001312 (PAT)4.. PERMIT APPLICATION City of L;,Qu,inta Department of Building and Safely Thispermit becomes void if work not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance. OR, if work has been suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days. load for cover. CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE: This section neednot be completed it LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION: I hereby affirm that I am licensed. under provisions of.Chapter 9 the permit is for one,hundred ($100):o. less. I certify that in the performance of.the work for which this -permit iss ..(commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business.and Professions Code; and full force yissued, Ishallnot employany person in any manner so as to become subject4o the Workers' Compensation Laws of �licenseis-in and effect. California. License Class ,ww�� Lic Number �7 Date Applicant Contractor 44, A at A 61-A NOTICEJO:APPLICANT: If, after making this Certificate.g. Exemptign,,you.should become subject to the Workers' OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION: I hereby'affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the I , Compensation provisions.ol the Labor Code, you:must.torthwith; comply withsuch provisions or this permit shall. be'dee mid revoked: ,Au A it following reason (Sec. 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county. Which: requir.ma- permit to CONTRACTOR -FIRM NAME construct, alter, improve. demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its,ssuance, also requires the applicant for DIVISION.OF INDUSTRIAL SAFETY. PERMIT CERTIFICATION:. .such permit,to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law. 0 1 hereby certify that no exca'Viatioiffive (5) or more feet in depth into which a person is required to descend, will be (Chapter-9.(comroencing with section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he is exempt made in connection Wifh:'work authorized by this permit; and that no building structure, scaffolding, falsework, or. therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption.,A6y violation of Section 70311.5.4y any applicant fora pernui demolition or dismantling thereof, will be more than thirty,�six (36) feet high. (Chap 3.2, Grp 2, Art 2. Sec341, Title e subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500:): -8 C.A.C.)' 0 I. as owner of the property, or my employees withwage§ as their sole compensation, will do thework, and the 0 As owner -builder, -I: will not employ anyone to do Work which would require a permit fiom the Division of . structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business.andiProtessions Code: The Contractor's License Industrial Safety, as'noted above, unless such person has a permit to do •such work from that division. • Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds, or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offereflor�siile.ff, however, the 0 Division of Industrial Safety Permit No.'.. building or improvempt is sold within one year of qQ93pletion. the owner -builder will.have the burden of proving that ... Date Applicant he did, not build or improve for the purpose of salp.1; CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY: I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance 0 1, as owner of the property, am exculsively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec: of the work for which, this permit is issued (Sec. 3097. Civ. C.). 7044. Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who Lender's Name builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for such projects with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant -to the, LOTSZ Contractor's. License Law.). Lender's Address 0.1 am exempt under Sec.. B. & P.C. (Attached Certificate). I.cerlify that I have.read this.application.and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all-- Owner city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives Date of this county to enter upon the above4entioned property for inspection purposes. WORKERS' COMPENSATION DECLARATION: -1 hereby affirm that) have a certificate of consent to self -insure: ora • certificate of Workers' Compensation Insurance . or acertified copy thereof.(Sec. 3800. Lab. C.). "i", Signaldre of Applicant or Agent Date Policy No. Company. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE AND AUTHORIZATION OF ENTRY: I certify I h6e, read this application and state that:' 0,Certified copy is hereby furnished. the information given is correct. I agree to comply with all state laws and county ordinances rel.iting'to-buidling 0 diertified copy is filed with*the City Building Inspection Department or City Department. • Date Applicant construction, and authorize a' epresentative-of the City of La Quinta Department of Building and Safety to enter 0 ' I I whip avea�.Q' orthispermill upon Vthe properly,f� c h �r the purposJof making inspei!tions_ k plied r M N —6 3'�j Signature of pplicarfbor Agent Dite Print Applicant/Agent Name :4 APPLICANT NAME (L. F. MI) H.A..,Taylor Awning Ooqmny ADDRESS 617'Wbst katella CITY/COMMUNITY/STATE/ZIP Orar . qe, CA . 92667 JOB SITE ADDRESS/SPACE 51-600 Avenida Rimiu-iLrEm CITY/COMMUNITY/STATE/ZIP La Quinta'. CA 92253 BOK- /;r+PAG' as per appmoved plans. PRCY load for cover. TWN RIZ_SE. S . TRACT I LOT 191 29.50 1 MOD SO SMI Fee TRACT NAME OWNER NAME (L. F. MI) K. MkIdy CONTRACTOR -FIRM NAME ADDRESS at*w CITY/COMMUNITY/STATE/ZIP above PHONE 0 LICNC 0 ARC/ENG FIRM NAME ADDRESS CITY/COMMUNITY/STATE/ZIP PHONE LICNC.# • USE OF PERMIT Patio Corer BL' ZON . •FSB .:SSB SSB RSB OFC, ZONE ORD,# LOTSZ ',,I'END. -SIDE, APPUPRMTDATE +-�3_85 Bldg* Penuit, to construct 16 x 16 patio cover as per appmoved plans. Requires 20 lbs load for cover. Plan� Check Fee 18.17 Const. Fee 29.50 Elect. Fee 12.00 SMI Fee .50 Plumbing Fee 12.00 • ,TOTAL FEE • M /,X/Y A 0 5; 7 3 'r BLDG. 4t 3 VALUATION -1,,800.00 _'] NO. OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR NO. OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS 1 Set Back 33 Ventilation System 2 Ftgs & Frms 34 Plenums & Ducts 2A Slab Grade 35 Furnace Compart. 3 Steel 36 Inlets & Outlets 4 Grout Blocks 37 Combustion Air 5 Bond Beams 38 Compressor 6 Roof Deck 39 Appl. Clearance 7 Framing 40 Fire Damper 8 Vents 41 Smoke Detection Device 9 Garage Fire Wall 42 Commercial Hood 10 Fireplace P. L. ❑ 43 Final 10A Fireplace T.O. ❑ NON ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SEWAGE SYSTEM SIZE & LOCATION 11 Exterior Lath 12 Internal Lath 12A Drywall 13 Finish Grade INSULATION Thick R Value 7A Walls (Batts) 12B Ceiling (Batts) 12C Ceiling (Blown) 14 Final 2 �` PLUMBING APPROVALS 15 Ground Plumb 16 Water Piping 17 Rough Plumb 18 Vents " 19 Sewage Disposal 20 Sewer 21 Water Heater 22 Water Softener 23 Water Service 24 Gas Test 25 Final Tank Pit L. Line ELECTRIC APPROVALS . REAR OF PROPERTY LINE P/L P/1 STREET NAME 26 Power Pole 27 Conduit 28 Service Entrance 29 Wiring 29A Grounding Wire 29B Bonding 30 Fixtures 31 Service 32 Final - I - 2-• 8 SMS -EA 51DE _.GENERAL NOTES '� SPEC/FYCAT�ONS ' '/. THIS ENCL05u1QE SYSTEM /9 L/M/TED TO R&C9EAT/0N AND . 'OL.lT000Q L/V/N6 PURPOSE5 ANO /5 NOT TO BE USED ASA. :Gi9RP02T GARAGE, STORAGE, CR NA5ITi9BLE 'ROOM 2:TN/9 "'ENGL06URE SYSTEM TO ee INSTALLED uNOER, ANY P,AT/O COVER -WHICH I5 APPROVEO FOR. +M"CLOSURE PER CHAPTER: 49 {AF'PENO/X) OP THE UN/FORM ' ALP- 'A' PANEL W101,1145 ,VA -A. . PANAL He/(8HT MAX PANELI< W/OrH i ,. - . y�_p1 421 9LGtl 3G°. 7U MATED IH•(¢PER Mao RE.90Rr PAT/O COVER-/N9TALLEO •H')OR//8•m•gOP"�`1t'L'79 '�GOON/ZEO PER APPROVED PLANW ALUM/NUM Y 15 ALL LOAD 9alPPORT/NO Rlo9Msco C',, COVER -MAY B� MEMBERS ,8EC N07 -F9 _ /!ME7AL Ck--MG IN97-Al-LED.WITJ W17-HOLIT PAI -10 ,5E4 -OW) _—=4 COVER POSTS PLAST/C4/qB /NSECi SCREE /N6 SEE _BUIL -me GOOF. - ,. - I N07 -E:0-7 .. OES/LSPJf LOA,OS l/O F aOQ� L/VE' LOAD L lO P^F HOK/20IJ1-AL I - NOTE; GN9 NOT SHOWN SAME AS ATO - WIND d -CAD, t"O- IPSP' CLQ . T.5 PSF UPL /FT W/NO LOA•1Q' 3 24°MAX. i / , 13 - � CAULK I. ;I i II . "ft -o&` RIVETS, WHERE SHOWN, SHALL BE //6tl MA1964L /C/ MAX. " PAT/O COVER 9 } E �LL6G ALL UR / RVVT WIT/•/ CARBON STEEL PLATED i9i3' ' MAN[JFACT[7R,E0 .'15Y THE U. S. M. CORP.. =HEET . METAL. WS 'SHALL S/'ZE8 SHOWN ANO SHALL 5E 9TA/NLESS. PAT/O COv qq �•' / % r j /� - �: - • / SUPPORT SYSTEM Ig - I i 1 _$GRE .BE 'GAL VAN/ZED' STEEL OR '2029-T$ POs9 G M/N• / eStWo7-Q PD/�a/vE>a SMD. sli Oh/ IJCOrRENE /O x 1112°S M.S. o"-/. Wooc FRAMING X NOTE; GN9 NOT SHOWN SAME AS ATO - 3 24°MAX. i / , 13 - � CAULK B. e1LL�',STRUCTURAL 'COMP0N'Eh/T9 -'OF STH/5 ERVCGOSURE'51-•9TEM - x O // 11 XCEEPT,.SOL/O'PANELS) ARE OP -ALLOY: ;d TEMPER ' Co OCsB-TG O UNL'E SS .SPEC/F/CALLY; NOTEDtu : 9OL(O WALL' -PANE L9-�SHOWiV SHALL COMP[:Y WITH iqN " :, - g ',O. /.C.-B:O.._REPORTr C RENT y: l¢ECOGN/ZED BY THE STANDAKO. F)w �6/M N. N_._BEA2 N_ - YS L../ -/c..\=/ COPE ENDS OP •7 U m A ., toT 61 RESEARCHC.OMMI. EB: `ALL a•EXTER/OR• PORT"/ONS .OF THE ...W/OT t O 4�1 / - 6 Ml`y, 301 MAX. THE ''PATIO _C OVER.FOR NON-BEfiR //�/Cy"^S-y T -EMS' t'IEAD EXTR Z/5/O SOC/O'..'V,MLL PANEL WH/CH ARE :SUB✓ECT TO.';WATER -• SG! SEE'FABLE A - .. I: - - 'SHALL' BE OES/Oh/E0 TO IQMSIST- LATERAL• -WIND ¢ATTACH TO 2 '� /HTR US/ON' SHALL 'BE. FULLY .'CAULKED. G ',' 1 7MPOSEO,'BY.•'THE 'EJJC LOSCJRE, E+E' -SELF Uto .W/ =< ~ 1 ' Sul,PORT/N6.'FOR: VERT/CAL '.LOADS, -AND SHALL Q-�/O.x SMS. W . t -WHERE ENCLOSURE'"/S�:REQUIREO.TO,BE•' LEFT oPeN PeR - .F=RONT• E.LEVAT-JINN.. - aE APPROVED'BYTHE LOCAL BL:IILowa,o-FIC/AL. II ?O 10 :'SECT/ON ': 4.90/ •OF-;THE'...APPENO/X- TO'',THE UN/FORI:1�.:0U/LO/Nb - - - - _ Y pE..CONSTR UGTEO OF AtIY+, - (� _ THE COVER:�,MA ':GOG1E j..T'HE' AllmmL/M Q' -EN AREA /N':•THE LONCGeR- Wi1L4: ANO I :. • MATERIAL,.--PERM/TTE0 6Y THE LIN/FORM. (9U/LOINL5.. " O .•ONE Y90O/T/0NAL.-WALL1/0 Co $. COPE ENDS OF i _BELOW_ %A• /N!MUM':OF G°-6/' •OF EAC 14 WALL,MEA9L%REO/ROM cOOE S/LL:E%TRUS/OV ,y ATTACH ' TO ',TF/E -FLOOR �`OPEN/NG5' MAY BE -8/VGL05E0 W /TH /!JDECT.-5cREE_NiNG •, ., „ „ " r - 'MULL %ON." ANO/OR •Y25°(MAX.).'REAO/LY REMOVABLE TRA/JDLUGENT OR' O E E l N a7 /0 .t 8V4! SMS k QI ANOPARENT.PLAST/G. ? - v' PATIO 'COVER .T . B O S G ED c a " ACH :ENG L' OSL/RE'1'S.- S"> -EM.• SHALL HAVE .PER,MANENTL`/ x ",• - '- 1 -. t°APPROVEO FQQ ENCLOSURE J; G Y I� 'E.X /.ST/NG ST'R UCTU��E - .:.W/TH ATTACHMENT ATRESIOENC� I' •" AFF/XEO,¢:AN !.DENT/P/,CRT/ON TAO 'G/V/A/&`" THE- 'NAME �Z `/ ._. `ANO -A OCR E=- 55 OP THEMAA/UFi9CTLJR_-R, OES/G/:/ ,;L.OADS ANO. c' . .p "� , ( /NCH ,. [F1:4 X.) PLA5T/G: B ` p ,.. /. C: B.O- !'jE PO'RT:, NUMBER.;.- ,. .; - . , , ¢�oR /NSE GT 'SCREEN/NCS - '"'•. �4• �.KWlK=00L - _ 10 SEE. 'NOTE s7 OR EOU.4L+PER . ' I .1 O MAX.,:W/0TH SL/O/NO'... T.EMPEREO' GLASS OR PLASTIC'l-� I' - 'i - -. ': .., x�•1: OHE..00 TW SSE. n-2 9°MAX.:F,ROM {:2 DOOR MAY , �' (NSTALLEQ ./N ENObc/ALL9 WHERE SOL/D : O - - - - .. I Q+n 9f005 MAYBE;. I ' 'EA. S/C1E OP . PA/./ELS •.ARE ?PERM/TTEO�9EE NATE' ON FLOOR -PLAN). A CD-O� ZF !, �< ENGL-1 W/ - A .• I i• - -/O -O MAX. '-PR ECTI /14A7 -CO x ' MAX: W/OTH "SL/O//JC• -:PLASTIC OOOQ •.MAY: @E /NSTALLEO /N , -. _ - D OIn - ?_. 50LJO. PANELS .: c T/¢0I. _ R/NG.. 9Y EM . : ( PER PANEL ; • Z J J. `ANY. NON ..BEAR/NO WALL...Q�� :to ,D - ;LOGATlO _ '� - - 24/nnAX.0 - s`'9LOP .'AER ) .--... - r, - •, ., _ .,`I �. \P T/O COV K y OW L.PULL `�\ C T w .. •:+r �/8 ,� 'x` ri OCAT/ONS:-`p 'ry OOOC,pg t: � .S7D2WAS 24 / 1AX . N 0 '- r• M/N, ` BE ST M s -..� .. �.. ,.:2 -. :g`t' AX=g�� r ) " 9Y T $ k' O !.III \ 't . :7SH9 PER .� ' t b. - n � r _I � I u o r 9 -R ET' i I U T 'SCAM:9 PPO: - •S , f /99T/ C OVER i O lb II 7 PER AT O' �1 si ,•� I '3:-rs s MA PM OINE7IMo USM-H.RA:.EL., -LPMAOXRT/M.,. . tU/!•MG44 v LEN_Gr�': 'X•' .D....,.7.a .E�5M9 L1/�1�(`9t�'7•.:l!'EJ.-_ccr:_�.'' �.!'':: :.Y OirSl < T'v 'Je t :. .O'2 Z4!BEE AT -` .'ESXA/ a9 BT /N N G00O ` ,.NOTOGG QW - SPOSTS b 9e L CCWD/T PPOQT:P THelq K%' L -E A'. �� -COVER OG N•. .•.fy - .0may �N a - J� r TYP..IEAL .F.L002' NL' 'PCAf/J ED EVAT/O iJ L3EAR/NGSYS:TEM- C i / r �r� . to io / /,tlV��� .995 1-1,75 - . I. 15. 12 / 1 2. /0.5� . SI •/ 9 tl ■ OG2■ , iSG .�5C l / t -4W� . T P t. F v In - f P 3t.,e 1, N oso - R p O O1 tl .cN r :U r 050tl r 90 w Tyr r r .:m 1 .. - 0'55 R 'n Z S/LL NEAO 8 . '. FA STENER9 TO PANEL � 6EA2JNG 'WALL i BOTTOM 'TRACK 095 Mu. 15 11 -'I � _/f4ALIE HI/ FEMALE N \�•/ TOP 'T2AGK T-Ol- TRACKI;' I�1ULLION SID- / _REsr-E T,veLY I / 1 /' WHERE TN"• G TYPICAL G / �G 9A'S OR%bl - aG9M5 CR� POP FLAT PAN OCC RS - PANEL - - R /VET a 32 1444E ' USE /PAN MIN: TO I y POPS I POI'• RIVET TO .FEMALE TYP I ' .0of : R/VET N /G, k AT .TDP .'. - EA. S/OE 1 ,_ _ OUT9lDE, O'er . W. -■L - ' AD�/4 d M6 ,HeRE. tu- DOOai` MAX. TYP. EA OTTOM 009 PULL HE/ T " . 2/4/O�o HAN9 /5 `�L/O j CAULK O , ,2 0001 ✓TYP tWMC'O S/OE . E. - - PANEL J Wkh AX. 9Ou0 ( - ,,-5 .02 1'.0 M/D NE/O HT SOL/O PANEL ALE SE / E55 THAN I� ° �`, TYP. "EA. SIDE.10.5� v 77 0�4A AOOVE (3 HELD ' Qr •. -I�IJLLe WINDOW FULL HE/O}/T. 1 G /t TYP - G °PAN OCGU.Q3 . _ / tl 1 056 lb• OCCURSwHERIG PEII�(,./2)+(,1 w/NOOW 90L ID PANEL - EMALE, N� ; sG GM5��++04�CC�[pp9 POP - V'� - USE '7b 9'O■ MAx �5ec Y70N. .� BPE.OET,O - w'c THEI Hr ip ..w LL He/GHT - :' O/o.a'/2/�1 WHERE TYP. ?' VOLVO/ oo �> ' TY/-/CAL`.¢5' COfZNEI? 'T .(JG21 I//i: _ ///. •'/•. % tr \ \ r .,;i/ - PAN OCCUR, USe PANEL / b b BE— 7-7-1 *G Iso g2/N,� ATE 0 hfi�l»=/iNUM 4LE 2 GfUL,C� =MALE eOL/SE.CY /ON O ,n Lc O PANEL 0,p Sn AtiVNb0,p5 -kLE0 s E X,5T :)OR. .E .E KTERICK JrRUCTURE TYPICAL FRA MING .A-7-- DOOR, WEATHER- SEAL CONN. co OR WWDOW MULLION C AT MULL/ON 92a is MAX. \ a W/NDOW BETWEENT , YP DE!r OPEN/E EA. 510E SEE CAULK AbOV /EELOW 1,V/NC MATED °H n MULL /ON � i'-�• . 24 '!< ACROSS PAN j:'' � ccs Oi SI[7EWALL TOP - . LOGKS'W/2-S95Lr5, O �j? C_ . TRACK SEI RE A. END. CAULK O -+ 1 :: h RNEK Lo 5.Gcse SO E%rens/G _ "... rY�- CO✓JNECTi GiJS - IFI M.AX.E EI -G -/HIGH E AS srlcttilN ccrE TRACK _ /2° MA%. 0 9 G! Hic-H C A�(B�!�•� TIONt� TO F/T TC ADJACENT FULL EEL0 1-60i5AME - - HEIGHT VERT. t�1Em5EK 5/0EWALL A7-7-ACWME1-JT TYPICAL 90`CCR/.!E,.R J3