2001 12 20 HPC� T LCIJ i °10 � z V S if CF'y OF THt'O HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AG EN DA The Regular Meeting to be held in the Session Room at the La Quinta City Hall, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California December 20, 2001 3:00 P.M. Beginning Minute Motion 2001-021 CALL TO ORDER A. Pledge of Allegiance B. Roll Call II. PUBLIC COMMENT This is the time set aside for citizens to address the Historic Preservation Commission on matters relating to historic resources within the City of La Quinta which are not Agenda items. When addressing the Historic Preservation Commission, please state your name and address and when discussing matters pertaining to prehistoric sites, do not disclose the exact location of the site(s) for their protection. III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA IV. CONSENT CALENDAR: A. Approval of the regular Minutes for the meeting of November 15, 2001. V. BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Phase I Cultural Resources Assessment for the La Quinta Grill; a request for approval of a Phase I Cultural Resources Assessment. Applicant: The Woodard Group Historic Consultant: LSA B. Phase I Cultural and Paleontological Resource Assessment for Specific Plan 90-016 Amendment #1; a request for approval of a Phase I Cultural and Paleontological Resources Assessment. Applicant: Toll Brothers --Doi _. Doi Historic Consultant: LSA HPC/AGENDA VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: VII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS VIII. ADJOURNMENT Ili HPC/AGENDA MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall Session Room 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA November 15, 2001 This meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called to order by Chairman Maria Puente at 3:03 p.m. who led the flag salute and asked for the roll call. I. CALL TO ORDER A. Pledge of Allegiance. B. Roll Call. Present: Commissioners Irwin, Mitchell, Sharp, Wright, and Chairman Puente. Unanimously approved. Staff Present: Principal Planner Stan Sawa, and Secretary Carolyn Walker. II. PUBLIC COMMENT: Commissioner Sharp introduced Melody Winston as a person interested in learning more about the Commission. III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: Confirmed. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR: A. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Irwin/Sharp to approve the Minutes of October 18, 2001 with the following change: VII. Commissioner Items. Item A, corrected to read: "Commissioner Sharp stated he received a copy of the La Quinta City Council/Planning Commission Joint meeting minutes of September 19, 2001. In those minutes, a statement was made by Ben Scoville, representing the Torres -Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians, where he asked that the City of La Quinta appoint a member of the Torres -Martinez Tribe to the City's Historic Preservation Commission. Commissioner Sharp thought that as the Commission dealt with so many areas that touched on this relationship, it seemed like a very good idea." Unanimously approved. -003 PACAROLYNWC 11-15-01.wpd -1- Historic Preservation Commission Minutes November 15, 2001 V. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Phase II Archaeological Test Program for Tentative Tract Mao 30 31; a request for approval of a Phase II Archaeological Test Program. Applicant: Santa Properties and Development, LLC - Historic Consultant: Archaeological Advisory Group 1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Commissioner Mitchell stated he didn't have any concerns and concurred with staff's recommendations. 3. Commissioner Wright concurred with staff's recommendations. 4. Commissioner Irwin stated she also supported staff's recommendations. 5. Commissioner Sharp asked if this project was near the Coral Mountain development. 6. Commissioner Wright answered the Coral Mountain development was some distance from this project. 7. Commissioner Sharp concurred with staff's recommendations. 8. Chairman Puente had no further comments and concurred with staff's recommendations. 9. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Irwin/Wright to adopt Minute Motion 2001-020 recommending approval of the Phase II Archaeological Test Program for Tentative Tract 30331; for property located on the north side of Avenue 50, west of Jefferson Street. Unanimously approved. P:ACAROLYN\HPCI 1-15-01.wpd -2- ,., __U04 Historic Preservation Commission Minutes November 15, 2001 VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL VII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS A. Commissioner Wright gave staff photos taken at Fort Irwin when the Commission visited there last year. Commissioner Wright asked that these photos be retained by the City. VIII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright/Sharp to adjourn this meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission to the next regularly scheduled meeting to be held on December 20, 2001. This meeting of the Historical Preservation Commission was adjourned at 3:12 p.m., November 15, 2001. Unanimously approved. Submitted by: Carolyn Walker Secretary 005 P:\CAROLYN\HPCI 1-15-01.wpd -3- BI #A HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DATE: DECEMBER 20, 2001 ITEM: PHASE I CULTURAL RESOURCE ASSESSMENT FOR THE LA QUINTA GRILL LOCATION: SOUTHEAST CORNER OF CALLE CADIZ AND A'VENIDA BERMUDAS APPLICANT: THE WOODARD GROUP FOR LA QUINTA GRILL ARCHAEOLOGICAL CONSULTANT: LSA I7 LeiIILLIIa The purpose of this study is to identify all potentially significant cultural resources situated within the 1.16 acre parcel that contains two residences, one of which is used as a restaurant. An office building is proposed to be added to this property. This assessment has been incorporated into environmental review of the project for the approval process. DISCUSSION: A records search was conducted through the Eastern Information Center of the California Historical Resources Information System at UC Riverside for historic and prehistoric archaeological sites. The results of the record search indicated that 32 cultural resource surveys have been conducted within a one mile radius of the project area. Seven archaeological sites, six prehistoric isolates, and six historic properties were recorded within a one -mile radius of the project area, with four studies within a one -quarter mile radius. Cultural resources within this radius include a prehistoric surface scatter, four 1920' to 1940's historic buildings and a segment of a historic road. The report notes the project area is located in a residential area established in the late 1930's, with the property now occupied by a restaurant (La Quinta Grill), dating from the 1950's, and a residence dating from the 1960's. The project area is void of any native vegetation and covered with asphalt, buildings and landscaping. A field study of the project area did not locate any cultural .. 006 P:\STAN\hperpt vup 01-013.wpd resources. It did note the presence of the restaurant complex, which was build in 1952, for residential use. A rustic water tower is on the property and associated with the restaurant. The report notes that the architecture of the restaurant has been compromised by secondary additions and expansions, and therefore, does not qualify for potential nomination to the California Register of Historic Resources. CONCLUSION: The report notes that the site does not contain archaeological resources or historic resources that have any historic significance, and therefore, recommend no further cultural resource studies or monitoring. The history of the property, including existing buildings and structures on the property should be documented prior to issuance of a building permit, in that the area of the building is of local historic interest. The La Quinta Historic Society should be consulted for information. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Minute Motion 2001- , accepting : 1.) The "Cultural Resources Assessment - La Quinta Grill", as prepared by LSA, subject to the following condition: A.) Prior to issuance of a building permit, documentation of the property history shall be submitted to the Historic Preservation Commission for approval. Attachment: 1. Cultural Resource Assessment - La Quinta Grill Prepared by: Submitted By: Stan B. Sawa, Principal Planner Christine di lorio, Pla ning Manager 007 P:\STAN\hperpt vup 01-013.wpd HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DATE: DECEMBER 20, 2001 ITEM: PHASE I CULTURAL AND PALEONTOLOGICAL RESOURCE ASSESSMENT FOR SPECIFIC PLAN 90-016, AMENDMENT #1 LOCATION: NORTHEAST CORNER OF JEFFERSON STREET AND AVENUE50 APPLICANT: TOLL BROTHERS ARCHAEOLOGICAL CONSULTANT: LSA BACKGROUND: The purpose of the study is to identify all potentially significant cultural resources situated within the 385 acre parcel that is proposed to be developed with a residential country club development. This assessment will be incorporated into environmental review of the project during the approval process. ARCHAEOLOGICAL DISCUSSION: A records search was conducted through the Eastern Information Center of the California Historical Resources Information System at UC Riverside for historic and prehistoric archaeological sites. The results of the record search indicated that 19 cultural resource surveys have been conducted within a one mile radius of the project area, with five of these surveys including nearly all of the project area as portions of other projects. Two archaeological sites (CA-RIV-2975 and CA-RIV-2976) have been recorded within the project area and 15 archaeological sites, seven prehistoric isolates, and two historic properties were recorded within a quarter mile radius of the project area. In addition to the National Register of Historic Places, California Historical Landmarks, California Points of Historical Interest, the California State Historic Resources Directory, and historic maps were inspected for historical information on the: project area. Two historic properties adjacent to the project site were found. They were 33- 8301, the Coachella Canal, which borders the property on the east side and 33-8301, a 1950's historic building site near the northwest corner. Ili P:\STAN\hpc rpt sp 90-016 amend #1 toll.wpd A field study of the project area revealed that approximately 85% of the project area was exposed native soil that consisted of sand and exhibited heavy disturbance from small mammals and brushing for removal of the citrus orchards. The remaining surface areas consists of sandy soil obscured by impenetrable Russian thistle. The pedestrian survey focused on the areas of exposed soil and boulders that exhibited few or no impacts. One of the previously recorded archaeological sites within the project area, CA-RIV-2975, was relocated, while the second, CA-RIV-2976, was documented as destroyed in the late 1980's. Additionally, two previously unrecorded prehistoric sites and five isolates, including potsherds and historic sun colored amethyst (SCA) glass fragments were located during the survey. One previously known historic site was also recorded. Site CA-RIV-2975, recorded in 1984, and subsequently surface collected and tested in 1989. The survey found that more artifacts and rare prehistoric features have been exposed since 1989. What appears to be at least three features consisting of wooden structural remains and two baked earth features that may be the remains of wattle -and -daub brush huts were found. These features qualify as a "unique archaeological resource" and meet the requirements of CEQA Guideline 3 in that they represent unique data potential and may yield information important in prehistory. One of the new sites, LSA-FKH136-S-3, Site #3 included a baked earth feature similar to those found at CA-RIV-2975 (possible wattle -and -daub structural remains). Due to its location and similar cultural remains, it appears to be associated with CA-RIV- 2975. The remaining sites and isolates were determined to not be of significance. PALEONTOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT: The property elevations range from approximate ly 43 feet above sea level (ASL) to 18 feet ASL, which means it was most likely covered by ancient Lake Cahuilla which ranged as high as 42 feet ASL. A records search at the Regional Paleontological Locality Inventory, located at the San Bernardino County Museum did not identify any prior surveys for the project area. It noted fossil localities near the parcel and in sediments mapped as similar found fossil mollusks, fish, reptiles, birds and small mammals. Sediments of the property are lacustrine deposits, including silts and sandy silts. Sand dunes cover portions of deposits in the project area. The paleontological survey found fossil mollusks consisting of fresh water clam (Anodonta sp.), fresh water planispiral snail (Planorbula sp.), and fresh water snail (Physa sp.)• These mollusks indicate the property was below the lake surface near a shoreline with lacustrine vegetation. 009 P:\STAN\hpc rpt sp 90-016 amend #1 toll.wpd CONCLUSION: Two archaeological sites (CA-RIV-2975 and LSA-FKH 1 36-S-3) have the potential to yield unique archaeological data on a little known aspect of prehistoric: Native American life (aboriginal shelter). LSA recommends a resource impact mitigation program consisting of three 1x2 meter test units at CA-RIV-2975 and one 1x.2 meter test units at LSA-FKH136-S-3, and monitoring of all earth moving activities in the vicinity of these two sites. Excavation for the proposed project has potential to impact the significant nonrenewable resources. LSA recommends a paleontological resource impact program be conducted, including excavation/grading monitoring and specimen recovery, including screen washing. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Minute Motion 2001- , accepting : 1.) The "Cultural Resource Assessment - the Grove/Mountain View Country Club in Central Riverside County. California", as prepared and recommended by LSA,subject to the following condition: A.) A Phase II testing report shall be submitted to the Historic Preservation Commission for approval prior to City Council approval of the specific plan amendment. 2.) The "Paleontological Resource Assessment - the Grove/Mountain View Country Club in Central Riverside County, California", as prepared and recommended by LSA, subject to the following condition: A.) Collected paleontological resources to be given to the City for c:uration. Attachments: 1. Cultural Resource Assessment - the Grove/Mountain View Country Club in Central Riverside County, California 2. Paleontological Resource Assessment - the Grove/Mountain View Country Club in Central Riverside County, California Prepared by: Submitted By: Stan B. Sawa, Principal Planner Christine di Iorio, Pl nning Manager P:\STAN\hpc rpt sp 90-016 amend #1 toll.wpd ••• _ _ 010