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10-1109 (RC)
7- P.O. P.O. BOX 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMP ICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 4 4, BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMIT Application Number: 10-00001109 Property Address: 79225 HIGHWAY 111 APN: 600-020-014- - - Application description: REMODEL - COMMERCIAL Property Zoning: REGIONAL COMMERCIAL Application valuation: 2300000 / Applicant: rchitect or gineer: �7� W4 WA LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. Wcense Class: B cense No.: 949005 Date: Z`i Contractor: OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's State License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031 .5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county that requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair anystructure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit to file a signed statement that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's State License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he or she is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500).: (_ 1 I, as owner of the property, or my employees with.wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does the work himself or herself through his or her own employees, provided that the improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he or she did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). (_) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for the projects with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.). 1 1 I am exempt under Sec. , B.&P.C. for this reason Date: Owner: CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.). Lender's Name: _ Lender's Address: LQPERDiIT ' VOICE (760) 777-7012 FAX (760) 777-7011 INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 Date: 11/23/10 Owner: GARFF PROPERTIES -LA QUINTA LLC 405 S MAIN ST #1200 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84n111 r1; t� Contractor: I )j UNITED CONTR DEV. & O ST14{{ _ !t I1 Zl1 P) 3170 S 1940 E ,h SALT LAKE CITY, UT 8410t ;OFF '"`�----...., .. 3 (801) 792-7417 (rtj%✓t17ic j Lic. No.: 949005 r WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: _ I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Carrier EXEMPT Policy Number EXEMPT I certify that, in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that, if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section / 3700ofthe Labor Cod�orthwith comply with those provisions. Date:/// /s V Applicant. WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000). IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF,THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety.for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on this application. 1 . Each person upon whose behalf this application is made, each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this application, the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees for any act or omission related to the work being performed under or following issuance of this permit. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 1.80 days from date of -issuance of such permit, or cessation'of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives yf this county to enter upon the above-mentioned property fo nspection put ses. Date: X /�` . ignature (Applicant or Agent) LQPERIMIT Application Number . . . . . 10-00001109 ------ Structure Information REMODEL EXIST. AUTO DEALERSHIP ----- Other struct info . . . . . CODE EDITION 2007/08 ENERGY FIRE SPRINKLERS YES MIXED -USE -OCCUPANCY B/S-1 OCCUPANT LOAD 112.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1ST FLOOR SQUARE FOOTAGE 23635.00 Permit . . . . BUILDING,PERMIT Additional desc GARFF CHEVROLET REMODEL Permit Fee . . . . 6139.50 Plan Check Fee 3990.68 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . 2300000 Expiration Date 5/22/11 Qty ' Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 3539.50 1300.00 2.0000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- THOU BLDG 1,000,001 - UP 2600.00 Permit . . . ELECT - ADD/ALT/REM Additional desc . . Permit Fee . . . . 356.28 Plan Check Fee 89.07 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date 5/22/11 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 15.00 • 7674.00 ..0200 ELEC GARAGE OR NON-RESIDENTIAL 153.48 20.00 .7500 PER ELEC DEVICE/FIXTURE 1ST 20 15.00 3.00 3.0000 EA ELEC APPLIANCES 9.00 9.00 7..5000 EA ELEC PWR APP >1.TO <=10 67.50 214.00 .4500 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- EA ELEC DEVICE/FIXTURE >20 96.30 Permit . . . MECHANICAL Additional desc Permit Fee . . . . 216.50 Plan Check Fee 54.13 Issue Date '. . . . Valuation . . . . 0' Expiration Date .. 5/22/11' , Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 15.00 3.00 9.0000 EA MECH SUSP/WALL HEATER 27.00 f 14.00 - 4.5000 EA MECH VENT INST/ DUCT ALT 63.00.' 3.00 9.0000 EA MECH APPL REP/ALT/ADD 27.00 8.00 6.5000 EA MECH EVAP COOLER -52.00 5.00 6.5000 EA MECH VENT FAN, 32.50 LQPERIMIT a .K Application. Number 10-00001109 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . PLUMBING Additional desc _ Permit Fee . . . . 138.00 Plan Check Fee 34.50 Issue Date Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date 5/22/11 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 15.00 18.00 6.0000 EA PLB FIXTURE 108.00 2.00 6.0000 EA PLB ROOF DRAIN 12.00 1.00 3.0000 EA PLB WATER INST/ALT/REP 3.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Notes and Comments 11/23/2010 - REMODEL TO EXISTING AUTO DEALERSHIP BUILDING: [PROJECT INCLUDES CONVERSION OF COVERED PATIO TO 1,156 SF SALES AREA] 23,645 SF TOTAL AREA (N.I.C. 1,930 SF COVERED PATIO AREA). TYPE V -B CONSTRUCTION W/ 60 FT YARDS & SPRINKLER SYSTEM. "B" & S-1 OCCUPANCY. OCCUPANT LOAD = 112. 2007 CODES. 2008 ENERGY.. APPROVAL DOES NOT INCLUDE ADDITION OF 6,518 SF SERVICE BAY PER P.W. DEPT. REVIEW OF SOILS REPORT. ' --------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Other Fees . . . . . . . . . ACCESSIBILITY PLAN REVIEW 399.06 ART IN PUBLIC PLACES -COM 11480.00 BLDG STDS ADMIN (SB1473) 92.00 ENERGY REVIEW FEE 399.06 STRONG MOTION (SMI) - COM 483.00 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 6850.28 .00 .00 6850.28 Plan Check Total 4168.38 .00 .00 4168.38 Other Fee Total 12853.12 .00 .00 12853.12 Grand Total 23871.78 .00 .00 23871.7.8• LQPERDIIT CITY OF LA QUINTA SUB-CONTRA 7Q oZS 1) TOR IST JOB ADDRESS - PERMIT NUMBER O OWNER WAV. 1(4- "'r— BUILDER1� , This shallbe posted a 'o t the u" o a s " aconspicuous ace. _Onlyrsons a gearing on this list or their'employees are authorized to work on this job. Any changes to this list must be approved by the Building Division prior to commencement of work. Failure to comply will result in a stoppage of work and/or the voidance of building permit. For each applicable trade, all information requested below must be completed by applicant. On File is not an acce table response. Yrade_ ! Classrftcabon Gontrat tot S�tg€ Cotttr$0;9r 5 I�rRnse dom 44s4tirl (ItSt►rd t e Ci easiness I(4@tt58: . 'Company Name Classi(icatior. License Number Exp. Date (e.g. A, B, C-8) Ixxxxxx) (xx/xzlxx) Carrier Name Policy Number Exp. Date License Number Exp. Date le.g. State Fund, Cal Comp) (Format Varies) (xx/xx/xx) (xxxx) (xzlxx/xxl EQRTHW.ORK 10-121 L EgT' Gs �STM1�-,4Lc J A %MbY t -30- 1 v 2�St tik na aAt o t71 0_ _ t, oaa3�6 5 31 1l ?CONCRETE IC 8). UP'=_..<: VC1��5 vEZ Aba.+a C.-Z��1 3Gj'��t�l `i'-�iG ZC1� OZL FRAMING. (C:5)' civ.-� �/A t fc G- tS - d Sf b-14 (v L °t -3C-1) r•et•�¢t - \ tq _ t- t1 1:4- e tl STRUCT... EEL (C-51')...'% W Lk,TF S•&e MASONRY (C 29) V epl$av, y �/l iO SaN P .(C -36 v: �lL..� 4��0.: tr..�o20?,�0 Q'nIE tv; 3i�t ll /r pRYWALL;IC-91'' �1MtrN' T�.irEuo G' � tb�Jg ti"t ( (;(lll /J c�5 a•t'Lo$ CC V$CblO`�i J`(odtl Olo"$ OcT HVAC (C20) ' ] ELECTRICAL 1C=76E . RQU .!NG:("S3 SHEEi'fylETAI;'IG431 '; . ELO'.gRINGh{.C'A.fl , �LAZ:tNG7) l �r,�5 z�vG Mt GvG ��� 2a `� -2�i-1 b t a� s 2t oS 7704 t �•-t\ 4- /3t-bl ANS UL1ITI.PN;$.C•2,). SEWAEiE DISP (C A2) PAINTIIVG.;l.C:3:3) pwAlw»nitn L'-7S`� `QiZc�(l ST�ai - tvNYJ ob(L� 'yc(iu �o�'lt IC�bGZCs (t�jsll ;CERAMICTIkE CASIN�I'S;tG-61" FENgtNC (C '1�1. ,t.AN.ASCAPING tC 27) _X �?&,,W,5 . " 0 51g Fife, Edit -Commands Help BPNT lJOCCUPANCY. OCCUPANT LOAD 11L . 2 BPNT [CODES. -2008 ENERGY -7. ANGAMPUBUC SECTOR. N9viUne^ [-1-- 23 F 72010-PERMIT'DOES NOT IN( 1/ BPNT , GRADING,:OF, AADITIONP-ER 'PUBLIG: W( 4 IL------ ► BPNT Application 10-00001109 Bonds ► Property nformation 'p— f2l Application Information P - Contractor escrow Address-: 79225 HIG*AY_ 111 F 20113.:.50-20' PW kher F—ebruar.v. - 7, Applicationde§c: �Q.ARF* CkEVkOLET.,.Rtlw1ODEL:.&` A[ Fees JBLDG. DES IGN.-PER-.ENGINEERED . PLAN° LA I -QU I INTA, I CA 9 ., 2253 1SUPPLEMENTAL TO PERMIT RMIT . ISSU I ED Application stai us: - PERMIT Global balance due Locition. ID: 6880 Status: Date: VlV2bli Inspection history Owner name.: GARFF4kOPE�RTIES-LA',.qQINTA LLC _ca, � Application type: t :REMODEL - 'COMMERCIAL V Miscellaneous inform Names Permits APN: Alternate ID.: Zoning: CR-REGIONAL'COMMERCIAL Application date: valuation- 10/26/2010 .2300000 =_j Plan tracking -------- Rdceipts r 1nf^rmnfir%n M11+e+, +i^ne R6isionsa .............. .......... .......................................................... ......... m , _. . : ... %.1... . wl. w m . ........ ... ..................... N .......... I ...... I code Freeform information 121 SqLiar'e footage calcul StrLictures+ Valuation calculations ' BPNT, 11 j./2010 — REMODEL TO.EXISTING'AUTO =1/237T010 r �y Y, BPNT IDEALERSHIP BUILDING: —1/Y —3/2010 I Y. F BPNT _PF[—.PROTECT INCLUDES- ADDITION OF 6,518 SF 11723/2010, F —Y IBNT 'SERVICE _BAY::CONVERSION' OF' -.COVE RED 'PATIO- 1 1U 1721/2'0 F Y1 Y F SF - 3 A). TYPE V-B-C-ONSTRUCTION W/ 60 FT n�,_ r C:DDT76TWT:17D C:Vq'P17M rrnft r �C:�l �RDIf,, �T; r— !�, ! 11 lil 77 Y Y� BPNT lJOCCUPANCY. OCCUPANT LOAD 11L . 2 BPNT [CODES. -2008 ENERGY -7. FB_P`KT [-1-- 23 F 72010-PERMIT'DOES NOT IN( 1/ BPNT , GRADING,:OF, AADITIONP-ER 'PUBLIG: W( 4 IL------ ► BPNT JDEPT: [PENDING APPROVAL -OFSOILS &Prinll !BPNT [THIS' -APPLICATION ALSQ,._:INCLUDE5- Ti BPNT JENCLOSURES, ';PER' GB FB�`NT F 20113.:.50-20' PW kher F—ebruar.v. - 7, REVIS-ION TO- ROOF SCREENS: ABOVE 3i Y',Exit '[B—PNT JBLDG. DES IGN.-PER-.ENGINEERED . PLAN° fBPUT 1SUPPLEMENTAL TO PERMIT J* R6fresh Land inquiry Documents - I - I. , Y Y� Bin # Qty of La Quinta -Building &r Safety Division P.O. Box 1504, 78-495 Calle Tampico La QuInta, CA 92253 - (760) 777-7012 Building Permit Application and Tracking Sheet Permit # Project Address: 1 25 S 14%L"-tVJ= 1.1-1 Owner's Name: C,0,,Af:F A. P. Number: Address: -(05 C; Legal Description: City, ST, Zip: Contractor: U N T- F 1[_) C_c>r4Tr_A� dsw 'S Telephone: Address: o S 't 0 IE Project Description: City, ST, Zip: -0 t C U I— C— Telephone: SO I —_I'L —1 xx' State Lic. # City Lic. '#.. Arch., Engr., Designer: Address: City., ST, Zip: Telephone: ..... ................ onstruction Type: Occupancy: State Lic. #: roject type (circle one): New Add'n Alter Repair Demo Name of Contact Person: Sq. Ft.: # Stories: # Units: Telephone # of Contact Person: f Estimated Value of Project: APPLICANT: DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE # Submittal Req'd RWd TRACKING PERMIT FEES Plan Sets LPlan Check submitted tt Item Amount Structural Cities. Reviewed, ready for corrections Plan Check Deposit Truss CaIcs. Called Contact Person Plan Check Balance Title 24 CaIcs. Plans picked up Construction Flood plain plan Plans resubmitted Mechanical Grading plan 2°" . Review, ready for correction /issue Electrical• 'A 0 Subcontactor List Called Contact Person Plumbing Grant Deed Plans picked up S.M.I. &V H.O.A. Approval Plans resubmitted Grading IN HOUSE:- Review, ready for corrections/issue Developer Impact Fee Planning Approval Called Contact Person A.I.P.P. Pub. Wks. Appr Date of permit Issue School Fees Total Permit Fees Bin # S City of La Quinta Building 8L Safety Division P.O Box 1504, 78-495 Calle Tampico la Quinta, CA 92253 - (760) 777-7012 Building Permit Application and Tracking Sheet Permit # l Project Address: Z?j Owner's Name: V i LK. A. P. Number. 60D '+ 010 • O . Address 5 S &66" Legal Description: %�j• Contractor. LIN 4&1 64106&� ZMC,Telephone: City, ST, Zap: S (f g 1 c tt r •ter y;s, al V �Z i ', �i,,�;•' •F Project Description: Address: S 111v() C;ty. ST, zip: SI.� Telephone: &%/ ?7QQ Z'l'T State Lic. # : vQ ACitytLic. #t*7'7ffl Arch, Engr(.,Desigier: P la P , Address: YIS C 1�• 1V/. V lu� City, ST, Zip: S1CA TLD 51 Construcon Type: 4 Oc�pancy3Telehone: 46aW' �l / ' r State Lie. #: 3l i/�/r� / project type (circle one): New d;n) Alter Repair Demo Name of Contact Person: Sq. Ft: .9 to #Stories: #Units 411A Telephone # of Contact Person: — 0�3 Estimated Value of ProjecteAA APPLICANT: DO NOT WRITE MOW THIS UNE # Submittal Req'd Reed TRACKING PERM]TFEES Plan Sets Plan Check submittedTO Item Amount Structural Cafes Reviewed, ready for corrections Plan Cheek Deposit Truss Coles. Calf Contact Person Pian Cheek Balance Titte 2d Cater. Pians picked up Construction Flood plain plan Plans resubmitted Mechanical Grading plan 2" Review, ready for correctionsrmme Electrical Suboontactor List Called Contact Person Plumbing Grant Deed Plans picked up S.M.L H.O.A. Approval Pians resubmitted Grading INHOUSE:- '`' Review, ready for corrections/issue Developer Impact Fee Planning Approval Called Contact Person A.LP.P. Pub. Wks. Appr Date of permit issue School Fees Total Permit Fees <O � f- faj#%ril/ �" r IPIY� A/5 Garr -�OV,31- 71') iJ/44, Ns +0. To: 71-780 San Jacinto Dr. Ste. E2, Rancho Mirage, Ca. 92270 ph. (760) 834-8860 fax (760) 834-8861 Letter of Transmittal City of La Quinta Today's Date: 5-4-11 78-495 Calle Tampico City Due Date : ASAP La Quinta, CA 92253 Project Address: 79-225 Highway 111 (roof screens) Attn: Philip Plan Check #: Submittal: ❑ 1$' ® 2nd ❑ 3 r 10-1109 ❑ 4d' ❑ Other: We are forwarding: ® By Messenger ❑ By Mail (Fed Ex or UPS) ❑ Your Pickup Includes: # Of Descriptions: Includes: # Of Descriptions: Copies: ❑ Your Files Copies: Per Your Request ® 1 Structural Plans ❑ ❑ Revised Structural Plans ® 1 Struct. Calcs ❑ Addendum Struct. Calcs ❑ Truss Calculations ❑ Revised Truss Cales ❑ Soils Report ❑ Revised Soils Report ❑ Structural Comment List ® 1 Approved Structural Plans 0 Redlined Structural Plans ® 1 Approved Structural Calcs ' ❑ Redlined Structural Calcs Cl Approved Truss Calcs ❑ Redlined Truss Calcs ❑ Approved Soils Report ❑ Redlined Soils Reports ❑ Other: Comments: Structural content is approvable. By: John W. Thompson Rancho Mirage Office: 0 # (760) 834-8860 Other: ❑ This Material Sent for: ❑ Your Files ® Per Your Request ❑ Your Review ❑ Approval ❑ Checking ❑ At the request of: Other: ❑ By: John W. Thompson Rancho Mirage Office: 0 # (760) 834-8860 Other: ❑ P.O. BOX 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 �F �a�rKrw To: Greg Butler, Building & Safety Manager From: Les Johnson, Director -Planning Permit #: BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT (760) 777-7012 receive FAX (760) 777-7011 APR 2 8 2011 City of La Qmta Piannina rd) r To CDD: - olB -/I Due Date: Status: wilding;, Plane. Approval (This is an approval to issue a Building Permit) The Planning Department has reviewed the Building Plans for the following project: Description: j� U Address or General Location: Applicant Contact:.`. ')I- '2f-2— cl — 7l7 The Planning Department finds that: ❑ ...these Building Plans do not require Planning Department approval. ...these Building Plans are approved by the Planning Department. (sew- nv"" J� O ...these Building Plans require corrections. Please forward a copy of the attached c erections to the applicant. When the corrections are made please reNn them to the Planning Department for review. Les ohns irector-Planning ate • .tJoPTA Amz.(> j 0-1 ?=""F �QLa4J ' W� T-Vf 4 ^o agwo P.O. Box 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 To: Greg Butler, Building & Safety Manager From: Les Johnson, Director -Planning Permit #: BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT , i (760) 777-7012 FAX (760) 777-7011 APR 2 S 2C11 To CDD: 4 ,t R Due Date: A5 Iq P Status: /,5i e #e_ Building Pleas Approval (This is an approval to issue a Building Permit) The Planning Department has reviewed the Building Plans for the following project: Description: Address or General Location: I I/ Applicant Contact: I - 7y'-2 _ 7 q 7 The Planning Department finds that: O ...these Building Plans do not require Planning Department approva 0 ...these Building Plans are approved by the Planning Department. (Sar - 'o �J O ...these Building Plans require corrections. Please forward a py of the attached c erections to the applicant. When the corrections are made please re n them to the Planning Department for review. ---------------- Les ohns irector-Planning Date . aoPM AarkaoJ 04 � TV-k*#,Aq PLA,.1 sem' xFA�.Ast VJV_ MeiNett-�tu`� g^r s,J s�lcsuo (3� r"vKq"" • i'eie°eo�aaae ccrort man Mr. uoxu �CEIVE.D APR 2 8 2011 BY: ROOF SCREEN FRAMING NOTES L OM MW SLI FOR carFLM PWCF FRA *b ope. 2 n • FMBRCHnECTBAL. ROOF FRAMING LEGEND TAP. UP CF eco+ MALL Ur3VATM • FA L=TM �— SCM IMM MOM FLOOR • d -VX ROOF FRAMING PLAN rte. %EET 02.11 . r Sladden Engineering 45090 Golf Center Parkway, Suite F, Indio, CA (760) 863-0713 Fax (760) 8634847 6782 Stanton Avenue, Suite A. Buena Park, CA 90621 (714) 523-0952 Fax (714) 523-1369 450 Egan Avenue, Beaumont, CA 92223 (951) 845-7743 Fax (951) 845-8863 800 E. Florida Avenue, Hemet, CA 92543 (951) 766-8777 Fax (951) 766-8778 November 12, 2010 Project No. 544-10113 10-11-263. Ken Garff Automotive Group t' 459 South Main Street, Suite 1190 Salt Lake City, Utah, 84195 Attn: Mr. Tony Kraatz Project: Proposed Chevrolet/Cadillac Dealership Highway 111- La Quinta Auto Mall La Quinta, California Ref: Geotechnical Investigation report prepared by Sladden Engineering dated August 20, 2010; Project No. 544-10113, Report No. 1.0-08-190 Subject: Foundation Plan Review As requested, we have reviewed the Foundation Plans and Details prepared by Wiseman + Rohy Structural Engineers for the proposed Chevrolet/Cadillac Dealership. Based on our review, it is our opinion that the recommendations provided in the above referenced Geotechnical Investigation report have been properly incorporated into these plans, If you have any questions regarding this memo or the referenced report, please contact the undersigned. Respectfully submitted, SLADDEN ENGINEERING j Brett L. Anders 0 —� . Principal Engineer v � BV, O2p42 � better/gl T � OF CAItF��`Q' Copies: 2/ Ken Garff Automotive Group 1/ Wagner Architecture Group, Inc. 1/ Wiseman + Rohy Structural Engineers Wiseman+,Rohy Structural Engineers Request For Information Form Project Name: Chevrolet La Quinta Original Submission Date: 01/04/11 Project Number: 10-001 - Architect #: RFI Numbers:) E-5 GC -181 Submitted To:Submitted By: +Copies To: Wayne Deming 'Matt Menlove + 'Joe Velasquez Walt Wagner Wayne Deming --- Subject: Discipline: Co -Author: Missing Cord Rebar Joe Velazquez Specification Section: Drawing Reference: Date Required: 04-001 Masonry Structural Drawings Chevrolet 01/06/2011 Initial Information Requested: Please provide fix for missing rebar cord Submitted by: Matt Menlove Response: The chord bars installed as described - Continuous #4 bars(60 ksi)with laps per detail 10/S1.2 and provided adjacent to each of the two ledger anchor bolt placements., and at 8" above the top anchor bolt, plus an additional bar at the top of the wall- is acceptable in lieu of the add'1 (2)-#5 chord bars per the approved plans.Note also that the continuous chord bars mentioned above serve as the standard horizontal steel in the CMU wall system. By responding to the RFI, we do not agree to any additional costs and/or time. Any additional cost and/or time shall be submitted in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. Date Answered: N/A Answered By: Wiseman + Rohy Structural Engineers 01-04-11 FESSIO A0 �y c�ID W 1 Y cc EXP- 12-31. Jj� OF CRt1 41 11 V N n coy gladden Engineering 45090 Colt Center Parkway, Suite F, Indio, CA (760) 863-0713 Fax (760) 863-0847 6782 Stanton Avenue, Suite A", Buena Park, CA 90621 (714) 523-0952 Fax (714) 523-1369 450 Egan Avenue, Beaumont, CA 92223 (951) 845-7743 Fax (951) 8454863 800 6. Florida Avenue, Hemet, CA 92543 (951) 766-8777 Fax (951) 766-8778 November 12, 2010 Project No. 544-10113 10-11-263 Ken Garff Automotive Group 459 South Main Street, Suite 1190 Salt Lake City, Utah, 84115 Attn: Mr. Tony Kraatz' Project; Proposed Chevrolet/Cadillac Dealership Highway 111- La Quinta Auto Mall La Quinta, California Ref: Geotechnical Investigation report prepared by Sladden Engineering dated August 20, 2010; Project No. 544-10113, Report No. 10-08-190 Subject: Foundation Plan Review As requested, we have reviewed the Foundation Plans and Details prepared by Wiseman + Rohy Structural Engineers for the proposed Chevrolet/Cadillac Dealership. Based on our review, it is our opinion that the recommendations provided in the above referenced Geotechnical Investigation report have been properly incorporated into these plans, If you have any questions regarding this memo. or the referenced report, please contact the undersigned. Respectfully submitted; SLADDEN ENGINEET Brett L. Andersoh- Principal Engineer Letter/gl f, 04M12 l Copies: ,2/ Ken Garff Automotive Group 1/ Wagner -Architecture Group, Inc. 1/ Wiseman + Rohy Structural Engineers • -� -._ ______ ! WISEMAN + ROHY � ' STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS i BY —!DATE .: 'thl I : PROJECT, LA Q,),VT'A CHES SHEET NO. OF .... I I �n '�,oF S' 60,J1�. Es c,.) I JOB NO. I �14Eek (E) �o b F To,s w� s e2ecj WAw ;DL, a tT 4rA sTups I -.O. s sF PI CEnnc�r sots o sf Pa� �P P"��Z) SSp�:f I I 10 Am (L! 1Z:; I Ir Ed u/ _ I : I ' I J C -,j_ ---- --- E - --kv --- � -- i 'Tbi witty I I j I • I Ii i ! STEE 041 -Gs ow � � ��j{yf• t�LG�o✓!N%ti — I , I I _ Project: Project Type:Type -Y�WSPEC' ,Location: La Quinta Chevy Roof Screens Folder: Folder . Date: 4/22/11 7:55 AM RedSpec'" by RedBuiltT"^. Designer: WBD v7.0.8 Comment: 24" Red-I90HSTM @ 24" O/C This product meets or exceeds the set design controls for the application and loads listed DESIGN CONTROLS % Allow. Design Shear (lb) 42% 1967 Positive Moment (ft -Ib) 58% 25056 DEFLECTIONS (in) 9/o Allow. Design Span Live 62% 1.543 Span Total 83% 2.758 SUPPORTS Suppor;1 Support 2 Live Reaction, Critical (lb) (DOL%) 1000 (125) 1000 (125) Live Reaction, Max. (lb) (DOL%) 1114 (160) 1362 (160) Dead Reaction (lb) 968 893 Total Reaction (lb) (DOL%)- 2082 (160) 2255 (160) Bearing Flush Flush Support Beam Wall Allow. DOL - Control 4638 ' 125% - All Loads 43412 125% - All Loads Allow. Design 2.502 L/ 389 3.336 L/ 218 HANGERS Model Top I Face Left None Selected Right None Selected SPANS AND LOADS Dimensions represent horizontal design spans. 501-0.01, APPLICATION LOADS Type Units DOL Live Dead Partition Uniform psf 125% 20. .12 0 Ir Member Header Pass/Fail PASS PASS Allow. Pass/Fail L/ 240 PASS L / 180 PASS Size Member Slope: 0.5/12 Spacing/Trib. Member Type 24" Roof Joist ADDITIONAL LOADS I Type Units DOL Live Dead Location - from left Application Comment Uniform plf 100% 0 55 12'-0.0" to 22'-0.0" Adds To Screen Wall Point lbs 160% 476 0 38'-0.0" Adds To Brace Point lbs 100% 0 110 48'-0.0" Adds To Screen Wall NOTES • Building code: IBC. Methodology: Allowable Stress Design • Min end bearing = 2.5 inches, web stiffeners required. Birdsmouth and beveled plate conditions require additional consideration. • Continuous lateral support required at top edge. Lateral support at bottom edge shall be per RedBuilt recommendations. i r I ZAProjects\09\09-071 CMVS 20 Classroom Phase IV\Calcs\CD Calcs\Gravity Framing\Floor Joist with Lift _12.red Page 1 of 1 The products noted are intended for interior, untreated, non -corrosive applications with normal temperatures and dry conditions of use, and must be installed in accordance with local building code requirements and RedBuilt— recommendations. The loads, spans, and spacing have been provided by others and must be"approved for the specific application by the design professional for the project. Unless otherwise noted, this output has not been reviewed by a RedBuilt`" associate. PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION VOIDS THIS ANALYSIS. I RedBuilt'" RedSpecT" Red-ITM, Red-I45TM Red-I65TM Red-I6STT", Red-I90T", Red-I90HT", Red-I90HST", Red -LTM, Red -011, Red -WT", Red -STM, Red -MT", Red-HTM, RedLamTM, FloorChoiceT" are trademarks of RedBuilt LLC, Boise ID, USA. Copyright © 2010 RedBuilt LLC. All rights reserved. ZAProjects\09\09-071 CMVS 20 Classroom Phase IV\Calcs\CD Calcs\Gravity Framing\Floor Joist with Lift_12.red Page 1 of 1 The products noted are Intended for interior, untreated, non -corrosive applications with normal temperatures and dry conditions of use, and must be installed in accordance with local building code requirements and RedBuilt— recommendations. The loads, spans, and spacing have been provided by others and must be approved for the specific application by the design professional for the project. Unless otherwise noted, this output has not been reviewed by a RedBullt•" associate. PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION VOIDS THIS ANALYSIS. RedBuilt*" RedSpecTM Red -IT", Red-I45TM Red-I65TM Red-I65TT", Red-I90T", Red -I901-11", Red-I90HSTM Red -LTM Red LTT", Red WT", Red -STM, Red MTM, Red -HT", RedLam-, FloorChoice— are trademarks of RedBuilt LLC, Boise ID, USA. Copyright © 2010 RedBuilt LLC. All rights reserved. 25'- 0.0" APPLICATION LOADS Type Units DOL Live Dead ds PEC" Project: Location: Project La Quinta Chevy Roof Screens Type: Type Type Units DOL Live Dead Folder: Folder 16'-0.0" to 25'-0.0" Adds To Screen Wall NOTES Date: 4/22/11 8:01,AM • Min end bearing = 1.75 inches, web stiffeners not required. Birdsmouth and beveled plate conditions require additional RedSpec'" by RedBuilt'"' Designer: WBD v7.0.8 Comment: .14" Red -145r @ 24" 0/C This product meets or exceeds the set design controls for the application and loads listed DESIGN CONTROLS % Allow. Design Allow. DOL - Control Pass/Fail Shear (lb) 56% -1205 2138 125% - All Loads PASS Positive Moment (ft -Ib) 89%--6178 6962 125% - All Loads PASS DEFLECTIONS (in) %Allow. Design Allow. Design Allow. Pass/Fail Span Live 63% 0.790 1.251 L/ 380 L/ 240 PASS r Span Total 94% 1.572 1.668 L/ 191 L/ 180 PASS SUPPORTS Support 1 Support 2 Live Reaction, Critical (lb) (DOL%) 500 (125) 500 (125) ' Dead Reaction (lb) Total Reaction (lb) (DOL%) 389 889.(125) 707 1207 (125) < ISU a IT.S Rut. Bearing Flush Flush , Support Beam Wall HANGERS Model Top Face Member Header Size Left None Selected Right None Selected SPANS AND LOADS Dimensions represent horizontal design spans.. Member Slope: 0.5/12 ZAProjects\09\09-071 CMVS 20 Classroom Phase IV\Calcs\CD Calcs\Gravity Framing\Floor Joist with Lift_12.red Page 1 of 1 The products noted are Intended for interior, untreated, non -corrosive applications with normal temperatures and dry conditions of use, and must be installed in accordance with local building code requirements and RedBuilt— recommendations. The loads, spans, and spacing have been provided by others and must be approved for the specific application by the design professional for the project. Unless otherwise noted, this output has not been reviewed by a RedBullt•" associate. PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION VOIDS THIS ANALYSIS. RedBuilt*" RedSpecTM Red -IT", Red-I45TM Red-I65TM Red-I65TT", Red-I90T", Red -I901-11", Red-I90HSTM Red -LTM Red LTT", Red WT", Red -STM, Red MTM, Red -HT", RedLam-, FloorChoice— are trademarks of RedBuilt LLC, Boise ID, USA. Copyright © 2010 RedBuilt LLC. All rights reserved. 25'- 0.0" APPLICATION LOADS Type Units DOL Live Dead Partition Spacing/Trib. Member Type Uniform psf 125% 20 12 0 24" Roof Joist ADDITIONAL LOADS Type Units DOL Live Dead Location.- from left Application Comment Uniform plf 1bo% 0 55 16'-0.0" to 25'-0.0" Adds To Screen Wall NOTES • Building code: IBC. Methodology: Allowable Stress Design • Min end bearing = 1.75 inches, web stiffeners not required. Birdsmouth and beveled plate conditions require additional consideration. -,Continuous lateral support required at top edge. Lateral support at bottom edge shall be per RedBullt recommendations. ZAProjects\09\09-071 CMVS 20 Classroom Phase IV\Calcs\CD Calcs\Gravity Framing\Floor Joist with Lift_12.red Page 1 of 1 The products noted are Intended for interior, untreated, non -corrosive applications with normal temperatures and dry conditions of use, and must be installed in accordance with local building code requirements and RedBuilt— recommendations. The loads, spans, and spacing have been provided by others and must be approved for the specific application by the design professional for the project. Unless otherwise noted, this output has not been reviewed by a RedBullt•" associate. PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION VOIDS THIS ANALYSIS. RedBuilt*" RedSpecTM Red -IT", Red-I45TM Red-I65TM Red-I65TT", Red-I90T", Red -I901-11", Red-I90HSTM Red -LTM Red LTT", Red WT", Red -STM, Red MTM, Red -HT", RedLam-, FloorChoice— are trademarks of RedBuilt LLC, Boise ID, USA. Copyright © 2010 RedBuilt LLC. All rights reserved. ICC -ES Evaluation Report ESR -1917* Reissued September 1, 2007 This report is subject to re-examination in two years. www.icc-es.org 1 (800) 423-6587 1 (562) 699-0543 A Subsidiary of the International Code Council® DIVISION: 03—CONCRETE Section: 03151—Concrete Anchoring REPORT HOLDER: HILTI, INC. 5400 SOUTH 122ND EAST AVENUE TULSA, OKLAHOMA 74146 (800) 879-8000 www.us.hilti.com HiltiTechEng(cbus.hilti.com EVALUATION SUBJECT: HILTI KWIK BOLT TZ CARBON AND STAINLESS STEEL ANCHORS IN CONCRETE 1.0 EVALUATION SCOPE Compliance with the following codes: ■ 2006 International Building Code® (IBC) ■ 2006 International Residential Code® (IRC) ■ 1997 Uniform Building Code'"' (UBC) Property evaluated: Structural 2.0 USES The Hilti Kwik Bolt TZ anchor (KB -TZ) is used to resist static, wind, and seismic tension and shear loads in cracked and uncracked normal -weight concrete and structural sand lightweight concrete having a specified compressive strength, f, of 2,500 psi to 8,500 psi (17.2 MPa to 58.6 MPa); and cracked and uncracked normal - weight or structural sand lightweight concrete over metal deck having a minimum specified compressive strength, f'c, of 3,000 psi (20.7 MPa). The anchoring system is an alternative to cast -in-place anchors described in Sections 1911 and 1912 of the IBC and Sections 1923.1 and 1923.2 of the UBC. The anchors may also be used where an engineered design is submitted in accordance with Section R301.1.3 of the IRC. 3.0 DESCRIPTION KB -TZ anchors are torque -controlled, mechanical expansion anchors. KB -TZ anchors consist of a stud (anchor body), wedge (expansion elements), nut, and washer. The anchor (carbon steel version) is illustrated in Figure 1. The stud is manufactured from carbon steel or AISI Type 304 or Type 316 stainless steel materials. Carbon steel KB -TZ anchors have a minimum 5 Nm (0.00002 inch) zinc plating. The expansion elements for the carbon and stainless steel KB -TZ anchors are fabricated from Type 316 stainless steel. The hex nut for carbon steel conforms to ASTM A 563-04, Grade A, and the hex nut for stainless steel conforms to ASTM F 594. The anchor body is comprised of a high-strength rod threaded at one end and a tapered mandrel at the other end. The tapered mandrel is enclosed by a three -section expansion element which freely moves around the mandrel. The expansion element movement is restrained by the mandrel taper and by a collar. The anchor is installed in a predrilled hole with a hammer. When torque is applied to the nut of the installed anchor, the mandrel is drawn into the expansion element, which is in turn expanded against the wall of the drilled hole. Installation information and dimensions are set forth in Section 4.3 and Table 1. Normal -weight and structural lightweight concrete must conform to Sections 1903 and 1905 of the IBC and UBC. 4.0 DESIGN AND INSTALLATION 4.1 Strength Design: 4.1.1 General: Design strengths must be determined in accordance with ACI 318-05 Appendix D and this report. Design parameters are provided in Tables 3 and 4. Strength reduction factors 0 as given in ACI 318 D.4.4 must be used for load combinations calculated in accordance with Section 1605.2.1 of the IBC or Section 1612.2 of the UBC. Strength reduction factors (P as given in ACI 318 D.4.5 must be used for load combinations calculated in accordance with ACI 318 Appendix C or Section 1909.2 of the UBC. Strength reduction factors 0 corresponding to ductile steel elements may be used. An example calculation is provided in Figure 6. 4.1.2 Requirements for Static Steel Strength in Tension: The steel strength in tension must be calculated in accordance with ACI 318 D.5.1. The resulting Ns values are provided in Tables 3 and 4 of this report. 4.1.3 Requirements for Static Concrete Breakout Strength in Tension: The basic concrete breakout strength in tension must be calculated according to ACI 318 Section D.5.2.2, using the values of he, and kc, as given in Tables 3 and 4 in lieu of her and k, respectively. The nominal concrete breakout strength in tension in regions where analysis indicates no cracking in accordance with ACI 318 Section D.5.2.6 must be calculated with tVc,N as given in Tables 3 and 4. For carbon steel KB -TZ installed in the soffit of structural sand lightweight or normal -weight concrete on steel deck floor *Revised September 2009 /CC -ES Evaluation Reports are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specifically addressed, nor are they to be construed as an endorsement of the subject of the report or a recommendation for its use. There is no warranty by /CC Evaluation Service, Inc., express or implied, as d a to any finding or other matter in this report, or as to any product covered by the report. copyright O 2007 Page 1 of 11 ESR -1917.1 Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 2 of 11 and roof assemblies, as shown in Figure 5, calculation of the concrete breakout strength may be omitted. (See Section 4.1.5.) 4-1.4 Requirements for Critical Edge Distance: In applications wherec < cac and supplemental reinforcement to control splitting of the concrete is not present, the concrete breakout strength in tension for uncracked concrete, calculated according to ACI 318 Section D.5.2, must be further multiplied by the factor LcpN as given by the following equation: C LPCP,N = — (1) Cac whereby the factor WCP,N need not be taken as less than 1.5he, . For all other cases, LVCP,N = 1.0. Values for cac the critical edge distance cac must be taken from Table 3 or Table 4. 4.1.5 Requirements for Static Pullout Strength in Tension: The pullout strength of the anchor in cracked and uncracked concrete, where applicable, is given in Tables 3 and 4. In accordance with ACI 318 Section D.5.3.2, the nominal pullout strength in cracked concrete must be calculated according to the following equation: f� 15FOO = Np.a (Ib. Psi) (2) f� Npn,f•c = Np,cr 17.2 (N, MPa) In regions where analysis indicates no cracking in accordance with ACI 318 Section D.5.3.6, the nominal pullout strength in tension must be calculated according to the following equation: f� Npn,rc = Np,,,na 1]2,500 (lb, psi) (3) f� Npn,rc = Np,,,na 17.2 (N, MPa) Where values for Np,cr or Np,,,ncr are not provided in Table 3 or Table 4, the pullout strength in tension need not be evaluated. The pullout strength in cracked concrete of the carbon steel KB -TZ installed in the soffit of sand lightweight or normal -weight concrete on steel deck floor and roof assemblies, as shown in Figure 5, is given in Table 3. In accordance with ACI 318 Section D.5.3.2, the nominal pullout strength in cracked concrete must be calculated according to Eq. (2), whereby the value of Np,deckcr must be substituted for Nper. The use of stainless steel KB -TZ anchors installed in the soffit of concrete on steel deck assemblies is beyond the scope of this report. In regions where analysis indicates no cracking in accordance with ACI 318 Section D.5.3.6, the nominal pullout strength in tension may be increased by LVCN as given in Table 3. Wcp is 1.0 for all cases. Minimum anchor spacing along the flute for this condition must be the greater of 3.Ohef or 11/2 times the flute width. 4.1.6 Requirements for Static Steel Shear Capacity Vs: In lieu of the value of Vs as given in ACI 318 Section D.6.1.2(c), the values of Vs given in Tables 3 and 4 of this report must be used. The shear strength Vs,deck as governed by steel failure of the KB -TZ installed in the soffit of structural sand lightweight or normal -weight concrete on steel deck floor and roof assemblies, as shown in Figure 5, is given in Table 3. 4.1.7 Requirements for Static Concrete Breakout Strength of Anchor in Shear, Vcb or Vcbg: Static concrete breakout strength shear capacity must be calculated in accordance with ACI 318 Section D.6.2 based on the values provided in Tables 3 and 4. The value of le used in ACI 318 Equation (D-24) must taken as no greater than hef. 4.1.8 Requirements for Static Concrete Pryout Strength of Anchor in Shear, Vcp or VcP9: Static concrete pryout strength shear capacity must be calculated in accordance with ACI 318 Section D.6.3, modified by using the value of kcp provided in Tables 3 and 4 of this report and the value of Ncb or Ncbg as calculated in Section 4.1.3 of this report. For anchors installed in the soffit of structural sand lightweight or normal -weight concrete over profile steel deck floor and roof assemblies, as shown in Figure 5, calculation of the concrete pry -out strength in accordance with ACI 318 Section D.6.3 is not required. 4.1.9 Requirements for Minimum Member Thickness, Minimum Anchor Spacing and Minimum Edge Distance: In lieu of ACI 318 Section D.8.3, values of cmin and sn,in as given in Tables 2 and 3 of this report must be used. In lieu of ACI 318 Section D.8.5, minimum member thicknesses hmin as given in Tables 3 and 4 of this report must be used. Additional combinations for minimum edge distance cmin and spacing smin may be derived by linear interpolation between the given boundary values. (See Figure 4.) The critical edge distance at corners must be minimum 4hef in accordance with ACI 318 Section D.8.6. 4.1.10 Requirements for Seismic Design: For load combinations including earthquake, the design must be performed according to ACI 318 Section D.3.3 as modified by Section 1908.1.16 of the IBC, as follows: CODE ACI 318 D.3.3. SEISMIC REGION CODE EQUIVALENT DESIGNATION Moderate or high Seismic Design IBC and IRC Categories seismic risk C, D, E, and F UBC Moderate or high Seismic Zones seismic risk 26, 3, and 4 The nominal steel strength and the nominal concrete breakout strength for anchors in tension, and the nominal concrete breakout strength and pryout strength for anchors in shear, must be calculated according to ACI 318 Sections D.5 and D.6, respectively, taking into account the corresponding values given in Tables 3 and 4. The anchors comply with ACI 318 DA as ductile steel elements and must be designed in accordance with ACI 318 Section D.3.3.4 or D.3.3.5. The nominal pullout strength Np,seis and the nominal steel strength for anchors in shear V.,,sels must be evaluated with the values given in Tables 3 and 4. The values of Np,seis must be adjusted for concrete strength as follows: f" Np,seis,Pc = Np,seis 2,500 (lb, psi) (4) f" Np,seis,Pc = Np,sefs 17.2 (N, MPa) If no values for Npseis or Vs,seis are given in Table 3 or Table 4, the static design strength values govern. (See Sections 4.1.5 and 4.1.6.) ESR -1917 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 3 of 11 4.1.11 Structural Sand Lightweight Concrete: When structural lightweight concrete is used, values determined in accordance with ACI 318 Appendix D and this report must be modified by a factor of 0.60. 4.1.12 Structural Sand Lightweight Concrete over Metal Deck: Use of structural sand lightweight concrete is allowed in accordance with values presented in Table 3 and installation details as show in Figure 5. 4.2 Allowable Stress Design: 4.2.1 General: Design values for use with allowable stress design load combinations calculated in accordance with Section 1605.3 of the IBC and Section 1612.3 of the UBC, must be established as follows: Tallowable,ASD = ON,, Cr Vallowable,ASD = wV n a where: Tallowable,ASD = Allowable tension load (Ibf or kN). Vallowable,ASD = Allowable shear load (Ibf or kN). ON, = Lowest design strength of an anchor or anchor group in tension as determined in accordance with ACI 318 Appendix D, Section 4.1, and IBC Section 1908.1.16, as applicable (Ibf or N). OV„ = Lowest design strength of an anchor or anchor group in shear as determined in accordance with ACI 318 Appendix D, Section 4.1, and IBC Section 1908.1.16, as applicable (Ibf or N). = Conversion factor calculated as a weighted average of the load factors for the controlling load combination. In addition, a must include all applicable factors to account for nonductile failure modes and required over - strength. The requirements for member thickness, edge distance and spacing, described in this report, must apply. An example of allowable stress design values for illustrative purposes in shown in Table 6 4.2.2 Interaction: Interaction of Tensile and Shear Forces: The interaction must be calculated and consistent with ACI 318 Appendix D Section D.7 as follows: For shear loads Vs 0.2Vallowable,ASD, the full allowable load in tension must be permitted. For tension loads T:5 0.2Ta11owab1e,ASD, the full allowable load in shear must be permitted. For all other cases: T + V <_1.2 Tallowable,ASD Vallowable,ASD 4.3 Installation: Installation parameters are provided in Table 1 and in Figure 2. The Hilti KB -TZ must be installed according to manufacturer's published instructions and this report. Anchors must be installed in holes drilled into the concrete using carbide -tipped masonry drill bits complying with ANSI B212.15-1994. The nominal drill bit diameter must be equal to that of the anchor. The drilled hole must exceed the depth of anchor embedment by at least one anchor diameter to permit over -driving of anchors and to provide a dust. collection area as required. The anchor must be hammered into the predrilled hole until at least four threads are below the fixture surface. The nut must be tightened against the washer until the torque values specified in Table 1 are achieved. For installation in the soffit of concrete on steel deck assemblies, the hole diameter in the steel deck not exceed the diameter of the hole in the concrete by more than 1/8 inch (3.2 mm). For member thickness and edge distance restrictions for installations into the soffit of concrete on steel deck assemblies, see Figure 5. 4.4 Special Inspection: Special inspection is required in accordance with Section 1704.13 of the IBC and, as applicable, Section 1701.5.2 of the UBC. The special inspector must make periodic inspections during anchor installation to verify anchor type, anchor dimensions, concrete type, concrete thickness, anchor embedment and adherence to the manufacturer's printed installation instructions. The special inspector must be present as often as required in accordance with the "statement of special inspection." Under the IBC, additional requirements as set forth in Sections 1705 and 1706 must be observed, where applicable. 5.0 CONDITIONS OF USE The Hilti KB -TZ anchors described in this report comply with the codes listed in Section 1.0 of this report, subject to the following conditions: 5.1 Anchor sizes, dimensions and minimum embedment depths are as set forth in this report. 5.2 The anchors must be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's published instructions and this report. In case of conflict, this report governs. 5.3 Anchors must be limited to use in cracked and uncracked normal -weight concrete and structural sand lightweight concrete having a specified compressive strength, f, of 2,500 psi to 8,500 psi (17.2 MPa to 58.6 MPa), and cracked and uncracked normal -weight or structural sand lightweight concrete over metal deck having a minimum specified compressive strength, f, of 3,000 psi (20.7 MPa). 5.4 The values of f'c used for calculation purposes must not exceed 8,000 psi (55.1 MPa). 5.5 Loads applied to the anchors must be adjusted in accordance with Section 1605.2 of the IBC and Sections1612.2 or 1909.2 of the UBC for strength design, and in accordance with Section 1605.3 of the IBC and Section 1612.3 of the UBC for allowable stress design. 5.6 Strength design values must be established in accordance with Section 4.1 of this report. 5.7 Allowable design values are established in accordance with Section 4.2. 5.8 Anchor spacing and edge distance as well as minimum member thickness must comply with Tables 3 and 4. 5.9 Prior to installation, calculations and details demonstrating compliance with this report must be submitted to the code official. The calculations and ESR -1917 ) Most Widely Accepted and Trusted 0 Page 4 of 11 details must be prepared by a registered design Anchors are used' to support nonstructural professional where required by the statutes of the elements. jurisdiction in which the project is to be constructed. 5:10 Since an ICC -ES acceptance criteria for evaluating data to determine the performance of expansion anchors subjected to fatigue or shock loading is unavailable at this time, the use of these anchors under such conditions is beyond the scope of this report. 5.11 Anchors may be installed in regions of concrete where cracking has occurred or where analysis indicates cracking may occur (ft .> fr), subject to the conditions of this report. 5.12 Anchors may be used to resist short-term loading due to wind or seismic forces, subject to the conditions of this report. 5.13 Where not otherwise prohibited in the code, KB -TZ anchors are permitted for use with fire -resistance - rated construction provided that at least one of the following conditions is fulfilled: • Anchors are used to resist wind or seismic forces only. • Anchors that support a fire -resistance -rated envelope or a fire- resistance -rated membrane are protected by approved fire -resistance- rated materials, or have been evaluated for resistance to fire exposure in accordance with recognized standards. A r I 5.14 Use of zinc -coated carbon steel anchors is limited to dry, interior locations. 5.15 Special inspection must be provided in accordance with Section 4.4. 5.16 Anchors are manufactured by Hilti AG, in Schaan, Liechtenstein, under a quality control program with inspections by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (AA - 637). 6.0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED 6.1 Data in accordance with the ICC -ES Acceptance Criteria for Mechanical Anchors in Concrete Elements (AC193), dated January 2007 (ACI 355.2). 6.2 A quality control manual. 7.0 IDENTIFICATION The anchors are identified by packaging labeled with the manufacturer's name (Hilti, Inc.) and contact information, anchor name, anchor size, evaluation report number (ICC - ES ESR -1917), and the name of the inspection agency (Underwriters Laboratories Inc.). The anchors have the letters KB -TZ embossed on the anchor stud and four notches embossed into the anchor head, and these are visible after installation for verification. ..'ESR -1917 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 5 of 11 UNC thread mandrel dog point expansion setting assist-� element collar was hex nut bolt FIGURE 1—HILTI CARBON STEEL KWIK BOLT TZ (KB -TZ) TABLE 1—SETTING INFORMATION (CARBON STEEL AND STAINLESS STEEL ANCHORS) SETTING Nominal anchor diameter (in.) INFORMATION Symbol Units 3/8 1/2 518 3/4 Anchor O.D. d° In. 0.375 0.5 0.625 0.75 (mm) (9.5) (12.7) (15.9) (19.1) Nominal bit diameter dut In. 3/8 112 5/8 3/4 Effective min. h°� In. 2 2 3114 31/8 4 3314 43/4 embedment (mm) (51) (51) (83) (79) (102) (95) (121) Min. hole depth h° In. 2518 2518 4 37/8 4314 45/8 53/4 (mm) (67) (67) (102) (98) (121) (117) (146) Min. thickness of t " In. 1/4 3/4 1/4 3/8 3/4 1/8 15/8 fastenedan, p (mm) (6) (19) (6) (9) (19) (3) (41) ft -Ib 25 40 60 110 Installation torque T;.1 (Nm) (34) (54) (81) (149) Min. dia. of hole in do In. 7/16 8/16 11116 13/16 fastened part (mm) (11.1) (14.3) (17.5) (20.6) Standard anchor t°"`" In. 3 33/4 5 33/4 41/2 5112 7 43/4 6 8112 10 5112 8 10 (76) (95) (127) (95) (114) (140) (178) (121) (152) (216) (254) (140) (203) (254) lengths (mm) Threaded length In. 218 15/8 22/8 15/8 2318 33/8 4218 1112 23/4 51/4 63/4 11/2 4 6 (incl. dog point) tNa°a (mm) (22) (41) (73) (41) ` (60) (86) (124) (38) (70) (133) (171) (38) (102) (152) Unthreaded length f net In. 21/8 21/8 31/4 4 (mm) (54) (54) (83) (102) 'The minimum thickness of the fastened part is based on use of the anchor at minimum embedment and is controlled by the length of thread. If a thinner fastening thickness is required, increase the anchor embedment to suit. 0 G ESR -1917 Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 6 of 11 . - • i fthread fanch funthr ho FIGURE 2—KB-TZ INSTALLED TABLE 2—LENGTH IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM (CARBON STEEL AND STAINLESS STEEL ANCHORS) Length ID marking on bolt head A B C D E F G H I J K L M[8Y2 O P Q R S T U V W Length of From 1 '/: 2 2 %: 3 3'% 4 4 %: 5 5'/: 6 6'/: 7 7 %:8'/: 9 9 %= 10 11 12 13 14 15 anchor, Up to but (inches) (inches) not 2 2'/: 3 3'% 4 4'% 5 5'% 6 6 %: 7 7 %: 8 9 9'/: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 including FIGURE 3—BOLT HEAD WITH LENGTH IDENTIFICATION CODE AND KB -TZ HEAD NOTCH EMBOSSMENT ESR -1917 1 Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 7 of 11 TABLE 3 -DESIGN INFORMATION, CARBON STEEL KB -TZ For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 Ibf = 4.45 N, 1 psi = 0.006895 MPa For pound -inch units: 1 mm = 0.03937 inches. 'See Fig. 2. ' For structural light -weight concrete over metal deck, see Figure 5. 3 See Section 4.1 .10 of this report. 'See Section 4.1.6. NP (not permitted) denotes that the condition is not supported by this report. 'See Section 4.1.5 of this report. NA (not applicable) denotes that this value does not control for design. 'See Section 4.1.5 of this report. NP (not permitted) denotes that the condition is not supported by this report. Values are for cracked concrete. Values are applicable to both static and seismic load combinations. 'See ACI 318-05 Section D.4.4. 'See ACI 318-05 Section D.5.2.2. 'See ACI 318-05 Section D.5.2.6. 1°The KB -TZ is a ductile steel element as defined by ACI 318 Section D.I. "For use with the load combinations of ACI 318 Section 9.2. Condition B applies where supplementary reinforcement in conformance with ACI 318-05 Section D.4.4 is not provided, or where pullout or pryout strength governs. For cases where the presence of supplementary reinforcement can be verified, the strength reduction factors associated with Condition A may be used. Nominal anchor diameter DESIGN INFORMATION Symbol Units 7/8 4/2 5/8 3/4 Anchor O.D. do In. 0.375 0.5 0.625 0.75 (mm) (9.5) (12.7) (15.9) (19.1) Effective min. embedment he, In. 2 2 3 /4 3 /8 4 3 /4 4 /4 (mm) (51) (51) (83) (79) (102) (95) (121) Min. member thickneSS2 hm;" In. 4 5 4 6 6 8 5 6 8 6 8 8 mm 102 102 152 152 203 127) 152 203 152 203 203 Critical edge distance ceC In. 4% 4 5'/2 4T/2 7 /Z 6 6 /Z 8J14 6J/4 10 8 9 (mm) (111)_ _.(102) (140) (114) (191) (152) (165) 222) (171) (254) (203) (229) In. ( 2 /Z,) 2'/4 2% 3 /8 3 /4 4 /4 -iT/.-- Min. edge distance cm'" mm 4 70 60 92 83 121 105 for s 2 In. 5 5-4 5j/4 61/8 57; 10% 8'/, (mm) (127) (146) (146) (156) (149) (267) (225) In. 2 /z 2 /4 ----2T/.- _3T/2 3 5 4 Min. anchor spacing sm'" (mm) (70) (60) (89) (76) (127) (102) for c z In. 3 / 4'/, 3-/2 4'/4 4 /4 9 /Z 7 /4 (mm) 92 (105) 89) 121) (108) 241) (197) Min. hole depth in concrete ho In. 2/8 2/8 4 3/8 4/4 4/8 5/4 (mm) (67) (67) (102) (98) (121) (117) (146) Min. specified yield strength fy Ib/in 100,000 84,800 84,800 84,800 (N/mm2) (690) (585) 585) (585) Min. specified ult. strength f Ib/in 125,000 106,000 106,000 106,000 N/mmZ 862 731 731 731 Effective tensile stress area Ase In'0,052 0.052 0.101 0.162 0.237 (mm) (33.6) 65.0) (104.6) (152.8) Steel strength in tension S NS Ib 6,500 10,705 17,170 25,120 (kN) (28.9) (47.6) (76.4) (111.8) Steel strength in shear VS Ib 3,595 6,405 10,555 15,930 kN 16.0 28.5 47.0 (70.9 Steel strength in shear, Vses Ib 2,255 6,405 10,555 14,245 seismic' (kN) (10.0) (28.5) (47.0) (63.4) Steel strength in shear, Vs. deck Ib 2130 3,000 4,945 4,600 6,040 NP NP concrete on metal deck° kN 9.5 13.3 22 20.5 26.9 Pullout strength untracked NP.e"" Ib 2,515 NA 5,515 NA 9,145 8,280 10,680 concrete' (kN) (11.2) (24.5) (40.7) (36.8) (47.5) Pullout strength cracked NP" Ib 2,270 NA 4,915 NA NA NA NA concrete' (kN) (10.1) (21.9) Pullout strength concrete on deck'" Ib 1,460 1,460 2,620 2,000 4,645 NP NP metal deck' v ' kN 6.5 6.5 11.7 8.9 20.7 Anchor category' 1 Effectiveness factor k_r uncracked concrete 24 Effectiveness factor kcr cracked concrete8 17 LPc.N= ku ,Ikcr 9 1.41 Coefficient for pryout strength, k,p 1.0 2.0 Strength reduction factor 0 for tension, steel failure modes10 0.75 Strength reduction factor 0 for shear, steel failure modes'o 0.65 Strength reduction 0 factor for tension, concrete failure modes or pullout, Condition B" 0.65 Strength reduction 0 factor for shear, concrete failure modes, Condition B" 0.70 For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 Ibf = 4.45 N, 1 psi = 0.006895 MPa For pound -inch units: 1 mm = 0.03937 inches. 'See Fig. 2. ' For structural light -weight concrete over metal deck, see Figure 5. 3 See Section 4.1 .10 of this report. 'See Section 4.1.6. NP (not permitted) denotes that the condition is not supported by this report. 'See Section 4.1.5 of this report. NA (not applicable) denotes that this value does not control for design. 'See Section 4.1.5 of this report. NP (not permitted) denotes that the condition is not supported by this report. Values are for cracked concrete. Values are applicable to both static and seismic load combinations. 'See ACI 318-05 Section D.4.4. 'See ACI 318-05 Section D.5.2.2. 'See ACI 318-05 Section D.5.2.6. 1°The KB -TZ is a ductile steel element as defined by ACI 318 Section D.I. "For use with the load combinations of ACI 318 Section 9.2. Condition B applies where supplementary reinforcement in conformance with ACI 318-05 Section D.4.4 is not provided, or where pullout or pryout strength governs. For cases where the presence of supplementary reinforcement can be verified, the strength reduction factors associated with Condition A may be used. ESR -1917 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 8 of 11 TABLE 4 -DESIGN INFORMATION, STAINLESS STEEL KB -TZ For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 IV = 4.45 N, 1 psi = 0.006895 MPa For pound -inch units: 1 mm = 0.03937 inches. 'See Fig. 2. 'See Section 4.1.10 of this report. NA (not applicable) denotes that this value does not control for design. 'See Section 4.1.5 of this report. NA (not applicable) denotes that this value does not control for design. 'See ACI 318-05 Section D.4.4. 'See ACI 318-05 Section D.5.2.2. 'See ACI 318-05 Section D.5.2.6. 'The KB -TZ is a ductile steel element as defined by ACI 318 Section D.1. 'For use with the load combinations of ACI 318-05 Section 9.2. Condition B applies where supplementary reinforcement in conformance with ACI 318-05 Section D.4.4 is not provided, or where pullout or pryout strength governs. For cases where the presence of supplementary reinforcement can be verified, the strength reduction factors associated with Condition A may be used. Nominal anchor diameter DESIGN INFORMATION Symbol Units '/8 4/2 5/8 3/4 Anchor O.D. da in. 0.375 0.5 0.625 0.75 (mm) (9.5) (12.7) (15.9) (19.1) Effective min. embedment he, in. 2 2 3/, 3/8 4 3/4 4/4 (mm) (51) 1 (51) (83) (79) 102) (95) 121) Min. member thickness hnn in. 4 5 4 6 6 8 5 6 8 6 8 8 (mm) (102) (127) (102) 152) (152) 203) (127) (152) (203) (152) (203) (203) Critical edge distance cac in. 4 /8 3'/, 5% 4% 7 /Z 6 7 8% 6 10 7 9 (mm) (111) (98) (140) (114) (191) (152) (178) (225) (152) (254) (17 8) (229) in. 2/Z 2/8 2/8 3/4 2/8 4/, 4 Min. edge distance c" " (mm) (64) (73) (54) (83) (60) (108) (102) for s z in. 5 5 /4 51/4 51/, '5/, 10 8% mm 127 146 133 140 140 254 216 in. 21/4 2'/8 2 2'/4 23/8 5 4 Min. anchor spacing s'°'" (mm) (57) (73) (51) (70) 60) 127) (102) for c z in. 31/2 4 /Z V/4 4'/8 41/4 9% 7 (mm) (89) (114) (83) 105 108) (241) (178) Min. hole depth in concrete ho In. 2b/8 2'/, 4 3 /8 4 /, '4/8 04 mm 67 67 (102) (98 121 117 146 Min. specified yield strength fy Ib/in N/mm' ( ) 92,000 (634) 92,000 (634) 92,000 (634) 76,125 (525) Min. specified ult. Strength f Ib/in 115,000 115,000 115,000 101,500 N/mmz 1 793 793 793 700 Effective tensile stress area Asa 0.052 0.101 0.162 0.237 (MM2) (33.6) (65.0) (104.6) (152.8) Steel strength in tension NS Ib 5,968 11,554 17,880 24,055 (kN) 26.6) (51.7) (82.9) (107.0) Steel strength in shear VS Ib 4,870 6,880 11,835 20,050 kN 21.7 30.6 52.6 89.2 Pullout strength in tension, N,&, Ib2,735 NA NA NA NA seismic' (kN) (12.2) Steel strength in shear, Ib 2,825 6,880 11,835 14,615 seismicZ Ks is (kN) (12.6) (30.6) (52.6) (65.0) Pullout strength uncracked Ib 2,630 5,760 12,040 concrete' Np.uncr (kN) (11.7) NA (25.6) NA NA (53.6) Pullout strength cracked Ib 2,340 3,180 5,840 8,110 concrete' Np.cr (kN) (10.4) (14.1) NA NA (26.0) (36.1) NA Anchor category° 1 Effectiveness factor kin r uncracked concrete 24 Effectiveness factor kcr cracked concretes 17 2417 17 17 24 17 4rc.N = k„nc,/kcr 1.41 1.00 1.41 1.41 1.41 1.00 1 1.41 Strength reduction factor 0 for tension, steel 0.75 failure modes' Strength reduction factor 0 for shear, steel failure 0.65 modes' Strength reduction 0 factor for tension, concrete failure modes, Condition Be 0.65 Coefficient for pryout strength, kip 1.0 2,0 Strength reduction 0 factor for shear, concrete failure modes, Condition 138 0.70 For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 IV = 4.45 N, 1 psi = 0.006895 MPa For pound -inch units: 1 mm = 0.03937 inches. 'See Fig. 2. 'See Section 4.1.10 of this report. NA (not applicable) denotes that this value does not control for design. 'See Section 4.1.5 of this report. NA (not applicable) denotes that this value does not control for design. 'See ACI 318-05 Section D.4.4. 'See ACI 318-05 Section D.5.2.2. 'See ACI 318-05 Section D.5.2.6. 'The KB -TZ is a ductile steel element as defined by ACI 318 Section D.1. 'For use with the load combinations of ACI 318-05 Section 9.2. Condition B applies where supplementary reinforcement in conformance with ACI 318-05 Section D.4.4 is not provided, or where pullout or pryout strength governs. For cases where the presence of supplementary reinforcement can be verified, the strength reduction factors associated with Condition A may be used. ESR -1917 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 9 of 11 Sdesign Cdesign to U hmin a Cmin at s V) n Sdesig --------------------------- Smin at c h a hmin Cdesign FIGURE 4—INTERPOLATION OF MINIMUM EDGE DISTANCE AND ANCHOR SPACING edge distance c TABLE 5—MEAN AXIAL STIFFNESS VALUES R FOR KB -TZ CARBON AND STAINLESS STEEL ANCHORS IN NORMAL -WEIGHT CONCRETE (10'pounds/in.)' Concrete condition carbon steel KB -TZ, all diameters stainless steel KB -TZ, all diameters uncracked concrete 700 120 cracked concrete 500 90 'Mean values shown, actual stiffness may vary considerably depending on concrete strength, loading and geometry of application. TABLE 6—EXAMPLE ALLOWABLE STRESS DESIGN VALUES FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES For SI: 1 Ibf = 4.45 N, 1 psi = 0.00689 MPa 1 psi = 0.00689 MPa. 1 inch = 25.4 mm. 'Single anchors with static tension load only. 2Concrete determined to remain uncracked for the life of the anchorage. 3Load combinations from ACI 318 Section 9.2 (no seismic loading). 430% dead load and 70% live load, controlling load combination 1.21) + 1.6 L. 5Calculation of the weighted average for a = 0.3'1.2 + 0.7'1.6 = 1.48. 6f 'c = 2,500 psi (normal weight concrete). 7Cal = Ca2 Z bac 8h Z hmin Allowable tension (lbf) Nominal Anchor diameter (in.) Embedment depth (in.) Carbon Steel Stainless Steel f 2500 psi Carbon Steel Stainless Steel e 3/6 2 1105 1155 2 1490 1490 2 3'/4 2420 2530 5/e 31/8 2910 2910 4 4015 4215 3/4 33/4 3635 3825 43/4 4690 5290 For SI: 1 Ibf = 4.45 N, 1 psi = 0.00689 MPa 1 psi = 0.00689 MPa. 1 inch = 25.4 mm. 'Single anchors with static tension load only. 2Concrete determined to remain uncracked for the life of the anchorage. 3Load combinations from ACI 318 Section 9.2 (no seismic loading). 430% dead load and 70% live load, controlling load combination 1.21) + 1.6 L. 5Calculation of the weighted average for a = 0.3'1.2 + 0.7'1.6 = 1.48. 6f 'c = 2,500 psi (normal weight concrete). 7Cal = Ca2 Z bac 8h Z hmin ESR -1917 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 10 of 11 za M X Q MIN. 20 GAUGE STEEL W -DECK MIN. 12" TYP. j LOWER FLUTE --►� - MAX. 1" I (RIDGE) OFFSET, TYP. FIGURE 5=INSTALLATION IN THE SOFFIT OF CONCRETE OVER METAL DECK FLOOR AND ROOF ASSEMBLIES ESR -1917 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 11 of 11 Given: A � A A " N Two'/Z inch KB TZ anchors under T Ta��ow ♦ - 1.5her static tension load as shown. her = 3.25 in. Normal wt. concrete, f'c = 3,000 psi No supplementary reinforcing. s = 6" Assume uncracked concrete. 6„ Condition B per ACI 318 D.4.4 c Calculate the allowable tension load for this configuration. ::;:';`:?::::;'i'`'`:'':':':1:'1:'; ::':': i `.':•`,;;�'r'y'y'�'v�y�'S�S 1.5her 1.5her ",i c'=,4'. A-A Calculation per ACI 318-02 Appendix D and this report. Code Report Ref. Ref. Step 1. Calculate steel capacity: ON = OnASef = 0.75 x 2 x 0.101 x 106,000 = 16,059lb D.5.1.2 Check whether fit is not greater than 1.9fya and 125,000 psi. D.4.4 a) Table 3 Step 3. Calculate concrete breakout strength of anchor in tension: Ncbg = ANC wec,NY'ed,NV1c,NWcp,NNb D.5.2.1 § 4.1.2 § 4.1.3 ANco Step 3a. Verify minimum member thickness, spacing and edge distance: D.8 Table 3 hmin = 6 In. <_ 6 In. .'. ok t Smin 2.375, 5.75 Fig. 4 2.375-5.75 slope = _ -3.0 3.5-2.375 For cmi„ = 4 in =>2.375 controls 3.5, 2.375 S.o = 5.75 - [(2.375 - 4.0)(-3.0)] = 0.875 < 2.375 in < 6 i :. ok 0.875 ` 4 Cmin Step 3b. For AN check 1.5he, = 1.5(3.25) = 4.88 in > c 3.0he1 = 3(3.25) = 9.75 in > s D.5.2.1 Table 3 Step 3c. Calculate AN,, and AN for the anchorage: A,. = 9h; = 9 x (3.25)' = 95.1in' D.5.2.1 Table 3 =(1.5h +c 3h +s = 1.Sx 3.25 +4 3x 3.25 +6=139.8in'<2•A ... ok AN er i( er ( ) ][ ( ) No Step 3d. Determine Wec,N : eN = 0 • Wec,N =1.0 D.5.2.4 Step 3e. Calculate Nb: Nb = k,,,,�, f� her�.s =1743,000x3.25' =5,4561b D.5.2.2 Table 3 Step 3f. Calculate modification factor for edge distance: Wed N = 0.7+0.3 4 = 0.95 D.5.2.5 Table 3 1.5(3.25) Step 3g. Wc,N =1.41 (uncracked concrete) D.5.2.6 Table 3 "c;1.5hef ( )Step 3h. Calculate modification factor for splitting: VfcpN = maxcheck: 40.53;1.5 3.25 0.65 7.5 7.5 § 4.1.3 1.5hef Table 3 0.65 > 0.53.-. controls cac Step 3i. Calculate Okbg : (DNcbg 0.65 x 139.8 x 1.00 x 0.95 x 1.41 x 5,456 x 0.65 = 4,539 Ib D.5.2.1 § 4.1.2 95.1 D.4.4 c) Table 3 Step 4. Check pullout strength: Per Table 3, OnNprc = 0.65x2x5,515 Ib 37o00 = 7,852 Ib >4539 .'. OK D.5.3.2 § 4.1.5 2,500 D.4.4 c) Table 3 Step 5. Controlling strength: ONcb = 4,539 Ib < O)nNp„ < ON, .. (Ncbg controls D.4.1.2 Table 3 Step 6. Convert value to ASD: T,11,,, = 4,539 = 3,242 Ib. - § 4.2 1.4 FIGURE 6 -EXAMPLE CALCULATION