13-1589 (RC)T4,!t 4 P.O. BOX 1504 VOICE (760) 777-7012 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO FAX (760) 777-7011 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 BUILDING PERMIT Date: 1/28/14 Application Number: 13-00001589 Owner: Property Address: 78430 HIGHWAY 111 FIRST KARMA RESTUARANTS INC APN: 604-050-044- - - 3075 RUSTIC MANOR CIR ! A "— Application description: REMODEL - COMMERCIAL RENO, NV 89509 P L/A�\1Property Zoning: COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL Application valuation: 30000 pAN L � JT Contractor: Applicant: Architect or Engineer: Owner CITY AF ?-A QWNTA F114ANCP DEPT. ;sos UsT gsw % a,) LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License Class: License No.: Date: Contractor: OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's State License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county that requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit to file a signed statement that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's State License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he or she is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500).: (_) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does the work himself or herself through his or her own employees, provided that the ,improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he or she did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). ( 1 I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licens contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' Sae icense Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds'or improves thereon, and whrcriacts f .the projects with a contractors) licensed pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.).I am exempt under Sec. , BAP.C. for this Date: Owner: I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.). Lender's Name: Lender's Address: r.0 ;. LQPERMIT WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: _ I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. _ I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor ode, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Carrier Policy Number I certify that, in the performance of the wo for hich this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to becom sub the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that, if I should becomes ject t t workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, I shall fortith ' h those provisions. Bate: Applicant: WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS' COMP TION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000). IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on this application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made, each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this application, the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees for any act or omission related to the work being performed under or following issuance of this permit. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. - I certify that I have read this application and state that the abov nfor ation correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building c nstructi n, an hereby authorize representatives of this county to enter upon the above-mentioned property for spectio urpo s Date: Signature (Applicant or Agent): Application Number . . . . . 13-00001589 ------ Structure Information 6,180 RESTAURANT TENANT IMPROVEMENT ----- Other struct info . . . . . CODE EDITION 2010 FIRE SPRINKLERS YES MIXED-USE OCCUPANCY A-2 OCCUPANT LOAD 297.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1ST FLOOR SQUARE FOOTAGE 6180.00 Permit . . . REMODEL 2013 Additional desc . Permit Fee . . . . 306.02 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . 0. Expiration Date 7/27/14 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1.00 48.6200 LS MISC REMODEL, 1ST 100 SF 48.62 12.00 --------------- 21.4500 ----------------------------------------- EA MISC REMODEL, ADDL 500 SF -------------------- 257.40 Permit . . . PLUMBING 2013 Additional desc . Permit Fee . . . . 119.19 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date 7/27/14 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 6.00 11.9200 EA PLBG FIXTURE/TRAP 71.52 1.00` 11.9200 EA PLBG WATER INST/ALT/REP 11.92 1.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 35.7500 LS PLBG GAS SYS, 5+ OUTLETS 35.75 Permit MECHANICAL 2013 Additional desc . Permit Fee . . . . 23.84 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date 7/21/14 Qty Unit Charge Per. Extension 1.00 11.9200 EA MECH APPL REP/ALT 11.92 1.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.9200 EA MECH EXHAUST HOOD 11.92 Permit ELECTRICAL 2013 Additional desc . Permit Fee . . . . 154.91 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date . . . . Valuation 0 Expiration Date 7/27/14 r� LQPERMIT Application Number . . . . . 13-00001589 Permit . . . . . . ELECTRICAL 2013 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1.00 23.8300 LS ELEC DEVICES, FIRST 20 23.83 1.00 23.8300 LS ELEC FIXTURES, FIRST 20 23.83 1.00 107.2500 LS ELEC NEW COMM, FIRST 2 KSF 107.25 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Notes and Comments 6,180SF RESTAURANT TI W/EXTERIOR PATIO AREAS/VB/A-2/297-OL/FULLY SPRINKLED [BROKEN YOLK CAFE] THIS PERMIT DOES NOT INCLUDE STRUCTURAL ALTERATIONS TO THE BUILDING SHELL, EXTERIOR SIGNAGE OR PAINT, SEPARATE MBA REQUIRED. TUMF CHANGE OF USE FROM LOW TO HIGH TURNOVER RESTAURANT.CALCULATED FOR ADDITIONAL VEHICULAR TRIPS. 2010 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODES. January 28, 2014 10:05:55 AM AORTEGA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Fees . . . . . . . . . BLDG STDS ADMIN (SB1473) 2.00 PLAN CHECK, ELECTRICAL 130.60 PLAN CHECK, REMODEL 338.91 PLAN CHECK, MECHANICAL 9.54 PLAN CHECK, PLUMBING 107.27 STRONG MOTION (SMI) - COM 6.30 TUMF: RESTAURANT 17012.31 Fee summary Charged Paid --------------------------- Credited -------------------- Due ---------- Permit Fee Total 603.96 .00 .00 603.96 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Other Fee Total 17606.93 .00 .00 17606.93 Grand Total 18210.89 .00 .00 18210.89 LQPERMIT RTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Part 1 of 4) ENV -1 C AND FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST Project Name Broken Yolk La Quinta Date 1/9/2014 Project Address 78430 Highway 111 La Quinta Climate Zone 15 Total Cond. Floor Area 6,183 I Addition Floor Area n/a GENERAL INFORMATION Building Type: 0 Nonresidential ❑ High -Rise Residential ❑ Hotel/Motel Guest Room ❑ Schools (Public School) ❑ Relocatable Public School 0 Conditioned Spaces ❑ Unconditioned Spaces Bldg. ❑ Skylight Area for Large Enclosed Space a 8000 ft2 (If checked include the ENV -4C with submittal) Phase of Construction: ❑ New Construction ❑ Addition ❑ Alteration Approach of Compliance: ❑ Component 0 Overall Envelope ❑ Unconditioned (file affidavit) Front Orientation: N, E, S, W or in Degrees: 135 deg FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST OPAQUE SURFACE DETAILS INSULATION Ta 110 Assembl T e Q 2 O z o n cca KC r5 ca� �vi �7 . MNa a L)¢ w> W LL 5> 12 wtcO zN 16 �)LG N 1 we// 1,136 (SE) 0.042 R-13 4.3.1-H3 Existing ❑ ❑ 2 Door 126 (SE) 0.500 None 4.5.1-A4 Existing ❑ ❑ 3 Wall 483 (SVV) 0.042 R-13 4.3.1-H3 Existing ❑ ❑ 4 Wall 1,332 (NW) 0.042 R -13A4 1 4 .1-H3 Existing ❑ ❑ 5 6 Door Wall 42 564 (NM (NE) 0.500 0.042 f7 VonpL,,-A4 R -1Y1 I T VP Lt% ULJ IN 1 3. -H3 Existing Existing ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 7 Door 42 (NE) 0.500 LUI N ?5. -A4 Existing ❑ ❑ 8 Roof 6,180 (SM 0.032 R-30 4.2. -A8 Existing ❑ ❑ 9 Slab 6,180 (N) 0.730 Nonoi-llr�4nhl4.4. -Al Existing ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 1. See Instructions in the Nonresidential Compliance Manual, pag 2. If Fail, then describe on Page 2 of the Inspection Checklist Forrr tpenot meet compliance. FENESTRATION SURFACE DETAILS Tag/ID Fenestration Type -� _ a` c o � d LLI z o t°n M > 0 > O y ro C N O c «. c0 in a u. 1 Window 112 (SE) 0.470 NFRC 0.460 NFRC ❑ Existing ❑ ❑ 2 Window 100 (SW) 0.370 NFRC 0.460 NFRC ❑ New ❑ ❑ 3 Window 65 (S W) 0.470 NFRC 0.460 NFRC ❑ Existing ❑ ❑ 4 Window 42 (NE) 0.470 NFRC 0.460 NFRC ❑ Existing ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 1. See Instructions in the Nonresidential Compliance Manual, page 3-96. 2. If Fail then describe on Page 2 of the Inspection Checklist Form and take appropriate action to correct. Verify building plans if necessary. EnergyPro 5.1 by EnergySoft User Number., 5355 RunCode: 2014-01-09T11):33:30 ID: Pa e 1 of 10 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Part 2 of 4) AND FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST ENV -1 C Project Name Broken Yolk La Quinta Date 1/9/2014 ROOFING PRODUCT COOL ROOFS (Note if the roofing product is not CRRC certified, this compliance approach cannot be used). Go to Overall Envelope Approach or Performance Approach. CHECK APPLICABLE BOX BELOW IF EXEMPT FROM THE ROOFING PRODUCT "COOL ROOF" REQUIREMENTS: Pass Fail' N/A ❑ Roofing compliance W required in Climate Zones 1 andl6 with a Low -Sloped. 2:12 pitch or less. ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Roofing compliance W required in Climate Zone 1 with a Steep -Sloped with less than 5 Ib/ft2. Greater than 2:12 pitch. ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Low -sloped Wood framed roofs in Climate Zones 3 and 5 are exempted, solar reflectance and thermal emittance or SRI that have a U -factor of 0.039 or lower. See Opaque Surface Details roof assembly,Column H of ENV -2C. ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Low -sloped Metal building roofs in Climate Zone 3 and 5 are exempted, solar relectance and thermal emittance or SRI that have a U -factor of 0.048 or lower. See Opaque Surface Details roof assembly below, Column H of ENV -2C. ❑ ❑ ❑ roof area covered by building integrated photovoltaic panels and building integrated solar thermal panels are 13 exempted. exem ted. Solar reflectance and thermal emittance or SRI, seespreadsheet calculator at www.en r a. ov/ i le24/ ❑ 13❑ ❑ Roof constructions that have thermal mass over the roof membrane with a weight of at least 25 Ib/ft are exempt from the Cool Roof criteria below. ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ High-rise residential buildings and hotels and motels with low -sloped roofs in Climate Zones 1 through 9, 12 and 16 are exempted from the low -sloped roofing criteria. ❑ ❑ ❑ 1. If Fail then describe on this page of the Inspection Checklist Form and take appropriate action to correct. Verify building plans if necessary. CRRC Product ID Number' Roof Slope s 2:12 > 2:12 Product Weight < 51b/ft2 a 5Ib/ft2 Product Type' Aged Solar Reflectance3 Thermal Emmitance SRIS Pass Fail' ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 4 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 4 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 1 ❑ ❑ ❑' 1 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 4 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 4 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ° ❑ ❑ 1. The CRRC Product ID Number can be obtained from the Cool Roof Rating Council's Rated Product Directory at www.coolroofs. o rg/produ cts/search. oho 2. Indicate the type of product is being used for the roof top, i.e. single -ply roof, asphalt roof, metal roof, etc. 3. If the Aged Reflectance is not available in the Cool Roof Rating Council's Rated Product Directory then use the Initial Reflectance value from the same directory and use the equation (0.2+03(p;n,,,al — 0.2) to obtain a calculated aged value. Where p is the Initial Solar Reflectance from the Cool Roof Rating Council's Rated Product Directory. 4. Check box if the Aged Reflectance is a calculated value using the equation above. 5. The SRI value needs to be calculated from a spreadsheet calculator at htto://www.enernv.ca.00y/tille24/ 6. If Fail then describe on this page of the Inspection Checklist Form and take appropriate action to correct. Verify building plans if necessary. To apply Liquid Field Applied Coatings, the coating must be applied across the entire roof surface and meet the dry mil thickness or coverage recommended by the coatings manufacturer and meet minimum performance requirements listed in §118(i)4. Select the applicable coating: ❑ Aluminum -Pigmented Asphalt Roof Coating ❑ Cement -Based Roof Coating ❑ Other Discrepancies: Ener Pro 5.1 by Ener Sok User Number: 5355 RunCode: 201401-09T10:33:30 ID: Page 2 of 10 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Part 3 of 4) ENV -1 C AND FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST Project Name Broken Yolk La Quinta Date 1/9/2014 Required Acceptance Tests Designer: This form is to be used by the designer and attached to the plans. Listed below is the acceptance test for Envelope Fenestrations system. The designer is required to check the acceptance tests and list all the fenestration products that require an acceptance test. If all the site -built fenestration of a certain type requires a test, list the different fenestration products and the number of systems. The NA7 Section in the Appendix of the Nonresidential Reference Appendices Manual describes the test. Since this form will be part of the plans, completion of this section will allow the responsible party to budget for the scope of work appropriately. Enforcement Agency: Systems Acceptance. Before Occupancy Permit is granted for a newly constructed building or space or whenever new fenestration is installed in the building or space shall be certified as meeting the Acceptance Requirements. The ENV -2A form is not considered a complete form and is not to be accepted by the enforcement agency unless the boxes are checked and/or filled and signed. In addition, a Certificate of Acceptance forms shall be submitted to the enforcement agency that certifies plans, specifications, installation certificates, and operating and maintenance information meet the requirements of §10-103(b) of Title 24 Part 6. The field inspector must receive the properly filled out and signed forms before the building can receive final occupancy. A copy of the ENV -2A for each different fenestration product line must be provided to the owner of the building for their records. Test Description ENV -2A Test Performed By: Fenestration Products Name or ID Requiring Testing or Verification Area of like Products Building Envelope Acceptance Test Fixed Aluminum Window (Kawneer 518 or equivalent) 100 ❑✓ 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 Ener Pro 5.1 by Ener Soft User Number., 5355 RunCode: 2014-01-09710:33:30 ID: Page 3 of 10 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Part 4 of 4) ENV-1 C AND FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST Project Name Date Broken Yolk La Quinta 1/9/2014 Project Address Climate Zone Total Cond. Floor Area Addition Floor Area 78430 Highway 111 La Quinta CA Climate Zone 15 6,183 n/a Documentation Author's Declaration Statement I certify that this Certificate of Compliance documentation is accurate and complete. Signature Name Company Tarlos & Associates Date 119/2014 Address CEA # CEPE # City/State/Zip Phone The Principal Envelope Designer's Declaration Statement • I am eligible under Division 3 of the California Business and Professions Code to accept responsibility for the envelope design. • This Certificate of Compliance identifies the envelope features and performance specifications required for compliance with Title-24, Parts 1 and 6 of the California Code of Regulations. • The design features represented on this Certificate of Compliance are consistent with the information provided to document this design on the other applicable compliance forms, worksheets, calculations, plans and specifications submittedto the enforcement agency for approval with this building permit application. Name Stephen C. Jordan Signature Company CDi Architects Date Address 17852 17th St., Suite 11 i License # City/State/Zip Tustin, CA 92780 Phone Envelope Mandatory Measures Indicate location on building plans of Mandatory Envelope Measures Note Block: INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE & WORKSHEETS check box if worksheet is included For detailed instructions on the use of this and all Energy Efficiency Standards compliance forms, please refer to the 2008 Nonresidential Manual published by the California Energy Commission. M ENV-1 C Certificate of Compliance. Required on plans for all submittals. ❑ ENV-2C Use with the Envelope Component compliance approach. Optional on plans. 0 ENV-3C Use with the Overall Envelope compliance approach. Optional on plans. ❑ ENV-4C Use with Prescriptive compliance for the minimum skylight requirements for large enclosed spaces in climate zones 2 through 15. Optional on plans. [E=nePro 5.1 by Ener Soft User Number. 5355 RunCode: 2014-01-09T10:33:30 ID: Pa e 4 of 10 OVERALL ENVELOPE TDV ENERGY APPROACH Part 1 of 6 ENV -3C Project Name Date Broken Yolk La Quinta 1/9/2014 WINDOW RATIO CALCULATION for ALL WALLS A. Total linear display perimeter 0 ft X 6 ft = 0 fe Display Area B. Total Gross Exterior Wall Area 4,044 ftp X 0.40 = 1,618 fe 40% of Gross Exterior Wall Area C. Enter Larger of A or B 1,618 fe Maximum Standard Area D. Enter Proposed Window Area 319 fe Proposed Area If the proposed Window Area is greater than the Maximum Standard Area, then the envelope component method may not be used. 7.89 % See RSHG in Table 143-A, 143- E. Window Wall Ratio = (Row D) Divided by (Row B) = B, or 143-C WEST WINDOW RATIO CALCULATION F. West Linear Display • 0 ft X 6 ft = 0 fe West Display Area G. West Exterior Wall Area 1,374 fe X 0.40 = 550 fe 40% of West Exterior Wall Area H. Enter Larger of F or G 550 fe 1 Maximum Standard West Area I. Enter Proposed West Window Area 0 fe I Proposed West Window Area If the proposed West Window Area is greater than the Maximum Standard West Area, then the envelope component method may not be used. 0.070%See West RSHG in Table 143-A, J. Window Wall Ratio = (Row 1) Divided by (Row G)143-13, or 143-C COMBINED AREA FOR NORTH EAST AND SOUTH WALLS K. N/E/S Display Perimeter (A Minus E) 0 ft X 6 ft = 0 fe N/E/S of West Exterior Wall Area L. N/E/S Exterior Wall Area (B Minus G) 2,670 ftz X 0.40 = 1,068 fe 40% N/E/S Area M. Enter Larger of K or L 1,068 fe Maximum Standard N/E/S Area N. Proposed N/E/S Window Area (D Minus 1) 319 fe Proposed N/E/S Area WINDOW ADJUSTMENT O. If D > C and/or if I > H, proceed to the calculation steps 1 for all walls or 2 for west wall. If not, go to the skylight area test on page 6. 1. If D > C: Use the calculated Window Adjustment Factor (WAF) for all walls. PROPOSED WINDOW MAX. STANDARD AREA AREA WINDOW from C from D ADJUSTMENT FACTOR Go to Page 6 to calculate Adjusted Area 2. If I > H: Calculate one Window Adjustment Factor (WAF) for the West wall. MAX. STANDARD WEST PROPOSED WEST AREA WEST WINDOW AREA from H (from 1) ADJUSTMENT FACTOR MAX. STANDARD AREA PROPOSED AREA WEST WINDOW from C from D ADJUSTMENT FACTOR Go to Page 6 to calculate Adjusted Area Ener Pro 5.1 by Ener Soft User Number: 5355 RunCode: 2014-01-09710:33.30 ID: Page 5 of 10 OVERALL ENVELOPE TDV ENERGY APPROACH Part 2 of 6 ENV -3C Project Name Date Broken Yolk La Quinta - 1/9/2014 SKYLIGHT RATIO CALCULATION §143(b) Actual Gross Roof Maximum Allowed Standard Area Skylight Area 309 ft2 A. If Atrium/Skylight Height is < 55 ft; or 6,180 ft2 X 0.05 = B. . If Atrium/Skylight Height is > 55 ft ft2 X 0.10 - ft2 C. Proposed Skylight Area 0 ft2 D. Skylight Ratio = Proposed Skylight Area (Row C) Divided by Actual Gross Roof Area = 0.0 % SRRpr p E. Maximum Allowed Skylight Roof Ratio = Maximum Allowed Standard Skylight Area _ (Row A or B) Divided by Total Gross Exterior Roof Area - 5 % SRRsTD IF THE PROPOSED SKYLIGHT AREA IS GREATER THAN THE STANDARD SKYLIGHT AREA, PROCEED TO THE NEXT CALCULATION FOR THE SKYLIGHT AREA ADJUSTMENT. IF NOT, GO TO PAGE 3 OF 6. SKYLIGHT AREA ADJUSTMENT IF F > D, Proceed To Calculation Step 1 Step 1. Calculated the Skylight Adjustment Factor (WAF). - STANDARD PROPOSED SKYLIGHT SKYLIGHT ADJUSTMENT SKYLIGHT AREA AREA IF E = 0 ENTER 1 F- 71 F FACTOR SAF F .CARRY THE WINDOW ADJUSTMENT FACTOR (SAF) TO PAGE 6 OF 6 TO CALCULATE THE ADJUSTED AREA k Ener Pro 5.1 by Ener Soft User Number: 5355 RunCode: 2014-01-09T10:33:30 ID: Pae 6 of 10 OVERALL ENVELOPE TDV ENERGY APPROACH (Page 3 of 6 ENV -3C Project Name Broken Yolk La Quinta Date 1 1/9/2014 Climate Zone 15 TDV for the Standard Design Building, See Reference Nonresidential Appendix NA5-2 Occupancy Type and Coefficients Tables 10 Nonresidential See Table NA5-3 10 24 -Hour Use See Table NA5-4 1 0 Retail See Table NA5-5 A B C D E F G H 1 J I K I L M Assembly Type' Orientation Number Of Like Assembly Type"$ Roofs or Floor Mass Exterior Surface Area Fenetration Type Criteria Coefficients for9 Standard TDV Ener 10 1.1 -factor SHGC VT U-factor6 SHGC7 VT6 Csw Cssi Cs,; Wall E 1 Light 1,136 0.042 201.13 9,596 Window E 1 112 Site -built 0.470 0.460 0.552 40.08 666.01 -28.86 34,638 Door E 1 126 0.700 201.13 17,740 Wall S 1 Light 483 0.042 201.13 4,080 Window S 1 100 Manufactured 0.470 0.460 0.552 32.84 586.58 -33.07 26,701 Window S 1 65 Site -built 0.470 0.460 0.552 32.84 586.58 -33.07 17,355 Wall W 1 Light 1,332 0.0421 201.13 11,252 Door W 1 42 0.700 201.13 5,913 Wall N 1 Light 564 0.042 201.13 4,764 Window N 1 42 Site -built 0.470 0.610 0.732 54.49 303.70 -20.19 8,236 Door N 1 42 0.700 201.13 5,913 Roof 1 Light 6,180 0.039 191.53 46,163 Sum of Total Standard Design 192,352 1. Indicate type of assembly for the Envelope (e.g. Wall, Floor, Roof, Window, Skylight & Door). One assembly type for each row. 2. Enter the area of each different assembly. 3. Enter the type of fenestration; M = Manufactured, SB = Site -built, SK = Skylight and F = Fabricated. 4. Grouping of like assemblies in the same orientation is allowed. Indicate the number in column E. 5. Enter Roofs, Floors, Walls and for Mass Walls the catergoies are; light (HC < 7), medium mass (7 s HC,15), and heavy mass (HC 2 15). 6. Standard Design U -factor are from Table 143-A, B or C. 7. Standard Design SHGC are from Table 143-A, B or C. Enter V if not applicable. Note: Not all vertical windows have an overhang then assume SHGC as value entered. 8. To calculate the fenestration standard design VT in Column H. Multiply Column H by 1.2. 9. Coefficients for; U -factor (Cs„j), SHGC (Cs,;), and VT(Cs4, can be found in Table NA5-2, through Table NA5-5 of the Reference Nonresidential Appendices NA5. The Coefficient for SHGC and VT are only entered for the fenestration products. Enter V when not applicable. 1.0. Calculate the TDV Standard Design for each Envelope Assembly Type: TDVS1d = Column C x (Column E x ((U -factors; x Cs,;) + (SHGC'- x Csd) + (VTs; x Cs,;))] for each Assembly Type. See Nonresidential Manual Examples in Section 3.7.1 for details. EnqrgyPro 5.1 by Ener Soft User Number. • 5355 RunCode: 2014-01-09T10:33:30 ID: Page 7 of 10 OVERALL ENVELOPE TDV ENERGY APPROACH (Page 4 of 6 ENV -3C Project Name Broken Yolk La Quints Date 1 1/9/2014 TDV for the Proposed Design Building, See Reference Nonresidential Appendix NA5.3 Occupancy Type and Coefficients Tables m Nonresidential, See Table NA5-3 ❑ 24 -Hour Use, See Table NA5-4 ❑ Retail, See Table NA5-5 Climate Zone: 15 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N Assembly Type' Orientation Number Of Like Assembly Type2A Total Exterior Surface Area' Fenestration Type 4 Coefficientsfor Criteria U -factors RSHGC8 VTs Cool Roof Overhang" Proposed TDV Energy" U -factors SHGCr' VT' Csu,i CSS'; Ct,i MCR MOH Wall E 1 1,136 0.042 201.13 9,596 Window E 1 112 Site -built 0.470 0.460 0.500 40.08 666.01 -28.86 1.000 34,806 Door E 1 126 0.500 201.13 12,671 Wall S 1 483 0.042 201.13 4,080 Window S 1 100 Manufactured 0.370 0.460 0.500 32.84 586.58 -33.07 1.000 26,544 Window S 1 65 Site -built 0.470 0.460 0.5001 32.84 586.58 -33.07 1.000 17,467 Wall W 1 1,332 0.042 201.13 11,252 Door W 1 42 0.500 201.13 4,224 Wall N 1 564 0.042 201.13 4,764 Window N 1 42 Site -built 0.470 0.460 0.500 54.49 303.70 -20.19 1.000 6,519 Door N 1 42 0.500 201.13 4,224 Roof 11 6,180 0.032 191.53 1.254 47,498 Total Proposed Design 12 183,646 Proposed _< Standard YES 1. Indicate type of assembly for the Envelope (e.g. Wall, Floor, Roof, Window, Skylight & Door). One assembly type for each row. 2. Indicate the orientation for walls, doors & windows. 2A. Note: Grouping of like assemblies in the same orientation is allowed. Enter the number in column C. 3. Indicate the Exterior Surface Area of the Assembly for that one assembly or if like assemblies then the total surface area of all assemblies in the same orientation. 4. Enter the type of fenestration; M = Manufactured, SB = Site -built, SK = Skylight and F = Fabricated. 5. Proposed Design Ll -factor are from Table 143-A, B or C for the appropriate assembly type. 6. Proposed Design SHGC are from Table 143-A, B or C. Enter V it not applicable. Note: Not all vertical windows have an overhang then assume SHGC as value entered. 7. To calculate the fenestration proposed design VT in Column H. Multiply Column G by 1.2. 8. Coefficients for; U -factor (Cs,,,,), SHGC (Cs,), and VT(Cs,a, can be found in Table NA5.2, through Table NA5.5 of the Reference Nonresidential Appendices NA5. The Coefficient for SHGC and VT are only entered for the fenestration products. Enter V when not applicable. 9. Calculate the Cool Roof, MGR, first by using the next page (Page 5 of 6). Enter the value in the Proposed Column L. 10. Calculate the Overhang MoH on the next page (Page 5 of 6). Enter the value in the Proposed Column M. 41. The Proposed TDV energy use for all assemblies other than roofs must be equal to or less than Standard TDV in Page 3 of 6. Therfore; TDVP = Column D x [(U factor x CSu) + (CRui x URi x MCRi) + - (SHGCP x CSsi x MOH) + (VTP x CSt)] Enter the calculated value in Column N. '12. Sum up all the Proposed TDV Energy in Column N and enter value in the cell. Similarly enter the sum of all Standard TDV Energy and compare. Proposed must be 5 to the Standard. EnerqyPro 5.1 by Ener Soft User Number: 5355 RunCode: 2014-01-09710:33:30 ID: Page 8 of 10 OVA ALL ENVELOPE TDV ENERGY APPROACH Part 5 of 6 ENV -3C Project Name Broken Yolk La Quinta Date 1/9/2014 Cool Roof Multi lierMCR Occupancy Type and Coefficients Tables 0 Nonresidential, See❑ Table NA5-3 24 -Hour Use, See Table NA5-4 11Retail, See Table NA5-5 Climate Zone: 15 Coefficients of Calculation/31-- 3 2D, 4 F op/ MFNT A B C D E F G Reflectance Emittance Proposed Aged Solar Reflectance Standard Aged Solar Reflectance' Proposed Thermal Emittance Standard Thermal Emittance Cool Roof Multi lien -2.540 -0.900 040 0.20 0.75 0.75 114A C M(J Enter multiplier in Page 4 of 6, Column J. Where: Standard design values for Solar Reflectance and Thermal Emittance. Except from Table NA5-2 Standard Aged Solar Reflectance Column D Standard Thermal Emittance Column F Low -Rise Low -Sloped, CZ2 through CZ15 0.55 0.75 Low -Rise Low -Sloped, CZ1 through CZ16 0.10 0.75 High -Rise, Low -Sloped, CZ10 through CZ15 0.55 0.75 Hi h -Rise, Low -Sloped, CZ1-9 through CZ16 0.10 0.75 Steep -Sloped, CZ2 through CZ15 0.25 0.75 Steep -Sloped, all other 0.10 0.75 1. Proposed Aged Design Solar Reflectance; paged prop = 0.7 X (p;,,it prop + 0.06). Where (Pimprop) reflectance value is found in the CRRC Directory. Enter results of the Cool Roof Multiplier equation in footnote 2. 2. Cool Roof Multiplier MIR, = 1 + CRd X a ed i3rop - Paged std + CBN, X (Eprop – Fstd or 1+ Col A X Col C – Col D + Col B X Col E – Col F Overhang Multiplier(MOH) Occupancy Type and Coefficients Tables ® Nonresidential, See Table NA5-3 ❑ 24 -Hour Use, See Table NA5-4 ❑ Retail, See Table NA5-5 Climate Zone: 15 Coefficients of Fenestration Ov rhang Calculation A B C D E F G Orientation 1 Projection Factor' 2w— Projection Factor' Horizontal Projection ff2 Vertical Distance ff2 Projection Factorz Overhan ` Multi tier 11. Enter multiplier in Pae 4 of 6 Column K. Where a, and b, are he coefficients for the overhang projection factor (see tables) and is climate zone dependent. 2. PF = HN (Horizontal (H) projection of the overhang from the surface of the window in feet, but no greater than V and the Vertical (V) distance from the window sill to the bottom of the overhang, in feet.) Enter results in Column F. 3. MoH, = 1+ a, X PF, + b, X PF12. Enter results in Column G. Ener Pro 5.1 by EnergySo User Number: 5355 RunCode: 2014-01-09T10:33:30 ID: Pa e 9 of 10 ENVELOPE MANDATORY MEASURES: NONRESIDENTIAL ENV -MM Project Name Broken Yolk La Quinta Date 1/9/2014 DESCRIPTION Building Envelo e'Measures: §118(x): Installed insulating material shall have been certified by the manufacturer to comply with the California Quality Standards for insulating material, Title 20 Chapter 4, Article 3. §118(c): All Insulating Materials shall be installed in compliance with the flame spread rating and smoke density requirements of Sections 2602 and 707 of Title 24, Part 2. §118(f): The opaque portions of framed demising walls in nonresidential buildings shall have insulation with an installed R -value of no less than R-13 between framing members. §117(a): All Exterior Joints and openings in the building that are observable sources of air leakage shall be caulked, gasketed, weatherstripped or otherwise sealed. Manufactured fenestration products and exterior doors shall have air infiltration rates not exceeding 0.3 cfm/ft.2 of §116(a) 1: window area, 0.3 cfm/ft.2 of door area for residential doors, 0.3 cfm/ft.2 of door area for nonresidential single doors (swinging and sliding),and 1.0 cfm/ft.2 for nonresidential double doors (swinging). §116(a) 2: Fenestration U -factor shall be rated in accordance with NFRC 100, or the applicable default U -factor. §116(a) 3: Fenestration SHGC shall be rated in accordance with NFRC 200, or NFRC 100 for site -built fenestration, or the applicable default SHGC. §116(b): Site Constructed Doors, Windows and Skylights shall be caulked between the unit and the building, and shall be weatherstripped (except for unframed glass doors and fire doors). Ene Pro 5.1 by Ener Soft User Number. 5355 RunCode: 2014-01-09710:33:30 ID: Pae 10 of 10 Iain # Qty Of la Quinta Building 8L SafetyDivision P.O. Box 1504, 78-495 Calle Tampico • La Quinta, CA 92253 - (760) 777-7012 Building Permit Application and Tracking Sheet Permit# Project Address: ' Owner's Name: i al/�►�� A.'P. Number: '2_3 q-3 Q Address: 3 oQ 5- Lt4 �(L M" Gi rC� Legal Description: City, ST, Zip:(, Contractor:'. (c( 2 D %f . k Y'°f s %' Address: Project Description: City, ST, Zip: Telephone: YOUR Qv�t 'olt mss. State Lic. # : Lic. #; Arch., Engr., Designer. Address: i W ' OIVS City., ST, Zip: �(ils C12j7e0 Aeltu.e . ( Telephone: OO S Z :>,:;: ; < s' < ? ;vs:::; :;;;< :.y:::»:;z<•<.:>:• Construction Type: Occupancy y5:<r'lryti: ".v: yi: ii.(; riy.'i:: i :::.....:: . Project type (circle one): New Add'n Alter epair �Beu�N State Lic. #: Name of Contact Person: 1) it V (J_ L Sq. Ft.: 6Q FD #Stories: # Units: Telephone #,of Contact Person: F9_ —ro —,) O SZ Estimated Value of Project: 0j 000 APPLICANT: DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE # Submittal Req'd Rec'd TRACIQNG PERMIT FEES Plan Sets 3 Plan Check submitted l�–�s/l Item ount ` Structural Calcs. 11 Ai [" Reviewed, ready for corrections Plan Check Deposit Truss Calcs. Called Contact Person Plan Check Balance Title 24 Calcs. Plans picked up Construction Flood plain plan Plans resubmitted /'rvechanical Grading plan 2°" Review, ready for corre s/issue Electrical p Subcontactor List Called Contact PersonW Plumbing Grant Deed Plans picked up S.M.I. H.O.A. Approval Plans resubmitted Grading IN HOUSE:- '"'Review, ready for corrections�ssue Developer Impact Fee Planning Approval Called Contact Person A.I•P.: . Pub. Wks. Appr Date of permit issue School Fees' '6641)TO %444 I Total Permit Fees -�.. 7 - R-sc..-_� �.on vN ewe .1oaoM �Ma+ri�► � 'l -��PI I ����—� Cc�i n� Z -/� •� �IZOI�... W S�,F,'4iT • . -Tk�" ` ATE ` INSPECTION REPORT Page 1 of FATS, OILS AND GREASE (FOG) PROGRAMI Valley Water District, P.O. Box 1058, Coachella, CA 92236 (76Q) 398'2651 / .Name'of discharger: Date of Inspection: Key Nr: nocc^^\c^/ ' inspected Deficient Comments: Discharging Yes Yes , . Non -discharging [ ]Yes [ ]Yes Raw Materials Storage Yes � [ ]Yes . Handling Yes Yes ' Equipment Operation ` [ ]Yes [ ]Yes Maintenance [ ]Yes [ lYes ' Process area . .v�� [��,es [ lYes - (sinks, drains) [Yes Yes Cleaning [w1Yes Yes ' Treatmo ^- Other)["��,cs [ ]Yes ' — ��/�»��/�` Size�������ga||ons 02% LE8% . H2S ppnn Floating Sludge , Lid Gas detector reads'Layer ' Lid Gas detector reads Layer _� Lid �` . Gas detector re ads Layer " " Internal plumbing [ ]Yes ' ^' ` Sample Station [\�^Yes [ )Yes Solid Waste Handling [ ] Yes ' � Storage � ��Yes [ lYes General Housekeeping � ���� [�w ,�� [ ]Yes Hauling Records [ ]Yes [ lYes �J � ��mmar� v'b\0M������� �Ob-4— betbe 00m, UAj ��' ~�^ _.~fT7l0 ~ . � ' Received by: '�_ /�Y� / I- . ` ` *Signature indicates receipt of copynot agreement with findings „yITJ COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT P.O. BOX 1058, COACHELLA, CALIFORNIA 92236 (760) 398-2651 INVOICE Date: 1/2612014 SUBJECT: 78430 HIGHWAY 111, LA QUINTA, BROKEN YOLK CAFE, LID 407914, "BASED ON 225 SEATS NO ADDTL SCC FEE AT THIS TIME” OSCAR BABB Project: 13-5137 26495 YNEX RD Project Date: 1/2/2014 Amount Due: $50.00 TEMECULA, CA 92591 GEO: 05-06-29-2 r Planner: SANDRA VILLALOBOS TO INSURE PROPER CREDIT, PLEASE RETURN THIS PORTION WITH REMITTANCE AND INCLUDE THE PROJECT ON YOUR CHECK • • description• - 1.00 SA APP/WAIVER FEE SOURCE CNTRL $50.00 $50.00 VOW O t,/► $50.00 • I J.� � a ao JAN 4,7 2014 SUBJECT: 78430 HIGHWAY 111, LA QUINTA, BROKEN YOLK CAFE, LID 407914, "BASED ON 225 SEATS NO ADDTL SCC FEE AT THIS TIME" COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT P.O. BOX 1058, COACHELLA, CALIFORNIA 92236 (760) 398-2651 Pagel COACHELLA VALLEY WATER -DISTRICT ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 85-995 Avenue 52 Coachella, California 92236 (760)398-2651. APPLICATION FOR WASTEWATER INTERCEPTOR/SEPARATOR APPROVAL APPLICANT: Submit this form with a copy of a.SCALFA plot plan (V - 20' to V - 40' SCALE) drawn to. District specifications. A nonrefundable filing fee is required when the application is submitted Check must be made payable to the Coachella Valley. Water District. Approval of this application shall remain. valid for a period not to exceed one (1) year from date of payment. NOTE: ALL BUSINESSES PRODUCING FAT, OIL, AND/OR GREASE, LOCATED INA MULTI -SUITE BUILDING WILL REQUIRE A SEPERATE LATERAL OFF THE MAIN SEWER LINE FOR GREASE INTERCEPTOR CONNECTION. Plan Check No. A Contractor, Conw Person Address Ci State Zip Telephone 7 er Address City State Zip Telephone Job Property Address City Zip r Legal Description DBA PLEASE COMPLETE THIS SECTION FOR REVIEW OF FOOD ESTABLISHMENTS NOTE: PLANS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS THIS APPLICATION IS COMPLETE AND THE PLAN CBECK FEE IS PAID. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION: C oal rs 4v k -t -e- 0-25 Type of Construction: New Food Facility Remodel ofExistFood Establishment H F9of Operation6-3 Seating Capacity: internal External External Seating i✓ with Miste or HeatersBar with Food Service Bar Nonfood Service Water Softener �-J— ATef/ Service: � Multiservice (reusable) v Single Service (disposable) OWNEWREPRESENTATIVE DECLARATION: 1 Nfy that 1 have read the -entire application and state that all information is correct. I understand that the amount of fee paid is based on my declaration of informatio and that incorrect information is grounds for denial of the submitted plans. I also understand that plans will be discarded if not•picked up within sixty (60) eys pp or denial and that no inspection of my establishment will be conducted, or approval granted to operate, until all proper information requested has been r ved and returned. Signature Date FOR DISTRICT USE ONLY No. of Systems Type of System(s) No. Dwelling Units ClAand/ ❑ Grease Interceptor Waived New ❑[�Existing Fixture Units El Grease Interceptor ❑Lint Trap i ❑ Replacement ❑ Addition ❑Clarifier ❑ Connect to.Sewer j 1000 Gal. REMARKS: 2T is application is: / Approved ❑ Denied ❑ Conditional Approval*. I.$ 5O Check -No. *See Remarks Date Initial Signature Date CVWD-921 Rev 6111 Is 0 mrot I r , CITY'OF LA QUINTA SUB -M - CT LIST ° f / NUMBER OWNER 1� BUILDER JOB ADDRESS �y�3�% C�hr �' �/ / PERMIT NU 3 I This form shall be posted on the job with the Building Inspection Card at all times in a conspicuous place. Only persons appearing on this list or their empl yew are authorized of work B Id D son nor to commencement of work. Failure to comply will result in a stoppage of work and/or the voidance on this job. Any changes to this list must be approved by the ui rng ivi i p 11 information ueste d below must be completed by applicant. "On'File" is not an acceptable response. For building permit. F f bu 0 9 P each I , q applicable trade all a pp ::::::.::::.:::::::::....:.:::::::::.:.::::::..:::::::::.:::..:::.:.::.:::.:...::.::::::::::....::::.::::::::.::::.,....,:........ rness:L�cense:::....... Cit YBus . .;:.;;:::>::>::>::::> c Trade F CIBss�ua :::.:..:.........................::.:::...................:.:::.......................::.................................:..::.:....................::::::..... :................::::::::::::::::..................:.:::.:...............:.::::::::.............:.::.:::XX: .�t�o�.� r Lice nse state Contra cto s X::::..:.:.............::.::.:::::. ..........:... sUcanc. e............... Wor kers om ensat n.ln . P Company Name Classification License Number Exp.l Date Carrier Name Policy Number (Format Varies). Exp.. Date (xx/xz/xx) License Number (xxxx) Exp. Date (xx/xx/xx) - ) (e.g. . A B C8 xxxxxx). ( xx/zx/xx) (e. . State Fund, CalComp) 9 • t I l i '% 3l I T c:. a O r MASONRY lC PLU,IVIBING - L 3 Z 0 LA :::>' �-2 DRY:VI(.<1LL.:IC........ ::>:::.....>:::: 7 G Z O (.z(_ ELECTRICAL 04 '=39 i'z<z>'<>>z>> S:I _43 `> ... �973 I -f i. 15 AlllllelcrA . U GLA INSU!L`AT10,1�I;.I..C.::.: � .... -SSWAG--»RISA>::: 33 `> PAINTIN G> IC:'..3 .)::::::::::.:..;:::: . 5.4 CERlaMIC:>TILE(:C:.;S;I:.;:.;:.:.: 1u- - s S s G M/")// S t ::P :::.::::.....: PROUDLY SERVING THE UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY AND THE CmES OF: BANNING BEAUMONT CALIMESA CANYON LAKE COACHELLA DESERT HOT SPRINGS EASTVALE INDIAN WELLS INDIO JURUPA VALLEY LAKE ELSINORE LA Qu1NTA MENIFEE MORENO VALLEY NORCO PALM DESERT PERRIS RANCHO MIRAGE RUBIDOUX CSD SAN JACINTO TEMECULA WILDOMAR BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: BOB BUSTER DISTRICT 1 JOHN TAVAGLIONE DISTRICT 2 JEFF STONE DISTRICT 3 JOHN BENOIT DISTRICT 4 MARION ASHLEY DISTRICT 5 RIVERSIDE COUNW FIRE DEPARTMENT IN COOPERATION WITH THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY AND FIRE PROTECTION John R. Hawkins •- Fire Chief 210 West San Jacinto Avenue — Perris, CA 9257 &It (951) 940-6900 — www.rvcfire.org / JAN 1 January 8, 2014 CI 3 201 cCMM�N op 4 RE: TENANT IMPROVEMENT PLAN CHECK -Non Structural �FVFZo p LAQ-I3-TI-034, BROKEN YOLK, 78430 HWY 111, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 'FNl You have been issued a release for a tenant improvement on an existing building. THIS IS NOT AN OCCUPANCY PERMIT. It is prohibited to use/process or store any materials in this occupancy that would classify it as an "H" occupancy per Sec. 307 of the 2010 CBC. THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS MUST BE MET PRIOR TO INSPECTION: Install door hardware and exit signs as per Chapter 10 of the 2010 CBC. A minimum 2Al0BC Fire Extinguisher, (State Fire Marshal Approved) must be mounted in a visible location within 75' walking distance from any point in your building or suite. Fire extinguishers can be installed by a licensed extinguisher company with a State Fire Marshal service tag attached to the extinguisher, or purchased from a retail store with a sales receipt attached. A licensed fire extinguisher company must service extinguisher yearly. All breakers must be labeled and a clearance of 36 inches must be maintained around the panel at all times. Approved suite addresses shall be placed in such a position to be plainly visible and legible from the street. Said numbers shall contrast with their background. Hood/Duct suppression system plans shall be submitted for above referenced project. An approved audible interior notification alarm device shall be provided in approved location. A C-10 licensed contractor must submit plans, designed in accordance with NFPA 72 to the Fire Department for review and approval prior to installation A durable sign stating "This door to remain unlocked during business hours" shall be placed on or adjacent to the front exit door. The sign shall be in letters not less than one inch high on a contrasting background. Provide key(s) to the tenant space for inclusion in the main building Knox Box. Key(s) shall have durable and legible tags affixed for identification of the correlating tenant space. Key(s) shall be provided at time of final inspection. As may be necessary to maintain proper fire sprinkler protection due to constructions changes, fire sprinkler system plans for the tenant improvement area may be required to be submitted to the Fire Department for review. Verify the occupant load is posted in places of assembly and that the maximum occupancy has been verified by the building department. Jll Applicant/installer shall be responsible to contact the Fire Department to schedule inspections. A re-inspection fee will be required if more than one (1) inspection is necessary. Requests for inspections are to be made at least 72 hours in advance and may be arranged by calling (760) .863-8886. All questions regarding the meaning of these conditions should be referred to the Fire Department Planning & Engineering Staff at (760) 863-8886. Sincerely, By. - Stephen Otero Fire Safety Specialist l RIVERSIDE COUNTY COMMUNITY HEALTH AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH FOOD ESTABLISHMENT PLAN APPROVAL NOTICE SR# 29889 Project Name The Broken Yoke Cafe Address Plans Submitted by Oscar Babb Owner Oscar Babb Date 12-16-13 78430 Highway 111 La Quinta Phone 619-279-2800 Phone 619-279-2800 RECEIVED The plans are now approved subject to the conditions listed below and the attached,compliance sheedAN 092014 1. Provide a certified air balance report for the exhaust and make up air. -2. Provide a grease interceptor letter from the sewer agency, contact John Riddle at 760-863-7570. �1°A J. The lights at waitress stations, food prep, and storage areas must be shatterproof 4. 1 he outside trash area must have smooth walls and floor that are sealed. 5. Ail existing finishes will be evaluated on site, if found in disrepair may need to be replaced. 6. Provide a splash guard between stove and deep fryer 18"high stainless steel CONSTRUCTION INSPECTIONS: Contact the Plan Checker for a Preliminary Inspection when construction is approximately 80% complete, with plumbing, rough ventilation, and rough equipment installed. Request for inspection should be made at least five (5) working days in advance. A FINAL INSPECTION MUST be made upon completion of ALL work including finished details. APPROVAL to operate shall not be granted, or remodeled areas approved to operate, until the facility has passed the FINAL INSPECTION, and "APPLICATION TO OPERATE" has been completed and PERMIT FEES have been paid. Request for inspection should be made at least five (5) worldng days in advance. PLANS CHECKED BY Tracey Ford, EHS III Phone (760) 863-8287 I acknowledge the corrections noted herein and as indicated on the plans and agree to incorporate them during construction: DEH -SAN -178 (Rev 2/06) Corona 2275 S. Main St Suite 204 (951)273-9140 Fax(951)520-8319 Signature Company Name Hemet 800 S. Sanderson (951) 766-2824 Fax(951)766- 7874 ax(951)766- 7874 Indio 47-950 Arabia St "A" (760)863-8287 Fax(760)863- 8303 ax(760)863- 8303 Date Murrieta 38740 Sky Canyon Dr (951)461-0284 Fax (951) 461-0245 Department Web Site — www.rivcoeh.org Palm Springs 554 S. Paseo Dorotea (760)320-1048 Fax(760)320-1470 Riverside 4065 County Cir (951) 358-5172 Fax(951)358- 5017 ax(951)358- 5017 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Part 1 of 4) ENV -1 C AND FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST Project Name Date Broken Yolk La Quinta 1/9/2014 Project Address Climate Zone Total Cond. Floor Area Addition Floor Area 78430 Highway 111 La Quinta T15 6,183 n/a GENERAL INFORMATION Building Type: 0 Nonresidential ❑ High -Rise Residential ❑ Hotel/Motel Guest Room ❑ Schools (Public School) ❑ Relocatable Public School 0 Conditioned Spaces ❑ Unconditioned Spaces Bldg. ❑ Skylight Area for Large Enclosed Space >_ 8000 ft2 (If checked include the ENV -4C with submittal) Phase of Construction: ❑ New Construction ❑ Addition ❑ Alteration Approach of Compliance: ❑ Component 0 Overall Envelope ❑ Unconditioned (file affidavit) Front Orientation: N, E; S, W or In. Degrees: 1 135 deg FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST OPAQUE SURFACE DETAILS INSULATION C >i c cN �, �3 ° y c C m o ,- ami a a� W O ; M >> v� 4) m 30 cc m� � a 0 CL vac Q> w Ta /ID AssemblyType u_ > u. -) a tg a u 1 Wall 1,136 (SE) 0.042 R-13 4.3.1-H3 Existing ❑ ❑ 2 Door 126 (SE) 0.500 None 4.5.1-A4 Existing ❑ ❑ 3 Wall 483 (SIM 0.042 R-13 4.3.1-H3 Existing ❑ ❑ 4 Wall 1,332 (NIM 0.042 R-13eil 4. .1-H3 Existing ❑ ❑ 5 Door 42 (NM 0.500 onrOoT. . -A4 Existing ❑ ❑ 6 Wall 564 (NE) 0.042 R- 4.3. -H3 Existing ❑ ❑ 7 Door 42 (NE) 0.500 NILDING ?5. -A4 Existing ❑ ❑ 8 Roof 6,180 (SIM 0.032 R-30 4.2.'-A8 Existing ❑ ❑ 9 Slab 6,180 (N) 0.730 NonHnr\iQ-nDi,Kl4.4. -Al Existing ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 1. See Instructions in the Nonresidential Compliance Manual, pag ` 2. If Fail, then describe on Page 2 of the Inspection Checklist Fo 8.3 t@YGnot meet compliance. FENESTRATION SURFACE DETAILS 'S c ;? Vi C 0° d V O = m V rn L c Fenestration a W Z lVC '9 cV0 c U)i °C o > 7 o Tag/ID Type O > > N L Cl) Cl) O QU) a a 1 Window 112 (SE) 0.470 NFRC 0.460 NFRC ❑ Existing ❑ ❑ 2 Window 100 (SW) 0.370 NFRC 0.460 NFRC ❑ New ❑ ❑ 3 Window 65 (S W) 0.470 NFRC 0.460 NFRC ❑ Existing ❑ ❑ 4 Window 42 (NE) 0.470 NFRC 0.460 NFRC ❑ Existing ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 1 ❑ ❑ ❑ 1 ❑ 1. See Instructions in the Nonresidential Compliance Manual, page 3-96. 2. If Fail then describe on Page 2 of the Inspection Checklist Form and take appropriate action to correct. Verify building plans if necessary. Ener Pro 5.1 by EnergySoft User Number. 5355 RunCode: 2014-01-09710:33:30 ID: Pa e1=0710 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Part 2 of 4) AND FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST ENV -1 C Project Name Broken Yolk La Quinta Date 1/9/2014 ROOFING PRODUCT COOL ROOFS (Note if the roofing product is not CRRC certified, this compliance approach cannot be used). Go to Overall Envelope Approach or Performance Approach. CHECK APPLICABLE BOX BELOW IF EXEMPT FROM THE ROOFING PRODUCT "COOL ROOF" REQUIREMENTS: Pass Fail' N/A ❑ Roofing compliance W required in Climate Zones 1 andl6 with a Low -Sloped. 2:12 pitch or less. ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Roofing compliance r= required in Climate Zone 1 with a Steep -Sloped with less than 5 Ib/ft2. Greater than 2:12 pitch. ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Low -sloped Wood framed roofs in Climate Zones 3 and 5 are exempted, solar reflectance and thermal emittance or that have a U -factor of 0.039 or lower. See Opaque Surface Details roof assembly, Column H of ENV -2C. ❑ 13 13SRI ❑ Low -sloped Metal building roofs in Climate Zone 3 and 5 are exempted, solar relectance and thermal emittance or SRI that have a U -factor of 0.048 or lower. See Opaque Surface Details roof assembly below, Column H of ENV -2C. ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 The roof area covered by building integrated photovoltaic panels and building integrated solar thermal panels are exempted. Solar reflectance and thermal emittance or SRI, seespreadsheet calculator at www.energX.ga.goy/tit[624/ ❑ O ❑ ❑ Roof constructions that have thermal mass over the roof membrane with a weight of at least 25 lb/ftz are exempt from the Cool Roof criteria below. ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ High-rise residential buildings and hotels and motels with low -sloped roofs in Climate Zones 1 through 9, 12 and 16 are exempted from the low -sloped roofing criteria. ❑ ❑ ❑ 1. If Fail then describe on this page of the Inspection Checklist Form and take appropriate action to correct. Verify building plans if necessary. CRRC Product ID Number' Roof Slope s 2:12 > 2:12 Product Weight < 51b/02 > 51b/ft2 Product Type 2 Aged Solar Reflectance3 Thermal Emmitance SRI5 Pass Fail6 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ W 1 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 4 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 4 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 4 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 4 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 4 ❑ ❑ 1. The CRRC Product ID Number can be obtained from the Cool Roof Rating Council's Rated Product Directory at www. coo lroof s. ora/products/search.13h p 2. Indicate the type of product is being used for the roof top, i.e. single -ply roof, asphalt roof, metal roof, etc. 3. If the Aged Reflectance is not available in the Cool Roof Rating Council's Rated Product Directory then use the Initial Reflectance value from the same directory and use the equation (0.2+0.7(p,N112j — 0.2) to obtain a calculated aged value. Where p is the Initial Solar Reflectance from the Cool Roof Rating Council's Rated Product Directory. 4. Check box if the Aged Reflectance is a calculated value using the equation above. 5. The SRI value needs to be calculated from a spreadsheet calculator at http://www.eneray-ca.aovltitle24/ 6. If Fail then describe on this page of the Inspection Checklist Form and take appropriate action to correct. Verify building plans if necessary. To apply Liquid Field Applied Coatings, the coating must be applied across the entire roof surface and meet the dry mil thickness or coverage recommended by the coatings manufacturerand meet minimum performance requirements listed in §118(1)4. Select the applicable coating: ❑ Aluminum -Pigmented Asphalt Roof Coating ❑ Cement -Based Roof Coating ❑ Other Discrepancies: Ener Pro 5.1 by Ener Soft User Number: 5355 RunCode: 201401-09710:33:30 ID: Page 2 of 10 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Part 3 of 4) ENV -1 C AND FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST Project Name Broken Yolk La Quinta Date 1/9/2014 Required Acceptance Tests Designer: This form is to be used by the designer and attached to the plans. Listed below is the acceptance test for Envelope Fenestrations system. The designer is required to check the acceptance tests and list all the fenestration products that require an acceptance test. If all the site -built fenestration of a certain type requires a test, list the different fenestration products and the number of systems. The NA7 Section in the Appendix of the Nonresidential Reference Appendices Manual describes the test. Since this form will be part of the plans, completion of this section will allow the responsible party to budget for the scope of work appropriately. Enforcement Agency: Systems Acceptance. Before Occupancy Permit is granted for a newly constructed building or space or whenever new fenestration is installed in the building or space shall be certified as meeting the Acceptance Requirements. The ENV -2A form is not considered a complete form and is not to be accepted by the enforcement agency unless the boxes are checked and/or filled and signed. In addition, a Certificate of Acceptance forms shall be submitted to the enforcement agency that certifies plans, specifications, installation certificates, and operating and maintenance - information meet the requirements of §10-103(b) of Title 24 Part 6. The field inspector must receive the properly filled out and signed forms before the building can receive final occupancy. A copy of the ENV -2A for each different fenestration product line must be provided to the owner of the building for their records. Test Description ENV -2A Test Performed By: Fenestration Products Name or ID Area of like Requiring Testing or Verification Products Building Envelope Acceptance Test Fixed Aluminum Window (Kawneer 518 or equivalent) 100 13 13 ❑ 13 13 13 13 13 13 ❑ 11 ❑ 13 13 Ener Pro 5.1 by Ener Soft User Number: 5355 RunCode: 2014-01-09710:33:30 ID: Page 3 of 10 'CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Part 4 of 4) ENV -1 C AND FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST Project Name Date Broken Yolk La Quinta 1/9/2014 Project Address Climate Zone Total Cond. Floor Area Addition Floor Area 78430 Highway 111 La Quinta CA Climate Zone 15 6,183 n/a Documentation Author's Declaration Statement I certify that this Certificate of Compliance documentation is accurate and complete. Signature Name Company Tarlos & Associates Date 1/912014 Address CEA # CEPE # City/State/Zip Phone The Principal Envelope Designer's Declaration Statement • I am eligible under Division 3 of the California Business and Professions Code to accept responsibility for the envelope .design. • This Certificate of Compliance identifies the envelope features and performance specifications required for compliance with Title -24, Parts 1 and 6 of the California Code of Regulations. • The design features represented on this Certificate of Compliance are consistent with the information provided to document this design on the other applicable compliance forms, worksheets, calculations, plans and specifications submitted to the enforcement agency for approval with this building permit application. Name Stephen C. Jordan Signature Company CDi Architects Date Address 17852 17th St., Suite 111 License # City/State/Zip Tustin, CA'92780 Phone Envelope Mandatory Measures Indicate location on building plans of Mandatory Envelope Measures Note Block: INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE & WORKSHEETS check box if worksheet is included For detailed instructions on the use of this and all Energy Efficiency Standards compliance forms, please refer to the 2008 Nonresidential Manual published by the California Energy Commission. M ENV -1 C Certificate of Compliance. Required on plans for all submittals. 13 ENV -2C Use with the Envelope Component compliance approach. Optional on plans. m ENV -3C Use with the Overall Envelope compliance approach. Optional on plans. O ENV -4C Use with Prescriptive compliance for the minimum skylight requirements for large enclosed spaces in climate zones 2 through 15. Optional on plans. Ener Pro 5.1 by Ener Soft User Number. 5355 RunCode: 2014-01-09710:33:30 ID: Page 4 of 10 OVERALL ENVELOPE TDV ENERGY APPROACH Part 1 of 6) ENV -3C Project Name Date Broken Yolk La Quinta 119/2014 WINDOW RATIO CALCULATION for ALL WALLS A. Total linear display perimeter 0 ft X 6 ft = 0 fe Display Area B. Total Gross Exterior Wall Area 4,044 fe X 0.40 = 1,618 fe 40% of Gross Exterior Wall Area C. Enter Larger of A or B 1,618 fe Maximum Standard Area D. Enter Proposed Window Area 319 ftz Proposed Area If the proposed Window Area is greater than the Maximum Standard Area, then the envelope component method may not be used. E. Window Wall Ratio = (Row D) Divided by (Row B) = 89 % See RSHG in Table 143-A, 143- B, or 143-C WEST WINDOW RATIO CALCULATION F. West Linear Display 0 ft X 6 ft = 0 fe West Display Area G. West Exterior Wall Area 1,374 ftz X 0.40 = 550 fe 40% of West Exterior Wall Area H. Enter Larger of F or G 550 f? Maximum Standard West Area I. Enter Proposed West Window Area 0 fe Proposed West Window Area If the proposed West Window Area is greater than the Maximum Standard West Area, then the envelope component method may not be used. J. Window Wall Ratio = (Row 1) Divided by (Row G) 0.00 % See West RSHG in Table 143-A, 143-13, or 143-C COMBINED AREA FOR NORTH EAST AND SOUTH WALLS K. N/E/S Display Perimeter (A Minus E) 0 ft X 6 ft = 0 fe N/E/S of West Exterior Wall Area 1,068 fe L. N/E/S Exterior Wall Area (B Minus G) 2,670 fe X 0.40 = 40% N/E/S Area 1,068 fe M. Enter Larger of K or L Maximum Standard N/E/S Area L 319 fe N. Proposed N/E/S Window Area (D Minus 1) Proposed N/E/S Area WINDOW ADJUSTMENT O. If D > C and/or if I > H, proceed to the calculation steps 1 for all walls or 2 for west wall. If not, go to the skylight area test on page 6. 1. If D > C: Use the calculated Window Adjustment Factor (WAF) for all walls. PROPOSED WINDOW MAX. STANDARD AREA AREA WINDOW from C from DADJUSTMENT .Z._ FACTOR Go to Page 6 to calculate Adjusted Area 2. If I > H: Calculate one Window Adjustment Factor (WAF) for the West wall. MAX. STANDARD WEST PROPOSED WEST AREA WEST WINDOW AREA from H from I ADJUSTMENT FACTOR MAX. STANDARD AREA PROPOSED AREA WEST WINDOW .from — from D ADJUSTMENT FACTOR — Go to Page 6 to calculate Adjusted Area Ene Pro 5.1 by Ener Soft User Number: 5355 RunCode: 2014-01-09710:33:30 !D: Page 5 of 10 OVERALL ENVELOPE TDV ENERGY APPROACH (Page 3 of 6 ENV -3C Project Name Broken Yolk La Quinta Date 1/9/2014 Climate Zone 15 TDV for the Standard Design Building, See Reference Nonresidential Apeendix NA5-2 Occupancy Type and Coefficients Tables © Nonresidential See Table NA5-3 10 24 -Hour Use See Table NA5-4 ❑ Retail See Table NA5-5 A B C D E F G H I J K L M Assembly Type' Orientation Number Of Like Assembly Type Roofs or Floor Mass TVDes Exterior Surface Area Fenetration Type Criteria Coefffdients fora Standard TDV Ener 10 U4actor SHGC VT U -factors SHGC7 VT8 Cs„; Cssi Cs,; Wall E 1 Light 1,136 0.042 201.13 9,596 Window E 1 112 Site -built 0.470 0.460 0.552 40.08 666.01 -28.86 34,638 Door E 1 126 0.700 201.13 17,740 Wall S 1 Light 483 0.042 201.13 4,080 Window S 1 100 Manufactured 0.470 0.460 0.552 32.84 586.58 -33.07 26,701 Window S 1 65 Site -built 0.470 0.460 0.552 32.84 586.58 -33.07 17,355 Wall W 1 Light 1,3321 0.042 201.13 11,252 Door W 1 42 0.700 201.13 5,913 Wall N 1 Light 564 0.042 201.13 4,764 Window N 1 42 Site-buil 0.470 0.610 0.732 54.49 303.70 -20.19 8,236 Door N 1 42 0.700 201.13 5,913. Roof 1 Light 6,180 0.039 191.53 46,163 Sum of Total Standard Desian 192,352 1. Indicate type of assembly for the Envelope (e.g. Wall, Floor, Roof, Window, Skylight & Door). One assembly type for each row. 2. Enter the area of each different assembly. 3. Enter the type of fenestration; M = Manufactured, SB = Site -built, SK = Skylight and F = Fabricated. 4. Grouping of like assemblies in the same orientation is allowed. Indicate the number in column E. 5. Enter Roofs, Floors, Walls and for Mass Walls the catergoies are; light (HC < 7), medium mass (7 5 HC,15), and heavy mass (HC a 15). 6. Standard Design U -factor are from -Table 143-A, B or C. 7. Standard Design SHGC are from Table 143-A, B or C. Enter V if not applicable. Note: Not all vertical windows have an overhang then assume SHGC as value entered. 8. To calculate the fenestration standard design VT in Column H. Multiply Column H by 1.2. 9. Coefficients for; U -factor (Cs,,,,), SHGC (Cs,,), and VT(Csy, can be found in Table NA5-2, through Table NA5-5 of the Reference Nonresidential Appendices NA5. The Coefficient for SHGC and VT are only entered for the fenestration products. Enter V when not applicable. 10. Calculate the TDV Standard Design for each Envelope Assembly Type: TDVsm = Column C x [Column E x ((U -factors; x CW) + (SHGCs, x Csg) + (VTs; x Csr))] for each Assembly Type. See Nonresidential Manual Examples in Section 3.7.1 for details. EnergyPro 5.1 by'EnergySoft User Number: 5355 RunCode: 2014-01-09.T10:33.30 ID: Pa e 7 of 10 OVP-RALL ENVELOPE TDV ENERGY APPROACH (Part 5 of 6) ENV -3C Project Name Broken Yolk La Quinta Date 1/9/2014 Cool Roof Multiplier MCR Occupancy Type and Coefficients Tables residential, See 7T!ab7leNA5-3 ❑ 24 -Hour Use, See Table NA5-4 ❑ Retail, See Table NA5-5 Climate Zone: 15 Coefficients of CalculationJa A B C D E F G Reflectance Emittance Proposed Aged Solar Reflectance Standard Aged Solar Reflectance' Proposed Thermal Emittance Standard Thermal Emittance Cool Roof Multi lier2 8 � 132014 -2.540 -0.900 0.10 0.20 0.75 0.75 1/ C 4 F 4� oP�q M4?- up Enter multiplier in Page 4 of 6, Column J. Where: Standard design values for Solar Reflectance and Thermal Emittance. Except from Table NA5-2 Standard Aged Solar Reflectance Column D Standard Thermal Emittance Column F Low -Rise Low -Sloped, CZ2 through CZ15 0.55 0.75 Low -Rise, Low -Sloped, CZ1 through CZ16 ' 0.10 0.75 High -Rise, Low-Slo ed CZ10 through CZ15 0.55 0.75 High -Rise, 1 -6w -Sloped, CZ1-9 through CZ16 0.10 0.75 Steep -Sloped, CZ2 through CZ 15 0.25 0.75 Steep -Sloped, all other 0.10 0.75 1. Proposed Aged Design Solar Reflectance; paged prop = 0.7 X (p;,,it Prop + 0.06). Where (p;,,;t prop) reflectance value is found in the CRRC Directory. Enter results of the Cool Roof Multiplier equation in footnote 2. 2. Cool Roof Multiplier M.R, = 1 + CRei X (Paged prop - Paned std + CE.Ji X (Eprop — Estd or 1+ Col A X Col C — Col D + Col B X Col E — Col F Overhang Multiplier MOH Occupancy Type and Coefficients Tables ® Nonresidential, See I Table NA5-3 ❑ 24 -Hour Use, See Table NA5-4 ❑ Retail, See Table NA5-5 Climate Zone: 15 Coefficients of Fenestration Ov rhang Calculation A B C D E F G Orientation 13 Projection Factor' 2" Projection Factor' Horizontal Projection ft? Vertical Distance ft' Projection Factor'Multi Overhan Multiplier Enter multiplier in Pae 4 of 6 Column K. 1. Where a, and b; are he coefficients for the overhang projection factor (see tables) and is climate zone dependent. 2. PF = HN (Horizontal (H) projection of the overhang from the surface bf the window in feet, but no greater than V and the Vertical (V) distance from the window sill to the bottom of the overhang, in feet.) Enter results in Column F. 3. MOH; = 1+ a, X PF, + b, X PF'. Enter results in Column G. Ener Pro 5.1 by Ener So User Number. 5355 RunCode: 2014-01-09710:33:30 !D: Pa e 9 of 10 `5NV LOPE MANDATORY MEASURES: NONRESIDENTIAL ENV -MM Project Name Broken Yolk La Quinta Date 1/9/2014 DESCRIPTION Building Envelope Measures: §118(a): Installed insulating material shall have been certified by the manufacturer to comply with the California Quality Standards for insulating material, Title 20 Chapter 4, Article 3. §118(c): All Insulating Materials shall be installed in compliance with the flame spread rating and smoke density requirements of Sections 2602 and 707 of Title 24, Part 2. §118(f): The opaque portions of framed demising walls in nonresidential buildings shall have insulation with an installed R -value of no less than R-13 between framing members. §117(a): All Exterior Joints and openings in the building that are observable sources of air leakage shall be caulked, gasketed, weatherstripped or otherwise sealed. Manufactured fenestration products and exterior doors shall have air Infiltration rates not exceeding 0.3 cfm/ft.2 of §116(a) 1: window area, 0.3 cfm/ft.2 of door area for residential doors, 0.3 cfm/ft.2 of door area for nonresidential single doors (swin.ging and sliding), and 1.0 cfm/ft.2 for nonresidential double doors (swinging). §116(a) 2: Fenestration U -factor shall be rated in accordance with NFRC 100, or the applicable default U -factor. §116(a) 3: Fenestration SHGC shall be rated in accordance with NFRC 200, or NFRC 100 for site -built fenestration, or the applicable default SHGC. §116(b): Site Constructed Doors, Windows and Skylights shall be caulked between the unit and the building, and shall be weatherstripped (except for unframed glass doors and fire doors). Ene Pro 5.1 by Ener Soft User Number: 5355 RunCode: 2014-01-09710:33:30 ID: Pae 10 of 10