PCRES 1993-025die City of La Quinta, Calfornia Planning Commission l~,esolution 93-025 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF TIIE CITY OF LA CZUINTA, CALIFORNIA COMMENDING K. FRED MOSfIER FOR IIIS SERVICE TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION. fired MosFcer WtIL%2L4c5. K. Fred Mosher has served es a member of the Planning Commission for three years (from July 3, 1990 to Juae 30, 1993) with dedication and distinction; and W/IERL'~d, he has served ae Viec Chairmen of the Planning Commission For thtte years; and W/IL'r2P.A6. durigg Mr. Mosher'e tenure some major aeeompliahments of the Commission mere made including the adoption of various City orxlinaneea end projxts such as Timc Share Regulations, OffBtnxt Parking 8iandards, Fcneing Standards, Adults Enterlainmcnt Business Ordinance, Transportation Demand Management, Fugitive Dust Control, Equcatiian Overlay Chdinenec, Annexations #5 through #9, the merging of C.2cdwelopment Arcaa #1 end #2, the Updated Gty General Plan, and the ttiatortical Prrservation Ordinance, and, WtIL'l2F.t16. durigg Mr. Moshet~a leadership some major development projccis mere reviewed and approved incudigg Desert floapital, Simon Plaza, 'The CLuarry~. One Eleven La Qiints Shopping Center, Washington Square, Eisenhower Medical Center, The Pyramids Golf Resort, The Tradition, and Landmark BpxiEe Plana. WtIFRFeId. since his appointment in 1990, Mr. Mosher has won the respect and admiration of the Planning CAmmiaaion and Planning and Development BtaEf for his knowledge, for{hrightnesa, integrity and willingness to expend numerous hours of time and energies on behalf of the citizens of the Gty of La Cuinia; and, W/IEA7F,t16. the exemplary conduct and sense of fairness has been demonstrated in all his duties has been an influence for well planned grom(h and progn:Ba for the Gty and citizens of La Aunts and such dedication tD the public welfare should lx appropriately commended. NOW. TfICRL'FOi2C 8L^/T G?F,60LVL'D, by the Planning Commission of the Gty of Le Quinta, that lL Fred Masher is hereby commended for his service to the City of La Quinta, and is extended sincere best wishes for future success and happioeae; and BE IT F(IR7'/fER RtdOLVFD, that his Resolution be recorded as part of the oEfiaal Minutes of the Plannigg Commission on this 22nd day of June, 1993. ~~aZ T~- Katie Barrows, Chairwoman ~r2lO Donald Marrs, Commissioner mnh..,-., ~~Q~,t,-UJ Mario Ellson, Commissioner Donald Adolph, Commissioner