2001 07 19 HPCrr/ yT_ La�� C9 F � Z o s cFb OF HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AG EN ®A The Regular Meeting to be held in the Session Room at the La Quinta City Hall, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California July 19, 2001 3:00 P.M. Beginning Minute Motion 2001-012 CALL TO ORDER A. Pledge of Allegiance B. Roll Call C. Election of Chair and Vice Chair II. PUBLIC COMMENT This is the time set aside for citizens to address the Historic Preservation Commission on matters relating to historic resources within the City of La Quinta which are not Agenda items. When addressing the Historic Preservation Commission, please state your name and address and when discussing matters pertaining to prehistoric sites, do not disclose the exact location of the site(s) for their protection. III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA IV. CONSENT CALENDAR: A. Approval of the regular Minutes for the meeting of June 21, 2001. V. BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Conditional Use Permit 2001-061 and Site Development Permit 2001-706; a request to install a wireless communication monopalm and construction of 1,002 square foot equipment building at 49-499 Eisenhower Drive, within the La Quinta Resort and Club. Applicant: AT&T Wireless Services Historic Consultant: CRM TECH (Bruce Love) VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: VII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS Vill. ADJOURNMENT MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall Session Room 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA June 21, 2001 This meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called to order by Chairman Robert Wright at 3:01 p.m. who led the flag salute and asked for the roll call. CST_\>A�r�Z�1i7�: A. Pledge of Allegiance. �' a 11GFM Present: Commissioners Irwin, Mitchell, Puente, and Chairman Wright. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Irwin/Puente to excuse Commissioner Sharp. Unanimously approved. Staff Present: Planning Manager Christine di lorio, Principal Planner Stan Sawa, and Secretary Carolyn Walker. II. PUBLIC COMMENT: None III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: Confirmed. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR: A. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Mitchell/Puente to approve the Minutes of April 19, 2001, as submitted. Unanimously approved. V. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Addendum to Historical/Archaeological Resources Survey and T in Report Vista Montana Development; located at the northwest corner of Eisenhower Drive and Calle Tampico. Applicant: KSL Development Corporation - Archaeological Consultant: CRM TECH (Bruce Lode) 1. Principal Planner Stan Saws presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. P:\CAROLYN\HPC6-21-0 Lwpd -1- '1" 002 Historic Preservation Commission Minutes June 21, 2001 2. Commissioners Mitchell, Puente and Chairman Wright concurred with staff's findings. 3. Commissioner Irwin stated the information submitted by Lillian Hunt was informative and made the report complete. 4. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Puente/Mitchell to adopt Minute Motion 2001-011 recommending approval of the Addendum to Historical/Archaeological Resources Survey and Testing Report - Vista Montana Development, located at the northwest corner of Eisenhower Drive and Calle Tampico. Unanimously approved. VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL VII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS A. Commissioner Irwin opened a discussion about the safekeeping and use of historic materials being delivered to the Historical Society, on behalf of the City of La Quinta. Following discussion Commission Members asked that each Archaeological Report contain the following: 1. Three copies of the report submitted; one to be kept with the artifacts, one to accompany the report and one to be kept in the City files. In addition, disk containing the report will be submitted for permanent retention. 2. The Archaeologist shall include a summary of the artifacts found written in layman's terms, to be used in the future for students. In addition, the items included in the summaries be used to fulfill Assembly Bill requirements of Assembly Bill regarding museums, repositories/depositories to advise the State what is contained in their collections. This could also be used by students to locate artifacts they wish to study. Commissioner Irwin also asked about the development of a web site for student use. Planning Manager di lorio suggested this be included in an upcoming grant. .-1 003 P:\CAROLYN\HPC6-21-0 Lwpd -2- Historic Preservation Commission Minutes June 21.2001 Commissioner Mitchell commented on the safety and handling of artifacts and the fact the City should be concerned about security. B. Commissioner Puente asked staff about the status of the Oliphant Williams project on Avenue 50. Planning Manager di lorio replied the artifacts were recovered and the developer cleared the site of the resources. A monitor was on site. Commissioner Irwin clarified this was not the Oliphant Williams project, but the Rancho La Quinta project. Planning Manager di lorio replied, the Rancho La Quinta project had not been monitored, or completed. 1T/ 111=e10aLill ] 6101 tvd 4 O 111 There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Irwin/Puente to adjourn this meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission to the next regularly schedule meeting to be held on July 19, 2001. This meeting of the Historical Preservation Commission was adjourned at 3:25 p.m., June 21, 2001. Unanimously approved. Submitted by: Carolyn Walker Secretary - 004 P:\CAROLYN\HPC6-21-01.wpd -3- DATE: ITEM: REQUEST: LOCATION: APPLICANT: HISTORICAL CONSULTANT: REPRESENTATIVE BACKGROUND: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION STAFF REPORT JULY 19, 2001 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2001-061 AND SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2001-706 INSTALLATION OF WIRELESS COMMUNICATION MONOPALM AND CONSTRUCTION OF 1,002 SQUARE FOOT EQUIPMENT BUILDING 49-499 EISENHOWER DRIVE, WITHIN THE LA QUINTA RESORT AND CLUB AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES (POLLY JOHNSON, PLANNING ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS) CRM TECH (BRUCE LOVE, PRINCIPAL) PLANNING ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS (POLLY JOHNSON) The applicant has requested approval to install cellular telephone monopole antenna disguised as a palm tree and construct an equipment building on the south side of the main entry into the La Quinta Resort and Club (Attachment 1). The facility would be operated by AT&T Wireless for cellular phone use. As a part of the environmental review a study of the impact of the proposal on the resort has been prepared for review by the Historic Preservation Commission. The original hotel building, 20 original cottages (casitas) and its grounds, and the outlying Morgan and Pierce buildings meet the classification for designation by the City as historic at a local level. The 20 original cottages (casitas) and its grounds are eligible for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places as a National Register District. PROPOSED PROJECT: The location of the facility is approximately 280 feet west of Eisenhower Drive just south of the Italian cypresses that line the entry drive to the resort registration p:\stan\hpc rpt cup 2001-061 sdp 2001-706Iq resort.wpd 005 building. The proposed building is immediately north of cottage units that were constructed in 1982, during a major expansion of the resort. The monopalm is proposed to be located beyond existing cottages to the south of the equipment building north of a volleyball court in an area surrounded by 1980's vintage cottages. The monopalm will be next to two existing palm trees that are taller than the monopalm. The monopalm is proposed at a height of 65 feet and disguised as a palm tree, similar to other trees on the grounds. The equipment building will contain 1,002 square feet of floor area and house resort electrical equipment as well as cellular reception equipment. The equipment building will be 12' wide, 83'-6" long and a maximum 14 feet high. The proposed architectural features of the building are designed to blend in with the adjacent resort cottage architecture. The proposed materials are exterior plaster walls, a low sloping clay S-tile gable roof of two heights, and multi and single pane windows with shutters on the north side. Doors will contain multi - pane glass. Colors and plaster finish will match the existing adjacent cottage units. HISTORIC CONSIDERATIONS: CRM TECH has prepared an analysis of the effect of the proposed project as it relates to the historic La Quinta Resort (Attachment 2). The nearest component of the historic hotel complex is approximately 100 feet west of project on the other side of the entry drive to the resort. Thus, the entry drive and two rows of large Italian cypresses and landscaping areas separate the uses. The project will not impact the view of the entry drive. The report notes the monopalm (tower), disguised as a palm tree, is designed to blend in with its surroundings as much as possibVe. The equipment building will be compatible with the nearby cottages in terms of size, scale, design, materials, color, and texture. The report concludes that this proposed facility will not damage or obscure character - defining features of the original buildings or grounds within the La Quinta Resort complex. In conclusion, a finding that the project will have no "adverse Effect" as defined by 36 CFR 800.5(a)(1), on the La Quinta Hotel Historic District. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Minute Motion 2001-_, concurring with the report prepared by CRlv1 TECH. Attachment: 1. Proposed plan exhibits 2. Report on AT&T Wireless Services Site prepared by CRM TECH p:\stan\hpc rpt cup 2001-061 sdp 2001-706 Iq resort.wpd 1 0C L. Prepared by: Stan B. Sawa, Principal Planner Submitted by: I Christine di lorio, anning Manager 1.. 007 p:\stan\hpc rpt cup 2001-061 sdp 2001-706 Iq resort.wpd CRM TECH ,TTACHMENT #2 2411 Sunset Drive Riverside, CA 92506 Polly Johnson Planning/Environmental Solutions LLC 26785 Camino Seco Temecula, CA 92590 o 3UL 1120 Re: AT&T Wireless Services Site No. 6LA-C964 (CUP 2001-061) La Quinta Resort and Club, 49-499 Eisenhower Drive La Quinta, Riverside County, California Dear Ms. Johnson: July 9, 2001 At your request, CRM TECH has completed an analysis of the potential effect that a proposed telecommunication facility project at Site No. 6LA-C964 may have on the historic La Quinta Resort. The proposed undertaking involves the installation of a monopalm and the construction of an equipment shelter on the grounds of the resort. As required by FCC and the City of La Quinta, the analysis was conducted under the provisions of Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. As you know, the La Quinta Resort, founded as the La Quinta Hotel in 1926, is probably the most prominent and best-known historical resource in the City of La Quinta. It was first recorded into the California Historical Resource Information System in 1982, and its history and architectural characteristics were extensively documented in 1997 (Carpenter 1982; Steigemeyer and O'Connor 1997). During the latter survey, the original, 1920s-vintage portion of the resort was delineated as a historic district, which consists of the main hotel building, 20 original guest cottages ("casitas"), and "a distinctive ground plan into which the casitas are set" (Steigemeyer and O'Connor 1997:3). Because of the architectural merits of buildings within the district, and because of the important role the hotel played in the growth of the La Quinta area, the La Quinta Hotel Historic District has been evaluated as eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (ibid.:2-3,10-11). Therefore, it qualifies as a "historic property," as defined by Section 106 regulations (36 CFR 800.16(1)), and is entitled to proper protection under Section 106 provisions. The site of the proposed undertaking is located on the grounds of the La Quinta Resort, but not within the boundaries of the La Quinta Hotel Historic District. The monopalm and the equipment shelter will be installed in the vicinity of the casita containing Rooms 407-412, which like all other casitas in the 400 series were built in 1982, during a major expansion of the resort complex (Vorderwinkler 2001). The nearest component of the historic district, the casita with Rooms 101-103, stands approximately 100 feet to the west of the project site, and the undertaking will cause no physical alterations to the existing characteristics of this casita or any other contributing element of the district. In other words, the undertaking as currently planned will not have a direct physical effect on the La Quinta Hotel Historic District. �Mj Tel. 909 784 3051 Fax 909 784 2987 Cell 909 376 7843 The potential visual or atmospheric effect of the undertaking on the historic district requires further discussion. The original La Quinta hotel building and the 20 original casitas, as mentioned above, are located in an area approximately 100 feet to the west of the project site. They are now surrounded by modern structures constructed during the resort's recent expansion, the earliest of which date to 1979 (Vorderwinkler 2001). The monopalm, obviously, is designed to blend in with its surroundings as much as possible, and the equipment shelter, as currently planned, will be compatible to the character and appearance of the nearby casitas in terms of size, scale, design, material, color, and texture. In comparison to the existing buildings of modern construction in the same vicinity, these facilities do not damage or obscure character -defining features of the original buildings in the La Quinta Resort complex. Rather, they represent a minimal and inconspicuous visual intrusion to what remains of the historic appearance of the district, especially when observed from public spaces and public rights -of -way. With regards to the indirect effect that the proposed undertaking may have on the La Quinta Hotel Historic District, there is no evidence that the installation of the telecommunication facilities at this location will increase or contribute to the deterioration or other long-term damages to the historic character and significance of the district. The undertaking's potential for such indirect effect, in short, is also considered to be minimal. Based on the analysis presented above, CRM TECH recommends to the City of La Quinta a finding that the proposed undertaking at AT&T Wireless Services Site No. 6LA-C964 will have no "adverse effect," as defined by 36 CFR 800.5(a)(1), on the La Quinta Hotel Historic District. Thank you for this opportunity to be of service! Sincerely, Bruce Love �B- om Tang Principal Historian/Architectural Historian References: Carpenter, Anne 1982 Historical resource site record, La Quinta Hotel. On file, Eastern Information Center (Site No. 33-7258), University of California, Riverside. Steigemeyer, Vicki, and Pam O'Connor 1997 Historical resource site record, La Quinta Hotel, Casitas and Grounds. On file, Community Development Department, City of La Quinta. Vorderwinkler, Inge 2001 Personal communication. Interviewed via telephone on July 6, 2001. 2 009