001360 (RC)PERMIT APPLICATION City of La Ouinta Department of Building and Safety This permit becomes void if work not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance, OR, it work has been suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days. LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION: I hereby affirm that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my license is in full force and effect. License Class L'c. Number Date Contractor �� 1 • • (< OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION: I hereby atfi rn that I am exempt fro ,the Contractor's Lice se- w for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section -7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than live hundred dollars (5500.): 0 I. as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the. structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds, or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvemnt is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). 0 I, as owner of the property, am exculsively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project•(Sec. 7044. Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for such projects with a contractors) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law.). 0 1 am exempt under Sec. . B. 8 P.C. (Attached Certificate) Date Owner WORKERS' COMPENSATION DECLARATION: I hereby affirm that I have a certificate of consent to sell -insure, or a certificate of Workers' Compensation Insurance , or a certified copy thereof (Sec. 3800. Lab. C.). Policy No. Company 0 Certified copy is hereby furnished. 0 Certified copy is filed with the City Building Inspection Department or City Department. Date Applicant APPLICANT NAME (L. F. MD FJiser&iawex Ykklimd ^_vj ter e ADDRESS 39000 Bob Hobe Drive CITY/COMMUNITY/STATE/ZIP rartcho Yfi age CA JOB SITE ADORESS/SPACE ady in CITY/COMMUNITY/STATE/ZIP Ia Quinta, /'�7tl� 92253 CA BOK PAG PRC C - - RNG SE S TRACT LOT 349.00 Elect. Flee 121.00 I SIB 5.04 TRACT NAME P]8z8 la Quinta OWNER NAME (L. F. MI) �1 Acwrt CONTRACTOR -FIRM NAME ADDRESS CITY/COMMUNITY/STATE/ZIP IrvimCA • PHONE a LICNC A ARC/ENG FIRM NAME ADDRESS CITY/COMMUNITY/STATE/ZIP PHONE • LICNC . TOTAL FEE USE OF PERMIT T,��,� y� ^�,.��.AM Lmedi ite � Centex BL ZON FSB SSB SSB RSB I OFC ZONE ORD • I LOT SZ END SIDE CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE: This section need not be completed it the permit is for one hundred ($100) o, less. I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT: If, after making this Certificate of Exemption, you should become subject to the Workers' Compensation provisions of the Labor Code, you must forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. DIVISION OF INDUSTRIAL SAFETY PERMIT CERTIFICATION: 0 1 hereby certify that no excavation five (5) or more feet in depth into which a person is required to descend, will be made in connection with work authorized by this permit, and that no building structure, scaffolding, falsework, or demolition or dismantling thereoONill be more than thirty-six (36) feet high. (Chap 3.2, Grp 2, Art 2, Sec 341, Title 8, C.A.C.) 0 As owner -builder, I will not employ anyone to do work which would require a permit from the Division of Industrial Safety, as noted above, unless such person has a permit to do such work from that division. 0 Division of Industrial Safety Permit Np, Date Applicant CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY: I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.). Lender's Name Lender's Address I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this county to enter upon the above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. Signature of Applicant or Agent Date CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE AND AUTHORIZATION OF ENTRY: I certify I have read this application and state that the information given is correct. I agree to comply with all state laws and county ordinances relating to buidling construction, and authorize a'representative of the City of La Ouinta Department of Building and Safety to enter upon the property for which I have applied for this permit for the purpose of making inspections. Signature of°Applfcant`orAgent l�� l Date' Print Applicant/Agent Name ,APPL/PRMT #� (j 1l � Ll DATE 4-9-85 STM• Ylk-rmitLin it cyr q flrxr nt cy,�,.,alfi—ratil.sa an immediate care cienter as per approved Plans.. Mach • Flee 118.00 Plan Check Fee 331.97 Const. Fee 349.00 Elect. Flee 121.00 SMI Free 5.04 Plumbing Flee 85.00 1,015.01 (100.00) DEP. PO. 915.01 TOTAL FEE 1,015.01 A 0 8 7 4 4 30 9 1 S LA " BLDG. DEPT. VALUATION 71,000 .0 NO. OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR NO. OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS 1 Set Back 33 Ventilation System 2 Ftgs & Frms 34 Plenums & Ducts 2A Slab Grade 35 Furnace Compart. 3 Steel 36 Inlets & Outlets 4 Grout Blocks 37 Combustion Air 5 Bond Beams 38 Compressor 6 Roof Deck 39 Appl. Clearance 7 Framing 40 Fire Damper 8 Vents 41 Smoke Detection Device 9 Garage Fire Wall 42 Commercial Hood 10 Fireplace P. L. ❑ 43 Final 10A Fireplace T.O. ❑ OP'NO. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION - SEWAGE SYSTEM SIZE & LOCATION 11 Exterior Lath 12 Internal Lath 12A Drywall 13 Finish Grade INSULATION Thick R Value 7A Walls (Batts) 12B Ceiling (Batts) 12CT Ceiling (Blown) 14 1 Final PLUMBING' APPROVALS 15 Ground Plumb 16 Water Piping 17 Rough Plumb 18 • Vents 19 Sewage Disposal 20 Sewer 21 Water Heater 22 Water Softener 23 Water Service 24 Gas Test 25 Final Tank Pit L. Line ELECTRIC APPROVALS REAR OF PROPERTY LINE P/L P/1 STREET NAME 26 Power Pole 27 Conduit 28 Service Entrance 29 Wiring 29A Grounding Wire 29B Bonding 30 Fixtures 31 Service 32 Final RECEIlJ•E-G. MAR 2FE5" INUVmINV PVWLM REFERENCE CHART vs: GENERATOR.- •VAC - -VAC- RANGE PHAS MAX. MOMENTARY RATING DIST- TRANS. kVa DIST. TRANS. WIRES -TO MAIN DISC. ' , Dl,gr 'WATiW.G NOTES _ mA kVp _ kV a LINE_ AYP8 60 FT 100�FT ZOO'FT N G' C.X- 325 240 190 - 28co 1 300 125 34+ 1 ql) 215 r$ 2 000 # 250 0(p 9(.0 701 A G X- 325 208 I50 - 28c0 I 300 125 :: 344 171 25 1 #0100 x 300 At (0 0(0 70A G )(- 3So Z4•0 190 - 23ra 1 300 150" 45 /CPO 25 r# Z ttcx;l a 250 #cv alo ?0 A �� Z.X..._.3. - - - - I _3«? .-►.So 4S- r/,$5_ �: _Z�S, _��1� �a o_oy=3y- o :5oc� -1.50_ =&4 Z9__o_ 755 7_t0_—_J-50A.. ist rtt3 "So -tt�y __ � �`---_-� C7)( -.5S0 208 150 - ZBco I 500 /r>6 Colo 33S 5o 000 OZ50 a'goo #Co At( o I 95A G X - (0 50 240 150- 28(0 l (poo 125 70 3/o 5o #o oOCo #950 #C0 #Co 150 A - G50 3 �.X- (o2S 208 Z o 150-28(v 191 - 29f f I 6000 (0100 125 55 70 SS 3.5? 215 50 50 #oro tt I At25o 00 tt'y,00 000 #Co #Co Co /75A 150A t X -(moo 48o uo - 5o4 3 C000 120 I oo 121v 75#e4 it I #0101 a(o ttCo I25A GX-acu 24o /'38-2-52 3 loon ' 12c� loo 25� 75 # 1 #00 tt 30O # 601 a (01 I25A G - Zo8 1.98- 252 ?✓ lvoo rllo, loci 2!)Z 75 #o a000 1135o a(0 060 I50A �' - LSo 480 380 - So4 3 3 Goo =150 �(o(o I Cvo 1 /2.5 3 'S o alo Co 12 SA 4 v -TX -C,50 240 190 -252 _(0100650 106 335 112 5� 11000a35o a2 vTX-CoSo 208 150- 252 !wo /50 /6060 370 112.5 14,0000 #app a55o a2 02 176A GX- 850 46o 45o - 5o q 3 00 140 14f2 171 112.5 75 st 3 It o #(o aCo I25A j c,X- a5o 24o 2q5 - 252 3 Bcv 125 1 21 I 307 15o It o #oma # 350 't 2 2{ IDSA Fel)(_ 850 F 203 2016-252 3 800 1 ZS 121 350 150 #oe� #2So aSoo # 2 a 2 I,?S A � vTA - IoSo 480 380- Sall 3 loo0 13o 215 26.0 150 tt 1 #1 rr� W_co a� I25A V7X- /0150 240 190- 252 3 1000 110 154 455 150 gto000 00000 std It 2 It 2 05A ATX - l v So 2a8 /!)0 - 25 2 3 1000 110 13'0 625 /50 a goo 3010 #6avc� tt 2 it 2 1-95A X- 1o5o 48o 450-6o4 3 /ono 130 1 192 229 (So # I a I a0oo �Co MCo I25A G - 1050 Zdlt;. 208- 252 3 1000 11 o 134 $35 150 0010 ttO a 4w tt 2 tt 2 I SSA C X - 050 209 208 - 252 3 loon ljo 134 38i 150 tt000 aIt 3«2 Coov # 2 a 2 Zoo A r @?'0FESS� No 9.0 INTRODUCTION 9.1 COMPLIANCE FORMS I lie ii-1,nunenderl compliance forms The suggested compliance forms provided in this manual have been prepared to developed toy enforcement of these allow the designer to demonstrate compliance with each section of the standards. standards have been included in Chap- The following forms are provided herein. ter 9. It recommended that designers use copies of these forms to submit to FOPM 1 - Building Data Form — Building Envelope Compliance the local building code enforcement agency. Any problems or suggested FORM 2 — Materials Data Form — Building Envelope Compliance revisions to the forms should be made FORM 3 .— Heat Transfer Coefficient — Proposed Construction Assembly known to the Commission staff. Please t-bFORM 4 = Documentation Form — HVAC System Compliance mail your su fo: FORM 5 Documentation Form —Building Lighting Compliance . Buildings/ApplianceAppliance s Office • CERCDC, 1111 Howe Avenue L-FlOrh;1A 6 — Documentation Form— HVAC Equipment Compliznce Sacramento, CA 95825 FORM 7 — Documentation Form— Building Service Water Heating Compli3nce • FORM 8 — Documentation Form — Electric Resistance Heating Life Cycle Cost s Calculations FORM 9 —Documentation Form —Active Solar Energy System FORM 1.0— Documentation Form — Passive Solar Energy System FORM 11 — Documentation Form — Daylighting '> FORM 12 — Documentation Form — V:ind Energy System FORM 13 — Documentation Form —.E -orgy Budget Compliance Form C E �/ ti z] FORM 14 — Documentation Form — A'-zndatory Standards MAR 6 1225 OREMEN ASSOUC, 9.1 COOLING AND HEATG LOADS DATE: MAR. 5, 85 NAME: IMMEDIATE CAFE CENTER SG FT. U VALUE DEG. F. ETU/H C DEG.F. BTU/H H WALL 1 400 .=6 38 5472 3$ 5472 WALL 2 168 .076 38 485.184 38 485.184 WALL 3 i 0 Q 0 0 GLASS 1 168 1.13 ?8 7213.92 38 7213.92 GLASS 2 0 0 0 i) i SKYLT. G 0 0 0 ROOF 0 0 0 0 r. GLASS t 10.6 21012.304 WALL 48 ...36 FLOOR 94- .365 0 0 Sk::YL I G H T 0 0 0 0 ;LIGHTS 2668 3.41 27293.64 PEOPLE 27 1 500 13500 ,DOORS 28 .35 ?8 372.4 O.S.A. 405 1.08 •38 16621.2 TOTALS 70958.:34 SOLAR LD. GLASS 168 1.13 10.6 21012.304 WALL 48 ...36 8 138.24 ROOF 0 0 i Sk::YL I G H T 0 0 0 0 1468. 48 ' DOCUMENTATION FORM Form `t HVAC SYSTEMS COMPLIANCE (Complete for each system) Project Title •�/y�ED/�� CA �E�f1'��P Documented by Location — C12G/sn/7–A . eA. Date �S Project Designer Assoc- Checked by — Al • Date DESIGN CONDITIONS Building occupancy type (Table 1 of Appendix 1) Project Latitude (Table 2 of.Appendix 1) Heating Degree Days (Table 2 of Appendix 1) : HEATING LOAD DOCUMENTATION (Attach calculations) Outdoor Design Temperature, Winter, °F Z ° Wind Speed, mph_ Wind direction ' ,t/ (A/ Indoor Design Temperature, OF 70' Temperature of adjacent unheated spades, OF CI- -^ Transmission Heating Losses, Btu/hr Infiltration Air, CFM Heat Loss From Infiltration, Btu/hr Ventilation Air, CFM �/as Heat Loss From Ventilation, Btu/hr Outdoor Air for Special Processes, CFM Heat Loss from Process Air, Btu/hr Other Heat Losses (de3cribe), Btu/hr -- Heat Gain from Lights, Equipment, People, e•c..Btu/hr --- Total Heat Losses, Btu/hr 3-L� COOLING LOAD DOCUMENTATION (Attach calculations) Ojtdoor Design Temperature, summer, dry bulb, OF �G e Outdoor Design Temperature, summer, wet bulb, OF Indoor Design Temperature, OF 7�0 Transmission heat gain, Btu/hr 13S -/°a svy Infiltration Air, CFh1 4/0.51 Heat Gain from Infiltration, Btu/hr 14,121, Z Outdoor Air for Special Processes, CFM - Heat gain for process air, Btu/hr —' • Solar Heat Gain Through Windows, etc., Btu/hr ,ZL� Heat Gain from Other Sources, Btu/hr 410 743,�'f' ` Total Cooling Load, Btu/hr 7,9/6, f9 L o , Pa" 2 of Form 4 TEMPERATURE CONTROL Attach manufacturer's data or other, give specification or drawing reference which shows in detail the following information: REFERENCE (page or sheet �1 • -capability to sequence. heating and cooling M _ * . temperature control device set point limits • temperature set point range between full heating and full cooling • setback and shutoff controls • _ capability to terminate heating at 70°F and cooling at 78°F Indicate drawing or specification reference where the temperature control dente requirements given below are documented. An automatic temperature control device shall be provided for: • each separate HVAC system Fes! • each zone SIMULTANEOUS HEATING AND COOLING The following requirements apply to the use of new energy and need not be complied with when recovered energy is used to control temperature. In each case, when resetting hot and cold deck temperatures, on representative zone may be chosen to represent no more than ten zones with similar heating or cooling requirements. Concurrent operation of independent heating and cooling systems serving common spaces must provide either or both of the controls given below. List reference specification page or drawing number where control requirements can be verified. • Sequential temperature control of heating and cooling systems' • Automatic reset of heating temperature, to limit energy input only to that level to offset heat loss due to transmission and infiltration. REFERENCE M -i Reheat systems —give* reference specifications page'or drawing number which will show compliance with the following when reheating 20% or more of the total air in the system. • When serying multiple zones, controls must automatically reset the cold air supply to the highest temperature level of the zone requiring the most cooling. Alc- . • Single zone reheat systems shall be controlled to sequence heating and cooling. 4 i Popo 3 of Form 4 Dual -duct or multizone systems — give reference specifications, page or drawing number which will show compliance with the following: REFERENCE • Hot deck temperature — must be automatically reset to the lowest temperature necessary to satisfy the zone requiring the most heating. • Cold deck temperature must be automatically reset to the highest temperature necessary to satisfj the zone requiring the most i cooling.. M1 Retooling systems — give reference specifications page or drawing number which shows compliance with the following if retooling 20% or more of the total air in•the system. • Controls must automatically reset the temperature of heated supply air to the lowest temperature necessary to satisfy the zone requiring the most heating. NVAC SYSTEM RESTRICTIONS & SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS ��7■i� Several HVAC System types have special requirements or restrictions. In this section, the type of system used in the design �•'. must be listed and any special restrictions given here referenced to show compliance. Supply references to proper specifi- cations or drawing page numbers. Type HVAC Systems Used — List type of system to be used here (include all systems for heating or cooling in the building) include reference for specifications for each system. -T Constant volume reheat system — when serving both interior and exterior zones — separate cooling coils are required if the exterior zone exceeds 20% of the total air quantity through the cooling coil. REFERENCE ) Pa" 4 of Form 4 DUAL DUCT AND MULTIZONE SYSTEMS Constant volume duct or multizone systems which utilize new energy to simultaneously heat and cool air streams which are subsequently mixed for temperature control are prohibited for buildings larger than 20,00.0 square feet of conditioned space. If used, the air leakage for dampers utilized for the mixing of heating and cooling air shall be limited to a maximum leakage of 3% of the total air quantity handled by the dampers when operating at the maximum system pressure to which the dampers will be subjected. Manufacturer's label or nameplate shall state leakage rates. REFERENCE A Economizer Cycle — For each cooling fan system, for other than dual duct or multizone systems, which serve zones having total cooling capacity greater than 134,000 Btu/hr or more than 5,000 CFM must have an economizer cycle un- less -one of the exceptions allowed is claimed. ' REFERENCE Electric Resistance Heating Systems — These systems shall not be used unless the total electric resistance heating installed capacity is less than 10% (ten' percent) of the total building space heating capacity or a life cycle cost analysis, Form 8 (see Section 4.2 of this manual) shows an alternate system life cycle cost exceeds that of the electric resistance system. Give reference if less than 10% or include Form 8 if calculating life cycle cost. REFERENCE MECHANICAL AND GRAVITY VENTILATION Mechanical ventilation - Dampers which are automatically interlocked and closed on fan shutdown are required. REFERENCE Gravity Ventilators — Either automatic or readily accessible manually operated dampers must be provided for all open ings to the outside with the exception of combustion air openings. REFERENCE - O.Al POWER CONSUMPTION IN FANS Constant volume system REFERENCE Total Supply Air Ouantity, CFM � Total Pressure of Supply Fans, Inches of Water Total Supply Air Quantity Adjusted for Process Loads, CFM ---- 00 Net Fan Performance Index (FPI)�Ff Variable volume system Ir Total'supaly Air Ouantity at Maximum F!ow, CP1�7 Total Pressure of Supply Fans at Maximum Fiow Inches of Water Page 5 of Form 4 POWER CONSUMPTION IN FANS (continued) , Fan Performance Index at Maximum Flow (F.PIm),CFM Variable Volume Adjustment Constant Adjusted for Performance Index, FPIa PIPING AND DUCT INSULATION AND DUCT CONSTRUCTION References to the piping insulation, duct insulation and duct construction requirements presented in Section 4.2 of the Energy Conservation Design Manual must be given below: REFERENCE N1� i Form 6 DOCUMENTATION FORM & HVAC EQUIPMENT COMPLIANCE ZT`'tME� �14TE C R26 CENTrz'� References giving the specification page or drawing sheet number or manufacturer's data must be submitted to demonstrate com- pliance with Division 6 of the stardards. ELECTRICALLY OPERATED COOLING Standard rating capacity, Btu/hr I �G SYSTEM EQUIPMENT Minimum EER (COP) - Reference. 1?iu AP; T,. ABSORPTION WATER CHILLING Heat source (check one) COOLING SYSTEM! EQUIPMENT Direct fired (gas -oil) Indirect fired (steam -hot water) Minimum EER (COP) Reference V COMBUSTION HEATING EQUIPMENT Minimum combustion efficiency at (Oil and gas•fired comfort maximum rated output •8 heating equipment— Reference f �inaare� ate` . ELECTRICALLY OPERATED HEATING Minimum EER (COP) HEAT PUMPS Reference. Supplementary Heater Control Reference ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE SPACE REFERENCE FOR FULL -LOAD ENERGY —~ HEATING EQUIPMENT INPUT AND OUTPUT _ . REQUIREMENT FOR MAINTENANCE FOR MANUFACTURER'S MAINTENANCE AND, FULL AND PARTIAL CAPACITY AND STAND-BY INPUT(S) AND OUTPUT(S) SPECIFICATION REFERENCE �� i B.uiding Lighting Compliance IMMEOIPTL, r"II(L.B CcnzIrCS L >ro)Kt ry+t e m type Form 5 1 4 2 checked by date - M CfJ 3 -"i -a5 documentation author date Room Room Task Task Area Not* Sq. Ft. No. Sq. Ft. Total Watts Allotted De•aigued No. Sq. Ft. ­RCR No. De-% r ptloa Appl. /Occ. Oce. /Task 'Sq. Ft. /Sq. Ft. Watts Watts IoI loo 5+ 141 Exc�., am. - 100 3,0 Sao 28 a 102 go St IAI C - Rte. - 80 3.0 24-0 2b"5 lv� Sv. s + 14" I b 4 q n S t 141 E.c A... , 2r~ . - 9•0 1.6 2-70 z a S los 9'v Si- 1 93 3, 0 210 238 loin 54-- 14'1 L-+4....rt�.. W7 91 s+ 329 S4rq : - 9 '► o, 4 3 9 1 Z to 22o. O -S 144 X- 2.n, vLo I� 5 3 4 S+ - nark ftM. _ 34•~ 1.4- .411o Ito s t 331 J Ano. 11 I( 1.4 12 S61 111 ¢2 S -+ 354 T,,%1,4 - 4 Z 1.4 . 607 &o 112 S+ Is3 LO.. - 1,5 1 3.0 204 1 44- 113 101 5 4 35 L Lot, 1 44• lsl ju�-tes Yk. 1'. 0 2111 5a. 136 3.1 So Sly Non- Te, PiI -f3 ►IS 88 5f 241 o�Gt<<t 1 low .8b Sj 44 4.1 2o1 288 %la, Jc- 1� 44 10 — 114 1 S S+ 321 5 ,ragt - 18. 0.J 1 56 11'1 log 5 % 2C 2«<r�. 1 loo I,o3 so 54 2 54 213 u,> Tc,Fk- 54lig 1 8 S-+ 32R 5-ko.AIJC .16* 0-4- -1 So 15 54/37-13 3 Inge Total Bldg. Total *Not necessary to calculate each RCR unless room Ls umall or of unusual shape and the designer .vasty to justify the S' RCR watiage ...Building Lighting Compliance t owmor _ Ixo }oc i M c ►.} L. 3-�—�5 checked by data Form S 2042 Room Room Task Tock Ar.a Nota Sq. Ft. No. Sq. Ft. Total Watts . All otled Deniqued No. 'Sq. Ft. ' + RCR No. D.-sc p t I o a Rpp1. /Occ. ' . Occ. /Task Sq. Ft. /Sq. Ft. .Watt/ Wath 133 1141. , )aq• Total bldq.jotal *Not necessary to calculate each RCR unl"j room U m=all or of unusual shape and the designer warty to )u-Stlly 05. S' RCR v+attage ®�®®�� iii a s TOME INE®® IME IMEMMM MININEEMEMM ®®®®�ISMINE_INE®M ®M®® : MEMMEEMIN I E_Is IMMINN_ ®®®■-NIMINEINSIMMINE IME 1101 I ■-NIN mos 133 1141. , )aq• Total bldq.jotal *Not necessary to calculate each RCR unl"j room U m=all or of unusual shape and the designer warty to )u-Stlly 05. S' RCR v+attage r, JOB IMMEDI►tTe CA -4.e CGlJTE;(L RJM ASSOCIATES, INC: SHEET NO. Is CALCULATED BY C N CHECKED BY SCALE OF DATE DATE Q `+ (;BOG 2 G�j 2 3 SI;' SU 7I2" � [?ISO i #I'eOe+4r} 121, OX-560 CONTROL CONJSOLC SOO NA IS KVP IRT TRANSFOFImEn Wlr. 300 LBO. 1138 kpl W_'r, 050 LDS, (430 itp) 1100 BTU 11160 J) un BTU 063 Jl { Z aSGlaan� 2 W 1 G FnFn� `EXI$TIIyf1' Q20' {b7Q� j WT,SO Lag. 128 ko? ISO M(Ibe .I} SIMILE PHASE, WALL MOUNTED, 3m 3/8' '- 19>#5 I,) -DV s PRAP sr MmW aao` 2030m!n) 1 t r r ;0 1 fi` 1. 14. ti17D m1 GALAXY SO/I RADIOGRAPHIC DUCKY TABLE WT. t300 LIES. CS09 kgl 120 dT'U 1128 J) 80.878' (1307mrnl ON CENTERS 174 1/2' {443flmmi fC125 �. CEILING TRACKS �CJJ4 {uYyEyCeT}OR/I+ /�� /y tMEA40UNT CAPfRIAGE CR 130 Lft. 060 kill OEAD WEMNT SUSFE:ItOEO FROM TV89MOUNT SUPPORT STRUCTURE. OENER AL CONTACTOR SHALL SUPPLY 2E S€TB OF MOUNT UtO HAROWARS, SEE CEILING SUPPORT STRUCTURE FOR OS'#Lwo II oukirim EQUIPMENT. 1-1 F1V:-L) MAP 6 l3$b 15' 27 1/8` 135#m`"�4. � a0xnm] s I 27 314' (70nmmf� 117' !TIg # omrn) VECTOR TELESCOPING AND COUNTERPOISED X-RAY TUSF CARRIAGE TRAVELS ON CEILING TRACKS. 750 LDS. (340 Ica) MOVJN13 WEIGHT SUSPENDED FiJOW T'JOEVOUNT SVrFnyT STRUCTURE, 6310 87U (966? ,J) 1 14"'(4dwimW 1 1/3' 140ftml WIPTH AS 8140WH ON DRA W INO !�138 CABLE TAKE=1!P STSTJ Can -Me MOUNTWO GENERAL CONTRACTOR $HALL SUPPLY AND IHBTA#_L JL-1000 UNI- STRUT (OR SGUJAL) FLUSH WM OR ON CEILING FORMLY ANCHORED IN PLACE, SHALL WITHSTAND A VERTICAL LOAD OF 1&0 LBS. (SBT M) "A JLEIEmorm OF UMSTRUT ■d BFlalilhi13I1 DAAWINCL 01110RAL CONTRACTOR SHALL. SUPPLY AND INSTALL. (10) P-2751 UNISTRUT TO IILJm Wfi'm umisTnv'r- SPACE "OVIDED AT ONE END OF UE#MTWT TO MTAL.L 4M MOM' T11OUAY ASSWEA L.M . URISTRW r SHALL CE SECUA= 3I1rrHOUT ANY *nERNAL 053TRUCTI"S T11AT VIIILL IiII4PMS TRAVEL OF TROLLEY I+IQII~TATI IG 5Q9.KV !$TAMD I A30JEMBLLES. FLOOR -WALL MO6I11I7 O CAT, t 83176? BO BTU (SA .I) WT. 3e0 LBIL (147 KV) NF v. �Ifwt't I�75�h11=1• l— a. _".- �ii :� EISENHOWER MEMCAL CENTER RANCHO (011JAGE, CA ••"•. FxaE NSL SEALS iAa�ht}F r41a SLiGI+ coFCIrbC JtY FG k� b• i M rME9F 3ne WIH4A YrjuL" %6w kFrbum EN AThums ON kccr5 TITLE bill :GI'ITiGi T TG+F�DEFINE i4E{4MMFHUEp SQi'JkYr[Ik5 1i�IC r�T$ t �.1 RLRN11"pMG RA 0l 057ft AP WC ROOM (R E L GATT O I �•, I I —,�J0 —04 d04J I.I$TJkLk.JNU 01F ALL SL-L• ACCE25411. WD "— ^- + •Fhrc,SE[L C}r.,,= Iyy'?++;4yF; FtrP u' 47. Yik LK 11 FpAw{H.0 JOE S. McAI'� + {1 PREP FIxA,L 111 -1,c F G46N8 wHp Fr69Uik rIGxNEI '-'r -OWEA SIUPPLV 1LAll LeCABLE Atoul#T�nog IM EFFEr. r AS es THE FLICKER INTERNATIONAL INC. gkA4.nj6 >o 10.84 32 MEDICAL PLJ4N" N t N G SERVICES SH— —LQ; R""_.