2002 01 31 HPC� T c% 4 a�w F � V F'y OF HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AG EN DA The Regular Meeting to be held in the Session Room at the La Quinta City Hall, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California January 31, 2002 3:00 P.M. Beginning Minute Motion 2002-001 I. CALL TO ORDER A. Pledge of Allegiance B. Roll Call II. PUBLIC COMMENT This is the time set aside for citizens to address the Historic Preservation Commission on matters relating to historic resources within the City of La Quinta which are not Agenda items. When addressing the Historic Preservation Commission, please state your name and address and when discussing matters pertaining to prehistoric sites, do not disclose the exact location of the site(s) for their protection. III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA IV. CONSENT CALENDAR: A. Approval of the regular Minutes for the meeting of December 20, 2001. V. BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Results of Phase II Testing of two Prehistoric Sites within the Grove /Mountain View Country Club for Specific Plan 90-016, Amendment #1; a request for approval of testing results. Applicant: Toll Brothers Historic Consultant: LSA '--001 HPC/AGENDA B. Determination of consistency with the Secretary of Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties for the two story detached addition and rehabilitation of the historic City of La Quinta Historic Society Museum; Applicant: City of La Quinta Historic Architect: Ferris, Johnson and Associates VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: VII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS Vill. ADJOURNMENT N HPC/AGENDA MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall Session Room 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA December 20, 2001 This meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called to order by Chairman Maria Puente at 3:00 p.m. who led the flag salute and asked for the roll call. CALL TO ORDER A. Pledge of Allegiance. B. Roll Call. Present: Commissioners Irwin, Mitchell, Sharp, Wright, and Chairman Puente. Unanimously approved. Staff Present: Planning Manager Christine di lorio, Principal Planner Stan Sawa, and Secretary Carolyn Walker. 1all,.] I[*Kole]AI�LVA10011 0GTda III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: Confirmed. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR: A. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright/Mitchell to approve the Minutes of November 15, 2001, as submitted. Unanimously approved. 19� 0I*X911:1►16y A. Phase II Cultural Resources Assessment for the La Quinta Grill; a request for approval of a Phase I Cultural Resources Assessment. Applicant: The Woodward Group Historic Consultant: LSA 1 . Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Commissioners Mitchell, Irwin, and Wright concurred with staff's recommendations. 003 P:ACAROLYN\HPC 12-20-01.wpd -I- Historic Preservation Commission Minutes December 20, 2001 3. Commissioner Sharp concurred with staff's recommendations, but asked what was going to be built on the site. Staff replied there would be three office buildings constructed of board and batten with a flat shingle tile roof. 4. Stewart Woodard, architect representing the applicant, clarified there were actually three structures. One single story, and the other two will be two stories. The plans would also utilize many of the trees on site. 5. Commissioner Wright asked if the water tower would remain since it was historic. The applicant replied he had two engineers looking at the tower and both found it unsafe. 6. Commissioner Irwin stated she had been researching information on this site and needed to speak to the former owner, Robert Cunard. He would know more about the history of the building and the tower. 7. Mr. Woodard stated he was trying to find further historic information on the tower. He also stated if the tower was of historical significance he would work with staff to try and preserve the structure. Currently, however, his contractors have informed him it is unsafe and will be dismantled piece by piece. 8. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Mitchell/Sharp to adopt Minute Motion 2001-021 recommending approval of the Phase I Cultural Resources Assessment for the La Quinta Grill; located on the southeast corner of Calle Cadiz and Avenida Bermudas. Unanimously approved. B. Phase I Cultural and Paleontological Resource Assessment for Specific Plan 90- 016. Amendment #1; a request for approval of a Phase I Cultural and Paleontological Resources Assessment. Applicant: Toll Brothers - Historic Consultant: LSA. 1 . Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. .�..: 004 P:TAROLYN\HPC 12-20-0 Lwpd -2- Historic Preservation Commission Minutes December 20, 2001 2. Commissioner Mitchell had a question regarding the 15% portion of this property that was inaccessible due to the surrounding brush. Applicant's representative, Forrest Haag replied the area shown may have been overestimated because the Historic Consultant did record the flora coverage of the entire 385 acres. There was only one acre of Mesquite Thistle that was not included in the inventory. The acreage has continuously been planted in citrus groves, surveyed for home sites, and had trees removed, leaving only a few palms and thickets of mesquite which were identified in the study. The archeologists researched the history of the property and referred back to the 1990 Langwalter Archaeology Study that was done for the 90-01 6 EIR which was a very thorough investigation. So, the property has been thoroughly studied. 3. Commissioner Mitchell asked if the entire site had been disturbed. Mr. Forrest Haag stated it had and the Historic Consultant had identified several areas, on the property, that would require further study. 4. Commissioner Mitchell stated he had no other concerns other than he thought this area was a "high" or "moderate" area for paleontological resources. He also wanted to point out that doing paleontology assessments should be approached with a lot of care and consideration to avoid wasting the applicant's time and money. He stated the same items would continue to show up, such as fresh water clam shells and snails, if care was not exercised in ordering these studies. He asked if there were regulations for paleontology studies to avoid these problems. Staff stated the General Plan update has a Paleontological Section which is more definitive of what is required. Staff will obtain copies to give to the Commissioners. 5. Commissioner Wright concurred with staff's recommendations and Commissioner Mitchell's concerns. 6. Commissioner Irwin stated her main concern was the two sections identified and asked for monitoring during earth moving. Staff replied the project was conditioned to do so. 7. Commissioner Sharp and Chairman Puente concurred with staff's recommendations. 8. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright/Mitchell to adopt Minute Motion 2001-021 recommending approval of the Phase I Cultural and Paleontological Resources Assessment for Specific Plan 90-016, Amendment #1. Unanimously approved. P ACAROLYN\HPC 12-20-01. wpd -3- Historic Preservation Commission Minutes December 20, 2001 l�l�d�7:1;1*1at] 0101:10MWe101RILT VIa9401JiriAd4:1/_\I VII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS A. 1. Commissioner Wright brought up the subject of the next meeting date. He was concerned about the future time table for Item B. 2. Staff stated the normal meeting date would be January 17, but the meeting could be rescheduled to a later date to allow the applicant's archaeologist time to test the property and get a report with sufficient information for the Commission to take action on Phase II. That would allow the applicant to go to the City Council on February 5, 2002. 3. After general discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright/Mitchell to change the January Historic Preservation Commission meeting date from January 17, 2002 to January 31, 2002. Unanimously approved. B. Commissioner Irwin asked if there was any information on conferences in the first quarter of 2002. Staff replied none had been received as of this date. Vill. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright/Sharp to adjourn this meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission to the next regular meet rescheduled to be held on January 31, 2002. This meeting of the Historical Preservation Commission was adjourned at 3:28 p.m., November 15, 2001. Unanimously approved. Submitted by: Carolyn Walker Secretary 006 P:\CAROLYN\HPC12-20-01.wpd -4- HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DATE: JANUARY 31, 2002 ITEM: RESULTS OF PHASE II TESTING OF TWO PREHISTORIC SITES WITHIN THE GROVE/MOUNTAIN VIEW COUNTRY CLUB FOR SPECIFIC PLAN 90-016, AMENDMENT #1 LOCATION: NORTHEAST CORNER OF JEFFERSON STREET AND AVENUE 50 APPLICANT: TOLL BROTHERS ARCHAEOLOGICAL CONSULTANT: LSA BACKGROUND: The study area is a part of a 385 acre parcel that is proposed to be developed with a residential country club development. A Phase I Cultural Resources Assessment was approved by the Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) on December 20, 2001 (Attachment 1). As a result of the Phase I Assessment, two archaeological sites (CA- RIV-2975 and LSA-FKH136-S-3) were found to have potential to yield unique archaeological data on a little known aspect of prehistoric Native American life (aboriginal shelter). LSA recommended a resource impact mitigation program consisting of test units on both sites, and monitoring of all earth moving activities in the vicinity of these two sites. ARCHAEOLOGICAL DISCUSSION: A Phase II archaeological testing report has been submitted (Attachment 2)• At CA- Riv-2975 two 1x2 meter test units were excavated over features identified in the Phase I Assessment with one 1x2 meter test units excavated over features at LSA- FKH136-S-3. The only archaeological materials found were at LSA FKH136-S-3 and consisted of one secondary flake and one Tizon Brown sherd (approximately 2x2 cm)• CONCLUSION: The report concludes that this archaeological testing fulfills the California Environmental Quality Act requirements and the projects effects have been reduced to levels less than significant. Therefore, no further cultural procedures are necessary P:\STAN\hpc rpt ph 2 sp 90-016 amend #1 toll.wpd ,.,. 0 0 7 other than monitoring by a professional archaeologist for the southeast portion of the project area in the vicinity of CA-RIV-2975. Adopt Minute Motion 2002- , accepting: 1.) Report on "Results of Phase II Testing of Two Prehistoric Sites within the Grove/Mountain View Country Club Project - Central Riverside County. California", as prepared and recommended by LSA, subject to the following condition: A.) An archaeological and paleontological report on the monitoring shall be submitted to the Historic Preservation Commission for approval prior to issuance of the first building permit for the project. Attachments: 1 . HPC minutes for the meeting of December 20, 2001. 2. Report on "Results of Phase II Testing of Two Prehistoric Sites within the Grove/Mountain View Country Club - Central Riverside County, California" Prepared by: Submitted By: Stan B. Sawa, Principal Planner r Christine di lorio, PI nning Manager Ili P:\STAN\hpc rpt ph 2 sp 90-016 amend #1 toll.wpd IDj ATTACHMENT #1 Historic Preservation Commission Minutes December 20, 2001 3. Commissioner Sharp concurred with staff's recommendations, but asked what was going to be built on the site. Staff replied there would be three office buildings of board and batten construction ith a flat shingle tile roof. 4. Ap icant, Stewart Woodard, clarified there were actually three strut ures. One single story, and the others two stories. The plans ould also utilize many of the trees on site. 5. Commissi er Wright asked if the water tower would remain since it was hist iC. The applicant replied he had two engineers look at the tower nd both found it unsafe. 6. Commissioner I in stated she had been researching information on this site and eeded to speak to the former owner, Robert Cunard. He woul know more about the history of the building and the tower. 7. Mr. Woodard stated\dk s trying to find further historic information on the toe also stated if the tower was of historical significance hwork with staff on future plans for that structure. Curreowever, his contractors said they would have to take it ece by piece since it was unsafe to climb on. 8. There being no furtherio , it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Mitche to dopt Minute Motion 2001-021 recommending approthe Phase I Cultural Resources Assessment for the ta Gri located on the southeast corner of Calle CadiAvenida Bermudas. Unanimously approved. B. Phase I Cultural and Paleontological Resource Assessment for Specific Plan 9.0- 016 Amendment #1; a request for approval of a Phase I Cultural and Paleontological Resources Assessment. Applicant: Toll Brothers - Historic Consultant: LSA. 1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. PACAROLMHPC12-20-01.wpd -2- 009 Historic Preservation Commission Minutes December 20, 2001 2. Commissioner Mitchell had a question regarding the 15% portion of this property that was inaccessible because of the brush. Applicant's representative, Forrest Haag replied the area shown may have been overestimated because the Historic Consultant did record the flora cover of the entire 385 acres. There was only one acre of Mesquite Thistle that was not included in the inventory. The acreage has continuously been planted in citrus groves, surveyed for home sites, and had trees removed, leaving only a few palms and thickets of mesquite which were identified in the study. The archeologists researched the history of the property and referred back to the 1990 Langwalter Archaeology Study that was done for the 90-016 EIR which was a very thorough investigation. So, the property has been thoroughly covered. 3. Commissioner Mitchell asked if the whole site had been highly disturbed. 4. Applicant's representative, Forrest Haag stated'it'had and the Historic Consultant had identified several areas, on the property, that: would require further study. 5. Commissioner Mitchell stated he had no other concerns other than he thought this area was a "high" or "moderate" area for paleontological resources. He also wanted to point out that doing paleontology assessments should be approached with a lot of care and consideration to avoid wasting the applicant's time and money. He stated the same items would continue to show up; such as fresh water clam shells and snails, if care was not exercised in ordering these studies. He asked if there were regulations for paleontology studies to avoid these problems. 6. Staff stated the General Plan update has a paleontological section which is more definitive of what is required. Staff will obtain copies to give to the Commissioners. 7. Commissioner Wright concurred with staff's recommendations and Commissioner Mitchell's concerns. 8. Commissioner Irwin stated her main concern was the two sections identified and asked for monitoring during earth moving. Staff replied this requirement was stated in the staff report. 9. Commissioner Sharp and Chairman Puente concurred with staff's P:\CAROLYN\HPC 12-20-0l.wpd -3- 010 Historic Preservation Commission Minutes December 20, 2001 recommendations. 10. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright/Mitchell to adopt Minute Motion 2001-021 recommending approval of the Phase I Cultural and Paleontological Resources Assessment for Specific Plan 90-016, Amendment #i1. Unanimously approved. VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL VII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS A. 1. \ Commissioner Wright brought up the subject of the next meeting ate. He was concerned about the future time table for Item B. 2. Sta f stated the normal meeting date would be January 17, but the eeting could be rescheduled to a later date to allow the applica t`s archaeologist time to test the property and get a report with su 'cent 'inform ation for the Commission to take action on Phase II. hat would allow the applicant to go to City Council on February 5, 002. 3. After general iscussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners right/Mitchell to change the January Historic Preservation ComrNssion meeting date from January 17, 2002 to January 31, 2002. Vnanimously approved. B. Commissioner Irwin asked if here was any information on conferences in the first quarter of 2002. S aff replied none had been received as of this date. C. Chairman Puente asked if copies o the Commission's Open House photo could be obtained. Staff replied th y would check on it. P:\CAROLYN\HPC 12-20-0 Lwpd 0 oil HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DATE: JANUARY 31, 2002 ITEM: CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS 2002-008 REQUEST: DETERMINATION OF CONSISTENCY WITH THE SECRETARY OF INTERIOR'S STANDARDS FOR THE TREATMENT OF HISTORIC PROPERTIES FOR THE TWO STORY DETACHED ADDITION AND REHABILITATION OF THE HISTORIC CITY OF LA QUINTA HISTORIC SOCIETY MUSEUM LOCATION: SOUTHEAST CORNER OF AVENIDA MONTEZUMA AND CALLE MENDOZA (77885 AVENIDA MONTEZUMA) APPLICANT: CITY OF LA QUINTA ARCHITECT: FERRIS, JOHNSON AND ASSOCIATES, ARCHITECTS BACKGROUND: The existing one story building is located at the northwest corner of the :site and serves as the Museum and offices of the La Quinta Historical Society. The 819 square foot building was constructed in 1938 as a real estate developers office. The building has been recorded by the City as a historic building at the local level. The existing "L" shaped building has an octagonal tower rising out of the northwest portion of its irregular plan, which is cut diagonally to the street intersection at the northwest corner. The cross -gabled roof, clad in red mission tiles, has overhanging eaves with open rafters. A portion of the roof at its southern part is flat. The arched double door opening at the northwest corner has a shallow entry porch with arched entry. Decorative opening iron grilles secure the doors. Newer decorative tiles surround the outside arch and small windows. Two larger multi -paned casement windows are on the south end of west elevation. A similar window is set into the east end of the north elevation. A similar window is on the south elevation. All windows have decorative iron grilles on their exterior side. Two bullseye windows are set into the tower. The exterior building walls are large brick, painted white. The Municipal Code requires that revisions or additions to designated historic structures obtain approval from the City Council. This requires review and recommendation from the Historic Preservation Commission. 012 p:\stan\hpc rpt Iq hist museum.wpd PROPOSED PROJECT: Proposed is an addition to the present museum, consisting of a detached partial two story building with a single story balcony at the northwest corner adjacent to Avenida Montezuma. The new "L" shaped building will be at the southeast corner of the rectangular site, forming a central courtyard between the existing and new buildings. No changes are proposed to the existing one story building. The new construction consists of a two story Mediterranean period building with 7271 square feet of floor space (Attachment 1). The first floor will consist of exhibit area, a meeting room, kitchen, archive area, museum store, classroom/lab, and restrooms. The second floor will be connected by an elevator and stairs and have future and current exhibit areas and a balcony. The "L" shaped building will use a variety of roof heights and styles, primarily gable. At the intersection of the "L", an octagonal tower, the high point of the building, (31' high) is provided. The front of the (building faces the courtyard and is covered by a tile roofed arcade supported by stucco columns. Architectural features include multi -paned windows and doors, decorative wrought iron railings, with iron covers, railings using roof tiles, and stain glass windows on the tower from the demolished Desert Club complex. The courtyard will be enclosed by a stucco wall and use tile pavers and decorative concrete paving. A fountain will be provided in the courtyard adjacent to the north wall adjacent to Avenida Montezuma. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Municipal Code Section 7.08.030 and Secretary of the Interior's Standards, the request can be approved if, and only if, it is determined: 1. That the proposed work would not detrimentally alter, destroy or adversely affect any architectural or landscape improvement. 2. If the owner of the designated historic site or landmark demonstrates that such property cannot be economically used and denial of a permit would deprive the owner of all or most of his economic interest in the property, the City Council may issue the permit with an effective date 180 days from the issuance of the permit to allow time for the investigation of alternatives to the work proposed in the permit application, such as acquisition of site improvement by the City or a public interest group. 3. In the case of construction of a new improvement upon a historic site, that the exterior of such improvement will not adversely affect and will be compatible with the external appearance of existing historically designated improvements on said site. 013 p:\stan\hpc rpt Iq hist museum.wpd 4. That the applicant has presented clear and convincing evidence of facts demonstrating to the satisfaction of the City Council that such disapproval will impose immediate and substantial hardship on the applicant because of conditions peculiar to the person seeking to carry out the work, whether this be property owner, tenant, or resident, or because of conditions peculiar to the particular improvement, or other feature involved, and that approval of the application will be consistent with the purposes of the permit procedures. 5. That the proposed construction is in conformance with Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the treatment of historic properties. In response to this criteria the project architect has prepared a response to show that the proposed construction preserves the integrity of the existing on- and off -site historic buildings (Attachment 2). The only comment Staff would make pertains to the statement on Page 2 regarding the decorative ceramic tile used on the exterior as an accent. The architects states its date of installation is unknown. Since it is placed around the La Quinta Historical Society's sign, it was likely installed with the sign installation in the 1990's. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Minute Motion 2002-, determination of consistency with the Secretary of Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties for the two story detached addition and rehabilitation of the historic City of La Quinta Historic Society Museum. Attachment: 1 . Proposed plan exhibits 2. Statement from Ferris, Johnson & Associates, Architects Prepared by: Submitted by: Stan B. Sawa, Principal Planner 1 C ristine di lorio, Planning Manager 014 p:\stan\hpc rpt Iq hist museum.wpd