1996 07 18 HPCF Z � S Sp CFy OF HISTORICAL PRESERVATION COMMISSION AGENDA A Regular Meeting to be Held in the Session Room at the La Quinta City Hall, 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California July 18, 1996 3:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL, Election of Chair and Vice Chair MIJA 1 [KK/13m111►Y 1 This is the time set aside for citizens to address the Historical Preservation Commission on matters relating to historic resources within the City of La Quinta which are not Agenda items. When addressing the Historical Commission, please state your name and address. When addressing the Commission on matters pertaining to prehistoric sites, do not disclose the exact location of the site(s) for their protection. CONSENT CALENDAR Approval of the Minutes of the Historical Preservation meeting of June 20, 1996. BUSINESS ITEMS 1. A Cultural Resources Survey of the proposed Tract for the Home Depot, City of La Quinta - Specific Plan 96-027 & CUP 96-028 2. A Cultural Resources Assessment for a proposed Medical Facility at 43-576 Washington Street - Plot Plan 96-579 3. Consultant Selection discussion 4. Discussion regarding having an August meeting OTHER Commissioner Items /:V1 Z/Ii170at&," .,..Oubrr,I HPC/AGENDA MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall Session Room 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA June 20, 1996 1. CALL TO ORDER 3:00 P.M. A. This meeting of the Historical Preservation Commission was called to order at 3:05 P.M. by Chairman Millis. IL ROLL CALL A. Chairman Millis requested the roll call: Present: Commissioners Delvlersman, Puente, Woodard, and Chairman Millis. B. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners DeMersman/Puente to excuse Commissioner Wright. Unanimously approved. C. Staff present: Planning Manager Christine di Iorio, Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand, and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer. III. PUBLIC COMMENT: None IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. There being no corrections to the Minutes of April 18, 1996, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Puente/Woodard to. approve the minutes as submitted. Unanimously approved. B. There being no corrections to the Minutes of May 16, 1996, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Woodard/Puente to approve the minutes as submitted. Unanimously approved. V. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Confirmation of the Historic Survey Project Consultant 1. Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand stated that the Selection Committee had met on June 7th to interview consultants to preform the Historic Survey Project. Following interviews, Brian F. Mooney was selected as the consultant to conduct the survey. If the commission concurs, this HPC6-20 i v6('002 Historical Preservation Commission June 20. 1996 recommendation will be taken to the City Council on July 2nd, and the consultant should begin work on the Survey in October, upon confirmation of the CLG Grant. a. Commissioner Woodard stated he was impressed with the report submitted by Mr. Mooney. Commissioner DeMersman commented on their presentation and how well they worked with staff. Discussion followed regarding the interviews. b. Commissioner Woodard suggested staff contact the references submitted by Mr. Mooney for any recommendations or negative responses. C. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Woodard/DeMersman to approve and endorse the recommendation made by the Selection Committee to enter into a contract with Brian F. Mooney and Associates to conduct the Historic Survey subject to a check of references. The item would be brought back to the Commission if any concerns were raised during the reference check for further review and action. Unanimously approved. B. Street Obelisks Chairman Millis stated that the Commission had received a letter from the La Quinta Historical Society asking for the Commission's assistance. a. Commissioner Woodard asked how the Commission should be looking at this item. b. Commissioner Puente asked if the obelisks could be made more personal by adding the La Quinta logo. C. Staff informed the Commission that the Art in Public Places Commission was also asked for their assistance by the Society. d. Members stated they would like the obelisks to create an identity with the community. The project should include community groups, with the intent that the obelisks should not lose their original intent to be a street marker system. e. Commissioners discussed where on the street comers the obelisks would be placed. Chairman Millis informed the Commission that a stylized font had been used to make the marker distinct. HPC6-20 2 "'nV V ` Historical Preservation Commission ,June 20, 1996 f. Commissioner DeMersman suggested one of the schools create a sculpture form and have the obelisk become a school project. Commissioners discussed whether the obelisks were to be distributed throughout the community to make La Quinta unique and whether a logo should be added to enhance their appearance. If they are to be an art object utilized in the Village, it would be better to leave it in its original form, a standard obelisk. This would be similar to the artists pallette on the streets of Laguna Beach. It could become a competition opened to artists to submit ideas. h. Following discussion, it was determined that the idea should move forward, but the obelisks should not replace the existing street signs or be a duplication of street sign funding. It should be a community project that involves members of the community and/or community groups, and should meet the standards of the Riverside County Police and Fire Departments. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Puente/DeMersman to approve the obelisks as a community project. The project should include civic groups such as the La Quinta Arts Foundation, Senior Center, La Quinta Historical Society, the Art in Public Places Commission, and other interested parties and groups. The only requirement would be that there be no duplication of costs from the City for street signs; that community groups be involved, and that the design be integrated into the fire safety requirements. Unanimously approved. C. Discussion Regarding the Re -appointment of Commissioners whose terns expire June 30, 1996. Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand stated the Council had been reviewing the role of each of the Commissions/Boards and therefore staff had not advertised for the two seats that would become vacant as two Commissioners' terms would be expiring on June 30th. The Commission was informed that the City Council would be making a determination on July 2nd about each of the Boards/Commissions. Currently, the Council is contemplating extending the terms of all commissioners for one year and then review the Boards and Commission again. Commissioner Woodward asked if the Commission was State mandated and would have to exist per those requirements. Staff stated that since there had been difficulty in finding qualified people to serve on the Commission, the HPC6-20 .�.Oui.004 Historical Preservation Commission .June 20, 1996 State Office had informed staff they would consider qualified staff serving as a Commissioner until the position(s) could be filled. Discussion followed as to why the Council was reviewing the Commissions and Board and what had been studied by Council thus far. OTHER A. Commissioner Items Commissioner DeMersman stated he had attended the Annual State Historical Preservation Conference in San Jose. It was an excellent conference. The theme was Economic Development in the role of Historic Preservation. He had ordered a copy of a video tape that would be available to the Commissioners. When corporations were looking to invest in a community, they are not looking at the government incentives. The deciding factors come down to the quality of life and how historic preservation enhances it. The conference for next year is to be held in Pasadena and he would recommend everyone attend. Commissioner DeMersman stated he would like to see the State Conference in 1999 brought to the Desert. He would like to have mobile workshops and involve La Quinta for a site or two. Discussion followed regarding some of the workshops that were attended. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners DeMersman/Woodward to adjourn this meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission to a regular meeting of the Historical Preservation Commission on July 18, 1996. This meeting of the ]Historical Preservation Commission was adjourned at 3:52 P.M. Unanimously approved. HPC6-20 4 , ..!� 0 05 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION STAFFREPORT DATE: July 18, 1996 ITEM: A Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed Tract for the Home Depot, City of La Quinta LOCATION: Northwest corner of Jefferson Street and Hwy. 111, A.P.N. 624-020-010 PROPERTY OWNER/ REPRESENTATIVE: Greenberg -Farrow Architects ARCHAEOLOGISTS: Paul G. Chace, PH.D. and Charles Reeves, J.D., The Keith Companies RELATED CASES: Specific Plan 96-027 Environmental Assessment 96-325 BACKGROUND: A cultural resources survey of approximately 21 acres located a the northwest corner of Jefferson Street and Highway 111, was conducted on April 23, 1996. The survey was conducted by Paul Chace and Charles Reeves of the Keith Companies, as a requirement for EA 96-325. Project Description The cultural resources survey was conducted in conjunction with the project review for approval of a 218,300 square foot retail shopping center with Home Depot as the primary anchor store. Methods and Results Prior to the survey, a records search was conducted of all previously recorded archaeological sites and historical landmarks in the project area. The records search indicated that no cultural resources had been recorded on the project site. However, of the 49 archaeological investigations conducted in a one -mile radius of the project site, 41 archaeological sites had been recorded. This high number of sites indicates a highly sensitive archaeological area within the City. The records search and field survey were conducted in compliance with the requirements of CEQA using accepted methods in the discipline of cultural resource management. The field survey resulted in the location of one prehistoric archaeological resource. In addition, isolated pottery was observed widely scattered on the project site. The new site was recorded as CA-Riv-5828, .."JUL 006 and consists of a scatter of pottery and camp debris emanating from the dune sand. Fire -affected rock, semi -burned clay, shell, and burned animal bone were also observed. Conclusion The assessment of the archaeological site determined that it is not unique and does not have a high degree of significance. No further field investigation is recommended by the report. However, because the site is in a sensitive area, monitoring of all mass grading and trenching (both on -site and off -site) will be required by the City in the project Conditions of Approval. Staff has reviewed the report and concurs with the assessment and recommendations. Report Format and Completeness The report follows the City's required format for archaeological reports. Staff recommends acceptance of the report by the Historic Preservation Commission for its format, completeness, and contents. RECOMMENDATION: By Minute Motion 96-_ accept for partial compliance with the California Environmental Duality Act, and EA 96-325, the cultural resources report for the Home Depot project, prepared by Paul Chace and Charles Reeves, The Keith Companies, dated April 1996. Attachments: Archaeological Report (Confidential- Commissioners only) Prepared by: slie J. Mour quan Associate Planner Submitted by:/ ev, Christine di lorio Planning Manager ,-.uu 007 DATE ITEM: LOCATION: PROPERTY OWNER: ARCHAEOLOGIST: RELATED CASES: BACKGROUND: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION STAFF REPORT July 18, 1996 Cultural Resources Assessment for a Proposed Medical Facility at 43-576 Washington Street, City of La Quinta, California 43-576 Washington Street, between Miles Avenue and Darby Road. Sanjay Gandhi James Brock, Archaeological Advisory Group Plot Plan 96-579, Environmental Assessment 96-321 A cultural resources assessment for 1.82 acres located on the east side of Washington Street, between Miles Avenue and Darby Road was conducted by Archaeological Advisory Group, in April, 1996, as a requirement for EA 96-321. The assessment consisted of a records search and physical survey of the property for any prehistoric and historic resources. The study was conducted in compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 (as amended) and City policies. Project Description The property owner has submitted a request for approval of a plot plan application to allow construction of a 24,400 square foot two-story medical office building. Results It was discovered during the record search that the project site is within a 1918 homestead patent area. There are no remaining structures of the homestead on the project site. Although the project site is located within an area that is moderately sensitive for prehistoric and historic resources, none were located during the survey. Conclusion The report concludes that there is a possibility of buried prehistoric or historic resources present on the property, and recommends that an archaeological monitor be present during rough grading in order to mitigate any subsurface resources. Staff concurs with the report's recommendation for monitoring as the project site is located approximately 2.25 miles west of the high point of the ancient lake shoreline. There 008 have been numerous archaeological sites located in the near vicinity. There may also be subsurface deposits related to the homestead. Because of the potential subsurface deposits, staff would add that all on -site and off -site grading and trenching be monitored. Report Format and Completeness The report follows the City's required format for archaeological reports. A few minor items were not included in the report. However, staff has reviewed the report for proper format, completeness, and content, and has no significant comments or concerns. RECOMMENDATION: By Minute Motion 96-_ accept for partial compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), EA 96-321, and City conditions of approval, the cultural resources report for 43-576 Washington Street, prepared by James Brock, Archaeological Advisory Group, dated April 1996. Attachments: 1. Archaeological Report (Confidential) Prepared by: . Mouriq and Aislinjd Associate Planner Submitted by: Christine di lorio Planning Manager _:;.; 009 ...; No HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION REVISED SCHEDULE ' HPC Meeting - July 18,1996 ' CLG Grant Award Notification by SHPO August 1996 ` HPC Meeting - ??? August 15,1996 ' City Council Meeting - Consider Consultant September 17,1996 ' HPC Meeting - September 19,1990 • Consultant Begins Survey October 1996 ' HPC Meeting - October 17,1996 ' HPC Meeting - November 21,1996 ' HPC Meeting - December 19,1990 Im 7111►96 .!�n" 011 CITY OF LA QUINTA Historic Preservation Commission ITEM: 1. Prepare Preservation Plan 2. Complete Historic Context Statement 3. CLG Grant Proposal Due 4. 1995 Annual Report to SHPO 5. National Preservation Week - plan, coordinate, and present activities for community 6. Consultant to commence survey project 7. Designate Point Happy as a local historic, topographical, and cultural landmark (per Section 4.5.4 - General Plan EIR) 8. Designate as potential historic landmarks the historic structures listed in the Open Space element (per Section 4.5.4 - General Plan EIR) TARGET DATE: STATUS: March 12, 1996 March 21, 1996 May 1, 1996 Spring 1996 May 1996 July/August 1996 Fall 1996 Fall 1996 9. Prepared General Plan Element - Historic, Fall 1996 Archaeological, and Paleontological Preservation; Historic Preservation Ordinance Amendment doclm.408 Done In progress Submitted Submitted 6/ l/96 Proclamation October 012 NATIONAL TRUST FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION 1785 Nlassach'.ssetts Avenues. N.W. Washingtor., D.C. 20034 (M) 673-4CC0/PAX (2C2) 673-4C38 * SPECIAL BULLETIN * HOUSE APPROVES INTERIOR APPROPRIATIONS BILL! TO: Historic Preservation Advocates FROM: Richard Moe, President DATE: June 21, 1996 SUBJECT: House Approves FY97 Interior Appropriations bill; States, National Trust, and Advisory Council All Receive Level Funding. House Approved FY97 Funding Levels for Historic Preservation National Trust for Historic Preservation $3.5 million Grants-in-aid (SHPOs, Tribes & Black Colleges & Universities) $32.712 million Advisory Council on Historic Preservation $2.5 million Yesterdav the House of Representatives approved the FY97 Interior Appropriations Bill (H.R. 3662) by a vote of 242-174 affirming the funding levels provided by the the Subcommittee on Interior and Related Agencies and the full Committee on Apprcpriat:'ons for the state historic preservation offices, the National Trust, and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation. As reported previously, the subcommittee and full committee agreed to report language sustaining Congress's commitment to provide federal funding to the National Trust through Fiscal Year 1998. The committee report language recommended adjustments to the Advisory Council's funding depending on authorizing committee action and encouraged the Advisory Council to pursue private funding to support its technical development and training activities. We are very pleased with the tremendous victory in the House represented by these funding levels. We very much appreciate your calls, visits, and letters to Members of Congress to let them know how important federal funding for historic preservation is to vour community and the nation. Your efforts to communicate with your elected officials clearly made a difference. Because of your hard work, we did net face an attack on the House floor this year to eliminate the National Trust's share of federal funds. While we can savor victory in the House it is important to focus on the Senate where work has begun on the FY97 Interior Appropriations bill. It is important that you contact your Senators to ask them to support level funding for the states, the :National Trust, and the Advisory Council for Fiscal Year 1997. We will let you know mrre about the Senate schedule as details are provided to as. Again, thank you for your terrific work. The mission of the National Trust for Himric Preservation is m foster an appreciation of the averse character and meaning of our American cu mra/ heritage and ro preserve and revitalize the /ivabido of our communities by leading the nation in sm'ing America is historic environments. .ii)q'013 T;ha 4 .4�Quilkrw 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 777-7000 FAX (619) 777-7101 June 21, 1996 Board of Directors La Quinta Historical Society P. 0. Box 1283 La Quinta, CA 92253 Subject: Comments on Street Obelisk Proposal Dear Board Members: This letter is in response to your letter of April 29, 1996 requesting that the Historic Preservation Commission consider participating or supporting in the installation of street obelisks at residential intersections and major street entrances. The matter was agendized and discussed at the June 20, 1996, HPC meeting. The HPC Commissioners support the concept and would like to see it as a community project involving several community groups. There are two primary concerns or comments relating to this proposal: (1) that the obelisks do not result in duplication of street sign expenses to the City, and (2) that the obelisks meet all safety requirements for street signs that may be called for by the Fire and Sheriff's Departments. Other comments by the Commissioners include the ability for artistic design and individualization for those obelisks not located in the original Cove subdivision. Those obelisks that would be placed in the Cove, should complement the original, historic markers as much as possible. The proposed project concept would provide a unique historically -based identification for the City of La Quinta. It is recommended that the HPC, Historical Society, and the Arts in Public Places Commission all work together towards realizing this effort. Very trul ours, E. A. ed* MILLIS, Chairman Historic Preservation Commission Im c: City Council Tom Genovese, City Manager Jerry Herman, Community Development Director Art in Public Places Commission Historic Preservation Commission MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 Aw __ 014