2004 02 19 HPCHISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION 0 The Regular Meeting to be held in the Session Room at the La Quinta City Hall, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California FEBRUARY 19, 2004 3:00 P.M. Beginning Minute Motion 2004-002 CALL TO ORDER A. Pledge of Allegiance B. Roll Call II. PUBLIC COMMENT This is the time set aside for citizens to address the Historic Preservation Commission on matters relating to historic resources within the City of La Quinta which are not Agenda items. When addressing the Historic Preservation Commission, please state your name and address and when discussing matters pertaining to prehistoric sites, do not disclose the exact location of the site(s) for their protection. III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA IV. CONSENT CALENDAR: A. Approval of the Minutes for the meeting of January 15, 2004 V. BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Report on Archaeological Monitoring for the Washington Park Project Applicant: Washington 111, Ltd. Archaeological Consultant: CRM TECH Location: South side of Highway 111, between Simon Drive and Adams Street HPC/AGENDA B. Phase I Cultural Resources Assessment for a 12,943 square foot parcel. Applicant: Coronel Enterprises. Archaeological Consultant: Archaeological Advisory Group (AAG) Location: Southwest corner of Calle Tampico and Avenida Navarro C. Historical, Archaeological, and Paleontological Resources Reports for a 38.65 Acre Site Proposed for Tentative Tract Map 31910. Applicant: John Megay and Associates. Archaeological Consultant: Archaeological Associates and Eilar Associates Location: West side of Monroe Street, between Airport Boulevard and Avenue 58. VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: VII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS: A. Discussion regarding Fill Policy VIII. ADJOURNMENT HPC/AGENDA MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING A Regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall Session Room 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA January 15, 2004 This meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called to order by Vice Chairman Archie Sharp at 3:04 p.m. who led the flag salute and asked for the roll call. CALL TO ORDER A. Pledge of Allegiance. B. Roll Call. Present: Commissioners Puente, Sharp, Wilbur, and Wright Absent: It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Puente and Wilbur to excuse Chairperson Mouriquand. Unanimously approved. Staff Present: Principal Planner Stan Sawa, and Secretary Carolyn Walker. Il. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: Confirmed. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR: A. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Puente and Wright to approve the Minutes of November 20, 2003 as submitted. Unanimously approved. V. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Report on Phase I Cultural Resources Assessment for Tentative Tract Map 31816, located on the southwest corner of Westward Ho Drive and Roadrunner Drive. Applicant: Mattco Construction, Inc. Archaeological Consultant: Archaeological Advisory Group (James Brock) P:\CAROLYN\Hist Pres Com\HPC 1-15-04.doc "r J Last printed 1 /29/04 9:29 AM Historic Preservation Commission January 15, 2004 1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Commissioner Wright stated there appeared to be an unusual amount of fill and asked if there were any regulatory actions which would prompt an applicant to contact the City regarding fill. Staff replied the applicant should have obtained a "stockpiling" permit. Staff had inquired of the Public Works Department if a permit had been issued, but had not received a reply as of this meeting. 3. Commissioner Wright asked if a Notice of a Filling Permit would be presented to the Commission, especially if it is in a sensitive area. Staff replied this was the first time this situation had occurred and currently there is no formal procedure. A procedure needs to be established whereby the Community Development Department would be contacted when a fill permit is requested. Staff would then decide if the property is in a sensitive area and requires surveying or monitoring. Commissioner Wright was concerned about filling being done in sensitive areas. Staff would look into implementing a :standard policy. 4. Commissioner Wilbur asked if this project was in a :sensitive area. Staff replied it was. 5. Commissioner Wright stated previously this had not been a problem because these sites had been capped, but information needs to be recorded that the property was surveyed prior to the fill being added. In the future, the information would be available. He stated some type of assessment should be done. 6. Commissioner Sharp asked for a definition of "fill". Staff replied "fill" means dirt has been brought on to the property from off - site and used to build up the grade. 7. Commissioner Wright said he brought the subject up because the area across the street is quite a bit lower. When that property is filled in it will take 40 or 50 feet of fill. He commented there should be some type of permit before any machinery is allowed on the property. Staff replied a permit to uu4 Historic Preservation Commission January 15, 2004 fill the site would be needed. Commissioner Wright commented once a permit is given for any type of grubbing or filling it should come before the Commission. 8. Commissioners Sharp and Puente agreed. 9. Commissioner Wilbur asked about implementing a policy. Staff replied they would look into it and report back to the Commission. If formal action is needed, the Commission will be informed. 10. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright and Puente to adopt Minute Motion 2004-001 accepting the Phase I Cultural Resources Assessment for Tentative Tract 3'1816 as submitted. Unanimously approved. VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: None VII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS: A. Commissioner Wright asked that the filling information be brought up at the next meeting. B. Commissioner Puente asked if there was further information on the Historic Preservation Conference. Staff advised they would bring information back as soon as it was available. Vill. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright and Wilbur to adjourn this Regular Meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission to the next Regular Meeting to be held on February 19, 2004. This meeting of the Historical Preservation Commission was adjourned at 3:17 p.m. Unanimously approved. Submitted by: Carolyn Walker Secretary JUJ BI #A DATE: ITEM: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ARCHAEOLOGICAL CONSULTANT: BACKGROUND: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION STAFF REPORT FEBRUARY 19, 2004 REPORT ON ARCHAEOLOGICAL MONITORING FOR THE WASHINGTON PARK PROJECT SOUTH SIDE OF HIGHWAY 111, BETWEEN SIMON DRIVE AND ADAMS STREET WASHINGTON 111, LTD CRM TECH The property is an irregularly shaped site on the south side of Highway 111, east of Simon Drive. A Phase II Cultural Assessment Survey of the 51 acre site was previously approved by the Historic Preservation Commission on November 21, 2002, subject to archaeological monitoring of the project site. Monitoring was required due to the identification of an archaeological site (CA-RIV-150/H) on the property. Monitoring occurred for approximately three months in the Spring of 2003. DISCUSSION: As a result of the monitoring, four fire hearths/pits and the remains of at least three human cremations, as well as numerous artifacts were identified. The report provides detailed information on these items. The human remains will be given to the Torres - Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians for reinternment, with the remaining artifacts given to the City of La Quinta for curation. Upon completion of these items, the environmental review requirements pertaining to cultural resources will have been completed. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Minute Motion 2004- , accepting the Archaeological Monitoring Report for Portion of site CA-RIV-150/1-1 Washington Park Project City of La Quinta Riverside County, California, as prepared by CRM TECH Do u P:\stan\hpc\hpc rpt monitor Washington park.doc Attachment: Archaeological Monitoring Report for Portion of site CA-RIV-150/H Washington Park Project, City of La Quinta, Riverside County, California (Commissioners only) Prepared by: � es?�-i Stan B. Sawa, Principal Planner 007 pl\stan\hpc rpt monitor se wash st & hwy 111.wpd DATE: ITEM: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ARCHAEOLOGICAL CONSULTANT: BACKGROUND: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION STAFF REPORT FEBRUARY 19, 2004 PHASE I CULTURAL RESOURCES ASSESSMENT FOR A 12,943 SQUARE FOOT PARCEL SOUTHWEST CORNER OF CALLE TAMPICO AND AVENIDA NAVARRO CORONEL ENTERPRISES ARCHAEOLOGICAL ADVISORY GROUP (AAG) The graded property is rectangular in shape and located in the Village area of La Quinta, north of Frances Hack Park. A Phase I cultural assessment survey of the site has been submitted to allow development of a two story office project. This assessment will be part of the environmental review required by the California Environmental Quality Act for the project application. DISCUSSION: A records search was conducted through the Eastern Information Center of the California Historical Resources Information System at UC Riverside. The search found the study area (project site) had not been included in any previous archaeological studies and no cultural resources had been previously recorded on or in the immediate vicinity of the study area. An archival records search was conducted and no prehistoric or historic resources were determined to exist on the study area. A Sacred Lands search with the State and local Native American Indians was negative. During the field survey of the study area, no historic or prehistoric sites, features, structures or isolates were observed. AAG states it is unlikely that any buried cultural deposits are present on the study area because the property is in a natural alluvial wash area. The report notes that a much larger project area (40 acres) directly north of the study area failed to produce cultural resources. 008 P:\stan\hpc\hpc rpt vup 04-021.doc Based on the fact that the site has been previously graded and partially filled, the lack of on -site and nearby cultural resources, monitoring of any grading or trenching is not recommended in the report. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Minute Motion 2004- , accepting The "Phase I Cultural Resources Assessment for APN 773-076-006 and 773-076-007 Southwest corner of Calle Tampico and Avenida Navarro City of La Quinta California", as prepared by Archaeological Advisory Group Attachment: Phase I Cultural Resources Assessment for APN 773-076-006 and 773-076- 007 Southwest corner of Calle Tampico and Avenida Navarro, City of La Quinta, California (Commissioners only) Prepared by: Stan B. Sawa, Principal Planner p[\stan\hpc rpt vup 2000-003 ph 1 .wpd HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DATE: FEBRUARY 19, 2004 ITEM: HISTORICAL, ARCHAEOLOGICAL, AND PALEONTOLOGICAL RESOURCES REPORTS FOR 38.65 ACRE SITE PROPOSED FOR TT 31910 LOCATION: WEST SIDE OF MONROE STREET, BETWEEN AIRPORT BOULEVARD AND AVENUE 58 APPLICANT: JOHN MEGAY AND ASSOCIATES ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND PALEONTOLOGICAL CONSULTANT: ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSOCIATES AND EILAR ASSOCIATES BACKGROUND: The study area is a 38.65 acre parcel of vacant land on the west side of Monroe Street north of Avenue 58. The Palms Country Club borders the north and west boundaries of the site. A newer single-family residence exists in the northeast corner of the property, but is under separate ownership and not a part of this study area. Phase I (survey level) Cultural and Paleontological Resources Assessments have been completed for this site which is proposed for Tentative Tract 30834, a single-family development. The Assessment includes an archaeological, historical, and paleontological resources record search and field reconnaissance of the property. This assessment will be part of the environmental review required by the California Environmental Quality Act for the project application. DISCUSSION: Archaeological and Historical: This site is flat with a portion used for the growing of artichokes and some bell peppers. A few date palms, Palo Verde and Tamarisks trees exist in the northeast quarter of the site. P:\stan\hpc\hpc rpt tt 31910 megay.doc 010 An archaeological and historical records search for the property was conducted at the Eastern Information Center located at UC Riverside (UCR). The records search indicated that the study area has not been previously surveyed for cultural resources but there are seven archaeological sites within one mile of the study area. No prehistoric sites were noted as located on or adjacent to the project area. Historic maps were also checked at the Bureau of Land Management office in Riverside and UCR. By 1956, six structures existed on the property. The intensive -level on -foot field survey of the study area did not result in any prehistoric sites, features, isolates, or evidence of objects, sites, features, or artifacts more than 50 years old. There was no evidence of the six structures that were previously noted to exist on the site. Paleontological: A literature search was conducted by reviewing known data for the vicinity. Additionally, information was requested from the Department of Earth Sciences at the San Bernardino County Museum. The result showed that the site has not been surveyed. During the field survey scatters of three species of fresh water snails and one clam were observed on the surface of the project area. However, the survey did not indicate that any fish bone or other vertebrate fossil remains were found. CONCLUSIONS: The archaeological resources report notes the records search, the historical research, and archaeological field survey produced negative results and no historical resources. Therefore, approval of the project will have no effect on any historical resources as defined by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Due to the negative results from the searches and field survey, and the fact that the study area has been extensively disturbed by agricultural activities the report recommends no further monitoring or investigation. The paleontological resources report concludes the project area has a moderate to high potential for paleontological remains. As such, impacts created by the proposed project need to be mitigated pursuant to CEQA requirements. Paleontological monitoring during earth -moving activities is recommended in the report. P:\ctao\hpc\hpc rpt tt 31910 megay.doc •_ f111 RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. Adopt Minute Motion 2004- , accepting the Cultural Resources Assessment of Tentative Tract 31910 38.65 Acre Parcel, as prepared by Archaeological Associates, subject to the following conditions: A. The site shall be monitored during on- and off -site trenching avid rough grading by qualified archaeological monitors. Proof of retention of monitors shall be given to the City prior to issuance of first earth -moving or clearing permit. B. The final report on the monitoring shall be submitted to the Community Development Department prior to the issuance of the first production home building permit for the project. C. Collected archaeological artifacts shall be properly packaged for long term curation, in polyethylene self -seal bags, vials, or film cans as appropriate, all within acid -free, standard size, comprehensively labeled archive boxes and delivered to the City prior to issuance of the first occupancy of a residence being granted by the City. Materials will be accompanied by descriptive catalogue, field notes and records, primary research data, and the original graphics. 2. Adopt Minute Motion 2004- 1 accepting the Pre -Construction Paleontological Survey of a 38.65 Acre Parcel, as prepared by Archaeological Associates, subject to the following conditions: A. On- and off -site monitoring in areas identified as likely to contain paleontological resources shall be conducted by a qualified paleontological monitor. The monitor shall be equipped to salvage fossils as they are unearthed to avoid construction delays and to remove samples of sediments that are likely to contain the remains of small fossil invertebrates and vertebrates. The monitor shall be empowered to temporarily halt or divert equipment to allow removal of abundant or large specimens. Proof that a monitor has been retained shall be given to City prior to issuance of first earth -moving permit, or before any clearing of the site is begun. 012 P:\stan\hpc\hpc rpt ph 1 tt 31910 megay.doc B. Recovered specimens shall be prepared to the point of identification and permanent preservation, including washing of sediments to recover small invertebrates and vertebrates. C. A report of findings with an appended itemized inventory of specimens shall be submitted to the City prior to the first occupancy of a residence being granted by the City. The report shall include pertinent discussions of the significance of all recovered resources where appropriate. The report and inventory, when submitted will signify completion of the program to mitigate impacts to paleontological resources. D. Collected resources and related reports, etc. shall be given to the City. Packaging of resources, reports, etc. shall comply with standards commonly used in the paleontological industry. Attachments: 1. Cultural Resources Assessment of Tentative Tract 31910 38.65 Acre Parcel (Commissioners only) 2. Pre -Construction Paleontological Survey of a 38.65 Acre Parcel (Commissioners only) Prepared by: Stan B. Sawa, Principal Planner P:\stan\hpc\hpc rpt ph 1 tt 31910 megay.doc 014 Registration Form (For CPF Use) Registration # Eariy Bird Registrations most be received in CPEs office by March 22, 2004. Regular Registrations must be received by April 19, 2004. Registrations after April 19 must bo made on -site. Cancellation Is subject to a $25f , prior to 5:00 pm,Apri119, 2004. Cancellation from April 19-April 26 will be charged a $35 fee for Registration on's. No refunds will be made after April 26. Refunds for ticketed events will be made only for cancellations received lo, April 19. Registrants over purchase extra tickeu for those,rents indicated br =. Conferewc R,ilorm eir Fee includes Phomrr Session and all Educational Sessions ,seen, Events and Special P,Zgrwms listed below. One -Dar Registrants mar onh sign up for Events and Special Programs held on that our unless indicated bt =. Events and Special Programs are subject to Sell-outs and Cancellations. Each Registrant must use a separate form. CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FEES: check box If former CPFTntstee ❑ CPF Member # (Please provide if possible) (Earle Bird) By March 22 After March 22 California Preservation Foundation Member $200 $225 Non -Member (includes 8-month CPF membership) 250 275 CPF Student Member 100 125 Non -Member Full -Time Student OD required, incl. 8-month membership) 120 145 One -Day Member Thursday Friday (Circle One) 120 180 One -Day Non -Member Thursday Friday (Circle One) 150 210 AIA/CES Continuing Education or MCLE Credits (Add) 15 15 Package Option (includes Registration, Opening Reception, Gala and 10%discount by March 22nd only) CPF Member Package $283.50 N/A Non -Member Package 328.50 N/A EVENTS AND SPECIAL PROGRAMS FEES Conference T-Shirt (100%Cotton) S M L XL XXL 15 ea. Wednesday, April 28 COST # SUBTOTAL Stewardship Breakfast $30 = Old Mint, Mid -Market Redevelopment Tour 25 = MaybeckTour 25 Presidio - Past to Future.Tour @ 12:30pm (need f) free = Modern Urban Landscapes of San FranciscoTour 20 = Historic Ships at Hyde Street Pier Tour @ 1pm 15 = Historic Ships at Hyde Street PierTour @ 3pm 15 = G. G. Park Conservatory of Flowers Tour 30 = Splendid Interiors Tour 30 = Ferry Building&WaterfcuL Resources Tour 30 = Salon's Dream On, House to Road House -Tour 30 = Beneath the Surface, Presidio Roots Tour 20 Presidio -Past to Future Tour @ 3:15pm (need T) free = Opening Reception at the Presidio Officers Club 30 Thursday, April 29 Pre -Plenary Temple Emanu-El Tour @ 8:30am (need T) free Post -Plenary Temple Enanu-El Tour @ 11:40am (need T) free International Preservation Lunch 35 Heritage Tourism Rosie. Mobile Workshop 35 Law & Planning Dc gpan-h Mobile Workshop 35 = Three -Minute Success Stories 30 Friday, April 30 Legislative Breakfast 30 Filch Cultural Landscapes Mobile W rkshop 40 Presidio Cultural Landscapes Mobile Workshop 25 Box Lunch for CPF Annual Meeting 16 Architectural History Standards Mobile Workshop 25 = Maritime Museum Dinner Dance Auction 95 Saturday, May 1 = May Day Labor History Waterfront# To., 25 = Alcatraz -Preserving the Rock Tour 3$ - At Home: Presidio House Tour 3$ = Garbology 101 Workshop/Tour (need T) free = Presidio to Mission Dolores WalkingTour 20 - Spanning Military History Tour (includes Lunch) 45 = Angel Island Immigration Station# ur (includes Lunch) 45 = Architecture of Chinatown 20 TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED Payment Method: Check lfpayable to CPF. (Account Name if different than yours) Visa /MC # Card Holder Name Expires_ YES, I have Special Needs (Hearing, Vision, Mobility, Dietary, etc.) Please explain: — FOR BADGE: Name Affiliation: Address City State: _ Zip:_ Phone: Day ( ) Eve ( ) Fax ( ) Email _ Mail or FAX form and payment to CPF 2004 Conference, 5Third St., Suite 424, San Francisco, CA 94103 FAX (415) 495-0265 Registration must be received in CPF's office by April 19. After April 19, all Registrations must be made on -site. Conference Updates will be posted on CPF's website: wnwotl formapomenation.org { Registration Form (For CPF Use) Registration # Early Bird Registrations must be received in CPFs office by March 22, 2004. Regular Registrations must be received bj'April 19, 2004, Registrations of er April 19 must be made on -site. Cancellation is subject to a $25 fee prior to 5:00 pm, April 19, 2004. Cancellation from April 19-April 26 will be charged a $35 fee far Registration only. No refunds will be made after April 26. R funds for ticketed events will be made only for cancellations received by April 19. Registrants may purchase extra tickets for these events indicated by =. Carrencow,11eyinnitimnEee Includes Plenary Session and all Educational Sessions except Events and Special ]irograms listed below. One -Day Registrants may ow/, sign up for Events and Special Programs held on that day unless indicated br =. Events and Special Programs are subject to Sell-outs and Cancellations. Each Registrant must use a separate form. CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FEES: check box if former CPFTrustee ❑ CPF Member # (Please provide if possible) (Earl, Bird) By March 22 After March 22 California Preservation Foundation Member $200 $225 I)e Non-Member(includes 8-month CPF membership) 250 275 CPF Student Member 100 125 Non -Member Full -Time Student (ID requited, Incl. 8-month membership) 120 145 One -Day Member Thursday Friday (Circle One) 120 180 One -Day Non -Member Thursday Friday (Circle One) 150 210 AIA/CES Continuing Education or MCLE Credits (Add) 15 15 Package Option (includes Registration, Opening Reception Gala and 10%discount by March 22nd only) CPF Member Package $28150 N/A Non -Member Package 328,50 N/A EVENTS AND SPECIAL PROGRAMS FEES: Conference T-Shirt (100%Cotton) S M L_ XL_XXL 15 ea. Wednesday, April 28 COST # SUBTOTAL Stewardship Breakfast $30 = Old Mint, Mid -Market Redevelopment Tour 25 = Maybaek Tour 25 Presidio — Past to Future Tour @ 12:30pm (need T) fee = Modern Urban Landscapes of San Francisco Tour 20 = Historic Ships at Hyde Street Pier Tour @ 1 pm 15 = Historic Ships at Hyde Street PlerTour @ 3pm 15 = G. G. Park Conservatory of Flowers Tour 30 = Splendid Interiors Tour 30 = Ferry Building &Waterfront Resources Tour 30 = Serve's Dream Our House to Road House —Tour 30 = Beneath the Surface, Presidb Roots Tour 20 Presidio—Past to Future Tour @ 3:15pm (need T) free — Opening Reception at the Presidb Officers Club 30 Thursday, April 29 Pre -Plenary Temple Emanu-El Tour @ 8:30am (need T) free Post -Plenary Temple Emanu-El Tour @ 11:40am (need T) free International Preservation Lunch 35 Heritage Tourism Rorie Mobile Workshop 35 Law & Planning Dogpatch Mobile Workshop 35 = Three -Minute Success Stories 30 Friday, April 30 Legislative Breakfast 30 Flloll Cultural Landscapes Mobile Workshop 40 Presidia Cultural Landscapes Mobile Workshop 25 Box Lunch for CPF Annual Meeting 16 Architectural History Standards Mobile Workshop 25 = Maritime Museum Dinner Dance Auction 95 Saturday, May I = May Day Labor History Waterfront Tour 25 — Alcatraz -Preserving the Rock1sur 35 = At Home: Presidb House Tour 35 = Carbology 101 Workshop/Tour (need T) free = Presidia to Mission Dolores Walking Tour 20 = Spanning Military His my Tour (Includes Lunch) 45 = Angel Island Immigration Station Tour (includes Lunch) 45 = Architecture of Chinatown 20 TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED Payment Method: Check # payable to CPF. (Account Name If different than yours) _ Visa /MC #------------------ Card Holder Name Expires — Signature Print Name: YES, I have Special Needs (Hearing, Vision, Mobility, Dietary, etc.) Please explain: _ FOR BADGE: Name Affiliation: Address City State: Zip: Phone: Day ( ) Eve ( ) Fax ( ) Email _ Mail or FAX form and payment to CPF 2004 Conference, 5Third St., Suite 424, San Francisco, CA 94103 FAX (415) 495-0265 Registration must be received in CPFs office by April 19. After April 19, all Registrations must be made on -site. Conference Updates will be posted on CPF s website: wa w.cal forniopreservatien.org ;Jl� wII ,I�hlil 'I I II '•f I I III I � b 5 I c C I I f IIII: I _ IIII I 1 I i III fIII is I ld .2 d 1tl li I � s. n 1 r i L 1Y L 1 { � .ia r kl i i I r tOF III f �1 I 11 tell 1 Z- -I W. Od-l( %Vi.= /V% Zo lL ti S I ,O r/.r=.7 I.v 020