2008 02 28 HPC MinutesMINUTES
A Regular meeting held in the South Conference Room
at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
February 28, 2008
This meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called to order by
Chairman Wilbur at 3:00 p.m. who asked for the roll call.
A. Roll Call.
Present: Commissioners Puente, Redmon, Sharp, Wright,
and Chairman Wilbur
Absent: None
Present: Planning Manager David Sawyer, Principal Planner
Stan Sawa, and Executive Secretary Carolyn
A. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Puente/Sharp to
approve the minutes of January 17, 2008, as submitted. Unanimously
A. Discussion of the status of the Museum and curation efforts.
1. Kim Mack Manager of the La Quinta Museum, was introduced
by David Sawyer. She spoke about building progress and
potential programs involving the Historical Society and the
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Historic Preservation Commission
February 28, 2008
2. Ms. Mack then gave an overv;ew of her background.
3. She explained how the new Museum would be utilized and
included information on exhibits, archival uses, rentals and
4. She explained there will always be a gallery featuring "The
History of La Quinta." There are also plans to include traveling
exhibits in cooperation with National Geographic and the
Smithsonian Institute as well as other history museums with
traveling exhibits.
5. She discussed the possibility of holding free events the first
Friday of every month, as well as a summer camp in
conjunction with the La Quinta Playhouse. They are also hoping
to hold some weekend family events.
6. She said the collections will be maintained by the Historical
Society. They are catalogued and the archives will be very
useful to scholars.
7. She will be working with the Planning Department on what
artifacts are appropriate for the Museum/Historical Society to
collect. Space is limited in the archival area and it will be
necessary to be selective about what is collected.
8. The building is estimated to be finished the third week in April
and there will probably be a soft opening.
9. Commissioner Sharp asked if there will be admission charged.
Ms. Mack replied there will be no admission in the summer and
the "season" admission was expected to be very modest. She
said that would be the decision of the City Council.
10. Commissioner Wright commented that members of the
Historical Society will not have to pay admission. Ms. Mack
added, however, they will have to pay for traveling exhibits.
11. Commissioner Sharp mentioned the Indio and Palm Desert
Museums do not charge admission. Commissioner Wright
pointed out they do not have the facilities or same caliber of
curator as La Quinta.
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Historic Preservation Commission
February 28, 2008
12. Commissioner Sharp asked what days the Museum would be
open. Ms. Mack said probably four days a week as they will
have to work out staffing. Commissioner Sharp suggested they
be open more hours. Ms. Mack said they will be working on
improving the hours as they hope to attract a large number of
13. Commissioner Wright compared the opening of the Museum to
the opening of the former library. Initially, they were only open
a few hours, in a small facility, and now we have a beautiful
facility with more convenient hours. The same will happen with
the Museum. The hours will be extended as time goes on.
14. Commissioner Wright said one of his big pushes is getting
young people involved. He also asked if Ms. Mack was in
possession of all the previously archived items. She replied she
did have many of them.
15. Ms. Mack said she had been looking at Idylwild and some of the
music programs they offer. There will be an effort to try out
different music venues. Commissioner Wright commented on
the former Village Street Faire and how that event drew people
to the downtown area.
16. Commissioner Wright congratulated Ms. Mack on being a real
asset to the City of La Quinta and complimented her on her
background and ideas on bringing additional resources to the
17. Ms. Mack said there were artifacts that came out of the Desert
Club such as some of the doors, and stained glass windows
which have been incorporated into the new building.
18. Commissioner Sharp asked if there had been any outreach to
the Native American population. Ms. Mack said she had
contacted them and went over some of the programs they will
be doing with the Native American groups. She added they will
be working with the Latino population and their involvement in
the Agricultural display which will be coming from the Library of
Congress. She is trying to make an effort to include the
diversity of the people and cultures of the area.
19. Ms. Mack commented on the Dorothea Lang display which will
be coming from the Library of Congress.
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Historic Preservation Commission
February 28, 2008
20. Ms. Mack is also hoping to boost funding mechanisms such as
promotion of the Historical Society and sale of items in the
Museum's gift shop.
21. Commissioner Redmon said there were some local authors that
had done a lot of good things and could be contacted regarding
items for the gift shop.
22. Ms. Mack said she has a small budget for programs but she is
hopeful in a year or two they can apply for funding for more
programs. Commissioner Redmon suggested selling permanent
plaques, displayed at the Museum, for funding. Commissioner
Sharp commented on an area appropriate for placing plaques.
23. Ms. Mack said there will be naming opportunities for cases or
galleries. There will be a place for donor recognition in the
foyer and they are considering developing digital monitors for
that use.
24. Commissioner Wright commented on the McCallum Theatre and
their plaque system. He suggested Ms. Mack get brochures or
information to the local hotels so their guests can visit the
Museum. It would also be an opportunity to obtain more
funding from visitors.
25. Commissioner Redmon suggested contacting outside
publications for fillers and free advertising.
26. Ms. Mack said they were currently working on a map and the
company they are working with distributes materials to hotels.
27. Commissioner Wright said visitors are interested in seeing the
history of an area. Since there is never enough money at the
beginning of a museum, he suggested there be materials in the
lobby on how to give, endow, etc. He gave an example of the
La Quinta Arts Foundation, when it first started, and how they
did fund raising.
28. Ms. Mack discussed her part in promoting the Museum.
Commissioner Sharp made several suggestions on promoting
events at the Museum, such as being on the local radio stations
which could include promotion of any concerts the Museum
might have. Ms. Mack agreed.
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Historic Preservation Commission
February 28, 2008
29. Chairman Wilbur asked what the tax status was of the
Museum. Ms. Mack referred him to the fact the Historical
Society is a tax-free donation.
30. Commissioner Wright commented on previously held black tie
events and the need to get the general public, especially youth,
involved in the Museum. Ms. Mack agreed and added her ideas
on how to encourage participation of youth groups.
31. Commissioner Puente asked if the Commission would be getting
a tour of the Museum and Ms. Mack replied they would.
32. Commissioner Redmon wanted to know the opening date. Ms.
Mack replied they were not sure at this time.
33. Commissioner Wright asked about the Museum as a curation
facility and its climate control. Ms. Mack described curation
procedures and the facilities.
B. Distribution of Annual Report
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa went over the CLG Annual Report,
how it is prepared and what information was included.
C. Review/Status of work program requests and scheduling.
1. Planning Manager Dave Sawyer discussed the work program
2. He went over what items they have already covered and
commented on the addition of items, such as:
• curation (Coordinating with Museum Director, Kim Mack)
• The HPC Accomplishments Update
• Historic Homes Tour to keep in mind as a future project.
• A Historical Sites driving tour with site map.
• Enhancing the City Website
• Looking into Awards for CLG programs as discussed at
the California APA Conference. He gave the example of
Ontario, California receiving an award for their website
and the community's interaction on the site.
• Work program resource list, to be kept as an on-going
• Mitigation Monitoring Program and the coordination of
efforts with the Museum.
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Historic Preservation Commission
February 28, 2008
t . Executive Secretary Carolyn Walker presented information on the
upcoming California State Preservation Conference and the finalization
of plans. Commissioner Redmon had just visited the Embassy Suites
and commented on how excellent the accommodations were.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Puente/Redmon to adjourn this Meeting of the Historic
Preservation Commission to the next Regular Meeting to be held on March
20, 2008. This meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was
adjourned at 4:02 p.m. Unanimously approved.
Submitted by:
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Caroly alker
Executive Secretary
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