MUP 2000-258a P P.O. Box 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO (760) 77777000 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 (TDD) (7 60) 777-1227 December 18, 2000 Mr. Joe Richards . Richards-Mueting-Wilkes 6529 Riverside Avenue,. S-115 Riverside, California 92506 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMITS 2000-258 Dear Mr. Richards: The Community Development has approved your request to install. 11 a�temporar -roof mounted Verizon antenna at 78-742RA001ay.l=11 pursuantTto�3Section 9.100.070 of the Zoning Ordi an e`; `L' subject to the following -conditions being met: 1.A`buildiig:permitshall,be obtained. 2. The antenna shall be removed by December 18, 2001, unless an extension is granted by the Community Development Director. 3. The City may elect to add Conditions to this application request to mitigate any problems that arise not previously addressed herein. Should you have any questions, please contact me at (760) 777-7067. Sincerely, JERRY HERMAN C TY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR GT. Enclosures c: V Building and Safety Director Community Development Director MUP258COSite - 46 M l.d-tt3-ud W1:3W city or LaWuinta Comm.Dev.Dept ID= 760 '777 1233 p.02 City of La Quinta Community Development Department 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 (760) 777-7125 PAX: (760) 777-1233 OFFICE USE ONL-Y�y �T Cm No. �tqQ Date RiCcvd 1 � -' Co - -2-au 16 Feer Related Atm.: �u►.y r d-�� � d ; Logged in by: _1:51�— APPLICATION FOR MINOR USE PERMIT APPROVAL MINOR USE PERMIT applications are revicwed and approved by the Community Development Director pursuant to Section 9.210.020, of the Zoning Code. The purpose of the review is to ensure that land uses requiring the permit do not have an adverse impact on surrounding properties, residents, or businesses. PROJECT LOCATION: NEC o E HM 111 AND' W,66"I N S Toff ST, PROPOSED USE AND'OR CONSTRUCTION (Including operational information):_ SEE A?TAc.HF_'0 (ata .h sheets if nee M) LEGAL DESCRIPTION (LOT & TRACT OR A.P.N.): AIMinor Use Permit APPLICANT. Yf-glZbN WI RELE.SS Rj So' Rich At2ns (Print) MAILING ADDRESS !off q 121YFRS1 Di= AVE #11S Phone No. CITY, STATE, ZIP: let L/1✓12,SI DS CA 9 x,$'06 Fax No. q Det -ab $?b I PROPERTY OWNER (If different): (Print) X111 .fir^LA QUM MAILING ADDRESS: Phone No. CITY, STATE, ZIP: > Fax No. PROJECT LOCATION: NEC o E HM 111 AND' W,66"I N S Toff ST, PROPOSED USE AND'OR CONSTRUCTION (Including operational information):_ SEE A?TAc.HF_'0 (ata .h sheets if nee M) LEGAL DESCRIPTION (LOT & TRACT OR A.P.N.): AIMinor Use Permit 10-18-00 A9:36 City of LaQuinta Comm.Dev•Dept ID- 760 777 1233 P-03 SUBMISSION REQUIREMEN 0. Plot Plan, floor plans and elevation plans (as determined by Community Development Department staff). Five (5) sets of plans on, 8%:" x 11" sheet or folded down to 8'/:" x 11". 0 Filing fee f'or Minor Use permit. If filing multiple applications, the most expensive application will be charged full fee, with remaining related applications discounted 50% for each. This discount does not apply to Environmental Information form. NAME OF APPLICANT YERIz.vAl WI REtrI=SS B1 3ooE 9,jLH6gDS (Please Print) SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE 1 D"moo- bo 'FAME OF PROPERTY OWNER (Please Print) SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER(S) IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT: DATE (Signature provides consent for applicant to use site for proposed activity). DATE (Separate written authority by owner to submit application may be provided) NOTE: FALSE OR MISLEADING IN'ORM.ATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS. FOR DENYING APPLICATION. AI 8% inor Use Pcrmit ./ I REQUEST TO PLACE SMALL RECEIVER ANTENNA ON ROOF OF VERIZON STORE Verizon is experiencing a. severe coverage problem in the vicinity of our store located in the shopping center at the corner of Highway. 111 and Washington Avenue. We are pursuing the installation of a. full cell site that will cure the problem. However, we would like to enhance the signal into the store immediately. In this regard, Verizon we would like to install a small receptor antenna on the roof of the store. The antenna is about the size of, and is similar in appearance to, a television antenna. It would rise about 5 feet off the roof top. Once the permanent site in on line the antenna would be removed. A cut sheet for the antenna is. attached. I RICHARDS MOETING WILKES PLANNING & ENGINEERING 6529 Riverside Avenue suite 115 Riverside, CA 92506 Telephone: (909) 276-8010 FAX: (909) 276-8013 TO W6 e ig 1� mwn •� w� . 11ad11tlOH :NA]INOtld � Rgigp 46�i 537Vd5 06'(000V5S) Q3G1/-0EId 53?dd6 9NI=1tJVd %OOI ds 05 06 V3w 3LIs %Is ds 64051 •913 / HS/2U / 9NIAYd %b As 19L'L OUVd / S�TdM %LL is OtiL'9 3d'd9s0NVl. Ili AVAf HCH 3LV1S "I as 009'5 96"3AO7 9NIC311M 7 , • � � _ 'w alal �a r�.w wiv�n•rTaal sdu— m NOUVAna 124 SSOIOJ!MUDZPOA E!Iulnb VI m I' ;9 .A'ntel INTERNATIONAL. INC. The Antenna Technology Company • 0 BW947Y ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS FREQUENCY RANGE 806-960 MHz' NOMINAL GAIN 10 dBd BANDWIDTH VSWR 1.5 90 MHz* FRONT TO BACK RATIO 20 dB .HORIZONTAL BEAMWIDTH(at haH power points) 46 deg VERTICAL BEAMWIDTH (at half power points) 41 deg POWER RATING 200 watts LIGHTNING PROTECTION DC ground TERMINATION N male 'Standard stocking frequency is 806-896 and 890-960 MHz. Please specify frequency required when Ordering. Horizontal Pattern for Vertical Polarization Ordering Information Part # Description BW947Y-1 806-896 MHz. BW947Y-2 890-960 MHz. Custom feedlines and custom colors are available on a special order basis. MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS. HEIGHT 24- (610 mm) WIDTH ® 896 MHz .6.4- (163 mm) WEIGHT 1.5 lbs. (0.7kg) RATED WIND VELOCITY 150mph (241 kph) RATED WIND VELOCITY (with .5 inch radial ice) 125mph (201 kph) LATERAL THRUST ® 100 mph WIND VELOCITY 26 lbs. (12kg) PROJECTED AREA (flat plane equivalent) .20ttsq. (.018msq.) MOUNTING INFORMATION A mounting clamp complete with hardware Is supplied to mount BW947Y on a 1.50"- 2.40 - dia. mast. Allows vertical or horizontal polarization. • The BW947Y has been engineered to meet the requirement for a high gain, broadband, premium quality antenna. It provides 10 dBd gain and operates in the 806-960 MHz' range. The BW947Y Is manufactured using high strength 6061-T6 material to with withstand heavy Ice, high wind and other extreme weather conditions. Our Innovative dipole design is welded to the mast for extra strength. and eliminates the chance of misalignment or fastener problems. The BW947Y is also available in multiple phased arrays for additional gain when required. A heavy duty. damp is supplied that easily permits vertical or horizontal polarization. Anodized blue for appearance and corrosion resistance. The standard . feedline length is -2 feet. Choose from our premium RG 213 (standard), RG 214, LMRQM and LMR600. ANTEL INTERNATIONAL, INC., 1300 Capital Drive, Rockford, Illinois 61109, Phone: (815) 399-0001, Fax: (815) 399-0156 TOLL-FREE (888) 417-9562