0105-289 (RC) Structural CalcsCITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. GOVERNING CODE 1998 CBC WIND 80 MPH EXPOSURE C SEISMIC Z B _ �OQaOFESSEP S/pN9 C"o38456 ENGINEER: MANNING ENGINEERING, Inc. qT civ�� 41892 ENTERPRISE CIR. SO. "E" SOF cA��F°� TEMECULA, CA 92590 (909) 676.1844 fax# (909) 694-6026 N D Project # 2146 SEP 1 9 200 G.J. MURPHY KUB 10N PAGE OF t POW AO, j�%� - irs`7� `- 3CJiC /A,9-5" i4r<2� `i t5A:s / �c'lz l COk/�l llZ<G 4�iDz- IF 19e C/ -7(f <SE /s1 -//c z�r✓ _ NEAR; )R�' Z / xlc ze TY%Y- SD s 1 TE PROJECT_ ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 d III. � • � - Shadedi wool r PAGE f OF BUIL r' 11,16 2 TA 13L t: - of Co�/TE,�/7S 4 195 L & T5A 3 N V L-LS f/or; D kali 5 Tc�— v. 21 k A t/V INS -iT E LL I s ( f MOUNTF�I3 SCK1= CfJ WALlS fA 0 Foa T I N G PROJECT LD�� Z ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892ENTERPRISECIRCLE SO., STE. E !TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 1 PAGE OF S I TE � CA7 /c�,V E -}BUY. U-1 and WAQ.HW OD S-1 fLA Chu I NV , CO. PROJECT ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 PAGE 2 OF -PROJECT ENGR DATE _ MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO.,-STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 RYl ro , 7 - 1 Al 7/ate LFA' T/Z:/ccL _0 1-14V1CA(; _ z 4.ay.: 1115 7ZZ2 q1a u /'Ic AV T� .,X�ATUAcS 3. 0U -PROJECT ENGR DATE _ MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO.,-STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PAGE OF LATE -PAL AAIAZ ys1s L (S TA TQC � - soiL �RoF�Z TY� S� i�ER �YCS P�Paz 7. All -- o 2&9 Ii1� 4' PROJECT L�� Z ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING. 41892 ENTERPRISE -CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296:1047 PAGE OF LA 4 AxIA� si y= - LA S,WA.<, 1&6 S IAC T lDi1` j 30 W !�i IW464 414 :vV 1:,5 / S �( 1,6 PSF-43( .� 11/2:-= 1206. -f- 43( W13lzU� t �3 �s�� f. i) - 1937 PLF w� wz 2023 PL 1 g o6 -1- 43 (i51g -� s� -t- �3(;s� t = 236-��� PROJECT F2 LD C7 2 MANNING ENGINE ERIN G ENGR '. 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE S.O., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590-4822 DATE PHONE 909=676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 1 1' 1 1 1 1 1 •1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 i 1 PAGE OF PROJECT 5L 26 Z ENGR DATE t , MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE $O., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590-4822 PHONE 909-676-1844 .FAX 909-296-1047 r 1 L,o7-,E-,e4Z- ,acIAy,'--rs 1 Z- ! SFR 7Z ' 7/-7 3&, 7 Fx/Z -71 7s -f7/, 75"x g 3 PROJECT �NGR - DATE PAGE 6 mg fl 3: l ZJ e K- 3774(6, 5 7.a a 71 -7 -)—x -lex -5 = 8, 7.15/ < 9, 7 xlZx3� , y���x p'� t /gx /�,�' �i. 7s �Izj - 73 • _ �- z gzv A1162 UAL 11 MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 I I I L IN� c - h' 1H) PAGE 7 OF I I PROJECT ENGR DATE -MANNING ENGINEERING 41 ' 892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO.,- S TE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590-4822 PHONE 909-6764844 FAX 909-296-1047 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 i i 1 1 1 PAGE s OF L A TFRAL- A444 LY ,?D v73 : 3�z _ Py ".b73 tPROJECT ENGR - DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO.,,STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590-4822 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 3 . vV 2 422P yr 33, 2.53 � L 11VE 7 tPROJECT ENGR - DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO.,,STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590-4822 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 per_ n� LRiE/CAL a✓4(YS/S T ell /JC'K R 5.- S , Z'r FOR C4 Ta -pla S -11 AIZZA 2.3.:9 ��.�,2 5-2 x , 0 Y x/, >c�z Jr 7 CVis/ - 3 - 71 C, ?-5 �— 2 5 qo �- Z i,9.zS Cq zs ��XfX�Zxs��/5/> - .s( 7t�Z)( 9 z.5) _ C � - 13Z9z' •3 � � l3z�z4 �s 3 Z 9'2- K 2v; � (l. 33) � 2 /✓l>, S TY/--2/CSL •d T OA'41'0S PROJECT_ C-43 DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E ' TEMECULA, .CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 PArF C1F a y7!71 X � / - 3 6, 7, 7s l i �3 7 7,r)- Z • IVU 6,)12t hf7 - 5HEN 7,RAe.'F�R pTH �635 Fl � 7' 7S 3 3 e 97Z �8 of- X - ,Z - K t PROJECT ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA -9259D-4822 PHONE 909-696-1844 FAX 909-296-1041 LATS%�AC AIVA 13�15 PAGE // OF 411 33,25-3 �)%7 = 558�P�f 4���� �7:-= 3 ��3� (� %16,7 y 6 2 7S�L F �'z PROJECT ILDL2 ENGR ' ' DATA -416 MANNING ENGINEERING ' 41;892 -ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590-4822 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 PAGE 12, OF I L aTE2az- A;ia,0151s x{41 L Yr,GL2�JJ - 19 32::I�/D STRC TU��iL :,a,���Z = c7�.kx 2�/0 -'A T. /��-� : (o `rOC AGE �t/A/C /i6 ��/✓) /(//4l L lm�Iriv 5L 06 KO B.A _ N dc iPROJECT ENGR - DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE, CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 - 1997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE TABLE 2341-H l3 TABLE 23-11-H—ALLOWABLE SHEAR IN POUNDS PER FOOT FOR HORIZONTAL WOOD STRUCTURAL PANEL DIAPHRAGMS WITH FRAMING OF DOUGLAS FIR -LARCH OR SOUTHERN PINE1 I• BLOCKED DIAPHRAGMS UNBLOCKED DIAPHRAGMS ' . Nati spacing (In.) at diaphragm bounders: (ell cases), at continuous panel edges parensl to labd (Cases 3 and 4) and at all panel edges (Cases 5 and 6) ' Nails spaced 6' (1 S2 mm) mai. at suppdrtededges x 25.4 for mm - - MINIMUM 4 21/22 22 - - - PANEL GRADE - COMMON. NAIL SIZE MINIMUM NAIL PENETRATION IN FRAMING (Inches) MINIMUM NOMINAL PANEL -THICKNESS. (Inches) NOMINAL WIDTH.OF FRAMING MEMBER (Inches) Case 1 (No unblockededges or continuous joints parallel to ' load) All othir configurations (Cases 2, 3. 4, 5 and 6 Nall spacing (in.) at other panel edges x 25.4 for mm 6 6 4 3 x 25.4 fon mm x 0.0146 for Wmm ' 6J 3 185 210 250 280 375 420 120 •175 165 185 125 110 Structural l 8J 11/� - }/X , :3 , 70 3W 360 JOD 53U 600 6(X1 675 24U 265 I8U 200 I(kl, 15/8 15/) ,_ 3 320 360 125 480 610 720 730 820 285 320 215 210 170 190 225 250 335 380 .380 130 150 I. 170. a 110 I'S ' - _ X 3 185 210 250 280 375 J20 '120 475 165: IX5 I25 ' .110 C-1). C.C: Sheathing, {s 2 }_7O 7111 320 360 1X0 5JO 5 WO '1511 240 180 'rt' :' -'_ :3 251 2X5 1110 I 11X0 505 570 575- 615 _3U '$5 170 - 190 and other grades to UHC Standard 23•2 or Standard '11.11 - 8J I I/• Is�j, - = t '-70 31X0 1611 .4 5.30 61X1 61X) 675 0' 26 IXII ,(X) l• IIID 4"/, t 2140 t2S 11X5 13(1 575 651) 655 735 2_5.5' 190 190 215 • - _ Ai: -' 3 - 1211 1611 -125 Ao hJl) 720 7110 X204:1120 2X5 2j5 rhesc values are lid'shun•nmC IoiliL duc to wukl tlr carthtltla).c mid inus1 lie rcducC d 25 percent Iter norinal loatlttlg. Space mills 12 utcfles ( 305 mitt on center unemledlatc Icunulg tncmhcre. ' Allowable .hear y:(luc> lilt nails nr trading rnclnhcr% ill other species se( lurlh In Dlvi.run Ill. Part III, shall he calculated for all other gripes by multiplying the shear ; capacltI6 lilt- nails Ill SlFlwlural I by the Iollownlg la lilts' OS._' for specie; with spccllic gra4ny greater Than or equal u) 0 •I: but Ietis than 0.14, and 0.65 for %pedes with a specific) 'ra6ty Icss than 0.12 .'Fraunng .0 attµ,ulnlg 11:111Cl edy es: shall hS t1nche 76 moil, not Ill irwtJcr and nalk shall he staggered where n:u1s are %paced 2 Inches (51 nun) or ' 1/, Inches '164 111It1l-oll'xilfl'"' Frauuti� at aJpnnul) panel edges shall Ix 4•Inch 176 nun), noreulal or wider and nark shall be staggered where 1Oil nails having penetration Into training of more than I / ulchcs 1.11 nuul are .paced 1 inches 170 rtun) itr Ics, un center. LOAD FRAMING `I BLOCKING IF USED CASE 1 CASE 2 CASE 3 I LOAD CASE 4 I , I ' DIAPHRAGM BOUNDARY CONTINUOUS PANEL JOINTS ' CASE 5 FRAMING CASE 6 FRAMING LOAD LOAD CONTINUOUS PANEL JOINTS BLOCKING BLOCKING CONTINUOUS PANEL JOINTS ' NOTE: Framing may be oriented in either direction for diaphragms, provided sheathing is properly designed for vertical loading. ' 2-287 1 PAGE OF 1r' L T6 R ' X -ti/Q 5 . � � � LAR lri/l Tib /B Or 1 'P. -- l `l - X Ac(, W. &6d4L0-A SOL % S ��/ 1�//1LL - L l l✓� ,�. I C ; X: l �, 5">c /�PSr :Z � 7 314:0 &L, S / �✓ lo,c /�'�2E �F 1 .4ZT,�&,&_.l9-TI < l,o ,a732� 2;ov 7 z<77 'oma v V -711 'Z� 1 L / A/E l Av9l 7 7U0 �U ' PROJECT ,/JL0- 2- MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E ENGR t TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 DATE FAX 909-296-1047. I - 1997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE TABLE 19-C-2—MAXIMUM PFMUISSIRI F CnuIN ITen nirm onrrnue TABLE 19-C-2 TABLE 19-D TYPE OF MEMBER DEFLECTION TO BE CONSIDERED DEFLECTION UMrTATION Flat roofs not supporting or attached to nonstructural elements likely to be damaged by Immediate deflection due to live load L C( large deflections t Extortor Panels 180 Floors not supporting or attached to nonstructural elements likely to be damaghd by Immediate deflection due to live load L ' large deflections With i T e. I Without edge Dean -; With 360 Roof or floor construction supporting or attached to nonstructural elements likely to be. That pan of the total deflection EDGE , DISTANCE damaged by large deflections occurring after atfachment of edge besma Roof or -floor construction supporting or attached to nonstructural elements likely to not nonstructural elements (sum of the long-time deflection due to all -sustained X80 . t' be damaged by large deflections loads and the immediate deflection due %" �- to any additional live loads)} 240 Tensions - Shears • ••- .......... ..........,,..... ,.. .,u.�5umu agau'm wndmg. I rte member Shall he checked for ponding by suitable calculations of deflection. including added deflects ns. •- due to ponded water• and considering long-term effects of all sustained loads• camber. construction toleram-es-and reliability of provisions for drainage. '-The limit may he exceeded if adequate riwasures are taken to prevent damage at supported or eiiached elements. }Long-time deflection shall he determined in accordance with Section 11419.5 '.5 or 114), but may be.reduccd by the amount of deflection calculated to occur' before attachment of nonstructural elements. This amount shall he determined on basis of accepted engineering data relating to time -deflection characteristics of members similar to those being considered. *But not greater than tolerance provided for nonstructural elements: The limits may'he exceeded if camber is provided so that total deflection minus camber does^ not exceed 'limit. _ TABLE 1.9-C-=MINIMl1M THICKUFcc nc ea ACC WITLlr111T u,TL•rf,I\r, .. • ` Wrr.HOUT DROP'PANELS' I - WITH DROP PANELS _ YIELD STRENGTH, r • Pal' Extortor Panels .. Exterior Panels • 0.00609 for MPs I Without edge Doom* With i nterior I Without edge Dean -; With BOLT DIAMETER MINIMUA�N EMBEDMENT EDGE , DISTANCE panels f � . 2,000 edge besma Intortor panel* 411.1441 !" /^ � ' _I !" ' i !•. %" �- � /;, - 'i Tensions - Shears r 25.4 for mm 411 •ill'. I .x 4-5 for nwvtons 1143 . s I 11l i 1 '.E•a.l I 0141 ,l l - 1h I 10 ' 75,1441 l 21/� 4�h I 51x1 !.Hell 5(N) 1.100 ( 500 1.100 95(1 I ear v,hlt> of reinlorcemcm vlcid %trcngth hctwcen the v:thtes given 11, the tahlc, nrmunum thtckncss .hall lie ilcicrrnmed fiy-lint:Ir nucrpnlauun. Drop panel is defined In Section 1104 1.3.7. -Slahs with beams hcrwccn rnhunn:.tlong cxicr or'cd(;cs. q1te 4altec oftt liar Ills ctl> c heaim 'hall nul.hcdrss Ih;tn 11,8. 1 TABLE 19-D—ALLOWABLE SERVICE LOAD ON EMBEDDED BOLTS (Pounds) (Newtonsll,2,3 ' MINIMUM'CONCRETE STRENGTH (psi) • 0.00689 for MPa, ' BOLT DIAMETER MINIMUA�N EMBEDMENT EDGE , DISTANCE SPACING f � . 2,000 I f •T . 3,000 f'c . 4.000 (Inches) (Inches) (inches) (Inches) Tsnelons Shears I TenelOns Shears Tensions - Shears r 25.4 for mm I .x 4-5 for nwvtons 1143 3 2141 I 0141 2141 SIN( 2(NI 5(X) 3/8 l 21/� 4�h I 51x1 !.Hell 5(N) 1.100 ( 500 1.100 95(1 I,SO 950 1.350 950 1,350 - 4 5 6 1.411(1 1.55(1 I 1.50(1 1.650 :1,550 1.750 s/N 4!!_ 41(2 33!., 71l,. I I.5(NI '_.750 1.5(4) 2.75() .1.5(4) '_.750 6Il, 7'x!2. '_.05.0 ` 2.1441 11._(1(1 3.(X)0 I 2.4(X) . 3,050 ; /3 5 41!, 9 : t 1_.250 2.940 _.SO 3.560 1_.1_50 3.560 71/_ 9 1_.7011 4.250 2.950 4.300 3.1_00 .4.400 7/8 6 51/, lot/, 2.550 3.350 1550 4.050 2,550 4,050 1 7 6 12 2•850 3.750 3.250 4.5(4) I 3,650 5.300 11/8 8 0, 131!2 3.400 4,750 3,40(1 . 4.750 3.4(X) •4,750 9 •71/, 15 4.1X)(1 5.8(41 4.(4X) 5.8011 •40X) '5.800. - -o- - -- - -•- ••� �• �• r, 4u4lrly. Deus bigot nave a stanuaru peau or an equal deformlty In the embedded portion. .-The tabulated values arc for anchors installed at the specified spacing and edge distances. Such spacing and edge distance may be reduced 50 percent with an equal reduction in value. Use linear interpolation for intermediate spacings and edge margin's..' 3The allowable values may be' increased per Section 1612.3. for duration of loads such as wind or seismic forces. °An additional 2 inches (51 mm) of embedment' shall be provided for anchor bolts located in the top of columns located in Seismic Zones 2, 3 and J. 5Values shown are for work without special inspection. Where special inspection is provided, values may be increased 100 percent. 'Values shown are for work with or wiihout special inspection. 2-181' 1 PAGE OF 1 L 47 -S -RAI- IWAL Y.s/S - 1 wiz z 4-1° T` , �;T:7 �5 EDGZ7Z ; I 795 x -q 36 =8- iA// 7., 31s/11Z:, Z- � 7W = S 73Sx 1,45; N. oz -1), o(;,4/4. •CJ 1 PROJECT ��/� MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E.- ENGR TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 , PHONE 909-676-1844 DATE FAX 909-296-1047 1 1 A w PAGE 7 OF .. ►�. �'liL Bx4X3/4 PROJECT ENGR ; DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 PAGE /� OF ,23524 wORSE" CA54 n 5 ,y) (43 t 43) Fp � 7.7 ALF L ,QL T&XIIA 72�— PROJECT 'ENGR DATE '? L bt-, Z MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 4/Aa 5 -7' (y I PAGE / I OF Z %/4 �) �— �tA, j (6 T .coo/ls� ZZ - 7o5 Vl / D Iii✓- 20 l -v x .27- 5/ F.. - K S�15�1C — . • - '7' PROJECT ?�26 2 ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E .- TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 , PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 5 1 PROJECT_ 41% ;ENGR — DATE PAGE 20 OF - TF LCA 17- 43 43 j25F 7J. -7 a s • 2V l/✓ i EC�CJw�Cr7✓%Fia y /Z Z6 6r- 7 &2 3 - 2� �c loor, s �, MANNING ENGINEERING: 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909=296-1047 ' For Factored Load Seiar Title: .lobi! Basic Defl w/o P43elta Beak M P -Delta • MANNING ENGINEERING 0.694 In 7 0.207 in 46,354.9 In-# 53,590.8 .37,023.8 In, Dsgnr: Date: 9:24AM, 7 SEP 00 Z 56,1$1.4 41892 Enterprise Cir. So. Ste. E Description : I 0.955. 0.811 in 0.589 in 48,851.8 in -J! 56,344 +{ 38,741.7 in-# CA. 92590 Max P -Delta .- 14.786 in Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd : `SEISt1AIC 14.286 in 'Temecula, phone:(909)676-1844lfax:694-6027 Scope: Parapet Bar Specing Ri q'd : WIND 14.286 in E-mail: umali@iinetcom Wall Design OK 19.00ft clear height, 3.00ft parapet, Rev: 510300 user; KW-06M15,Ve,5.13,22->u�-1999, W.n32 Tilt -Up Wall Panel Design Page 1 a: miscellaneous.ecwcalculations (c) 1983-99 ENERCALC Governs Service Load Deflection : Seismic Load Governs Maximum Iterated Moment: Mu 80,681.40 inai Maximum iterated Deflection 0.955 in 1.520 in Moment Capacity 105,960.51 irr# Description Seismic Wind x 105,960.51 in-# 93,275.70 in Mn' Phi: Moment Capacity Applied: Mal-Span Calculations are designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements Mu lied: Mu @ Top of Wall General Information- nformation-Clear 24,626.57 in# Max Iterated Service Load Deflection ClearHeigh 19.000 ft rc 2,500.0 psi 60,000.0 psi Seismic Zone 4 Min Vert Steel % 0.0020 239 : 1 Parapet Height 3.000 ft 7.000 in := Fy Phi 0.900 Min Horiz Steel O6 0.0012 Thickness 4 Width 12.000 in Wi Base Fixity_ . 25 % Bar Size .. Bar Spacing 9.000 in Allowable Axial Stress = 0.04' fc Wall Seismic Factor 0.6500 Parapet Seismic Factor 1.6100 psi Bar Depth 6.250 in LL 8 ST Not Combined Maxi Defi. Ratio Concrete Weigh ` 150.0 74.00 pcf Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Deflections are Iterated . Y Parapet Weigh Couirteracts. Middle Loads Lateral Loads cads 64.800 Vertical Loads ; Uniform DL 977.00 #Jft Wind Load psf" Unifarrn Ll, = 868:00 #!ft Point Load lbs _ ...eccentricity _ 7.500 in: height ft Wind Concentric DL - 1,416.00Ibs ,,load type Concentric LL lbs Lateral LDW ; 90.60 #/ft _ '.distance to tbp ::.distance to bbl 19.000 ft 7.000' ft Seismic "I" Magnifier 1.000 Wind "I" Magniiffiieerr 1.000 :.load.type Seismic _ -Nall Analysis F 1 bi-X7z For Factored Load Seiar Strosses or zOM1jU V100�seismic aw , Basic Defl w/o P43elta Beak M P -Delta 1.334 75,027.2 0.694 In 7 0.207 in 46,354.9 In-# 53,590.8 .37,023.8 In, w/o Moment Excess of Mcr. 56,1$1.4 24,351.8 int 31,844.4 14 X41.7 irr# Max P -Datta Deflection Moment 1:403 80,681.4 0.955. 0.811 in 0.589 in 48,851.8 in -J! 56,344 +{ 38,741.7 in-# Max P -Delta .- 14.786 in Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd : `SEISt1AIC 14.286 in Maximum Allow Vertical Bar'Spacing Maximum Allow Hmmntal Bar Spacing 18.000 in Parapet Bar Specing Ri q'd : WIND 14.286 in Summary Wall Design OK 19.00ft clear height, 3.00ft parapet, 7.00in thick with #4 bars at 9.00in on center, d= 6.25in, f = 2,500.Opsi, Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method... Deflections are Iterated Factored LoadBending : Seismic Load Governs Service Load Deflection : Seismic Load Governs Maximum Iterated Moment: Mu 80,681.40 inai Maximum iterated Deflection 0.955 in 1.520 in Moment Capacity 105,960.51 irr# n Lirrtit Seismic Wind 105,960.51 in-# 93,275.70 in Mn' Phi: Moment Capacity Applied: Mal-Span 80,681.40 in48,851.83 in-# 12,155.35 in -# Mu lied: Mu @ Top of Wall 24,626.57 in# Max Iterated Service Load Deflection 0.95 in 0.59 in 387 : 1 Actual Deflection Ratio 239 : 1 Actual Reinforcing Percentage 0.0036 0.0036 0.0107 Allowable Max Rexnf. Percent = 0.6' Rho Bal 0.0107 Actual Axial Stress : (Pw + Po) / Ag 34.91 psi 34.91 psi 100.00 100.00 psi Allowable Axial Stress = 0.04' fc psi 1 bi-X7z Job # MANNING ENGINEERING Title: Dsgnr. Date: 9:24AM, 7 SEP 00 'Z 41892 Enterprise Cir. So. Ste. E Description: Temecula, CA. 92590 phone:(909)676-1844/fax:694-6027 Scope: E-mail: umali iinetcom 5101300 icwls, v« 5.13, zz-Jun-1999, w�3z Tilt -Up' Wall Panel Design Page 2 a:\miscellaneous.ecv :Calculations (c) 1963119 E�l126 C Description ` - Analysis Data E 2,850,000.0 psi Sgross .98.000 in3 n ='Es / Ec 10.18 Mer = S ' Fr 24,500.0 in-#. . Fr Multiplier for sgrt(fc) 5.000 Fr = Rho: Bar Reinf 250.00 psi - Pct 0.0178 R / Thk Ratio 32.57 Values for Mn Calculation... _ Seismic Wind 0.318 in As:eff= (Pu:tot + AsFy]/FY 0.335 in 0.788 in 0.748 in _ 0.928 in' 0.880 in c=a/.85 J 343.000 in4 34300 in4 (gross - 99.78 irA 96.03 in4 Icracked : � (ACI methods only) 0.00 in4 _ a 0.900 0.00 in4 0.900 Phi: Capacity:Reduction Mn= As:eff Fy(d-a2) Pu (WallThlU2-Bar Depth) 117 733.90 in -ft - '= 103,639.67 in-#,- , Additional Values " Loads used for analysis Factored Loads seismic Wind Wall Weigh 43.167 psf Applied Axial Load 3,350.20 2,512.65 Nff- Wall Wt' Wall Seismic Factor - 28.058 psf Lateral Wall Weigh 755.42 566.56 $M Wall Wt' Parapet Seismic Factor 69.498 psf Total Lid LAeds 4,1105.62 3:079.21 Nit. Service Applied Axial toad 2,393.00 $elft s .Sen ioe Wt @ Max Mom 539.58 #/ft _ Total Servioe Axial Loads 2,032.58 #!ft ACI Factors (per ACI applied internally to entered toads) - ACI 9 1 8 9 2 DL 1.400 ACI S-2 Group Factor 0.750 UBC 1921.2.7 1.4 Factor 1 400 ACI 9-1, 8 9-2 1- 1.700 � ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor 0.900 UBC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor , 0.900 ACI 9-1; 8 9-2 ST 1.700' ACI 9-31 Short Term Factor . 1.300 j _ ....seismic = ST ' : :. 1. 100 ' - 3l .lob # MANNING ENGINEERING Title: Dsgnr. Date: 5:00PM, 15 SEP 00 Z 3 41892 Enterprise Cir. So. Ste. E Description Temecula, CA. 92590 phone:(909)676-1844/fax:694-6027 Scope: E-mail: umali@iinetcom Re,: 510300 Page 1 User: KW.0602915, Ver 5.1.3, 22-3un"1999, Wm32 Tilt -Up Wall Panel Design a:\rod mur h .ecvw:calculations (c) 1983139 ENERCALC . - Description, BLDG2 General Information _ Calculations are designed to ACI 318-95 and 1697 UBC Requirements. .000 Clear Height 19ft : ft fc. 2,500.0 psi Seismic Zone. 4 Fy• 57,000.0 psi Min Vert Steel % 0.0020 Parapet Heigh 3.000 -: 7.000 in Phi 0.900 Min Horiz Steel % 0.0012 r _ Thickness Bar Size 4 Width 12.000 in Base Fixity 25 °k Wall Seismic Factor 0.6500 Bar Spacing 48.000 in 6.250 in Parapet Seismic Factor 1.6100 - . Bar Depth Max Det Ratio 150.0 fl LL & ST Not Combined Concrete Weigh - 74.00 pct " Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Defle_ dio_ns are Iterated :. _ Parapet Weight Couriterads Middle .- Loads Lateral Loads L Vertical Loads 302.00 #/ft Wind Load 20.0.00 psf UniformDL Uniform LL 336.00 #/ft Point Load. .. lbs ...eccentricity 7.500 in height ft load type Wind ^ Load, lbs Concentric DL lbs Concentric LL - Lateral ...distance to top ft s'1.000 ft Seismic "I" Magnifier : a ...distance to bat ...load type., _ Seismic Wind "I" Magnifier 1.000 -'Analysis For Factored'Load Stresses For Service Load Deflections Seismi Wind Seismi Win " - Basic Dell w/o P -Delta 0.111 0.080 in 0.079 0.064 in 20,237.1 14,308.9 incl 14,455:1 11,428.9 in # i Basic M wlo P -Datta 0.0 0.0 in-# 0:0 0.0 in-# Moment Excess of Mcr 0.412 0.080 in 0.080 0.064 in Max P-DettaDefledion Max P -Delta l4oment - 20,368.3 14,379.7 in-# 1-0,521.9 11,482.8 irv# ' Maximum Allow Vertical Bar Spacing { :. '14.286 in Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd `SEISMIC' 74.286 in -18.000 in Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd : WIND 14.286 in Maximum Allow Horizontal Ber Spacing Summary Nall Design OK 19.00ft clear height, 3.00ft parapet, 7.00in thick with #4 bars at 48.00in on center, d= 6.25in, f = 2,500.Opsi Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method..: Deflections are Iterated Factored Load Bending : Seismic Load Governs Service Load Deflection : Seismic Load Gouems Maximum Iterated Moment: Mu 20,368.32 in-# Maximum Iterated Deflection 1.080 in 1in Moment Capacity 22,372.37 in-# Deflection Limit Seismic Wind 22,372.37 in-# 18,568.78 in-# Mn • Phi : Moment Capacity - Applied: Mu Mid -Span a 20,368.32 in-# 14,379.70 in-# 11,953.07 in-# 3,755.25 in -4 Applied: Mu Top of Wall Max Iterated Service Load Defledion 0.08 in 0.06 in 3,552 : 1 Actual Deflection Ratio 2,867 : 1 Actual Reinforcing Percentage 0.0007 0.0007 0.0115 Allowable Max Reinf. Percent = 0.6 • Rho Bal 0.0115 . Actual'Axdal Stress: (Pw + Po) / Ag • 10.02 psi " 10.02 psi 100.00 100.00 psi Allowable Axial Stress = 0.04 f psi r r Job # MANNING ENGINEERING Title: Dsgnr. Date: 5:OOPM, 15 SEP GO 41892 Enterprise Cir. So. Ste. E Description ; Temecula, CA. 92590 phone:(909)676-1844/fax:694-6027 Scope: E-mail: umali@iinetcom Rev: 510300 User: M-0602915Ver 5.1.3,22-3u.-1999,wmx Tilt -Up l3 `Nall Panel Design Page 2 . a:\rodmur h .ecwcalculations 1 (c) 1983-99 ENERCAIC Description BLDG2 •' Analysis Data E 2,850,000.0 psi : Sgross 98.000 )n3 n =Fs I Ec 10.18 Mcr = S ' Fr 24,500.0 ink# Fr Multiplier for sfc) _ grt( 5.000 'Fr= Rho: Bar Reinf 250.00 psi Pct 0.0191 Flt / Thk Ratio 32.57 Values for Mn Calculation... Seismic 0.071 in Wind 0.066 in As:eff= (Pu:tot + AsFy]/FY 0.158 in 0:146 in a: (AsFy+ PL)/(.0 f b) - 0.186 in O:172 in . = a / 343.000 in4 . 343.00 in4 lgross7.- - 26.47 irA 24.64 in4 / - Iff (IcrackAGI methods only) ` -Phi- Reduction :_ 0.00 in4 0.9000.900 0.00 in4 .: Ca0ac" _ mrri As:eff Fy(d-a/2) - Pu (WaflThk2-Bar Depth) 24,858.19 in-# 20,631.98 ink# Additional Values Loads used for,analysis - Factored Loads Seismic Wiw -- . Wall Weight 43.167 psf Applied Axial Load 422.80 317.10#/ft Wall Wt "Wall Seismic Factor - 28.058 psf Lateral Wall Weigh 755.42 . 566.56'.#/ft . _ Wall Wt " Parapet Seismic Factor _ 69.498 psf Total Lateral loads 1.178.22 883.66 #/ft - Service Applied Aral Load 302.00 #/ft - '- Service Wt @.Max Mom o 539.58 Oft = L Total Service Axial toads 841.58 #/it -- s Im l ACI Pactors (per ACI applied intemally to entered loads) - 1.4Q.0 ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL` 1.400 ACI 9-2 Group Factor 0.750 UBC 1921.2.7"1.4"Factor ACI 9-1.& 9-2 LL .1.700 ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor ! 0.900 UBC 1921.2.7 "0.9 Factor 0.900 ACI 9-1 & 9-2 -ST: ., :1.700 AC 19-3 Ahort Term' Factor 1.300 `i — -• .... seisrnic = ST'" : 1.100 PAGE 2 OF �GYJT�iC/( s CGS✓T------------ , yj/u cS t: t 15,1 F T . Sr-o -:22 5) /o 1 _ 1746-7 721' 95 C 2 j; is 7W16K PROJECT=�C lir Z MANNING ENGINEERING '41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E ENGR TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 .PHONE 909-676-1844 DATE FAX 909-296-1047 1 FC�7 C. W 7 6 -PZ IFi If V. 2ct PAGE OF sl - 4 X 72j- CFIz -T///Cly j :res / X/� PROJECT J 76 2 ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO.; STE. E TEMECULA, CAL' IFORNIA'92590 PHONE 909-676.1844 FAX 909-296-1047 - /�C/%, �- %�113. sl - 4 X 72j- CFIz -T///Cly j :res / X/� PROJECT J 76 2 ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO.; STE. E TEMECULA, CAL' IFORNIA'92590 PHONE 909-676.1844 FAX 909-296-1047 MANNING ENGINEERING Title: .lob # 41892 Enterprise Cir. SO. Ste. E Dsgnr. Date: 9:41 AM, 13 SEP 00 Description ' Temecula, CA. 92590 phone:(909)676-1844Jfax:694-6027 Scop E-mail: umali@iinetcom Rev: 510300 "" KW_05M15,Ver5.13,22-3un•1999,VhnK Timber Beam & Joist Page 1 (c) 1983139 ENERCALC a:\rod mu h .em -Calculations Description _ BUILDING 2 BM1-BMS 1 Timber Member Information Calculations designed to 1997 NDS 1997 UBC Requirements are and sMi SM2 -BM3' ISMO am BM7 Timber Section S.1.1Sx22.5 5.125x30.0 5.Mx33.0 5.175x37.5 5.125x27.0 5.125x19.5 ; Beam Width "in 5.125 5.125 5.125 5.125 5.125 5.125 \� Beam Depth 'in 22.500 30.000 33.0 00 37.500 27.000 19.500 Le:_.Unbnwed Length ft 0.00 0.00 0:00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Timber Grade Fb -Basic Allow psi 2,400.0 2,400.0 ._ 2,400.0 " 2,400.0 , 2,400.0 2,400.0 Fv"- Basic Allow psi 165.0 165.0 ` 165.0 165.0. "165.0 165.0 Elastic Modulus ki 1,800.0 1,800.0 :: 1,806.0 1;800:0 1,800.0 . 1,600.0 Loud Duration Factor 1:250 1.250 1.250" 1.250. 1.250 1.250'_ ; Member Type GluLam GluLam Glulam. GluLam GluLam GluLam Repetitive Status No No No No No No = Center Span Data Span ft 24.00 30.00 , : 30:00 30.00 .24.00 1-7.00 Dead Load !t/ft 612.00 612.00'-.993.'D0 993.00 993.00 993.00 - 'Live Load #1ft 408.00 408.00 548.D0- ' 548.00 548.00 548.00. a Dead Load $Pft 381.00 _ Live Load : #/ft _ 140.00 - Start ft End ft 10.000 Point #1 - DL lbs 3,051,00 3,051.00 ` LL lbs 700.00 700.00 " @ X ft 10.000 24.000 Cantilever Span Span = ft 6.00 4 6.00: - n Unrfon Dead Load #lit 612:00 _ 993.00 Uniform Live Load #tft 408.00 548.00 - ' Point #1 DL LL lbs lbs 7,344.00 4,896.00 11,916.00 6,576.00 �4 @ x ft 6.000 6.000 Results Ratio= 0.7331 0.8529 0.8548 0.8677' 0:7931 0.7778 Mmax @ Center @ X = in -c ft 881.28 12.00 1,519.88 11.16 2,080.35 15.00 1,578.68 13.08 1,331.42 12.00 668.02 8.50 Mmax@Cantilever iMc 0.00 -1,101.60 0.00 -1,664.28 0.00 0.00 ib : Actual Fb : Allowable psi psi 2,038.0 2,779.9 1,977.1 2,641.4 2,236.5 2,616.4 1,385.5 • 2,583.1 2,138.2 2,729.6 2,056.7 2,918.9 Bending OK Bending OK Bending OK Bending OK Bending OK Bending OK fv : Actual psi 135.0 175.9 168.9 179.0 163.6 160.4 Fv : Allowable psi 206.3 206.3 206.3 206.3 206.3 206.3 Shear OK Shear OK Shear OK Shear OK Shear OK Shear OK Reactions @ Left End DL lbs 7,344.00 12553.00 . 14894.99 11915.99 11916.00 8,440.50 LL lbs 4,896.00 7,753.33 8,220.00 8,220.00 6,576.00 4,658.00 Max DL+LL lbs 12240.00 20306.33 23114.99 20135.99 18491.99 13098.49 @ Right End DL lbs 7,344.00 23683.99 14894.99 35747:99 12616.00 8,440.50 LL lbs 4,896.00 15154.66 8,220.00 19728.00 9,627.00 4,658.00 Max DL+LL lbs 12240.00 38838.66 23114.99 55475.99 22242.99 13098.49 Deflections Job a# Z� Date: 9:41AM, 13 SEP 00 Page 2 MANNING ENGINEERING Me: 41892 Enterprise Cir. So. Ste. E Dsgnr. _ Temecula, CA. 92590 Description phone:(909)676-1844/fax:694-6027 Scope : E-mail: umali@iinet.com ' Rev: 510300 User: KW -0602915. Ver 5.1.3, 22-2 -1999; W�3< ' Timber Beam �x Joist (c) 1983-99 ENERCALC Description BUILDING 2 BM1-BMry . Center DL Deft in! '' -0.522 , -0.491 -0.655 -0.236 -0.490 UDefl Ratio 552.0 733.3 549.6 1,525.4 587.9 Center LL Deft in -0.348 ' -0.417 -0.362 4246 —0.270 _ UDen Ratio 828.0 864.1 995.8 1,461.3 1,065.3 _ Center Total Defl intI "_ -0.870 -0.905• -1.017 -0.481 -0:760 Location ft I 12,000: 14.040 15.000 14.160 12:000 UDefl Ratio 331.2 397.7 354.1 749:2 378.8 Cantilever DL Defl in 0.128 0.013 Cantilever LL Defl in' 0.042 0.007 Total Cant. Deft in _ . 0.171 0.020 UDefil Ratio i 844.6 7,332.9 . Job a# Z� Date: 9:41AM, 13 SEP 00 Page 2 MANNING ENGINEERING Title : .lob # 41892 Enterprise Cir. So. Ste. E Dsgnr. Date: 9:52AM, 13 SEP 00 Temecula, CA. 92590 Description phone:(909)676-1844/fax:694-6027 Scope: E-mail: umali@iinetcom P-: 510300 User:M-06M15,Ver 5.13,u-)un•1999,W.n3Z Steel Beam Design Page 1 rc) 1983-99 ENERCAIC a:Frod mur h .ecw:Calculations Description BUILDING 2 BM6 General Information Calculations are designed to RISC 9th Edition ASD and 1997 UBC Requirements Steel Section: W12X22 Fy 36.00ksi Pinned -Pinned -Load Duration Factor 1.00 Center Spain 13.00 it Bm Wt. Added to Loads Elastic Modulus 29,000:Oksi Left Cant. 0.00 ft LL 8 ST Act Together Right Cant 0.00 ft LU: Unbraced Length 0.00 ft Distributed Loads - _ #,1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 _ = DL 0.078 k/ftLL - M1 ST _ 0.080 ktft _ a kA . Start Location _ ft End Location 13.000 - ft Point Loads Dead Load 7.340 k _ Live Load 4.900 k -'Short Term k_. - Location 6.500 ft k� Summary Beam OK Static Load Case Governs Stress - Using: W 12X,22 section, Span = 13.00ft. ' Fy = 36.Oksi :End Fixity = Pinned=Pinned, Lu = O.00ft, LDF = 1.000 :Actual Allowable Moment. 43.583 k4f50.184 k -ft Max Deflection -0.240 in , fb : Bending Stress 20.635 ksi,' 23.760 ksi - = Length/DL Dell 1,094.5: 1 fb / Fb 0.868::1 Length/(DL+LL Defl) 651.2 :1 Shear 7.29(1 k :46.089 k tv : Shear Stress 2.278 ksi °.14.400 ksi tv / Fv 0.158 :1 Force & Stress Summary <- These columns are Dead + Live Load placed as -noted -» DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST Ma)dmu Ong 0 Center 0 Center Ob Cents 0 Cants Max M + 43.58 k -ft 25.57 43.58 k -ft Max M, k -ft Max Max M @ Right k ft k -ft Shear @ Left 7.29 k 4.32 7:29 k Shear @ Right 7.29 k 4.32 7.29 k Center Den.. -0.240 in -0.143 -0.240 -0.240 0.000 0.000 in Left Cant Dell 0.000in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Right Cant Dell 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in ...Query Defl @ 0.000 ft 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Reachon @ Left 7.29 4.32 7.29 7.29 k Reaction @ Rt 7.29 4.32 7.29 7.29 k Fa caled per 1.5.1, K•Ur < Cc Section Properties W12X22 Depth 12.310 in Weight 22.01 Nft r -roc 4.907 in Width 4.003in I -XX 156.00 in4 r-yy 0.848 in Web Thick 0.260 in I-yy 4.66 in4 Rt 1.020 in Flange Thickness 0.425 in - - S-ra 25.345 in3 , Area &48 in2 S-yy 2.328 in3 _ _ PAGE 7� OF L nG. 2 - 2�' . W'L �giZ C _ �12- VJLL.. 2012 bL 3,14' -7� :j W�i (2 — C ( a L C12) Wog WLL PROJECT MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E ENGR TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 ' PHONE 909-676-1844 ' DATE FAX 909-296-1047 PAGE OF Fam5 am v 36 way gcl3 WLL W in PROJEC2 ENGR DATE wnL(► WCL CIO.) +, Q 2169 LL '7s 0v MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., ST€. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92530 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 t PAGE 3L OF PROJECT .2 ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E ' TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 1 �I r -P. �2 • ��- to _ ,�' � . - .\ OL 3� *'L p2 100 OL 4 3 o PROJECT .2 ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E ' TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 PAGE ��) OF PROJECT i-bL ,04 Z ENGR DATE J MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E, TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 PAGE OF i3 L 06 Z KooF �: s� LOAD CAsFS MA MOM f-�T ; = 39 6000' usF- TWO TRUSSE5 a i 32 MAX .SSI EA -6, 4 5 1 — 22� Ti M AT 2�-;I�. . L bA L? CA S=: 3 5-14 MAX MOM gni r..= _ ..I�j'���D >=i L,E EG30 i VALE 7, IT UN I FOW LOAD P/\GE D D N MO MEN r�s�� � o N S t� EA ►� _ w PROJECT X096 Z ENGR DATE 2/2" T. M 4.1 DG A>_LOIAl L.0,4 I 01 PLS MANNING ENGINEERING 41892- ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 1 f 1 L- o .� �, 33 • Load, Tables/lion Snow (12510) T M & TJH Series Allowable Uniform Load (plf) Parallel Chord • Open -Web Series TJM' Series FL=Flat roof less -than Va" in 12" slope. SL=Sloped roof greater than Va" in 12" slope. o r- n I n FL,. SL I FL SL I Fl. SL I FL • SL I FL SL Span I Fl. SL j I L�j F2 L FL SL ��_ 1 I '1 I I I FIL - - -- - ah: ,..,,.- _j u- .' L 'v L ac L: Span 24 397 397 Ott 411 417 4t/ 423 423 428 428 434 434 443 443 449 449 452 452 456 456 458 458 452 452 443 , 447 . 433 433 '24 26 339 339 . 317 3%, 383 393 388 388 393 393 397 397 402 402 409 409 i15 415 419 419 423 423 425 425 428: 428 ' 422 , 422 - 26 28 279 292 328 328 354 354 359 359 363 363 367 367- 371 371 374 374 381 381 385 385 391 391 394 394 397 397 ' 399 ! 399 28 j 30 32 229 255' 283 1286. 1235 :tl: j 317 317 l 333.! 333 1 337 ' , 337. 341 341 344 ; 344 1 347 1 347 ' 350 350 355 1327 355 1 360 360 364 364' + 367 1367 371 371 ,:30 -165 190 224 i 251 • 279.1 279 306.1 306 315 315 318 318 321 321 324 324 327 NO 329 329 332 ' 332 j 338 1338 Sat Sat 345 345 '32 34 159 199. 197 223 ! 239 ' 247 271 271 295 295 298 298.: 301 301 303 303 306.1 306 308 . 308 311 311 313 ; 313 316 i 316 1 321 321 34 35 135 17 167i 199- 203 221 241 242 764 Z64 281 281 783 183 285 Z85 288 288 290 . 290 292 292 294 Z94 296 296 297 291 36 38 t15 154 143 :79. 173 198 706 217 273' 237 256 256 267 267 .269 259 212 272 274 274 215 2.75 2i. :27\ 2i9 279 280 280 1 38 1 40 99 t32 .2J t6t , t50 L"91� t7e to 6 209 714 Z t J , 3t 49 249 ,c 5 2 5 5 l 5. 2 5, 2 59 25 9 76t 2 61 2762 262 264 764'. 255 265 1 40 i42 86 114. 107 142 130' 162 155 178 181 194 210 210 226 226 242 242 244 ' 244 246 246 24+ 247 249 249- 251 251 ' 251 251 42 44 175 t00 ' 93 124 113 148 135 ' 162 159 1- 184 191` 206 206 220 220 232 232 ' 234 234 235 235 237 237. 238 238 239 1 239 ! 44 46 66 88 82 109 100 133 119 ` 149 140 162 162 175 185 ' 188 _3 202 202 215 215 223 223 224 224 226 226 227 227 227 ' 227: 46 I 48 58 • '7 '2 96 38 11' 105 136 123 149 143 16t 164-1, 185 185 197 !97 210 210 715 215 216 216 217 271' 217 217 ' 48 50 151 68 6+ 35 '8 tC4 ?3 :24 1t0 )" ::1 148 146 159 165 ''' •82 182 '9J :93 204 204 207 27D7 208 2D8 208 206 ' 50 52 Ji 61 57 - -- '6 __i9__ -- - 93 ;93 -111 98 -•Z ._t3 _ _3,__ 130 !J' :a8 '58 '66 79 179 189 :.89 198^ t99 t49 t99, 52 54 41 - 54 - 51-' 68 62 83 '4 99 87 n7 102 127 117 -37 132 -146 149 _168 156 166 166 175 175 _!98 185 X185 19i _'99 191 191 j91.;54 de 37 . 49'< 46 51 56 74 67 .89 -9. i05 91 n8- 105 127 rt9 136 134 145 '150 154 163 103 172 172., tet 181 164 i8a ; 56 58 44 41 55 50 67 60 '80 'i• 4 32 ''S 1t0-- 95. 119 108 12; 121 . 135 136 144 151 1gz 160 16C 169 169 17 f r. • 58 80 a0 3 .SSG 45 _ i! 55 _'' J �� CON ! ?tl :t9 •'0 -:6 '2J U4 '3' 42 is 0 c c 0 '• 8 c 8, 165 165 60 82 36 4c n 55 50 i6 58 '3 •i8 i0 8 '04 39 !" 00 "8 ':5 '25 '73 :28 'JO :48 :48 :45 155 62 844 - -- 18 50 45 •30 5J ;: '; - 79 #f C1 t1 n: - 'tl 1 25 '25 '2< '28 ".9 Ii5 145 64 98 78 46 .�1 55 491 55 56 -5 '65 87 '4 79 3v t0� 94 .1t1 04 117 115 1-24 126 t70 t37 i77 66 j 88 ( 42 38 50 a4. 59 52 •i9 _60 '9 58 90 •, 78, 86 !05 95 1t - 106 la: 116 123 127 129 68 70 IN l5 aF n :a a -1, cc \, - . TJH`Series a De t�h-_ 2a i� i:- -30 ]0 3e 39' -42 __l8 48t s, S4 S7 80 63 OePthl' Span I Fl. SL j I L�j F2 L FL SL ��_ 1 I '1 I I I FIL SLtFIL SL;l pan! _FL- 30 1q: 1:0 J!N 4N. - JN: .1'15 1'15 .,;j �.,', ,:1; .n! yl,. yt_ ^.Oh ';QI. 4ytl :'IN .ff/11 ,NII ' U" ah: -455• s55 44J 4JJ 30 32 Ir: at, 4J: :a: .155 .195' .. 141 •bi 1 1, :'1 :•: ! 1:'1 ::1 1114 :114 1116 IIII, INS UI, 1.- .: " IL: - Ili: IStl 1',11 44: 1J: .136 436: 32 34 I I,'I 165 •n0 1;'0 1." 114 1.14 sac: :Jr t4.• ;a.. 1."1 I'.1 :':N •'•:, u,: :,• &,, :, .11,8 1118 �d a4q .w.) 417 1'17 1;:7 1;9' '34 65 J26 J49 ` J.9 a0: a0: 407 a07 +!+ 4,'-a 41� .117 4;4 4;4 a:O 4JO 436 4.16 J38 438 441 441 x:73 a4! -"1 432 ' 432 422 422-36� 38 2:i :99 ! 340 378 '1180 186 186 191 391 06 '196 400 400 !103 405 410 410 415 1115 418 410 420 +20 42, 421 416 +t6 ' 38 �4''0� , 195 n61% 258 307 1:7 150 !G6 ]66 1'• 1'' ;:5 1:5 171 1:1 183 183 187 :8: 171 191 195 105 4 - 379 399 4q1 _ 401 .'8 _+03 • 4011. 40 :� ,:11 ..,4 _:1 :11'1 .::1 ;aH !.111 '. .,; ..� ,. !h0 !hl; !h4 :I,J !1,' .,' , i 1::1 I: 1 I: 1 1:11 1:3. INI 1.. Jtl3 Itl3 �� 44 IN 1: q6' ,54 .: 111 _v1 (:n .,'1 . ! t., !•1 141 :4 1 141, !41. J . !11) IY: , y5 ^,N 157 157 !li: !6: 164 i64:; 44 4e ui 1 { ::.i :2n ; • _, !_ ' r!n ! ; : I t u• 11!1, rm !JB oA 115 ' ' !41 ut: !i , !ati . tJn lar, 46 153 152 :03 114 :4-1 ti0 ::I4 :70, :03 11.d 110 113' 11] ,116 316 !w ;118 r! -1:1 3:3 )33 j 325 325 J;8 328 iii 3177 467 SO 102 136 135. 180 17: • 2:5 :14 1:52 :Stl .:80 _, ,9" .3m 100 902 302 :C5 :05 20: 307 309 J09 312 312'` 314 314 31., 3t1SO •-�52�! 11 1:1.120. 161 154 '05 11 1233 .:31 :59 274 :84..`88 :98 :90' :70 :'1: 272-M :95 :97 :77 'I:N '44 ... '!1 299 299 ' 101 101 - 298_ :98 .. 52 119 it :1:1t in :1.1 '4,, '111 .:1, %, .'1 .:', ':!' t :I .. :! t .:95 .:e-5 ::" :9: :tl: , :93 _e9 :9G :tl6 tea' 58 '1 . 1: •1. 29 :•I •..,. ',J _C' . 'N' :. _2.1 :4jr :60 .,61. ,is :hN .. .., :4 r .:." _ .. _ 6 :6 :'8 _':t ::5 :75 56 i 38 .i6 ,•,8 :1: 1 a•1 •'! t:1n n! • .':8 .;01 :\4, :25 :49 ,59 '6.1 . '.,! :61 .1'.•' .'t.: .:64 .'64 eb7 :9 _'GA Vin :68 :(,9 -165 , :65 S8 -; 59 79 106 101 135 •':6 '68 '53 '95 182 214 2w :33 24: 250 :52 152 :53 253 255 :55 :57 :57 258 359 256 :56 62 54 '2 '2 96 -72 1:3 • ::5 :53 129 :92 '66 MO 175 218 2:5 :26 243• 243 :45 \145 146 246 348 248 249 ' 249 247 247 62 64 1 49• 66 65 3, 94 112 :05 1129 27 169 152 188 178 205 :05 22' 225 225 :37 237 228 238 - 240 NO 241 241 239 229 ' 64 66 45 n0 d0 ?0 .,_ n '10 'h3 ^n '88 :C9_ t :4- .:^ _:9 :24 21 12:_ :2, _ ] 66 68 4155 55 1 -•4 g O' 06 a7 :yl , .. ;y •2:2 ;5 -:5 -=6 --i :4 68 70 28 5D. 50 . ti' 65' 86 tc !8 .56 .1' '59 'P5 _!a .2!' ., ` _'9 .': 2'9' 2'9 _. 70 1. Values shown are maximum allowable load capacities. Open -.web trusses .will be custom designed to the specified loads. 2 Straight line interpolations may 'oe mace between deoths and spans 3 Values shown are maximum allowable load Caoac!ues of the trusses In pounds per lineal toot Ipit llbased on simple scan, uniformly loaded Conditions -- an.assumed 38°b ratio of dead load to total load ,eg. 20 pst live 12 psi dead) These tables may be non -conservative if the actual ratio is higher than 38°b. A more accurate analysis Can be obtained by using the TJ -Beam - software program. top chord Z bearing chos. Higher values may be possible with other types at bearing Clips. 4, These tables may also be used for bottom chard bearing trusses (maximum bottom Chord SIoce Of 1"'12") with or without cantilevers • at one Or - boih ends. Cantilevers are limited to ' 1 0l the main scan provided the inboard spear tar Cantilevered Conditions 15 limited to 1.900 6s. for TJM" Series and 7.400 for TJH'- Series. 5. Repetitive member usage -Increases are not allowed with values In tables above. REV. 5197 W ' j.11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Load Tables/lion-Snow (125%) TJM"" & TJH'" Series Allowable Uniform Load (plf) Parallel Chord • Open -Web Series TJM1M Series FL=Flat roof less'Ihan Va" in 12" slope. SL= Sloped roof greater than Va" in 12" slope. Depth n.. 150 150 1'_8 'JO ':6 _..i, Its 124 106 n 7 .110 r 57 158 "a 165 tb5: 60 :48 :a8 155 155 62 '38. 139 145 135- 64 .26 130137 13/ 66 116 11,31. " 127 129 68 _107 " 116_ 117 122 - 70 80 63 _ :.Depthi I I I . .. r -.+n. t n 1 -�— _ 30 4J: b,: 4: N 4: H 1N. JN: ' 4q5 +'tS '-1: j ' ,. , 011 ,,U) , i .: r 1.: Nil, C,, 398 :•'H :MO -INH vm. ' :h: _ ,w , -, :o42 :... 44 • Depth ISpan .1SH L I FL SL I FL SL I FL ' SL I Fl. SLI :4.) 419 1'17 +2\7 4:7 �. 34 .65.. 316 349 171 40: 40: 407 409 414 J J .41.1 1 '1 4,4 421 4:10 430 436 416 J:IM 478 \ 441 441 432 ' 432 L :a L .4c Span 24 397 391 411 411 411 417 423 -123 428 428 434 434 443 443 449 449 452 452 456 J56 . 458 458 452 452 443. 443, 433433 124 26 239 339 37 3%, 383 383 388 388 393 393 397 397 402 402 409 409 415 415 419 419 423 423 425 425 428 428 ' 422 ; 422 126 26 279 292 328 328 354 354 359 359 363 363 367 367 371 371 371 374 - 381 381 385 385 391 391 394 394 397" 3971 399 1399 =28 l30 f, 255 i 283 1 286 ; 317 ' ' 1 317 333 1 333.1 1 337 ' 337 341 -� 341 344 1 344 i 347 347 i.350 350 ; 355 355 32 360 : 360 364 1336 364 ' 367 . 371 371 : 30 32 1229 190 224 1235 , 251 279 219 306 306 • 315 315 318 318 321 321 ' 324 1 327 1327 1 329 329 332 1 332 --- 1338 341 1367 341 345 345 1321 I :31 34 159 199 197 1223 239 ' 247 ' 271 1 271 ! 295 295 298 298 ' 301 1324 301 303 303 !,306 1 306 1308 308 311 - 311 1313 : Jt3 I ?t6 316 321 • '34 1 36135 177 167- -199- 203 221 241 242 264 264 281 281 283 283 285 285 288 288 9 0 290 292 292 294 ._.294 296 296 297 297 i 36 38 1115 154 143 179 173 198 MIS 217. 2]% 23% 256 256 267, 267 269 269 272 272 .2'4 274 275 '275 277, 2' 279 279 280 280 ! 38 40 99 132 123 161 , 150 17900 178 :96 :09 214 '231 231 249 249 255 \55 257 257 259 261: 261 262 262 264 264 265 Z65 '• 40 42 i 86 114 107 142 130 162 155 178 181 194 210 210 226 226 242 242 _-244' 244 246 _259 246 247 ' 247. 249 249 251 251 251 = 42 44 75 100 93 124 113. 148 ' 135 162 159 1- 184 191 ' 206 206 220 220 -232 232 234 234 235 235 237 237 238 1251 238 239. 239-1 44 ! 46 66 88 82 109 100 139 119 149 140. 162 162 175 185 188 202 202 215 215 223 223 224 224 226 226 227 , 227 '227 '227 ' 46 ! 48 58 72 96 38 -11,, :05 136 123 149 143 161 164 1, 185 :85 197 19% 210 210 215 ' 2t5 216 216 21; 21' 217 217-' 48 SO 15i i8 64 85 78 :C4 93 124 110 '37 :27 ; :18 146 :59 165 •7' "82 182 193, :93 :04 204 207 207 208 208 208 208: 50 52 6 -- i1 — 51 -._. :6 - _ i9 93 33 1i1 _ . .. . 08 F' :13 1J,\ :20__'47 :48 :66 168 '79 1'9 189 189 :98 19 8 1 99 19. 1a 9 99 9 ' 5Z 54 4t 54 51 08 62,--.83 ' 7J 99 8% i1' 102 i2? ii; 31 IjZ _'c_8 :J8 149 156 '166 166 175 X175 185 185 191 _ _t 191 191'—;191-j 54 58 37 49 46 _ 51 56 ./4 67 ` 89 79 105 91 118 105. 127 119 :36 174 145 150 154 163 163 172 172 181 181 184 184'1 56 58 44 J:1 55 50 67 0 An -I K 47 nn 04• Ira ,n0 ,•r. 80 +0 37 —=0 46 :it 55 -7 ij i5 '.5 :CO '86 .:; 18 :9 '10 ;6—:3 :34 62 I 16 =5 JI 55 50 ' i6 58 ? •18 '10 :8 04 39' 00 "8 - :5 (t4 9: i8, 50 45 •ilk 53 Q ?; �5 y1; .Q4 ' 11 � G "e 88 38 46 ` 41 55 49 i5 :56 75 i5 i 87, J 78 84 - 104 94- 111 68 '4 • 2 38 50' 44 59' 52 i9 60. 79 58 30 - 78 86 105 '. _ - --- .. 18-.: 35 ._46 41: 54. 48 Q. 55 73 i2 13 70 73 9 79 TJH'" Series. D� th'-24----- 27-.-_'-•30.`—_. 39 26 39 _ 44 46 48 51 13, 1422- \5 23 "J _:5 :pd 117 75 1.11. 88 1.04-97 54, 150 150 1'_8 'JO ':6 _..i, Its 124 106 n 7 .110 r 57 158 "a 165 tb5: 60 :48 :a8 155 155 62 '38. 139 145 135- 64 .26 130137 13/ 66 116 11,31. " 127 129 68 _107 " 116_ 117 122 - 70 80 63 _ :.Depthi I I I t n 1 -�— _ 30 4J: b,: 4: N 4: H 1N. JN: ' 4q5 +'tS '-1: j ' ,. , 011 ,,U) , i .: r 1.: Nil, C,, 398 :•'H :MO -INH 4:- .1:' 49: :h: +55 455 443 443 3 . _ 32 li: I4: 455 •155 Ih3 41,'1 uJt .�•'1 -,"1 ;;1 :11J 814 .1Nh :11h IN5_ III:; i:' 1:' 16: J6: .1SH 1',M 44C 1J: 436: J36 32, I- 34 11.1 !65 1:;: 1:'!: ,. L" .114 1:14 :JY, ',:J,. ;J1,. I',1 1'r I 1',N . :',11 Ib; .H,.' 11,;' ' 1',8 IyM Coq :4.) 419 1'17 +2\7 4:7 �. 34 .65.. 316 349 171 40: 40: 407 409 414 J J .41.1 1 '1 4,4 421 4:10 430 436 416 J:IM 478 441' 441 441 441 432 ' 432 422 422 36 38 • .:% ;7] :79. l40 71A 380 786 386 171 J7 196 '196 400 400 405 405 410 '410 1415 415 418 418 420 420 421 421 416 416 38 40 :75 :bt 258 107 12 150 !66 166 J7' J". 1:5 :5 )77 171 1,83 183 187 :87 191' 191 • — 195 105 399 399 401 401 403403_: 40 .� _:h ..:+ _'� :!1'i ..:1 :J11 :JH !:1: .. , • .,, ' '1,4 1:11 IN let �1H1 —JB] '.JB} . 41 44 Ili •1: 'IA 25J .: 1'I .!'ill 2071 :'1 f!1, ., -f1 !'1 :41, :41. '.1.1. 14.1 , r,:, y5 159 159 ! G2 , r,: JAJ , q,4. 4!1 4e r� I ' "1 :i!n •,,• i "lit '; n 1 • 1 '!(,� !Ili : 1 : I , I II, .;!f, _ 49 115 ;'111 1:111 N 1 #141 IJ', I4'; . 141; _ 1.16 • 46 ' ! 53 152 :03 194. :+4 :40 : 4 :70 :03 l to " i!l IT 113: d l 116; J 1 t; .I u, : 118 221 3.11 123 ;123. l: S 125 328. 318 327 32;7' 50 102 136 !35 180 172: :]5 :u :.252 :58 -:80 :97 ;:7'' 300 :00 102-' 10: :05: '05 20'2 107 309 309 31: 312 314 34. 314 311 !' 50 52 )1` 120 161 154 :CS ; 71 ' :33 :31 :c-7' 274 °.:84 1118 A 270 :70 :72 , .72 :75 ' .75 •1:11 '44 ]71 277 279 � -299 101 - 301 - 298 - -:ar - - 178'` 52 !n ..!,J a3 .:as .:Hs :H: :a: :a7 _a� _•e6'-3 � 56 ? is :0. :•i ]. ,4. -C' :i: :. :: :+y .:r•.n :r;H _!,it ..'? .J .11 r, f, 9 _'n ''S _:S 56 :•t 21.. :4•I :59 :5.1 'nl 'f,r 'I:.:. .'h: 80 59 71 :64 .:64 A _16C. A8 :,;M 265 :65 58 7 106 :01 135 ::6 168. 153 :95 '182 214 214 :33 247 :50 251 252 :53 :53 255 255 257 257 258' 258 256 256 60 62 - 54 '2 '2 76 72 123 • 115 :53 :29 :82 '66 :00 195 '18 2:5 236 143 243 :45 245 246 246 248 248 249 ' 249 247 14, 62 64 49' 66 65' 87 94 :I: 105 t39 '2' :69 52 188 178 :05 :05:22:25 22S :37 :37 238 238 240 240 241 241 239 239 64 66 45' ,0 •;0 '.0 :0: n _. :1, 29 ' .. •63 'A . '88.:CS . _,5 =4.. _:7 2:0 =21 221 --- :'-: :23 223 :31 221: 66 88 41 :5 55' '? ':5 _25=6 ::6 :2J _:4 68 70 - '.8 :0 SO ,i' q5 'i 40 'C 18 co •, 59 ._ e5 . •nn :n,; 2I4 .. 7 :19 2,9' 219' :'9 2 17 ( 70 ' 1. Values., shown are maximum allowable load capacities. Open web trusses will be custom designed to the specified loads. 2 Siralgni line interp0latlons.may be mace be[wren depths and Spans 3 Values shown are maximum allowaote load t3oaClheS of the trusses in pounds per lineal loo[ (pill based on' Simple Span, uniformly loaded Condi[iOns - an assumed 2800 ratio of dead load to Total load leg. 20 psi llve•12 3sl dead) These tables may be non -conservative if the actual ratio is higher than 38"0. A more accurate analysis can oe obtained by using the Ti -Beam " software program TOP Chord Z bearing Clips Higher values may be possfole with other types of bearing clips. x, These tables may also be used for bottom cnoro bearing trusses Imaxlmum 00110m Chord -slope of 1" 12") with or without Cantilevers • at one or both ends. Cantilevers are limited to ` 1 of the main Span provided The inooard shear for C3nidevered Conditions 1S limited to 4.900 lbs. for TJM'\ Series and 7.400 for TJH'- Series. 5. Repetitive member usage increases are not allowed with values in Taoles above. REV. 6197 W t 5.11 7-RFL[1S - /-a7� PAGE -�� OF %E ,j5V-- Z/r✓G -z1Z 1� T PROJECT ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909;296-1047 PAGE OF 1 f� 11 J 7_4lr- </-tA ort �s 374 X7/6 S ,r S10 WA 4 . z, /, Z. c,.��:: sc�. r���✓ iG tea, /, J� : - z . . 045ZJAL /1 %� 3374 2 3,9 7 ` X87 (. 7s/Zz z SS 7S < 28'728 xiy PROJECT a6 MANNING ENGINEERING �K fy 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO.,-STE. E ENGR_ TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 DATE FAX 9.09-296-1047 PAGE 7 OF ' PROJECT �w6 ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO.,ST.E. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92390 PHONE 909-676-1844 ' FAX 909-296-1047 PAGE 3k OF C'c--,1✓,(/L-e71e-51,1 T- i30/L D TD I -IATA/ TA %t✓ S�Z�1G�� L % �� ��: l/5�-� FSK �i sra /���✓T j�Z71 %R- rl-z IS A7' /3 ' " PI CY 71k�LL /S "!J 15 7,/2-'c-c� �4d all I PROJECT R D6 7— ENGR . DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. -E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 PAGE 3 OF i - 1/ Y l � IPL F- A T T01 7a e oVVvz-,2 7- _MANNING ENGINEERING PROJECT ENGR 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO.,:STE. E- TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590: ` DATE PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 PAGE ZrC OF VAC -Z-- F 7 S -x 8' = S f,5- /6 S �v 5 C'/W7c7: PROJECT ENGR - DATE - MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 'HONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 1 PAGE �, OF t 1 1 i' 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 RC r f ra-,) /7z -D SCi 1/�/y11 S ' PROJECT ENGR BATE CL I P5 MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1644 FAX 969-296-1047 PAGE 42 OF Ted , - 4Y4 ol- / Z -q CL /`5 GMK A7G ' PROJECT MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE..E ENGR TEMECUI A; CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 DATE FAX 909-296-1047 PAGE Lf -3 OF PROJECT 3&0 a -ENGR bATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULAi, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 To WC. L �/y�/� %�151 c:! cnr"P n� y -z 77 61 - - S �F cr�� TV 4-3 7v—,71 Ss.roT��Ce ALGcj-vAvLc ,ZaGo XF z�.e ��z�s� , 140 pt F PROJECT ENGR — DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE'CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92500 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 n. 1 PROJECT 2 ENGR ~DATE ' PAGE � OF MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047; MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 Enterprise Cir. So. Ste. E Temecula, CA. 92590 phone: (909)676-1844tfax:694-6027 E-mail: umali a@iinetcom Rev: 5183]0 lker: 5iO3M915, Ver 5.13, 22•)un-]999, Vlin3'< (c) 1983.99 ENERCALC Description BUILDING2 ' General Information Dead Load 4.320 k Live Load 2.970 k . Short Tenn Load 0.000 k Seismic Zone 4 overburden Weight, 0.000 psf Concrete Weight 145.00 pcf LL 8 ST Loads Combine Load Duration Factor.. 1.000 . Caumn Dimension 6.00 in Reinforcing = Rebar Requirement Actual Rebar "d" depth used 14.688 in 2=F_y 0.0050' As Req'd.by.Analysis 0.0001 int Mini Reir.f %ito:Req'd 0.0014% =Sy. 2.50ft Square x 18.Oin thick with 2- #5 bars Max. Static Soil Pressure _ 1.383.96 psf Allow Static Sal Pressure 2.000.00, psf Max Short Term Soil Pressum 1,383.90 psf Allow Short Term Sal Pressure _ 2000.00 psf _ Mu : Actual 1.04 k -ft MnPhi: Capacity 10.78 k -ft Title : Dsgnr. Description Scope: Square Footing Design Job # 4 / Date: 2:05PM, 15 SEP 00 t� Page 1 Calculations are designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements Footing Dimension 2.500 ft Thickness 18.00 in # of Bars 2 Bar Size 5 Rebar Cover 3.000 pc 2,500.0 psi , Fy . 40,000.0 psi , Allowable Soil Bearing - 2,000.00 psf Alto USE per foot of Width .0.247 int Total As Req'd 0.617 int 'Min Allow % Reinf 0.0014 _ - Footing OK Vu: Aaual.One-way 0.00 psi Vn'Phi : Allow One -Way 85.00 psi Vu :. Actual Two -Way 5.61 :•psi Vn`�hi : Allow T.-wo•Way '; ` 170.00 psi J Afternate Reber Selections... 4 # 4's .2 # 5's 2 #6s 2 # Ts 1 # 8's 1 #9's 1 # 10's Job # Date: 2:05PM, 15 SEP 00 Page 1 1� MANNING ENGINEERING Title: Calculations are designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements 41892 Enterprise Cir. So. Ste. E Dsgnr.Description 8.440 k CA. 92590 3.000 It 'Temecula, phone:(909)676-1844Jfax:694-6027 Scope: Thickness E-mail: umali@iinetcom ' Short Tenn Load w: 510 5.13. 22•]un•1999, Yhn31 F Square Footing Design 3 5 �1��Et�RCALC Seismic Zone 4 Description BUILDING2 - Job # Date: 2:05PM, 15 SEP 00 Page 1 1� General Information Calculations are designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements Dead Load 8.440 k Footing Dmiension 3.000 It _ Live Load4.660 k Thickness 18.00 in ' Short Tenn Load 0.000 k - # of Bars _ Bar Size 3 5 Seismic Zone 4 Rebar Ca" 3.000 Overburden Weight 0.000 psf f F 2,500.0 psi Concrete Weigh 145.00 pcf Fy 40,000.0 psi LL 8 ST Loads Combine .. ; _ Load Duration Factor T.000 6.00 in _ Allowable Soil 2,000.00 psf Column Dimension ; .Bearing - -Reinforcing Rebar:Requirement Actual Rebar "d" depth used 14.688 in As to USE per foot of Width 0.247. int _., 200/Fy 0.0050 Total As Req'd -. 0.740 int 0.0014 As Req d by Analysis O.00I}3<in2 Min Allow % Reinf Min. Reinf % to Req'd 0.001;4. % =Sumrriary Footing 0K 3.00ft square x 18..Oin thick with 3-:#5 bars ° Max. Static Soil Pressure 1,673.06 psf Vu: Actual One-WaY 0.37 psi Allow ;Static Sal Pressure 2,000.00 Psf Vn'Phi : Allow One -Way 85-00 Psi Max. ShortTenn Soil Pressure 1;673.06' psf Vu : Actual Two-way 12.39 psi j, Allow Short Term Soil Pressure . 2,000.00 psf Vn'Phi._ Allow Two-way 170.00 psi Alternate Rebar Selections... Mu : Actual 1.95 k -ft 4 # 4's 3 # 5's 2 # 6s MnPhi :Capacity 13.43 k -ft 2 # Ts 1 # 8's 1 # 9s.. 1 # 10's ' Title: Job # i 1 `f MANNING ENGINEERING Dsgnr. Date: 2:05PM, 15 SEP 00 41892 Enterprise Cir. So. Ste. E Description CA. 92590 'Temecula, phone:(909)676-18441fax:694-6027 Scope: E-mail: umali a@iinetcom Page 1 Rer: 510370 user; KVI-06 915, ver 5.13, 22 -Nn -1999, Vier Square Footing Design a:�rod mum h' .ecmcalculations ' (c) 1983-99 ENERCALC Description BUILDING2 - 1 Calculations are designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requiremerrts GeneralInformation Dead lid 21.060 k Footing Dimension 5.000 It 14.300 k Thickness 18.00 in Short Term Load 0.000 k # of Bars 5 5. Bar Size Seismic Zone 4 Rebar Cover 3.000 Overburden Weight 0.000 psf fc 2500.0 psi Concrete Weight :: 145.00 pcf Fy .40,000 0 psi LL 8 ST Loads Combine - Load Duration Factor :. _ 1.000 in Allowable Sal Bering 2,000.00 psf -' Column Dimension Reinforcing': _6.00 Rebar -Requirement Actual Reber "d" depth used 14.688 in As to USE per foot. of Width 0.247 int „ ' 200JFy _ 0.0050 Yotal As Req'd 1.234 int As,Rdq'd by -Analysis 0.0008 in2 Min Allow % Reinf 0.0014 _ Min. Reinf % to Req'd 0-0014% ' Summary Footing OK 5.00ft square x 18.Oin thick with 5- #5 bars ' Max Static Sal Pressure 1,631.90 psf Vu: Actual One -Way Vn'Phi : Allow One -Way 14.30 psi PSI. Allow Static Soil Pressure 2,000.00 psf' Max. Short Tenn Soil Pressure 1,631.90 psf, Vu: Actual Two Way 44.52 psi Allow Short TeSoil Pressure: Term _ ,: 1 2,000.00 psf Vn-Phi : Allow Two -Way 170.00; psi Alternate Reber Selections... Mu : Actual 6.22 k -ft 7 # 4's 4 #5's 3 #6s Mn • Phi: Capacity 13.43 k -ft 3 # Ts 2 . #8's 2 # 9's 1 # las Title : Job # MANNING ENGINEERING MANN Dsgnc pate: 2:05PM. 15 SEP 00 41892 Enterprise Cir. So. Ste. E Description Temecula, CA. 92590 phone:(909)676-18441fax:694-6027 Scope: E-mail: umali a@iinetcom Re.: s10300 KW-0602915,Ver5.13,22-hn.1999,VJ,ns< Square Footing Design Page 1 a:\rodmur h .ecvd:Calculations 'User: (c) 1903.99 ENERCALC Description BUILD:ING.2 r" Requireents Calculations are designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC m General Information' 11 Dead Load 23.680 k Footing Dimension 5.000 ft Live Load 15.150 k Thickness. 18.00 in ' Short Term Load 0.000 k _ # of Bars 5 Bar Size 5 Seismic Zone 4 Rebar Cover 3.000 Overburden Weight Concrete Weight 0.000 psf 145.00 pcf - ,fc 2,500.0 psi psl' Fy ..40,000.0 ^' LL 8 ST Loads Combine, Load Duration Factor 1.000. in Allowable'Sal Bearing 2'; - ,000.00:psf Column Dimension' 6:00 ' Reinforcing - - Rebar Requirement Actual Rebar "d" depth used 14.688 in- As to USE per foot of Width 0:247 int 2001Fy , _ 0.0050 Total As Req'd _ 1.234 int As 'Req'd by AnilysO - 0.0009 in2 Min Allay % Reinf 0.0014 Min. Reinf % to Req'd , 0.0014% ummary ,+ ZS -Footing OK 5.00ft square x 18.Oin thick with 5-4-5-bars Max Static Sal Pressure 1,770.70 psf Vu: Actual One-Way Vn'Phi :Allow-One-Way 15.49.psi 85.00 psi( Allow Static Sal Pressure 2.400.00 psf Max Short Term Soil Pressure Allow Short Term Sal Pressure 1,770.70 psf 2,000.00 psi Vu: Actual Two-Way.48.22: u Vn'Phi :Allow Two-way psi a 170.00 psi Alternate Reber Selections... Mu : Actual 6.74 k-ft 7 # 4's 4 #6s 3 # 6's Mn ' Phi: Capacity 13.43 k-ft 3 # Ts 2 # 8's 2 # 9's 1 # 10's I PAGE OF PROJECT An6 2 ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676=1844. -- FAX 909-296-1047 PAGE S I OF D�f��rMRTIUN CoMQAi�$iLi1`� P 31 OGb o � I r7OW LL pL t" L L 3 E i p 2 11ii�) 1� , q M�):rN ►tom PROJECT ENGR ' DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E' TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 ---- FAX 509-296-1047 MANNING ENGINEERING Title: Dr. Job #D: 2:05PM, 15 SEP 00 om 41892 Enterprise Cir. So. Ste. E Description CA. 92590 'Temecula, phone:(909)676-1844/fax:694-6027 Scope: E-mail: umali@iinet-com Re.: siosoo r, KWOf02915,Vas.1.3,22-��-1999,Y,f�" Square Footing Design Page 1 a: rod mu h .em -calculations ' (c) 1983-99 ENERCALC . Description BUILDING2 ' I Calculations are designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements General information Dead Load 27:450 k Footing Dimension 5.500 ft Live Load 15.970 k Thickness' _ . 18.00 in ' Short Term load 0.000 k # of Bars : 5 Bar Size 5 Seismic Zone 4 Rebar Cover: 3.000 Overburden Weigh Concrete Weigh 0.000 psf 145.00 pd Pc 2,500.0 psi 40,000.0 psi Fy LL 8 ST Loads Combine ` y Load Duration Fa4tor 1.000 Allowable:Sdil Bearing 2,000.00 psf column Dimensicih 6.D0 in ' Reinforcing Rebar Requirement Actual Rebar -d^ depth used 14.688 in As to USE per foot: Width 0.247 in2 200/Fy 0.0050. Total As. Req'd _ 1:357 int s As Req'd.tiy Analysis 0.0010 int Min Allo%% Reinf 0.0014 Min. Reinf % to Req'd 0.0014% Summary - Footing OK 5.50ft square°x 18.Oin thick with 5- #5 bars 'Max Static Soil Pressure 1,652.87 psf Vu: Actual One -Way Vn-Phl : Allow Or* -Way 17.90 psi 85.00 Ps' Allow Static Soil Pressure 2,000.00 psf flax Short Term Soil Oressure 1,652-87 psf :5 Vu: Actual,Tiwo-Way 55.49 psi Allow ShortTenn Soil.- .Pressure 2,000.00 psf Vh*Phi : Allow Tyvo-Way 170.00 psi r Alternate Rebar Selections... Mu : Actual 7.73 k -ft 7 # 4's 5 #5's 4 #6s _ Mn • Phi: Capacity 12.23 k -ft 3 # Ts 2 #&s 2 #9s 2 # 19s l ' ' Tine: Job# MANNING ENGINEERING Dsgnr. Date: 2:OSPM. t5 SE P 00 41892 Enterprise Cir. So. Ste. E Description CA. 92590 tTemecula, phone:(909)676-18441fax:694-6027 Scope: E-mail: umali@iinetcom r.510300 Ver 5.1.3,22•hin-1999,�J,n3i Rc) Square Footing Designa:\rodmur Page 1ser:KVJ-0602915, h .ecv<alculati., 1993-99 ENERCALC Description BUILDING2 Calculations are designed to ACI 3'18-95 and 9997 -UBC Requirements ' General Information Dem Load 26.810 k Footing Dimension 5.500 ft _ Live Load 16.440 k Thickness 18.00 in 5 Short Tenn Load 1 0.000 k # of Bars 5 Bar Size Seismic Zone 4 Rebar Cover 3.000 Overburden Weight 0.000 psf fc 2.500.0 psi Concrete^Weight 145.00 pcf f40,000.0 y psi 118 ST Loads Combine ; r: Load Dur_a6on Factor 4.000 6.00 in Allowable Sal Bearing 2.000.00, psf Column Dimension ;. ' Reinforcing " Rebar.- Requirement Actiial Rebar "d" depth; used 14.688 in As to USE per foot of Width 0.247 int 2001Fy 0.0050 Total As Req'd " 1:357 int As Re by Analysis 0.0010 int Min Allow ;% Reinf 0.0014 Min. Reinf % to Req'd 0.0014% „ ' Summary Footing ok ,- - 5.50ft square x 18.Oin, thick with 5- #5 bars Max Ststic.Soil Pressure 1,647.25 psf Vu: Actual One -Way 17.88 psi Allow Static Sal Pressure 2,000.00 psf Vn'Phi : Allow One -Way 85.00 psi Max hort'Tertn Soil. Pressure 1,647.25 psf:; Vu : Actual Two -Way 55.42 psi A11aw Shod Terre Sal Pressure 2,000.00 psf . V�1'Phi :Allow Two -Way 170.00 psi Alternate Rebar Selections... Mu : Actual 7.72• k -ft 7 # 4's 5 # 5's 4� # 6s Mn • Phi: Capacity 12.23 k -ft 3 # Ts 2 # 8's 2 # 9's 2 # Vs. 1 MANNING ENGINEERING Title: Job # Date: 2:05PM, 15 SEP oo 41892 Enterprise Cir. So. Ste. E Dagnr. Description y Temecula, CA. 92590 phone:(909)676-1844lfax:694-6027 Scope: ' E-mail: umali a@iinet-com slosoo UsPr:KWjrr n15,Wr5.13,22-h1999,Wi�n Square Footing Design Page 1 a:\rodmur n .ecw:calculations ErIERCALC Description BUILDING2 Calculations are designed to ACI 318-95"and 1997 UBC Requirements General Information Dead Load 35.750 k Footing Dimension 6.000 it Uve Load 20.00O.k Thickness 18.00 in " ' Short Term Load 0.000 k # of Bars 6 Bar Size 5 Seismic Zone 4 _ Rebar Cover 3.000 Overburden! Weight 0.000'psf fc _2,500.0 psi. , ' Concrete Weight 145.00 pcf F y " 40,000.0 psi_ LL 8 ST L.oads.Combine Load Durafion Factor 1900 Allowable Sal Bearing 2,000.00 psf - Column 15imension 6.00 in Reinforcing _ Rebar Requirement Actual 'Rebar -d" depth used 14.688 in . As to USE per fact of Width - 0.305 in2 ' ?: 2001Fy = 0.0050 Total As Req'd 1.830 int 0.0014 - - As Req'd by Analysis, 0.0013 int a Min,.Allow % Reinf Min. Reinf Wto Req'd 0.0017% ' Summary : Footing "O"K _ 6.00ft square x 18.Oin thick with 6- #5 bars _ Max. Static Soil Pressure 1,766.11 psf Vu ; Actual One -Way 22.85 psi ' Allow Static Sgil Pressure 2,000.00 psf Vn'Phi : Allow One -Way 85.00 psi Max. Short Term Soil Pressure 1,76611 psf J Vu: Actual Two -Way 71.72 psi . ' l Allow Stiort Tenn Soil Pressure 2,000:00 psf Vn'PhiAllow Two -Way .`s 170.00 psi - Alternate Rebar Selections.. Mu : Actual 9.98 k -ft 10 #4's 6 .,#5's 5 # 6's Mn ' Phi: Capacity 13.43 k -ft 41 # Ts 3 # 8's 2 # 9's 2 # 10's - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PAGE OF �LV6 3 T,ar3�� o� ca�rT��Ts ' PROJECT ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 PAGE 2 OF PROJECTS d�G ENGR —. DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 Ry��-D i ,Cl�Lj/4i✓/CAL j ► C G'1✓C' iZE" T4 -:f PROJECTS d�G ENGR —. DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 PAGE 3 OF L A T E AL ,airIAI ys/s G S T,4 T/C SOIL _ welz r =, R = : -¢. 5 c'o,�/�/lE7'r Si�E.4iZ �G S Z, Z/`�tCJ���t�%i C'DLU��/,�i N r 771e, C /S . I 7 PROJECT__��� Z ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 PAGE �. OF. x—V1966T/U�c/ md PROJECT BLDG 3 ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590-4822 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 PAGE S OF /7 71 u Z 3 1z Y 72iA TVA/ ������ e%`I W, �3� (i�) (g" z• ��)/7 f �� s) -i� -1 �� / 1 �j 1454 X --D I /Z E-6. Tw,t1 - . W - ��: ������> �- l g-2, >)/i. 4-_.1, 5.-2)43 1 Y6 6 �Y 117, Sssv((LLo .2371 93� 920 : �X(O�`-f8 -7 �dZ—o V 5 l9s�ti PROJECT ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590-4822 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1: 1 1 1 PAGE OF 333 PAF 411 PLF .9 72 TZF 3 / PLF- Z. (�= 75/Z�s 7L t- (l �. y1ZZS3 Z2, ;( 23 73� _ ' 3 G (�o. ��4/zX 3,33)./o�oy 7: PROJECT TlL,V6, 3 MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E ENGR TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 DATE FAX 909-296-1047 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1` 1: 1 1 1 1 i PAGE OF SHF�Z WAIl y Ac z /42' ly./• 75 avl�. 7/•y3 .83� l3�zs' SSS J. PROJECT 2P4 2. ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 r PAGE OF WALL -5- 3 PROJECT 'OLZ 3 ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 l .25 l5"G°iq Z9So � z /o' 9.75 0:43 , 2.33 ° 52 `f 7 �� Z 3/� YC TIC -7 2c?x 1, 4/(y , � S i2, 3) 2 3'/-5/ 5. �iGx<f3 t!s 0))(SXs>Z 3 e 71? 7 s 2 �A i J�W'3 = 26,)l 3 -K 2179 4* PROJECT 'OLZ 3 ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 H- � PROJECT !7Lyu,' 3 MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E ENGR TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 ' PHONE 909-676-1844 DATE FAX 909-296-1047 7,7 22 /098' 12, 0: , 29,3- 3 7, 7� , �� 5 /, , 22 4. 3• 2-6 S8 .2 I /�iyX J. -�1(3><12x z75� , bl& i F T. - T V �7� �FLiQCL' )C � (.. i 7_ 7�>Cgx I&) - t r9/2)i,y,�7 7�>%Z L 7Z PROJECT !7Lyu,' 3 MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E ENGR TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 ' PHONE 909-676-1844 DATE FAX 909-296-1047 PAGE fn OF Syf,aR iAllqlLs 4 L SAE E-- (f3 71-Pyl 76u) �(i JZ 7 VAi . %Cl .ham % S1�"7CK��C 4'11vG Z l - PROJECT `` 3 ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 MAI-= /1r PROJECT SLG 3 MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E ENGR TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 DATE FAX 909-296-1047 /DPW A4- f-/ AIL/4 DAr_C r1C PROJECT ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 19�3ZrUWAL: P.uIIhZ / od ;A T . ,a RZ .4 bel/ - - Fac/ .: �1 e=�K I//4L Z61 yr 5: �Q Z 3: 12. 73O . 3 x HOVI- OV W/D TA/ PROJECT ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 1997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE 13 TABLE 2341-H TABLE 234144—ALLOWABLE SHEAR IN POUNDS PER FOOT FOR HORIZONTAL -WOOD STRUCTURAL PANEL - •. DIAPHRAGMS WITH FRAMING OF DOUGLAS FIR -LARCH OR SOUTHERN PINE1 , _ BLOCKED OIAPHRAGMS UNBLOCKED DIAPHRAGMS _ . ' Nallspacing (In.) at dlsphrsgm oounaartes (atI Cases at continuous pww edges panuel to 10Ad (Casa 7 and 4) and at all psnei edges (Cases S and 6) Nails awed 6"(152 mml:max. - at suPPdrted edges x 25.4 for mm • • ' PANEL GRADE COMMON I NAIL SIZE MINIMUM NAIL PENETRATION IN FRAMING (Inclteel MINIMUM NOMINAL PANEL THICKNESS. I (Incttes) MINIMUM 'NOMINAL WIDTH OF FRAMING MEMBER I (Indies) , Case 1 No un0locaed�g�e or continuous joints parallel to load) All othtir configurations (Case, 2• ], 0, S and 6) 6 a 1 21re 2= _ Nati spacing (In.) at other panel ed s x 25.4 for mm 6 6 4 3 x 25.4 for mm x 0.0146 for Wmm 6J I 11/4 s /1C 2 3 •IS5 I 250 210 280 375 1.0 1:0 '175 165 135 I I.S . 110 Structural I Sd I 11/= !/t ' 3 270 3W 360 100 530 6W 600 675 210 265' I ISO 200 :10J) I I'/.4 Is/,• 3 32U 3h0 I 4-'5 180 I 610 720 I 730 S_0 2S5 320 1 215 _40 . /111 171) I ==5 i {J5 3.40 1380' I : ;5� I 125 I/r I { I ! I0 I :S0 I _120 _. .I 25 475 I I S5 I 110 Slleathtng, 1. I _70 1_11 1x0 i-4'_ I Ihl) I 510 I h 111 ?10 180 and other grades owercJ In 1,111C lLI1N1.Ud : j•c ,Ir ',1.1 • .4d I I '51 I 110 I 505 ,S5 bill 570 h1i 35 jyU. I`rI- - _71) 11111 i fU (11x1 ,_40 180 •11x) I 4011 I (I X I 1175 I .hS I ..(A) I' �' I I •'. • 1`II I I.1 I~ 1' tfdl .1x0 I V'll tI .:J0 tt a >.duea .tie hq •hnrt Ante I".111—111c nl wnul ..r c.Inhuu.tAe .uIJ Gut she IcduccJ :` pencnr tur nuns 11 lu.uhnc �p.ltc n.uly I: utchci 1 105 nuns un center :dungy . IIIIC fI11Q,d 1.111' ILII111/1K Illl'fllhet� t ± : - f _ _ \Ilu.v.Ihlc .hc.0 v.Iluev fur nail. til Iran'lnl: nlcnlltcr\ •11 ,+tiler .pct Icv •ct linth In Ihvi.wn III. I'.ut III..hall Ile calcul.ticll Ior Al other ;r Ides by mulhplymq the hear .apaunev lur n.ul. m Struiuu.d 1 by glc hd61wlllc Lw:un a v: ha .pcues wtlh :pcuhc zrav11v •:re.11er than w equal In II i; It'll Ices. Ihun 41.4,9. and 060.5 for .pedes \V1111 .1 \pccili�,;:Golly Icw Ili.ul 11' I'_ _ 4hr:unlm:.'l .idurinulg h:'lIct alj c..11.111 hg.I.nl.htl 'n rltlnl nuiyul.11 or wlllcr and n.uly .h.111 he %la"cred what: nada .tie 'paced ~inches (51 min) or _I/. Irich cs ' IA4 1111111 ,m �entcr ' hrauun • .It .ulllmm111l p:ulct :dery .li:dl Ix 1•Imh 1'11 Duni nonun.11 'If wlllcr .Ind wad,.hall I>< .lacgurctl where I Ild Aa11. having penctrahon Into liarttlng ni mnn: Ihill I�I II nunr.ae .pa�cd 1 )h IiunI M IC.. mt .:ml r - LOADFRAMING BLOCKING IF USED t '. CASE / , , CASE 2 ;:CASE 3 CASE s•. I I LOAD I �II I II DIAPHRAGM BOUNDARY z CONTINUOUS PANEL JOINTS CASE 5 FRAMING FRAMING LOAD .I I I I / I I I I CASE 6 LOAD' I III1111 II ( I I . ' I r � ri � i7 • 1 1 . I I I �,�IL till I I I I • I I I I I �Gy--'� _ I I � 1•�-J f li I �I ' CONTINUOUS PANEL JOINTS \ BLOCKING \ BLOCKING CONTINUOUS PANEL JOINTS ' NOTE: Framing may be oriented in either direction for diaphragms, provided sheathing is property designed for vertical loading. �. 2-287 199Z UNIFORM BUDDING CODE - TABLE 19-0-2 \ \ 'TABLE 194D TABLE 19-C-2-40MMUM PERMISSIBLE COMPUTED OEFtEc 10NS IJ1.11O/ Y..Vo ' true Of YfyBEA I OeFIECTION TO BE CONSIGEAED 'Flat roots not supporting or attached to nonsuructwal elements likely to be damaged I DEFLECTION • Q-00"11111 to, up. WIIho to .09. ti -ti, WIT .p00 O..wl.a by I Immediate deflection due to live load L targe detections _ Wllhoul AO. O..rw. With .Op. DNIII.a Int.IIOI O.n.l. t 1 -�YrTAT1oN l.. 1. Floors not supporting or attached to nonstructural elements likely to be damagld by I Imtriediate detlectiun due to live load L deflections l80 111 ' -large , j all. � 1 Root or floor construction supporting lir attached to nonstructural cicmems; li damaged by large deflections kely to be Thai part of the total deflection 30 - occumng atter attachment of I Z nonstructural elements (sum of the ' i. be damaged by large deflections Root ur dour construction supporting lir attached to nunstructual elements hkcly to nut lung -lime deflection due to all sustained 0 I loads and the immediate deflection due - to any addiuunal live luads)s 'The limo Is nut intended to saicguard against ponding. The member shall he -checked far pllnding by suitable calculations -�) --added of detlectiun• including - ' due to punded water• and consldenng luny -term cilfcc s of .Ill sustained loads. Camber, construction tulerancesolnd reliability Jt provlsluns fdr drainage. The limit may be exceedcd I( adequate mcasyres are taken to prevent damage h) supponcd lir attached elements. )Lung -time Jetlectlun shall he determined in alxDrdance with Section 119111 j.-.: or IINN.j.a.: but may he reduced by the amount of detlectiun before attachment of nonstructural elements. This amount ,hall he dctcrTnmcd calculated to occur on hass of accepted engineering data relating to time-deticcuun characteristics of members similar to those hems considered. ' aBut nut greater than tolerance provided for nunstrul ;unl elements. The limits nut etcced limn. mar he cscceded If camhcr Is provided so that total detlectiun minus camber dun t 1 1 TABLE 19 -C•3 -MINIMUM THICKNESS OF SLABS WITHOUT INTERIOR BEAMS I 'MrTNOur DAop pliNlL , 'nCLD 7TAlNGTN, r1, ow• la1..1o1 M.nM• 'WRN OAQP P�NlLi' IJ1.11O/ Y..Vo • Q-00"11111 to, up. WIIho to .09. ti -ti, WIT .p00 O..wl.a Irl{Mp O./1N• Wllhoul AO. O..rw. With .Op. DNIII.a Int.IIOI O.n.l. 111.IMM1 1. ' i• ill 1. l.. 1. I, � � - I 1 111 111 111 all. � 1 t la. (a:. �. •I. rr ..Ilse\ •11 rr frill lrieulrm .1.61 •.1 n•neth 1lrtw len :nl •dor, CI.1•n II)111it _ m the Llnle, nnnuilnnl Ihq ►ne„ .11111 11 Jetermulell by lull'.1r uuerr+l d.0 11 til. Il.11ll'I 1\ •1e 11110 1I X11 \\111.11 I'll 1 ( ' '11.111\ ,Y llh IW.Iln\ Ilrlwrl'll ,.41111111,-i6.11� ��, tefl••I dlr, I Ile'. Ilrll' •.1 •{ 111/'!Ile .IIT 11.'.1111 Ili I':%,cIII .11l TABLE 19.0-ALLOWABLE'SE-AVIC£ LOAO ON EIuBEDOEd 90LTS.IPounds) (Newton)!•=•� _ - - %dimmuM CONCAETE YrAENGTH spoil I - • 0.006" to, Mph 8oCr '- MIIr1MUM• EOCE DIAMETER 'I EMBEDMENT OISTANCE SP•C:NO• _. re • I c . 4.000. 1 ,Ilncn..l 11nen..1 Ilneh Nl I1nCn.61 1rM.lona 'sn•.I� r•na011? Shoot- I [- r.n•lon• S6.4r • 23.4 IDI 4.4 IDI nw.rgn. _till -:INI :IMI �I9J _ nlAl' �flll • I :IMI_ 1,11111 :fMl . I.. MH I • � I a 1 `n 'ILII .I._`tl '1�I1 I.-�.cl) I. .�<II li�cl) 1 n 1.:1111 1._:11 I.:IIII' i I.n�tl I.. 41) 4 .aI.:I111 _'SII 1,21111 _,7511 1.41111 L,Ilml _',:1111. 3.(99) I I 3.050 a:•_cl) = - 3.2h) - -_ _ _,7091 I l �5_n. 3.j5n -•__n 1.u5n _:.n 1.050 I I n I. = 5511: 3.�QI1 3._50: 1,_Ili) 3.n5f1 5.-'()()'- .3110-i 3nJ'a 3.11111 I 1.7c11 3,1191 II a 1 71•• f 1!911) j•,i191 1.1991. :.fllll. 1.199) �iS00 I values are natural ,tune JggrC;311: concrete and hntts of at least A 307 qualily. Bolts ,hall have a standard head or an equal deformuv In the emocdded portion. -The tabulated valucs arc for anchor-, installed al the socc:ticd spacing and edge distances. Such spacing and edge distance may he reduced -40 percent with an equal reduction In value. Use linear Intcrpolaoon for Intermcuiatc ,pac:ntts and edge margins. 'The alluwable valucs may he Inc:cased per Seaton !n l _.j for duration of luaus such as wind or seismic forces. 'An additional : inches I; I mm) of cmhedment shall he provided for inchur bolts located In the lop of columns located in Seismic Zunes _. 3 and'1. 5Values shown are for work without special inspcc:urn. Where special inspection is provided, values may he increased IIA) percent. 'Values shown arc for work 'Nigh lir wnhoul special inspection. 2-181 I PAGE OF i ]T7 7le 47' 333 /vCF(j) -� 375 �cr VA I _ .51� ��7 41 P6f4,F j � 4 2 Pt b`I (' 2N- �4r✓�LC 1ZE�/R� � � . (qz9<�,6 X4 _ i 5 P i CE— V V4.Dl a iC .�t . l l /� / (0) J (O �� % /\ 3�o � �—C.C/ %� /i j 3 %�i IO X ,/z) ' / � c - PROJECT i ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 1 1 '1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PAGE OF c/,15T I Z — STILES x �U' L6W& =8 Y /5ZAP /od AT. 312 cc. EAcl-1 sTgljj Q� F0 v� 3 (::�05rlL TRvss 4XIL' CAI Z .4 CL I.PS w PROJECT�l;7h 3 ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-184.4 FAX 909-296-1047 4 PAGE 17 OF 53q A X -¢ C'yen 4, s Wiz ) 9� 4�. 9oZ,#,2s ' PROJECT ' EIVGR _ DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 11 1' 1 i 1 1 1 1 PAGE )y OF - I I 02 PLF Vo Pt ff. [F -7P 3 24x'(, : /J �24 �oc- -67 �A TCS° T �I l d 42 s D' PROJECT c.& 3 ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 PAGE OF SCE VTieAL FUR r ,�,aG �, w� Tti C -A T�c- . coy%v �Ti�,v � •�/ Ta syr? k"I'<zL ' PROJECT Rk- 3 ' ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 PAGE OF PROJECT &P6 3 ' ENGR DATE, MANNING ENGINEERING 41892.ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 DAt= _ nc' PROJECT ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 ' ' Lateral Loads Wind Load 20.000 psf Pant Load lbsecc8ntricity ...heightft load . Wind Lateral Load wft ...distance to top ft ...distance to bot ft ...load type Seismic Wall Analysis Vertical Londa Uniform DL Uniform LL Concentric DL Concentric LL Seismic -I- Magnifier Wind "I Magnifier - 504.00 # 560.00 Wft 7.500 in bs 1.000; 1.000 27 Stresses MANNING ENGINEERING' Title Dsgnr Date: S:OOPM, J� 15 SEP 00 ' 41892 Enterprise Cir. So. Ste. E 0.¢41 in. 10;757.8 inat °. Description: 0.0 0.0 in-# Temecula, CA. 92590 ` °0.041 in 0.040. 0.033 in. 10,743.5 8,831.7 in�# ' phone:(909)676-1844tfax:694-6027 Scope: Maximum Allow Vertical Bar Spacing 7.857 in -13.095 in E-mail: umali@ilnetcom Req'd SEISMIC 7.857 in Req'd :WIND' 7.857 in ; Maxinjum Allow Horizontal Bar Spacing e.: sio3oo F�(� �,�ls.Ve.s.�3,u-h�.��,�n32 Summary Tilt -Up Wall -Panel Design a: rod mu Page h .ecw:Calculc 15.50ft clear hei ht, 2.566 parapet, 7.00in thick with #3 bars -at 48.00in on center, d` 6.25in' fc=-2;500.Opsi 9 198399 ENERCALC Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0:inethod:..Deflections are Iterated . Factored Load Bending : Seismic Load Governs in-# Service Load Deflection :Seismic Load Governs Maximum Iterated D.eflectign 0.040 in Maximum Iterated Moment : Mu 15;062.18 1.240 in ' Description BLDG3 Seismis Wind 16,122.90 in-# 11,831.83 in - Mn ' Phi: Moment Capacity 15,082:18 in # 10,797.80 in-# Calculations are designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements 14,820.66 in-# General Information Max Iterated Service Load Deflection 0.04 in :0:03 in 5,569 : 1 Clear Height 15.500 ft ft fc 2,500.0 psi Fy psi Seismic Zone . Min Vert Steel % 4 0.0020 0.0004 P Height 2.500 7.000 in .57,000.0 Phi 0.900 , Min Horiz Slee! % 0.0012 Thicdcness Bar Size 3 Width 12.000 in Base F'uaty - Wall Seismic Factor 25 % 0.6500 " Bar Spacing • 48.000 in Parapet Seismic Factor 1.6100 Bar peps 6.250 in 8 ST Not Combined ' Max Defl. Ratio Concrete Weight 150.0 --74.00 pct o n Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ... De lectis are Iterated Parapet Weight Counteracts Middle ' ' Lateral Loads Wind Load 20.000 psf Pant Load lbsecc8ntricity ...heightft load . Wind Lateral Load wft ...distance to top ft ...distance to bot ft ...load type Seismic Wall Analysis Vertical Londa Uniform DL Uniform LL Concentric DL Concentric LL Seismic -I- Magnifier Wind "I Magnifier - 504.00 # 560.00 Wft 7.500 in bs 1.000; 1.000 - Far Factored Load Stresses For Service Load Deflections Seismi .: Wind Win ' Basic Defl w/o P -Delta : 0.056 Basic M w/o P-Defto 14,988.0 0.¢41 in. 10;757.8 inat 0:040: 0.033 in 10,705.7 ' 8,800.5 in-# 0.0 0.0 in-# 0.0 0.0 in-# Moment Excess of Mcr Max. P -Delta Deflection 0.056. °0.041 in 0.040. 0.033 in. 10,743.5 8,831.7 in�# _,062.7 Max P -Delta Moment 15 10,797.8 in-# Maximum Allow Vertical Bar Spacing 7.857 in -13.095 in Parapet Bar, Spacing Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd SEISMIC 7.857 in Req'd :WIND' 7.857 in ; Maxinjum Allow Horizontal Bar Spacing Summary Wail Ddsigp OK 15.50ft clear hei ht, 2.566 parapet, 7.00in thick with #3 bars -at 48.00in on center, d` 6.25in' fc=-2;500.Opsi 9 Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0:inethod:..Deflections are Iterated . Factored Load Bending : Seismic Load Governs in-# Service Load Deflection :Seismic Load Governs Maximum Iterated D.eflectign 0.040 in Maximum Iterated Moment : Mu 15;062.18 1.240 in Moment Capacity 16,122.90_ in-# Deflection Limit Seismis Wind 16,122.90 in-# 11,831.83 in - Mn ' Phi: Moment Capacity 15,082:18 in # 10,797.80 in-# Applied: Mu @. Mid Span .Applied: Mu Top of Wall 14,820.66 in-# 4,925.25 irr# Max Iterated Service Load Deflection 0.04 in :0:03 in 5,569 : 1 Actual Deflection Ratio 4,651 : 1 ' Actual Reinforcing Percentage 0.0004 0.0004 0.0115 Allowable Max. Reinf. Percent = 0.6 ' Rho Bal 0.0115 = Actual Axial Stress: (Pw + Po) / Ag 11.27 psi - 100.00 psi 11.27 psP_ 100.00 psi Allowable Axial Stress = 0:04 1 c : �I 1 ' Jobb MANNING ENGINEERING Tom: Dsg Date:. 5:OOPM, 15 SEP 00 _41892 Enterprise Cir. So. Ste. E Descrii�ption t t f' Temecula, CA`. 92590: phone:(909)676-1844/fax:694-6027 Scope: - -E-mail: umali@finetcom R.!;: s103W Use,:,W.�15,Va5.1.3,22-�n-l�,�n3z Tilt -Up Wall' Panel Design Page 2 a:\rod mu h .ecw.Calculations (c) 1983-99 ENERCALC = Description BLDG3 Analy sis Data E 2,850,000.0 psi Sgross 98.000 in3 . n = Es / Ec 10.18 Mcr = SFr 24,500.0 in-# ' Fr Multiplier for sgrt(fc) 5.000 Fr= Rha Bar Reinf 250.00 Psi Pd 0.0191 Ht / Thk Ratio 26.57 Values for Mn Calculation... Seismic Wind 0.045 in ' As:eff= (Pu:tot + AsFyyFY 0.051 in 0.113 in 0:100 in a: (AsFy + Puu(.85 fc b) 0,133 in 0.118 in c=a/.85 343.000 in4 343.00 in4 (gross : 19.33 in4 17.20 in4 ' Icraciced I-eff (ACI methods only) 0.00 in4 0.900 in4 —._,. 0.00 'goo 0• . Phi: Capacity Reduction Mn= As:eff Fy(d-a2) - Pu (Wairrhk/2-Bar Depth) 17.914.33 in-# 13,146.48 ir4 Additional Values 1, Loads used for analysis Factored Loads Seismic Wind - Wall Weight 43.167 f . � Applied Algal Load 705.60 529.20 #!ft Wall Wt' Wall Seismic Factor 28.058 psf Lateral Wall Weight 619.44 464.58 *ft Wall Wt' Parapet Seismic Factor 69.498 Paf ?• Total Lateral Loads 1,325.04 993.78 #/ft Service Applied:Axial Load _. 504.00 #JR Service Wt @ Max Mom 442.46 #/ft Total,Service Axial Loads - 946.48 #/ft ACI Factory (per ACI appliedintemallytoe6tered'loads) UBC 1921.2.7 "1.4" Factor 1.400 ACI 9-1 8 9-2 DL - 1.400 ACI 9-2 Group Factor 0.750 0.900 ACI 9-T 8 9-2 LL 1.700 ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor 0.900 UBC 1,921.2.7"0.9" Factor ACI 9-1 89-2 ST 1.700 ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor t•300 s ' ..:.seismic = ST' : 1.100 MANNING ENGINEERING. Title : Job # Osgnr Date: S:OOPM, 15 SEP 00 �! 41892 Enterprise Cir. SO. Ste. E Description ! Temecula, CA. 92590 ` ' phone:(909)676-18"fax:694-6027 Scope: E-mail: umali@iinetcom _ Rn: S103oo Tilt -Up Wall Panel Design Page 1 user: Rw-06=15, ver 5.13, u•j,n-1999, w"32 a:\rod mu h .ecw:Calculations ' (c) 1983.99 ENERCALC Description BLDG3 PIERS ' General Information Calculations are designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements Clear Height 15.500 ft` ft Pc 2,500.0 psi. Seismic Zone 4 Fy 57,000.0 psi Min Vert Steel % - 0,0020 Parapet Height 2.500 7.000 in Phi 0.900 Min Horiz Steel % 0.0012 ' Thickness _ Bar Size 4 Width 12.000 in Base Fbdty 25 % 0.6500 Bar Spacing 24.000 in Wall Seismic Factor Parapet Seismic Factor 1.6100 _ Bar Depth 6.250 in 150.0' LL 8 ST Not Combined ' Max Defl. Ratio. Concrete Weight 74.00,.pcf Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method... Deflections_ are Iterated - Parapet Weight Counteracts Middle Loads ' Lateral Loads Vertical Loads -- - - Uniform DL 1,280.00 Wft Wind Load 47.000 psf Uniform LL 1,422.00 #Ift Point load lbs ...eccentricity 7.500 in ...height ft type Wind Concentric DL 1,201.00 lbs lbs ' .load Lateral Load' 71.00 i'Nft Concentric LL ...distance to top 18.000 ft ...distance to tort 7.000 It Seismic "1" MMaaggnifier 1.000 "I" 1.000 ...load type Seismic Wind Magnifier Wall`Analysis- _ _. Far Factored Load Stresses `- For S*vic O Load Deflections; mi Wind SeismicWind ' ' Basic Deft w/o RDetta 0.461 0:126: in 0.101 0.080 in 39,927.1 25,687.0.in-# 28,519.4 21,082.7 in-# ' Basic M w/o P -Datta . Moment Excess of Mcr. 18,224.6. 1,820.5 in-# 4,759.0 0.0 in-# 0.08.1 in - Mm P -Delta Deflection Moment*. 0.705 .0.209 in 0.261 42.724.6 ;8,320.5 in-# 29,259.0 21,315.2 in-# Max P-DeMa ' - Maidmum Allow Vertical Bar Spacing 14.286 in Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd : SEISMIC 14.286 in 14.286 in Ma)dmum Allow Horizontal Bar. Spacing 18.000 in Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd :WIND 7. _ SummaryWall Design OK ' 15.50tt clear height, 2.5011 parapet, 7.00in thick with.#4 bars at 24.00in on center, d=-6.25in, fc = 2,500.Opsi °Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0method ... Deflectlons are Iterated Factored load Bending : Seismic L4ed Governs Service Load Deflection :. : Seismic Load Governs e _ Ma>amum Iterated Moment: Mu 42,724.60 in-# Meodmilm Iterated Deflection 0:261 iri 1.240 in Moment Capacity 53,392.38 in-# Deflection Limit . ` Seismic _ •- Wind -Mn • Phi': Moment Capacity - 53,392.38 in-# 40,374.66 in# 42,724.60 in-# 26,320.46 n _ - Applied: Mu Mid -Span Applied: Mu (M Top of Wall n # 35,747.15 in-# 12,327.18 i-# ` -Max iterated Service Load Deflection 0.26 in 0.08in 2.3055 : 1 Actual Deflection Ratio__ 713 : 1 ' Actual Reinforcing Percentage 0.0013 .- 0.0013 Allowable Max- Reinf. Percent = 0.6 ' Rho Bal 0.0115 : 0.0115 Actual A)dal Stress : (Pw + Po) / Ag 34.80 psi 34.80 psi 100.00 100.00 psi Allowable A)dal Stress = 0.04fc psi 1 rt Titleti Job # L� MANNING ENGINEERING �9^r Data: S:OOPM, 15 SEP 00 41'892 Enterprise Cir. So. Ste. E t. Description Temecula, CA. 92590 . phone:(909)676-1844/fax:694-6027 Scope: E-mail: umali a@iinetcom ' Z,: 510300 lker. KW-06M15, ver 5.13, 22-)un-1999, VM32 Tilt-Up Wall Panel Design Paye_ 2 a:\rod mu h .ecw:calculatlons (c) 1983.99 ENERCALC Description BLDG3 PIERS Analysis Data E 2,850,000.0 psi Sgross 98.000 in3 ' n = Es / Ec 10.18 5.000 Mcr = S ' Fr Fr = 24,500.0 in-# 250.00 psi Fr Multiplier for sgrt(fc) Rho: Bar Reinf Pct 0.0191 Ht / Thk Ratio 26.57 Values for Mn Calculation... ' As:eff= [Pu:tot + AsFyj/FY Seismic 0.172 in 0.384 in Wind 0.154 in 0.344 in a: (AsFy + Pu)/(.85 f o b) 0.452 in 0.405 in c = a I.85` 343.000 in4 343.00 in4 Igross lcracked - 59.14 in4 53.76 in4 I-eff (ACI methods only). 0.00 in4 0.900 _._._ 0.00.in4 0.900 Phi: Capacity Reduction Mn= As:eff Fy(d-ell) - Pu (Wairrhk/2-Bar Depth) 59,324.87 in-# 44,860.74 in-# Additional- Values Loads used for analysis Factored Loads Seismic Wind Wall Weigh 43.167 psf Applied A W Load 3,473.40 2,605.05 #/ft " Wall Wt' Wall Seismic Factor Wall Wt 'Parapet Seismic Factor 28.058 psf 69.498 psf Lateral Wail Weigh Total lateral loads 619.44 464.58 Nit 4,092.84 3,069.63 Nit Service Applied Axial Load 2,481.00 #/ft y Service WI (g Max Mom. 4 442.46 #M Total Service Axel Loads 2,923.46 #Jit c ACI Factors' (per ACI, applied internally to entered loads) ACI 9-1 8 9.2 OL 1.400 ACI 9-2 Group Factor 0.750 _ UBC 1921.2.7 " 1.4.' Factor 1.400 ACI 9.1 8 9.2'LL 1.700 ACI 9-3.0eadLoad Factor - i 0.900 UBC 1921.2.7'0.9" Factor 0.900 ACI 9=1:8 9-2 ST 1.700 ACI 9-3.Short Tenn Factor 1.300 ' ....seismic = ST ' :, 1.100 PAGE OF PROJECT �L�G ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 1 PAGE 2-7 OF - L& (19, 3 6*z ZZ>)/,`{ :C y Sem L-/�iE 74.Uv Atl, T S" /3 PROJECT MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E ENGR - _ TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 DATE FAX 909-296-1047 LVO I -96Z-606 Xd3 "8I -9L9-606 3NOHd 06SZ6 VINaOdlldO '`dln03W31 3 '31S ''OS 310810 3Sl8d831N3 Z68 It, 9NlH2l3Ni9Na 9 IINN4v W Id x lot, - 25 X 2S/X 5'zX r 774 V9�//Y?,/a JO Z 3'Odd 31V(l HON3 PAGE Z� OF f�Tl�✓G S - ,z18�1 2/ Y-3 IUB(/2_I`z5)Lz: 1,� _ %ZIr PROJECT ADL 3 ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 30 MANNING ENGINEERING, Title:: Job # 41892 Enterprise Cir. 3o. $te. E Dsgnr. Date; 9:43AM, 11 SEP 00, Description: Temecula, CA. 92590 phone:(909)676-1844/fax:694-6027 Scope: E-mail: umali a@iinetcom . P,: 510300 - User: MOMS, Ver 5.13, 22 -Jun -1999, w^32 .. Timber Column Design Page 1 (C)19e3-WENERCALC a:\rod mu h .ecw:Calculations Description MAC -4 grn General Information Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements Wood Section 5.125x18.0. Total Column Height 36.00 It Le XX for Axial 36.00 -ft I Rectangular Column Load Duration Factor 1.33 Le YY for Axial 0.00:ft Column Depth 18.00 in Fc 1,650.00 psi Lu XX for Bending 36.00:ft Width 5.13 in Fb 2,400.00 psi Glul-am E - Elastic Modulus 1,800 ksi Douglas Fir, 24F - V8 Loads DfAd Load Live Load _ Short Term Load i Axial Load 35,935.00 lbs 0.00 lbs 0.00 Itis Eccentricity 0.000in Applied Moment 83,981.00 in-# 38,880.00 in-# 0.00 in-# Max Design Moment 83,981.00in-# 38,880.00in-# 0.00 in-# Summary. Column OK Using :5.125x18.0, Width= 5.13in, Depth= 18.00in, Total Column Ht=.36.00ft rDL+tl' !OL +LL+ST OL+ ST . fc : Compression 389.54 psi 389:34 psi.- 389.54 psi - Fc :Allowable 1,021.62 psi 1,128J4 psi 1,128.74 psi fbx : Flexural 443.94 psi 443.94 psi 303.45 psi ' Fbx : Allowable ` '1,486.10 psi 1,580.24 psi 1,580.24 psi Interaction Value 9.5711 0.5194 0.3927 ` Stress Details ,_Fc : X -X - 1,021.62 psi ;Max k'4u / d 50.06 _ "Fc:'Y-Y 1,388.31 psi Actual k'Lu/d 19.22 Fc: Allowable 1,021.62 psi Min. AI(ow k'Lu / d 11.00 - - FC:Allow' Load Dur Factor 1,128.74 psi Cv.Bending. 0.841 Fbx = = 11,486.19 psi Rb : (Led / bA2)• ^.5 23.340 - FbxLoad Duration Factor = X1,580.24 psi Cf : Axial 0.841 Axial X -X k Lu / d 24.00 - Axial Y -Y k Lu /'d 0:00 LVO I -96Z-606 XV=l Alda 11781-9L9-606 3NOHd 06SZ6 VINHO3n`dO '` -ln03VY3-L dJN3 3 *31S ''OS 310810 3SI8da31N3 Z681b �uI2I��uI�u� �uIuu�I�i 9�� 103rodd � /),7 „zZ (7/ /v /) G/z✓� -Y�^ (Lai r eV -27 /�/? //A1 11L7�p'/11,17,99 . _. = 59/1. 26✓S/ -� !IYa/�O/�' ?�'r'!��' �7d��r --►�1 �Pr��'� ,���' �r�Ll %l is S�sd�'�7 ss' 77 -- L ILS1. ly7:(L-75W-1 4 Ss --:as �1 �' 1 �' S..�55���1. r_n-r� i _�5� -►- 7�, ,.rte- �L — ��,,/�' ����°' .. >c A�/�i -C 53L JO' (fit 30Vd ` PAGE32 OF 31 .��2211 Ti M - @ 24 o c PROJECT X06 -3 ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 PAGE' 33 OF r -Z fl 3bV OL Wi VL 3� f2 100 [2LVlii L L �D F3' 300 DL FA 3�O OL vkc P( .SOL f 2 3�o PL ., Z9 wo Pi- .3eo wL� = PZ LL 3gv ►� = i.-� PROJECT 13L -0G 3 ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 PAGE. OF F1 F2 ?3 Pu 37 4 PIo OL P3 ICO PL P -toDL M veli Or; W I L.L �}p 8 2— , wl OL 11/2 Dt 7�27) i W. LL .. W ? CL PROJECT ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 I 1 1 1. 1 1 1 Load Tables/Mon-Snow.(1251/0 < < TIM=" 5 TIH' Series Allowable Uniform Load (pit) 1 Parallel Chord • Open -Web Series TJ M ` Series FL=Fiat root less than 11;' in 12" slope. SL=Sloped root greater than Va" in 12" slope. i - - „ w 11 1 1 '1 Ytl a1 :1. 1VL IC. 11; IJi iJZ 146 149 155' 156 166 , 175 175 185 185 191 191 58' 37 49 46 i1 56 74` 67 89 9 105 91 n8 !OS 127, 119 136 ._134 145 150 154' 163 163 172 112 181 181 55 50 6. 770 30 7t ? � 58 44 41 _ _ 5 32 110 95 119 108 127 121 135_1„6 144 151 152 160 160 169 169 80, 40 3, i0 :y it 55 i- �y-- 6 .. •a'0 d6 ?8 117 '10 ::6 I:]_ 134 137 '42 150::50 !`.8 158 82 I 16 :5 1 55 50 io Sa ? :8 ?0 3 Q4 779 1! 'CO 8 11' I-5 :5 13] 138 '40 :48 148 64 _ 11 ;8 .0 :5 •10 53 4Z !: ]5 it OJ . ]1 0Z It8 !14 Z5 '25 '38 139 88 I 38 46 41 55 49 55 56 :5 is 87 'i 98 34 104 :94 lit :01 117 115 124 126 130 42 28 50 44 59 52 i9 770 79 i8 90 ` 98 'd6 105 75 111 106. n 7 116 123 70 I _ - __. 78 35 J6 41 51 48 43 55 :] 772 33 :0 _ 93 7 9 99 88 104-9.7_ 110 107 _ 116 TJH' Series be lh-2e- 27 --_�� _ 13 S1._.� _.._. 60 _P!^ - -- . FIL SL 1 FL SLIFL SL I FL. St. I FL S17_PE__3E7T_PC'l. t91 1191 544 ;84 8d 56 117 ' 177 I 58 165 165 , 60 1'.5 155 i 62 145 145: 64 I Ili t31 j 66 127 129 ; 68 1 t 7 122 ' 70 1 ._ Depth; n'i 30 I N. 4'15 :'15 ,:'J '.� •IliI•: 1I,; ,I, '•Qh ':Ll, 3`ly' :'IMlll N IN tl 1:: 1:. :6: ai: 155 455 14J 443 3 32' 14: :Ji: 55 `I ISO 14!: ' 14: 1.1G 416. 32 34' 111'1 !NS nq :.'' " to II4.`41; `:41, a: tE!_ .•,I N :'•n 11.; :1., '+02 24 397 ` 411 411 11' 111 423. 423 428 428.- 434 434 443 443. 449 , 449 452 452 456 456. 458-458. 452 i 452. 443 1 443 ! 433 r t33 n 024 26 1397 339 339 37-, 3771 383 383 388: 388 393 393 397 397 402 402 409: 409 415 415 419 419 ; 423 123 a25 i 1Z5 1 s28 428 1422 422 1.26 28 279 292 328 328 354 354 359 ' 359 363 363 367 367 371 371 371 374 381 381 385 AS 391 391 394 ' 394 ]97 ! 397! 399 399 4:28 30 32 229 190 255 122a 283 i 286 ' 1279 3t7 317 333 333 t 1306 337 ;337 ' 7�1 it �:n 11: !MIBJ ' .. '' .°1 .:'1 .. ':1: Al YII ,341 341 344 1321 344 1347 347 350 350 1355 A6 71a I ; 355 360.1 360 1364 367 -367 371 :30 34 159 t99 235 t97 . 251 223 12 239 9 247 306 271 1 271 3t5 295 ]t5 295 ]t8 298 318 298 ]0t 1 32t 301 324 303 324 ( 303 327 327 329 1329 ( 332 ; 332 338 1364 338 341 34t 345 1371 345 ,32 36 135 " 64 49 rib i5 37 3+ 12. •05 ' 111 "'2' '69' 152 188 ::8 MS .:05 222 '25 '^35 237 ' 237 278 228 240. 240 24, 241 229 239 ' 64 88 45 •10 Bio 10 C2 : • c.. -' 10 'ria '93 ' 'Pit' :^_n :' : -':4 ::7 . ..,i %5'*'- ' • -�1 _ • 1: 306 306 308 ; ]08 I ]tt 31t 313 313.316 316 321 321 34 _. 1 167,0 199- 203 221 241 242 264 264 281 _81 283 283 285 285 288 288 Z90 -'N 292 Z92 294 294 296 -296 297 ' 297 36 38 115 154 143 119 173 198 4,06 217 231 231 256 256 267 267 269 269 272 272 274 274 275 275 277. 217 279 279 280 280 38 40 39 132 123 161 . 150 t/?¢ r8. 196 :09 2!4 :31 . 231 249 249. 255 255 257 257 259 261 26t 262 262 264 264 265 265 40 i42 86 114 101 142 130 162 155 178 181 19.1 210 '184 210 225 226 242 . 242 244 244 i 246 _Z59 246 , 247 247 , 249 ; 249 251 251 251 42 44 11-5 !.100 93 124 113 148 ; 135: 162 159 11T 191 206 206 220 : 220 232 232 ; 234 234 j 235 235. 231" 2377 j 238: 238 ; 239. 1251 239 44 46 66 98 ' 82 109 100 133 119 149 140 162 162 115 185 ' 188 202 202 215 215 223 223 ' 224 224. 226 226 227 ' 227 ' 227 1227 46 48 58 77 72 96 38 117 105 136 123 149 143 ;61 164 173 185 185 10,- 197 210 210 215 215 216 216 217 21: 21' 211 48 50 151 i8 64 35 :8 T4 93 124 110 137 ,7 148 146 159 !65 171 :82 182 193 :93 :04 204 207 207 208 208 208 208 50 52 :6 ' 6t 57 76. i9 - 93 _ 33 _111 A 7 !13 137 130 147 148 158 :66 168 ;79 179 189 189 198 . 198 199 199 199 199 52 i - - „ w 11 1 1 '1 Ytl a1 :1. 1VL IC. 11; IJi iJZ 146 149 155' 156 166 , 175 175 185 185 191 191 58' 37 49 46 i1 56 74` 67 89 9 105 91 n8 !OS 127, 119 136 ._134 145 150 154' 163 163 172 112 181 181 55 50 6. 770 30 7t ? � 58 44 41 _ _ 5 32 110 95 119 108 127 121 135_1„6 144 151 152 160 160 169 169 80, 40 3, i0 :y it 55 i- �y-- 6 .. •a'0 d6 ?8 117 '10 ::6 I:]_ 134 137 '42 150::50 !`.8 158 82 I 16 :5 1 55 50 io Sa ? :8 ?0 3 Q4 779 1! 'CO 8 11' I-5 :5 13] 138 '40 :48 148 64 _ 11 ;8 .0 :5 •10 53 4Z !: ]5 it OJ . ]1 0Z It8 !14 Z5 '25 '38 139 88 I 38 46 41 55 49 55 56 :5 is 87 'i 98 34 104 :94 lit :01 117 115 124 126 130 42 28 50 44 59 52 i9 770 79 i8 90 ` 98 'd6 105 75 111 106. n 7 116 123 70 I _ - __. 78 35 J6 41 51 48 43 55 :] 772 33 :0 _ 93 7 9 99 88 104-9.7_ 110 107 _ 116 TJH' Series be lh-2e- 27 --_�� _ 13 S1._.� _.._. 60 _P!^ - -- . FIL SL 1 FL SLIFL SL I FL. St. I FL S17_PE__3E7T_PC'l. t91 1191 544 ;84 8d 56 117 ' 177 I 58 165 165 , 60 1'.5 155 i 62 145 145: 64 I Ili t31 j 66 127 129 ; 68 1 t 7 122 ' 70 1 ._ Depth; n'i 30 I N. 4'15 :'15 ,:'J '.� •IliI•: 1I,; ,I, '•Qh ':Ll, 3`ly' :'IMlll N IN tl 1:: 1:. :6: ai: 155 455 14J 443 3 32' 14: :Ji: 55 `I ISO 14!: ' 14: 1.1G 416. 32 34' 111'1 !NS nq :.'' " to II4.`41; `:41, a: tE!_ .•,I N :'•n 11.; :1., '+02 149 119 :117 1C}. 4:7. 34. �:65 •l:6 ]a9 717 dU2 J09.-:409].Ju leo 4r) I17 4;4 424 4:10 430 '436 P+)6 438 438 441 441 1.11 44I u2 7712 422. 422-1 38 ! .27 :73 :79 140. )''8 '180 !86 '186 ' 171 '!')1 '.19i '17N 400 1001Q5 4 0 .+10 .1�0 _415. 415 418 Jib 4.0 421 421 415 116 1 38 40 :95 :61 :'.8 107 f2' '150 NA .166 17' !:5 !:5 179 1:9 :83 183 187 !87 111 391 175 ,4.0 105 '_399 399 401, 401 403 403 40 :8 .:'i :1 :1 .:9h ..:1 :til :-til _ .o h0 :b.: :1,4 !h1 h: :h: !:0 t:l 1: I _ 1:1 l:n l:n 181 !N1 _ 183 383 4 44 • IN 'I; 'IK ;5.1 :I'1 "11, .:11 .:5 I :1, .,, !'1 :•1 141 :41 :, !4 . . 1 ,157 I57 !2.!64 I, 1 4 64 48 l : ! I!0 ' !.!!1 11 116 48- ' !1h ' !'RI !:!N > 141 141 !4y ' !4'i : 146 146 - 46 1 115 153 152 .03 194 .44 :.lo :/4.-:70- :o3 )to 110 til 111 116 316 1111 118' 321. ' 121 323 123 325.1 325 328 328 127 ' 327 48 50 -i 102 136 115 18C t:; ::5 ::+ :52 :'_8 :90 :7/ :7: 100 100 '.02 302 :05 :OS 107 309 309 312 .312 314 31.4 .31t ' 311 s0 _307 52 11 9t 121 1;0 :61 IS4 ;CS '91- :33-_ :31 :59 _'74 :94 :88 .'98 :70 'M .:72 ;721 :75 '1:11 ', :75 :97 _ ,77 ` 299 - 19 lot _ lot :78'.298 _ 1 52 7�1 it �:n 11: !MIBJ ' .. '' .°1 .:'1 .. ':1: Al YII .'na .:9S AS a: :tl: ;89- :n') :Ori- A6 71a I :ISN :lin ,_ 58 Mi _ in 1: ::' r :'1 t :!n ,rl ;y nl ? a !. c. -6 1 : 19 .:) I :fi1 :G2 779 .7 ':6 ' :h: :f,4 :fs .:66, :6177 :fib H ' 2fi5. I. c: 5 . s8 ._ 9 106 :O1 115 ^rib -.153 :9S _:82 :!4 2:7 233 :4; :50 :52" 252 253 ' 253 :55 -:55 257 '257 258 _58 256,- 256: 60 82 54 :2 72 96 ')2 123 ::5 :S3 = 21 -82 .'66 :00 17S !IS 225 226 :43 :43 -245 245 246 246 248 248 -249 ' 249.241 241 ; 62 64 49 rib i5 37 3+ 12. •05 ' 111 "'2' '69' 152 188 ::8 MS .:05 222 '25 '^35 237 ' 237 278 228 240. 240 24, 241 229 239 ' 64 88 45 •10 Bio 10 C2 : • c.. -' 10 'ria '93 ' 'Pit' :^_n :' : -':4 ::7 . ..,i %5'*'- ' .27 -�1 _ 21 _.`�^ ... 1: 23 '22 !21. --_'21. 86 88 41 • 775 775 1 1 y n c`t): :. ;6 :i). 'NI _ 1 ",q :n o, n, 21 „5 ::5 225 _. 24 68. ' 70 !8 10 40 .•,' 65 , . 99':.6 y _.. j:g 2!g *19' .=5 219 - 2i:'7d- 0'1. 1 .-Values shown are maximum allowable -load capacities. Open -web trusses will be:custom designed to the specified loads. 2. Straight line fnlerpolatians may be mace Oe.tween depins ana spans .V31UB5 SnOwn aramaxlRTUm.]IIow701e 10.70 Caoac:ties of the trusses in pounds pePliro3al toot Iplf) basea•on. ' - simple Soan uniformly I0aaed Conditions an assumed 28°:, ratio of aeaa load to;otal load leg. 20 ost live, 12 pst aeaa) These tables may be non -conservative 0 the actual ratio is ' higher than 38%. A more accurate analysis can be octalnea by using the TJ -Beam - software -program • lop Chord Z bearing CIIoS.'Hlgner value's may be oosslole ''vltn.other types of bearing c!Ios. .4. These tables may also be used for bottom chard bearing trusses ;maximum bottom ChOra slope of a" 12711 wiln or wlthour.c3nolevers -.atone or, both ends. Cantilevers are limited to ' 1 ol'the main scan prdvloea the Inooaic snear for c3ntileve.rea conaltions Is limited to •1.900 lbs. for TJM•- Series and 7.100 for TJH " Series. 5. Repetitive member usage increases are not allowed with agues ;n tables above. REV. 6/97 W --- 5.1 t f 1 1 1 1 Toad Tables Hon -Snow 1 ° TM • / . (� 25 /o) TIL S TIM Seises Allowable Uniform Load (plf)' _ Parallel Chord-• Open -Web- FL --Flat roof less than '!e" in 12" slope. SL -Sloped roof greater than Va" in 12" slope. �- TJL' Series - 1 ,� •� •> 4 7I » I �n �y U 6Z 65 ]jai 70 69 40 75 45 41 4H 46 52 52 55 58' S8' 52 62 55 so 4 1: 4, 1: 45 4, 49 +tl 52 53 55 58 -58 it 19 41 10 46 41 4g 49 52 5+ 55 58 '.8 e4. 15 41 15 43 .40 :6 a .199 50 51 54 54 be _ 31 41 36 +J +t +6 +5 +Y 50 St 39 77 41 ]7 44 • .42. 46 46 48 70'. TJ LX' • Series:Check with your Iocal'Teus Joist MacMlltan roprA§entallve on avotlo6tllty of -the rJLx'\ Serte:li In your area.' Depth U 24' se 2 �o ]s se Span -. _L_ _ 1-- n 14 I'J3 193 193 11]7 :8'] 189 !81 - !NI I:n I:n 1..6 :•.H !++ u4 I'M IN 11: - 11: !04 104 ;93 :93 ;81 ;81 -:0 ;70 ;59 ;59 1 Is I n9 31/7 159 1959 :fib %h :61 Ito :51 153 '41 !41 it. r.!: !,0 1-.0 Ir•N !08 :96 :% ;86 1ifti' ::5 :5 :65 65 ;55 ;55 , le le 1;A `.T�:HIi 1n. 176 19]6 !+t u1 !:!N 138 IN) !'!n 1.e 111) nn .•1'1":'T) 'IrJ ,87. '80 a0 :69 `f9 .:fi0 60 RO .:50 18 198 121 212' 4.;82 Ito ]t8 ]is 718 -31", .)t: ]09 -109 100- 300 .01 ;9t 28t :;Bt 271 273 i '64 264 :55 T445S 246 248 22 1163 ' Is, ;09 ;09 274 � :58 ;82 ;82 294 '04 ;93- ;93 ,_ 919 291 281 .283 275 273 287 Zfi7 ,'259 :59 250 230-1 242 '242 22 24 128 .152 1:191 1;7•- 204 ;04 _ '26 'bS :+H :68 '6H ;4 274 ;J 271 ':7 271 ;68 268 'St '619 + 2 '1)1 .I!0 15 :51 .1.- I.- \q2 !n 25] _.3] 246 46 .78 -2]8 1.24 . _ •' 11tZ .:r7 �D , u� 2e a !ns of 130. 1.19 :4ff 166 hfi •N8 :p4 '2fl4 ';0 :fi '16 •26 '26 ;26 ;26:16 216' 1 :16 -:16 226 216 M. 210 28 30 fi 18 tNi '114, :1'1 I:9 . '+1 !45 "61 'T1: !:5 .M .q1- lot :o5 :!'). ;199 ;:0' @0 :20 :20' ;:0: :;0 '.20; 1:0 2:0 210 ' 30 9H'. -94 114 r 117 . 12; 141 141. 155 SSS • 169 Je9 86 xPa. 1 j9 1999 ;06 206 1 208 _20157 206 ' 206 ..106 206.208 206 ' 34 d6 619 519 82_ .79 101 = 98 113 1199 121 I]; 31 150 ]tf0 `162 let 174 P7 185 185 1199• 1994 1994 1994' 194 1994 .•199] 19] 3< 3e ]9 52 52 59 56 39'' 33 101 lot 112- 1921 12] 134 "13{ 1+5 148 1956 lee 166 175_ 175 • 198] `183 .182- 182 U9 179 3e _ 44 44 59 'S: :6 .'1 90 36 ;CO '0] !!n :30 !:0 ]0. 40 ..140 ' u9 162 66 !6b' °I:i 174 169 !69 1 40 38. !8 50 _ `+9 i5 i1 11 '{ )t i9 )9 04 'C8 t.' 1: i 1, ';5 , i :15 u4 1j�4. 'S4 ' :157: 157 :59 .159 : -40 . 12 44 ' 42 56 i] :0 i4 . d2 )0 91 :'18 '''05 !06 u ' 14 122 �� 1.0 ��30 '8 1138' -:4: 147 ISO i50 42 44 38_ 17 49 k+6 61 56 75- 67 32 79 89 92 9i 104 104 11.12 119 :10 1926 !126 .1�. tat tat I 44 ' 46 43 .; 40 54. 49 66 59 :5 _64 -'82 31 89 9] 95 002 , 102 169 1196 •116 125, 127 4e ' _----- '_8. == 35 47 43 58 52 i9 6t _ :5 11 _81 _ _ 32 . M � 93 '34 100 100 106 .1192_ 1 1920 120 4a . 42 ,s --i1 -:5 - ii ' i4 -,9 i3 :5 :? �d1 33 16 W )2 98 9H 103..E '09 ' SO 52 3; - 34 :fi st 55 _ :8 i4 -d i9 65 :5 :4 30 33;5 .-0 90 )6 Ot - 52' - --- - -_-- .. _ 11 49 41 Sd 50 54 58 i9 56 :4 :5' , :9 34 34 39 d9 9, 54-• 58 ( 58 37 44 29" 52 45 50 52 64 00 69 -67 %J -75 78 82 82 87. 87 S6 60 40 35 47 ' 41 55 47 60 54 64, 61 68 68 73 76 71 7 6 `389 ( 58 - _ __ 76 __ 64 45`- 39 2 56 50 60 56 i4 62 67 69 _� 66 35 41 35 41- 40 53 46 56 51 i0 57 63 63 .. -- -rv�• -Irl-p JO Ti/+JrfJO'4'•'R4C�44U?9F - �. •270 ,14 • 359 45 28 50' ; 43 .53 48 56 53 ' 393 393 389 1. Values shown are maximum allowable load capacities. Open -web trusses will be custom designed to the specified loads. 381 381 , 370 370 358 358 . 344 344 330 330 317 317 304 304' 293 293 281 281 270 259 259 l4 4.11 18 Z82 ]19 754 354 761 361 i 153 JSJ i J4f 34J ]32 332 320 320 308 308 296 *2961 286 286 275 2751 265 2651 i 255 255 I.. 167.. 275 267 298 328 328 ' 338 338.. 330 330 320 320 310 310 ' 299 299 ' 289 289 1 280 280 269 269 260 760 ! 250 250 18 - ' 195 195 ' 223 249JERM 275 J00 300 317 317 309 309 1300 700 2919 291 281 281 277 273 264 264 Z55 255 246 246 22 24 157 161 11984 207 228 250 270 291 2919 1 291 291 1283 283 1275 Z75 267 267 259 125J 259 250 250 242 1238 242 1922 19]3 1960 1960 ! 1980 Z00 219 238 238 256 273 277 , 273 277 268 268 261 2619 253 246 246 238 '124 26 96 114 128 132 153 169 186 86 202 2198f1j: 237 249 249 2_'+ ?54 254 254 2+9 2+9 241 Z4t 274 234 281 99 103 Its IJZ 136 151- 1966 :43 80 95 :68 e.09tae223 223 -236 236 276 276 236 236 276 236 210 230 28 30 i3 94 84 101 108 117 130 170 156 ' e6 8 1819 110 193 205 219 219 220 220. 220 220 220 2220 ! 30 1 34 52 u 69 58 ;o 1 58 88 78 89 75 101 89 Ill 1 93 n3 '29 129:1 tat 1. 153 164 1;5 1986 191 203 203 1 206 206 206 Z06 32 1 36 37 49 49 1 i too I 1 1 111 127 174 1944 y 1954 164 1975 19 9 1985 1871 1193 193 34 66 63 79 79 89 M 98 ! log 108 122 132 32 1419 .9--d 150 155 165 171 171 174 174 "36 38 42 42 56 5-1 719 d7 :9 d2 38 97 97 105 114 Im 192; :1?7 :36 117 1947 1956 1619 19619 ; 40 36 36 48._ 46 62 58 75 '1 31- 94 . 48 98 1906 119] . t 1219 170 136 179 1u .38 10. 42 41 40 53 50 67 it 73 34 86 91 98 48 105 112 116 122 130 1932 42 j 44 36 j5 47 u 58 5346' 67: 64 J 75 80 86. 86 95 95 .101 109 CO. 114 A 1 117 124 44 1 41 J8 51 47 60 56 i6 65 72 77 78 37 M d9 95 103 tt0 19192 4e 48 36 +1, +S 40 l: 55 _+9 :9 \ 4+ - i0 56 58 52 _56 i0 �8 i0 719 i5 i9 T :0 32..: :5 :5 88 'd0 iso 93- 35 99 106 18 SO 90' 96 75 47 39 • 51 :fi 56 54 i0 i2 i5 i9 •69 '+ 8. 93 37 S2 54 -'35 39. 35 ' 4. 42 41 l; i l 47 : 4y 43 55 51 i5 50 _59 55 •i3 5; •6+ .6.8 59 1 62 tib 2 62 67 .ij' :5 71 31 75 54 tie . t m 1 ,� •� •> 4 7I » I �n �y U 6Z 65 ]jai 70 69 40 75 45 41 4H 46 52 52 55 58' S8' 52 62 55 so 4 1: 4, 1: 45 4, 49 +tl 52 53 55 58 -58 it 19 41 10 46 41 4g 49 52 5+ 55 58 '.8 e4. 15 41 15 43 .40 :6 a .199 50 51 54 54 be _ 31 41 36 +J +t +6 +5 +Y 50 St 39 77 41 ]7 44 • .42. 46 46 48 70'. TJ LX' • Series:Check with your Iocal'Teus Joist MacMlltan roprA§entallve on avotlo6tllty of -the rJLx'\ Serte:li In your area.' Depth U 24' se 2 �o ]s se Span -. _L_ _ 1-- n 14 I'J3 193 193 11]7 :8'] 189 !81 - !NI I:n I:n 1..6 :•.H !++ u4 I'M IN 11: - 11: !04 104 ;93 :93 ;81 ;81 -:0 ;70 ;59 ;59 1 Is I n9 31/7 159 1959 :fib %h :61 Ito :51 153 '41 !41 it. r.!: !,0 1-.0 Ir•N !08 :96 :% ;86 1ifti' ::5 :5 :65 65 ;55 ;55 , le le 1;A `.T�:HIi 1n. 176 19]6 !+t u1 !:!N 138 IN) !'!n 1.e 111) nn .•1'1":'T) 'IrJ ,87. '80 a0 :69 `f9 .:fi0 60 RO .:50 18 198 121 212' 4.;82 Ito ]t8 ]is 718 -31", .)t: ]09 -109 100- 300 .01 ;9t 28t :;Bt 271 273 i '64 264 :55 T445S 246 248 22 1163 ' Is, ;09 ;09 274 � :58 ;82 ;82 294 '04 ;93- ;93 ,_ 919 291 281 .283 275 273 287 Zfi7 ,'259 :59 250 230-1 242 '242 22 24 128 .152 1:191 1;7•- 204 ;04 _ '26 'bS :+H :68 '6H ;4 274 ;J 271 ':7 271 ;68 268 'St '619 + 2 '1)1 .I!0 15 :51 .1.- I.- \q2 !n 25] _.3] 246 46 .78 -2]8 1.24 . _ •' 11tZ .:r7 �D , u� 2e a !ns of 130. 1.19 :4ff 166 hfi •N8 :p4 '2fl4 ';0 :fi '16 •26 '26 ;26 ;26:16 216' 1 :16 -:16 226 216 M. 210 28 30 fi 18 tNi '114, :1'1 I:9 . '+1 !45 "61 'T1: !:5 .M .q1- lot :o5 :!'). ;199 ;:0' @0 :20 :20' ;:0: :;0 '.20; 1:0 2:0 210 ' 30 9H'. -94 114 r 117 . 12; 141 141. 155 SSS • 169 Je9 86 xPa. 1 j9 1999 ;06 206 1 208 _20157 206 ' 206 ..106 206.208 206 ' 34 d6 619 519 82_ .79 101 = 98 113 1199 121 I]; 31 150 ]tf0 `162 let 174 P7 185 185 1199• 1994 1994 1994' 194 1994 .•199] 19] 3< 3e ]9 52 52 59 56 39'' 33 101 lot 112- 1921 12] 134 "13{ 1+5 148 1956 lee 166 175_ 175 • 198] `183 .182- 182 U9 179 3e _ 44 44 59 'S: :6 .'1 90 36 ;CO '0] !!n :30 !:0 ]0. 40 ..140 ' u9 162 66 !6b' °I:i 174 169 !69 1 40 38. !8 50 _ `+9 i5 i1 11 '{ )t i9 )9 04 'C8 t.' 1: i 1, ';5 , i :15 u4 1j�4. 'S4 ' :157: 157 :59 .159 : -40 . 12 44 ' 42 56 i] :0 i4 . d2 )0 91 :'18 '''05 !06 u ' 14 122 �� 1.0 ��30 '8 1138' -:4: 147 ISO i50 42 44 38_ 17 49 k+6 61 56 75- 67 32 79 89 92 9i 104 104 11.12 119 :10 1926 !126 .1�. tat tat I 44 ' 46 43 .; 40 54. 49 66 59 :5 _64 -'82 31 89 9] 95 002 , 102 169 1196 •116 125, 127 4e ' _----- '_8. == 35 47 43 58 52 i9 6t _ :5 11 _81 _ _ 32 . M � 93 '34 100 100 106 .1192_ 1 1920 120 4a . 42 ,s --i1 -:5 - ii ' i4 -,9 i3 :5 :? �d1 33 16 W )2 98 9H 103..E '09 ' SO 52 3; - 34 :fi st 55 _ :8 i4 -d i9 65 :5 :4 30 33;5 .-0 90 )6 Ot - 52' - --- - -_-- .. _ 11 49 41 Sd 50 54 58 i9 56 :4 :5' , :9 34 34 39 d9 9, 54-• 58 ( 58 37 44 29" 52 45 50 52 64 00 69 -67 %J -75 78 82 82 87. 87 S6 60 40 35 47 ' 41 55 47 60 54 64, 61 68 68 73 76 71 7 6 at ( 58 26 42 37 49 43_56 49 60 55 64 62 68 59 72 76 •:4 76 60' 64 45`- 39 2 56 50 60 56 i4 62 67 69 71 I tit 66 35 41 35 41- 40 53 46 56 51 i0 57 63 63 .. 67 I 64 ' --- '_% 32, 49 42 53 4, 56 52 59 58 - - --- 63 1 66' 45 28 50' ; 43 .53 48 56 53 ' 59 68 I _ 41 35 47 i 39 50 ! 44 53 49 56 70' 1. Values shown are maximum allowable load capacities. Open -web trusses will be custom designed to the specified loads. 2. Straight Ilne 1rlterpolafions may be made between depths'and spans. 3. Values shown are maximum allowable load capacities of the trusses In pounds per lineal toot (plf) based on: simple span. uniformly loaded conditions. an assumed 3811. ratio of dead load 10 total load (eg.: 20 psf live/ 12 pst dead). These tables may be non -conservative if the actual ratio is higher than 381b. A more accurate analysis can be obtained by using the TJ --Beam " software program. top chord no -notch bearing clips -with 1?%" bearing. Higner values may be possible with other types of bearing clips. J. These tables may also be used for bottom chord bearing trusses (maximum bottom chord slope of 1-/12") with or without cantilevers - at one or both ends. Cantilevers are limited to Ili of the main span provided the Inboard shear for cantilevered conditions is limited to 2.500 lbs. 5. Values 1n gray QWM areas may be increased 7% far repetitive member usage it the criteria on page 9.7 are met. REV. 61'97 W - ----------- _ - - - - - -- 5.9 ` PAGE3`% OF t 7Wa IS - L,aT, rzc/S Ta 3Eg�T1,-,vg Z)i,16 2,2 ' h*6mG ;clluc - '('Z 7-2..t' zs 1y3 ALF -7� PROJECT MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E ENGR TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 DATE FAX 909-296-1047 SAT PAGE OF I PROJECT 2LyC MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E ENGR TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 DATE FAX 909-296-1047 PAGE: OF 772ZL/S - L,a r,aL N l/ T;ag (� (.29 3 / 3 �� Fr/6 s W3137y) 3 - 1718" 7 �k Z J 2345c nL ATS .31.3-24- 5-13, 31.3-24 5-13, 91 /V f /61 . est - 5 �o• ��� 4 (3)% = 2 3Y 7 = 238 �% x /y xry O` .o3s zS,s 7S< 28"728 PROJECT— MANNING ENGINEERING I. j3x- (-xfy 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E ENGR TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 DATE FAX 909-296-1047 PAGE la OF ` 7�0 A1A/�/TA%/ sil'P4�/� - sGC77'210 HOLZ- 77eELZ 1S ` !J /5 Ty�.vX .4cuu�,4d� V, , PROJECT ENGR DATE 1/Z #x� Ivo' 4 XJ1 C64 T 0 6)6)v-5) all s ; 'o F�rz MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 PAGE OF Ha)VTO Su�x/ 576 Cev WA L Gf%Gh'T = 17 Psi -..- - -- (12 73- 7 PCF 24 .y ��5� < 7, l -4,k A T Tod PROJECT MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E ENGR TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 DATE FAX 909-296-1047 _ PAGE +� OF PROJECT MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E ENGR TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 DATE FAX 909-296-1047 31F 0 44� . Gl/i 7,//'V,4L(/&Z = /�S� /,<i 4 Z A31, PROJECT MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E ENGR TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 DATE FAX 909-296-1047 PAGE�.3 OF, 4X4 2 (31,ae) X 4 L,46, -We 5 L 2'jZx2%7-x3116, A T 'o 'Oc, PROJECT ENGR DATE OA/ Z Cl 1105 MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 PAGE: OF PROJECT ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 WALL HGC/,l/7E.7� T/IRL/S u 7 v SIL/ T Cl PAGE , OF r ,I ZxZ x%/6 . 775-, 1. 1 72 S- PROJECT 360 A/ MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E ' ENGR TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 DATE FAX 909-296-1047 PAGE OF i/O, 4 1ZwrZ5 z 79 iC,ltL 0/s 7,ayCE of e�� ;. 5'N6k1 /. t o &5,4 -;�77 .c,k/ - 5; 7-4-L 71'eellTib j rvTa� lAa6k��t' 51IL4N ?L F - 1414 cc&A36F S7/5 ylr ,ZcGo ALF. - z�.��i �7Z`/'S/ PROJECT ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676=1844 FAX 909-296-1047 PAGE OF L /N7ZL 75� (/6, 7� (.Z2 - 7 w�= Z Vv i 1, 1A.1 /r -J, ''bCP77/ Z Iz PROJECT MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E ENGR TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 ' PHONE 909-676-1844 DATE FAX 909-296-1047 PAGE OF 13LZ)G -4 Tia t31.�= Cr Ccf)Al 72- vVrS LOADS — -- — — — — — — 2 L ATE AAL Ar jA Lys IS -- — — - — _ _ _ 3- �sE s H-EAK A -(l WA L L DIAp I -f KA C, M L E D C., F i2 c1i&KD - Vi=IZTIC�� 2r7 J�c-of= rywLWTED-�,SG�EFQ WA LLS 0 FOOT I N6S. PROJECT 9106 ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 L170t-96Z-606 Xdd b178l-9L9-606 3NOHd 06926 VIN80311t1C 'vinD3VY31 3 '31S "OS 310810 3SI8d83lN3 Z69tb q&TjH3H,1-.IIgi-,.,1H 9ITIINNVIAJ --------- 31b'a – - — dON3 5���–103MUd 2. W 2IZ 1772 '770 9N17H G-�IZX7d cis 3o Z 30dd 0AL`C nr+ L A TE AL ,A IA Z ysrS UC 7/6�� f i�'GLEIJU�� f r�C C'13C SOIL PWC r /Lt R�PcrZ T g�5c Si-lr;o�Z 4 jr PROJECT__...___a��� _ MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E ENGR __._.__ _ TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 DATE _ .____ ___ FAX 909-296-1047 PArF nC PROJECT 6L 4 ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590-4822 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 L,aTtWAZ- AN,a0ys1s PAGE OF (U WALL i�L T U,65. f Z 7�1Z i PROJECT ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590-4822 PHONE 909-676-1844- FAX 09-676-1844FAX 909-296-1047 K -F! LA TL -I- .A& PAGE OF � J (1 �- 14960 ;�'. iQi7TG-S ick Ld '/ fi�)� /,V6 J 7- 19X acs 3� 1bg3.5 PROJECT ENGR DATE 2v 15� MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590-4822 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 PAGE OF SHEAR K11Q- L s Ll E AA Ll��/.x 11 Z "7/, �PS�" < ��'� ��l = z(s5)�, 156 U19� lF T )�2 Rcl/✓r�`1G/r(� _ PROJECT ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 q z 9". 1, z[3 Ll��/.x 11 Z "7/, �PS�" < ��'� ��l = z(s5)�, 156 U19� lF T )�2 Rcl/✓r�`1G/r(� _ PROJECT ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 L 19'e- C 3 PAGE v OF -pICR 72 , o � $,.'"7 �/ o< 3 r 71611 .meg .` /o;z-7 o13 jy, Psi 1 U 3 _� ALLY. IZCi:"1- Z y. 2] PLr) 7,z Z 11c 7' 77 �f /70`f PROJECT�� ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590-4822 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 SN��R WALL s 3 PAGE �' OF 7, Eq' /s lr7 SY 74 J � PROJECT= ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 7 12,7 PAGE �' OF 7, Eq' /s lr7 SY 74 J � PROJECT= ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 pnr.F n� Ll c 7L / A Ti�k s PROJECT 4L ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 /3y 7 S- X14'0 75 ; .2 4; 7 74 i , : l '072 136- ll�. 1-1� i - 3 i 2,:7 .... 7,. 12j/; 3Y L5� PROJECT 4L ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 7. 'Y 11 PAGE, OF rvRCf = /91i7 93 ' 314 AJ.TL'57'---D A iy7.T�'��Tr� i�'� �✓pct (4. s/��� / `i 33 7)/ 757 7s J. ,2 e7 PAF - tyyS� 7 P f PROJECLD 'f ' ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i PAGE 17i OF PROJECT iENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 1 `1��2 1�✓c'c'r7 ?/�� G TLIKII L 'T'IL�-IZZ T 'Al xi / FAI3LCcK�7� T 3 , 1�fI4 I i w I'd 7cF i lW� 14,6 :. PROJECT iENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 1997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE I ?j TABLE 214141 TABLE 234144—ALLOWABLE SHEAR IN POUNDS PER FOOT FOR HORIZONTAL•WOOD STRUCTURAL PANEL . DIAPHRAGMS W" FRAMING OF DOUGLAS FIR -LARCH OR SOUTHERN PINE1 BLOCKED OIAPNAAGMS ( UNBLOCKED OIAPHAAGMS - - FUM SOWng (ln) at olaohragm omndanea (all C M I 0 MON I PANEL GRACE NAIL SIZE aaal 5 and 61 'r :i4 for mm I r 0.0146 for PYmnl bJ I 11/4 cas"L at' eontinuoua panel sag" ovaON to _ 165 I 135 I 111) Structural I SJ I 111 I I load (Cases 3 and a( and at all panel edgaa Nada aoacad6' (152 mm) TOIL I "_65 I 100 )_UJ:5 0+0 730 _ I•. i I test I I 135 215• (Gaea 5 and 6) al aucconed edges 1711) 3:0 I till ^� ;ii 1311' I rr'" I, x 23.4 for mm - 1J Ilr, ' .:51()) - MINIMUM 6 I 4 2117 ( 24 - - I, l I) t; (:• � ! _ ::II i?!1 1811 � Ali I I MINIMUM NAIL MINIMUM NOMINAL NOMINAL \MICTH OG —7—N,, apacfnq pn.) at other panes sogea Gee 1 (NO `inJ •ahcr -,mile, • ( • ..7U I i�. PIN N PANEL FRAMING .1 ,5.4 fpr mm Unolocaed JCgee All Otnir RAMIN IN FRAMING •1.1 I I MEMBER or continuous Contlgunttons � 1 TIMI I 11111 ,dM1 � 1111 I :DS 4)11 I� IIne11ee) _THICKNESS Ilnet+eal Ilnennl 6 I 6 1 4 1 (delta on"Im to (Gaea 2, 7, 4, 0 MON I PANEL GRACE NAIL SIZE aaal 5 and 61 'r :i4 for mm I r 0.0146 for PYmnl bJ I 11/4 I c/le I I 135 I X50 I .75 :1=0 IO 30 1_0 I 475 _ 165 I 135 I 111) Structural I SJ I 111 I I r 3 I )00 I 100 I b00 I 675 I "_65 I 100 )_UJ:5 0+0 730 _ I•. i I test I I 135 215• 1711) 3:0 I till ^� ;ii 1311' I rr'" I, 15U 110 1J Ilr, I I`1j7 .:51()) - 1.7 1; i 1_l) l• :311 1:17 I. 115 I:tS 1117 - - I, l I) t; (:• � ! _ ::II i?!1 1811 � Ali I I � ShcuthIn4, I I 1 _ill I Ih11 I cell I' hill I :111 I 130 `inJ •ahcr -,mile, • ( •`.1 1111 <I7S <7c I I I ..7U I i�. •ru11;11(' I t,l I1'• ntl ^ 1 :Yc ;:til I 1711 I 1111 I 55 I I'lll �I,uuLuJ : 1•' •,r I I •1.1 I I I I•. - :�11 l/,U ,:,) t Will I ' 1 � 1 TIMI I 11111 ,dM1 � 1111 I :DS 4)11 I� , lUl .all 'ir •'1!1 :11 I . � I � � I � - :�. � I ( 11: I 4.0 {NII i ••?II t:!1. :� : � 141 I ::11. ,' I-l,e••0 +due. N¢ bn .11.41 un,e :,, ul. •InC ••, .. u,.l •. r ::rJlh p,..\.' W,I It :IV n'd... 01 ;•e r,�u1 :ul a.rt nl.11 :,,.:r'h ne'1111 ` 1111'.:,1ltll ern ltun� nnerina,I.,Iv rr.unme nlct nhrr, ♦Niel • \11..., :1111 he.0 :,,le., It.un,n,; •ncn,f cr, •.I .alio .,n•u.•, .,I :,nth ui I ......... 111. 1' ut 111 .hjll he _41,,"'V, 1 I..f JI'•,Iher ;r.,Je. nv inu7uplv,ng the .hear .. ..IP.,.Irlc, L.r .,•ul..n \Ilu,i,u d I nv :h; n,Il•,..:n� 4,Klll : •1 ,::,.r p,i.IC\ •vnh •pru1,� ;r ,v,,. ;r.•.Urr :Il.m •n . q" t. it 1: 'n11 :c„ 111411 II •4'1 ,nJ II ni Iur .vve V., .unit , 1. if.1„IV le•., ,11,,11 :I l': � • ,.Iec, .11.,11 Ia I ,i,.h� ',, :,,,,nu1.,i •v ...7.r "III :Iml, .11AI I.0 :I.,"vre.S .i llvfv n.111..m; •P.,.cd :0nchcr ISI ,nlnl :Ir : • :ncfic.% 11n::nnu ..n .enter .iuiy •_ • '1'r alnn4� a. "I'l"mllle 11.11101 .,lee, .11,11 I`e I- -mh '� , 'I- inn I an.nnl..I •,r .11.111 1\ ,L,O i:C M1,I .hef0..l II,J n.nl. Il.,v,n\-pcnetramin inln Irammi:.d m6n! -, 111J11 I• �:1�111•-„ ll illi 111 nl' •,,.1\.:I { ,ntl,l-, � •l, •i„I.I .� •:,1 ..�I,IIf ... LCAO Fa.annrlr� CASE I/ _` BLCCXING IF'u5E0 GaSE : CASE 7 I I I I I = ' CASE 1.• L_; 1I- 71 I' ��l I I .; r OIAP"RAGM SCUNOARY Z CCNTINUGLS ANE'_ JOINT S 1 ( I I CASES r�AMING / CASE raAMING 6- / - LOAD ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ LOAD I I I I II'I i I I iIIII! I I I I 7 I7 CONTINUOUS PAN EL JOINTS / ZLCCXING / \ 2LCCXING CONTINUOUS PANEL JOINTS NOTE: Framing be may crientea In either Cirencn for Ciaphragms, prcvioea Shealhing is property aesfgnea for vemcal loaaing- ' _ 2-287 II 1997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE TBLE 19 TABLE 9.0 TABLE 19-C-2-AAAMMUM PERMISSIBLE COMPUTED DEFLECTIONS TYPE OF YEl1BER I OEfLELMON TO BE CON S10f3tED I OE7�NION Flat toots not supporting or attached to nonstructural elements likely to be damaged large delleaions - by I Immediate deflection due to live load L I - t Floors not supporting orattached to nonstructural elements likely to be damagtd by Immediate detlectton due live Ioad Llarge deflections to Root or floor construction supporting or attached to nunstructural elements' likely to tie I That part of the total deflection damaged by large deflections occurring - atter attachment of nonstructural elements (sum of the 480 Root or Jluur construc:wn supporting 1 or attached to nunstruc:ural elements likely to nut luny-ome deflection due to all suslained be damaged by large deflections loads and the immediate deflection due to inv idditiunal live Iuads)J -_10 'The limit is nut intended w safeguard against punding. The member .hall he for checked punding by.tillable calculauuns of ,leticaton, Including added deflections' duc to pundcd water, and cunsldenng lung -term ctfects of .111 sustained loads, camber. construcitun tolerances -and reliability of provistuns fur dra'. The limn may be exceeded If adequate inage. m easures are taken to prevent damige u1 supportcd or atta%-ted elements. Lung-omc deflection shall he determined to i conlance with Sccnun I101J._.5 or PN14..;.4._ but may he reduced by the deticctlun amount of calLvlmed to occur before attachment of nunstructural elements. This amount ,hall he Jeecrmincd on hasls of Jlcepled engineering data relating I members similar to those hang considered. to rime-detlecttun characteristics JBut nut greater than wlennce pmvlded for nunsiructural elements. The limits may he exceeded II camhcr Is pn,vlded so that total detlecuun nut exceed limo. minus camber dyes TABLE 19-C-1—MINIMUIN THICKNESS OF SLABS WITHOUT INTERIOR BEAMS � wrTNour oROP wameL:• •Nrn4 oROP..Mels• YIELD 9THENOTM. f ON• eJltNta v..V. I. • a.WMO 101 -API.— 'NIINOuI .oQ• O..M. wIM .Op. p.•rn.+ IMNIOI p.nN{ 'NIt11o.1 O..rn.+ I InIMOI p.nN• 1 . -1 t •r, -: It, Ih _ 111 J11 .. - IMI INNI - INNI la 1 •I „r v.lh,e, ..1 Icollnru•n,cln .Ic I, I'.urnelh n(•L.,,.cn the • I1... cl-11 nl Inc A,Ic. rtllnnn nrtl '11"Lov— 'll.ol Ise Iclermmul by lull'ar nnerl+, d.nunC I)rnfl t,.ulcl ,. Je11ne11 til �..Ir,m 1'll i 1 ' . :\L,h..•YIN he.um Hclwren , r+luuul, J,ntl .' Ven„r . ,lee, I l,e '. slue •,i • 1 lur'hc , Jee I,r un .11111 nul'h,• IC,. IILUI H.V - > _ , V TA8LE 19.0—ALLOWA8LE SERVIC A - E LOA'0 ON EMBEDOEO BOLTS (Pound) INewtonel'•=•� .^� VINIYUY CONCRETE 1TRENOTN.Ip,u1 - , - 0.00116" rot -Ape ' 90Lr VINIYIiW .EO�,E - I_; •3.000 1 i 01AA ETER ' Et•BEOrrENr OISTaNCE 9P►C:NO L r', •7.000 -1 .. . nncn••I IIncn..l - nncn.a Ilncn..l i•mlon+ Sheer. .- hnuOn+ sKette r•euon+. SM.r I . :a.+ 101 TT •• +,s l0% ;%~on• = T I I I •: _ - _INI MINI i I:1 ... I • - 4INI (.!till :INI 1,11111 51111 1.11111 1.:1111 SII I.:INI 2,750 _ 1 -, . n '• :.115 1 •NMI ,_1111 3,INN1 I _,.aNl 3,05111 a I t _ _`II =,•!ill _ _ell -nil : _`II 1-:1,10 j J71- •I :, 011 — - i._U11 1,:!111 I _ • __ ' v n j' , II11 _• :,jjll 3,_�II :,j:ll 1,11511 jjl) 1,0511 ' 3..`t] a jlhl 3.nj11 5.31110 . l l.� I a rias+- 1: I _• 3. »INI 75o. 3. -:1 ill -4Ifo 3.-1N1 4.-.c0 .. II + -',, J,INII) ;:MH) .4.INnI - ;..Alli' .4.Wl1 5,301) ; ' I Values arc natural stone a¢gregale concrete and hon -. 4 al learn :k '07 quality. Bolls ,hall have a standard head or an cuual deformity in the emocdded portion. :The tabulated yalucs are fur anchors Installed at the socc:ficd ,pacing and edge distances. Such ,pacing and edge distance may he reduced 50 percent with an equal reduc:wn In value. Use linear Interpolanon for int crmcufalc ,pacings and edge margins. 'The alluwablc yalucs may he Inctcascd per Sc�oun Inl..3 for Jurauon of luaus such is •.vend or seismic fixes. ' J:An additional = Inches 151 mml of cmhcdmcat ,hall he provtdcd or inehur bolts lucatcd In the top of columns located In SOISmh: Zunes '. 3 and'.!. 5Values shown are for work without special inspecnon. Where ,pedal inspec:lon is provided, values may he Increased 104) perc:rn. 'Values shown arc for work with or -without ,pcc:al Inspec:ion. PAGE / OF /5 3 ✓^ /&3 V:= ) 3 r PROJECT MY- I ENGR DATE 1J5F 3/4 0 AT ;�y 'Ge iY�ic.,uL MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 I PAGE OF CHol J Ari — Cl 733 7G2'�Frlb� PAX POi,leAl7 75-,75 Wt 33 9S- 707 x, Sxa'C�(.G� if PROJECT ENGR '1 DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 t PAGE 17 OF telAZL _ 7/g,� 5 TUCc o . (2 7,S1 TKI _ . ,22CUA l (- GU l zl 711 CBC- T/A3&E NHoc) ) . DGI hV 5. — : 4rY Gsc� -—�- F t .4.35 PROJECT— �«6 4 MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E ENGR TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590-4822 DATE PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 ' PAGE OF MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 PAGE t Cl OF T�. eAJJ- S ;P51 .4w�� 7 " FDS ��ZG1C�la.y icl�v T o� . cU,c%R� 7Z GUS/GtiT 43 ASF i z r 7J- 7 sAy 7� c PROJECT ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 MANNING ENGINEERING Title: Job # , w Date: S:OOPM, 15 SEP 00 . D�nr ". 41892 Enterprise Cir. So. Ste. E Description : t" Temecula, CA. 92590 phone:(909)676-1844/fax:694-6027 Scope: E-mail: umali@iinet.com - Rm 510300 Tilt -Up Wall Panel Design Page 1 User. Rw-0602915, ver 5.13, u-3un•1999, wn3± a:\rod mu h .ecmCalculations (c) 1983.99 ENERCALC Description BLDG4 calculations are designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements General Information Clear Height 17.500 ft fc 2,500.0 psi Seismic Zone 4 ft Fy 57,000.0 psi Min Vert Steel % 0.0020 Parapet Height 2.500 - 7.000 in Phi 0.900 Min Horiz Steel % 0.0012 Thickness Bar Size 4 Width 12.000 in Base Fixity 25 % Wall Seismic Factor 0.6500 Bar Spacing 48.000 in Parapet Seismic Factor 1.6100 Bar Depth, 6.250 in LL & ST Not Combined Max Dell. Ratio 150.0 Concrete Weight 74.00 pct Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method... Deflections are Iterated - Parapet Weight Cbunteracts Middle Loads: Lateral Loads Vertical Loads , 252 00 #Ift Uniform DL 20.000 psf. Wind Load 280.00 *ft Un'dartn LL Point Load lbseccentricity 7.500 in ...height ftWind Concentric DL lbs ...load type Concentric LL lbs Lateral Load #Ift ...distance to top ft "" 1.000 ft Seismic IMagnifier ...distance to bot load type Seismic Wind "I" Magnifier 1.000 Wall Analysis For Factored I oad Stresses For Service Load Deflections Seismic Wind SeismicWin Basic Defl w/o P -Delta 0.082 :0.058 in 0.059. 0.046 in 17,543.7 12;230.0 i" 12,531.2 9,765.6 in-# Basic M w/o P-Oetts 0.0 0.0 ink# 0.0 0.0 in-fi Moment. Excess of Mir ' 0.082 0.058 in -.0.059'' ; 0.047 in Max P -Delta Deflection > i"1274.5 . 9,799.9 in-# Max P� Moment 176628.71;,274.9 Maximum Allow. Vertical.Bar Spacing 14.286 in Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd : SEISMIC 14,286 in in Parapet Bar -Spacing Req'd : WIND 14.286 in Maximum Allow Horizontal Bar Spacing 18.000 Summary( Wall Design OK 17.50ft clear height, 2.50f -parapet, 7.00in thick With #4 bars at 48.00in on center, d= 6.25in, fc = 2,500.Opsi Using: UBC'Sec. 19,14.0 method... Deflections are Iterated - Factored Load Bending :Seismic Load Gbvems Service -Load Deflection ;; Seismic Load Gam 0.059 in E: Maximum Iterated Moment: Mu - 17,628.68 in-#; Maximum Iterated Deflection 1.400 in Moment Capacity 21,574.01 ink# Deflection Limit _ Seismic = Wind - 21,574.01: "in-# 18,239.11 in-# 17,628.68 ina# 12,274.95 in _ Mn ' Phi: Moment Capacity Apk plied: Mu Mid -Span 2,940.75 in-# Applied: Mu (g Top of Wall 9,23:4.66 in-# ' Max Iterated Service load Deflection 0.06 in 0.05 in - 4,514 :1 Actual Deflection Ratio 3,577. : 1 Actual Reinforcing Percentage 0.0007- 0.0007 0.0115 Allowable Max Reinf. Percent = 0.6 " Rho Bal 0.0115 Actual Axial Stress: (Pw + Po) / Ag 8.78 psi 8.78 psi 100.00 psi 100.00 psi Allowable Axial Stress = 0.04' fc -',� Job #Z1 MANNING ENGINEERING Title: Dsgnc Data: S:OOPM, 15 SEP 00 41892 Enterprise Cir. So. Ste.. E _ Description:.. _ Temecula, CA. 92590 phone:(909)676-1844/fax:694-6027 Scope: E-mail: umali@iinet"com us Kw-06ols, vQ s.1.3, -)uo-1999. W32 Tilt -Up Wall Panel g Page 2 arod mu h .ecW:Calculations (c) 1983-99 ENERGLC Description BLDG4 Analysis Data - E 2,850,000.0 psi Sgross 98.000 in3 n = Es / Ec -I' 10.18 Mer = S''Fr Fr = 24,500.0 in-# 250.00 psi Fr Multiplier for sgrt(Pc) 5.000 Rho: Bar Reinf Pct 0.0191 Ht / Thk Ratio 30.00 Values for Mn Calculation... j' As:eff= [Pu:tot + AsFyj/Fy Seismic 0.068 in 0.152 in Wind 0.064 in 0.142 in a: (AsFy + Puy(.85 Pc b) 0.179 in 0:167 in c=a/.85 343.000 ir[4 .343.00 in4 (gross Icracked 25.57 in4 23.96 in4 f eH (ACI methods only) 0.00 in4 0.900 0.00 in4 0.900 Phi: Capacity Reduction Mn= As:W Fy(d-sl2) = Pu (WaliThk/2-Bar Depth) 23,971.13 in-tk 20,265.88 in-# Additional Values Loads used for analysis Factored Loads Seismic Wind Wall Weigh 43.167 psf Applied Axial Load 352.80 264.60 #!ft Wall Wt' Wall Seismic Factor 28.058 psf Lateral Wall Weigh 679.87 509.91 #/ft - Wall Wt' Parapet Seismic Factor 69.498 psf. . _ Total Lateral Loads 1,032.67 774.51 #/ft Service Applied Axial Load 252.00. tkft 485.621 #/ft Service Wt @Max Mom ; TotW Service Axial Loads 737.62 #/ft CACI FBCtOfS (per ACI applied intemailytoentered kxads) - ACI 9-1. & 9-2 DL 1.400 ACI 9-2 Group Factor 0.750 UBC 1921.2.7 1.4 Fedor _ 1.400 ACI 9-1: & 9.2 LL 1.700 AC 19-3 Dead Load Factor 0.900 UBC 1927.2.7 "0.9" Factor 0.900 ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST 1.700, ACI 93 Short Tenn Factor J.300 ' ...seismic = ST' : 1.100 Moment Excess of Mcr 32,633.7 Max p:betta Dation 1.103 Max P -deft Moment 57,133.7 Maximum Allow Vertical Bar Spacing 14.286 in - Maximum Allow Horizontal Bar Spacing 18.000 in 6,209.4 in-# 14,900.9. 0.0 m-# 0.398 in 0.608. 0.117 in 30; .5 in # 709.4 i 4,334 Parapet Bar. Spacing Req'd : SEISMIC 14:286 in Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd :WIND 14286 in Summary: - = Wall Design OK MANNING ENGINEERING d= 6.25in, fc = 2,500.Opsi Title: De9n�. Job Date:: S OOPM, 15 SEP 00 41892 Enterprise Cir. So. Ste. E t Description: Seismic Load Governs ' Temecula, CA. 92590 Maximum Iterated Deflection 0.608 in 1.400 in _ - Moment Capacity 68,180.44 in-# phone:(909)676-18441fax:694-6027 Scope: - _ E-mail: umali@iinetcem Wind - 68,180.44 in-# �' S10�° ver s.l�, u•>un-1999, w�3z Tilt -Up Wall Panel Design Page 1 h 30,709.44 ink 11,525.34 in-# User. uwar�oz9ls, (c) 1993.99 ENERCALC a:\rod mu .ecw:Calculations Max Iterated Service Load Deflection 0.61 in 0.12 in ; 1,794 :1 Actual Deflection Ratio 346 -1 Description BLDG4 PIERS Actual Reinforcing Percentage 0.0020 0.0020 0.0115 Allowable Max Reins. Percent = 0.6' Rho Bad 0.0115 •- Actual Axial Stress : (Pw + Po) / Ag 34.61 psi 100 00 34.61 psi 100.00 psi Calculations are designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements psi General Information Clear Heigh 17.500 it 2.500 It 00 fc 2,5.0 psi Fy 57,000.0 psi Seismic Zone 4 . Min Vert Steel % 0.0020 Pipet Height Thickness 7.000 in Phi 0.900 Min Honz Steel % 0.0012 Bar Size 4 Width 12.000 in Base Fixity 25 % Wall Seismic Factor 0.6500 Bar Spacing Bar Depth 16.000 in 6.250 in Parapet Seismic Factor 1.6100 Max Deft. Ratio 150.0 LL 8 ST Not Combined Concrete Weight 74.00 pct Using: UBC=Sec. 1914.0 method... Deflections are Iterated Parapet Weigh Counteracts Middle Loads Lateral Loads Vertical Loads Uniform DL 1,197.00 #/ft Wind Load 43.900 psi Un'rfomt LL 1,330.00 ##t Point Load lbs eccerxtricity - 7.500 in heigh1,225.00 load type Wind Concentric DL lbs lbs ... Lateral Load 66.30 *it Concentric LL ...distance to top distance to bot 18.000 ft 7.000 ft Seismic "I" Magnifier 1.000 load type Seismic Wind "I" Magnifier 1.000 Wall Analysis; - Fir Factored Load Stresses For! Load Deflections Seismi Wind sciismi Win ' Basic Defl w/o P-DeU 0.848 0.262 in 29,504.6 in-# 0.173 0.115 in 37,687.1 23,996.4 in-# Basic M w/o P -Delta 52,762.0 Moment Excess of Mcr 32,633.7 Max p:betta Dation 1.103 Max P -deft Moment 57,133.7 Maximum Allow Vertical Bar Spacing 14.286 in - Maximum Allow Horizontal Bar Spacing 18.000 in 6,209.4 in-# 14,900.9. 0.0 m-# 0.398 in 0.608. 0.117 in 30; .5 in # 709.4 i 4,334 Parapet Bar. Spacing Req'd : SEISMIC 14:286 in Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd :WIND 14286 in Summary: - = Wall Design OK :.17.50ft clear height, 2.50ft parapet, 7.00in thick with #4 bars at 16.00in on center, d= 6.25in, fc = 2,500.Opsi Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method... Deflections are Iterated . Factored Load Bending. : SeismicXoad Governs Service Load Deflection ;:. Seismic Load Governs - Maximum Iterated Moment: Mu 571:133.69 in-# Maximum Iterated Deflection 0.608 in 1.400 in Moment Capacity 68,180.44 in-# - Deflection Limit - _ Seismic Wind - 68,180.44 in-# 55;334.90 in-# Mn ' Phi:, Moment Capacity fIxed: Mu id�Span g M 57,133.69 in-# 30;321.38 int 30,709.44 ink 11,525.34 in-# lied: Mu Top of Wall Max Iterated Service Load Deflection 0.61 in 0.12 in ; 1,794 :1 Actual Deflection Ratio 346 -1 Actual Reinforcing Percentage 0.0020 0.0020 0.0115 Allowable Max Reins. Percent = 0.6' Rho Bad 0.0115 •- Actual Axial Stress : (Pw + Po) / Ag 34.61 psi 100 00 34.61 psi 100.00 psi Allowable Axial Stress 0.04 fc psi •, • . MANNING,ENGINEERING Tifie Dsgnc .. Job Date: S:OOPM, 15 SEP 00 41892 Entblrprise Cir. So. Ste. E Description ' Temecula, CA. 92590 phone:(909)676-1844tfax:694-6027 Scope: E-mail: umali@iinetcom R°" 510 ° xv-0Eoz9)s, vtr s.) 3, zz->u�-1999,�3z Tilt -Up Wall Panel Design Paye 2 h uu, (c) 1983.99 ENERCALC a:\rod mu .ecw:Calculatlons Description _ BLDG4 PIERS Analysis Data E 2,850,000.0 psi Sgross 98.000' in3 n = Es / Ec 10.18 5.000 Mcr = S ' Fr Fr= 24,500.0 ink 250• psi Fr Multiplier for sqrt(f c) Rho: Bar Reinf Pct 0.0191 Ht / Thk Ratio 30.00 Values for Mn Calculation.:. As:eff= (Pvtot + AsFyyFy Seismic 0.221 in Wind 0.204 in f 0.495 in 0.455 in '. a: (AsFy + PuY(.85 c b) 0.582 in . 0.535 in 343.000.in4 343.00 in4 Igross Icracked 73.16.in4 68.26 in4 I-eff (ACI methods only) 0.00 in4 0.900. 0.00 in4 0.900 Phi: Capacity Reduction Mn= As:eff Fy(042) - Pu (Walrrhk/2-Bar Depth) 75,756.05 inn# 61,483.22 in-# Additional Values Loads used for analysis Factored Loads Seismic Wind Wall Weigh 43.167 psf Applied Axial Load 3.390.80 2.543.10 Xft Wall Wt' Wall Seismic Factor 28.058 psf Later Wall Weigh 679.87 509.91 #/ft Wall Wt *.Parapet Seismic Factor 69.498 psf Total'Lateral Loads' 4,070.67 ; 3,053.01 #/ft _ Service Applied'A)aW Load — 2,422.00 #/ft Service Wt ® Max Mom _ 485.62 #/ft '- _ t Total Serv"Axial roads 2,907.62 #/ft -� ' ACI' Factors (per ACI, applied intemally to entered loads) ACI 9-1 & 9-2 pL 1.400 ACI 9-2 Group Factor 0.750 UBC 1921.2.7 1.4 Factor 1.400 ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL 1.700 , ACI 9-3 Dead road Factor. 0.900 UBC 1921.2.7."0:9 Fedor 0.900 ' ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST 1.700 ACI 9-3 Short Terre Factor 1.300 s ; ....seismic = ST_' : 1.100 _= = rI-2 LVN-96Z-606 XV -1 bb81-9L9-606 3NOHd 06sz6 `dIN8O311VO 't/1nO3W31 3 '31S ''OS 310810 3SIdd831N3 Z681b ONRi HNION3 ONINNVW t1- 96.4 ��,- . 31VC1 HON3 1D3rOHd hi 1./-2h' 4 �/d - fiib = z/(�) z "fes 17 -Z el,2cZ �C� ?�:? �� x 0 4_ �C�-��. g� ��1.ara7 Nim (-2X hr sg.' 'iy JO 3Jdd b 2/y/ 7 PAGE OF PROJECT 2" �C ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 22" Nle i fIALL TU SZ79,OZ4 7�zO 131\1 PAGE �c OF FGT/,c/� - FRc�Sr.4/•�/G, 4Z, 11 33 Z (Z1,xlL) . F - J2,4 1113' < /Ul Irt � 3 B2 12.x''1 = �r3 (ZZ)( 83X /O/Z) LZ// PROJECT_��uL. ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 MANNING ENGINEERING Title: 41892 Enterprise Cir. So. Sts. E Dsgnr. Temecula, CA. 92590 Description phone:(909)676-1844/fax:694-6027 Scope: E-mail: umall@iinet.com Rev: 810300 Lhe. KW4602915, Ver 5.1.3, 22-Jun-1999•Wn32 General Timber Beam (c) 1983.99 ENERCALC Description BUIDING 4 13M1 Job 1 .2 nate: 2:05PM, 13 SEP 00.. t. Page 1' General Information Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements Section Name 8.75x57.0 Center Span 64.00 it .. ...Lu 0.00- ft Beam Width _ 8.750 in Left Cantilever ft :.....Lu 0.00 ft Beam Depth 57.000 in Right Cantilever ft ...:.Lu 0.00 ft Member Type GluLam Douglas Fr, 24F - V8 Fb Base Allow 2,400.0 psi - Load Dur. Factor 1.250 Fv Allow 165.0 psi Beam End Fi)dy Pin -Pin Fc Allow 560.0 psi E 1,800.Oksi Full Len h Uniform Loads Center DL 623.00 #/ft LL 270.00 *ft Left Cantilever DL _ #Ik LL Wit Right Cantilever DL' *ft LL #!ft Trapezoidal Loads #1.DL @ Left #Ift LL ® Left *ft Start Loc 0.000 ft DL @ Right 649.00 Wit LL @ Right 390.00 #Ift _ End Loc 64.000 ft Dead Load 2,367.0 lbs. fbs lbs lbs lbs; lbs lbs - s Live Load 540.0 lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs- lbs lbs ...distance 44.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft ' Summary _ Beam Design OK Span= 64.00ft, Beam Width = 8.750in x Depth = 57.in, Ends are Pin -Pin Max Stress Ratio 0.88-1 Maximum Moment ; 757.0 k -ft Maximum Shear 1.5 79.1 k Allowable :859;5 k-ftAllowable 102.9 k Max Positive Moment 757.01 k -ft 'at 34.560 ft Shear Left _ 40.57 `k y -Max Negative Moment -0.01 k -ft at 64.000 ft @_Right 52.74 k Max @ Left Support 0.00 k -ft Camber. @ Left 0.000 in Max ® Right Support 0.00 k -ft (d3 Center .2.320 in e "Max M allow. - 859.51 - @ Flight 0.000 -in Reactions... fb 1,917.24 -psi fv 150.62 psi Left OL 27;60 k Max-_ 40.57.k Fb 2,176.83: psi: Fv 206.25 psi Right DL 35.41 k Mix _ 52.74 k Deflections - CenterSpan... Dead Load Total Load Left Cantilever... Deed Load Total oad Defection -1.547 in -2.286 in Deflection : 0.000 in 0.000 in Location 32.512 ft 32.512 ft ...Length/ l 0.0 0.0 Eength/Defl 496.5 335.69 Right Cantilever... - Deflection 0:000 in 0.000 in Length/Defl ..0.0 0.0 MANNING ENGINEERING Title: :Job # ,- ' 41892 Enterprise Cir. SO. Ste. E t. Dsgnr.. Date: 2:05PM 13 SEP 00 = Temecula. ' CA. 92590 Description .,, - '��� phone:(909)676-1844fax:694-6027 Scope: All programs in the Structural Engineering Library E-mail: umali@iinetcom Rev: S10300 - .. 1k--11V C�02Eis,RC Ver•Ju^-1999, Win32 General Timber Beam - -• ""p' 2 (cl 1983.99 ENERCALC - _ - S Description BUIDING 4 BM1 Stress Calcs _ . Bending Analysis Ck 19.865 Le 0.000 ft Sxx 4,738.125'in3 Arm 498.750 int Cv 0.726 Rb 0.000 CI 0.000 Max Marnerrt Sxx Read Allowable fti @ Center 757.01 k-ft 4,173.10 in3 2,176.83 psi @ Left Support 0.00 k-ft 0,00 in3 2,176.83 psi @ Right Support -, 0.00 k-ft 0.02 in3 2,176.83 psi Shear Analysis @ Left Support @ Right Support Design Shear 60.85 k 79.11 k Area Required 295.033 in2 383.563 int ' Fv. Allowable 206.25 psi 206:25 psi Bearing @ Supports Max Left Reaction 40.57 k Bearing Length Req'd ' 8.279 in Max Right Reaction 52.74 k 1 Bearing Length Req'd 10.763 in Query Values _ M, V, & D @ Specified Locations Moment Shear Deflection @ Center Span Location = 12.50 ft 426.05 k-ft 28.37 k -1.2807 in - (� Right Cant. Location33.00 ft 0.00 k-ft . 0.00 k _ 0.0000 in @ Left Cant. Location = _ 400: ft 0:00 k-ft 0.00 k 0.0000 in MANNING ENGINEERING Tide: Job # 41892 Enterprise Cir. So. Sts. E - ` 4 Osgnr Date: 2:06PM, 13 SEP 00,; Description Temecula, CA. 92590 phone:(809)676-1844Max:694-8027 Scope: E-mail: umali@iinetcom Per: 5103M User. KW-0G02915,Ver5.1.3,22-Jun-1999,Win32 " Timber Beam & Joist Page .1 (c) 1983.99 ENERCALC a:\rod mU h .ecw:Calculations Description BUILDING 4 BM2 Timber Member Information Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements Deflections Center DL Defl in -0.609 9M2 Timber: Sectlon 590.9 9.75x30.0 Beare Width in 8.750 Beam Depth in 30.000 Le: Unbraced Length ft 0.00 Timber Grade 15.120 )oulgias Fir, 24F - v Fb - Basic Glow psi 2,400.0 Fv - Basic Allow psi 165.0 Elastic Modulus ksi 1,800.0 Load Duration Factor 1.250 Member Type GluLam Repetitive Status No Center Span Data Span ftl 30.00 Deed Load #/ftl 738.00 Live load #fft 492.00 Dead load #/R 268.00 Live Load - #/ft 328.00 Start ft End ft 20.000 Point #1 DL.i lbs 5,386.00 LL lbs 1,640.00 X ft 20.000 . Results Ratio= 0.8258 — —� Mmax @ Center in -k 2,713.83- C�X= ft 15.72. fb : Actual psi 2,067.7 Fb : Allowable psi 2,503.8 _ +�( Bendinq_OK tv : Actual phi 139.2 _ Fv : Allowable p`si 206.3 Shear OK - Reactions Left End DL_ lbs 16438.66 LL- - lbs 12300.00 Max. DL+LL- lbs 28738.66- Right End .DL lbs 16447.33• .LL" Itis 10660.00 Max DL+LL lbs 27107.32 Deflections Center DL Defl in -0.609 L/Defl Ratio 590.9 Center LL Defl - in -0.418 L/Defl Ratio 860.5 Center Total Deft in -1.028 Location ft 15.120 L/Defl Ratio 350.3 PAGE OF �I VV 5� OL 36, U/z 0 c 12,E WILL 40 wz LL /-fO �742 T-7 PROJECT 30 % MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E ENGR TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 DATE FAX 909-296-1047 P PAGE 721 OF • PROJECT I�Lpj� 4 MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E ' ENGR TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 DATE FAX 909-296-1047 ` PAGE ?�Z OF 2�- weL (z q'7/z W I LL yolz �L V�/2 L. ,2}0 /z =IZ 7 Pr bM ? t� lid 50 fsI z3b7 ►- 5(') 00 Wain I �.�I/L .r 13 1/i �:. = Jw - ` Vva L eo/Z t i l o01Z PROJECT4 ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 PAGE OF RXF - -V 15T LOAD GASES I _ S S2 L = 5 S ��►Ax �v �n G 3 7�z m1kx St -I Em F-QVI VACS NT UtJ):FW-M w: %y POSED ON . Mo M.F5NT L2 D:O:N: StF n _ vv L = PLF PROJECT_&&Q ! ENGR DATE S.i 3q"., J H AT 2`f'o c _ ALLDVJ Popo 226 PLf: MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 DAr_C r1C PROJECT ��pG MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E ' ENGR TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 DATE FAX 909-296-1047 LDA0 CASES J3 L =-, MAX'• 201.7 50 2 2 15q �0UI \-/ALD,4 U(IJ IFOFFm LOPC Lp7As4—:- p oN mom ENT' W =. 8► 8 Z0,�90 Fob oq l z B4 sc0 ot-4 C S �. . CIA) FRN 31 - 24 7 j f} AT 24- 06 } PALM Lc7-.h Z�, m nAT ZiaQ'G AL LD, W LOAD t rl PROJECT ��pG MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E ' ENGR TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 DATE FAX 909-296-1047 ' PAGE OF PROJECT. MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E ' ENGR TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 DATE FAX 909-296-1047 1 f 1 1 Load Tables/.Hon-Snow (125%) TIL' & TJLX"" Series Allowable' Uniform Load: (plf) Parallel Cf 6rd • Open-Web•Series FL -Fiat roof less than "e" in 12" slope. SL_Sloped roof greater than 4/e" in 12" slope. ' TJLTM Series - Span I _ -- L -- _- .... .t - ..........�•.� ..cct�w 4!sr•Lnpin ;;14 '' +18 359 393 393 389 389 381 381 370 370 358 358 344 344 330 330 it,- 317 304 304: 293 293 281 -281 , 270 270 259 ^r 259 14 1 282 319 754 354 361 361. 353 353 3437 343 332 332 320 320 308 308..` 246 296 ; 286 286 275 2751 265 2651 255 25518 . 1,.;18 235 267 298 328 328 338 338, 330 330 320 120 310 310 299 299 289 289 ' 280 280 269 269 260 260 ' 250 250 20 195 195 223 249"69 300 300 317 317 309 309 i ]00 300 291 291 281 281 273 273 264 264 Z55 255 246 246 22 157 16t tB4 207250. 2 0 291 29t 291 291 283 283 1 275' 275 1267 267 259 259 1250 250 242 242 ~2$,', 24 122 173 160 160 ; 180219 238 218 256 277 277 277 273 ' 268 268 261 261 253 .25J l 246 246 278 238241. 26 96 77 114 99' 128 103 132 115 153 132:66 :86 68 202 218 8 237 249 249 251 254 254 254 249 249 241 241 238 234 I. 2828 . :90 195 .09 208 223 223 236 236 236 276 236 236 236 236 230 270 J -28 30 63 84 94 tOt 108 :tt7 130' 170 143 :56 ' S8 !68 8B 181 181 143 205 319 219 220 20 2Z0 ZZO 220 22b 1 30 32 34 52 sa 69 SB 70 5B 88 78 89 75 :lot III 113 129 129 , 141 }1 15J �' 9 164 Ii5 �1 186 191 203 209'1 206 206 ZO6 206 32 38 37 49 49 66 67 89 93 i 100: 146 nt 111 1Z] t3a UM i22. 18444, 154 T41. 164 175 1 9 185 185 1193 193 134 9 9 89 4B 108 108 122 132 432 141 150 155 165 171 171 174 174 '.38 38 42 42 56 54 :1 67 :9 3: 38 17 97 105 1& :t4 314 27 '127 'J6 147 1 156 4 161: 40 36 26 48 a6 i2 58 75 :1 33 34 9t 48 A : 106 113 . 1 21 :41 :30 36 139gum .161 111 .38 40. 42 I 41 36 40 JS 53 47 50 i. 44 58 J8 . 51 it 53 47 57 i0 3 _ 34 64 :7 56 i6 36 5 06 ;)1 30 :; 98_98 36 .86 78 :OS 95 95 83 83 ttZ 101 89 'S 4pe 116 109 95 18 108 122 Ito 107 .f22 14,' 11yd 1317�1� n1T 32 42 44484t 46J6 44 - 45 i0 41 J: 55 ) 49 44 i0 ;6 58 5: i6 •i0 i8 •;J 71 i5i9 - 0 _32 5 :5 98 3o 480 93 35 906 96 4aS0 503254 •i0 •i: i5 •;9 i9 :4 8 J78 i37 S2 :7 i5 4: 42 n ]7 4, 43 ,5t 57 SO 55 i3 57 i4 _ 59 i8 62 i8 62 6i;5 -72` :9t 84an]5 -ate 64 66 T`JLX'" Series .0epth-14 'T8 -t8 .- I • .4 n it 33 M 3Y 62 62 66 IMA 70 um 58 40 35 45 4.1 48 46 52 _ 52 _55 _ 58 58 62 _ 52 55 60 1: 4; 1: 15 4:41) IN 52 .•8 - 5J 55 ".8 i1jjjr 61 ;9 11 1H 46 11 49 49 5: 44 ' 55 58 58 64 15 41. 15 41 a0 46 44 a') 50 i 1 54 54 tib 37 41. 16 4j 41 46 45 49 . 50 SI JT ]] 41 17 'L 42 +8 70 ` Chock with your local Trus Joett MacMillan r6prosenlative art -availability of the TJLX`- Sertesdn your. area: 20 22 _-- 24 -- "26 -28' :. 30 --72 14 58 --38 40-1)•oth l` -7T']3 173 !7l :']:1 :H'] !811 $I HI �._-_ -.!_ � - .� I .. I r �. �. ar ra• �� w I. !:� ':q '6H :JJ laa UO L!11 I't: II: !U4 !04 :77 .73 31 :i1. ::0 ;:0 :59 :59 1 16 I !t'1 157 157 .!66 %h :I;I !til 'S) 15.1 !41 :41 11: LI: !:0 :': (111 !IJM :'16 :Iii ;J6 :86 :i :i.:65 ;85 ';55 55 16 16 t H7:•:36 1'.h !41 tai !!H I14 I'.0 '!:a• nr. nd .:4'i' :77 :H'I a'1 .:90 :ND. :1;7 ai'l '.fro '64 •250 .50 18 ;tB ;:t ;52°;;82 110 110 its 318 ]1: it: 109 107'-l00 ]00 :9! 371 381 ;81 371 21] ..:64 36+ 355 '55 7248-348 22 I :65 181 :09 :07 __374 � :So ;82 ;82 ;94 ;7a ;73 :73 ';71 ,91 :86 •381 375 375 :67 :67 ; 259 259 350 '250 242 242 I 22 24 ;8 _ 152 1:0 :0+ :0+ ':6 ;4x :6B '60 7r 274 7J 37i '73 -77 :68 :68 ;6i :Bt :53 :53 246 3a 3 ''1: 1 1tAJ :7 .w ,c _ 6 ]8-278 24 ' .28 n` •r.H ':H !0 !7 •,iH •ri6 � .,� :a .+. :Sa ;Si :5a- ;54 v9 ;a9 281 ;a1 _274 2]a h6 'nH C4 �{ ,0 .-. 36 :ri Iri .36 36 ;26 ']6 236 226 226 226' 236 ^_2b '] 28 30 I ,6 _ tH !H !�:4 •'t 1' :9 41 '45 ' '1h1 ,1 118 "n 191. 'OS :t9 219' ` :0 :0 .0 "6 :0 _ :0 :0. 2:0 :0 :9 30 55 ='•':] :) 98 74 Ii4 117 127. :41 :41 t55 ,y5 :69 J69 186 ,188 179 179 :06 •.206 NIS 206 206 206 ,:06 206 .208 -206 32 34 I 46„ 61 it 32 77 tOt 78 !t] tt7 .25 13: 17 150 160 :62 " 182 174 '�7 185 185 194 194 174 194' 174 194 r93� 193 34 38 )9.' S2 S2 4"9 •66' '39 33 101 :01 n2 421 123 114 :]4 ' 145 146 456 .�156166 175 175 t83 183' 182 182 179 179 36 -isa4 :a ;-9 ' g r 1 •)0 - 36 'C0 'UI 1 ':0 ':0 "0 1 •40 '49 :62 66 'Sfi 1:4 ;a 1fi9 169 -40 B H 0 40- �5 ii i1 c 11' i7 9 0a ,CH i:5 :IS ) si ,144 :5a 57 :57 :59 159 :40 12 :a 43 a 4] 1 = is 33 i0 )I .iB 1;5 •06 .'4 Y „ ::322 ''_0 .1j3MI''.8 138 :4; :4: 150 150 IZ 44 I 1.8 J7 49 a6 it S6 :5 is 32 :9 39 ' 72 77 O4 104 tt2 ,J 117 126 •126 t3J t+1 1+1 44 = 43 40 _ S4'' 49 i6 ' 59. :5 i9 ;32 . 31 39 .73 95 102 102 109 116 .118 !25 110' '121 .48 ' .48 '_8 15 17 _ 43 58 42- i9 , it '5 - :1 31 32 38 _93 -94. _ICp 100_ 106 tt2 't12 120. '1 48 50 2 -_ 18 51 :6 i; :a i9 iJ 'S- - '3 31 33 36 )2- )2 )8 A .03 ,103 •09 50 52 24 :6 55 :H is 56 i4, : S S :a �0 ' 32 35 A 30 36 :0t S2' _ - :: =9 :3 ' 'S3 5J ia' S3 i5 i6 .4 :5 :9 34 3+_ 89 39 34 54' 56 I 17 44 29- 52 a5 i0 52 i4 i0 i9 i7 73' 75 78 -82-32 __ 87 87 56 40 35 47 at 55 47 60-- 54 64 it 68 68 73 76 ., 81 81 I 58 60 26 42 37 49 83_56 _ 49_ 50 55 64 62 i8 69 72 76 76 60 62 - - ---- -- - -- 8 - -5 1.9 52 - 56 M i0 56 is i2 i7 i9 7t i 62 ?5 25 4, 'a 5J 45 56 51 i0 57 i] 63 57 i 64 66I ----- - _ -- --- - --- _ ' a3 ]7 ' 49 a2 53 a,' 56 52 59 B 63 66' - ---- 70 45 38 50 43 53 48 56 53' 59 58 _ . _---------- _ ----------- 41 35 47 i 39 50 44 53 .1 56 i 70 1. Values shown are maximum allowable load capacities. Open -web trusses will be. custom designed to the specified loads. 2. Slralgnt fine Interpdiatlons may be made between deaths and -spans'. 3. Values shown are maximum allowable load c3oac:tles of the trusses In pounds per lineal foot (pit) based on: simple span. uniformly loaded conditions. an assumed 38% ratio of dead load to total load (eg.. 20 psi liver 12 psf dead). These tables may be non -conservative if the actual ratio is higher than 381.. A more accurate analysis can be obtained by using the TJ•8eam - software program. too Cndrd no-notc:l bearing clips with 1114" bearing. Hlgner values may be possible with other types at bearing clips. 1. These tables may also be used for bottom chard bearing trusses (maximum bottom chord slope of 1'/12") with or without cantilevers - at one or both ends. Cantilevers are limited to ''i of the main span provided the inboard shear for cantilevered conditions is limited 10 2.500 lbs. 5, values in gray QW= areas may be Increased 711. for repetitive member usage 1t the criteria on page 9.7 are met. 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 Load Tables/Hon-Snow (125%) TJL' S TJLX'" Series Allowable Uhiform Load (p f) Parallel Chord • Open-WebmSefles FL --Flat roof less -than Va" in 12•' slope. SL_Sloped roof greater than 1!d• in 12" slope. TJLTM-Series TJ'LX I Series: Chock with your local rru9 Jo19t Mac Mlllan-'repreaenlative on avniloblllty o1 the TJLX" Serte9 In your areo. 24 ___26 --28- 30 ----u 34. . 36._-38 40-134oth'i 11-- - - - - -- -- --- ! 711 Iv :73 t73. :n'1 In9 :tit :til J:Q 1t I:n :•a :•1w :4.i 144 ,.Jo :.:n : ,1: :us :u4 10 ) :57 157 Jfi6 :66 %i uN_ :57_ :57 !41 :4;1 II; ta: :0 ::7 nn IN :76 :96 '56 aK :; ?:S :65 '65 :55 :55 16 r71; C6 !41 !41 13N' IJA i 1:0' !'!It !:'_R' 1:0 111: I:it ."M :T1 : .:114 a11 220 :811 6'1 .:f7 '50 '60 :SO i50 16 :te 22, :S2 :82 ]10 110 JIB ]to' 117 it: 107 .109 1C0 700 :71 :71 -:8t :81 :73 273 , :64 264 '_55 .�5 N6 246 - 22 J�:65 181 :09 :09 234 � 25e :82 :82 :94 :74 :93 :93 :91 .:71 :87 283 215 275 :67 :8/ 259 259 250 250 1-242 242 ?2 21 :8 IS2 1:0 177" :04 :04 226 :48 :6e '6A 74 274 213 '7� 27 '.:0 ��� 13 7 :6B :68 :61 :BI '253: 25J :46 _;t6 28_238 ?A `11,j4 ,54 `:1 t4 :54 _'5 4 't 26 11 fn '1:N t1O 7 'JN :1ii 'h6 d `54 :4') :47. .11 '-'41 :37 -24 Lp Nn :04 7D1. .0 :Q 16 'ri ,2ri try: 126 '26 '26 '28 26 226 '26 ",6 =.'30 '20 28 30: 6 18 !N !1� :rJ •'9 '41 •45 '61 ''ql .''f •V•11 �06 ~''OS s :!9 2t7 ::0 ::0 ::0 2^0 ::7' :.0 ::0 :0 i=::0 55 7 :J 9B 74 _ 1u II: IZ7 t+l ul 55 �M :e9 186 ",)66_ 179 179 :06 206 -208 206 20¢_ 206 :O6 206 _208 206 - 34 46 61 i1 82 :7 101 7B 1.13 111 125 1]7 137 150 ; 162 .1� 17l `]7 185 185 ' 194 194 194 194' . 194 194 r93 173 `:34 3t! A :52 52 69 i6 39 'd3 101 101 112 121 121 -124 114 145 _115 156 156 166 _175 175 1113 IB3 182 _182 i79 179 ' 311 �� 44 :4 i9 - 5: 6' :1 )0 16 'CO' '02 ::0 .:0 ':0 •70 ..130 :4ri..140 '49 62 •66 66 1:4 1:4 :69. :69 is a 50 '' 4,7 v •;5 iF •J1 { -)I 11 J9 '07 '08 ;:8 J26 1'.5 �� '44 )1�4 •54 57' :5% :59 159 . -40 42 44 42 56 57 '0 ;4 =d: " i0 )1' 9d CS ''re ':4 4 ", ,� :2Q .{30. ''8 -1 6'.:4; ;rJ .150 150 42 2e :.1T• 49 46 6t 56 :5 i7 92 -79 d9 12 : IT 104 Is 112 '1 144 19 :191 .126 •126' t3] 141. 1st 44 I_ 43 40 54 49 i6 '. 59 :S 69 82 it 39' 13: 95 102 t02 :109 116 •115 125 ;125 12T #6 48 18 15-. 47 _43 `'48 52 39 61 _ :S :I 31 82' M 93 9! 100 100_ )OB 112 112 +20 120 --.... _ -____ '.8 51 :6- ii 54 i9 iJ '5.''•1-. it y33 i6 ^)2 92 ,)B •?9 :03 •102' '09 SO 547 -.A i4 56 i6 ' i5 'S '4 30 iJ d5 .r0 )0 ?6 ':01 62' 4: ?: :,9' 47 - :d SO i4 58 i9 i6 :4 :5 :9 `34 34 39_i9 994 54' - --- -- _ 1% -W 39- 52 45 i0 52' 'i4 60 69 67 73 75 78 82 32 87 17 S6 58 40. 15 47 41 55 47 _ 50 54 64 61 68 68 73 76 41 81 I s8 60 _ 16 42 17 49 43_56 49 50 55 64 62 68 64 72 76 76 60 62 I - ---------- ---g;`--- =5 J9 52 u 56 . 50 60 56 is 92 i7. 69 71 ! 62 35 35 -. 40 53 46 56 51 50 57 U 53' 57 ! 64 66 I _. 17 41 7% 49 42 51 47 56 52 59 58- i3 66' ` 68I _ -- -- - _ - -- ------ 45 18 50 +3 53 48 56 53 59� 68 41 15 47 39 50 44 5]- 49 56 1 70' 1. Values shown are maximum allowable load capacities. Open -web trusses will be custom designed to the specified loads.- _ 2. Straight line Interpolations may be made berweeh depths and spans. 3. Values shown.are maximum allowable load c3oac:lles of the trusses In pounds per lineal foot (pit) based on: simple span• uniformly loaded conditions. an assumed 38°0 ratio of dead load to total load (pg.. 20 psf liverl2 psi dead). These tables may be non -conservative if the actual ratio is higher than 38%. A more accurate analysis can be obtained by using the TJ -Beam - software program. top chord no -notch bearing clips with 1 bearing. Higher values may be possible with other types of bearing clips. 4. These tables may also be used for bottom chord bearing trusses (maximum bottom chord slope of 1-112') with or without cantilevers _ at one or both ends. Cantilevers are limited to -i of the main span provided the Inboard shear for cantilevered conditions is limited to 2.500 lbs. 5. Values In gray Qj= areas may be increased 70; for repetitive member usage if the criteria on page 9.7 are met. - _ . - ...� as „y•z.,.� - w_' [.'y :;yy a41'- Dow • 14 x;16 359 282 393 ]t9 393 389 389 381 JB1 370 370 358 358 344 344 330 330 317 317 304 304 243 L 293 281 -281: 270 4 .270 259 259 14 '. 354 354 361 361 353 753 343 343 - 332 332. 320 320 308 308 246 296 , 286 286 275 275 ' 265 265 j 255 255 18 - 275 267 298 328 328 378 338.• 330 370 320 320 310 310 299 299 ' 289 289 280 280 269 269 260 260 ' 250 250 44418 ' 195 195 223 249EM 275 300 300 - 317 317 ! 309 709 1 300 700 291 291 281 281 273 273 1 264 264 255 255 246 246 .:• 22 t57 161 (184 207 • 228 Z`0 270 291 291 291 291 1283 283.1 275 275 267 267 i 259 259 250 250 1242 242 ; 22:; 24 122 133 160 160 180 200 219 238 ?38 256 273. 273 1 273 277 , 268 268 . 261 261 ! 253 253 1246 246 238 2]8 241. 26 28 96 114 128 172 153 ' t69 :86 86 :02 -18 :23 •209 249 2d9 254 2V 254 254 219 249 241 241 234 274 (. 264 30 : i] 99 tOJ' Its IJ2 126 151 166 :80 195 $. f1l :09 :23 233 236 276 236 236 236 236; :36 236 270 230 28 84 34 101 108 11,, 130 1]0 t43 i-6 $ 168 8 181 18f :93 205 2t9 219 220 220 220 20 220 220 1 30 34 52 69 70 88 89 tot ' III 111 129 129 , 141 1 153 164 175 11 5 186 19t 203 203 1 206 206 206 206 32 44 58 58 78 75 ° 89 93 100 1 sit ttt 12] 174 u Ids , j4 154 164 t75 t 9 t85 t85 1193 193 :34 36 37 49 19 66 63 i 9 89 1 96 48 t08 to8 122 132 + 32 141 14L 150 155 165 171 t7t 174 174 `s. 36 40 12 42 56 54 :1 67 .9 32 38 9% 97 105 .ti �1 :27 127 'J6 143 47 156 . .6t 161: .38 12 J6 26 48 46 i2 58 .5 :t 33 34 91 78 98 106 :13 1 2111 t]p �6 tJ9 tit 40. I 41 36 i0 15 53 47 50 44 67 ;1 58 53 67 7 64 34 .3 16. 75 91 80 98 36 ?8. 86 05 95 95 n2 10i 1 t16 109 109 �}•' '22 =T� 114 ' 1 130 1t7 t32 t24 42 44 44 46 48 +I' 78 51 +% 60 56 i6 66 '2 - 78 83 33 . 89 95 103 110 112 48 36 _-- 45 41 55 - +9 - •,0 58 96 58 : t _ - = _82 38 . 93 99 106 48 30 40 ): 9 ++ :6 :: •i0 �J i5^ i4 7 S :5 d0 i8p 35 HJ 46 54 - --- - i5 - --' >J i7 51 :6 41 50 jl 54 4N •i0 45 i2 55 •i5 59 i9 ;3 i9 04 4 i8 d8 8 .72' 33 :6 37 31 s2 64 86 58 I 75 42 17 47 +] 51 50 55 57 59 62 62:67 ;1 75 60 78 +4 40 39 35 +8 45 45 41 51 48 51 46 55 52 _ 58 52_55 59 - 62 58 62 58 66 62 62 70 65 68 60 62 64 15 4, r) 18 52 5] 55 _ 5B 58 i1 _ 7 15 it 11 17 , 18 15 46 4.1 4176 11 :0 .19 46 43 49 .14 rt 52 4') i6 54 50 45 55 'i 1 +9 58 54 50 58 V Si . 64 -.66 ��66 TJ'LX I Series: Chock with your local rru9 Jo19t Mac Mlllan-'repreaenlative on avniloblllty o1 the TJLX" Serte9 In your areo. 24 ___26 --28- 30 ----u 34. . 36._-38 40-134oth'i 11-- - - - - -- -- --- ! 711 Iv :73 t73. :n'1 In9 :tit :til J:Q 1t I:n :•a :•1w :4.i 144 ,.Jo :.:n : ,1: :us :u4 10 ) :57 157 Jfi6 :66 %i uN_ :57_ :57 !41 :4;1 II; ta: :0 ::7 nn IN :76 :96 '56 aK :; ?:S :65 '65 :55 :55 16 r71; C6 !41 !41 13N' IJA i 1:0' !'!It !:'_R' 1:0 111: I:it ."M :T1 : .:114 a11 220 :811 6'1 .:f7 '50 '60 :SO i50 16 :te 22, :S2 :82 ]10 110 JIB ]to' 117 it: 107 .109 1C0 700 :71 :71 -:8t :81 :73 273 , :64 264 '_55 .�5 N6 246 - 22 J�:65 181 :09 :09 234 � 25e :82 :82 :94 :74 :93 :93 :91 .:71 :87 283 215 275 :67 :8/ 259 259 250 250 1-242 242 ?2 21 :8 IS2 1:0 177" :04 :04 226 :48 :6e '6A 74 274 213 '7� 27 '.:0 ��� 13 7 :6B :68 :61 :BI '253: 25J :46 _;t6 28_238 ?A `11,j4 ,54 `:1 t4 :54 _'5 4 't 26 11 fn '1:N t1O 7 'JN :1ii 'h6 d `54 :4') :47. .11 '-'41 :37 -24 Lp Nn :04 7D1. .0 :Q 16 'ri ,2ri try: 126 '26 '26 '28 26 226 '26 ",6 =.'30 '20 28 30: 6 18 !N !1� :rJ •'9 '41 •45 '61 ''ql .''f •V•11 �06 ~''OS s :!9 2t7 ::0 ::0 ::0 2^0 ::7' :.0 ::0 :0 i=::0 55 7 :J 9B 74 _ 1u II: IZ7 t+l ul 55 �M :e9 186 ",)66_ 179 179 :06 206 -208 206 20¢_ 206 :O6 206 _208 206 - 34 46 61 i1 82 :7 101 7B 1.13 111 125 1]7 137 150 ; 162 .1� 17l `]7 185 185 ' 194 194 194 194' . 194 194 r93 173 `:34 3t! A :52 52 69 i6 39 'd3 101 101 112 121 121 -124 114 145 _115 156 156 166 _175 175 1113 IB3 182 _182 i79 179 ' 311 �� 44 :4 i9 - 5: 6' :1 )0 16 'CO' '02 ::0 .:0 ':0 •70 ..130 :4ri..140 '49 62 •66 66 1:4 1:4 :69. :69 is a 50 '' 4,7 v •;5 iF •J1 { -)I 11 J9 '07 '08 ;:8 J26 1'.5 �� '44 )1�4 •54 57' :5% :59 159 . -40 42 44 42 56 57 '0 ;4 =d: " i0 )1' 9d CS ''re ':4 4 ", ,� :2Q .{30. ''8 -1 6'.:4; ;rJ .150 150 42 2e :.1T• 49 46 6t 56 :5 i7 92 -79 d9 12 : IT 104 Is 112 '1 144 19 :191 .126 •126' t3] 141. 1st 44 I_ 43 40 54 49 i6 '. 59 :S 69 82 it 39' 13: 95 102 t02 :109 116 •115 125 ;125 12T #6 48 18 15-. 47 _43 `'48 52 39 61 _ :S :I 31 82' M 93 9! 100 100_ )OB 112 112 +20 120 --.... _ -____ '.8 51 :6- ii 54 i9 iJ '5.''•1-. it y33 i6 ^)2 92 ,)B •?9 :03 •102' '09 SO 547 -.A i4 56 i6 ' i5 'S '4 30 iJ d5 .r0 )0 ?6 ':01 62' 4: ?: :,9' 47 - :d SO i4 58 i9 i6 :4 :5 :9 `34 34 39_i9 994 54' - --- -- _ 1% -W 39- 52 45 i0 52' 'i4 60 69 67 73 75 78 82 32 87 17 S6 58 40. 15 47 41 55 47 _ 50 54 64 61 68 68 73 76 41 81 I s8 60 _ 16 42 17 49 43_56 49 50 55 64 62 68 64 72 76 76 60 62 I - ---------- ---g;`--- =5 J9 52 u 56 . 50 60 56 is 92 i7. 69 71 ! 62 35 35 -. 40 53 46 56 51 50 57 U 53' 57 ! 64 66 I _. 17 41 7% 49 42 51 47 56 52 59 58- i3 66' ` 68I _ -- -- - _ - -- ------ 45 18 50 +3 53 48 56 53 59� 68 41 15 47 39 50 44 5]- 49 56 1 70' 1. Values shown are maximum allowable load capacities. Open -web trusses will be custom designed to the specified loads.- _ 2. Straight line Interpolations may be made berweeh depths and spans. 3. Values shown.are maximum allowable load c3oac:lles of the trusses In pounds per lineal foot (pit) based on: simple span• uniformly loaded conditions. an assumed 38°0 ratio of dead load to total load (pg.. 20 psf liverl2 psi dead). These tables may be non -conservative if the actual ratio is higher than 38%. A more accurate analysis can be obtained by using the TJ -Beam - software program. top chord no -notch bearing clips with 1 bearing. Higher values may be possible with other types of bearing clips. 4. These tables may also be used for bottom chord bearing trusses (maximum bottom chord slope of 1-112') with or without cantilevers _ at one or both ends. Cantilevers are limited to -i of the main span provided the Inboard shear for cantilevered conditions is limited to 2.500 lbs. 5. Values In gray Qj= areas may be increased 70; for repetitive member usage if the criteria on page 9.7 are met. 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PAGE , OF PROJECT !L 1 ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 PAGE 3q, OF 7WS1S — ZA7-- � r%�ZL / S TU 3E .�',e�L ��J� '? �'/s✓G �=�? i �v/� AIX16 �I C�uG FILL429 PROJECT ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 PAGE /r'l OF 7-WZa/5 ZAr,6�',aL . . l l T,a — ,Z90 ,� - ��� F � . (� Axe c� r rZ jl-37y 3 j -73 s�Y Ulf Ll 711) ;2 Ze Z C114C 3�c 7-1c,✓ 16.;o �C• nLA/-Z E r/Ilk ; f f�/ = -2o, 4 g)/ Z 3p 7 _ 2387 , 7s/2 ) `- Z 51-5-75- < 28'718 J/4 ' PROJECT- MANNING ENGINEERING 1, j3x-- (-xfy 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E ' ENGR TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 DATE FAX 909-296-1047 LbOI-96Z-606 XV=l "BL -9L9-606 3NOHd 06SZ6 `dINHOdIIVO 'v-ln03VY3i 3 '31S ''OS 3IOSIO 3SIddd31N3 MRLl 3lda HON3 l0HrOHd Xt7- y� 7-4 N 1-7C Q: 77V(71 0) - r z v 79 6�Z Z 7P9 yob �7o,L/ Q�11��5 — IV�2/1XcY-;des All/ ZIYIVH 01 do ��' j9dd �I PAGE of 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PROJECT MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E ' ENGR TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 DATE FAX 909-296-1047 WA (. W, 7, T = Z 7 P5F < 7,-/ hr - vyF -¢x<f .A r TGA Ta PROJECT MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E ' ENGR TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 DATE FAX 909-296-1047 1 PAGE PROJECT ' ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 PAGE 44. OF X4 2 X 4 L 44f, -wz- 5 L 2 '12-x2 %Z 16" PROJECT ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 f. a PAGE ztj' OF (X 4Y-4 &ZK A7 AGN Z -A sC�ZE7�/ PROJECT MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E ENGR TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 DATE FAX 909-296-1047 TT (X 4Y-4 &ZK A7 AGN Z -A sC�ZE7�/ PROJECT MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E ENGR TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 DATE FAX 909-296-1047 V14LL TiZz'ZL / S 2x2,x 7, se PAGE OF oll x j T Yi'l /X J = 114 Z T 5. .Z x ZX- . 2xZ.x%/6 775-, PROJECT 3 421 ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 TO N41 �yFi4R Tse" PAGE ,l-7 OF Alb, 4 w1a Cgo � -Z 79 IA r11�� � ��✓ EDGE � � � . v 5 r/-Z7L. S71'e .sr7 PROJECT ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 PAGE (/ : OF 1 L /,cI 17>-) t (22- 7 ' c I.14ez W6 -r _ } 2 Vv Cl. ?4 7 LY Z v, /7�z� Z=- LV c�Aj / 2:' ' PROJECT MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E ENGR TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 DATE FAX 909-296-1047 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 L is 1 1 1 1 >1 1 1 1 1 fjEt=O(LMATIOM CcrAPP\TA F�1L ITy PoS� OL 3` i`i60 LL I - I - I I , PAGE 4 OF PL + L L 0 30 c oK PROJECT_AO-� f -.---_ ENGR _ DATE - -- - — MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 T PAGE OF, DiEfcp-Mf}T10N. CoMQAija,�il.i.T PROJECT ' ENGR ----- -- DATE ---- -- -- --- --- MANNING ENGINEERING 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 PHONE 909-676-1844 FAX 909-296-1047 Title: .lob # MANNING ENGINEERING Degn� oats: 2:CSPM, 15 sEP 00 " 41892 Enterprise Cir. So. Ste: E Description Temecula, CA. 92590 phone:(909)676-1844/fax:694-6027 Scope: E-mail: umali@liinetcom ar: - .. sW�95.13,22 j U(dser1 _ Square Footing Design Page 1 a:\rod mur h .ecmcalculatlons '" 98l(3-99 ENE RrALC Description : BUILDING4 Calculations are designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements General Information Dead Load 27.600 k Footing Dimension 5.000 ft Live Load 12.970 k Thickness 18.00 in Short Tenn Load 0.000 k # of Bars 5 Bar Size 5 Seismic Zone 4 Rebar Cover 3,000 Overburden Weight 0.000 psf fc: 2,500.0 psi Concrete Weight 145.00 pcf F y 40.000:0 psi _ LL 8 ST Loads Combine Load Duration Factor 1.000 Column Dimension 6.00 in Allowable Soil Bearing 2,000.00 psf ' Reinforcing Rebar Requirement Actual Rebar "d" depth used 14.688 in As to USE per foot of Width 0.247 in2 ' 200fFy 0.0050 Total As Req'd 1.234 in2 As Req'd by Analysis 0.0009 in2 Min Allow % Reinf 0.0014 Min. Reiff % to Req'd 0.0014% ' - Summary _ 1 Footing OK. _ S'OOft square x 18.Oin thick with 5.45 bars Max Static Soil Pressure f 1,840.30 psf Vu: Actual One -Way One 15.§0 psi 85.00 psi Allow Static Soil Pressure 2.000.00 psf Vn'Phi : Allow -Way Max Short Term Soil Pressure 1,840.30 psf. Vu: Actual Two -Way 49.52 psi ' Allow Short Tern Soil Pressure 2,000.00: psf Vn'Phi : Allow Two Way 170.00 psi - Alternate Rebar Selections... _ Mu : Actual, 6.92 k -ft 7 # 4's ` . 4 #5's 3 # 6s - Mn 'Phi: rapacity 13.43 k -ft = 3 _ # Ts 2 # 8's 2 # 9's 1 # las ` ., :7 1 " r MANNING ENGINEERING: Title ' Job # S3 Dsgnr. Date: 2:05PM, .15 SEP 00 41892 Enterprise Cir. So, Ste. E Description: ' Temecula, CA. 92590 phone:(909)676-1844Jfax:694-6027 Scope: E-mail: •umali@iinetcom - : Pacguelation1 ae.Slo3oo `�.�R5.13,22-3un-1�,Wnr. Square Footing Design a:\rod mu h .ecw:Cal Is � s Description BUILDIM ' I I Calculations are designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements General Information Dead Load 51.850 k Footing Dimension 7.500 ft Live Load 29.630 k Thickness 18.00 in Short Term Load 0.000 k # ofBars 7 Bar Size 6 Seismic Zone 4 Rebar Corer 3.000 ' Overburden Weight 0.000 psf. fc 2,500.0 psi Concrete Weight 145.00 pcf F 40,000.0 psi LL & ST Loads Combine , y Load Duration Facto 1.000 Column Dimension 6.00 in Albwable Sal Bearing 2,000.00 psf Reinforcing Rebar ' Requirement Actual Rebar "d- depth used 14.625 In As -to USE per foot of Width 0.471 in2 2001Fy. 0.0050 Total As Req'd 3.535 in2 As Req'd by Analysis 0.0020 in2 Min Allow % Reinf 0.0014 r Min. Reinf % to Req d 0.0027% ' Summary - Footing OK: 7.50ft square x 18.0in: thick -with 7- #6 bars f Vu : Actuat One Way 32.37 psi Max ;Static Soil 1,666.03 l Pressure Ps -AllowStatic Soil Pressure 2,000.00 psf Vn'Phi : Allbw One -Way 85:00 psi Max Shat Terre Soil Pressure 1,666.03 psf Vu: Actual Two -Way 110:01 psi _ Allow Shat Terre Soil Pressure 2,000.00 psf Vn'Phi` Allow Two -Way 170.b0 psi Alternate Rebar Selections... Mu :Actual 15.25 k -ft 18 # 4,s 12 # 5's 9 # 6's Mn ' Phi :Capacity :., 17.62 k -ft 6 # Ts. 5 # 8's 4 # 9s 3' # lo's