 110 110 gil 10 SJ 51 is) 87) 17) STILL r &H 10110 H 170 170 141 DO 160 260 160 160 gil 45 4J 14) SO 18 1 H /1 1S NYLON FILTER . r Yatmt it SJ SS SJ 55 11 75 100 10 gil 141 I(5 145 10 10 10 114 144 Sudor d 1,s 1s 11 1,8 ss S,f 1,8 11 if 42 0 41 42 0 !0 N N 1114Y a 16 16 if 211 if 11 SI 51 of if 21 1f 11t J8 111 Sl fl PURITAN FILTER VAIR D II IJ Il If is 25 25 is gil 11 1,1 ludn as I I I I I I I 1 na I I I I I 1 1 I I ao. 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I—. vl uw Oracf1...- 15 rower man I 00 k/i) ,jffl ' F. N All technical daa are subject to change without notice. Amp >> �- 3pWK Z UNION s.p.a. - 40010 Sala Bolognese (Bologna) - ITALY -Via Labriola 4/D i v RS® +FIBERGLASS tOOL1 NG TOWERS .'€ t=aril it �•) a' . _ m�scsr , � J t ��rt L���3 .. 7i , ! iCii r� r � o.' . � � .�"&& ' 1'f73•.:t 3 ' a {�• t�' ;'mac' 1 d�Dj P'R� ,� �,� j, ' 3/4" ,G 4+;, a ,r 1 't�i ,_ ` s s3s''%.!'i�4 ff 1/6 p �htiF. a it 't � °FLOW"" 9 1 7tr f �}„x�kS�Ft��s+y `IIx S,r`.t}� 6 .. }p' "' r gi 4 £' Y 1 T l r s �,'. rz. 1., 1" -•G Y3!�4. ."trf 1 z�'' ,�,1 Y:{ P ��' {g; 1, i�-.yyayy1 . », g; 57 143 RSD 5'50'! 32" 1.5" ].5" 3/4" 1"• 3/4'1 1/6 2;120 15 " 77 221 RSD 8 •' 57" 33" 1.5" qq ��' ij+�3� �q "42 ��:.t f' �C1iFJ gi 3/4" 1" 3/4" 1/6 2,650 24 3.9 88 304 RSD10 SD 0 55" a 6P, 43". 1.5" 1.5" 3/4" 1" 1" 1/4 3,530 nw 30 4.3 "' c RSD T-3 0 RSD40-60 RSD70-80 kit¢dFM7si„i4�r{, AK r ;, "`# 8�+ 7.{} t; y�f 1•3,s'fi �9f ��'� 9?Ri � 'i atFii itLR €. �F. .�5"..✓t��} A4 ��'"f �', - ... H +�}S�'ryf i. SS '�i^. A1t,< P .�`"l:.�wk �Sxai.1. i✓..` N 75. ��{ C����Fx-.� oe�•`�.��f i, Y£^. �"; 209 a g_ . , s . � D 5µ�Z� RSD1'00-350 RSD400-500- RSD600 1000, M.-,��CO,a .'€ ,.OM _ONSAER HE GFJT��C)��A., � 3 °Y,.J"�N �..,�O�,UT: � ,� �,� j, ' 3/4" P` 3/4° 1/6 � CF,M 953 °FLOW"" 9 �IiEAC) 4 DRY,?�OPERATINGS RSD .3 , .. 48" 27" 1., 1" 3.9 57 143 RSD 5'50'! 32" 1.5" ].5" 3/4" 1"• 3/4'1 1/6 2;120 15 3.9 77 221 RSD 8 •' 57" 33" 1.5" .. 1.5" 3/4" 1" 3/4" 1/6 2,650 24 3.9 88 304 RSD10 SD 0 55" a 6P, 43". 1.5" 1.5" 3/4" 1" 1" 1/4 3,530 nw 30 4.3 "' c 106 1 s 392 kir S.p# r , �°�, 5�5"� ��'� 2n 3�4° �', � 1., � ?3�4 t .: 060, � 75. ' �"; 209 � . , s . � 5µ�Z� •J926. ,RSD40 ' 70" 71;' 3" 3" 3/4" 1" 1.5" 1 9,890 120 5.9 353 1,213. RSD50 72" 78" 3" `3" 3/4" 1" 1.5" 1 11,650 165 6.2 461 1,544 RSD60 ro781 78" T' 3" 3/4" 1" 1.5". 1-.5 14,830 180 6.2 474 1,654 RSD70 76" gam„ t : 8 < 87" • ,� 1d0 4" �� 4 4' � 4 3/4" � ,_ 1 1" �;� . U: f 1.5" e., ! 1.5 . 18,010 • .. 9 �• k f � 210 6.6 562 S' ' 2,117 ,p/�93 ;4 �:,�» 1» RSD100 RS171�2:5 " • 89" � 2�� I' �'51i 1' ,1' �rr " , , �� fi � I r ��:. ,+bSDi 0' •x021:••. 8 { 5 ,.. 4H�` 1" r'°1'' 1" �� 1.5" r 3 ��,�..k:�6-'y,i 40,600 8, 540 ,�° � 10.5 1,499 , 6,395 RSD175„ 106" 138" 6" 6" RSD200 114" 154"'. 6" _ 6" . 1.5" 2" 2'+ 7.5 44,140 640 11.5 1,720 7,343 RSD225 114" 154" 6" 6" ., 1.5" 2" 2" 7.5 61,790 690 11.5 1,742 7,497 RSD250 RSD3�p00 moDD4 118" 154" 8" 8 1.5" 2" 2" 7.5 65,320 800 13.1 1,786 7,718 F`51U4 „`� � ' Vis•• RSD600. 175".- 260" 10" 10" '2" 3" 2'~ 20 1132,410 ' 2,000 18.0 7,497 21,874 RSD700' 183"' 260" "10" 10" - 2" 3" 2" 20 137,710 2,300 18.0 8,379 25,688 RSD800 205" 291" _ 12" 12" 2" 4" 2;5" 25 176,550 2,650 19.7 9,923 26,460 RSD1000 211" 291" 11{�2.y" 12" 21, 4" 2.5" 25' 183,610 3,000 19.7 10,584 27,122 t? �I�fIGY,KN��i&���Il �2�5�A�N7` D BES'�;OW_�F.�P�T,99�-3��,MPT��4,,�AND y �T2!1',�b'"��R� �i_yt,-IT 'P�-�9"'�'_Y",� ABOVEgFL/NGE¢ONNE Tdt„�{w.. ��'k�i�f fr�>IA-�''.��"M �w I �,,'NG` .'-ft�ti�i'41U'�'7 ** VN,OMIN, ��.k�I'lia?iH1:.<ti*18i9f'�c7511��1.£'i`'."V.r�ie �ti�-: 52rf�.�Y{1.'�Y�lJ'd'a AL�FLOWaBASE'D�95°rIN t. ^�S'It�•,•A',.�'�a�kliJ4•e'•�I .iJIF 85°70 �T'75°��E�fa}Q�U'LBy �T�. •... Y{'A1_u"_Y ). P.. �� r.�:.:$8a"+1.;hFa.�t3.k�'i�fi'"a-7i&kl'ei•.�r'a]tilt=.igd�.'cY.lh,�id'kllF'�.'t'�6 .ki)Kidd.dy1'�fd:>iE>�'m"?id11Rt�'iX, 5YA3'48!+ai�'w. DATA SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE Page 1 of 5 l� J Fi. t 9 y t ` J Series is Listed to UL Standards for Safety by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL). JB Series is UL Listed for water temperatures up to 175°F. �1 7/3B Series and other Sta-Rite centrifugal pumps can be ordered with T.E.F.C. motors, and with other design characteristics. Consult Factory for specific applications .or installation requirements. ' Applications Water systems' and sprinkling for homes, farms and industry ' Materials Body and base - close -grained cast iron Impeller J Series - Norylp Impeller - JB Series - Brass Features 1/3 to 2-1/2 HP High head and medium head models, with heavy-duty motors, easy service design, four -position -discharge, and air volume control tapping. Drain Port - Provided for easy winterizing. Medium Head Models - Deliver up to 140' of head with capacities to 90 GPM Easy Serviceability - All.models include replaceable wear ring and feature back pull-out design. t 7 Series with Noryl Impellers - Abrasion -resistant for normal applications with working temperatures to 1400F. ]B Series with Brass Impellers - JB pumps equipped with shaft seals rated for temperatures to 225°F: ' O Noryl is 'a registered trademark of General Electric Co. ' Ordering Information HIGH HEAD Pipe Tapping Catalog No. Sizes Max. Noryl0 Brass Motor Load Approx. H.P Impeller Impeller Suct. Disch. r Voltage Phase Amps Wt. Lbs. 1/3: JHB JBHB 1-1/4" 1" 115 1 9.41 38 JHC JBHC 1-1/4" 1" 115/230 1 8.8/4.4 39 , ' 1/2 ]HC3 JBHC3 1-1/4" 1" 208/230/460 3 2.3/1.15 39 ' http://www.rsd-tc.com%towers/centrifugalpumps.cfm 4/10/2002 Page 2 of 5 MEDIUM HEAD JHD JBHD 1-1/4" 1" 115/230 1 12.2/6.1 42 3/4 JHD3 JBHD3 1-1/4" 1" 208/230/460 3 3.1/1.55 42 JMB JHE JBHE 1-1/4" 1" 115/230 1 14.8/7.4 45 1 JHE3 JBHE3 1-1/4" 1" 208/230/460 3 3.6/1.8 45 ! 1" JHF JBHF 1-1/4" 1" 115/230 _- ------ 1 19.2/9.6 --- - _ 49 1-1/2 �JHF,3_,�._.; ---- JBHE3 .._...--3 — _ : 1/4 _ ---- -- 1"----"208/230/460 - _�- -- 3— —4-.7/2-.35 JME JBME JHG JBHG 1-1/2" 1-1/4" _ 230 1 12.0 69 2 JHG3 JBHG3 1-1/2" 1-1/4" 208/230/460 3 6.8/3.4 69 1-1/2 JHHG JBHHG 2" 1-1/2" 230 1 12.0 74 2-1/2 ]HHG3 " JBHHG3 2" 1-1/2" 208/230/460 3 8.5/4.25 74 MEDIUM HEAD P 1F 30 46 60 76 90 105 CAPACITY US QA"WI "it KIWI Max. Pipe Tapping Motor Catalog No. Sizes Approx. Noryl- p Brass Amps Wt. Lbs. HP Impeller Impeller Suct. Disch. 1/3 JMB JBMB 1-1/4" 1" 2.3/1.15 JMC JBMC 1-1/4" i" 1/2 208/230/460 3 3.1/1.55 42 115/230 JMC3 JBMC3 1-1/4" 1" 3 JMD JBMD 1-1/4" 1" 3/4 54 208/230/460 3 4.7/2.35 54 JMD3 JBMD3 1-1/4" 1" 208/230/460 JME JBME 1-1/2" 1-1/4" 1 12.0 74 208/230/460 3 8.5/4.25 JME3 JBMi_3 1-1/2" 1-1/4" JMF JBMF 1-1/2" 1-1/4" 1-1/2 ' JMF3 JBMF3 1-1/2" 1-1/4" JMG JBMG 1-1/2" 1-1/4" 2 JMG3 JBMG3 1-1/2" 1-1/4" JMMG JBMMG 2" 1-1/2" 2-1/2 JMMG3 JBMMG3 2" 1-1/2" Pump Performance High Head P 1F 30 46 60 76 90 105 CAPACITY US QA"WI "it KIWI ' http://www.rsd-tc.com/towers/centrifugalpumps.cfm 4/10/2002 Max. Motor Load Approx. Voltage Phase Amps Wt. Lbs. 115 1 9.41 38 115/230 1 8.8/4.4 39 208/230/460 3 2.3/1.15 39 115/230 1 12.2/6.1 42 208/230/460 3 3.1/1.55 42 115/230 1 14.8/7.4 43 208/230/460 3 3.6/1.8 43 . 115/230 1 19.2/9.6 54 208/230/460 3 4.7/2.35 54 230 1 12.0 66 208/230/460 3 6.8/3.4 66 230 1 12.0 74 208/230/460 3 8.5/4.25 74 ' http://www.rsd-tc.com/towers/centrifugalpumps.cfm 4/10/2002 - D -=RjltDny '— Drycleaning/Apparel Division Fulton Boiler Works, Inc. ` Fulton Standard Gas or Oil -Fired and Fulton EnergyPak Gas -Fired Tubeless Steam Boilers 8 Models From 4 up to 60 HP. 150 PSI. 1 m► Horizontal and Vertical Condensate Return --Sy* ams and, B IOW -Off r Separators = i x , I s O'Low nijiied in accordance $ , � • (tl Y Pressure Vessel Code, ` 7 �, - 1 II� " I� j j t ilk, � y , � 1 � a r ' �I 1 r� +i E , � a a• 1 IF A O Side View Front View Top View Dimensions and Weights Models FB -A and FB -F are the same CA Only Standard Models FB -A 4 6 9.5 10 15 l 20 30 50 60 EnergyPak Models FB -F 10 15 ! 20 30 Unit Size: HP 4 6 9.5 10 15 20 30 50 60 Heights and Widths A Boiler Height IN 47.5 57.5 67.5 63.5 69.5 .72.5 82.5 87.5 93.5 MM 1207 1461 1715 1613 1765 ;1842 2096 2223 2375 B. Boiler Height With Trim* IN 65 75 85 80.5 86.5 . 92.5 102 106.5 120 & Fuel Train Assembly MM 1651 1905 2159 2045 2197 2350 2591 2705 3048 C. Overall Depth Stack IN 44 44 39 46 47 1 60 67 78 78 to Burner Fan Housing MM 1118 1118 991 1168 1194 1 1524 1702 1981 1981 D. Boiler Diameter IN 26 26 26 28 30 39 46 55 55 MM 660 660 660 710 760 990 1170 1400 1400 E. Overall Width IN 33 33 33 33.5 35.5 I 43 49 57 57 with Water Column MM 838 838 838 851 902 , 1091 1244 1448 1448 F. Flue Outlet Diameter IN 6 6 6 6 8 { 10 12 12 12 MM 152 152 152 152 203 ,254 305 305 305 G. To Center of Flue Outlet IN 42 52 62 58 63 66 73.5 79 85 MM 1070 1320 1575 1473 1600 '1675 1867 2007 2159 minimum %aearances H. Clearance Required IN 72 82 92 86 92 96 106 114 124 for Burner Removal * X MM 1828 2083 2337 2184 2337 2438 2692 2896 3150 I. Opening Required for IN 26 26 26 28 30 39 46 55 55 Boiler Installation With MM 660 660 660 710 760 i 990 1170 1400 1400 Water Column Removed Front of Boiler IN 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 MM 1041 1 1041 1 1041 1 1041 1 1041 1 11041 1 1041 1041 1041 Sides & Rear of Boiler** IN 36 36 36 1 1 36 36 l 36 1 36 36 36 MM 914.i 914 914 914 1 914 1 i 914 914 914 914 Weights Approx. Shipping Weight LB 1 1400 1 1700 1 1900 2000TJ 2280 13400 4780 6526 7280 KG 635 773 862 910 1036 11545 2173 2966 3309 This dimension is 6" less for oil -fired units 4-50 HP and 12" less for oil -fired units 60 HP. X Add 6" for low emissions burner removal. Clearances for boilers below 50 PSIG are 18" on sides and rear of boiler and 41" in front. 41 Specifications 5.2 Standard Models FB -A 4 ' EnergyPak Model FB -F 502 Unit Size: HP 4 Ratings* Sea level to 3000 itr13 2009 1000 KCAL/HR 2.6 51 80 84 127 2.6 gas 253 422 506 Output 1000 BTU/HR ' -Consult factory. 1 ' 2"/51mm IRI and CSA 345 517 .169, 690 1035 Blow -off Separator 9.5 oil 1000 KCAL HR 1.9 1.9 1.9 87 130 174 261 4.4 gas 4.4 gas Steam Output LB/HR 138 207 328 345 518 690 1035 Electric Power Requirements (in Amps) KG/HR 63 94 94. 149 157 235 312; 470 783 939 CA Only 9.5 10 10 9.5 10 Output 1000 BTUHR 5.2 201 318 335 502 670 1004 1674 2009 1000 KCAL/HR 2.6 51 80 84 127 2.6 gas 253 422 506 Output 1000 BTU/HR ' -Consult factory. ,� rt. Cold iN"" ' 2"/51mm IRI and CSA 345 517 .169, 690 1035 Blow -off Separator 9.5 oil 1000 KCAL HR 1.9 1.9 1.9 87 130 174 261 4.4 gas 4.4 gas Steam Output LB/HR 138 207 328 345 518 690 1035 1725 2075-- 070 KG/HR 63 94 94. 149 157 235 312; 470 783 939 Steam Output LB/HR 356 533 712: 1066 2.7 oil 2.7 oil KG/HR y Cold Water 162 242 323 484 Inlet •. �•, Approximate Fuel Consumption at Rated Capacity+ ' Light OR GPH 1.2 1.8 2.85 3.0 4.5 7.6! 10.5 15.0 18.0 LPH 4.5 6.8 10.8 11.4 •17 28.7 39.7 57.0 68 Propane Gas FT3/HR 70 105 157 170 250 330 500 830 1000 M3/HR 2 3 4.4 4.8 7.1 9.3 13.6 23.5 28.3 Natural Gas FT3 HR 175 260 398 420 630 .840 1260 2100 2520 M HR 5 7.4 11.3 11.9 17.8 !23.8 35.7 59.5 71 Natural Gas Boiler IN 1 1 1 1 1 1.25 1.5 1.5" 2 Connection Size MM 25 25 25 25 25 32 38 38 51 Burner 3450 RPM/60 CY 1/3 gas 1.5 gas 1.5 gas Motor HP 2850 RPM/50 CY 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 3/4 oil 3/4 2 oil 2 oil 120V,60 CY, 1 Phase 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 gas 9.2 oil 9.2 39 240V, 50/60 CY, 1 Phase 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 gas 4.6 8.9 gas 8.9 gas +Consumption based on Light Oil 140,000 BTU/G/ Natural Gas 1000 BTU/ft3; Propane 2530 BTU/ft3. ' -Consult factory. ,� rt. Cold iN"" ' 2"/51mm IRI and CSA ' Specifications are approximate. We reserve the right to change specifications. Boiler, Condensate Tank, and 4 6 nil Blow -off Separator 9.5 oil Q2'r 8.V, 50%60 CY, 3 Phase 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 gas 3.1 4.4 gas 4.4 gas 24QV 50/60 CY, 3 Phase 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 3:1 oil 1.6 gas 2.8 5.7 oil 4.2 gas 5.7 oil 4.2 gas 480V, 50/60 CY, 3 Phase 8 .8 .8 .8 .8 2.8 oil 8 gas . 1.4 5.4 oil 2.1 gas 5.4 oil 2.1 gas A Valve Opening Valve X1.4 oil `�"`• 2.7 oil 2.7 oil Water Content U.S. GAL 1 14 1 16 1 16 24 39 LITERS 1 53 1 61 1 61 t 91 1 148 All ratings from 0 PSIG and at 212 degrees F. Vent +Consumption based on Light Oil 140,000 BTU/G/ Natural Gas 1000 BTU/ft3; Propane 2530 BTU/ft3. ' -Consult factory. ,� rt. Cold iN"" ' 2"/51mm IRI and CSA ' Specifications are approximate. We reserve the right to change specifications. Boiler, Condensate Tank, and build up in the condensate tank.) Blow -off Separator Return pipes must not be Condensate return tank should be insulatedSalaly Val.ve vented and have a capacity See Return System sufficient to satisfy boiler consumption Instruction Manual. d and maintain proper return tank Optional barometric •`""` temperature. Vent P pipe should not dame is -� be down -sized pressure m cause p ieCO enZled for mostlnstallafions. ,,, a{n:• Return i(z.".. Vent 1 044 Y27 1 1022 Note: High pressure boilers ordered with an extra pressure control for night heating have less than rated output while operating at low pressure. Gasrl ,Steam] i Water Column and Sight Glass Electric Control Panel Vent ,� rt. Cold iN"" Check Shut ' Glass Outlet M. retl, t' Water Y Valves Valve `rj Supply Shm Off ? • To Drain pondg Valve �t9:Blowd,• 7�se /Retu� ThermometerXn, '�I+!;+' union Check Tank Valve Blowdown Fast A Valve Opening Valve `�"`• y Cold Water 1�' 'n''\ j Inlet •. �•, '�{-' it and "A Drain Hole �t'+ r Union J J' •I Pump/ Strainer 1 044 Y27 1 1022 Note: High pressure boilers ordered with an extra pressure control for night heating have less than rated output while operating at low pressure. Gasrl ,Steam] i Water Column and Sight Glass Electric Control Panel PUFF IRON SERIES TECHNICAL DATA MODEL PI -2 �rz 22 6J3%1 I SLEEVE BUCK MUSHROOM'BUCK EGG BUCK SHOULDER BUCK .r I SPECIFICATIONS � � PI -1 PI -2 Pl-3 Height of buck - padded 4/ 7/8" 44 7/8" 44 7/8" Length of buck - unpadded 7 1/2" N/A N/A Width of buck - unpadded 4 1/2" N/A N/A Width of machine 16" "41 1/4" 54 314" Depth of machine 17" 17" 17- 7" St Steam inlet (1) 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" Steam outlet (1) 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" Vacuum outlet N/A N/A N/A Boiler horsepower rating1/8" 1/4" 3/8" Net weight 125 Lbs. 1 150 Lbs. 1235 Lbs. ®� q- r , �A Y Unipress reserves the right to alter or vary the specifications contained in this leaflet without notice. Drawings not to scale. HORIZONTAL MODEL # H.P. CFM TANK SIZE WT. LBS. A DIMENSIONS B C F11CV5 1 3.9 30 270 31 141/2 37 F23CV6 11/2 7.5 30 300 34 141/2 37 F23CV7A 2 9.0 60 450 37 21 51 F23CV8A 3 10.7 60 480 37 21 51 F50CV9A 5 20.2 80 625 44 21 64 F50CV9B 5 20.2 120 760 48 25 66 F71 CV 10A 71/2 29.2 120 1200 501/2 25 66 F71CV11A 10 38.5 120 1232 501/2 25 66 F15CV12 15 55 120 1410 56 25 66 F52CO12 15 74.1 120 1690 58 25 66 F52CO12B 15 74.1 240 2000 66 1 31 85 F53CO13 20 81.8 120 1710 601/2 25 66 F53CO13B 20 81.8 240 2020 681/2 31 85 F54CO14 1 25 113.3 1 120 1 1857 601/2 25 66 F54CO146 1 25 1 113.3 1 240 1 2167 681/2 31 1 85 ®' II A —----�''==---- O C .......... i v i B --1 A' I FALCON• Compressor Specifications -STAGE VERTICAL MODELS (Complete • Driven VERTICAL MODEL # H.P. CFM TANK SIZE WT. LBS. A DIMENSIONS B C F11C05 1 3.9 30 270 54 20 261/2 F23CQ6A 11/2 7.5 60 470 65 20 30 F23CQ7A 2 9 60 490 65 20 30 F23CQ8A 3 10.7 60 495 65 20 30 F50009A 5 20.2 80 670 71 24 33 F71 CO10A 71/2 29.2 120 1310 74 30 44 E71 CO 11 A —10 — --- 38:5 1342 74 -- 30'- Distributed by: ` 44 All specifications are approximate and subject to change without notice. 46X TECHNICAL DATA BUCK DIMENSIONS SPECIFICATIONS Ili For maximum quality and production use model 46X with any of the following models: • STF Topper • MTF Topper • 19MX Topper • PI -1 Puff Iron 46X Height of buck - padd9d 40 1/2" Length of buck - unpadded 46" Width of buck - unpadded 18" Width of machine 64 1/4" Depth of machine 43 1/2" Steam inlet 1 1/2" NPT Steam outlet 2 1/2" NPT Vacuum outlet 1 1/4" NPT Air inlet 3/8" NPT Air suoplv 85 PSI Air consumption/cycle 1 Cu. Ft. Boiler horsepower rating 1 HP Net wei 0 ht 825 Lbs. Electrical 115/1/60 Amperage 1/2 Am Ili For maximum quality and production use model 46X with any of the following models: • STF Topper • MTF Topper • 19MX Topper • PI -1 Puff Iron •.. 00 �_0...—.,..•v>'a[..�a,...,.�...:: 0000 :.:I� s7j9dx3 jripunejaye wo2y. sriqpnlog sjadx3 n jalgwnj (B)l 6'£E) ql 911 jalgwnl (B)I o,zz) ql OS jalgwnl (B)I 6'S l) ql SE jalgwnl (131,19'60 ql OE jalgWnl (B)I E'l0 ql SZ �3J'S 6)L swa[sAg A2pune-I aauel((y r�- at .wiu ® I I 1 � � 'awawns Ww31 — �,�y/'� alWwdwa7 PP14e.W-.4,013 /'�%� 1luglawmwlNW r111dWW wry BS14-49S-008-1:.uogdPg 11815 IM—IR, la.aSWwWgS _Ks; AV—.P4o0V tuo*-g9uNgun•3umm 3 � � uWnPum I WQ 09 WW W.r vap wV rmlarl,mm.(940un11 mugry ala Pvaudl iww20wrw alma WI 11Wwk 4u4w wgwaplm Wvmlmml +<gw.aly+ldlMlPpnPPIam 2n1vd1 Wruxiwmauu4m w�pwd 1n0nmuW nm04a4mn 1VI VLa WM4m nnWnm4 amwa4rW Wr v11w21p vopeinlw n ow imviml! w VMD nVlnl nl xvmnPagl q mmgwlp 0gvvvvs NW1 mal "W_' svrm Iramga N 41un r qm n aplm mr 1pWw g1um1 num 1m11.u10< Wr Imw mn.m1 u 1a 1wDw u1oN1 w avow aW . 37 NS7 37 VS7 I 37'm311a r g.wvy w..14 Po. -W-11 gPPPW -ms PW 3PP20 n jalgwnj (B)l 6'£E) ql 911 jalgwnl (B)I o,zz) ql OS jalgwnl (B)I 6'S l) ql SE jalgwnl (131,19'60 ql OE jalgWnl (B)I E'l0 ql SZ �3J'S 6)L swa[sAg A2pune-I aauel((y r�- at .wiu ® I I 1 � � 'awawns Ww31 — �,�y/'� alWwdwa7 PP14e.W-.4,013 /'�%� 1luglawmwlNW r111dWW wry BS14-49S-008-1:.uogdPg 11815 IM—IR, la.aSWwWgS _Ks; AV—.P4o0V tuo*-g9uNgun•3umm 3 � � uWnPum I WQ 09 WW W.r vap wV rmlarl,mm.(940un11 mugry ala Pvaudl iww20wrw alma WI 11Wwk 4u4w wgwaplm Wvmlmml +<gw.aly+ldlMlPpnPPIam 2n1vd1 Wruxiwmauu4m w�pwd 1n0nmuW nm04a4mn 1VI VLa WM4m nnWnm4 amwa4rW Wr v11w21p vopeinlw n ow imviml! w VMD nVlnl nl xvmnPagl q mmgwlp 0gvvvvs NW1 mal "W_' svrm Iramga N 41un r qm n aplm mr 1pWw g1um1 num 1m11.u10< Wr Imw mn.m1 u 1a 1wDw u1oN1 w avow aW . 37 NS7 37 VS7 37 NM 37'm311a 371^78 g.wvy w..14 Po. -W-11 gPPPW -ms PW 3PP20 vivo""( -Vs." WPMM-13 WPM14"S37 Nw V97 V9V 37 V97 VOD YOV 37 V97 V03 VOV 37 Yn VDD VDV 37 VM YYOV D7 I—ddv WPM W0 M.PWL vIr0 WPM o0 g.P.W W0 gapoW a.0 19148" (OR to as ([9 (N ELL) M Log (BI &O qI ME (IN S90 m o9E (B1 ISI) N ZLE IIOPM Bugld4g (B1 &L) ql SI9 (M /1Z) as SSS (0'1990 9119E (01091) as IEE (DI SCO V 66Z SD EB IiOS/01L D+ME'E/09/081-091 D+ME U9109a09, D+MC:EN9/09"91 .4 [L D+ME:c/o I -m, D+ME:E/OS/SIP00/ D+ME:EMISRWait, g2P.W 44ava D+ME:EIOSMIBE 9+MS!c 9/O1E D+M1E:E/mvm 11 E/ CJOSIS1r001 0o Eo 1105/511-00/ EZE:FJ09/0/i 9+ME 0)/09/0/9 D+ME:UO9N1L 8/ 11 E/O.. 81 LO E/OSMIBE D+MVE/4S/OYI-OEL 94:EMSMK'M D+ME:f/O /o C -01:1B[ Be EMS/01L BL Be ...a9+M[$MSMOI 9+MVEJOS/WZ 9+MI:(IOSMIOI Si u ELOSMEZ S[ El E/OSMIEL D+M[!EM9/WINOL J+ME:EM19/e"m 9+MI!EM9XU-O0L SB 00 EMJSMIOZ SB OB ClOSMIOZ 9 M010SME-o" 9+MI'IM oz-ffI 9+MZ:IMISMNIOEL 8E BE E/olo Be BE E/a9/081 9+ML:I/o91a07 9+MZ:IIOSMIOL D+ML:I/09MIOi BL B[ clo9/ova B( 8[ EMotoll D+MZ:I/moo 9+ML:1/09/WL 9-11111: "I'M W 69 FN9/BOZ-002 99 BB E/091804-ou +ME:1109M1o2 9+ME:1/09/0/L D+MS:1/09/0OL •406 aV 06 9+ME:I/a9MOL 0+101"lo9/8a2 D+MB:1/09/90L 42241 aPF1a0 4gW/a1Afg3 12ptVj 1(91"3 g2poW 49120 gapoW 442213 Ii 81 EMISAW001N9E Z1—'N' F/0S/SI1-08E MCM/090.091 9+ME:EM9I08/-080 D+MC:E/o9M11"Ost L ['9 90S/OOZ-CEL 99C9 DOS/a1i-oCZ 9+ME:FJoVSIv-Op1/O8E 9+10IMOS/Swoot OBE D+141MOSAWOaVaBE �9E/asm"L1E:6 �roEMS/002 9+ 0+ So TO D+ME:Eloo5/00Z 9+ME 6Io051a0L D+ME:FJOSMIOL E1 9E E/W/OUMIOZ9QL 19Z E/OB/O/L'BOL D+ME:FJ09/01Z/SOZ-o0Z D+ME:F1o9MIOZIBOZ-OOL D+ME:E/09/0/2/BOL-VN 9( VOSICI7J80LbUL VN1S 1/09MIZ-80L D+ML:1/05MH7-OEL D+MZ:1/OS/01L-OEL D+MZ:1/OS1019-CEZ VN BEI I/09MIZ1 VN68 1/09foat D+MZ:INSIOO"" ID+ML:IMISNOLNOID+ML:IlOS/o0LO0lNB- 11 9dW qW.W va8 adwV 4apPW 9+ ML:1/09/QZLNOLM10I 9+ME/MZ:tlO9/O1L-owozI D+ML:I/OBMIZ-ooum D+MElML:I/O9MI1Z•80L/OLI 9+ML: IM79IaZL•OOZMOI 9+ME/MZ:I/ro/O/Z•90Z/OZl —R.!IW6g —9 P. - -mS P.. .0 tlViW ..IS P4. WD g2paW wrgg P-0 g.poW ..Is W. wO Mmi3 M19,Z M191L MY ZI WON WWR3 (MI 9EZ71WM'"Zoo g.POW -mm (MI 907) g101900VIL '.mr,179.14 (fm FOE) MIIM80911t -n-n^1128 m9 ANA 07 V -q N End SI IV 'dHA 17'(jaq 0'1) SIM SI IV 'dH8 V IM P9 Bad S1 IV g2poW awpm I.POW 44=0 (MI LEE) A0 009EII (lAI 1' l8) 1VIn19 OC9001 (M1 V69) Wn18 000'001 ,1X99. dHB 91 'dH80'E:Ggl 9S) so 00 IV 'dH8 O'E:PPq 9B)Bad OF IV 'd HB O'E:(1Iq S' S) 00 OBIV gPPPW I" g29M.1119 v12P0W 18219 gPDPPI wnt9 gapaW uugg (MIEB1)1WM800a491 (/M1I'SE)1WI9000'OLI (M11'94AIMS000'06 (MI1.16ZlIn19W9EL (1. 911)LW1,,"... 9 gapoW -0 aI.POW W0 WPM W0 eI.P.w v.0 gaPOW e0 ot90 L84u3 (..a17 (ww SO (ww Bl) (.4180 (ww60 1dN XE - g2POW w.w,q 1dN.o/E • 412-8 w.gg 1dN.o/E -.12WN .2219 LdN XE - 9 PPPW ..I' 1dN.O/E • v1aPuW vv 9 (ww CO (ww EO (ww EO (ww EO (.W EO Um. W07 1dN.L/I - g.paw Ivo 1dN.Z/1 - g2POW WO 1dN.l/1 • -1 P-01 vv0 idN .Lll • 422%1 WO 1dN ,LlI - ".POW ep Du!gwmH (a /wP.1 ISO W13 age ('-"mg[SLI f2PIN.u1180 (—f-81161) 44aag W37Ott ?H09 Wil Bit "14 OS Wd7010:1H OS C�Img11 IN WSJ an ('1291>W S/Z) C2P I -m ZIL) ('-1-241 m) g2POW w.P18 P.. n0 Ca2e/ingl OSE) Wd7 BEL Wd7 OZS:lH 09 Wd7 051 -II C9 Wil OS1:ZH 08 W13 WH W (w4 C04.8 P. 0020.9 (ww EOZ).9 (w.LSI),9 (ww ZSO,B '.!01-10 qV (M 6957 dH n8 (M 181)dH 1/I CM 191)dH VA (M ZOO dH 1/t dHl4aW (ww 9000.115 Be (119.60 B!9 ( .(ww LZ811 0811 EB .(mw LL90,8/L EB .(ww ZZ90.oft EB 140!2N (ww91EO,ES (ww .6117 ,L/ (ww 0010,8/[1/ (ww 0,10,811/1 (ww LBD.91i BE Bd2a (ww 188).8/58 (ww 1967,BIS BE (wwaa8).111 IE (ww ll[).BZ (..[[a NPM (vg!I 11[9)91'na O1ZL (wlq B'BZ97 91'ro (9'BI (wlq (1E7 L'na ILLI (WTR I[L) ll'ro L96 (uag ties 4- 99'L 2w4nM g„gIFI (ww 1181 ww LE® (ww L9L v ww 6E9) Dow LB[ x ww LBD (ww 29(1 uw 8[97 (ww Big, ww E[A) (1,122 x'11) SEI ./E ,OE x .(E .OS-." I AB ,OE 10211 BZ ,0Z I ,Zft Be 209 -mob (011E1 as SL (th Ei) 9105 (0I 950 N 8 (179 9EO 910E (DI EI IJ N SZ Awdg7 VA ka ,4gwo14 Be 49.1.1 V PP 12pum1 to Is I ggw.l ql PQ ggmnl ql 0L su011831113 9- UIQ Our bestselling model selected by medium and high volume laundries placing more emphasis oil lowering operating costs. UW Models UW35PV UW60PV UW80PV UW100PV UW125PV (7 speed) (7 speed) (7 speed) (7 speed) (7 speed) Dry Weight Capacity 35 Ib. 60 Ib. 80 Ib. 100 Ib. 125 Ib. 16 kg 27 kg 36 kg 45 kg 56.7 kg Cylinder Size 21" x 13.75" 24" x 16" 26.25"x 18.37" 30" x 20" 36" x 22" inches 26.25" x 18.37" 32 x 20 36 x 21 36 x 27 42 x 24 (mm) (667 x 467) (813 x 508) (914 x 533) (914 x 686) (1067 x 610) Cylinder Volume 5.76 cu. fL 9.31 cu. ft. 12.40 Cu. IL 15.9 cu. ft. 19.24 cu. ft. Distribution Speed 163 liters 264 liters 350 liters 450 liters 544 liters Medium Speed 325/ 305/ 325/ 325/ 260/ RPM / G -Force 39 G's 42 G's 54 G's 54 G's 40 G's High 1 Extract 474 / 435/ 408 / 408/ 380/ RPM / G -Force 85 G's 85 G's 85 G's 85 G's 85 G's High 2 Extract 610/ 555/ 523 /523/ 820 lb. 485/ RPM / G -Force 140 G's 140 G's 140 G's 140 G's 140 G's High 3 Extract 795/ 720/ 671 / 601 / 580/ RPM / G -Force 235 G's 235 G's 230 G's 184 G's 200 G's Recommended 660 nun 737 mm 765 mm 865 min 1054 mm Electrical Service' 15 amps 15 amps 25 amps 25 amps 60 amps Net Weight 1030 Ib. 1300 lb. 1730 Ib 1770 lb 2420 lb. C - Overall Depth 468 kg 590 kg 785 kg 805 kg 1100 kg DIMENSIONS A - Overall Width 32.5" 36.62" 41.5" 41.5" 52" 25.43" 826 mm 930 nim 1054 mm 1054 mm 1321 mm B - Frame Width 30.12" 35.62" 41.12" 41.12" 48" 42 765 mm 905 min 1045 mm 1045 mm 1219 mm C - Overall Depth 43.62" 45" 51.5" 54.5" 58" 14'37" 1080 mm 1143 mm 1308 mm 1384 mm 1473 mm D - Frame Depth 36" 36" 43.75" 43.75" 48" 914 mm 914 mm 1 111 mm 1111 mm 1219 mm E - Overall Height 55.5" 64.5" 68.5" 68.5" 72" 1410 mm 1638 mm 1740 mm 1740 mm 1829 min F- Height of DoorBottoin 23'81 28.25" 29" 29" 29" 605 inm 718 mot 737 mm 737 mm 737 mm hecommended electrical service cased on 208-240/60/3 Consult factory for other voltages UC Our economy models selected by low volume laundries placing less emphasis on operating costs than machine costs. UC Models UC18 UC27 UC35 UC50 UC80 (2 speed) (2 speed) (2 speed) (2 speed) 1 (6 speed) Dry Weight Capacity 18 Ib. 27 Ib. 351b. 50 lb. 80 lb. 8 kg 12 kg 16 kg 23 kg 36 kg Cylinder Size inches 21" x 13.75" 24" x 16" 26.25"x 18.37" 30" x 20" 36" x 22" (nine) (533 x 349) (610 x 406) (667 x 467) (762 x 508) (914 x 559) Cylinder Volume 2.76 cu. fl. 4.19 cu. ft. 5.76 cu. IL 8.18 cu. fl. 12.96 cu. fl. 78 lite I18liters 163 liters 232 liters 365 liters Distribution Speed N/A N/A N/A N/A 63 Extract Speed 525 RPM 480 RPM 470 RPM 450 RPM 524 RPM G -force 82 G's 78 G's 82 G's 86 G's 40/85/140 G's Recommended Electrical Service* 15 amps 15 amps 20 amps 20 amps 20 amps Net Weight 390 Ib. 495 lb. 650 lb. 820 lb. 1406 lb. 177 kg 225 kg 295 kg 373 kg 633 kg DIMENSIONS A - Overall Width 26 27--T-30.12" 34.06" 41.5" 660 nun 737 mm 765 mm 865 min 1054 mm B - Frame Width 26 29" 30.12" 34.06" 41.5" 660 min 737 mm 765 mm 865 mm 1054 mm C - Overall Depth 2968" 35" 38.5" 42" 51.62" 754 loin 889 mm 978 mm 1067 mm 1311 mm D - Frame Depth 25.43" 30.5" 34" 37.5" 47.5" 645 min 775 nim 865 nine 953 nim 1207 nim E - Overall Height 42 45 47.25" 49.75" 56" 1067 nim 1143 mm 1200 mm 1265 mm 1422 mm F -Height of Door Bottom 14'37" 1416- 13.5" 17.75" 365 nim 356 mm 410 mm 343 mm 451 mm ' Recommended electrical service based on 208-240/60/3 amp. Consult factory for other voltages 2 1 it c" F ..........i A _ FRONT VIEW ' s it E ... ,I i D SIDE VIEW 17 2 .1 F --yl -A FRONT VIEW 1 _ I I E II li I I i SIDE VIEW O O: _ . ♦ _ REAR VIEW Components 1. Supply Compartment 2. Controls 3. Cold Water Inlet 4. Hot Water Inlet 5. Vacuum Breaker 6. Electrical Connection 7. Drain Outlet 8. Drain Outlet (Dual drain on 80, 100 & 125) 6 3 4 6 1 1 f. 7 - B - REAR VIEW Components 1. Supply Dispenser 2. Controls 3. Cold Water Inlet .75" 4. Hot Water Inlet .75" 5. Electrical Power Connection 6. Drain Outlet 7. Operating Instructions ' 19MX TECHNICAL DATA 'BUCK DIMENSIONS ' SPECIFICATIONS Of AP ml 19MX Height of buck - padded 40 1/2" Length of buck - unpadded 19" Width of buck - unpadded 9" Width of machine 37" Depth of machine 43 1/2" Steam inlet 1 1/2" NPT Steam outlet 2 1/2" NPT Vacuum outlet 1 1/4" NPT Air inlet 3/8" NPT Air supply 85 PSI Air consumption/cycle 1/2 Cu. Ft. Boiler horsepower rating 1 HP Net weight 675 Lbs. Electrical 115/l/60 Amperage 1/2 Am Of AP ml 42X AND 45X TECHNICAL DATA BUCK DIMENSIONS SPECIFICATIONS &I. 42X 45X Height of buck - padded 40 1/2" 40 1/2" Length of buck - un added 42" 45" Width of buck - unpadded 12" - 12" Width of machine 54" 54" Depth of machine 43 1/2" 43 1/2" Steam inlet 1 1/2" NPT 1/2" NPT Steam outlet 2 1/2" NPT 1/2" NPT Vacuum outlet 1 1/4" NPT 1 1/4" NPT Air inlet 3/8" NPT 3/8" NPT Air supply 85 PSI 85 PSI Air consumption/cycle 1/2 Cu. Ft 1/2 Cu. Ft.. Boiler horsepower rating 1 HP 1 HP Net weight 750 Lbs. 800 Lbs. Electrical 115/1/60 115/1/60 Amperage 1/2 Amp 1/2 Amp &I. REAR VIEW i t SIDE ELEVATION T� iJrf SPECIFICATIONS M 9F i fxq 4 An F rr�MIr.. CF��� , 4� O „ ` ` INSIDE FOR SERVICING �. P' Electrical 1 H:P. Motor 120V, 60 Hz, 1 Ph, 12 Amps .. 240V, 60 Hz; l.Ph, 6 Amps-. SIDE ELEVATION NOTE: FAN HOUSING SPECIFICATIONS M 9F i fxq 4 An F rr�MIr.. CF��� , 4� O „ ` ` SIDE ELEVATION 7-3/4" (197) Mr. Cissell Suzie 11 Ms. Cissell 4" nm) NOTE: FAN HOUSING SPECIFICATIONS All Models " (451 mm�► MUST BE REMOVABLE , 4� O „ ` ` INSIDE FOR SERVICING �. P' Electrical 1 H:P. Motor 120V, 60 Hz, 1 Ph, 12 Amps .. 240V, 60 Hz; l.Ph, 6 Amps-. `240V, 50 Hz, 1 Ph, 6 Amps _ Max.Operating Pressure 100 P.S.I. (6.9 Bars) Boiler H.P. Required 2.5 B.H.P. (1.9 kw)-2.51cw Steam Supply & Return lit^ (1.27 cm) Net Weight 220 lbs. (100 kg) `Shipping Weight "`" _ 250 lbs. (113 kg)' Export Shipping Dim: 61" x 25" x 69" (1550 mm x 635 mm 2 F Export Crate Volume z 1753 mm) 61 Cubic Feet (1.73 m=) i UL Approved - CE Pending 7-3/4" (197) Mr. Cissell Suzie 11 Ms. Cissell 4" nm) Five Press Air Vacuum A real space saver for the busy plant, the RP -5 Vertical Series serves up to 5 presses with ease, yet is compact and powerful. This vacuum measures only 4 ft. high by 19" in diameter. Of course, it includes Rema's exclusive aircraft type turbine design which can't rust. Specifications are: Eight Press Air Vacuum This high velocity, eight press air vacuum solves prob- lems found in critically crowded plants that must produce the finest workmanship, yet must cope with limited space availabilities. Rema's finely balanced turbine and rugged overall construction assures high reliability performance plus the lowest time per garment finishing that can be expected Specifications are: NO OF 1. MODEL MODEL MODEL PRESSES MOTOR. INLET � ':OUTLET ` � �: OVERALL SHIP; . ' NO SERVED HP SIZE t HGT. SIZE MGT,'.' ;HGT, .: DIAM I WGT RP -5 5 1 2 1/2" 16 1/2" 2" 38 1/2" 48" 19" 137 LBS. Eight Press Air Vacuum This high velocity, eight press air vacuum solves prob- lems found in critically crowded plants that must produce the finest workmanship, yet must cope with limited space availabilities. Rema's finely balanced turbine and rugged overall construction assures high reliability performance plus the lowest time per garment finishing that can be expected Specifications are: Twelve Press Air Vacuum A heavy duty, rugged vertical air vacuum that is sur- prisingly quiet and virtually vibration free because of our Precision, balanced impellers and special cushioned mounts. A real space saver for the large plant, it will devel- n extremely powerful flow of air so vital for the quality finished garment. If high level iy is your production goal, the RP -12 is a definitive answer. Specifications include: NO OF 1. MODEL MODEL `PRESSES:` `MOTOR INLET OUTLET,:, OVERALL *^; MR- HIP, ' NO NO SERVED',. HP ..SIZE,'? HGT.: SIZE HGT.• HGT .`PIAM •: WGT.:. RP -8 8 11/2 3" 1 19" 2" 142 1/4" 52" 1 9" 144 LBS. Twelve Press Air Vacuum A heavy duty, rugged vertical air vacuum that is sur- prisingly quiet and virtually vibration free because of our Precision, balanced impellers and special cushioned mounts. A real space saver for the large plant, it will devel- n extremely powerful flow of air so vital for the quality finished garment. If high level iy is your production goal, the RP -12 is a definitive answer. Specifications include: Sixteen Press Air Vacuum This multiple press, high volume, air vacuum takes a great deal less floor space than the old cast iron horizontal 4` types. After years of research, field testing and on site use, Rema engineering developed this series of high efficiency, space saving units that will deliver more profits per garment in less time. Virtually noiseless and vibration free, the RP -16 is just 42 3/4" high and 24" in dia. Specifications are: NO OF 1. MODEL PRESSES MOTOR INLET OUTLET ' ' . OVERALL SHIP NO SERVED HP SIZE _ .HGT- . , SIZE'." - MGT GT. •'I)IAM : ' WGT .:°• RP -12 12 3 3" 19" 2 1/2" 42 3/4" 53 1/2" 1 24" 240 LBS. Sixteen Press Air Vacuum This multiple press, high volume, air vacuum takes a great deal less floor space than the old cast iron horizontal 4` types. After years of research, field testing and on site use, Rema engineering developed this series of high efficiency, space saving units that will deliver more profits per garment in less time. Virtually noiseless and vibration free, the RP -16 is just 42 3/4" high and 24" in dia. Specifications are: 5 NO OF -1 1. MODEL.. PRESSES; M_ OTOR 1 : INLET OUTLET : OVERALL.'• • SHIP NO SERVED.; HP . • `. SIZE.'."''. HGT .,SI,ZE :._ HGT HGT DIAM ' ,WGT .' RP -16 16 3 3" 19" 2 1/2" 142 3/4" 53 1/2" 24" 240 LBS. 5 '3TZ TECHNICAL DATA 43Ye 44 O ELECTRICAL II—G--R ° \. CONNECTION i 6' (3 PRONG) ELECTRICAL CORD SO% STEAK IN STEAM UUT Ye NPT i'e NPT AIR CONNECTION I 23/1 26�/A %a NPT i II'/e 23% IS DIA.MOUNTING b o ROLE,(4) (BUCK DIMENSIONS Model 3TZ 7 8. 23/8 R 195/8 Ih/s III/4 R 17 17 ,SPECIFICATIONS Model 3TZP I I II \ �195I8�1/12 lir_ R-/ F- 17-. • �r 17 —�1 I Ar Model 3TZP r . Unipress reserves the right to atter or vary the specifications contained in this leaflet without notice. Drawings not to scale. 3TZ Overall Height 50 1/8" Overall Length 43 7/8" Overall Width 44" Steam Inlet (1) 3/8" NPT Steam Outlet (2) 3/8" NPT Steam Supply 100-125 PSI Boiler horsepower 3/4 Air Inlet 3/8" NPT Air consumption/cycle 1 3/4 cu. ft./cycle Air supply 85 PSI Electrical(press) 115/1/60 Amperage(press) 1/2 AMP Net Weight 1,000 Lbs Model 3TZP I I II \ �195I8�1/12 lir_ R-/ F- 17-. • �r 17 —�1 I Ar Model 3TZP r . Unipress reserves the right to atter or vary the specifications contained in this leaflet without notice. Drawings not to scale. SBT / DBT SBT / DBT SBT Cabinet -Single Buck ShirtPress. The SBT cabinet single buck shirt press produces top ' quality fully pressed shirts due to its plated contoured chests, heated buck and non -porous air bags. In order to obtain a fully pressed shirt the non -porous side air ' bags are inflated, (acting as expander blades) as the contoured chests close. The use of versatile non- porous air bags and enlarged pressing heads ensures that the widest possible range of shirt sizes can be finished. The SBT is easy to dress minimizing operator training time. This advantage combined with the fast, smooth buck transfer allows maximum production to be obtained quickly. The simple robust design of the SBT is enhanced by microprocessor controls. They work in tandem to provide many years of trouble free service. rage i ui -t ,Q . ' Its quiet operation, low capital cost, and minimal use of floor area will enable top quality shirts to be produced at the lowest cost. Specifications •:i )J�,m11::16 j In L' t7'a! K1. �— '� •:4, ifs �7r �j- 1 1 I ! � _ sr I I e. ' Sdr1 i 1 Y 1 � Features r Low capital costs Contoured Chests Heated Buck Microprocessor controls Automatic collar clamp release } Quiet Operation Non -porous air bags Widest range of shirt sizes Easy to dress Minimum of floor space 14 Durable construction r Dual timers * Production Counters 11/12/2002 ' GA 2090.00 ...... $1405.00 Series 540 wall mounting bracket ..................... GA 4387.12....... 49.00 Series 540 Pedestal for floor mounting ............. GA 2485.16..... 'N' DOWN CONVEYOR MODEL N 68.00 Bi-directional Hand Switch (mounted on arm) .. GA 1588-00....... OVERALLMEET WITH GARMENTS Bi-directional Foot Switch (with 25 ft. of cord) .. GA 0280-01 ......... ' Electrical input other than 115V ..................................................... XH90.0 90' Outside Horizontal Bend Per Quote Special colors on request............................................................... XP -1374.00.... Per Quote 12............ E'- - XH45-0 45° Outside Horizontal Bend.... 12............ TOP VIEW XP -1261-00.... 2'-3' 6............ 195.00 STANDARD STRAIGHT 45' XV15-U 15° Upper Vertical Bend ............. 6............ 195.00 XP -1376.00.... XS Splice Assembly ................................. 4'-3' MiNIMUN 11.00 XP -1242-00.... XE30 30° Drop Off ................................... 7.............. 89.00 XP -1026-00.... XB -5 Blank Section ................................ 12............ 163.00 XP -1381-00.... XP Drill Jig ............................................... 6'-0' I MAN ER 21.00 A9 REQUIRED HEIGHT MEIGNT I Approx.Overall Esti- No. Addtl. Length mated Product Floor Hanging with Shipping List Number Supports Capacity Garments' Weight Price ' N-380 ................ 1 ............. 38-0 .. ............ 18-0 ....... 850 lbs... $4056.00 N-400 ................ 1 ............. 40-0 .. ............ 19-0 ....... 880 .......... 4148.00 N-420 ................ 2 ... -........ 42' 0"__ ...... 20' 0" -..... 910 .......... 4238.00 N-460 ................ 2 ............. 46-0 .. ............ 22'0 ....... 970 .......... 4421.00 N-500 ................ 2 ............. 50-0 .............. 24-0 ..... 1030 .......... 4605.00 N-540 ................ 3 ............. 54-0 .. ............ 26-0 ..... 1090 .......... 4790.00 N-580 ................ 3_ ...... ***,, 58'0"............ 28'0",,, 1150 .......... 4972.00 N-600 ................ 3 ............. 60-0 .. ............ 29-0 1180 .......... 5065.00 N-620 ................ 4 ............. 62'0 .. ............ 30' 0" ..... 1210 .......... 5157.00 N-660 ................ 4 ............. 66-0 .. ............ 32-0 ..... 1270 .......... 5339.00 f� N-700 ................ 4 ............. 70-0 .. ............ .. 34' 0"..... 1330.......... 5522.00 1 '.-- N-740 ................ 4 ............. 74'0 ............ 36' 0" ..... 1390 .......... 5706.00 N-780 ................ 5 ............. 78-0 .............. 38-0 ..... 1450 .......... 5889.00 N-800 ................ 5 ............. 80-0 .. ............ 39-0 ..... 1480 .......... 5981.00 N-820 ................ 5 ............. 82' 0" ............ 40-0 ..... 1510 .......... 6071.00 N-860 ................ 5 ............. 86'0 .. ............ 42'0 ..... 1570 .......... 6256.00 N-900 ................ 5 ............. 90' 0" ............ 44-0 ..... 1630 .......... 6440.00 N-920 ................ 5 ............. 92-0 .. ............ 45' 0" ..... 1660 .......... 6530.00 N-960 ................ 6 ............. 160 ............ 47'0" ..... 1720 .......... 6714.00 N-1000 .............. 6 ........... 100'0 .............. 49-0 ..... 1780 .......... 6897.00 'Based on 12 ft. ceiling. One hand switch furnished. Two floor supports included. Add $110.00 ea. per floor support required. Add $135.00 for drives less than 8 ft. off floor. OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT Automatic Series 540 keypad control (with cord) ............... GA 2090.00 ...... $1405.00 Series 540 wall mounting bracket ..................... GA 4387.12....... 49.00 Series 540 Pedestal for floor mounting ............. GA 2485.16..... 103.00 Series 540 arm mounting bracket .......................GA 4387-00....... 68.00 Bi-directional Hand Switch (mounted on arm) .. GA 1588-00....... 79.00 Bi-directional Foot Switch (with 25 ft. of cord) .. GA 0280-01 ......... 77.00 Electrical input other than 115V ..................................................... XH90.0 90' Outside Horizontal Bend Per Quote Special colors on request............................................................... XP -1374.00.... Per Quote Special sizes and shapes available on all conveyors V -DIP CONVEYOR MODEL V OVERALL LENGTH WTRI GARMENTS TOP VIEW 4'-3' 1- UM STRAI•NT F45' SF cEawo MANGER B' -G' HEIGHT "EIGHTT Approx. Overall Esti- No. Req'd Length mated Product Floor Hanging . with Shipping List Number Supports Capacity Garments' Weight Price V-540 ................. 4 ............. 54'0 . ............ WT.. .... 6'0"...... 1090 lbs.. $5324.00 V-580 ................. 4 ............. 58-0 .............. 28-0 1150 .......... 5511.00 V-600 ................. 5 ............. 60-0 .. ............ 29-0 . ...... 1180 .......... 5606.00 V-620 ................. 5 ............. 62'0 . ............ 30'0 . ...... 1210.......... 5701.00 V-660 ................. 6 ............. 66-0 .. ............ 32-0 ...... 1270.......... 5889.00 V-700 ................. 6 ............. 70'0 . ............ X0 ...... 1330.......... 6079.00 V-740 ................. 6 ....,........ 74-0 .. ............ 36-0 1390.......... 6266.00 V-780 ................. 7 ............. 78-0 .. ............ 38'0 ...... 1450.......... 6456.00 V-800 ................. 7 ............. 80-0 .. ............ 39-0 ...... 1480.......... 6551.00 V-820 ................. 7 ............. 82-0 .. ............ 40-0 . ...... 1510.......... 6645.00 V-860 ................. 7 ............. 86' 0............. 42'0 ....... 1570.......... 6834.00 V-900 ................. 8 ............. 9010 . ............ 44'0 1630.......... 7022.00- V-920 ................. 8 ............. 92-0 .. ............ 45-0 1660.......... 7116.00 V-960 ................. 8 ............. 96-0 .. ............ 47' 0"...... 1720.......... 7305.00 V-1000 ............... 8 ........... 100' 0" ............ 49' 0" ...... 1780.......... 7495.00 'Based on 12 ft. ceiling. One hand switch furnished. Add $110.00 ea. per floor support required. Add $135.00 for drives less than 8 ft. off floor. X' Product Number PRESS-U-VEYOR MODEL XP Estimated Description Shipping Wt. Price XP -1370-00.... XD Drive ................................................. 52 lbs ..... $692.00 XP -1371-00.... XA10 10' Add on Section ....................... 22............ 154.00 XP -1371-02.... XA5 5' Add on Section ........................... 12............ 103.00 XP -1372-00.... XH90-1 90° Inside Horizontal Bend........ 15............ 241.00 XP -1373.00.... XH90.0 90' Outside Horizontal Bend ... 15............ 241.00 XP -1374.00.... XH45.1 45° Inside Horizontal Bend........ 12............ 241.00 XP -1375-00.... XH45-0 45° Outside Horizontal Bend.... 12............ 241.00 XP -1261-00.... XV15-L 15° Lower Vertical Bend ............. 6............ 195.00 XP -1257.00.... XV15-U 15° Upper Vertical Bend ............. 6............ 195.00 XP -1376.00.... XS Splice Assembly ................................. 2.............. 11.00 XP -1242-00.... XE30 30° Drop Off ................................... 7.............. 89.00 XP -1026-00.... XB -5 Blank Section ................................ 12............ 163.00 XP -1381-00.... XP Drill Jig ............................................... 1.............. 21.00 Speed 15 It /min .R WHEN ORDERING SPECIFY - Product Number • Color • Electrical Characteristics • Type & Location of Controls • Numbering System Lot' Maytag Neptune Washing Machine - buy maytag neptune washing machine at We -Sell -It Page 1 of 2 Home Appliances Maytag Appliances Maytag Fridge Freezers Maytag Laundry 1 Maytag Dishwashers Maytag Vacuum Cleaners NUITAG MAYTAG NEPTUNE WASHING MACHINE PRICE: £1300.00 Want to speak to a person regarding Maytag Appliances ? Then call the Maytag Sales Line on 020 8458 6434 (Monday -Friday 9.30am till 5.30pm) ENERGY EFFICIENCY: B WASH PERFORMANCE: A SPIN EFFICIENCY: B LOAD CAPACITY LB / KG e 18lb/8kg POWER REQUIREMENTS e 13 amp plug fitted WATER RECOMMENDATION e Equal pressure of - 30 - 120 psi FEATURES • Stainlees steel wash basket • Massive 181b (8kg) capacity • Automatic detergent and fabric softne • Touch Screen controls dispenser • Favourite programme a Ultra sound silencing system • 2.75KW built in terminal water • Multilingual customisation English/ heater French/ Spanish/ German • Laundry hints • Control panel lockout • Operating tips • Before you call guide THE MAYTAG GUARANTEE • Large usable capacity • Cottons programme • Reduced Ironing/ Delicate/ • Lifetime -Free parts on replacements Synthetics Programme related to stainless steel inner wash • Pre Soak option basket • 12 hour delay wash a 10 Years - Free parts on replacement, related to washer motor and cabinet r • Quick wash/ Woollens/ Rinse and through • 5 Years - Free parts on replaments rel Spin/ Spin only p y programmes to dryer drum http://Www.we-sell-it.co.uk/cgi-local/SoftCart. exe/value/prodpages/maytag/may_peptunew ... 9/30/2002 No. 7CF46 • Roof mounted ventilators for factories, warehouses, laundries, etc. ■ Galvanized steel hood and side panels ■ Steel blades are statically balanced - 5 blades on exhaust or supply models, 8 on exhaust/supply models ■ Easy to assemble. Side panels bolt together. Fan mounts on heavy gauge flanges on inside of side ORepair Parts Available e 1-800-323-0620 Illustrated Completely Assembled; Shipped as Separate Components. Shutter, Damper or Curb Not Included. See Index for Listing. Shown In Service Position C �5 panels. Adjustable motor mount for ease of belt tensioning. Pre -assembled top including birdscreen hinges to side panels ■ Unit. is wealhell ighl when fully assembled and latched (latches have provisions for locks) ■ Air deliveries up to 22,575 CFM at 1/8" SP. MWmum inlet temper2t&6: 120 degrees Fahrenheit ■ Heavy-duty, 1725 RPM, ball bearing motors feature an easy to access motor terminal box mi Some exhaust/supply models feature electrically reversible motors ■ Housing, fan, and drive packages are shipped separately ■ Fans feature self -aligning pillow -block bearings and cast iron pulleys 1,Fan Hood Only Size Dimensions (In.) (No Fan) Root Curb Ba kdran BaekdaR (In.) A 8 C D E F G H Stock No. Sw High 12W' High Damper Damper (t) VENTILATOR DIMENSIONS AND ACCESSORIES f 24 4654 38 214 28'fe 15 8'h 14'h 25 3C553 4C454 3C437 413224 3C315 30 55'h 37 214 34h 15 7'% 14'h 31 3C256 40455 3C438 4C225 30234 11 I� 36 64 Y 37 . 2'h 40'h 15 7f' 14'h 37 3CO47 4C455 30438 4C228 3CI31 42 74% 39% 2% 46'i 15 10 14% 43 30056 3C597 3C598 3C242 3C235 E; 48 86 41h 2h 5411 15 12 14''4 49 30554 30216 3C439 3C243 3C132 (t) Use 1214' hibh curb with motorized dauber. CFM Air Delivery At Motor Dripprooi Totally Enclosed Totally Enclosed Pro- RPM Shown HP Capacitor -Start Motor Capacitor -Start Motor 3 -Phase Motor peller 0.000" 0.125" 0.250" • 0.375" Fan 1725 115 / 230V, 60 Hz 115 / 230V, 60 Hz 208-220 / 440V. 60 Hz Dia. (in.) SP SP - SP - SP RPM RPM Stock No. Each Stock No. Each Stock No. Each EXHAUST VENTILATORS COMPLETE WITH EXHAUST FAN, DRIVE PACKAGE, AND ROOF HOOD 24 5120 4195 2160 - 650 1/4 7CF46* $836.50 7CF47 $885.50 7CF48 $868.00 24 5595 4775 2830 1650 710 1/3 7CF49* 854.00 7CF50 904.00 7CF51 886.50 24 6580 5910 4970 3100 835 1/2 7CF52# 866.50 7CF53 939.00 7CF54 893.50 24 7445 6870 6200 4800 945 3/4 7CF55 933.50 7CF56 985.00 . 7CF57 908.50 30 6895 4950 - - 470 1/4 7CF56* 929.00 7CF59`mc 978.00 7CF60 961.00 311 7x'15 ..96n5 23211 - 5111) 1/3. 7CF611; ,934.00 7CF67;'# 9R4.00 711FO ,967.00 30 8585 7305 4750 - 585 1/2 7CF64 948.50 7CF651a° 1022.00 7CF66 976.50 30 9830 8805 7120 4130 670 314 7CF67 1013.00 7CF68°k' 1065.00 7CF69 987.50 30 10565 9615 8205 5945 720 1 7CF70 1048.00 7CF714-' 1079.00 7CF72 1006.00 .36 10160 7590 415 1/3 7CF731' 1096.00 71CF74'' 1146.00 7CF75 1130.00 t 36 11875 9915 5045 - 485 1/2 7CF76 1141.00 7CF771-1 1215.00 7CF78 1170.00 36 13220 11490 8565 4215 540 224 7CF79 1172.00 7CE804' 1223.00 7CF81 1145.00 36 14815 13300 11415 6600 605 1 7CF82 1191.00 7CF834- 1221.00 7CF84 1149.00- 36 16160 14805 13215 10400 660 1'h 7CF85 - 1203.00 7CF86 1272.00 7CF87 1172.00 42 14515 11040 - - 380 1/2 7CF88 1342.00 7CF89,:;: 1416.00 7CF90 1370.00 42 16425 13670 6645 - 430 3/4 7CF91 1426.00 7CF92'4' 1477.00 7CF93 1401.00 42 17570 15045 8350 4855 450 1 7CF94 1433.00 7CF954=' 1462.00 7CF96 1390.00 42 20435 18345 15480 8530 535 1'h 7CF97 1437.00 7CF98 1505.00 7CF99 1406.00 48 17060 10790 - - 315 1/2 7CH03 1576.00 7CH04 1649.00 7CH05 1604.00 48 20040 15900 6450 370 314 7CH06 1639.00 7CH07 1693.00 7CH08 1615.00 48 21665 18120 8860 3465400 1 7CH09 1659.00 7CH10 1690.00 7CH11 1618.00 48 24375 21345 15700 7640 450 1% 7CH12 1753.00 7CH13 1822.00 7CH14 1721.00 48 25455 22575 17615 9275 470 2 7CH15 1871.00 , 7CH16 1936.00 7CH17t 1819.00 1 115V, 60 Hz, split phase motor. (t 230 / 46OV, 60 Hz only. _ (' ) Auto. reset thermal protection. (�) TENV, 115 / 23OV, 60 Hz, split phase motor. 3710 1 GJWNGER AeroCool Pro Series - Helps Cool Your Home About Us Products Why Evaporative Cooling? News & Events Contact Us Home Technical Information InUroduction Quality Features Enaineerina Data Model Number Cabinet Duct Opening peeing Belt Pulley H W D A B E F G I M O P S 23 PD4U 27% 42 43 174 17 4 17 26 5Y2 13y 13y 13 1Y2 12 ye PH4 0/ PH4230 #5 '�6 42 45 194 19 4 17 28 5 % 13 Y2 13 Y4 13 3'i6 11 ye PD6800/ PD6230 3413 k6 156 181 Y2 13 Y, 13 1 12 11 ya PH6800/ PH6230 34 56 � 42 45 19 4 19 4 1712815 3875 Y2 13 Y2 13 Y4 13 1 11 Enaineerina Data Model Blower Wheel Shalt Belt Pulley Oper. Ship Dia, D Number Dia. Length OD Weight Weight P04800/ PD4230 16 16 1 54 10 195 177 PH4800/ PH4230 16 16 1 55 10 195 179 PD6800/ PD6230 19 18 1 62 12 232 217 PH6800/ PH6230 19 18 1 65 12 232 217 Enaineerina Data Page 1 of 2 i http://www.evapcool.com/aerocool_pro3.html 11/5/2002 Air delivery CFM Indus. (cubic feet per minute) 6ectical Specifications Weights Model Number Std. Incite static pressure W.G. W/Motor Rating(water gauge) 0 .1 1 .2 .3 .4 .5 HP Spd Phz Volts Amps Ship Oper 4400 3329 3035 2816 2623 2429 2235 Y2 2 1 115 8.5 156 181 2 1 230 4.5 158 182 PH4800/ PH4230 4800 3875 3619 3440 3286 3132 2978 4 2 2 1 1 115 230 10.8 5.4 159 161 186 189 41 1 Page 1 of 2 i http://www.evapcool.com/aerocool_pro3.html 11/5/2002 AeroUool fru aciiw -._ r 2 1 11510.8 187 209 PDQ/ 5800 4250 4125 4000 3850 3650 3425 3/ 2 1 230 5.4 189 211 PD6230 3/ 2 1 115 10.8 187 209 PH W/ 5800 4250 4125 4000 3850 3650 3425 % 2 1 230 5.4 189 211 P� � V1 hl •••I� ...........i ' G a 7V .a _ �'-i .. i:.•-•=: D • M. , Side View T*" Via - Air Delive End View Ind. Std. Tested Air Delivery Model Rating. voftge AMPS, . Number p,. 1., X, y- X .5-- HP Sid PD48W/ PD423p11.4/5.7 4800 3450 3200 3 2 115!230 050 2950 2500 2310 3/4 l Z230j 6800 14430143101413513.013695134601 1 I 2 1115/230 112.5/6.3 Introduction Quality Features Phoenbc Manufacturing Inc. 3655 E Roeser Rd Phoenbc A2 85040 602.437.1034 Last Modified: Saturday, January 6, 2001 For Web Site related questions, contact the Webmaster 11/5/2002 http://www.evapcool.com/aerocool_pro3 .html