PCRES 1990-0462Jfie City of La Quints, California Planning Crnncrcission..~,esoliction. y0-0~6 ~~$1~Y ~ZZ~~ W}IEREAS, Peter Zelles has served as a member of the Ylauning Commission for three and a half years with dedication and loyalty; and, WHEREAS, during Mr. Zeiles's tenure on the Commission, some of the major occompHshments of the Commission include the adoptimt oC the Housing Element update, Hillside Conservation Ordinance, Village at La Quints Specific Plan, R'ashington Square Specific Plan, One Eleven La Quinte Specific Plan, and the La Quints Hotel Expansion; and, WHEREAS, since his appoinnnent in 19R7, Mr. Zelles has won the respect and admiration of the Planning Commission and Planning and Development Staff for forthrightness, integrity and willingness to expend his time and energies on behalf of the citizens oC the City of Is Quints; +,ud, WHEREAS, Mr. Zelles represented the Planning Comrission as an alternate on the Design Rcview Board with dedication and commitment to design excellence; and, WHEREAS, his sense of fairness has been demonstrated in all his dudes which influenced good growth and progress for the citizens of La Quints; and, WHEREAS, his dedication to the public welfare should be appropriately commemorated. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOiVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of La Quints, that Peter Zelles is hereby commended for service to rile City of La Quints, and is extended sincere best wishes fcr future success; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resob~tion be recorded as part of the official minutes of the Planning Commission on this 11th day of December, 1990. S~TEDING, CI}AIRMA RED MOSH ,COMMISSIONER ~~. ~~- KATIE BARROWS, COMMISSIONER INCORPORATED F1AY 1, 1982