JUNE 19, 2008
An adjourned meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at the hour
of 6:00 p.m. by Mayor Adolph.
PRESENT: Council Members Henderson, Kirk, Osborne, Sniff, Mayor Adolph
Mayor Adolph led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Dori Quill, 51-245 Avenida Rubio, stated she is excited about many of the
programs proposed for the Community Services department budget; conveyed
appreciation for the addition of a drinking fountain; requested shade be provided for
the skate park and a comfort mist station near the bathroom area at La Quinta
Lucia Moran, 54-545 Avenida Cortez, provided an update to the 2008 Soap Box
Derby in Akron, Ohio; thanked the Boys & Girls Club of Coachella Valley for their
support and Coachella Valley Parks and Recreation District for taking over the
derby for next year.
John Soulliere, President/CEO of the Coachella Valley Economic Partnership
(CVEP1, explained the proposed increase of request for funding is minimal;
explained the 550,000 will pay significant dividends back to the Valley; stated the
private sector has carried the budget in the past; explained the services provided
and the impact made to the community; encouraged the City Council to program
550,000 in the budget; and stated CVEP is appealing to every city in the Valley for
their support.
Jim Ferguson, Chairman of the Executive Board, Coachella Valley Economic
Partnership, stated both Palm Desert and Desert Hot Springs are committing
550,000 funding in their budgets; explained their services to provide higher
education opportunities; stated the organization is poised to represent the entire
Valley; stated the private sector has contributed 5500,000 in the past 12 years
and have inquired on the public sector's involvement.
In response to Council Member Kirk, Mr. Soulliere explained the request for
additional funding is to be used toward the establishment of the organization
City Council Minutes 2 June 19, 2008
following completing a strategic plan. Mr. Ferguson further explained that Palm
Desert is supporting the organization for one year with a report of the results at the
end of the year.
Finance Director Falconer presented the staff report.
Council Member Sniff conveyed his uncertainty to the prudence of the policy
due to the current economic situation; commended staff for their efforts; and
stated he cannot support the recommendation at this time.
Council Member Osborne stated one reason the City has a good standing
budget is because of the work of staff and the Investment Advisory Board;
explained there will be no investment in stocks and the policy maintains a
conservative approach; and conveyed his support of staff's recommendation.
Mayor Adolph conveyed his agreement with Council Member Osborne's
comments; stated this item has been presented to the City Council
previously, and questioned if changes have been made to the policy. Finance
Director Falconer stated the change to the policy include authority of the
City Treasurer to utilize a professional portfolio manager, upon City Council
In response to Mayor Adolph, Finance Director Falconer stated LAIF has a
conservative philosophy similar to the City and the investments have
increased the City portfolio to 5220 million; and LAIF provides a competitive
Finance Director Falconer stated the State pool of funds is not subject to the
State budget process; explained there are 3,000 different participants;
explained the pool is very liquid and is not an investment fund but ashort-
term money market fund which enables smaller cities the opportunity to
participate without a professional portfolio manager.
Council Member Kirk stated the issue has been the professional management
portion of the policy; stated the policy is giving the Treasurer the choice to
City Council Minutes 3 June 19, 2008
utilize the tool of a professional portfolio manager; and stated it is important
to have this tool available to the City.
Council Member Henderson thanked staff and the Investment Advisory Board
for their efforts in preparing the policy; stated a number of the public has
spoken against investing in LAIF in the past; and stated the investment is a
blind trust. Finance Director Falconer explained most small cities invest
100% into LAIF and stated staff attended the LAIF conference annually, met
with the State Treasurer's office to observe the investments made.
Council Member Henderson stated she is supportive of a professionally
managed account being in the policy as the matter will be brought before the
City Council prior to any actions taken; and referred to page 59 of the staff
report, second paragraph, regarding the wording "the City shall endeavor to
reserve ..." City Manager Genovese explained the intention is that the City
shall make its best effort and stated the language is required to be included
in the policy.
Finance Director Falconer explained the City has a number of tools available
that staff does not utilize due to the uncertainty of certain investments.
It was moved by Council Members Kirk/Sniff to adopt Resolution No. 2008-
044 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously.
City Manager Genovese provided a summary of the financial condition of the
City, the Preliminary Budget, and revenues. He also thanked the City
Council for their indulgence of relocating the meeting from the Council
Chambers to the Study Session room due to the air conditioning being
inoperable; and commended staff for transferring the set-up expeditiously.
Finance Director Falconer presented the staff report.
Council Member Osborne addressed the Green Sustainability Program and
conveyed his concern about expending funds without obtaining something
tangible or measurable; and questioned how the 5763,000 budget was
City Council Minutes 4 June 19, 2008
established. Finance Director Falconer explained the bulk of the budget is
allocated for the Golf Cart Program. Council Member Osborne stated the City
has worked on this program previously and questioned if a S400,000 budget
for the Golf Cart Program is necessary at this time.
City Manager Genovese explained the bulk of the programs will be
conducted with other utilities that will hopefully give a savings in return;
stated the Golf Cart Program was initiated prior to the introduction of the
green approach; and stated an analysis was conducted on the Golf Cart
Program prior to implementing; explained the bulk of the green programs
would have been necessary to implement at some point in the future; and
the Golf Cart Program is facing some challenges in critical areas for
Council Member Osborne stated not all requests were granted to the police
budget, and confirmed the Police Chief is comfortable with the proposed
City Manager Genovese stated a balanced budget is presented for the City
Council's consideration; gave a summary of the increases to the budget and
requests from organizations and the business community. In response to
Mayor Adolph, the City Manager confirmed the approximate total of requests
for funding is 585,000, but there is no amount included for the Desert ARC
Foundation request. Finance Director Falconer explained the total amount of
the request is 572,800 which includes 57,000 for Coachella Valley
Economic Partnership; and that there is 552,000 in surplus.
Kay Wolff, 77-227 Calle Ensenada, stated the budget is tight but it provides
community services; explained the function of the CERT program; and
conveyed her concern of the lack of funds budgeted for emergency supplies.
Lucia Moran, 54-545 Avenida Cortez, encouraged the City Council to include
funding for assisting with installing covers at the bus stops; conveyed her
support for the police substation on the Highway 111 corridor, and stated
the property owner is willing to work with the City and set a cap on the
lease amount.
J. Paul, 55-585 Cherry Hill, explained he has built two projects in the City;
stated he was approached by the police department for the potential of
establishing a substation in one of his developments on Highway 111 at
Dune Palms Drive; presented designs for the use of one of the suites and
stated he would personally oversee the tenant improvements; and stated a
letter was submitted to the City which included the proposition of
establishing the lease amount.
City Council Minutes 5 June 19, 2008
Mark Weber, 78-795 Wakefield Circle, stated he is proud to be a citizen of a
city with a balanced budget and the continuation of the services provided;
addressed the green sustainability program and cautioned the use of funds
for building green for future projects; discouraged the City Council for
increasing funding for CVEP prior to observing tangible accomplishments,
stated their core focus is the integration of the business community, and
suggested the City Council provide funds in the amount of 517,500 to
enable the restructuring of the organization.
Jim Ducatte, representing President Gerald R. Ford Boys and Girls Club,
stated the organization has received substantial support from the City in the
past; requested an increase in funding of S 10,000 for this fiscal year; and
explained added and proposed programs.
David Archer, CEO of La Quinta Chamber of Commerce, stated he looks
forward to the new service agreement, funding, and support of the City
Ed Alderson spoke on behalf of the Desert ARC Foundation, and explained
the organization needs the support of the City due to a reconstruction of the
organization and the current economic situation.
Council Member Kirk stated many may be confused with the increase of the
property taxes increasing although values may not be increasing and
requested staff to explain. Finance Director Falconer explained the increase
is due to the adjustment made at the mid-year budget review and the
historical data received from the Auditor-Controller; and explained the
decrease in reimbursements is due to the improvements made at the library
and the museum.
In response to Council Member Kirk, Police Chief Vigue stated his
recommendation for the substation is based on the concept, needed space,
and that the commercial corridor is one of the busiest areas in the City. City
Manager Genovese explained the reason for the investigation of the
substation was simply to identify the cost and need for direction to pursue
and expend funds. Police Chief Vigue further explained staff will be
implementing a trial period of enforcement in the area and may be back next
year with a report and request for funding to continue the project. City
Manager Genovese further explained the enforcement at the substation is
being implemented as a pilot program.
Community Services Director Hylton explained the part-time Museum Aides
are City employees working 20 hours per week and not included in the
City Council Minutes 6 June 19, 2008
union, in response to Council Member Kirk. City Manager Genovese further
explained the part-time workers will be covered under Workers'
Compensation Insurance, in response to Mayor Adolph.
In response to Council Member Kirk, Community Services Director Hylton
stated the decrease of the budget for adult soccer league is due to the cost
of doing business being less at this time.
In response to Council Member Kirk, Public Works Director Jonasson
explained the additional Maintenance Worker II will be utilized to assist with
street sweeping, drainage maintenance and traffic signal staff; explained the
landscape contractor does not provide all the services needed to maintain the
area; and ensured the City Council the streets will continue to be maintained
in good condition with the decrease of the slurry seal and street
improvement budget.
Council Member Kirk thanked staff for compiling the green projects which
are important to promote the City to being green; and questioned if the
marketing budget is $1.2 million. City Manager Genovese confirmed.
Council Member Henderson pointed out the decrease of licenses and permits
along with personnel in the budget. City Manager Genovese explained the
personnel is provided by contract services in those particular divisions which
have been reduced, such as the utilization of contracted Building Inspectors;
and stated changes will not be requested at the mid-year budget process..
Council Member Henderson stated the 51.2 million budget for marketing
does not include new funds but is the totality of several programs; conveyed
her support of the green program as it stimulates the Village area; stated her
concern of no-low tax funds from the State; and remains impressed with the
budget process and the progress of the City.
Council Member Henderson conveyed her support for the Boys and Girls
Club; and stated she does not support an increase of funding for Coachella
Valley Economic Partnership (CVEP), but does support one-time funding for
the organization.
City Manager Genovese explained the conflicts of interest regarding the
requests from the Coachella Valley Economic Partnership and Approval of
New Job Descriptions for Museum Aide and Economic Development Project
DT Desert Development, and requested these items be discussed separately
to allow Council Members Osborne and Kirk to abstain from participating in
these items respectively.
City Council Minutes 7 June 19, 2008
Council Member Henderson stated she is impressed the City has utilized
some of the services provided by the Desert ARC Foundation; stated she
supports Item No. 6, funding support of 55,000 for a bus, and encouraged
the Community Services Department continue to utilize their services;
conveyed her support of funding for the Jacqueline Cochran Airport Air
Show; supports the continuing partnership and funding for the La Quinta
Arts Foundation, renewal of the facility use agreement, and 524,000 for
additional events; and recommended the information referenced on
Attachments H-1 and H-2 be explained to the community. Finance Director
Falconer stated staff can provide background information regarding tax
revenues in the final document.
Council Member Osborne stated staff has done a tremendous job on the
budget and is very happy with the proposed budget; is supportive of the
addition of a substation on Highway 1 1 1; agreed with the comments made
by Council Member Henderson regarding the Boys & Girls Club; supports
funding for the La Quinta Arts Foundation; conveyed his appreciation for
staff's efforts and the services provided by the Police Department; stated the
increase of property tax revenue is partly due to the quality of life the City
provides to the community; stated it is good to see the diversity in our
revenue sources which helps the City during difficult financial times; and
further stated he will abstain for participating during the discussion of the
funding request from the Coachella Valley Economic Partnership as they are
a client of his accounting firm.
Council Member Sniff conveyed his desire for a balanced budget; supports
the police substation in the commercial corridor; expressed his concern in the
decline of sales tax; explained a number of the homes in the City will lose
their value and conveyed his concern of the forecast of the property tax
revenue; questioned the gas tax revenue as the reduction of the
consumption of gasoline is due to the rising costs; supports the La Quinta
Arts Foundation request; stated the Date Festival does not have any direct
benefit to the City; stated he does not support funding for the Coachella
Valley Economic Partnership; stated it is important to provide a balanced
budget and retain a conservative approach to investments, and will not allow
a budget deficit; supports funding for the Boys and Girls Club; stated the
Chamber of Commerce is an important contractual component to the City
and supports their funding; stated additional police support in the Cove area
is necessary; and complimented staff for an excellent job in compiling the
City Council Minutes 8 June 19, 2008
Mayor Adolph conveyed his agreement with the comments made by the City
Council; and complimented staff for providing the budget document every
Mayor Adolph stated his understanding of establishing a Museum Curator
and conveyed his concern of the addition of two part-time Museum Aides.
Community Services Director Hylton stated the staffing at the museum is a
cooperative effort between the City and the Historical Society; explained the
majority of the staffing will be provided by volunteers; and stated it is not
staff's desire for the City to provide staffing at the facility.
In response to Mayor Adolph, Police Chief Vigue explained the additional
officers will be situated in critical areas of the City; and stated some of the
officers will already be trained and will begin in July 2008; explained there
will not be any reduction in overtime as it will take three years to obtain the
proposed standards needed; and further explained police services are
provided by zones and the staff for each zone.
In response to Council Member Sniff, Police Chief Vigue confirmed the
additional officers will have completed training upon the start of their
employment and will receive additional two-week training specifically for the
Police Chief Vigue stated he is hopeful there will be a decrease in crime with
the added police officers; and explained the traffic division has maintained
the level of patrol with less motor patrols, and stated there has been a
reduction of traffic collisions compared to the amount reported last year.
Council Member Sniff stated part-time personnel at the museum are a good
addition to the volunteers which will provide stability at the facility. Mayor
Adolph conveyed his concern of the museum becoming a City program.
Council Member Kirk stated he concurs with the majority of the requests
discussed; supports funding for the La Quinta Arts Foundation, Boys and
Girls Club, and Chamber of Commerce; stated it is encouraging the City is
focusing on the big picture; supports the request from Desert ARC
Foundation, but it should be considered through the Community Services
Grant Request process; conveyed his concern of the assumptions related to
the property tax revenue. Finance Director Falconer explained staff looks at
revenues every year and makes an adjustment at mid-year.
City Manager Genovese explained staff is not suggesting an increase, but is
suggesting the amount of 52,838,620 which is a 30% overall increase from
City Council Minutes 9 June 19, 2008
the Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Budget and the Fiscal Year 2008/2009 Budget is
based on the estimated actual from the Fiscal Year 2008/2009 Budget.
Council Member Henderson apologized for not addressing the Police
Department budget; stated she would like to see serious discussions
regarding the facility on Highway 111 and whether to call it a substation;
and stated an understanding should be addressed of how many activities will
take place in La Quinta. Police Chief Vigue stated the idea is for police
presence in that area, the facilities are called storefronts or offices, and that
the services and length of establishing the substation has not been defined.
Council Member Osborne stated emergency reserves are almost 524 million
and the City continues to do very well.
City Manager Genovese suggested the City Council take up the funding
request from the Coachella Valley Economic Partnership at this time, discuss
other requests in general, and then take up the request from TD Desert
Council Member Osborne recused himself due to a potential conflict of
interest as the Coachella Valley Economic Partnership is a client of his
accounting firm.
Council Member Kirk stated he has been perplexed on the direction of the
Coachella Valley Economic Partnership; stated the City should send a
message to the organization by stating the City supports their cause without
funding; stated this City does not have an Economic Development
Department and does not desire one; stated there are cities that have a
department or an economic development team which is costly; stated he is
generally supportive of the organization and should give one year to prove
their efforts.
Council Member Sniff stated funding should not be provided until they prove
themselves. Council Member Kirk stated if the City and others do not fund
them, they may disappear and suggested to provide funding in the amount of
517,000 and review at the mid-year budget to reconsider an increase if they
have proven their efforts.
Council Member Henderson stated they will be conducting a study and it will
take longer than six months.
Mayor Adolph stated he is supportive of a minimal amount. Council Member
Henderson conveyed her support to provide 517,000. Council Member Sniff
stated he does not support any funding for the organization.
City Council Minutes 10 June 19, 2008
Council Member Osborne returned to the meeting at this time.
City Manager Genovese reviewed the requests, stating there was consensus
to fund the La Quinta Arts Foundation request, the Coachella Valley
Economic Partnership at $17,000; it was suggested to send Desert ARC
Foundation to the Community Services Grant Request process; Jacqueline
Cochran Air Show at the same amount as last year; Boys and Girls Club with
the additional $10,000; suggested to refer the Date Festival request to the
grant program; and suggested to balance the $10,000 deficit from the
Personnel Reserve account, with no other changes to the budget.
City Manager Genovese requested the City Council take up the request from
T.D. Desert Development.
Council Member Kirk recused himself from the meeting due to a potential
conflict of interest as T.D. Desert Development is a client of his firm.
MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Henderson/Sniff to approve
the funding request of T.D. Desert Development in the amount of $186,900.
Motion carried 4-0-1, with Council Member Kirk abstaining.
Council Member Kirk returned to the meeting at this time.
MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Kirk/Osborne to adopt the
Fiscal Year 2008/2009 Preliminary Budget with the changes agreed upon by
consensus of the City Council, and direct staff to prepare a Fiscal Year
2008/2009 Final Budget for the July 15, 2008, City Council meeting.
Motion carried unanimously.
There being no further business, it was moved by Council Members Sniff/Kirk to
adjourn. Motion carried unanimously.
Respe ully submitted,
City of La Quinta, California