2002 06 20 HPC_F _ rz C �Fni oe TKtio HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AG EN DA The Regular Meeting to be held in the Session Room at the La Quinta City Hall, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California June 20, 2002 3:00 P.M. Beginning Minute Motion 2002-014 I. CALL TO ORDER A. Pledge of Allegiance B. Roll Call II. PUBLIC COMMENT This is the time set aside for citizens to address the Historic Preservation Commission on matters relating to historic resources within the City of La Quinta which are not Agenda items. When addressing the Historic Preservation Commission, please state your name and address and when discussing matters pertaining to prehistoric sites, do not disclose the exact location of the site(s) for their protection. III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA IV. CONSENT CALENDAR: A. Approval of the regular Minutes for the meeting of May 16, 2002. V. BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Historical/Archaeological and Paleontological Resources Report ITT 30487) Applicant: Santa Rosa Developers Archaeological Consultant: CRM TECH (Bruce Love, Principal) B. Phase II Historical Study for Tentative Parcel Map 30550 Applicant: Dutch Parent N.V. Archaeological Consultant: Archaeological Advisory Group (James Brock, RPA) 001 r�zyr�n:�eu� C. A Phase I Cultural Resources Assessment of Tentative Tract 30521, a 43.45 Acre Parcel Applicant: Lido Equity Partners Archaeological Consultant: Archaeological Associates (Laura S. White) D. A Phase I Cultural Resources Inventory for the Quarry Ranch Development (TT 305611 Applicant: Dean Palumbo, The Keith Companies for Winchester Development Archaeological/Historic Consultant: The Keith Companies (David Smith) VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: VII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS VIII. ADJOURNMENT 002 HPGAGENDA MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall Session Room 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA May 16, 2002 This meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called to order by Chairman Maria Puente at 3:02 p.m. who led the flag salute and asked for the roll call. CALL TO ORDER A. Pledge of Allegiance. F-INEW-Mourm Present: Commissioners Irwin, Mitchell, Sharp, Wright, and Chairman Puente. Staff Present: Principal Planner Stan Sawa, Secretary Betty Sawyer and Secretary Lynda Kerney. II. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: Confirmed. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR: A. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright/Sharp to approve the Minutes of April 18, 2002, as submitted. Commissioners approved. V. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Historic/Archaeological Resources Report - La Quinta Village Project Applicant: Marvin Investments Archaeological Consultant: CRM TECH (Bruce Love, Principal) 1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Commissioner Mitchell concurred with staff's recommendations. P:\CAROLYN\HPC5-16-02.wpd -1- 0 0 .i Historic Preservation Commission Minutes May 16, 2002 3. Commissioner Wright agreed with staff's recommendations, and noted that although the property was inundated with previous activity, it is important to find out what is underneath the sand. 4. Commissioner Irwin also agreed with staff's recommendations, adding that she would like to see what is there. 5. Commissioner Sharp concurred with the staff recommendations. 6. Chairman Puente agreed with staff's recommendations. 7. Applicant's representative, Wells Marvin, pointed out that the site has been previously developed and is located in the center of town. He indicated it would be burdensome to the developer to comply with the monitoring requirement. Mr. Marvin stated there is no reason to monitor the site, as there has been no indication of any artifacts over the past ten years. 8. Commissioner Irwin explained the archaeological monitoring would be required only during the trenching activity and would not delay the project. It is normal procedure for this Commission to require such monitoring. 9. Commissioner Mitchell noted that when a piece of property is originally developed, no one looks for artifacts. Due to the amount of sand on site, such items as small bones and tools would not be noticeable, therefore a monitor is needed. 10. Commissioner Wright indicated the Commission could not risk setting a precedent by allowing the project to proceed without monitoring. The Commission has consistently required monitoring for nine years, and cannot exempt this development. Items of interest have been found in the area. 11, Mr. Marvin asked what has been found, and what would happen if something was found on the project site. 12. Commissioner Mitchell said trenching would stop until the objects found were recorded and removed. If burial or cremation sites have been found, it might require additional time. P:\CAROLYN\HPC5-16-02.wpd -2- 004 Historic Preservation Commission Minutes May 16, 2002 13. Commissioner Wright pointed out that this area is very rich in artifacts and was more than likely a "village". 14. Commissioner Irwin noted that the purpose is not to make the land undevelopable, or to cause any problems for the developer, but only to reclaim history. 15. Mr. Marvin stated that America must grasp at history because it has so little. Europeans would find this laughable, and asked what purpose such measures would serve. 16. Commissioner Irwin responded that if human bones are found, they should not become part of the La Quinta Village foundation. Remains should be properly interred. She pointed out that even Coachella Valley Water District is careful in their excavation and notifies the Coroner if remains are found. 17. Mr. Marvin asked if this was an issue of trust as to whether or not they would report any findings. 18. Commissioner Mitchell explained that qualified archaeologists are trained to identify such items. 19. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright / Sharp to adopt Minute Motion 2002-010 approving staff's recommendations. Unanimously approved. B. Historical Archaeological Resources Report - Tentative LaCt m-W 30378, Parcels 1 and 2 Applicant: Coachella Valley Engineers for Rod Vandenbos Archaeological/Historic Consultant: CRM TECH (Bruce Love, Principal) 1 . Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Commissioner Mitchell concurred with the staff recommendations. 3. Commissioner Wright concurred with the staff recommendations with the addition of archaeological monitoring. P:\CAROLYN\HPC5-16-O2.wpd -3- � "" 005 Historic Preservation Commission Minutes May 16, 2002 4. Commissioner Irwin agreed that monitoring should be done, as the site is close to the All American Canal, which follows a natural runoff pattern. 5. Commissioner Sharp concurred with staff recommendations with the addition of monitoring. 6. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Irwin / Wright to adopt Minute Motion 2002-01 1 approving staff's recommendations requiring an archaeological monitor for Tentative Tract Map 30378. Unanimously approved. C. Archaeological Testing and Mitigation Sites CA-RIV-6765. 6766 and 6767 Applicant: Charles Crookall, Clubhouse Associates, LLC Archaeological Consultant: CRM TECH (Bruce Love, Principal) 1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Commissioner Mitchell pointed out that the report indicated human remains were found on the site, and they will be interred. He concurred with the staff's recommendations. 3. Commissioner Wright concurred with the staff's recommendations. 4. Commissioner Irwin also concurred, and asked if the Augustine Band of Indians was part of the Council to which remains are delivered, as their reservation is closer to the site than the! Torres - Martinez Band. 5. Commissioner Mitchell pointed out that there is only one member of the Augustine Tribe, therefore the resources to have a Council, and inter remains are not sufficient. 6. Commissioner Sharp concurred with staff recommendations. 7. Chairman Puente concurred with staff recommendations. P:\CAROLYN\HPC5-16-02.wpd -4- 006 Historic Preservation Commission Minutes May 16, 2002 8. Applicant Chuck Crookall agreed with the recommendations. He explained that the remains found were turned over to the Torres - Martinez Tribe to be re -interred off the property. 9. Commissioner Irwin asked Mr. Crookall if he would allow re - interment on the property if asked to do so. Mr. Crookall replied that he would. He expected that an area of landscaping could be dedicated to the remains. 10. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Irwin / Wright to adopt Minute Motion 2002-012 approving the staff recommendations for sites CA-RIV-6765, 6766 and 6767. Unanimously approved. D. National Register of Historic Places Eligibility EvaluatiQn of CA-RIV-2195 Applicant: Southern California Presbyterian Homes Archaeological / Historical Consultant: Pacific West Archaeology 1 . Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Commissioner Mitchell concurred with the staff recommendations. He noted that the archaeological report was impressive. 3. Commissioner Wright concurred with the staff recommendations. He found the report very thorough, complete with references and backup information. 4. Commissioner Irwin agreed with the staff recommendations. She noted that she also enjoyed the report, and pointed out that the site is located close to the midden site at Avenue 48. 5. Commissioner Sharp concurred with the staff recommendations. He found the report interesting to read. 6. Chairman Puente agreed. 7. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright / Sharp to adopt Minute Motion 2002-013 approving the staff recommendations for CA-RIV-2195. Unanimously approved. 007 -5- Historic Preservation Commission Minutes May 16, 2002 VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL VII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS A. Commissioner Wright gave staff photos from the Preservation Conference in Santa Rosa for the file. B. Commissioner Irwin broached the subject of the continuation of identification of historic buildings in La Quinta as some homes were missed on the first report. It is important to include them, along with homes built in the 1940s. This was discussed previously, but no action has yet been taken. 1. Commissioner Irwin also noted that artifacts found in Indio and Indian Wells could be stored in La Quinta if there were a place to hold them. It is time to work on this project, and make progress toward the goal of the Commission's charter. 2. Commissioner Wright pointed out that the 4O's and 5O's houses must be included in order to keep the record current. He expects funding for the project will be available through the same grant program previously used. He also agreed with Commissioner Irwin on curation. 3. Commissioner Wright thanked staff and the City Council for allowing the Commission to attend the California Preservation Conference. He particularly enjoyed the Historic Landscape Seminar, and found the entire program very good. C. Chairman Puente asked if the Commission is a member of the California Historic Preservation Commission. 1. Principal Planner Sawa explained that each individual has a nine - month membership, but the status of the memberships are unknown. Staff is working on resolving the problem. D. Commissioner Mitchell tendered his resignation from the Commission since he will be summering in Oregon. He felt it unfair to leave the Committee less one Commissioner for several months. He noted that the Historic Preservation Commission is a great team, and very professional. 008 P:\CAROLYN\HPC5-16-02.wpd -6- Historic Preservation Commission Minutes May 16, 2002 E. Chairman Puente stated she will not be able to attend the June meeting. Vill. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright/Irwin to adjourn this meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission to the next regularly scheduled meeting to be held on June 20, 2002. This meeting of the Historical Preservation Commission was adjourned at 3:50 p.m. Unanimously approved. Submitted by: Lynda J. Kerney Secretary 009 P:\CAROLYN\HPC5-16-02.wpd -7- BI #A HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DATE: ITEM: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND PALEONTOLOGICAL CONSULTANT: BACKGROUND: JUNE 20, 2002 HISTORICAL, ARCHAEOLOGICAL, AND PALEONTOLOGICAL RESOURCES REPORT (TT 30487) NORTH SIDE OF AVENUE 58, BETWEEN JEFFERSON STREET AND MADISON STREET SANTA RASA DEVELOPERS (DAVID BRUDUIK) CRM TECH (BRUCE LOVE, PRINCIPAL) The study area is a 9.78 acre parcel of vacant land on the north side of Avenue 58, between Jefferson Street and Madison Street. Individual Phase I (survey level) cultural and paleontological resources assessments have been completed for a Tentative Tract application (TT 30487) for construction of a single family development. The assessments includes an archaeological, historical, and paleontological resources record search and field reconnaissance of the property. This assessment will be part of the environmental review required by the California Environmental Quality Act for the project application. DISCUSSION: Archaeological and Historical• An archaeological records search For the property was conducted at the Eastern Information Center located at UC Riverside. The records search indicated that the study area may have been previously surveyed for cultural resources and no archaeological sites have been recorded within or adjacent to the project area. Within a one mile radius of the property 16 area -specific cultural resources studies have been conducted, including on the properties immediately to the north and along Avenue 58 (linear study). As a result of these studies, 11 prehistoric archaeological sites and one historic -era site have been recorded. The prehistoric sites consist primarily of scatters of lithic and ceramic scatters, although a fire hearth/roasting fire pit feature was noted at one of the sites. None of these previously recorded sites was located in the vicinity of the project area. 010 pl\stan\hpc rpt ph 1 tt 30487.wpd Historical background research was conducted at the Science Library Map Room at UC Riverside and at the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Office in Riverside. The search did not indicate any use of the property until sometime after 1959 and before 1980 when structures appeared in the northwest corner of the site. Only remnants of these structures now exist. The property was at one time used for growing of dates. The intensive -level on -foot field survey of the study area resulted in one prehistoric site being identified near the eastern boundary of the property, approximately 195 meters north of Avenue 58. The site is comprised of scatters of chipped stone artifacts, faunal remains, groundstone fragments, ceramic sherds, and fire -affected rock. Paleontological: The project area is at an elevation of approximately 30 to 35 feet below sea level. Holocene or ancient Lake Cahuilla has at least seven times in the past covered much of the project and surrounding area. The last high water elevation of the lake was at 42 feet above sea level. Therefore, the project area has been under water in the past. The records search indicated that the project area had not been previously surveyed for paleontological resources. Based on previous discoveries reported nearby, the San Bernardino County Museum considers the project area to have a "high paleontological sensitivity" which has a high potential to impact significant nonrenewable fossil resources, primarily invertebrate fossils. During the field survey scatters of fresh water shells and shell fragments were observed on the surface of the project area. Fresh water mullusks remains were also noted on the ground. However, no fish bone or other vertebrate fossil remains were found. CONCLUSIONS: Historical/Archaeological The identification of Site CA-RIV-6769 constitutes a "historic resource," as defined by CEQA, which requires a Phase II testing and evaluation program prior to commencement of the proposed project. Paleontological The paleontological resources report concludes the project area has a high potential for Holocene invertebrate remains. As such, impacts created by the proposed project need to be mitigated pursuant to CEQA requirements. Paleontological monitoring during earth -moving activities and preparation of a final report on the monitoring are included in the recommendation of the report. Oil pl\stan\hpc rpt ph 1 tt 30487.wpd RECOMMENDATION: 1. Adopt Minute Motion 2002 _, accepting the "Historical/Archaeological Resources Survey Report - Tentative Tract 30487", as prepared by CRM TECH. 2. Adopt Minute Motion 2002- , accepting the "Paleontological Resources Assessment Report - Tentative Tract 30487", as prepared by CRNI TECH, subject to the following conditions: A. The Phase II archaeological testing and evaluation report shall be submitted to Community Development Department for prior to recordation of the final tract map for the property. B. The final report on the monitoring shall be submitted to the Community Development Department prior to the issuance of the first building permit for the project. Attachments: 1. Historical/Archaeological Resources Survey Report - Tentative Tract 30487 (Commissioners only) 2. Paleontological Resources Assessment Report - Tentative Tract 30487 (Commissioners only) Prepared by: lJ -SJ4/WA Stan B. Sawa, Principal Planner .,.. 012 pl\stan\hpc rpt ph 1 tt 30487.wpd DATE: ITEM: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ARCHAEOLOGICAL CONSULTANT: BACKGROUND: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION STAFF REPORT JUNE 20, 2002 PHASE II HISTORICAL STUDY FOR TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 30550 (THE DUTCH PARENT PROJECT) NORTHEAST CORNER OF WASHINGTON STREET AND FRED WARING DRIVE DUTCH PARENT N.V. (NAI CONSULTING) ARCHAEOLOGICAL ADVISORY GROUP (JAMES BROCK, RPA) The study area is a 80+ acre parcel located at the north end of the City on the east side of Washington Street. The Phase I cultural resources report was accepted by the Historic Preservation Commission on April 18, 2002, with the requirement that a Phase II historical study be prepared concentrating on Iona T. Mackenzie and Raymond V. Darby, early owners of the study area. Darby Road which traverses the property is named for Mr. Darby. DISCUSSION: The report presents Ms. Mackenzie and Mr. Darby's backgrounds and activities in the future La Quinta area. The report notes Ms. Mackenzie was in the Coachella Valley by 1912, and remained to sometime after 1924. She died on January 31, 1938 at the age of 60 years. During her stay in the Coachella Valley, she was documented as being a homesteader, mother, nurse, business owner, instructor and post mistress in the valley. By 1947, Mr. Darby owned property straddling what is now known as Darby Road. The western portion of his property comprised a portion of Iona Mackenzie's former homestead (now the study area)• He started agricultural use on the study area in 1948 and was responsible for the building and naming of Darby Road. Darby was a politician in southern California and one of the early developers of the Bermuda Dunes/north La Quinta area. The report discusses the historic remains of agricultural and ranch use of the property. Irrigation and fence and corral remains still exist on the property. p[\stan\hpc rpt ph 11 pm 30550.wpd ' 013 CONCLUSION: The report provides a comprehensive background on the tenures of Ms. Mackenzie and Mr. Darby and the historic remains on the property. The report recommends that plaques be erected on the property recognizing Ms. Mackenzie and Mr. Darby and the new road be named for Ms. Mackenzie. Additionally, historic/archaeological monitoring should take place due to the sensitivity of the property. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Minute Motion 2002- , accepting the "Phase II Historic Study for Tentative Parcel Mao 30550, (The Dutch Parent Project) City of La Quinta Riverside County. California", as prepared and recommended by Archaeological Advisory Group, with the recommendations noted in the report. Attachment: 1. Phase II Historic Study for Tentative Parcel Map 30550, (The Dutch Parent Project), City of La Quinta, Riverside County, California Prepared by: c4r� 6. saw� Stan B. Sawa, Principal Planner 014 p[\stan\hpc rpt ph 11 pm 30550.wpd BI#C DATE: ITEM: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ARCHAEOLOGICAL CONSULTANT: BACKGROUND: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION STAFF REPORT JUNE 20, 2002 A PHASE I CULTURAL RESOURCES ASSESSMENT OF TENTATIVE TRACT 30521, A 43.45-ACRE PARCEL NORTHEAST CORNER OF WASHINGTON STREET AND MILES AVENUE LIDO EQUITY PARTNERS ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSOCIATES (LAURA S. WHITE) The study area is a vacant 43± acre parcel in the northern portion of the City. A Phase I (survey level) cultural resources assessment has been completed for the property. The assessment includes an archaeological and historical resources record search and field reconnaissance of the property. This assessment will be part of the environmental review required by the California Environmental Quality Act for the project application which is a Tentative Tract Map for 147 single family lots. DISCUSSION: An archaeological records search for the property was conducted at the Eastern Information Center located at UC Riverside. The records search indicated that the study area had not been previously surveyed for cultural resources and no archaeological sites have been recorded within or adjacent to the study area. Historical background research was conducted at the Physical Science Library Map Room at UC Riverside and at the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Office in Riverside. The search indicated no evidence of historic human activities or development on the property. The intensive -level on -foot field survey of the study area did not result: in any prehistoric sites, features, or evidence of objects, sites, features, or artifacts more than 50 years old. 015 p:\stan\hpc rpt ph 1 tt 30521.wpd subject property is in an area that is sensitive for prehistoric archaeological resources. Therefore, grubbing and rough grading shall be monitored by a professional archaeological monitor. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Minute Motion 2002- , accepting the report titled "A Cultural Resources Assessment of Tentative Tract 30521 a 43.45-acre parcel, located immediately north of the intersection of Miles Avenue and Washington Street, City of La Quinta, Riverside County", as prepared by Archaeological Associates. Attachment: 1. A Cultural Resources Assessment of Tentative Tract 30521, a 43.45-acre Parcel, Located immediately north of the intersection of Miles Avenue and Washington Street, City of La Quinta, Riverside County (Commissioners only) Prepared by: Stan B. Sawa, Principal Planner 016 p:\stan\hpc rpt ph 1 tt 30521.wpd BI #D HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DATE: JUNE 20, 2002 ITEM: A PHASE I CULTURAL RESOURCES INVENTORY FOR THE QUARRY RANCH DEVELOPMENT (TENTATIVE TRACT 30561) LOCATION: WEST SIDE OF JEFFERSON STREET, SOUTH OF THE QUARRY GOLF COURSE APPLICANT: DEAN PALUMBO, THE KEITH COMPANIES (FOR WINCHESTER DEVELOPMENT) ARCHAEOLOGICAL CONSULTANT: THE KEITH COMPANIES (DAVID M. SMITH) BACKGROUND: The study area is a vacant 70 acre parcel in the southern portion of the City. A Phase I (survey level) cultural resources assessment has been completed for the property. The assessment includes an archaeological and historical resources record search and field reconnaissance of the property. This assessment will be part of the environmental review required by the California Environmental Quality Act: for the project application which is a Tentative Tract Map for 28 single family lots and a nine hole golf course. DISCUSSION: An archaeological records search for the property was conducted at the Eastern Information Center located at UC Riverside. The records search indicated that the small portions of the study area had been previously surveyed for cultural resources by two prior studies. No archaeological sites were found as a result of those two investigations nor have any been recorded adjacent to the study area. Historical background research was conducted with the search not indicating evidence of historic human activities or development on the property. The intensive -level on -foot field survey of the study area resulted in one prehistoric site and one historic -era site being found and recorded. The prehistoric site is a "pot drop" consisting of approximately 53 brownware ceramic sherds. The historic site 11, 017 p:\stan\hpc rpt ph 1 tt 30561.wpd is comprised of a trash dump of an apparent residential nature, consisting of various types of glass, plates, wire mesh and barrel rings. Based on the findings of the study, testing of the two sites is needed to determine if they constitute a historical resource as defined by CEQA. The report further notes that the subject property needs to be monitored by a professional archaeological monitor during the rough grading in case subsurface cultural resources exist.. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Minute Motion 2002- , accepting the report titled "A Phase I Cultural Resources Inventory for the Quarry Ranch Development City of La Quinta Riverside County, California," as prepared by The Keith Companies, subject to the following condition: 1 . The Phase II testing and evaluation report shall be submitted to the City prior to recordation of the final map. Attachment: 2. A Phase I Cultural Resources Inventory for the Quarry Ranch Development, City of La Quinta, Riverside County, California (Commissioners only) Prepared by: Stan B. Sawa, Principal Planner p:\stan\hpc rpt ph 1 tt 30561 .wpd