June 12, 2008
Regular meeting of the La Quinta Investment Advisory Board was called to order at the
hour of 4:30 P.M. by Chairperson Deniel, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
PRESENT: Board Members Moulin, Ross, Deniel, Rassi & Park
OTHERS PRESENT: John Falconer, Finance Director, Vianka Orrantia, Secretary,
Tom Genovese, City Manager and Kathy Jenson, City
III CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA - (This is the time set aside for public comment
on any matter not scheduled on the agenda.) None.
Mr. Falconer requested that an amended copy of page 3 of the May 14`"
minutes be added to the agenda to reflect the change of the June meeting date
as requested by Chairperson Deniel.
Mr. Falconer advised of a handout submitted by Board Member Moulin and
requested that that this item be added for discussion under the investment
In addition, Mr. Falconer requested that Business Session -Item B, be moved as
the first item of the agenda for discussion.
Approval of Minutes of Meeting on May 14, 2008 for the Investment Advisory
Board Member Ross advised that page 2, Business Session Item A, first
paragraph, second sentence should be consistent with Mr. Falconer's comments
within the paragraph and the second sentence should read:
Mr. Falconer also advised that the portfolio .has continued to decline with
the average maturity at 74 days, "...'
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Moulin/Park to approve the minutes
of May 14, 2008, as amended. Motion carried unanimously.
Investment Advisory Board
June 12, 2008
A. Transmittal of Treasury Report for April 2008
Mr. Falconer presented the April 2008 Treasurer's report and advised
that the portfolio was down by approximately S3 million due to the
Avenue 48 construction project payments, with the yield still decreasing
based upon the current economic market. Mr. Falconer also advised that
LAIF had declined below 3%, also due to the economic market with staff
keeping investments short. In addition, Mr. Falconer referred to the
maturities page 7, which also reflects the general market condition.
In response to Board Member Ross, Mr. Falconer advised that the
amortization of premiums and discounts on page 2 are calculated by
historical costs derived from page 7.
In response to Board Member Ross, Mr. Falconer clarified that the
additional equipment purchased listed under bank fees is listed correctly
and the purchase of the additional equipment is deducted from interest
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Rassi/Ross to approve,
receive and file the Treasury Report for April 2008. Motion carried
Board Member Moulin suggested that his handout, handout "B" (ad for
recruitment of board members) be considered as part of the Board's
upcoming work plan. Board Member Moulin advised that there were two
items that needed to be revised; 1) definition of qualification of service
on the Board, that knowledge of securities should be part of the
qualifications and 2) terms of service and their expiration date. Board
Member Moulin stated that the Board's terms should be staggered.
Board Member Moulin advised that his handout does include suggested
language for the Board's consideration.
In response to Board Member Rassi, Board Member Moulin clarified the
ad's request for a background for "accounting for securities."
Board Member Rassi stated that he was in favor of the original ad, which
read background in investment field or related experience.
Mr. Falconer suggested that the Board incorporate Board Member
Moulin's handout as part of the upcoming 2008/09 work plan. Board
Investment Advisory Board
June 12, 2008
B. *Continued Consideration of the Fiscal Year 2008109 Investment Policy
Chairperson Deniel welcomed the City Manager and City Attorney.
Chairperson Deniel advised that there were significant changes to the
2008/09 investment policy, with some of the changes being; placing
permissible investments within the body of the policy, removing
investments that are permissible by the state but not allowed by the city
into appendices and removing the responsibility of a professional portfolio
management firm from the City Council and placing it with the Finance
Director/Treasurer. Chairperson Deniel further advised that the changes
were agreed upon by the Board with the exception of the section of
"Conflict and Interest."
Board Member Moulin advised that the section the Board could not agree
upon within "Conflict of Interest" was the area of "reporting," and further
advised of the two suggestions for the Board's consideration.
General discussion ensued regarding the section of "Conflict and Interest"
and it was agreed upon by the Board to implement the following
toe involved in the City's banking and investment process shall
conduct the City's business in an ethical manner and refrain "..."
(Second paragraph)
Is1 ltt fl? may conduct personal business with banks, brokers, and other
financial institutions "..."
Board Member Ross suggested that the Executive Summary be linked
somehow to the section of "Conflict of Interest" and suggested the
following to page 2 (Attachment 1 -redlined copyl, Executive Summary.
Deletion of the seventh paragraph;
Investment Advisory Board
June 12, 2008
Replacing with second paragraph from page 7, "Conflict of Interest";
Ms. Jenson suggested the following change to section VIII "Ethics and
Conflicts of Interest, first paragraph, second sentence;
The City Manager, Assistant City Managers, City Treasurer and city
employees involved in the City's banking and investment process shall
conduct the City's business in an ethical manner and refrain "..." Any
questionable activity or relationship shall be reported immediately and
y ~~P... with the procedures of Section 1.40 "..." Board
Board Member Moulin suggested that on page 35 (Attachment 2 -draft
copy), the source from which Appendix 1 derived be added to the bottom
of the page. The source should read:
Chapter II. Fund Management
Local Agency Investment Guidelines 2007
Issued by California Debt and Investment Advisory
Board concurred.
Board Member Moulin advised that he would like to leave the last two
suggested paragraphs from the Local Agency Investment guide within
page 35 (Attachment 2 -draft copy) .
General discussion ensued among the Board as to whether or not the last
two paragraphs from the Local Agency Investment guide would be
included with Appendix I and it was agreed by the Board to just include
the following paragraph;
Ms. Jenson advised that on page 35 (Attachment 2 -draft copyl, after
the sixth paragraph, if an article is going to be quoted and the entire
article is not included than there should be an ellipsis I[...II added to
identify omitted language.
Investment Advisory Board
June 12, 2008
Mr. Falconer advised the Board that all changes and/or deletions will need
to be made by June 13th for distribution and any changes should be
completed by Staff.
In response to Board Member Ross, Chairperson Deniel clarified that
when the policy mentions the liquidity needs of the city and also the
portfolio needs, they are one in the same.
Along with Board Member Ross, Chairperson Deniel suggested the
following changes to eighth paragraph on page 3 (Attachment 1 -
redlined copy), of the Executive Summary;
The City Treasurer maintains a listing of financial institutions which are
approved for investment purposes. All Broker/Dealers and financial
w,~,~ ents~r~ii
®subject to City Council approval. Board and staff concurred.
Board Member Ross suggested that on page 4 (Attachment 1 -redlined
copy) first paragraph, that the Board incorporate within the sentence a
maximum of $8 million.
Chairperson Deniel stated that she was not in agreement of adding a
dollar amount within the "Executive Summary" portion of the policy that
this information can be found within the detail of the policy.
Board Member Ross suggested that on page 8 (Attachment 2 -draft
copy) second paragraph be consistent with the policy. Mr. Falconer
advised that a change would be made to mirror the "Executive Summary"
as follows;
Deletion of the following paragraph:
Replaced with the following paragraph:
The City Treasurer maintains a listing of financial institutions which are
approved for investment purposes. All BrokerlDealers and financial
institutions ,y~
pr~~fefe i se ~ ~ ~~ lal
subject to City Council approval
Investment Advisory Board
June 12, 2008
In response to Board Member Ross, Mr. Falconer and Chairperson Deniel
clarified a "call report."
Mr. Falconer requested the Board's consideration, on page 10
(Attachment 2 -draft copy) on eliminating the cap on GSE's.
Chairperson Deniel advised that the objective of the cap is to limit the
amount invested in GSE's.
General discussion ensued among the Board and Staff regarding the
possible elimination of the GSE cap and the following vote was taken by
the Board;
Ayes -Board Member Rassi
Noes -Board Member Moulin, Park, Ross and Deniel
It was the conclusion by the Board to leave the current GSE's cap as is
within policy.
In response to Board Member Moulin, Mr. Falconer clarified for the Board
that the discussion of a change to an ordinance would be discussed at
the July meeting as part of the Board's upcoming work plan.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Moulin/Park to approve the
Fiscal Year 2008/09 Investment Policy with the recommended changes
and forward to the City Council. Motion carried unanimously.
A . Month End Cash Report
Noted and Filed
B. Pooled Money Investment Board Report
Mr. Falconer commented that LAIF's 2007 March balance was at S57
billion and the March 2008 at S64 billion, with increase of investments
in LAIF at $6 billion.
Noted and Filed
C. Update on California Municipal Treasurers Association Conference
Mr. Falconer advised that this item was carried over from the previous
Investment Advisory Board June 12, 2008
month's meeting due to time constraints.
Board Member Park advised that the overall general comments at the
conference were negative in regards to the housing market, credit market
and Wall Street due to the high cost of fuel. Board Member Park further
advised that it was the consensus that a turn in the economy was two to
threes years away.
General discussion ensued by the Board in regards to the current
economy and the impact on the Valley's economy and the City's local
housing market.
VIII Adjournment
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Moulin/Ross to adjourn the meeting
at 6:25 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
Vianka Orrantia,
Senior Secretary