2008 09 09 PC MinutesMINUTES
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
September 9, 2008 7:00 P.M.
A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:02
p.m. by Chairman Ed Alderson who led the flag salute.
B. Present: Commissioners Katie Barrows, Paul Quill, Mark Weber, Robert
Wilkinson, and Chairman Ed Alderson.
C. Staff present: Planning Director Les Johnson, Planning Manager David
Sawyer, Assistant City Attorney Michael Houston, Principal Engineer Ed
Wimmer, Associate Planner Jay Wuu, and Executive Secretary Carolyn
Chairman Alderson asked if there were any changes to the Minutes of August
26, 2008.
Commissioner Weber requested the following amendment:
A. Page 9, paragraph one, last sentence shall read:
Commissioner Weber said once Corporate Center Way goes through the
Commission should not anticipate any application for additional signage
on the east facing side. Currently Corporate Center was configured for a
west entrance, but eventually it would be a thoroughfare, going all the
way through. Right now the signs are appropriate because of the
proximity of the World Gym, but he wanted to confirm that with the
completion of Corporate Center Way, the applicant would not anticipate
additional requests for signs on the east side.
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Planning Commission Minutes
September 9, 2008
There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Barrows/Wilkinson to approve the minutes as amended.
Unanimously approved.
A. Site Development Permit 2004-821, Extension No. 1; a request of Mega
Dealer, LLC for consideration of a one-year extension of time for
construction of an approximately 30,000 square foot auto dealership
facility, located at the southeast corner of Adams Street and Auto Centre
Chairman Alderson opened the public hearing and asked for the staff
Associate Planner Jay Wuu presented the information contained in the
staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning Department.
Chairman Alderson commented on the fact that several Commission
members had not seen this project before and were welcome to ask
Commissioner Weber asked if the main entrance to the site would be on
the north side on Auto Center Drive. He also asked about the landscape
buffer on Adams Street and the elevation changes. He said parking
stalls, on the west facing side, were not to be display areas. Staff
replied there were no new landscaping plans, this landscaping already
Commissioner Weber asked for clarification on the type of trees which
were noted as canopy/shade trees which were proposed to be the buffer
on the south side Iby the proposed JC Penney property.
Commissioner Weber was concerned about the lighting and signage;
because of the site's proximity to Lake La Quinta. Staff replied the
landscaping was not reviewed under the new water efficiency standards
when it went through the entitlement process. However when this
project does eventually go through the final landscaping plan check, staff
will work with the applicant and make sure all the trees and landscaping
do meet the current standards.
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Planning Commission Minutes
September 9, 2008
Staff said no signs have been proposed with this Site Development
Permit and the applicant would have to submit a sign application, for
signage, at a later date.
Commissioner Weber noted on page three, of the staff report, the
landscaping was to include the Palo Verde, Acacia, and Mexican Fan
Palms. He asked if the landscaping would be brought back to the
Planning Commission. Staff said as recommended , it would not come
back to the Planning Commission but they are recommending that it go to
the ALRC with final approval by the Planning Director.
Planning Director Johnson said that was a standard condition. Typically
the final landscape plan review was checked by the ALRC, prior to
Director approval, but only after the plans were reviewed by the
Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD).
Commissioner Wilkinson had a question regarding the elevations and
colors shown. He asked if the green color shown was the one originally
approved. Chairman Alderson also asked if that was the correct color
and referred to the color name listed on the plans. Commissioner
Wilkinson asked if the contrast of the green on a field of white was just
for conceptual purposes to show spaces and dimensions.
Commissioner Quill echoed the same questions and asked to what extent
was the Commission able to modify the project. He wanted to know if
they could also have a second look at the color, at a future date, if the
building was constructed in the manner presented.
Planning Director Johnson said the Municipal Code provides the
opportunity for consideration of the entire project during the Site
Development/Time Extension process. Since the Commission was
reviewing the entire project they had the ability to make changes or
modifications, with justification.
He said in the transition between the previous and current owners a lot of
the original information was lost, except what the City had on file. The
current owner did provide some additional exhibits but they were fairly
limited and more focused on the site design itself versus the elevations of
the buildings. If the application were approved, as presented, the
applicant could proceed forward within the one-year period. He also said
there was a better description, in the original staff report, regarding
colors and landscaping but staff was fairly limited in what could be
presented from the standpoint of exhibits. He added, there was also the
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Planning Commission Minutes
September 9, 2008
potential this would likely be slightly modified and would have to come
back to the Commission. It would then be a matter of having to
understand the extent of the changes to ascertain whether it would be
either an administrative change through the modification by applicant
procedure or if it could be directed back to the Commission for further
consideration. At this point in time, the owner of the property is not
interested in a Mazda dealership which is what was presented. It would
be some other dealership which is currently unknown. There is the
potential there would be some changes, but neither the City nor the
owner know the extent of those changes at this time.
Commissioner Wilkinson asked if the Planning Commission were going to
look at the plans again. Planning Director Johnson replied the
Commission could modify it if they wanted, but if they were to grant the
extension for one year the applicant would have the ability to proceed
with the entitlement as conditioned and approved. There was the
possibility that something could be modified. That modification,
depending on the extent of it, could either be done as a modification by
applicant, administratively, or it would be required to come back to the
Commission for further consideration.
Chairman Alderson asked if the Commission could approve the project
and hold the colors and landscaping in abeyance and approve them at a
later date.
Commissioner Quill also asked the question of whether the Commission
could modify them.
Staff said the Commission could require further information to be brought
back, as a Business Item if desired, or approve it as submitted. The
Commission had more than one option for consideration.
There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Alderson asked if
there were any applicant representatives or comments.
Mr. Gregory Oleson, 78-100 Main Street, Suite 205, La Quinta, California
(Counsel for the applicant) was introduced and said he would be happy to
answer any questions.
Chairman Alderson asked Mr. Oleson to comment on the colors and
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Planning Commission Minutes
September 9, 2008
Mr. Oleson responded, with regard to the color, his understanding was as
Commissioner Willkinson stated, that it was more for the purpose of
depth perception issues, not color. While Mr. Oleson was not in a
position to represent his client he did comment they would absolutely not
be developing what was presented. The likelihood of that happening was
remote due to the current economic times and it most likely will not be a
Mazda dealership. He said the chance of not coming back either
administratively or to the Planning Commission for changes was not
significant. He was unable to answers any questions regarding
landscaping. He said it was something that would have to be submitted
to CVWD for approval and then come back before the City.
There being no further applicant comments Chairman Alderson asked if
there was any public comment.
There being no further questions, or public comment, Chairman Alderson
closed the public participation portion of the meeting and opened the
matter for Commission discussion.
Commissioner Quill said it appeared all the applicant was requesting was
securing entitlement for another year. It did not appear there was any
intention of developing exactly what was shown on the current plans.
He said he would be fine with approving it as is, with the exception of
the fact the landscape plans would have to be reevaluated by CVWD and
comply with the new standards. He didn't see any other issues except to
comment that he hoped staff would take a look at the colors if the
applicant decided to do exactly what was shown. He would like to see
colors that blended in with the surrounding neighborhood.
Commissioner Weber commented that on page 2 of the staff report,
under Architectural Design, it was stated:
"The front elevation will be a steel frame front with heavy gauge
metal, stuccoed block, and glass....The principle facade elements will be
painted black and parrot green with blue doors and orange accented
aluminum window frames. "
Commissioner Weber said since it is specific, it would behoove the
Commission to make sure that the colors do come back and are
addressed formally.
Commissioner Quill added if they came through with this same structure.
Commissioner Weber said that was correct.
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Planning Commission Minutes
September 9, 2008
Commissioner Barrows commented on the landscape saying she would
like to see a different species in the parking area. It appeared the parking
lot trees were all Washingtonian palms and it was important to include
shade trees since palms offer virtually no shade. She asked if they could
be switched to Palo Verdes, or a tree that offers more shade, to provide
more benefit in the parking lot. She did not know if the palms were
included for architectural purposes and wasn't sure if she was supposed
to comment on that item now or when the landscaping came back to the
Commission or to the ALRC.
Planning Director Johnson said it would go to ALRC as currently
identified, but he had the following comments, for Planning Commission
consideration. Quite often car dealers don't have shade trees in their
display area; however there are customer and service parking areas that
could benefit from shade trees. He suggested shade-type trees such as
the Palo Verde be used in the non-display parking areas and the palms
remain in the display areas.
Commissioner Barrows said that would make sense. She felt there were
too many palms and the landscaping could be softened in other areas and
particularly along the Highway with additional Palo Verde. She suggested
they consider the use of the native Blue Palo Verde, and requested that
suggestion be forwarded to the ALRC.
There was no further discussion, and it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Wilkinson/Quill to approve Resolution 2008-024
recommending approval of Site Development Permit 2004-821, Extension
No. 1. with the following comments/recommendations:
• The landscaping be reviewed by the Architecture and
Landscaping Review Committee (ALRC) at the appropriate time,
as is standard protocol.
• If the current structure is built, the color palette be re-evaluated
and approved administratively (at staff level.
Unanimously approved.
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Planning Commission Minutes
September 9, 2008
Reminder of Council attendance and report -Staff offered to send a
reminder to the Commissioners.
A. Comments about the CV Trails Map distributed by Commissioner Quill.
Commissioner Weber commented on the fact it was nice to have this
Commissioner Quill said this was produced by the County of Riverside
Parks and Recreation Department, through the Health Department, to
promote healthy communities. The map shows existing bikeways and
trails throughout the Coachella Valley. There were a few errors in the
first printing, so those would be distributed free to bike shops, hotels,
etc. They will be collecting donations for the next printing as it can be
used as afund-raiser.
Commissioner Weber said it was helpful, from a planning perspective, as
it would provide everyone in the Coachella Valley the understanding of
the direction we need to be going in. It's nice to see something on paper
and so nicely done.
Commissioner Quill said it was a really great start.
A. Commissioners Weber and Wilkinson,
Johnson, will be attending the Planning
as well as Planning Director
Commissioners training next
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Barrows/ Wilkinson to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to the
next regular meeting to be held on September 23, 2008. This regular meeting was
adjourned at 7:29 p.m. on September 9, 2008.
Respectfully submitte®d/,
Carolyn alker, Executive Secretary
City of La Quinta, California
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