06-2308 (SIGN)P.O. BOX 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 Application Number: 06-00002308 Property Address: 79220 HIGHWAY 111 APN: 649-820-999- - Application.description: SIGN Property Zoning: REGIONAL COMMERCIAL Application valuation: 6.000 BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMIT • Owner: FOURTH QUARTER 45 ANSLEY DR NEWNAN, GA 3026 (760)613-3783 PROPERTIES Contractor: Applicant: Architect or Engineer: SWAIN SIGN, INC. 1384 E. 5TH STREET I ONTARIO, CA 91764 (909)946-0253 Lic. No.: 643004 ------------------ LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License Class: C45 License No.: 643004 Date: , Contracto ` � � � OWNER -BUILDER DEC RATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's State License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county that requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit to file a signed statement that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's State License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he or she is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500).: (_) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does the work himself or herself through his or her own employees, provided that the improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he or she did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). 1 _ 1 I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, andwhocontracts for the projects with a contractors) licensed pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.). (_ 1 I am exempt under Sec. , BAP.C. for this reason Date: Owner: CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY 1 hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.). Lender's Name: _ Lender's Address: LQPERMIT VOICE (760) 777-7012 FAX (760) 777-7011 INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 Date: 6/08/06 D a a� JUN 08 2006 CITY OF LA QUINTA FINANCE DEPT. ------------------ WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: r Carrier STATE FUND Policy Number 0019981 I certify that, in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that, if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section /OO of the Labor.Co4e, I s I Jorthwith �coym�ply with those provisions. Date: Applican • / ) WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000). IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on this application. 1 . Each person upon whose behalf this application is made, each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this application, the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees for any act or omission related to the work being performed under or following issuance of this permit. - 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building c struction gd ereby authorize representatives of this co my o enter upon the above-mentione roperty r in ecti p Epos , Dates �9 Signature (Applicant Agent)' ' Application Number 06-00002308 Permit . . . ELEC-ELECTRICAL SIGN Additional desc ... Permit Fee . . . . 36.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date 12/05/06 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 15.00 1.00 15.0000 EA ELEC SIGN 1ST CIRCUIT 15.00 2.00 3.0000 EA ELEC ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIGN ADDITIONAL CIRUITS 6.00 Special Notes and Comments THREE CABINET WALL SIGNS PER SA 06-998.BEST BUY. Fee summary Charged ------------------------------------- Paid Credited ------------------_- Due Permit Fee Total 36.00 .00 .00 36.00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 36.00 .00 .00 36.00 Bin # City of La Quinta Building & Safety Division P.O. Box 1504, 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 - (760) 777-7012 Building Permit Application and Tracking Sheet Permit # Project Address:* Owner's Name: --Y—* 'm -444 ' A. P. Number: Address: Legal Description: Contractor:12 City, ST, Zip: `D Telephone: hof i 22--2, -= Address: Project Description: City, ST, Zip: �y� LL W tp Telephone. - ,3D State Lic. # : City Lic. #: Arch., Engr., Designer: Address: City, ST, Zip: Telephone: Construction Type: Occupancy: Project type (circle one): N Add'n Alter Repair Demo State Lic. #: Name of Contact Person- S Sq. Ft.: # Stories: # Units: Telephone # of Contact Person: Estimated Value of Project: 00 APPLICANT: DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE # Submittal Req'd Rec'd TRACKING PERMIT FEES Plan Sets Plan Check submitted Item Amount Structural Calcs. Reviewed, ready for corrections Plan Check Deposit Truss Calcs. Called Contact Person Plan Check Balance Energy Calcs. Plans picked up Construction Flood plain plan Plans resubmitted Mechanical Grading, plan god Review, ready for corrections/issue Electrical Subcontactor List Called Contact Person Plumbing Grant Deed Plans picked up S.M.I. H.O.A. Approval Plans resubmitted Grading IN HOUSE:- ''" Review, ready for corrections/issue Developer Impact Fee Planning Approval Called Contact Person A.I.P.P. Pub. Wks. Appr Date of permit issue School Fees Total Permit Fees -7— V�— AREA # lozo FF7 0 30 Pal Eli" 72'10- F Ft El 1.4. ,I I 138 2'. 26.. -7q-ZZC) Awl EXMTM 10'W a cp G4 4Z"A� EM. EXISTINGL 6, POST OFFICE GYM 1 10 10 APPROVED BY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTI Z, BY DATEjo' 7(> T -m p I I i I I I lr(2,1 EXHIB T FFITTIFITUMi A Bum DOT. V wr. esmENCY A 0 Ck C 4 a? + go. : %f-ROPERTYLPE .13 u Hen luv "y Twum 03 m i r MAJORA ROM 27.500 SF Pad Elev. = 71.5' 4�— F.F. Elev.= 72.5' P, N.I.C. tVovj *I NVljAalelcl Bed BM & Beyond Office Max 0 MAJOR 0 - - b 4 I,/ I — i. 90' r- 30.038 SF s 3 MAJOR D Ele =70.8 22.242 SF 154' Pa F Ele : 71. Pad Elev.= 70.3' 23 9 SF 20 85'... F.F. Elev.= 71.0' Pad lov.:69.8' Pad Elev.=69.3' 7' N.I.C. F.F. lev.= 70.5- F.F. Elev.: 70.0 �1. I.C. W.c. pPLANTER r1r. C� °cm. e-- 7m, on WMIWTOR Iby b4 b4 VIAW.M JJA 5 3 13 -Cl ? 84 b4 b4 84 b4 26' W-,- 26' 29. 26' -26 4 8' 26' 4 F fy 4 ' ---Go- 1,2,. ml 26- 21- 26' 2 -26' P d=7510' N.I.C. LIC*ff 6 FUTURE fOCURE TYPE 5 1 DEVELOPM1 DEVELOFMINt 0 OJnVM GEATM d p 0NAP. J PAD.2KAMW 1YP. 1 + 411-t4 1 —'- . - W - - 13-Q9 ro 0feA F7j9f fi 6- N Pad 73:3- OUTDOM SEATM 23) 9.090 SF ateA LOOSC41E 4WPj , 4 1 1 Pa dl = 7t1l' '0 Pa = 71.8' PAD 4 -4be4A bvi 0 N.I.C. a 4,500 SF Pad = 70.2' N.I.C. WAYL* �' 66- N*T. D" (A) MMERICAL #A, UL ECTION FEE Of. BUILDING & S CHf ,URGED IF THE API OVA VR�R(ED PW '' I I - , ARD D ARI NOT CF TH-E SITE FOR A SCHEDULI LL DATE BY rINLWIMON. PTIONS! BEST BUY #1020 LA QUINTA, CA TOTAL TICKET SQ. FT = 97.8' LETTERS ONLY SQ. FT.= 49.27' S/F WALL SIGN LAYOUT 3/8"= 1'-0" 72'-7 1/2" 3'- 6 1/2" 10'- 1 1/211 3'- 6 1/2" 10 3/8" 5° 2'- 2 1/21, 2'- 2 1/2.. I 7#-911 lO FABRICATION NOTATION SQ.FT.= 97.8' PART # X Vl VOMCOIOR NOTATION ESTIMATE # 11- P� PAINTCOLOR NOTATION UKTRICAI NOTATION 15 z O W O J 3 W Y y m v_ ap �O Z m 00 N W ¢ X N m 1894• ht 0 0 I a it iu ED EQ � d azi. . Cl F � N' W W ^ H 0 tA=co ivi BEST Ox u. t% 2 d W n ® EE3 E3 E9 0 C ri ® Z'M Z LU �.Z.• ul (A. a n rM EAST ELEVATION in SCALE: 3/64"=1'-0" Io go 0 SQ.FT. = 97.8' BEST BUY #1020 O FAMMM NOT= .N PART # X LA QUINTA, CA Vl MUCOWe NOTMN ESTIMATE # ❑ TOTAL TICKET SQ. FT. = 97.8' P, PANKOWR NOTATNIN LETTERS ONLY SQ. FT.= 49.27' FIKTRULNOTATON 12'-7 1/21, X-6 1/211 10'- 1 1/211 2# -911 O _ 2'-21/211 71-911 2'- 2 1121, S/F WALL SIGN LAYOUT 3/8"= 1'-0" 3'- 6 1/2" 10 3/8" 5° FRONT ELEVATION SCALE: 3/64"= l'-0" 0 o� z a w Li Z J Z Y. Fy W s Dila ❑ = ❑ y ❑ Z Q V Z N A Q f C n C Y Y � X Z 2 cy J V < m o V S _< C Y o o a a 7 ry W a O � J W Y } f m Q �O 0 V F W F i w m c x m t um o 0 Y� f of I n ao i e Zen d � n WIA O3� _Z an OZ • P� Z=94 W f` ZZ �j Z. . Q = M r YI at O in 0 BEST BUY #1020 LA QUINTA, CA 3,. 0' S/F WALL SIGN LAYOUT SCALE: 3/4"= V-0' 1 EAST ELEVATION SCALE: 3/64" = 1'-.0" 51-1 3 12" DOOR VINYL- MOBILE DOOR Scale @3/4" = 1'- 0" Pf,OPasA s� vi ' BES li' BUY 020 17'- 9" QU�N ,CA 14'- " 2.5" RETAINER '- 4 1/2" LETT ONLY 5' 1/4" 99. FT. 2'- 1/411 8" _ D DD� I 3'- 1 / '-6 7/S 1 �! I 6'- 11 3/4" -I --------------------8-1A2 11'- O" I \ / 1 I DIDD v I 1 I 1 1/2" 5' 1/4" 2'- 0" fabric seam REVERSE CHANNEL DOT FACE PAINTED WHITE WITH BLACK OUTLINE - AS SHOWN INDIVIDUAL REVERSE CHANNEL LETTERS W/BORDER MOUNTED ON FLEX. BACKGROUND Scale: 3/16" = V - 0" 1� MOUNTING LOCATIONS�A'J 1 r 4'- 01I V i� 4'- 4'- 011 GRID FRAMING DETAIL Scale = 3/16" = V- 0" ELECTRICAL PLAN SCALE: 3/16" = 1'- 011 BOLT FRAMES TOGETHER ON SITE 1I11LO-MIm 11MMI prm 6" FUSE ON EACH BALLAST WILL BE BUS 300Y-GLRIO OVER CURRTNT LINE FUSES. EACH BALLAST WILL BE GROUNDED THROUGH METAL WIRE RACEWAY. 277 VOLT - 20 AMP CIRCUIT III 20 AMP 277v CIRCUIT REQUIRED. ALL BALLASTS GROUNDED WITH GROUNDING SCREW TO GREEN 112 THNN WIRE BLACK, WHITE, AND GREEN THNN WIRE OUT BASE OF SIGN FOR FINAL HOOKUP BY EIECTRICAI CONTRACTOR. DOG HOUSE HOUSINGBALLAST TO COVER WIRES ON EACH END OF BALLAST\ _ WIRE TRACK I: GROUND WIRE GROUNDED TO MOUNTING BOLT ON BALLAST THRU LAMP TRACK Gl COLOR GRAPHIC NOTE 1Q FABRICATION NOTE I SECTION VIEW Scale 3/4" = V - 0" FEB 2 8 2006 Jpm THIS SIGN IS INTENDED TO BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF ARTICLE 600 OF THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE AND/OR OTHER APPLICABLE LOCAL CODES. THIS INCLUDES PROPER GROUNDING AND BONDING OF THE SIGN. U Underwriters ®L Laboratories Inc® LISTED ELECTRIC SIGN COMPLIES TO UL48 LETTERS SQ. FT.= 99.75 PART# . MATERIAL FOR FLEX FACE BACKER BACKS: .063' ALUM EXT./FILLER: RETRO EXTRUSION/.040 ALUM FRAMING: 2' x 2' x 3/16' ALUM. ANGLE FACES: 3M PANAFLEX 945 ❑ EMB. RETAINER: NA LIGHTING: H.O. FLUORESCENT WALL FASTENERS: PER ENGENEER SPECIFICATIONS GRAPHICS: REV CHANNEL LETTERS ❑ GPS COLOR FOR FLEX FACE BACKER FILLER: BLACK RETAINER: X INTERIOR: NONE FACE BKGD: YELLOW VINYL -VQ 8972 ATERIAL FOR REV. CHI. LTRS., BORDER BACKS: NONE RETURNS: .063 ALUMINUM D. 1 1/2' L- X FACES: .125' ALUMINUM TRIM CAP: NONE REQUIRED L.E.D: X COLOR : X WALL FASTNERS: PER ENGINEER SPECIFICATIONS RACEWAY: NONE CLIPS ROD COLOR FOR REV CHL. LTRS., BORDER FACES: BLACK RETURNS INT: BLACK RETURNS EXT: BLACK TRIM CAP: NONE REQUIRED L.E.D.: NONE RACEWAY: NONE REQUIRED ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS PLASTIC SIGN SALLAST49GH OUTPUT 800 MA AT 277 VOLT 60 H2 LAMP MAX LUTE MAX OPEN BALLAST 1 CURRENT CURRENT INPLIT aRCUIT AMPS WATTS VOLTAGE 41040.14M .800 1.1 329 825 1 424-13MV 800 .53 146 600 X X X X X X TOTAL 4.93 1462 (I) 20 AMP -277 VOLT CIRCUIT REQUIRED FABRICATION NOTES I. EXISTING BLOCK WALL 2. ALUMINUM RETURNS, FACES 3. METAL CONDUIT 11 1/2'IENCLOSING PRIMARY ELEC. SUPPLIED WITHIN 6' OF SIGN LOCATION BY BEST BUY, FINAL HOOK UP BY BEST BUY. 4. ALL ALUM ANGLE FRAME 2'X2'X3/16' 5. BOLTS W/3 1/2' SPACER 6. WALL FASTENERS 3/8 DIA LAG BOLTS, LIBERTY TOGGLE BOLTS OR SLEEVE ANCHORS. 7. LISTED DISCONNECT SWITCH IN PRIMARY TO BE WITHIN SIGHT (50' MAXI OF SIGN. NEC 110.3(8), 600-6. 8. EESB-1040.14MV BALAST QTY -4 9. EESB-424.13MV BALAST QTY -1 10. F120T12 DAYLIGHT FLUORESCENT TUBES 15 REQ. ll. F84T12 DAYLIGHT FLUURESCENT TUBES I REQ. 12.F60T12 DAYLIGHT FLOORESCENT TUBES 1 REQ. 13. 2' X 2' X 3/16' ALUM TUBE STAND OFF 14. DRAIN HOLES IF USED OUTDOORS 15. 1/8' ALUM PLATE (LETTER BACK) 16. PANAFLEX FACE 17. LOUVERED VENTS AS REQD. 18. PLASTIC COATED STAINLESS STEEL CABLE TRUSSES TO BE LOCATED IN FRONT OF TUBES APPROX. 2' TO ASSURE TO SHADOWING. 19. SIGN ENCLOSURE TO BE FABRICATED IN 1 UNITS WITH 1 CONTINUOUS FACE. ANGLE STRUCTURE TO BE SET IN AS NOT TO CREATE SHADOWS. 0 0 � N a 0 a V a z � a V Y N Y a <W C W W� Z --d o � yz� vz W yW— O S y 0 D O D -o y W Z � o�.J N m =mW o 0 zW o;W3 V ? Q o2 > > (A Z'N N d of O �u W) C)w� z Zt U- 2z ` ?; u "uj O O 3 N O N a =� z W a $ " x 9d _C? .a m N �Z0z a00 LO 00 v oz Q Q OL yQ�Z O O O �m�a 0 0 � N a 0 a V a z � a V Y N Y a <W C W W� — iu � � vz O S N ae > m m y W Z � m Q N m J H o 0 zW V ? Q o2 > > (A Z'N N d of O LA -N W) C)w� Zt U- 2z Q 1L "uj O O 3 N O N a =� h � O^ z Z N FMZ �^ Z o ULJw LO Q N M _C? .a m N O O a00 LO 00 v i/ NUN-I�wrv�� .. . ;CALE: 1 2' Q 3/16" c/c 0'-L4 31- 0" 5/8" L 01- F ' L4 _ _—_— ---- 6'- 0" 3'- 9 15/16" c/c – --- 2'- 11 11/16" ---- aa��aaaapoo� 5'- 6 7/16" 1) � 2" —� G2 G' l 0'- 7 1/16" _ 4ME DETAIL ALE: COLOR GBArHC NOTE TOTAL SQ. FT 18 0 FABRICATION NOTE PART #BBYFACEMOBIL3X6 QRZ FABRICATION NOTTS 2 II W <ha 11 .0900 ►OIYCARs 1ANFQtAIED EMBOSS FACE 11 TYPICAL FA STFFCR 00 31 MOUNTING BOLTS 11000MENWi, a r: rz 3/16• ANGLE 51 WALLYO< 61 x n x 0F BI x N s N= v < N - < 91 x 101 x o - O8Z, � d ;o o0 IQ x o V N Kau I21 X a < �3tof 0o ftlW� GRAPHIC COLORS 11 YELLOW PMS► 109C COPY 6 TICKET BKGD 11 8LUE Wf 300 BACKGR ND 31 WHITE DOTS 11 BLACK COPY ON TICKET f 51x 61X 71 X F - 81X < 0 < < 0 Nr K �00 MOUNTING DETA N.T.S. 0 H W <<< H zFE O n �a mo h O W Q^ 2 ZwO an of � � zN Z w� v 0 In > 40 4M 0-0 con �h , 00 "o Y � -{f'B U Y VARIOUS DOOR VINYL DOOR VINYL LAYOUT .::'SCALE: 3/4„_ 1'- Off TYPICAL INSTALLATION 3'- 0" ©1 COLOR GRAPHC NOTE TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE - x l O IAealunorr NOTE PART # BBUYVYLI2 FABRICATION NOTES J 0 DOOR VWYI 21 x 31 x qx 51 x 61 x 71 x 81 x 91 x 101 x 111 x 1'- 7 1/`).. 121 x T- 3 3/4„ G2 % o D 4 T/4 ; () 3 1/2" �� - O CD 3 1/2" 5 1/2'\ DOOR VINYL LAYOUT 5 c c I e:;1 1/2" INS -FALL AT 5 DEGREE: ANGLE 21 BLACK VQ 8 4962 31 YELLOW BACKGROVND YQ 1 8972 u x 51 x 61 x 71 x Z6. Z u 00=0 W�9< 00 W c vi 0 z > > W 3ugo 0<=G �>U < < Z: p3o2 ❑ ❑ ❑ E<W3 N h O _O V f Z v„j < 0 N a< p� N Z hN Q �0 h o�� Z —Wo ®Z uN 3 0 N a� ceN ad zh f,% > wl z u ►. �w� <;. mr -2 TYPICAL o� a� .I