MAY 167 1996
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall Session Room
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
May 16, 1996
A. This meeting of the Historical Preservation Commission was called to order at 3:06
P.M. by Chairman Millis.
A. Chairman Millis requested the roll call: Present: Commissioners DeMersman,
Puente, Woodard Wright, Advisor Lauren Weiss -Bricker, and Chairman ]Millis.
B. Staff present: Community Development Director Jerry Herman, Planning Manager
Christine di Iorio, Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand, and Executive Secretary
Betty Sawyer.
A. Historic Survey Project Consultant Selection Committee Report
Planning Manager Christine di Iorio informed the Commission that staff had
received 12 proposals. The Selection Committee had met and reviewed all
12. Their criteria for selecting four to be interviewed was based on their
qualifications and according to what they could offer for the contract price.
Friday, June 7th, had been selected by the Committee to interview those
selected. The four to be interviewed are:
a. CRM Tech, Bruce Love, Archaeologist, Tom Tang, Architectural
b. Leslie Heumann and Associates, Architectural Historian,
Archaeologist Helen Wells
C. Knox Mellon and Associates, Architectural History
Historical Preservation Commission
May 16. 1996
d. Brian F. Mooney & Associates, Richard Carrico Archaeologist, Susan
Carrico Historian/Architectural Historian, Robert Case Archaeologist.
2. Commissioner Woodard asked how long the survey should take. Associate
Planner Leslie Mouriquand stated approximately one year as the consultants
would not be able to start the survey until October according to the guidelines
of the Grant. The Grant allows eleven months to complete the survey. Staff
continued to explain the process the consultant would be going through to
conduct the survey as well as what the City expected to obtain :From the
B. Discussion with Staff Relative to the Commission Reviewing New Buildinnas with
Historic Architectural.
Community Development Director Jerry Herman explained that the City had
a Design Review Board approximately 3-4 years ago and due to the time it
took to process a project through all the commissions/boards for approval, the
City Council decided to combine the Planning Commission and Design
Review Board. It is now the responsibility of the Planning Commission to
review all aspects of new construction including the architecture.
2. Commissioner Woodard stated that the Historic Preservation Commission is
responsible for reviewing and making recommendations to the City Council
concerning the retention of any historical structures in the City and he felt the
review of any new buildings to be located in a historical portion of the City,
should also be reviewed by the Commission to ensure the proposed
architectural style is compatible.
3. Staff stated that Council had reduced the number of boards a developer goes
through for approval and may not want to add the Historical Preservation
Commission review to that process.
4. Commissioner Woodard stated his concern that the City would allow the
"cutsie"type buildings rather than the authentic architecture of La Quinta's
history. If the City is to have a "Village" atmosphere and does not have
people on the Planning Commission with the knowledge to distinguish
between the "cutsie" and the authentic, and with no policy in place to require
it, the City will not be able to maintain the Village atmosphere.
5. Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated the City does not
have any such policy for design criteria. The only document that has any
guidelines is the Village Specific Plan. The Planning Commission currently
prefers to retain the look of the architecture used at the La Quinta Hotel and
Historical Preservation Commission
May 16. 1996
tries to approve projects based on that style of architecture, but there is no
policy to require it. Any new development that occurs in the "Village" area
is reviewed according to the Village Specific Plan. The City Council
currently during an economic development meeting, has decided the; Village
Specific Plan should be reviewed.
C. City of La Ouinta Historic Context Statement - update
Staff explained they anticipated having the Context Statement completed by
the Commission's June meeting. Staff would still appreciate any information
the Commissioners could volunteer.
2. Commissioner Woodard thanked staff for the quality of work that had been
produced in the Context Statement. All Commissioners expressed the same
3. Commissioners discussed with staff the different items that would be
included in the Statement. Staff felt their research had produced all the
information that would be available to aid in the writing of the Survey. Once
the Commission has approved the Statement, it will go to the City Council,
probably late June or early July, for their approval.
4. Advisor Lauren Bricker stated the work completed by staff will greatly
reduce the amount of time needed by the consultants to prepare the Survey.
She further suggested staff consider grouping all the figures and pictures to
be included in the Statement, at the end of the document rather than trying to
integrate it into the text. It would serve the document better as an appendix.
5. Chairman Millis stated the Historical Society would be interested. in seeing
that this information is published in some form. The information is worth
having for generations to come. Staff suggested the City may want to apply
for another grant next year to fund such a project.
6. Advisor Bricker suggested that in addition to what staff has provided, it
might be worth the Commissioner's time to designate what criteria should be
used to determine what structures should be placed on the historical list for
the National Registry. Taking into consideration the history of the art and
architecture, what is reasonable to expect.
7. Chairman Millis asked if the City's natural waterways would be included,
i.e., the All American Canal. Staff stated they would be included in the that
portion concerned with Cultural Landscape as well as the trails, roads, wagon
Historical Preservation Commission
May 16, 1996
roads, etc. that had been identified. These will be included along with the
historical maps that shows the routes such as stage line routes, and Indian
trails. Some of these trails have evolved into the City's major streets such as
Highway 111.
A. Commissioner Items
Chairman Millis informed the Commission that the La Quinta Historical
Society had submitted a letter to the Commission asking for their review and
approval of having the historical street markers, the "obelisks", repaired and
replaced throughout the City. Staff stated it would be on the Commission's
agenda for June. Commissioners discussed with staff possible locations for
the obelisks.
2. Commissioner Puente asked staff when the Metropolitan theaters would be
starting construction. Staff stated they were trying to obtain their funding and
were working with the developer to get started.
3. Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand stated she had received a letter from
Representative Boxer showing her support for the funding for the Historic
Survey project.
4. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio stated that staff had been contacting
different individuals to speak at the Commission meetings. This would
enable the Commission to meet their State requirements rather than the
Commission having to attend conferences.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright/Puente to
adjourn this meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission to a regular meeting of the Historical
Preservation Commission on June 20, 1996. This meeting of the Historical Preservation
Commission was adjourned at 3:57 P.M. Unanimously approved.