06-2473 (BLCK)3. BOX 1504 -495 CALLE TAMPICO L QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 Application Number: Property Address: APN: Application description Property Zoning: Application valuation: Applicant: 06_ 0 2473____] -52250'ROSEWOOD LN 772-410-997-143 -32070 - WALL/FENCE MEDIUM HIGH DENSITY RES 4.375 Architect or Engineer: WA- BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMIT LICENSEDCONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Busi ,ss and Professionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License Class: A -B Li nseNo.: 690645 te: AMZtractor: _2��OWCNER'BUILA DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's State License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county that requires a permit to .construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit to file a signed statement that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's State License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he or she is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500).: 1 _ 1 I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does the work himself or herself through his or her own employees, provided that the improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he or she did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). - (_ 1 I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for the projects with a contractors) licensed pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.). ( _ 1 I am exempt under Sec. , B.&P.C. for this reason Date: Owner: CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under. penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.). Lender's Name: ,. Lender's Address: LQPERM[T VOICE (760) 777-7012 FAX (760) 777-7011 INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 Date: 8/07/06 Owner: RJT HOMES - CODORNIZ P.O. BOX 810 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Contractor: RJT INVESTMENTS I 1425-E. UNIVERSIT IVE PHOENIX, AZ 85034 AUG 09 2006 (602)257-1656 Lic. No.: 690645 CITY OF LA QUINTA FINANCE DEPT. WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: _ I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. �_4_ have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Carrier STATE FLTND Policy Number 0460014793 _ I certify that, in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that, if I.should become subject tolty workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor (;Ve, I shall f9rtf�a,�h cotnrfy with those provisions. WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORK9As, COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000). IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on this application. I . Each person upon whose behalf this application is made, each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this application, the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees for any act or omission related to the work being performed under or following issuance of this permit. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. ' I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating. to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this county to enter upon the above-mentioned prop7►AY/�Ifor inspects u ses. gf nature (Applicant or Agents/V' . Application Number . . . . 06-00002473 Permit . . . WALL/FENCE PERMIT Additional desc . Permit Fee . . . . 72.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date . . . .. Valuation . . . . 4375 Expiration Date 2/03/07 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 45.00 3.00 9.0000 THOU BLDG 2,001-25,000 27.00 --=------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Notes and Comments e 175 L.F. OF VARYING HEIGHT COMBO WALL,(UP TO 7.5' RETAINING, 6' GARDEN), PER APPROVED ANGELUS SPEC. Fee summary Charged Paid Credited. Ise ----------------------------------------------- Permit Fee Total 72.00 00 ---------- 00 72.00 Plan Check Total .00 .00, .00 .00 Grand Total. 72.00 .00 .00 72.00 �J 1 • ffBLOCK CO., INC. 61NCE 1918 DESIGN CRITERIA 1. Design Wind Speed: 70mph (Exp C) 2. Seismic Zone 4, 10.8 km from Seismic Source Type A 3. Masonry compressive strength, fm = 1500 psi (Special Inspection Required) 4. Active Soil Pressure = 35 pcf 5. Allowable Soil Bearing Pressure = 2500 psf, increased by Y3 per soils report 6. Allowable Soil Passive Pressure = 375 pcf per soils repport 7. Coefficient of Friction = 0.35, reduced by Y3 per soils report NOTES 1. Reinforcing steel shall be deformed and conform to ASTM A 615 Grade 40 for #4 bars and smaller, and Grade 60 for #5 bars and larger 2. Joint reinforcement ("ladder" type) shall be cold -drawn steel wire conforming to UBC 21-10, Part 1 3. Strength of concrete for footings = 2000psi @ 28 days 4. Concrete block shall conform to UBC Std 21-4. Angelus Block Precision or Split Face, with or without mortarless head joints (tounge-and-groove ends), or Slumpstone (TM) units may be used 5. Mortar shall be Spec Mix Type S Preblended Mortar as manufactured by E -Z Mix Inc., conforming to proportions and requirements of UBC Table 21-A, UBC Std 21-15, and ASTM C 270 6. Grout shall conform to UBC Std 21-19 and UBC Table 21-B, and shall have a minimum compressive strength at 28 days of 2000 psi 7. First course of block shall be permitted to be wet set in concrete. The concrete block should be set a min of 3/4" and a max of 1-1/2" into the concrete footing within 30 min of pouring the concrete 8. Concrete block shall be laid in running bond pattern with vertical continuity of the cells 9. Vertical control joints shall be spaced at a maximum of 40'-0" o.c., or if wall is to be stucco coated, 20'-0" o.c. 10. Architect or engineer of record shall verity that all assumptions and calculations are appropriate for the specific project under consideration' 11. Soil properties are based on and foundations are designed in accordance with the Geotechnical Report by arth Systems Southwest d d Octo a 30, 2003 �ANIR& J 1p, S016 * tio. 06/30/08 �PUCT�PO qlf OF CA���` DATE: 7/17/06 PROJECT: Cordorniz LOCATION: La Quint; EXTEND WALL REINF AT LEAST 20" INTO RETAINING EXTEND WALL REINF AT LEAST 26" FINISHED GRADE , i 6" MIN ANGELUS BLOCK MASONRY FENCE WALL SYSTEM 6'-0" THIGH SITE WALL '(C @ 70) W/'Iv'- 4" RETAINING OPTIONAL WALL CAP #6 STD DUR-O-WAL (OR EQUIV) . "LADDER" TYPE JOINT REINF AT TOP COURSE (#5 STD FOR SLUMPSTONE) 6" (NOMINAL) CMU :H]—SEE NOTE #4 GROUT CELLS W/ REINF JOINT REINF �@ MID -HEIGHT #4 @ 40" o.c. CENTER OF WALL JOINT REINF @ FIRST COURSE #4 @ 48" o.c. /(3 -LOCATIONS MIN) �– 2" CLR #5 @ 16" o.c. 8" (NOMINAL) CMU —SEE NOTE #4 GROUT CELLS SOLID 6'-0" (MAX) 12- (NOMINAL) CMU SEE NOTE #4 GROUT CELLS 30LID 2Y2"CLR #6 @ 8" o.c. 4"0 PERFO'2ATED PIPE 1CU.FT. MIMOF %4'-1Y2" OPEN GRADED GRAVEL WATERPROJF BACK OF WALL SEE GEOTE:;H REPORT FOR ADDITIONAL DRAINAGE REQUIREMENTS 3" CLR 17 OV TMP , I w T 3" CLR 12" 6'-11" (MIN) I, CA 1 __6; 2 - Z Sb /--Za�deo LAI. 4'-0" (MAX) 3'-4" (MAX) — 3 - #5 CONT — 2 - #5 CONT — #6 @ 16" o.c. V-9" (MIN) rF + - t#5 @ 16" o.c. �26- ' scAi NTS fffAl WEIDLINGER ASSOCIATES INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS ❑ Nit: ET ING MINUTES PROJECT TO ❑ FIELD OBSERVATION FIRM 1pAl NUMBER ❑ TELEPHONE LOG ❑ MEMORANDUM BN, DATE PHONE FAX ❑ DESIGN NOTES. CHECKED 31, DATE PAGE OF SUBJECT MASONRY WALL DESIGN —_ FORT--...._ - - CODORN-IZ PROJECT- I in (---- La Qu-inta -.._. _ CALIFORNIA- --. Prepared for: RJT HOMES by: Hart-Weid.linger 2525_Mickigan Ave -D2 Santa Monica, CA 90404 310-998-9154 <-ph 310=998-9254---N i --._..-_- I Description Page No! _.. 6'_Fence.wall. with. .7' Retaining_ A1_to_A8 _.. i ACTION .. .___.._ - Q�p GpNIRO� F�,c m... v 0't406' . -- ...... -- * ExP. 06/30/08 -- -- ---tp _. gTFOF CAS\F� COVER-CODORNIZ.As - - - DISTRIBUTION AI WEIDLINGER ASSOCIATES INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS ❑ MEETINGI.IINUTES _ ❑ FIELD OBSERVATION ❑ TELEPHONE LOG ❑ MEMORANDUM ❑ D13SIGNNOTES PROJECT FI RM Cordomiz WhI NUMBER FAX PAGE 26507-210-01 9YDATE MK 7/17/2006 CHECKED BY DATE 7' Retaining + 6' Fence Wall WALL Wall Data Height of Wall Segment 3, H3 = FI RM PHONE FAX PAGE �I OF Height of Wall Segment 3, H3 = 6.00 feet Thickness of Wall Segment 3, t,3 = 5.5 in Weight of Wall Segment 3, y ,, = 46 psf H3 t N, Height of Wall Segment 2, H2 = 4.00 feet 7 L2e H Thickness of Wall Segment 2, t„2 = 7.5 in Weight of Wall Segment 2, y,2 = 84 psf Hz twz I � Height of Wall Segment 1, H, = 3.33 feet Thickness of Wall Segment 1, tw, = 11.5 in I Weight of Wall Segment 1, yw, = 133 psf tw, I Foundation Data H, Length of Toe, L, = 0.50 ft L' Lh ds Length of Heel, Lh =. 5.42 ft Thickness of Foundation, If = 12 in Depth of Key, dk = 21 in tf Width of Key, tk = 12 in dk Distance to Key, Lk = 5.92 ft Effective Soil Cover, ds = 6 in Lk tk Backfill Slope = 1000000 :1 Height of Slope above Wall, Hs = 0.00 ft Soil Properties Unit Weight, y = 110.5 pcf Allowable Bearing Pressure, qa = 3333 psf incresed by 1/3 per soils report Lateral Active Pressure Coeff, Ka = " 0.32 = 35 pcf per soils report Lateral Passive Pressure Coeff, KP = 3.39 = 375 pcf per soils report Coef. of Friction, µ =. 0.233 0.35 reduced by 1/3 per soils report Wind Forces (Wall Segment 3) Basic Wind Speed = 70 mph ... Figure 164, 1997 UBC Occupancy Category = 5 (Miscellaneous Structure) ... Table16-K, 1997 UBC Exposure = C Section 1613, 1997 UBC Wind Stagnation Pressure, qs = 12.6 psf ... Tablel6-=, 1997 UBC 3/4 Reduction in qs for Fence = 10.0 psf Section 1624, 1997 UBC Height, Exposure and Gust Coeff, Ce = 1.06 ... Table16-G, 1997 UBC Pressure Coefficient, Cq = 1.2 ... Table16-H, 1997 UBC Wind Importance Factor, Iw = 1.00 ... Tablel6=<, 1997 UBC Wind Pressure, P = CeCggslw = 12.72 psf ... Section 162D, 1997 UBC Wall Wind Load, P„,3 = 76.32 lbs/ft T Retaining + 6' fence.xls We®® o IVAI WEIDLINGER ASSOCIATES INC CONSULTING ENG INEERS ❑ MEETINGMINUTES O FIELD OBSERVATION ❑ TELEPHONE LOG ❑ MEMORANDUM ❑ DESIGN NOTES PROJECT Cordorniz VLSI NUMBER 26507-210-01 BY DATE MK 7/17/2006 CHECKED BY DATE Earthquake Forces (Wall Seoment 3) Seismic Zone = 4 Soil Profile Type = Sd Seismic Source Type = A. Closest Distance to Seismic Source 10.8 km Seismic Importance Factor, Ip, 1.00 Seismic Zone Factor, Z = 0.4 Near Source Factor, Na = 1.00 Near Source Factor, N. = 1.2 Seismic Coefficient, Ca = 0.440 Seismic Coefficient, C„ = 0.748 Horizontal Force Factor, ap = 1.0 Horizontal Force Factor, RP = 3.0 h)h, = 0.0 Seismic Pressure, Fp = a pc-atp 11+ 3 li Iv$ = 6.75 psf Minimum Force, Fp = 0.7CaIPWP 14.17 psf <== governs Maximum Force , Fp = 4CIpWp 80.96 psf Wall Earthquake Load, P,,,, = (Fp/1.4)H3 60.72 lbs/ft Wind Loads Govern, P,3 = 76.32 lbs/ft Soil Forces phi a P- pre w pas prs Pas Wa�i7�yarl'i Pro Q. Depth to I P.'�t P pa Ignore. tl„° r r a.,u NoT�?i R� P,�n _.. P. Wsa W P Rs Y - toff`. P arra c pa pa e: 'T1 PD 1 par .w yy� R vii^ ActiY Miscellaneous Lateral Force, Pah = 0.5y5(H,+H2+Hs+tr)2KacosO = 1228 lbs/ft 7' Retaining + 6' fence.xts TO Fl P.M PHONE FAX PAGE OF ... Table16-14 1997 UBC ... Tablel64, 1997 UBC ... Tablel6-�. 1997 UBC ... Table16-T, 1997 UBC Tablel6-C, 1997 UBC Table16-F, 1997 UBC Table16-C, 1997 UBC Tablel6-C, 1997 UBC IOI®A IVAI WEIDLINGER ASSOCIATES INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS ❑ MEETINGMINUTES ❑ FIELD OBSERVATION ❑ TELEPHONE LOG ❑ MEMORANDUM ❑ DESIGNNOTES PROJECT h (ft) Cordorniz Wki NUMBER P (lbs/ft) y 26507-210-01 BsDATE 1.00 0 MK 7/17/2006 CHEC KED BY DATE Passive Force, Depth of Soil to Ignore, d,p = 12 in PP = 0,5ys(ds+tf+dk-dP,)2KP = 948 lbs/ft Miscellaneous Soil Forces (Surchage. EQ. etc) Vertical Surcharge Load, Pmv = 0 psf Length of Surcharge on Footing, Lm, = 0 ft Miscellaneous Lateral Loads, TD F1 R?., PHONE FAX PAGE br OF (Dynamic lateral earth Pressure persoils report) Seg h (ft) Pb (psf) pt (psf) P (lbs/ft) y Py 1 1.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 2 1.67 132 132 219.97 1.83 403.26 3 1.67 132 132. 219.97 3.50 769.83 4 1.33 132 132 175.99 5.00 879.90 5 1.33 132 132 175.99 6.33 1114.56 6 1.33 132 132 175.99 1 7.67 1349.21 qui I ybl /.yl II 4bl 10/ I� Miscellaneous Lateral Load, Pmh = 968 lbs/ft Location from Base, ymh = 4.67 ft Check Sliding: Weight of Segments, Soil: Ws, = ys(H1+1-12)1-h = 4389 lbs /ft Ws2 = 0.5ye1-131-h = 0 VVO = ysdsLt = 28 Ws4 = ysdkLk = 1144 Wall: Ww1 = yw11-11 = 443 Ww2 = y�21-12 = 336 Ww3 — Yw3H3 = 276 Foundation: Wf = y,H(L,+tw+Lh) = 1031 key: Wk = ycdktk = 263 Pav = 0.5ys(H,+H2+HB+tf+dk)2Kasin9 = 0 Pmv = 0 EW = 7910 lbs /ft Resisting Force = µEW + PP =. 2791 lbs /ft Driving Force = Pah+P13+Penh = 2272 lbs /ft Factor of Safety Against Sliding = 1.23 OK . 7' Retaining + 6' fence.xls ®s®® IVAI WEIDLINGER ASSOCIATES INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS ❑ MEETINGMINUTES ❑ FIELD OBSERVATION ❑ TELEPHONE LOG ❑ 1AFMORANDUM ❑ DESIGNNOTES PROJECT 2.78 OK Cordorniz WAINUMBER' Vertical Load on Footing, P = EW = 6766 lbs/ft 26507-210-01 BY DATE Segment MK 7/17/2006 CHECKEDBY - DATE FI RM PHONE FAX PAGE A, Lt OF Check Overtuminq about Toe Applied Moment, MS = Pah(Hf+H2+tf+HS)/3 + Pw3(tf+Hf+H2 +0.51-13) + PmhYmh = 8792 ft-lbs/ft Rpsistinn Mnmpnts. Factor of Safety Against Overturning = 2.78 OK Check Soil Bearing Beneath Foundation Moment about Toe Vertical Load on Footing, P = EW = 6766 lbs/ft Weight Arm Moment Eccentricity about Foundation Center, e = Segment (lbs/ft) (ft) (ft-lbs/ft) Soil W5f W52 M3 4389 0 28 4.17 18290 5.07 0 0.25 7 Wall Ww, W,,2 Ww3 443 336 276 0.98 434 0.81 273.. 0.73 201 Found. Wf 1031 3.44 3545 Key Wh 263 6.42 1684 Pa„ 0 6.88 0 P— 0 6.88 0 11 6766 Mr= 24435 Factor of Safety Against Overturning = 2.78 OK Check Soil Bearing Beneath Foundation Vertical Load on Footing, P = EW = 6766 lbs/ft Eccentricity about Toe, e' = (M; MS)/P 2.31 ft Eccentricity about Foundation Center, e = 1.13 ft < U6 = 1.15 ft OK Moment abt. Fdtn Center, M = Pe = 7617 ft-lbs/ft of = £W/(Lt+tw+Lh) + 6EM/(L,+tw+Lh)2 = 1951 psf /ft OK qh = EW/(Lf+tw+Lh) - 6EM/(Lt+tw+Lh)2 = 17 psf /ft OK T Retaining + 6' fence.xls ®II® IVAI WEIDLINGER ASSOCIATES INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS ❑ MEETINGMINUTES ❑ FIELD OBSERVATION ❑ TELEPHONE LOG ❑ MEMORANDUM ❑ DESIGN NOTES PROJECT 229.0 ft -lbs /ft Cordorniz W -d NUMBER Masonry Compressive Strength, fm = 1500 psi 26507-210-01 BY DATE Y (y/n) MK 7/17/2006 CHEC KED BY DATE TO F1 RM PHONE FAX PAGE 4 OF ' 1 Design of Wall Reinforcement 229.0 ft -lbs /ft Material Properties 36 in Masonry Compressive Strength, fm = 1500 psi Steel Yield Stress = 40 ksi Special Inspection ? Y (y/n) Earthquake/Wind ? Y (y/n) Modular Ratio = 25.8 Design of Wall Segment 3 - Working Stress Design Try Longitudinal Reinforcement: #4 bars at 40 'inches o.c. Axial Loads, Combined Stress Ratio, fa/Fa + fb/Fb = Axial Load = 276.0 lbs /ft Equivalent Solid Thickness, t = 3.9 inches . Axial Compressive Stress, fa = 5.90 psi, Radius of Gyration, r = 1.76 inches h'/r = 81.82 < 99 ==> Fa = 246.9 psi ... Section 2107.2.5, 1997 UBC Flexural Loads, Moment, M3 = (Pw31-13/2) = 229.0 ft -lbs /ft Effective Width, b = min(6t, s) = 36 in Effective Depth, d= y2 = 2.75 in AS = 0.20 in` per 40 in p = 0.00202 k = 0.275 ... Equation (7-33) 1997 UBC j = 1-k/3 = 0.908 ... Equation (7-35) 1997 UBC Compressive Stress in Masonry, fb = 269.5 psi ... Equation (7-32) 1997 UBC Allowable Comp. Stress in Masonry, Fb = 495 psi Combined Stress Ratio, fa/Fa + fb/Fb = 0.57 < 1.33 OK Tensile Stress in Steel, fs = 18330.901 psi Allowable Tensile Stress in Steel, FS = 26666.667 psi OK Lap Splice, Id = max(0.002dbf5 ,40db) = 20.0 inches 7' Retaining + 6' fence.xls - h IVAI WEIDLINGER ASSOCIATES INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS ❑ MEETINGMINUTES ❑ FIELD OBSERVATION ❑ TELEPHONE LOG ❑ MEMORANDUM ❑ DESIGNNOTES PROJECT h (ft) Cordomiz W"INUMBER P (lbs/ft) y 26507-210-01 BY DATE 132 MK 7/17/2006 CHECKED BY DATE Design of Wall Segment 2 - Working Stress Design Try Longitudinal Reinforcement: #5 bars at Axial Loads, Axial Load = 612.0 lbs /ft Equivalent Solid Thickness, t = 7.5 inches Axial Compressive Stress, fa = 6.80 psi Radius of Gyration, r = 2.17 inches h'/r = 110.85 > 99 Fa = 149.5 psi Flexural Loads, Pahl = 0.5 yH22KacosO = 282.88 lbs Miscellaneous Lateral Loads, H3 16 inches o.c. To FI RM PHONE FAX PAGE > -L OF Section 2107.2.5, 1997 UBC (Dynamic lateral earth Pressure per soils report) Hz R_7y-hp2 n,nz Pan2 Active Misc Seg h (ft) Pb (psf) p, (psf) P (lbs/ft) y Py 4 1.33 132 132 0.000001 0.67 6.667E-07 5 1.33 132 132 175.992 2 351.984 6 1.33 132 132. 175.992 3.3333333 586.64 L4 351.984 I938.624 Miscellaneous Lateral Load, Pmh2 = 352 lbs/ft Location from Segment 1, Ymh2 = 3 ft M2 = 13,3(1-12+Ha/2) +1/3Pah2H2+Pmh2Ymh2 = 1850.0 ft -lbs /ft Effective Width,.b = min(6t, s) = 16 in Effective Depth, d = 5.19 in AS = 0.31 int per 16 in p = 0.00373 k = 0.353 j = 1-k/3 = 0.882 Compressive Stress in Masonry , fb = 441.5 psi Allowable Comp. Stress in Masonry, Fb = 495 psi Combined Stress Ratio, fa/Fa + fb/Fb = 0.94 < 1.33 OK Tensile Stress in Steel, fs = 20861.401 psi Allowable Tensile Stress in Steel, Fs = 26666.667 psi OK Lap Splice, Id = max(0.002db% ,40db) = 26.1 inches 7' Retaining + 6' fence.xts Equation (7-33*, 1997 UBC Equation (7-35; 1997 UBC Equation (7-32 1997 UBC WIMM WWI WEIDLINGER ASSOCIATES INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS ❑ I•METINGMINUTES ❑ FIELD OBSERVATION ❑ TELEPHONE LOG ❑ MEMORANDUM ❑ DESIGN NOTES PROJECT h (ft) Cordomiz WAINUMBER #6 bars at 8 inches o.c. Axial Loads, 26507-210-01 BY DATE Equivalent Solid Thickness, t = MK 7/17/2006 CHEC KED BY DATE T()Tb PI RM PHONE FAX PAGE ��^q OF Design of Wall Segment 1 - Working Stress Desiqn h (ft) Pb (psf) Try Longitudinal Reinforcement: #6 bars at 8 inches o.c. Axial Loads, Py Axial Load = 1055.3 lbs /ft Equivalent Solid Thickness, t = 11.5 inches Axial Compressive Stress, fa = 7.65 psi Radius of Gyration, r = 3.32 inches hYr = 96.39 < 99 ==> Fa = 197.2 psi ... Section 2107.2.-, 1997 UBC Flexural Loads, Pan, = 0.5 y(H,+H2)2KaC❑SO = 950.70468 lbs Miscellaneous Lateral Loads, H, Adrve mist (Dynamic lateral earth Pressure per soils report) Seg h (ft) Pb (psf) pt (psf) P (lbs/ft) y Py 1 1.11 132 132 147 0.556 81 2 1.11 ' 132 132 147 1.667 244 3 1.11 132 132 147 2.778 407 4 1.33 132 132 176 4.000 704 5 1.33 132 132 176 5.333 939 6 1.33 132 132 176 1 6.666 1 1173 ILL -3-33i IL_IL49 JI Miscellaneous Lateral Load, Penh, = 968 lbs/ft Location from Wall Base, ymh, = 3.67 ft M, = P„3(H3/2+H2+H1) +1/3Pah1Hl+PmhtYmhi = 6661.3 ft -lbs /ft Effective Width, b = min(6t, s) = 8 in Effective Depth, d = 8.63 in AS = 0.44 in` per 8 in p = 0.00638 k = 0.432 j = 1-k/3 = 0.856 Compressive Stress in Masonry , fb = 484.2 psi Allowable Comp. Stress in Masonry, Fb = 495 psi Combined Stress Ratio, fa/Fa + fb/Fb = 1.02 < 1.33 OK Tensile Stress in Steel, fs = 16405.122 psi Allowable Tensile Stress in Steel, FS = 26666.667 psi OK Lap Splice, la = max(0.002dbfs ,40db) = 30.0 inches T Retaining + W fence.xls Equation (7-33 1997 UBC Equation (7-35,;, 1997 UBC Equation (7-32,., 1997 UBC ®E®® E - ®�I WEIDLINGER ASSOCIATES INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS ❑ MEETING MINUTES ❑ FIELD OBSERVATION ❑ TELEPHONE LOG ❑ MEMORANDUM . ❑ DESIGNNOTES PROJECT Weight (lbs/ft) Cordorniz WAI NUMBER 2000 psi 4389 26507-210-01 BY DATE Thickness of Foundation, tr = MK 7/17/2006 CHECKED BY DATE Design of Foundation Weight (lbs/ft) Arm (ft) Concrete Compressive Strength, f. = 2000 psi 4389 Steel Yield Stress = 40 ksi W, Thickness of Foundation, tr = 12 in 0 Effective Depth of Reinforcement, d = 8.75 in 5.90 R, = 0.85 0 _ 0.85 Qse Soil Pressure at toe, q, = 1951 psf -9909.057 Soil Pressure at Heel, qh = 17 psf Soil Pressure below Wall Cevnter, qw = 1676 psf Forces from Toe, Shear, Qs, = 1775 lbs/ft Arm, xst = 0.50 ft Factored Shear V„ = 1.7 Qst = 3018 lbs/ft Shear Capacity On = 0.85(2f,05bd) = 7983 lbs/ft OK Factored Moment, Mn = 1.7 Qstxst = 1515 ft-lbs/ft As.regd = 0.06 in`/ft Try #6 bars at 8 inches o.c. As = 0.66 in`/ft OK < Amax = 1.95 in`/ft OK > Amin = 0.09 in`/ft OK Forces from Heel, Factored Shear V„ = Weight (lbs/ft) Arm (ft) Moment (ft-lbs/ft) Ws, 4389 3.19 13992 W, 0 4.09 0 Pmv 0 5.90 0 Pav 0 5.90 0.0105982 Qse -4991 1.99 -9909.057 11 601 4083 Factored Shear V„ = -1022 lbs/ft Shear Capacity �Vn = 0.85(2f�"bd) = 7983 lbs/ft OK Factored Moment, M. = 6941 ft-lbs/ft As.regd = 0.29 in`/ft Try #6 bars at 16 inches o.c. As = 0.33 in`/ft OK < Amax = 1.95 in`/ft OK > Amin = 0.14 int/ft OK T Retaining + 6' fence.xls io FI RM PHONE FAX PAGEAA OF