PCRES 1991-040die City of La Quinta, CaCifornia Planning Commission ~,esolution 91-040 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORMA COMMENDING ELLYDOWD FOR HER SERVICE TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION. WHEREAS , E I 1 y Dowd has served az a member of the Planning Commission with dedication and distinction; and, WHEREAS , during Ms. Dowd's leadership az a member of the Planning Commission she has worked with her fellow Commissioners to evaluate and make decisions on several development projecu; and WHEREAS , since her appointment, Ms. Dowd haz won the respect and admiration of the Planning Commission and Planning and Development Staff for her forthrightness, integrity and willingness to expend her time and energies on behalf of the citizens of the City of La Quinta; and WHEREAS , her exemplary conduct and sense of fairness haz been demonsVated in all her duties while serving az a Commissioner and has been an influence for well planned growth and progress for the City and citizens of La Quinta; and, WHEREAS , such dedication to the public welfare should be appropriately commemorated. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, that Elly Dowd be, and is commended for service to the City of La Quinta, and is extended sincere best wishes for future success; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution be recorded az part of the official Minutes of the Planning Commission on this 8th day of October, 1991. ~~ ~baccezrt7s- KATIE BARROWS, Chairwoman KAY R, ommissioner H. FRED MOSH R, Vice Chairman _ ~~JIYL_~! ~~~tlR~ MARIbN ELLSON, Commissioner DONALD MARR~, Commissioner ~~ v ~ # F '„' S u,irnoononrrn unv~ ~ooo