2002 12 19 HPCzc �fi,,,�owy F OSF'TK�' HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION 1 The Regular Meeting to be held in the Session Room at La Quinta City Hall, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California December 19, 2002 3:00 P.M. Beginning Minute Motion 2002-026 CALL TO ORDER A. Pledge of Allegiance B. Roll Call II. PUBLIC COMMENT This is the time set aside for citizens to address the Historic Preservation Commission on matters relating to historic resources within the City of La Quinta which are not Agenda items. When addressing the Historic Preservation Commission, please state your name and address and when discussing matters pertaining to prehistoric sites, do not disclose the exact location of the site(s) for their protection. III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA IV. CONSENT CALENDAR: A. Approval of the regular Minutes for the meeting of November 21, 2002. V. BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Archaeological Investigation of CA-RIV-6349 Tentative Tract 2cQ�, for the property located on the northwest corner of Fred Waring Drive and Jefferson Street. Applicant: Cornerstone Developers Archaeological Consultant: Archaeological Advisory Group P:\CAROLYN\Hist Pres com\hpc Agenda.wpd „ „ O 0 1 VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: VII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS VIII. ADJOURNMENT P:\CAROLYN\Hist Pres Com\hpc Agenda.wpd 02 MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall Session Room 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA November 21, 2002 This meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called to order by Chairman Maria Puente at 4:00 p.m. who led the flag salute and asked for the roll call. CALL TO ORDER A. Pledge of Allegiance. B. Roll Call. Present: Commissioners Irwin, Mouriquand, Sharp, Wright, and Chairman Puente. Staff Present: Planning Manager Oscar Orci, Principal Planner Stan Sawa and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer A. Election of Chair and Vice Chair. 1. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright/Nrwin to nominate Leslie Mouriquand as Chairperson. There being no other nominations, nominations were closed and Commissioner Mouriquand was unanimously elected as Chairperson. 2. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners IrwinAN'right to nominate Archie Sharp as Vice Chairperson. There being no other nominations, nominations were closed and Commissioner Sharp was unanimously elected as Vice Chairperson Il. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: IV. CONSENT CALENDAR: Confirmed. A. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Irwin/Wright to approve the Minutes of October 17, 2002 as submitted. Unanimously approved. P:\CAROLYN\Hist Pres Com\HPC11-21-02.wpd -l- 003 Historic Preservation Commission Minutes November 21. 2002 V. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Rea ort on Archaeological Testing and Mitigation at a portion of She CA- BNV-11 (Phase II fDr t_he area —generally bounded by Highway 111. Aims Street, Avenue 41 Washington Street and Simon Drive Applicant: Dale F. Frank, Jr. Archaeological Consultant: CRM TECH (Bruce Love and Michael Hogan, principals) Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Commissioner Sharp stated this was a significant site. 3. Commissioner Irwin stated she wished there had been pictures in the Report. 4. Chairperson Mouriquand stated she was concerned that no cremation sites were found on this site as it is next to the Lowe's site where there were cremation sites found. This is an old site and highly significant for this area. She asked how staff's recommendation "A" would be monitored. Would the Building and Safety Department comply with this recommendation? Staff would keep close communication with them to ensure it is completed. Chairperson Mouriquand stated that because this site is so significant and this is the final investigation on this site, in order to keep public accountability, she would recommend there be a publication of the final report with ten copies to the City and the public library and a public presentation to the City Council or some professional organization such as CVAS. This would carry the investigation to its ultimate conclusion for this report. Has there been any discussion of a plaque on the site indicating that this was a very important village site? Staff did not know of any at this time. 5. Commissioner Irwin noted Council had been requiring a plaque on historic sites. The applicant's representative, Mr. Hal Hall stated they had no objection and would see that one is installed on site. P:\CAROLVN\Hist Pres Com\HPC11-21-02.wpd -2- 004 Historic Preservation Commission Minutes November 21. 2002 6. Commissioner Wright asked that any photographs be placed in the report for the site or provide to staff who can transmit those to the appropriate authority. 7. Chairperson Mouriquand asked that a photo album be included in the final report. She asked for clarification as to why different sizes of mesh were used for screening. Half inch screen is too large and too much material will be lost. She asked staff to see what screen size was actually used and the justification for the size used. She commended the report. On Page 15 of the report she would like more elaboration as to whether or not a roasting pit was found or specifically what was found. Was charcoal found? Also, why do they not know if there was sidewall found. It is not documented as to whether or not it was found and the word "probably" needs to be elaborated on. The two items need to be clarified. 8. Commissioner Irwin suggested Lowe's site also have a plaque to note this archaeological site as well. These two sites are the two largest sites in the City. 9. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright/Puente to adopt Minute Motion 2002-025 accepting the Report on Archaeological Testing and Mitigation for a portion of Site CA-RIV-150 (Phase II), subject to conditions. Unanimously approved. VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: None. VII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS A. Chairperson Mouriquand reviewed the CVAS Newsletter and the Cal Poly Pomona Newsletter. She also gave staff information on the Making of the American Scene. VIII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Irwin/Sharp to adjourn this meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission to a regularly scheduled meeting to be held on December 19, 2002. This meeting of the Historical Preservation Commission was adjourned at 3:30 p.m. Unanimously approved. 005 P:\CAROLYN\Hist Pros Com\HPC11-21-02.wpd -3- Historic Preservation Commission Minutes November 21, 2002 Respectfully submitted by: Betty J. Sawyer Secretary 0Od P:\CAROLYN\Hist Pres Com\HPC11-21-02.wpd -4- DATE: ITEM: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ARCHAEOLOGICAL CONSULTANT: BACKGROUND: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DECEMBER 19, 2002 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION OF CA-RIV-6349, TENTATIVE TRACT 29323 NORTHWEST CORNER OF FRED WARING DRIVE AND JEFFERSON STREET CORNERSTONE DEVELOPERS ARCHAEOLOGICAL ADVISORY GROUP (JAMES BROCK) The vacant property is the site of Tentative Tract 29323, an approved residential single family subdivision. A Phase 1 archaeological assessment was accepted by the Historic Preservation Commission on January 6, 2000, for a prior developer of the property (Attachment 1). At that time, Archaeological Associates, original preparers of the Phase 1 assessment recorded site CA-RIV-6349, a bone scatter which they believed was a prehistoric archaeological site. The assessment recommended that 100% excavation as well as shovel test pits (STPs) and a faunal analysis be completed to evaluate the nature and extent of CA-RIV-6349. The new developer requested Archaeological Advisory Group (AAG) conduct an investigation of the purported archaeological site in order to allow the approved project to begin construction. DISCUSSION: AAG conducted a complete excavation of CA-RIV-6349, as recommended in the Phase 1 assessment. Approximately 897 grams (just under two pounds) of faunal (bone) was recovered from the surface. Also a small amount of melted glass vials (likely veterinarian related) and other modern material was recovered. A total of 26 one -by -one meter units, or "quadrats" were excavated. Additionally, nine 50 centimeter STPs were dug. The result of the excavations were completely negative. The faunal material was analyzed by Dr. Thomas Wake at the Zooarchaeology Laboratory at UCLA. Approximately 28% of the material was analyzed. The conclusion was that nearly all of the material consists of the remains of modern 007 p[\stan\hpc rpt u 29323 ph 1 investigation.wpd domestic animals, particularly dogs and cats. It is guessed that the material represents the dumped remains from a veterinary crematorium facility, dating to the 1960's, 1970's or 1980's. CONCLUSION: AAG has determined that the faunal material collected from CA-RIV-6349 is of modern origin and not a significant archaeological resource. Therefore, no further work on it is recommended. The deposit is, however, in an area of high sensitivity for prehistoric archaeological resources and monitoring of grading and trenching activity continues to be recommended and been required as part of the projects approval by the City Council. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Minute Motion 2002- , accepting : "Archaeological Investigation of CA-RIV-6349. Tentative Tract 29323, Northwest Corner of Fred Waring Drive and Jefferson Street. City of La uinta", as prepared by Archaeological Advisory Group Attachment: 1. Minutes of January 6, 2000, HPC meeting 2. Archaeological Investigation of CA-RIV-6349, Tentative Tract 29323, Northwest Corner of Fred Waring Drive and Jefferson Street, City of La Quinta (Commissioners only) Prepared by: Stan B. Sawa, Principal Planner 008 p[\stan\hpc rpt tt 29:323 ph 1 investigation. wpd ATTACHMENT #1 MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall Session Room 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA JANIJARY 6, 2000 This meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called to order by Chairman Robert Wright at 3:13 p.m. who led the flag salute and asked for the roll call. I. CALL TO ORDER A. Pledge of A. B. Roll Call./ II. IV. V. Commissioners Mitchell, Puente, and Chairman Wright. Commissioner Irwin was excused. Present: Planning Manager Christine di Iorio, Principal Planner Stan Sawa, and Secretary Carolyn Walker. COMMENT: None TION OF THE AGENDA: Confirmed. CALENDAR: A. It was then moved and seconded by Commissioners Puente/Mitchell to approve the Minutes of November 17r 1999 ag submitted. Unanimously approved. BUSINESS ITEMS n Citneral Plan Amendment 99--064 Zone Change 99-092 Specific Plan 99•-040, and Tentative Tract 29323: located at the northwest corner of Jefferson Street and Fred Waring Drive. Applicant: Mr. Wade Ellis. Archaeological Consultant: Archaeological Associates. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Commissioner Mitchell stated he was pleased with the report and complimented Archaeological Associates on the manner in which they performed their probes. Commissioner Puente asked for a definition of "mano" to which Planning Manager di Iorio replied it was a Mayan pestle or hand tool. 009 PACAROLYN\ IPC1-6-00.wpd -1- Historic Preservation Commission Minutes January 6, 2000 4. Chairman Wright commented the report was very thorough and to the point. 5. There being no farther discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Puente/Mitchell to adopt Minute Motion 2000-001 approving Phase I Archaeological Assessment for Environmental Assessment 99-389 for General Plan Amendment 99-064, Zone Change 99-092, Specific Plan 99-040, and Tentative Tract 29323. Unanimously approved. Tl Phaca Ti Arrhaonln Teal Tnc4lnf�T and �1 a Fvalnatinn Report for Tentative Tract \ 2211 located on the north side of Eisenhower Drive, east of Coachella Drive. applicant: US Home Corporation. Archaeological Consultant: CRM Tech (Bruce 1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Co\testin ner Mitchell commented on Site 33-8761, the Indian Trail, and statypes of cultural resource normally was not eligible for the Naegister of Historic Places. Recordation of these sites and their feaormally exhaust their research potential. He asked for an exof why the trail was significant as it was not included as a DPR fora o asked for clarification on Page 10 of the report, where stastin was done by randomly placed excavation units and asked whl test robes had not been used. Also, Commissioner Mitchell askr, Lov 's definitions of pottery, such as buff, brown ware, etc. 3. Commissioner Puente ommented on historic migration patterns from 1600 years ago and this sil significance. 4. Chairman Wright state he had no problems with any of the recommendations of staff an invited Dr. Bruce Love to make comments on the report. 5. Mr. Marvin Roos, Mainiero, Sin h Associates, corrected the location of the project as being west., not south, o Laguna de la Paz. 6. Commissioner Mitchell asked about ite 33-8761, the Indian Trail and the definition of wares. Dr. Love stated t Trail is more important than just a trail because of the religious purposes ssociated with the cupules on the boulder. And, it also appears that thi was a trail that connected the Cavendish Site of Indian Wells with the a Quinta area because it goes through the saddle. It was the shortcut betty n Indian Wells and La Quinta so the Indians did not have to go all the wa}around Point Happy. And it would appear that it may be a territorial boundof some sort between clan groups or Indian groups. With the bedrock m rtar being situated in that 010 PACAROLYN\HPCI-6-OO.wpd -2-