2008 09 23 PC MinutesMINUTES
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
September 23, 2008
7:01 P.M.
A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:01
p.m. by Chairman Ed Alderson who asked Commissioner Barrows to lead
the flag salute.
B. Present: Commissioners Katie Barrows, Paul Quill, Mark Weber, Robert
Wilkinson, and Chairman Ed Alderson.
C. Staff present: Planning Director Les Johnson, Planning Manager David
Sawyer, Assistant City Attorney Michael Houston, Principal Planner Stan
Sawa, Principal Planner Andrew Mogensen, and Executive Secretary
Carolyn Walker.
Chairman Alderson asked if there were any changes to the Minutes of
September 09, 2008. There being none, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Barrows/Wilkinson to approve the minutes as submitted.
Unanimously approved.
A. Site Development Permit 2008-904; a request of T. D. Desert
Development for consideration of architectural and landscaping plans for
six new prototypical unit types and a sales center, located on the east
side of Madison Street between Avenue 58 and Avenue 60 in Andalusia
at Coral Mountain.
Chairman Alderson opened the public hearing and asked for the staff
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September 23, 2008
Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the
staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning Department.
Chairman Alderson asked for the location of the houses which were
already constructed. Staff highlighted the location on the power point
exhibit and explained the completed areas and proposed residences.
Commissioner Barrows had a question as to whether the lawn was next
to the curb and whether there was an Ordinance preventing that. Staff
said the lawn is next to the curbs and there are requirements for the
distance between the curb and the sprinkler heads.
Commissioner Barrows suggested the landscape architect modify the
plans to move the lawn from the curb up next to the building as she was
concerned about the functionality of the turf and water runoff into the
Commissioner Wilkinson said he toured the site and saw no parking
available for the models. Staff said if the plan was approved parking
spaces would be required.
Commissioner Wilkinson asked if the City had any plans to require a
percentage of new developments to meet no turf requirements. Planning
Director Johnson replied the City did not have such a requirement and
explained how the landscaping assessment was done by the Coachella
Valley Water District (CVWD) in the review of the final landscaping plans.
Their review includes the efficiency provisions of their Ordinance and
contains water allowances and turf calculations based on what is
proposed. He pointed out the majority of the current residences were
built under the previous provisions, and new building would be reviewed
under the latest provisions.
Staff pointed out it was the Commission's option to impose something
more restrictive and used the example of the restrictions on water
Commissioner Wilkinson commented on the seriousness of water
conservation. Staff said the conversation was certainly relevant to new
construction, but of major concern was retrofitting or redevelopment of
existing landscaped areas. The current efficiency standards would help
with future development.
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Commissioner Wilkinson asked if all the new homes had the Smart
Controllers offered by CVWD. Staff replied they were a required element
for new construction, but did not know if that applied to single family
Commissioner Barrows said she thought the City Ordinance required
Smart Controllers and it applied to developer-installed versus single-
family. Staff replied they would get back to the Commission on the
specifics, but whatever CVWD identified in their model ordinance was
followed by the City. Staff said there was currently a program to assist
with the purchase of Smart Controllers for retrofitting.
Chairman Alderson asked if the Smart Controllers were a requirement
would they be installed. Staff replied if they were mandated they would
be included. This would be addressed in the final landscape plans.
Chairman Alderson asked if the reference on Page 3, Paragraph 5 referred
to exterior trowel-smoothed plaster such as that in Andalusia. Staff
replied it was the same as stucco.
Chairman Alderson asked if the second story, at 28 feet, was in violation
of the City's height codes. Staff replied the Code allowed 32 feet.
Chairman Alderson asked if there would be any sight problems with the
two-story versus the one-story homes as he was concerned about the
effect upon the current residences. Staff said it was a buyers' option and
there could be situations where there could be a conflict.
Chairman Alderson asked if staff had a site plan for the Commissioners to
view. Staff said they did not have a site plan identifying the location of
possible two-story units. Staff suggested the developer's architect might
have more information on this issue.
Planning Director Johnson pointed out there was a condition of approval
that did not allow the two-story option to be built against existing homes.
The matter would only be pertinent to new construction away from, and
not adjacent to, the existing homes. Staff made every effort to make
sure there was a separation between the established residences.
Chairman Alderson had a question about the lot coverage and asked if it
was within Code. Staff said yes.
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There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Alderson asked if
there were any applicant representatives or comments.
Mr. Mark Pekarek, Pekarek-Kendall Architects, 31872 Camino
Capistrano, Suite 100, San Juan Capistrano, California, introduced
himself and gave a presentation of the layout of the lots and how the
views were effected by the layout.
Commissioner Quill asked it there was a representative from Andalusia.
Mr. Pekarek replied there was not. Commissioner Quill asked if Mr.
Pekarek knew if the front yards were maintained by a homeowners'
association with a single gardening service maintaining them all.
Mr. Pekarek said the front yards were maintained by the homeowners'
association while the rear yards were maintained by the individual
Chairman Alderson referred to Commissioner Wilkinson's earlier
comments on the water conservation and asked how much sod was
contained in each home not using the desert plan. Commissioner Quill
replied it was only about eight feet wide. The Commissioners and staff
then went over the landscaping plans.
Commissioner Weber asked if Mr. Pekarek knew whether the homes
were being built to minimum Title 24 standards, or did they go beyond
that. Mr. Pekarek replied they were making efforts to include as much
energy efficiency as possible with the addition of features such as solar
light wells on the roof and tankless water heaters. Their objective was to
build a greener product than what was presently there.
Commissioner Weber asked if they were anticipating the inclusion of
solar panels. Mr. Pekarek said he was not sure because it is a golf
community and there is sensitivity of the issue of concrete versus clay
tiles due to the possibility of golf balls damaging the roofs.
Commissioner Weber said he hoped future developers would work with
the local utility on recommendations for energy efficiency measures. Mr.
Pekarek said at one time they did consider working towards LEED
certification, but he couldn't guarantee that now. Commissioner Weber
commented on LEED certification, Title 24, and the ability to build a
marketable green product.
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Commissioner Weber asked if an ALRC condition regarding decorative
treatment in the driveway had been included. Staff replied the ALRC had
asked the applicant to include pavers in the design of the driveway to
draw visual attention to the front door since it was somewhat offset and
hidden from the street view.
Mr. Pekarek asked that Proposed Plan 11 be shown to the
Commissioners and he described the layout and pointed out where the
paved driveway would be included. He agreed a design enhancement was
needed to define the home's entry.
Commissioner Weber asked about the logistics of the staff review of the
condition requesting the pavers. Staff responded by saying typically the
Building & Safety Department reviewed the prototypical plans, and
oversaw compliance of the conditions.
Commissioner Weber asked if no-turf was a viable option and wanted to
know the percentage of existing homes utilizing that option. He
wondered if many buyers were utilizing this option since their landscaping
was maintained by the homeowners' association. Mr. Pekarek said he
was not really able to comment on that because he was not the
landscape architect. However, he did not recall seeing any of the
existing homes with lawn but were, instead, utilizing a desertscape
Commissioner Barrows wanted to know if there was an opportunity for
the homeowner to provide window shading either through the planting of
trees or through architectural features. She did not see anything on the
drawings that addressed that concern.
Mr. Pekarek said there was nothing in the plans as there was only atwo-
inch recess on the windows. However, they were using windows with a
low-E factor, high shading coefficient. Those features should help reduce
some of the solar impact on the homes.
Commissioner Barrows said she was interested in modifications that
could provide more shading; such as planting trees, but that was the
homeowner's prerogative. Mr. Pekarek said that was a landscaping issue.
Commissioner Barrows said the project had a lot of turf, in terms of the
golf course and water, but she was in agreement with staff's
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September 23, 2008
Chairman Alderson asked staff if they knew what percentage decided not
to go to a no-turf option. Planning Director Johnson said since it's
addressed on a case-by-case basis with the individual homes, he could
not provide a specific percentage or number.
Chairman Alderson asked if staff noticed any current trend in the choice
of no-turf landscaping. Staff said they did not see a heavy use of that
option. He cited the example of the Standard Pacific development on
Avenue 58.
Chairman Alderson asked Mr. Pekarek if he agreed with the conditions of
approval. Mr. Pekarek said the client agreed to them.
Commissioner Wilkinson was concerned about the possibility of the two
story homes being restricted to one side of the street versus another. He
gave the example of Phase 3, where the two story homes could be
located on the north side of the street they would be looking over the
other houses and that made sense. But, if the houses on the south side
of the street exercise the option they would not be looking at any
mountains and would be blocking the peoples' views from across the
street. Mr. Pekarek said that was correct.
Commissioner Wilkinson asked if there was any thought given to limiting
the second story option. Mr. Pekarek said yes. They planned to pre-plot
each house and eliminate the second story from certain lots. He added
the second floor was designed only for the 55 foot lots. The two story
lots would mainly border Avenue 60 where their rear view was the golf
course, and the front view would be homes. In other areas they will mix
in the two story homes to vary the street scene.
There being no further applicant comments Chairman Alderson asked if
there was any public comment.
There being no further questions, or public comment, Chairman Alderson
closed the public participation portion of the meeting and opened the
matter for Commission discussion.
Commissioner Barrows recommended complete elimination of the turf;
and if that is not acceptable, move the turf away from the curb.
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September 23, 2008
Chairman Alderson asked if Commissioner Barrows was suggesting the
turf be moved back from the curb a specific distance. Commissioner
Barrows replied there doesn't need to be any turf at all given the amount
of turf included in the project, in terms of the golf course.
Commissioner Weber asked if she was referring to natural turf or
suggesting artificial turf would be of benefit. Commissioner Barrows said
artificial turf would be acceptable. She said the Commission should be
very careful about natural turf next to the curb.
Commissioner Barrows suggested more architectural enhancements along
the windows on the left and right elevations to provide shading.
Commissioner Quill said this was a very high quality community, but he
also had concerns about the turf being so close to the street. He gave a
breakdown of the calculation of water run off from the street side turf.
He said he would also prefer to eliminate the turf as he thought the turf
was not in a very good location. He echoed the sentiments of
Commissioners Weber and Barrows on their sustainable energy
Commissioner Wilkinson said he saw this as a slow transition in terms of
sustainability, energy efficiency, and the reduction of water use and
added the comment that the rolled curbs would cause the runoff to be
even more severe. He asked if there was a way to condition a
percentage of the lots be no turf landscape.
Commissioner Quill said what he and Commissioner Barrows were
suggesting was no turf at all.
Chairman Alderson asked if Commissioner Wilkinson was asking about
making some type of future restriction on all projects.
Commissioner Wilkinson said he didn't want to change the Code but to
add a new condition. He asked if they could actually require no turf. He
added if people of means want turf, they are going to put it in as soon as
they move in.
Commissioner Quill said he believed the front yard landscaping couldn't
be changed if it was maintained by the homeowners' association.
Commissioner Wilkinson was concerned whether the Planning
Commission could actually condition zero turf in a development.
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Chairman Alderson said we can give them the no turf option which is
part of the conditions of approval now or they can landscape it the way
they have it now using an artificial turf as an alternative.
Planning Director Johnson added the Commission should identify what
approach they took to establish the no-turf condition for all, or a
percentage, of the units and just make sure it is clear for the record what
substantiated that position.
Chairman Alderson said there was no equitable way, in one meeting,
that they could establish percentages with all the different sizes and
configurations on the lots. He said he would go with the
recommendation of a no turf option or, if they do want to put in turf,
make it artificial.
There was no further discussion, and it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Barrows/ Weber to approve Minute Motion 2008-015
recommending approval of Site Development Permit 2008-904 with the
addition of a condition that would either remove the turf from the front
yard landscaping or provide for artificial turf to be used instead.
Unanimously approved.
B. General Plan Amendment 2008-114 and Zone Change 2008-134; a
request the City of La Quinta for consideration of amendments to the La
Quinta General Plan and Zoning Map, amending the land use designations
of three existing school sites and a community facility from various land
uses and zoning designations to Major Community Facilities (MC-, located
at Site A-Colonel Mitchell Paige Middle School; Site B-Horizon School;
Site C-Benjamin Franklin Elementary School; and Site D-Fritz Burns
Community Park and a portion of the adjacent City Public Works Yard.
Chairman Alderson opened the public hearing and asked for the staff
Principal Planner Andrew Mogensen presented the information contained
in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning Department.
Commissioner Weber commented on the recent training he and
Commissioner Wilkinson received regarding school planning. He
acknowledged the Commission would probably not have any future
opportunities to comment on school zoning since Desert Sands Unified
School District (DSUSD) was probably built-out in La Quinta. He hoped if
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conditions changed the City and DSUSD would develop better
communications in the planning process as this correction was happening
after the fact possibly due to lack of communication. He noted the school
district could have used a representative at the meeting.
Chairman Alderson asked about Area D and questioned what area of the
City Yard would be devoted to the fire station; as well as the access.
Staff explained what portion of the property would be devoted to the fire
Planning Director Johnson said the whole property would not be devoted
to the fire station. He explained the 1) phasing of the plan, 2) street
alignment, 3) signalization of Avenue 52, and 4) proposed site plan.
Commissioner Weber complimented the City on working with the utility
companies to try to insure the design was energy efficient. He
commended the City for doing their due diligence to maximize the
project's efficiency.
Commissioner Quill recommended staff write a letter to the Traditions
sales office, sales representatives, and homeowners' association to
indicate to them the necessity of disclosing the potential of the fire
station to any prospective home buyers of property along the back wall.
Planning Director Johnson said they did contact the Vice President of the
homeowners' association. He was informed most of the homeowners
were away and would not return until November or December. Staff
understands the importance of being a good neighbor and definitely
wanted to hear the homeowners' input. He added that staff is prepared
to meet with them to talk about specifics of the site.
He did note, from a noise standpoint, there would not be much change
from the existing fire station as it is currently closer to residences than
the proposed new location. The Fire Department views this new location
as being a more effective and efficient location to serve the Cove and
surrounding areas.
There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Alderson asked if
there were any applicant representatives or comments.
There being no further applicant comments Chairman Alderson asked if
there was any public comment.
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There being no further questions, or public comment, Chairman Alderson
closed the public participation portion of the meeting and opened the
matter for Commission discussion.
There was no further discussion, and it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Barrows/Quill to approve Resolution 2008-025
recommending approval of General Plan Amendment 2008-114 as
submitted. Unanimously approved.
There was no further discussion, and it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Barrows/Quill to approve Resolution 2008-026
recommending approval of Zone Change 2008-134 as submitted.
Unanimously approved.
C. General Plan Amendment 2008-117 and Zone Change 2008-137; a
request of the City of La Quinta for consideration of an amendment to
the La Quinta General Plan and Zoning Map to revise the land use
identification of a .32 acre parcel zoned Parks and Recreation to Tourist
Commercial on the Official General Plan and Zoning Map, located
southeast of the intersection of Washington Street and Miles Avenue.
Chairman Alderson opened the public hearing and asked for the staff
Principal Planner Andrew Mogensen presented the information contained
in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning Department.
Commissioner Weber asked if the Redevelopment Agency had already
taken some action on this change. Staff replied the Redevelopment
Agency was in the process of crafting a development agreement for a
future restaurant on the adjacent parcel. This change of land use zoning
would facilitate any future action which would of course be approved by
the Commission and Council.
Chairman Alderson asked if by combining these two pieces you would
have a little over an acre of workable land for a restaurant. Staff replied
that was correct.
There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Alderson asked if
there were any applicant representatives or comments.
There being no applicant comments Chairman Alderson asked if there
was any public comment.
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Mr. John Corella, 79-785 Shadwell Circle, La Quinta, California,
introduced himself and said he represented Hibachi restaurant and
commented on the desirability of the location.
There being no further questions, or public comment, Chairman Alderson
closed the public participation portion of the meeting and opened the
matter for Commission discussion.
There was no further discussion, and it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Quill/Wilkinson to approve Resolution 2008-027
recommending approval of General Plan Amendment 2008-117 as
submitted. Unanimously approved.
There was no further discussion, and it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Quill/Wilkinson to approve Resolution 2008-028
recommending approval of Zone Change 2008-137 as submitted.
Unanimously approved.
D. Sign Application 2008-1281; a request of Highway One Eleven Partners,
LLC for consideration of a sign program for the Madison Square
commercial retail development, located on the northeast corner of
Highway 111 and Dune Palms Road.
Planning Director informed the Commission the applicant had requested a
continuance to the next meeting. Applicant is in the process of making
changes to the sign plan.
There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Quill /Barrows to continue Sign Application 2008-1281 to
October 14, 2008, as requested. Unanimously approved
A. Commissioner Quill gave a report on the City Council Meeting of
September 16, 2008. Commissioner Weber is scheduled to present the
next Council report.
B. Chairman Alderson thanked the Public Works Department for their
provision of the Construction Reports and Schedules. He said he had
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some concerns about the lack of progress on Highway 111 and
appreciated the information contained in the reports. Planning Director
Johnson commented on the completion date for the Highway 111
improvements which was scheduled for the Thanksgiving holiday
weekend, if not sooner.
Commissioner Quill gave an anecdotal comment about taking the bus and
the importance of properly planning for sidewalks, proper placement of
bus stops and the obstacles pedestrian face if the planning is done
Commissioner Weber commented on the Planning Commissioner Training
he had attended and showed some of the exhibits he received. He said it
was really good training and appreciated the City allowing them to
opportunity to attend.
Planning Director Johnson updated the Commissioners on the training
series and said he was impressed with the presentations and the quality
of the speakers who were there. The Commissioners received a sheet of
upcoming events and were advised to let staff know if they were
interested in attending any one of the series events.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Quill/Wilkinson to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to the next
regular meeting to be held on October 14, 2008. This regular meeting was adjourned
at 8:18 p.m. on September 23, 2008.
Respectfully submitte~
Carolyn Iker, Executive Secretary
City of La Quinta, California
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