2008 06 10 PC MinutesMINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA June 10, 2008 CALL TO ORDER 7:00 P.M. A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by Chairman Ed Alderson who asked Commissioner Wilkinson to lead the flag salute. B. Present: Commissioners Katie Barrows, Robert Wilkinson, and Chairman Ed Alderson. Absent: Commissioner Engle. Chairman Alderson said Commissioner Quill would be a little late joining the meeting. C. Staff present: Planning Director Les Johnson, Planning Manager David Sawyer, Assistant City Attorney Michael Houston, Assistant Planner Eric Ceja, and Executive Secretary Carolyn Walker. PUBLIC COMMENT: None II. PRESENTATION: None. III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: Confirmed. V. CONSENT ITEMS: A. Chairman Ed Alderson asked if there were any changes to the Minutes of May 27, 2008. There being none, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Barrows/Wilkinson to approve the minutes as submitted. Unanimously approved. VI. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Continued Village Use Permit 2005-032 Extension No. 1; a request of Nispero Properties, Inc. for consideration of a One-Year Time Extension for Construction of a ± 19,433 Square Foot Two-Story Office Building, Located in the La Quinta Village. P:\Reports - PC\2008V-8-OSlPC Minutes G70-08.doc Planning Commission Minutes June 10, 2008 Chairman Alderson opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report. Assistant Planner Eric Ceja presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning Department. Chairman Alderson asked if there were any questions of staff. There being no questions of staff, Chairman Alderson asked if there were any applicant representatives or comments. There being no applicant present Chairman Alderson asked if there was any public comment. There being no public comment, Chairman Alderson closed the public participation portion of the meeting and opened the matter for Commission discussion. Commissioner Barrows said the concerns from the last meeting were addressed and moved for approval of the item. Chairman Alderson said he was pleased all the concerns were addressed and thanked Planning Director Les Johnson. Planning Director Johnson said there was specific language on the bike rack included on Page 3 of the cover memo and asked if the Commissioners were including this condition in their approval. Commissioner Barrows said she realized the square footage was smaller than required for this condition and asked if it could be added. Staff replied it was not a requirement, but staff recommended the condition be added. Chairman Alderson said, at the last meeting, Commissioner Wilkinson expressed concern about a water feature and asked if that was addressed in the revised conditions. Staff replied there was a provision in the time extension language that all applicable codes which are in effect when the extension is approved are applicable. That would mean, if the time extension were granted, the water feature provision, unless acknowledged and recognized by the Commission would not be a part of the development any longer per the Municipal Code provisions. It requires special consideration of the water features when brought before the P:\Reports - PC\2008\7-8-OB\PC Minutes 610-08.doc 2 Planning Commission Minutes June 10, 2008 Commission. If no action is taken specific to the water feature, based on the Municipal Code, the granting of the time extension would require the water feature be removed as it would no longer be an allowed use. Chairman Alderson asked if that met with Commissioner Wilkinson's approval and he replied it did. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Barrows/Wilkinson to approve Resolution 2008-017 recommending approval of Village Use Permit 2005-032, Extension No. 1, as recommended; which included the addition of Condition No. 53 as follows: 53. A minimum of five bicycle parking spaces shall be provided on-site and shall be placed in a shaded location, out of the way of pedestrian flows, and shall be provided with a mechanism which permits locking a bicycle onto the rack. ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Barrows, Commissioner Wilkinson, and Chairman Alderson. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioners Engle and Quill. ABSTAIN: None. VII. BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Discussion regarding Work Programs Les Johnson, Planning Director presented the information contained in a memo submitted to the Commission, a copy of which is on file in the Planning Department. He then presented a verbal summary of each of the listed programs. General Plan Update: The City is required, by State law, to update the General Plan every eight years. The current General Plan was adopted in 2002. The work on this project is a large undertaking and could take 18 months, or longer, to complete. Staff is currently developing the scope of work within the Planning Department. Subsequently, input from other departments will be obtained. Once that scope has been defined, and approved, staff will solicit proposals to select a consultant team to assist with the update. P:\Reports - PC\2008\7-8-08\PC Minutes 610-OS.doc 3 Planning Commission Minutes June 10, 2008 Chairman Alderson asked if the compilation of all Department comments came to the Planning Department for creation of the General Plan. Staff replied the Planning Department had the responsibility for management of the General Plan for the City but relied heavily upon comments from all the City departments. The update would extend the City's planning horizon from 2020 out to 2030. This would add another 10 years into the assessment of future growth and development activity within the City. It would be all- encompassing looking at all the elements as required by law and beyond. Some of the items staff will focus on are greenhouse gases and sustainability. The City currently has quite a few policies and programs with sustainability in mind. Chairman Alderson asked if staff was attaching dollars and cents figures to each of these categories as they are added to the General Plan. He wanted to know if staff was including monies in the budget to deal with the greenhouse gas issues. Staff said if he meant within the General Plan Update budget, the answer was yes. Chairman Alderson acknowledged he did. Staff said they were concerned that the policy and program language was included which reflected the direction the City wanted to go in with regards to those matters. Staff added they are important and timely. The process is long and they would be soliciting for consultants to help with the undertaking of the task. Staff said it is quite an involved process and they expect resident input and would conduct an outreach program for comments which may include a citizen advisory committee. Staff would be periodically updating the Commission on their progress. Chairman Alderson asked if the General Plan would come before the Planning Commission before it goes to Council. Staff replied yes and they anticipate there would be several points, through the process, where the Planning Commission and City Council would be participating in providing feedback to staff and the consulting team for guidance and direction to make sure that the final outcome of the update is in line with what the expectations are. P:\Reports - PC\2008\7-8-OB1PC Minutes 610-08.doc 4 Planning Commission Minutes June 10, 2008 Chairman Alderson asked if staff was looking for this to happen in fall of 2009. Staff said they were expecting to be underway by this fall. It would take 12 to 18 months to complete. They estimate it would be late 2009 or mid-2010 before the process was complete. Staff was working on the timeline and would be reporting back to the Commission with further information. Once the scope of work was completed and the staff was getting it ready to go forward with a Request for Proposal (RFP) they would be apprising the Commission of The process and the timeline. Commissioner Wilkinson said the General Plan would address greenhouse gas reduction and green building but in the event the City builds 10% more homes there's still 90% that need to be retrofitted. He asked if there would any provision in the updates, or a focus group to address the homes already built. Staff replied it was very important to look at the existing land use activity; commercial and residential. Looking at programs, ways and services to help the reduce footprint we are leaving. Staff anticipates, from a policy level, the City would be looking at that. One of the main focuses would be on future activity, but the efforts that have been underway over the last year were addressing sustainability. Staff would now be able to address the issue of how to address the retrofitting of existing stock in our community. Existing homes have been a focus of the City and CVWD with their landscaping water efficiency program. The City recently entered into an agreement with IID to encourage the assessment of existing homes to retrofit them with more energy efficient features, such as appliances and windows. So, the City is certainly focusing in on that issue. The General Plan is supposed to be all encompassing and comprehensive in its analysis and assessment and staff would anticipate that would be identified in the programs and policies that were recommended. Commissioner Wilkinson asked if traffic, considering emissions and speed, would be a part of the circulation plan. People driving slower would certainly help with that. He asked if staff would be looking at that. Staff replied that was a good point, and there are other laws in the State that address the issue of speed limits, but staff will be comprehensive in the assessment of what they are allowed to do with existing laws. There are other factors that play a role with speed limits within the City's jurisdiction. They will be reviewed at the appropriate time. Commissioner Quill joined the meeting. P:\Reports - PC\2008\7-8-08\PC Minutes 670-O8.doc 5 Planning Commission Minutes June 10, 2008 Commissioner Barrows had a question about circulation. Since the City is pretty close to a build out in the Highway 1 1 1 corridor, she asked if there were any opportunities for mixed-use development along this corridor or elsewhere that would address the concerns of Commissioner Wilkinson in terms of greenhouse gases and pollution. She reference the La Quinta Village Plan and the Commission's efforts to encourage pedestrian-friendly design. She asked if staff saw that as something that would be included in the General Plan. Staff said yes. There had been discussion that portions of Highway 1 1 1 commercial were almost to the point where redevelopment would make sense. For the first time in the City's history there would be opportunities to consider the potential for a variety of land uses that could enter into the equation with redevelopment consideration along Highway 111. Staff commented there are a lot of opportunities for several sites on Highway 1 1 1 and some amazing things could be done if there was a very receptive developer or landowner wanting to consider redevelopment of their site with amixed-use purpose. It could work as a walkable location, as well as most of north La Quinta. There is a lot of potential and opportunity and the Commission could anticipate it would be an item addressed. Commissioner Barrows said the timing is right to address greenhouse gases. The State Air Resources Board (expected in July) will be issuing the guidelines and recommendations for local governments and essentially incorporating the guidelines of AB 32 which requires the reduction of greenhouse gases and addressing that in EIRs through CEQA. So timing-wise it's good, and significant focus will include the issue of land use, as well as encouraging fewer vehicle miles traveled and those kinds of things. Commissioner Barrows commented on a conversation she heard by a Smart Growth Planner and his comment that using traffic roundabouts could significantly reduce gas usage because instead of coming to a stop and starting again you slow down and continue. It appears the roundabout at Jefferson seems successful, to the extent that it is possible. Staff replied they have received mixed reviews on the roundabout. Most people view it as a positive in the ability to efficiently and effectively move a moderate amount of traffic. Staff agreed that limiting the P:\Reports - PC\2008\7-8-08\PC Minutes 670-OS.doc 6 Planning Commission Minutes June 10, 2008 amount of time a car is idling is of benefit and the ability to get from one point another in a reasonable amount of time without much resistance should be one of the City's goals. Commissioner Barrows added the other comment made in regards to roundabouts was that incidents of traffic accidents were significantly lower. She was just curious it roundabouts were another piece of the Circulation Element in which those kinds of things could be incorporated. Staff said the only negative, with regards to roundabouts, is they are not usually pedestrian-friendly. They can be difficult for pedestrian movement. They are great for vehicle movement, but the design has to be carefully considered for pedestrians to safely and effectively cross those lanes without risk. Commissioner Barrows noted UC Davis has bicycle roundabouts and they are very dangerous for pedestrians. Chairman Alderson said he attended a League of California Cities meeting several years ago where they discussed roundabouts being 35% more efficient in terms of moving traffic and safety. He agreed with Commissioner Barrows regarding the addition of more roundabouts in the City. Commissioner Quill said, on his way to the meeting, he was listening to a local radio station where they had a planner who was discussing this whole issue of reducing traffic by proper urban planning. The City's current problem was created by focusing only on single family housing. He added, in the last two weeks it has become a possibility we may be looking at six to eight dollar gas. We might be on the cusp of a paradigm shift unlike any seen since World War II; including mass transit, and walkability needs. Commissioner Quill continued stating local mixed use areas such as the Fresh and Easy concept have become very popular. That will be part of the shift, including commercial uses in residential areas. The City's zoning ordinances need to keep up. Currently, these areas could only be designated mixed use, but that is too broad. Commercial uses need to be placed right in the midst of residential to keep people out of their cars. Then people can afford to live and, at the same time, we can work to clean up our environment. P:\Reports - PC\2008\7-8-OS\PC Minutes 610-OS.doc ~ Planning Commission Minutes June 10, 2008 Commissioner Quill said he was in a meeting last week with the Riverside County Planning and Transportation Departments. A representative, from the transportation sector, commented he was pleased the project Commissioner Quill was presenting had class I bike trails, and accessibility and walkability within the proximity of commercial, residential, and schools. He emphasized one other thing; the opportunity to include alternative vehicles. It was not a wise idea to mix Segways, small electric scooters, and electric bicycles with cars. In the future, residents may be using them to go the mile or mile-and-a-half to the store as they might not have a car, due to affordability. There will be a dramatic shift in the next 10 years. The City needs to be planning at least five years ahead in everything they do. Commissioner Quill said the huge mega store concept is going to shift down and the local store and hardware concept will come back. And the big box is going to start to reduce and the sea of parking in front of the big box is going to disappear. Chairman Alderson said what Commissioner Quill is saying is correct. There are some commercial parcels dedicated as neighborhood commercial, in the south part of the City. There is an opportunity to include local stores and people could walk to those stores. Implementing it would be the difficult part. Commissioner Quill said right now we cannot do that according to the Zoning Code. Planning Director Les Johnson said, when the City was considering the Sphere of Influence (SOI) area, they were focusing on a strategic area in the SOI. They were concentrating on urban, suburban and rural. It is still on the cutting edge and more and more people like the concept. There is a lot of benefit to it. In the next 12 to 24 months we will see a dramatic change in thinking. Fresh and Easy has changed the way we look at projects. In the future more time will be spent at local grocery stores and less at the big boxes. It will carry over to other businesses. General Plan Amendment (GPA 08-112) -Multi-Purpose Trails and Street Classification Maps: Chairman Alderson questioned whether the Multi-purpose Trails section, would include the evaluation of golf cart trails, and safe lanes in addition to the multi-purpose trails. Staff said not with this specific item. This has to do with projects in the southwest area of our community. Staff is P:\Reports - PC\2008\7-8-08\PC Minutes 610-OS.doc 8 Planning Commission Minutes June 10, 2008 currently processing the Travertine project. It is a check of the circulation system of that area of the community, south of 60 into Travertine as welt as Avenue 62 and the recent settlement with Shea. We have been noticing some gaps regarding the trail maps and this will have to be brought before the Commission. Commissioner Quill asked if these were the plans brought up a year or so ago. Staff replied about the multi-purpose trails were brought up about six months ago. There was a lengthy gap between Avenue 62 and Madison and Avenue 60, going west. Staff is trying to make that adjustment to insure future entitlements address those improvements. Multi-purpose trails tend to be all encompassing. Whatever should happen in the future in modes of transportation this could be an important link. The City is focused in the southeast area of the community regarding trails. With regard to the golf cart question, it would be addressed in Phase I of the Golf Cart Plan. Staff said they had been contacted by a resident regarding a golf cart lane from Trilogy to Highway 1 1 1. Currently multi-purpose trails are not identified all the way to Highway 111. Chairman Alderson said if you drove from the Trilogy development to Highway 111 you'd run out of electricity before you get to town. Staff said, in the Phase 2 golf cart plans there are lanes identified that have the potential for golf cart usage. Right now the focus is on the Village Core. Commissioner Quill said the City should start preparing for alternative vehicles, including electric and golf carts that need a safe route. Chairman Alderson asked if multi-purpose trails were delineated as horse and golf cart paths. Staff replied multi-purpose trails could also be used by bicyclists. They are intended to be open to a variety of non-motorized uses. The space was reserved for those options. Commissioner Wilkinson asked if the City could be going farther than Highway 111 to get to the proposed paths along the channel and connecting multi-use trails to include mopeds and electric carts to get those people to an area where there is no vehicular traffic. There are golf cart paths identified on our General Plan in many areas of the community. The Coachella Valley Recreation and Park District is currently working on a trail plan which includes the Whitewater Channel P:\Reports - PC\2008\7-8-OS\PC Minutes G10-08.doc 9 Planning Commission Minutes June 10, 2008 Trail route, Dillon Road, and the potential of using the all-American Coachella Canal. They have hired a consultant to work on this plan. La Quinta City staff has been discussing the potential of such a route being implemented and are planning to talk with the City of Indio to see if they would be interested in what can be done to implement the Whitewater Channel route. The cities could gain many benefits by linking with their neighbors. Staff used the example of the Seattle area, as well as Western Riverside and Orange counties. General Plan and Zoning Code Amendments (GPA 08-114 & ZC 08- 134) -School sites changed to Major Community Facilities (MCI: Staff referenced the three existing, and fully developed, school sites of Colonel Mitchell Paige Middle School, Horizon School, and Benjamin Franklin Elementary School. The City would like to re-zone them to Major Community Facilities (MC) since the Community Services Department (Parks and Recreation) has been using the schools as part of their recreation district and would like to get that property recognized in order for the City to fund future improvements. Housing Element Update: Staff reported they are well underway on the Housing Element update and expects to have a draft within the next two weeks. The update is required to take the RHNA numbers and identify how the City is going to accommodate those new units. The City began a year ago by hiring The Planning Center as a consultant. Staff will be spending this summer doing outreach to the community and look forward to some good general feedback. Commissioner Wilkinson asked what category the Vista Dunes project fell into. Staff said it was classified as a combination project with very low and low-income residents. There are two sets of numbers included in the housing element. The Redevelopment Agency (RDA) numbers and the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) numbers. The numbers in the report are shown as of January 2006. Any units added after January 2006 are deducted from these numbers. Vista Dune, Wolf Waters and any above-moderate built after 2006 will come out of this. However, these are still very ambitious numbers. Percentage-wise, the City of La Quinta has one of the highest allocations in the Valley. P:\Reports - PC\2008\7-8-OB\PC Minutes 610-08.doc )`() Planning Commission Minutes June 10, 2008 Village Strategic Plan: Staff said they are very close to embarking on the Village Strategic Plan. The focus will be to assess the existing Village Zoning Code requirements. Form based codes may be considered for the Village. Staff will be focusing on street design that encourages a pedestrian friendly environment. Also considered will be mass and scale, more on land use and relationships between land use and the ability to get from point to point. Staff will be looking to find ways to accommodate ideas, within reason, in the future. Chairman Alderson asked if staff was talking about pedestrian-friendly access, design issues, traffic control and pedestrian control. Also, was the General Plan taking into consideration any innovative ideas to help improve business conditions; i.e., a bigger and more extensive sign program to direct business from Highway 111. Chairman Alderson pointed out there is a difference between the Village and Old Town. Staff replied Old Town is an integral part of the Village. Chairman Alderson wanted to know what the City is doing to help the Village tenants improve business. Staff replied they did not have a marketing component but a "way finding" program would help. The City hired a consultant to work on the "way finding" program to direct people to the Village. They have retained a sign company to assist with a sign component to focus on getting people to the Village and then to public parking and other nearby features in the City. Commissioner Quill asked if part of the Village Strategic Plan included the idea of traffic calming and providing on-street parking on Calle Tampico. Calming traffic down could create good quality pedestrian crossings from the hotel to downtown. There would not be any damage done by leaving Calle Tampico as a two-lane city street. Staff replied there has been a lot of discussion, in the past several months, regarding Desert Club and a variety of options that would slow traffic down, which would also emphasize the pedestrian scale of that part of the community. This discussion would be included as part of the Village Strategic Plan. Lighting Ordinance: Staff reported they have hired a consultant (Mr. Reya) to revamp the City's lighting standards. Mr. Reya spent some time educating the staff P:\Reports - PC\2008\7-8-OS\PC Minutes 610-OS.doc ). i Planning Commission Minutes June 10, 2008 on the right lighting and the significant difference it can make. Staff is excited about working with him on the lighting ordinance, retention of the dark sky ordinance, and reducing glare. The completed draft ordinance would be brought before the Commission. Commissioner Barrows asked energy efficiency. Staff said the City would be more definitive about the various types of lighting. There were certainly some mixed opinions about the more orangey type of lighting even though it is more effective in conserving energy. Other options have been presented, by different developers, and have received mixed reviews. One possible suggestion is to minimize the number of light standards used during the daytime. The example of reducing the number of standards operating by 2/3 and retaining the same security benefits was given. The City could begin mandating provisions such as these to obtain more energy efficiency in the commercial sector. Commissioner Quill commented on the importance of the Dark Sky Ordinance to Joshua Tree National Park and Anza Borrego State Park. Those parks bookend the Valley, but don't have much opportunity to really express what is really important to them. He suggested this would be a good opportunity to invite their comments on the Dark Sky Ordinance before it gets circulated in the General Plan since light pollution, from the Coachella Valley, was a big problem for both of them. Staff replied they would welcome the opportunity to get feedback from them and suggested Commissioner Quill supply them with contact information. Staff said they would extend an invitation to them to comment on the ordinance update. Commissioners Barrows and Quill both offered to obtain the contact names and get them to staff. Commissioner Barrows said it is an issue of concern in terms of the Multiple Species Plan, as it relates to La Quinta because of the City's adjacency to the National Monument and the mountains in terms of lighting, the impact it has on open spaces and the parks, and the wildlife habitat. She agreed getting their feedback would be a good suggestion. Chairman Alderson volunteered the Commissioners' vast experience to the staff. He said they would be willing to help you in any way they could. P:\Reports - PC\2008\7-8-OB\PC Minutes 610-08.doc ).2 Planning Commission Minutes June 10, 2008 Planning Director Les Johnson thanked them and replied they would anticipate asking for additional Planning Commission deliberation time. He said other department members might be asking for the Commissioners' assistance since this would be a hands-on document. He said, in his past experience, he had relied heavily on the Planning Commissions he had worked with. He added staff would be utilizing the Commissioners to help get the word out to the community since the City is looking for citizen participation. Citizen input is a part of the process and the City hopes to have a lot of the community involvement in the process. Zoning Code Amendment -Clean Up Adjustments: Staff said there were adjustments needed to clean up the zoning code. As staff continues to work with the zoning code, they find situations or circumstances that create questions regarding certain sections of the code. One was recently found regarding Village Use Permits. This is a document that is always evolving. There will be a handful of amendments coming before the Commission. Staff plans to bring them semi-annually, but if the Commission sees something that is missing or needs to be corrected, they would welcome those comments. Staff emphasized comments from the Commissioners were always welcome. Commissioner Wilkinson wanted to thank staff for whoever was responsible for clearing up the traffic problems on Fred Waring. He said the situation has substantially improved and he appreciated it. Staff said it was a team effort with Public Works, the City Manager, and the City Attorney Kathy Jenson. Staff explained the temporary and permanent solution for the traffic situation in that area. Commissioner Wilkinson said it was a huge improvement and thanked staff for the fine job. Chairman Alderson thanked staff for all their hard work and reiterated the Commissioners were very willing to help. Commissioner Barrows said she was recently involved with a group of homeowners at PGA West and the question came up about adding solar panels. She said the homeowners' association did not allow them. She wanted to address the issue of roof top solar panels and the assurance that City codes were friendly to that. She said years ago they were not, but the PGA West folks wanted to have the Commission revisit that issue. She wanted to know if it was a General Plan issue. P:\Reports- PC\2008\7-8-08\PC Minutes G70-OS.doc t3 Planning Commission Minutes June 10, 2008 Staff replied that issue had been addressed by State law. It is now against the law for local municipalities and homeowners' associations to prohibit the use of solar panels on roof tops. The Planning Department does not have anything on an administrative level that restricts the use of solar panels. If it is a structural matter, the Building Department would address it through the Building Code, but from an aesthetic standpoint there would be nothing to prevent a resident from acquiring a system. Commissioner Barrows said she was thinking in terms of the education process and making sure the public was aware of the State laws regarding solar panels. Staff replied it was certainly understood from staff's viewpoint. Staff added there is a lot of discussion going on in the State of California regarding alternative energy sources; such as wind power. Other states are focusing on wind power and they are taking the same position as solar power as far as aesthetics are concerned. Staff alerted the Commission to the fact that there's the possibility, in the near term in the state of California and a handful of other states, to take the same position on solar and wind power. Their position would be that you cannot prohibit, or restrict, it based on aesthetics. Staff reported at a recent conference they were told that legislation could be introduced here stating the same. Commissioner Barrows wanted to make sure that, as the General Plan went forward, the City was encouraging alternative energy sources. She mentioned Imperial Irrigation District was starting to think about ways to include renewable energy sources in their portfolio. Commissioner Wilkinson read recently about wind turbines integrated into chimneys. He also mentioned a State restriction which involved the percentage of costs involved in camouflaging or disguising solar equipment. Commissioner Quill gave an example of some solar pool equipment placed in Sun City. Staff said they had heard there was a the which was competitively priced and didn't look much different than a standard roof tile, but had the ability to conduct and operate as a solar panel. VIII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: None P:\Reports - PC\2008\7-8-OS\PC Minutes 610-OS.doc ),4 Planning Commission Minutes June 10, 2008 IX. COMMISSIONER ITEMS: Chairman Ed Alderson gave a brief overview of the City Council meetings of May 20, 2008, and June 3, 2008. Staff said the Council would be discussing the budget at the June 19, 2008, meeting, and holding Commission interviews at the June 17, 2008, meeting, commencing at 2:00 p.m. as there were a number of candidates. Staff said the Council budget meeting is tentative scheduled for 6:00 p.m. If Commissioners were planning to attend, would they please a-mail staff for further details. X. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Barrows/Wilkinson to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to the next regular meeting to be held on June 24, 2008. This regular meeting was adjourned at 8:21 p.m. on June 10, 2008. Respectfully submitted, Carolyn Walker, Executive Secretary City of La Quinta, California P:\Reports - PC\2008\7-8-OS\PC Minutes 610-OB.doc 15