PCRES 1990-045~~E ~~Et~ o f _~'a.2tilnfa, ~a~lfo~n~a ~~anninc~ ~omnti! pion c~ES.o~iiElon 9~-~/5 ~~x~~z~ ~~~9~~ WHEREAS, Lucie lforatt has served as a member of the Planning Commission for six years with dedication and distinction; and, WHEREAS, since her appointment in 1984, Ms. Moran has won the respect and admiration of the Planning Commission and Planning and Development Staff for forthrighntess, integrity and willingness to expend her time and energies on behalf of the citizens of the City of La Quints; and, 0 h'HEREAS, the exemplary conduct and sense of fairness she has demonstrated in all her duties has been an influence for good in the growth and progress fur the citizens oC La Quinte; and, WHEREAS, during Ms. Mornn's tenure on the Commission, some oC the major accomplishments of [he Commission include the adoption of the General Plan, the Housing Element update, Hillside Conservation Ordinance, Village et Le Quinte Specific Plan, k'ashington Square Specific Plan, One Eleven La Quinte Specific Plan, and the La Qvinta Hotel Expansion; end, WHEREAS, she has served es Chairman of the Planning Commission with such dedication to the public welfare and should therefore be appropriately commemorated. NOW, THEREFORE, BE !T RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of La Quints, that Lucia Moran is hereby commended for service to the Ctty of La Quints, and is extended sincere best wishes for future success: erd, BE 17 FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution be recorded as part of the official minutes of the Planning Commission on this llth dap of December, ]990. DII:G, AA IR,MAN 1 ~~' ` KATIE BARROWS, COMMISSIONER L .OS ' COM. 1561ONER R:CCRPORATED MAY 1. 1982