2002 04 18 HPCH Twit 4 5w �FM oP TN�9w HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AG EMI DA The Regular Meeting to be held in the Session Room at the La Quinta City Hall, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California April 18, 2002 3:00 P.M. Beginning Minute Motion 2002-009 CALL TO ORDER A. Pledge of Allegiance B. Roll Call II. PUBLIC COMMENT This is the time set aside for citizens to address the Historic Preservation Commission on matters relating to historic resources within the City of La Quinta which are not Agenda items. When addressing the Historic Preservation Commission, please state your name and address and when discussing matters pertaining to prehistoric sites, do not disclose the exact location of the site(s) for their protection. III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA IV. CONSENT CALENDAR: A. Approval of the regular Minutes for the meeting of March 21, 2002. V. BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Phase I Cultural Resources Assessment for Tentative Parcel Map 30550 Applicant: Dutch Parent N.V. (Nai Consulting) Archaeological/Historic Consultant: Archaeological Advisory Group (James Brock, RPA) B. Review of Certified Local Government Annual Report VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: VII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS 001 Vill. ADJOURNMENT HPGAGENDA MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall Session Room 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA March 21, 2002 This meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called to order by Chairman Maria Puente at 3:02 p.m. who led the flag salute and asked for the roll call. I. CALL TO ORDER A. Pledge of Allegiance. B. Roll Call. Present: Commissioners Irwin, Mitchell, Sharp, Wright, and Chairman Puente. Staff Present: Principal Planner Stan Sawa, and Secretary Carolyn Walker. II. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: Confirmed. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR: A. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright/Mitchell to approve the Minutes of February 21, 2002 as submitted. Commissioners approved with Commission Irwin abstaining. V. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Certificate of Appropriateness-2002 015 _(Cit)ts—Clzmme-rci21 Property IngrQvement Program—Za02-01-5L: a review of proposed property improvements at 51-650 Avenida Bermudas, located on east side of Avenida Bermudas north of Calle Amigo. 1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa introduced Debbie Powell Management Analyst, who presented information on Commercial Property Improvement Program 2002-015. PACAR0LYN\HPC3-21-02.wpd -1- 002 Historic Preservation Commission Minutes March 21, 2002 2. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the balance of the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 3. Commissioner Mitchell concurred with staff's recommendations. 4. Commissioner Wright stated the Commission should require strict adherence to the City's Historical Guidelines as they did for the Tradition, the veterinary clinic, and Hacienda del Gato. 5. Commissioner Irwin agreed the veterinary clinic was a good example of what could be done with older, historic buildings, and asked that it continue to be the precedent. 6. Commissioner Sharp questioned what was meant by "original condition" of the building as far as architectural style. Specifically, was this going to be done in a Spanish Hacienda kind of look with a red tile roof on it. 7. Applicant Lori Abdelnour was introduced and stated the building would not be remodeled in the Spanish style, but would be restored to the original architectural style. 8. Commissioner Sharp stated he thought the style was a type of International Bauhaus and asked if the fenestration would remain the same. Applicant replied building would be restored to what was there originally including the paint color. 9. Commissioner Wright asked if the applicant, or the Museum had any historic photographs of the building. Applicant and Commissioner Irwin replied they did not. 10. Commissioner Sharp asked if the roof tiles were asphalt. Applicant replied no, they were concrete. 11. Commissioner Sharp asked if the door was going to be replaced. Applicant replied the door had been broken and cracked so many times it would have to be replaced with a custom made beveled glass door due to its unconventional size. PACAROLYN\HPC3-21-02.wpd -2- 003 Historic Preservation Commission Minutes March 21, 2002 12. Commissioner Sharp stated he wanted to make sure the remodeling would be kept in the style of the building. Applicant replied it would. 13. Chairman Puente agreed with staff's recommendations. 14. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Sharp/Mitchell to adopt Minute Motion 2002-007 recommending approval of the Certificate of Appropriateness 2002-015 (City's Commercial Property Improvement Program 2002-015). Unanimously approved. B. Pie I Archaeologic_aLStu 1-y for Proposed Senior Housing Project Site• a request for approval of the Cultural Resources Assessment and application for construction of a senior housing apartment project to be located at the southwest corner of Avenue 47 and Adams Street. Applicant: Southern California Presbyterian Homes Archaeological Consultant: fstorical, Environmental, Environmental, Archaeological, Research, -Team (H.E.A.R.T.) 1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Staff introduced Ben Beckler from Southern California Presbyterian Homes. 3. Commissioner Mitchell asked that the pottery type be identified in the report, as well as the initiation of the subsurface probing testing. 4. Commissioner Wright concurred with Commissioner Mitchell's recommendations. 5. Commissioner Irwin stated she wanted to see a Phase II as well as monitoring during trenching beyond Phase II. 6. Commissioner Sharp agreed with the previous Commissioner comments. He added it is a sensitive area and needed to be checked very thoroughly. P:ACAROLYN\HPC3-21-02.wpd -3- 004 Historic Preservation Commission Minutes March 21, 2002 7. There being no further discussion it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright/Sharp to adopt Minute Motion 2002-008 approving the Phase I Archaeological Study for Proposed Senior Housing Project Site at the southwest corner of Avenue 47 and Adams Street with the following recommendations: A. Monitoring shall be done during any trenching activities. B. All items of pottery shall be identified. Unanimously approved. VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL VII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS A. Commissioners discussed travel and scheduling arrangements for the 271h Annual California 2002 Preservation Conference. Vill. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright/Mitchell to adjourn this meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission to the next regularly scheduled meeting to be held on April 18, 2002. This meeting of the Historical Preservation Commission was adjourned at 3:29 p.m. Unanimously approved. Submitted by: Carolyn Walker Secretary PACAR0LYN\HPC3-21-02.wpd -4- ,. 005 DATE: ITEM: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ARCHAEOLOGICAL CONSULTANT: BACKGROUND: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION STAFF REPORT APRIL 18, 2002 PHASE I CULTURAL RESOURCES ASSESSMENT FOR TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 30550 NORTHEAST CORNER OF WASHINGTON STREET AND FRED WARING DRIVE DUTCH PARENT N.V. (NAI CONSULTING) ARCHAEOLOGICAL ADVISORY GROUP (JAMES BROCK, RPA) The study area is a 80+ acre parcel located at the north of the City. A Phase I (survey level) cultural resources assessment has been completed for the vacant property. The assessment includes an archaeological and historical resources record search and field reconnaissance of the property. This assessment will be part of the environmental review required by the California Environmental Quality Act for the future project applications for a mixed use residential/commercial project. The property is vacant but appears to have been partially used for agricultural uses in the past. A tamarisk tree windbreak exists along the north boundary and the northern portion of the east boundary. The ground consists of low semi -stable sand dunes and is mostly devoid of vegetation, except for a creosote -scrub community near Fred Waring Drive. DISCUSSION: An archaeological records search for the property was conducted at the Eastern Information Center of the California Historical Resources Information System at UC Riverside. The records search indicated that only 10 acres of the study area near the intersection of Washington Street and Fred Waring Drive had been previously surveyed for cultural resources and no archaeological sites have been recorded within the study area. Within a one mile radius of the property approximately 50% of the acreage has been surveyed for cultural resources. Six previous studies have occurred directly adjacent to the study area. All of these studies resulted in negative results. p(\stan\hpc rpt ph 1 pm 30550.wpd 006 The records search further indicated no archaeological or historical sites have been recorded within one-half mile radius of the study area, with twelve sites recorded within a one-half to one mile radius of the study area. Archival research was conducted at the Science Library Map Room at UC Riverside, and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Office in Riverside. Additional contacts were made by telephone with the Coachella Valley Water District, Riverside County Transportation Department and La Quinta Historical Society. By 1959, the USGS maps showed at least three buildings and one well on the property, with Darby Road (east to west, connecting to Washington Street) in place. The BLM research indicated that the study area was part of a 162.35 acre homestead grant patented to Iona T. Mackenzie on January 18, 1918. Her homestead consisted of the southwest quarter of Section 18. She was also the postmistress for the Indio Post Office at the time. Agricultural development appeared to have begun in the 1940's in the northern part of the study area by Raymond V. Darby, and possibly others. Darby was a member of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, Mayor of Inglewood, and Republican candidate for Congress. The records search and background research indicated that the study area is in a location that is highly sensitive for historical resources and moderately sensitive for prehistoric resources. The intensive -level on -foot field survey of the study area did not result in any prehistoric sites, features, or isolates being found. Considerable evidence of historic agricultural activity, such as abandoned wells, deteriorated fence lines, subsurface irrigation lines, and tamarisk wind breaks, was found. Four historic sites (over 45 years in age) were recorded, consisting of three abandoned well sites, and one road (Darby Road). DISCUSSION: Based on the findings of the study, the report concludes that while no prehistoric resources were found, the property is in area of moderate sensitivity for prehistoric resources. Prehistoric sites could be buried by sand accumulations or filling for agricultural use. As such, archaeological monitoring of the grading and earth -moving activities is recommended. The report indicates the property has associations with people who are potentially important to local history; Iona T. Mackenzie (an early women homesteader and Indio Postmistress) and Raymond V. Darby (Los Angeles County Supervisor and Inglewood Mayor). The historical resources identified in the field study relate to Darby's ownership of the property. 007 p[\stan\hpc rpt ph 1 pm 30550.wpd The planned development of the study area will impact the four identified historic resources. The removal of the three well sites will cause no adverse effect to potentially significant resources. The portion of Darby Road that falls within the study area will be removed for realignment. This will cause an adverse impact to a potentially significant resource. To mitigate this impact, a Phase II historical study is recommended by the report. This should include further archival research on the property directed at developing more information on the tenures of Iona T. Mackenzie and Raymond V. Darby and historic agricultural landscape features still extant. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Minute Motion 2002- , accepting the "Phase I Cultural Resources Assessment for Tentative Parcel Mao 30550 Northeast Corner of Washington Street and Fred Waring Drive City of La Quinta Riverside CQLinty, California", as prepared and recommended by Archaeological Advisory Group, subject to the following condition: The Phase II historical study shall be submitted to the City prior to final approval of the project proposed on the property. Attachment: 2. Phase I Cultural Resources Assessment for Tentative Parcel Map 30550, Northeast Corner of Washington Street and Fred Waring Drive, City of La Quinta, Riverside County, California Prepared by: &. S4AAJ-& Stan B. Sawa, Principal Planner �W p[\stan\hpc rpt ph 1 pm 30550.wpd Certified Local Government Program - 2001 Annual Report (Reporting Period is From October 1, 2000 through September 30, 2001) City of La Quinta, California I Survey Activities Summary of activities conducted in compliance with the Secretary of the Interiors Standards and OHP requirements for surveys. Summary of activities conducted in compliance with the Secretary of the Interiors Standards and OHP requirements for surveys New Surveys List the areas surveyed, level (reconnaissance or intensive), acreage, number of properties inventoried on DPR 523 forms, and date(s) submitted to CHID. Area Level Acreage None. # of DPR 523 forms Date Changes to Existing Surveys/Inventories List corrections to any surveyslinventories that were made or need to be made and reasons why changes are called for (new information, alteration [approved/not approved], demolition [approved/not approved], etc.). Property Name/Address Correction Made/Required Reason Date None. II Local Landmark Designations List properties locally designated (or de -designated), date of designation and date recorded by County Recorder. Property Name/Address Date Designated Date Recorded None. III Local Incentives List projects that have taken advantage of local incentives for historic preservation, such as loan or grant programs, Mills Act tax reductions, etc. For each project/property, list name of program, property name (if applicable) and address, and date approved by local government. For properties taking advantage of Mills Act tax incentives, enclose a copy of contract (if newly entered into during the reporting period for this annual report) for each property. Type of Incentive Program Property Name/Address Date Commercial Property Improvement Program La Quinta Palms 11-09- (CPIP). 90% grant program to enhance Realty 51-001 00 original features of exterior features of Eisenhower Dr. Page t of 9 009 Certified Local Government Program - 2001 Annual Report City of La Quinta, California buildings in original downtown village area. Program was approved by City Council on 2/1 /00. IV Design Review Responsibilities List properties and addresses and describe in several sentences the result of each review, which Secretary of the Interior's Standards were used, and the comment date. [Please list only review of historic and potentially historic properties.] Property Name/Address Review Standard Date Certificate of Appropriateness Restoration of Secretary of the 11-09- 2000-007, La Quinta Palms historic commercial Interior - 00 Realty, 51-001 Eisenhower building approved Rehabilitation Drive. Certificate of Appropriateness revision of patio Secretary of the 11-09- 2000-005 (Revision), El cover on historic Interior - 00 Ranchito Restaurant, commercial Rehabilitation 78-039 Calle Estado. building approved. Certificate of Appropriateness new sign for Secretary of the 12-21- 2000-007, La Quinta Palms historic commercial Interior - 00 Realty, 51-001 Eisenhower building approved Rehabilitation Drive. Conditional Use Permit 2001- 061 and Site Development Permit 2001-706, AT&T Wireless Services, 49-499 Eisenhower Drive (La Quinta Resort and Club) Installation of wire- Secretary of the 7-19- less communica- Interior - 01 tion"Monopalm" Rehabilitation and related building approved. V Environmental Project Review Responsibilities List properties and addresses and briefly describe the result of reviews conducted pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. Property Name/Address Review Type of Document Prepared for CEQA Date Specific Plan 2000-050, et al, Phase I cultural resources 10-19- Santa Rosa Plaza, Inc. assessment for 15.3 acre 00 north of Calle Tampico commercial site between Ave. Bermudas accepted. and Desert Club Drive Page 2 of 9 010 Certified Local Government Program - 2001 Annual Report City of La Quinta, California Specific plan 99-035, Country Club Properties, north side of Avenue 54, between Jefferson and Monroe Street. Parcel Map 26860, City of La Quinta, southeast corner of Miles Avenue and Washington Street Tentative Tract 24197, Century -Crowell Communities west side of Jefferson Street, north of Miles Avenue Specific Plan 2001-016, et al Puerta Azul, west side of Madison Street, north of Avenue 58 Specific Plan 2000-050, et al, Santa Rosa Plaza, Inc. north of Calle Tampico between Ave. Bermudas and Desert Club Drive. Specific Plan 2000-051, KSL Land Corp., northeast corner of Eisenhower Drive and Calle Tampico. Conditional Use Permit 2000- 058, La Quinta Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses, east side of Dune Palms Road, south of Westward Ho Drive. Specific Plan 2000-047, La Quinta Court, southeast corner of Highway 111 and Washington Street. Specific Plan 2000-049, et al, McDermott Enterprises, Phase I cultural resources assessment, 10-19- and Phase II testing program for 988 00 acre residential site accepted. Phase II testing program for 54.6 acre 11-09- residential/commercial site accepted. 00 Phase I and Phase II cultural resources assessment for 75 acre residential site accepted. Phase I Archaeological and Paleontological resources assessment for 20 acre residential site accepted. Phase II testing program for 15.3 acre commercial site accepted. Phase I Archaeological and Historic resources assessment for 33 acre commercial site accepted. Phase I cultural resources assessment for 2.4 acre church site accepted. Archaeological monitoring report on 54 acre commercial site accepted. Phase I historic/cultural resources assessment for five acre commercial 12-21- 00 12-21- 00 2-15- 01 Page 3 of 9 oil Certified Local Government Program - 2001 Annual Report City of La Quinta, California southeast corner of Avenue 47 and Washington Street. Parcel Map 26860, City of La Quinta, southeast corner of Washington Street and Miles Avenue site accepted. Report on mitigation of Native 3-22- American cremation accepted. 01 Specific Plan 84-004, T.D. Phase I cultural resources 3-22- Desert Development, north assessment for five acre residential 01 side of Avenue 50, west of site accepted. Jefferson Street. Tentative Tract 30092, Barton Phase I cultural resources and 4-19- Properties, northwest corner paleontological resources assessment 01 of Monroe Street and Avenue for 37 acre residential site accepted. 58. Tract 27519 and Tract 29563, Report on archaeological 4-19- Century-Crowell Communities, monitoring of two residential 01 northwest of the intersection tract sites accepted. of Dune Palms Road and Westward Ho Drive. Specific Plan 2000-049, et al, Revised Phase I historic/cultural 4-19- McDermott Enterprises, resources assessment for five acre 01 southeast corner of Avenue commercial site accepted. 47 and Washington Street. Specific Plan 2000-051, Addendum to Phase I Archaeological 6-21- KSL Land Corp., northeastand Historic resources 01 corner of Eisenhower Drive assessment and testing report for and Calle Tampico. 33 acre commercial site accepted. Specific Plan 2001-054, Phase I cultural resources 9-20- RLF Development, east assessment of 15 acre commercial 01 side of Jefferson Street site accepted. south of Avenue 52. Parcel Map 26860, Report on archaeological monitoring of 9-20- City of La Quinta, soil removal and leveling accepted. 01 east side of Washington Street, south of Miles Avenue. 012 Page 4 of 9 Certified Local Government Program - 2001 Annual Report City of La Quinta, California Projects reviewed under Memoranda of Agreement with OHP Property Name/Address Review Date None. VI National Register Nominations List names of National Register individual, multiple property, and district nominations reviewed/commented on by local government, type of nomination, number of contributing properties (if applicable), and comment date. Nomination Name Type of Nomination # of Contributors Date Orsym VII Historical Contexts List and describe in several sentences each historic context that has been initiated, researched, and developed, note the status and date submitted to CHP. Context Name Description Status Date ► aim Vill Public Education List and briefly describe public outreach, training, publications, etc. Please provide two copies of all publications or other products not previously provided to OHP. Item or Event Description Date IL!no � IX Commission Composition and Activities Commission Membership List current members (and alternates, if applicable), discipline or public member role filled, date of appointment, and date appointment expires. Include resumes and appropriate Qualifications Review forms for all new members. If your do not have two qualified professionals on your commission, attach a narrative explaining why professional qualifications are not being met and how professional expertise is provided. If all positions are not currently filled, provide explanation for why this is so. Name Discipline Date Appointed Date Aoot. Expires Barbara Irwin Lay -member 7-1-97 6-30-03 Michael Mitchell Archaeology 2-1-99 6-30-04 Maria Puente Art History 7-1-97 6-30-03 Archie Sharp Lay -member 6-15-00 6-15-03 Robert S. Wright Landscape Architecture 5-17-94 6-30-04 013 Page 5 of 9 Certified Local Government Program - 2001 Annual Report City of La Quinta, California Commission Staff List current commission staff, discipline, and date of appointment/assignment. Include resumes and appropriate Qualifications Review forms for all new staff. If positions are not currently filled, provide explanation for why this is so. Name Discipline Date Appointed/Assigned Christine di lorio Stan Sawa Carolyn Walker Martis De Bell Historic Preservation/ Architectural History Urban Planning Department Secretary Museum Curation 1995 1999 1998 2000 - volunteer Attendance Record Provide attendance records for regular meetings in chart form for each commission member and staff. See attached. Training Received Provide descriptions and dates of training for each commission member and staff. (Remember, one of the CLG requirements is that all commissioners and staff to the commission attend at least one approved training program per calendar year.) Commission/Staff Name Training Name and Description Date Stan Sawa, Staff California Preservation 5-17 to 20- Conference; San Diego, CA; 01 Historic preservation issues Christine di lorio, Staff The Millennium Conference- 5-9 to 12- Human Journey & Ancient Life in 01 California's Desert; Barstow, CA; Archaeological, paleontological, and historic Issues pertaining to Southern California's deserts from ancient prehistory to present day. Robert Wright, The Millennium Conference- 5-9 to 12- Commissioner Human Journey & Ancient Life in 01 California's Desert; Barstow, CA; Archaeological, paleontological, and historic Issues pertaining to Southern California's deserts from ancient prehistory to present day. p:\stan\2001 clg annual repport.wpd Page 6 of 9 014 Certified Local Government Program - 2001 Annual Report City of La Quinta, California Barbara Irwin, The Millennium Conference - Commissioner Human Journey & Ancient Life in California's Desert; Barstow, CA; Archaeological, paleontological, and historic Issues pertaining to Southern California's deserts from ancient prehistory to present day. Archie Sharp, The Millennium Conference - Commissioner Human Journey & Ancient Life in California's Desert; Barstow, CA; Archaeological, paleontological, and historic Issues pertaining to Southern California's deserts from ancient prehistory to present day. 5-9 to 12- 01 5-9 to 12- 01 X Preservation Laws Provide a narrative summary of any amendments to the certified ordinance. (OHP must have opportunity to review and comment on ordinance changes prior to adoption. Changes that do not meet the CLG requirements could affect certification status.) Also, describe and attach copies of any changes to overlay zones and/or other local preservation laws and procedures. None. XI Preservation Plan Provide a narrative summary of any updates to historic preservation plan or historic preservation element to your community's general plan. During the reporting period of this annual report, a comprehensive General Plan update that includes a Cultural Resources Element was being prepared. The Element acknowledges the City of La Quinta has a rich and varied cultural history which it will continue to preserve, protect, and build upon. The Element provides the five following goals: 1. The identification and inventory maintenance of all cultural resources within the City. 2. The preservation, maintenance, rehabilitation, and, or restoration of cultural resources and prevention of unnecessary destruction of or adverse effects to such resources through city -sponsored or assisted projects and programs. 3. A system of incentives and regulations that will encourage the preservation, maintenance rehabilitation, and/or restoration of cultural resources and prevent the unnecessary destruction of or adverse effects to such resources by private development projects. 4. The integration of cultural resource preservation into the City's economic development strategy. 015 p:\stan\2001 clg annual repport.wpd Page 7 of 9 Certified Local Government Program - 2001 Annual Report City of La Quinta, California 5. Increased public awareness of the City's heritage. In order to achieve these goals, the General Plan lists a number of policies and implementation programs which the City will undertake to preserve the City's past. Although not within the reporting period, for your information this update, including the Cultural Resources Element has been adopted. XII Narrative Summary of Local Preservation Program Include an assessment of the current status of preservation in your community and the most critical preservation planning issues. In 1996, the City of La Quinta staff prepared a draft Preservation Plan that is very basic. This basic plan is in need of revision and completion to tailor it to the specific needs and requirements of the City's historical, archaeological, and paleontological resources. In the past few years, the City's Preservation Program has evolved to a more sophisticated level of preservation efforts, creating a need for more refined preservation guidelines and tools. For example, the City needs to develop guidelines for resource investigations, establish a Mills Act program, establish a list of historical structures needing seismic retrofitting and the procedures, develop guidelines for a City landmark program, among other procedures and programs. The current Historic preservation Ordinance for the City of La Quinta is in need of revision to include additional procedures and mechanisms for consideration and protection of the City's cultural and paleontological resources. In the past few years, as staff has implemented the existing ordinance, there have been sections of the ordinance that have been identified as lacking certain provisions and mechanisms needed by staff to implement the ordinance with real success for avoidance and preservation, not just reviews procedures prior to demolition or site destruction. Please describe the single accomplishment of your local government this year that has done the most to further preservation in your community. The General Plan update, being prepared during the reporting period, includes a Cultural Resources Element. This will replace the existing General Plan which includes preservation of prehistoric• and historic resources as a goal in the Environmental Conservation Element. The new General Plan will have a comprehensive Cultural Resources Element establishing goals, policies and programs to preserve these resources. Please describe how you have or have not met the goals identified in your annual report for last year and identify your local historic preservation goals for 2001-2002. p:\stan\2001 clg annual repport.wpd Page 8 of 9 016 Certified Local Government Program - 2001 Annual Report City of La Quinta, California We noted last year that the City of La Quinta is experiencing a rapid rate of development necessitating attention to the storage of cultural resources. Since that time the City has had plans prepared for an addition to the City -owned "La Quinta Historic Society" museum building for curation of artifacts. Those plans have been approved by the City Council. In the Cove area of the City residential home sales has increased. This area includes most of the Spanish Colonial Revival bungalows constructed in the 1930's during the original development of the La Quinta area prior to City incorporation. The City has surveyed the community and documented these residences as structures of local historical interest. We noted a need for design guidelines and economic incentives to ensure the maintenance of the original architectural integrity of the houses will be retained. The General Plan update, being prepared during the reporting period, includes several programs encouraging preservation of those original bungalows. So that we may better serve you in the future, please describe the areas and/or issues with which you could use technical assistance from OHP. In what subject areas would you like to see training provided by the OHP? Preparation of Design Guidelines and provision of financial incentives for historic structures. Please describe your programs related to providing incentives for historic preservation in your community. What programs are you offering, what is the public utilizing, how successful are the programs in promoting historic preservation? The City Council on February 1, 2000, approved a Commercial Property Improvement Program (CPIP). This provides to property owners a 90% grant up to $15,000 (with owner providing 10% of cost) to enhance original features of the exterior of buildings in downtown village area. This program has has given grants to three properties that have been determined to be local historic structures. Review of these structures rehabilitation by the Historic Preservation Commission was based on the Secretary of the Interior's Rehabilitation standards. XIII Attachments 1. Attendance records of Commission members. 2. Official Minutes of all Commission meetings held between October 1, 2000, and September 30, 2001. 017 p:\stan\2001 clg annual repport.wpd Page 9 of 9