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04-4679 (SFD)
P.O. BOX 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 Application Number: 04-00004679 Property.Address: 51645 AVENIDA RAMIREZ APN: 773-125-019-7 -000000- Application description: DWELLING - SINGLE FAMILY DE PropertyZoning: COVE RESIDENTIAL" Application valuation: 119104 Applicant: Archiiect or EI 4 4�Q" VOICE (760) 777-7012 FAX (760) 777-7011 BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 BUILDING PERMIT Date: 8/02/05 Owner: FRED HATHAWAY & SONS INC C/O RORY G PUTMAN T2 2790 VINCENTIA RD De PALM SPRINGS, CA 92262 ° -Contractor: �.�J� �9 2005:. - . 0. er Owner CITYOF LA QUINTA FINANCE DEPT. -� -. LICENSED'CONTRACTOWS DECLARATION - WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION [.hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensedunder provisions of Chapter' 9 (commencing with - I. hereby affirm under, penalty of perjury,;one ofthe following declarations: . • - Section 70001 of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals Coderand my License is in full force and effect.' _ I have and will _maintain a certificate of `consent to self -insure for workers'. compensation, as provided -License Class: - � . - •.License No :. �v `- - for by; Seciion.3766 of. the''Labor Code, for, he performance of the work for which this permit pis',. ' . - +r . - .. issued. F ., ` A , Date: _ Contractor. I have andwill maintaidworkers"compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 oftheLabor . IT OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION ' .I hereby affirm under penalty of peryury theta am?ezempt from the Contractor's,State License Law for the following reason (Sec: -7031:5, -Business and Professions Code"Any city or county that requires a permit to • construct altei improve demoiish;_or-repair any structure prior to its issuance; also requires the applicant -for the. - • - permit to�file a signed's[atementt Kit he or is licgnsed,puisuant to the provisions of -the doritractor'sState License Law (Chapter.9 (commencing with Section 7000)'of Division 3 of'the Business and Professions CoQ or that he or she is exempt therefrom and the basis for the -alleged exemption. Any violation of Section, 70315 by any applicant fora.permit;subjects.the applicant to a_civil,penalfy of not more than five hundred a "I!s�IS5001.: 1 _ 1 1,4 owner:of''tlie property, ormy employees with wages.as their sole compensation; -will do tlSe.work, and •.thestructure' is not intend6d;or'offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code:' The Comractors' State'License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds'or improves thereon, :.x and who does.the�work himself or herself through his or her own employees, provided that the . ' improvements are riotintended or offered for. sale. If, however, • the building or improvement is sold within one year ofcompletion, then ; , r -builder will have the burden of proving ih6t1he or she did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). ' 4. (0 ) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively,contraSting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The •Contractors' -State License Law does not apply to an owner of propertywhobuilds or improves thereon, and who'contracts for -the projects with a contractor(s)'licensed pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.). I—) I am exempt under Seca B.&P.C. for.this reason I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a con work for which this permit is issued ISec. 3097, Civ. C.). Lender's Name: - Lender's Address: ►\\ LQPERMIT LENDING AGENCY m lending agency for the performance of the _'Code; for)theperformance of the-ork fort which..this. permit is issuedy:'. My, workers co- nipeitsation• .insurance carrier and policy'number are: - Carrier `• PolicyNumber.- certify that, inahe performance of.the"work*for which this ,permit -is.issued, I shall not employ any . person in any:mannerso as tobecome subject to the'workers! compensation laws of -California, and agree that, if Ishould become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of he Labor Cod I s all fo h comply with those Pions. ' . Z _ - .:�A •// i, WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE.WORKER d' MPE NSATION`COVERAGE.IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN ENIPLOYER.TO CRIMINAL ALTIES AND CIVIL FINES°UB{TO.ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND _DOLLARS ($100,000). - IN ADDITION T(YTHE COST.OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE; INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on this application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made, each personat whose request and for • whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as -a result of this application, the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and shalldefend,'indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees for any act or omission _related to the work being performed under or following issuance of this permit. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that•I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize repre tab as of this county to enter upon the above-mentioned property for inspec io .purposes. / eC,�gnatureApp or Agent): v Application Number . . . . . 04-00004679 Structure Information Construction Type . . . . .. TYPE V - NON RATED Occupancy Type . . . . . . DWELLG/LODGING/LONG <=10 Flood Zone . . . . . NON -AO FLOOD ZONE Other struct info . . . . . CODE EDITION 2001 # BEDROOMS 3.00 FIRE SPRINKLERS NO GARAGE SQ FTG 474.00 PATIO SQ FTG 443.00 NUMBER OF UNITS 1.00 -------------------------------------------------------------- 1ST FLOOR SQUARE FOOTAGE• 1760.00 .:.:.Permit `. • BUILDING PERMIT ; .. Additional desc . Permit Fee 621.50.. Plan Check Fee 807.96 Issue -Date Valuation 95568 Expiration Date 2/02/06 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE •414.50 416.00 4:500.0 THOU .'BLDG, 50, 001-100, 000 207.,00 Permit . . . MECHANICAL Additional desc . Permit `Fee 78''t50 : Plan Check Fee `. 19. 63 Issue` Date _ .,Valuation 0� -Expiration Date 2/02/.06 -Qty unit Charge Per'Extension BASE .FEE, 15':00 9.0000 EA MECH FURNACE <=TOOK_ 9:00 1.00 9.0000 EA MECH B/C,<=3HP/100K BTU 9.00 -.7.00 6.5000 EA MECHJ VENT FAN 45.50 Permit ELEC-NEW-RESIDENTIAL. ..Additional desc . " Permit" Fee''. 100.476 .= Plan Check Fee 21.3.7 Issue -Date. Va•luation.- 0 Expiration Date . , 12%02,/.06 - Qty- Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 15.00 . 1760.00, 0350: ELEC NEW RES. _.l OR 2 FAMILY 61.60 ` 4.43.00 .0200 ELEC GARAGE•OR NON-RESIDENTIAL 8.86 LQPERMrr Application Number . . . . . 04-00004679 Permit . . . . . . ELEC-NEW RESIDENTIAL Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1.00, 15•.0000 EA ELEC TEMPORARY POWER POLE ----------------------------------------------- 15.00 Permit . . . PLUMBING ' Additional desc . Permit Fee . . . . 129.00 Plan Check Fee 32.25 Issue Date . . . . Valuation 0 Expiration Date 2/02/06 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE, FEE 15.00 - 10.00;6':°0000 EA PLB--:FIXTURE 60,.1`00 .1.00- -15.0000.,_ EA �PLB.,BUILDING SEWER 15.00 1.00 7. 56016'EA PLB WATER HEATER/VENT 7:50 1.00 3 : 0'0;00 EA _'PLB WATER ,.INST/ALT/REP 3.00 1'. 00 - -9 .:0'000 EA PLB LAWN SPRINKLER, SYSTEM 9.00 6.06- 7500 EA PLB .GAS: PIPE >=5 '4 .5.0 _ _ 1:00 15.0;000` EA PLB GAS. METER 15..00 ..---=------------ ---------------------------------------------------- t ----- " Permit GRADING PERMIT Additional�desc . Permit Fee 15.00 Plan Check Fee. .00 :Issue Date ! Valuation 0 Exp ration bate 2/0'2/106; . Qty Unit Charge 'Per Extension BASE FEE 15.06 ----------------------------------- - - Special:-Notes and `Comments - - -- ------ 1760 SQ. FT. -SFD W/-, 13D0 ,LIN.FT`.-.x 6'FT -• GARDEN WALL. PERMIT. DOES NOT INCLUDE, POOL, -SPA OR,DRIVEWAY.` --------.-------------------------------_------------------------------------- Other Fees. ART IN. PUBLIC ;PLACES_ -RES .00 r DIF COMMUNITY CENTERS -RES' 97.00 ` =F CIVIC., CENTER -'`RES, - 366.00 ENERGY'REVIEW FEE 80.80 DIF FI=RE PROTECTION. -RES 97.00 GRADING -PLAN' `CHECK FEE•. 00. DIF`=LIBRARIES - RES .: 225..00 - DIF PARK-MAINT FAC -..RES 5.00 DIF PARKS/REC - RES 502.00 COVE PRECISE PLAN FEE 100.00 STRONG MOTION (SMI) - RES 11.5,8 LQPERM[T LQPERMIT . Application Number . . . . . 04-00004679 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Fees . . . . . . . ... DIF STREET MAINT FAC -RES 15.00 DIF TRANSPORTATION - RES 1098.00 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Tota -1 944.46 ---------- ---------- ---------- .00 .00 944.46 Plan Check Total 881.21 250.00 .00 631.21 Other Fee Total. 259.7.38 .00 .00 2597.38 Grand Total 4423.05 250.00 .00 4173.05 LQPERMIT . ilding ress er Address & Classif. Arch., Engr., Designer 6✓'N P.O. BOX 1504 7&495 CALLE TAM PICO LLA QUINTA; CALIFORNIA 92253 .0�-z167i APPLICATION ONLY BUILDING: TYPE CONST. tOCC. GRP. C/ A.P. Number 7 3—/ 1J^ - yl 4 P 3 TeLegal �Description- Project Description �2 Tel. Pty Sq. Ft. , No. c. # Size .. (� 6 Stories New R Add ❑ Alter ❑ City Zip State Lic. #• LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm that I am licensed under provisions'of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my license is in full force and effect. SIGNATURE RATE OWNER-BUILDER'DECLARATION I hereby affirm that I am'exempt'from the.Contractor's License Law for,the following reason: (Sec. 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county which requires a permit to construct, alter,, improve, demolish, or,. repair any structure, prior to its issuance also , requires the applicant for suchpermit to file a; signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the.Contractor's License Law,; Chapter 9 (commencing witti,Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions'Code, orthat he is.exempt therefrom, and.the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by. any applicant for a permit subjects . the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500). ❑ I, as owner of the properly, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale. (Sec. -7044; Business and Profen- Bions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon and who does such work himself,or through his own employees,'' provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale: If, however, the building;or im- provement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the,burden of . proving that he did. not build or improve for the purpose of sale). O I, as owner of the properly, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project. (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's'License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for such projects with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law) ❑ 1 am exempt under Sec. B. & P.C. for this reason Date Owner WORKER'S -COMPENSATION DECLARATION. I hereby affirm that I have a certificate of consent.to self-insure,br Wcartificate of Worker's Compensation. Insurance, or a certified.copy thereof: (Sec: •3800, Labor Code.) Policy No. Company O Copy is filed with the city. ❑ Certified copy;is hereby furnished. .. CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: FROM ' WORKERS' COMPENSATIONINSURANCE' (This section need not be completed if the permit is for one hundred dollars ($100) valuation or less). I certify that in the performance of the work4or which this permit is issued,,i shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subiect to Workers' Compensation Laws of California. Date Owner NOTICE TO APPLICANT If, after making this Certificate of Exemption- you should become h b C d t 1 rth 'ih Estimated Valuation No. Dw. Repair ❑ Demolition ❑ PERMIT ZONE: AMOUNT Plan Chk. Dep. Minimum Setback Distances: ZSo Plan Chk. Bal. Front Setback from Center Line I hereby affirm lhat.there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work Const. Rear Setback from Rear Prop. Line for which this permit is issued. (Sec. 3097, Civil Code.) Mech. Lender's Name Electrical .Side Street Setback from Center Line Lender's Address Plumbing Side Setback from Property Line This is a building permit when properly filled out, signed and validated, and is subject to S.M'.I. - expiration if work thereunder is suspended for 180 days. Grading %61 n n FINAL DATE Driveway Enc. t f l Ui u I pl Infrastructure,,, ' - I -i i JQiA ill JUU4 Signature of applicant Date Mailing Address Validated by: lvlIIflo"•! AQt.'iNFhb tAaAanae�w wr��•,- City, State, zip TOTAL Validation: subiect to the Workers Compensahon. provisions o . f e La or o e, you mus o w� comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. ZONE: BY: Minimum Setback Distances: CONSTRUCTION LENDING"AGENCY Front Setback from Center Line I hereby affirm lhat.there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work Rear Setback from Rear Prop. Line for which this permit is issued. (Sec. 3097, Civil Code.) Lender's Name .Side Street Setback from Center Line Lender's Address Side Setback from Property Line This is a building permit when properly filled out, signed and validated, and is subject to ." expiration if work thereunder is suspended for 180 days. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. FINAL DATE INSPECTOR I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances. and state laws relating to building . construction, and"hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter the above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. Issued by: Date Permit Signature of applicant Date Mailing Address Validated by: City, State, zip Validation: WHITE = BUILDING DEPARTMENT YELLOW = APPLICANT PINK = FINANCE Comments At the present time, the Desert Sands Unified School District does not collect fees on garagestearports, covered patios/Walkways, residential additions under 5 00 square feet, detached accessory structures (spaces that do not contain facilities for living, sleeping, cooking, eating or sanitation) or replacement mobile ho mes. It has been determined that the above-named owner, is exempt from paying school fees at this time due to the following reason: EXEMPTION NOT APPLICABLE This certifies that school facility fees imposed pursuant to Education Code Section 17620 and Government Code 65995 Et Seq. in the amount of $2.24 X 1,760 S.F. or $3,942.40 have been paid for the property listed above and that building permits and/or Certificates of Occupancy for this square footage in this proposed project may now be issued. Fees Paid By Cash - Wally Miles Check No. Name on the check Telephone 880-6651 Funding Residential By Dr. Doris Wilson Superintendent Fee collected /exempted by Sharon MCGilvrey Payment Recd $3,942.40 - ' Over/'/"eider Signature r NOTICE: Pursuant to Government Code Section 66020(d)(1), this will serve to notify you that the 90 -day approval period in which you may protest the fees o r other payment identified above will begin to run from the date on which the building or Installation permit for this project is issued, or from the date on which those amounts are paid to the District(s) or to another public entity authorized to collect them on the District('s) behalf, whichever is earlier. NOTICE: This Document NOT VALID if Duplicated Embossed Original -Building Department/Applicant Copy -Applicant/Receipt Copy -Accounting CERTIFICATE .OF COMPLIANCE �N�Fsc Desert Sands Unified School District 4795.0 Dune Palms Road < BERMUDA DUNES Date O 7/28/05 q La Quinta, CA 92253 Cr RANCHO MIRAGE CJ INDIAN WELLS No. 27461 (760)771-8515 �'�"�QU1NTA �O INOIO ':3� Owner Rory Putman APN # 773-125-019 Address 2790 Vincentia Road Jurisdiction La Quinta City Palm Springs Zip 92262 Permit # Tract # BLK 55 Study Area Type Single Family Residence No. of Units 1 Lot # No. Street S.F. Lot # No. Street S.F. Unit 1 51645 Avenida Ramirez 1760 Unit 6 Unit 2 Unit 7 Unit 3 Unit 8 Unit 4 Unit 9 Unit 5 Unit 10 Comments At the present time, the Desert Sands Unified School District does not collect fees on garagestearports, covered patios/Walkways, residential additions under 5 00 square feet, detached accessory structures (spaces that do not contain facilities for living, sleeping, cooking, eating or sanitation) or replacement mobile ho mes. It has been determined that the above-named owner, is exempt from paying school fees at this time due to the following reason: EXEMPTION NOT APPLICABLE This certifies that school facility fees imposed pursuant to Education Code Section 17620 and Government Code 65995 Et Seq. in the amount of $2.24 X 1,760 S.F. or $3,942.40 have been paid for the property listed above and that building permits and/or Certificates of Occupancy for this square footage in this proposed project may now be issued. Fees Paid By Cash - Wally Miles Check No. Name on the check Telephone 880-6651 Funding Residential By Dr. Doris Wilson Superintendent Fee collected /exempted by Sharon MCGilvrey Payment Recd $3,942.40 - ' Over/'/"eider Signature r NOTICE: Pursuant to Government Code Section 66020(d)(1), this will serve to notify you that the 90 -day approval period in which you may protest the fees o r other payment identified above will begin to run from the date on which the building or Installation permit for this project is issued, or from the date on which those amounts are paid to the District(s) or to another public entity authorized to collect them on the District('s) behalf, whichever is earlier. NOTICE: This Document NOT VALID if Duplicated Embossed Original -Building Department/Applicant Copy -Applicant/Receipt Copy -Accounting FIDELITY IIATIONAL III LE INSURANCE CUPANY PECoHDINCI REQUESTED -M. Adefity National Title Company factow No. 42060 -CS Tide Cidu No. 3301739it. When Recorded Man, Dm.manf and Tax Statement To::,,::. Mr, Wally S. Miles P.O. Box 604 La Quints, CA 92253 11 330113 q 7 loo, 44/24/2091 48:80a it". 26. Do page t of I Oft T TOM Poid . 7 ftoorded in off,10I&I jtsogwds. Calm ty .*'Uftvoral do Gary t0orW tv.. Clark111~4w: I fill a I III, , '11: 111 .1 W! I CA 9 "OR i Arkm VC.". rx"M AP(1:_77T—_U5_-0T9_-3— GRANT DEED TO The undersigned grentorls) dedere(il Docurmntery transfer tax Is 4 ' 32.45 I X I computed on full value of property conveyed, or I I computed on full value less value of liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale, lvli I Unincorporated Area City of La Guinta - - -C O-Ntib MATION.- r t FOR A'VALUMU 86tlP at WNCh]3-hweby-sckff6WNaq@d, Jeffrey Roger Balton, Trustee Undof that certain trust Agroemaint dated February 4, 1974. hereby GRANT(S) to Wally S. Miles, An Unmarried - Men and Fred Hathw'ay & Sons Inc. the following described real property in the City of La Ouinta County of Riverside, State'of California: Lot 7 In Block 66, Unit No. 5, Sento Carmelite Val La OuInta, as shown* by Map on file in Book No. 18, Page 63 of I ain in the Couaity Recorder of said County or Riverside, sthte at uanfornia. DATED: Juno 27, 2001 STATE OF CALIFRNIA COUNTY ti, &4*Jel ON -04 L, before me, personally appeared Jeffrey Roger Balton, Trugee under -that certain Trust Agreement date l February 4, 1974.. J9fkWR6q9KB9_1t6_,Trustee personally known to me (0( Proved tome on the basis of vvisfactM eyidonco) to-be.t1he, persons) whne.% nani�,(s) Is'/Are subscribed to the within Instrument end acknowledged to me IN he/shelthey executed the same In histher/thelf suthorizedc6p edity ties), and that %y histher/thelr signatures) on the instrument Mont the peiricn(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(O acted, executod the-Insuumont. r. my h andso (.I jclI I al �j ........ . .......... J, FEATURES CODE COMPLIANCE: H..U.D.,-ASHRAE/IES.90.1b-1992 and 1990 NAECA. A.G.A. CERTIFIED - To ANSI standards -for" residential water. heaters. All models are approved for'use in combined appliance p qnn1ir_2tinnr,. q FOAM INSULATION - Minimizes radiant heat loss. GLASS -LINED TANK - Glass, specifically developed by A.0. Sinith'ceramic research, for. Water heater use, is fused to steel at 16000F., providing corrosion protection. -for years of de-'.. pendable use. Proven reliable in -millions of water.heat6rs for over 5.0 years. DIP TUBE - Carries inlet, water deep into tank. ANODE - Tank -mounted, screw-in anode for longer tank. life. THERMOSTAT - Designed .for long. service life. Safdty shutoff provided. Propane models built-in filter and dift leg.,provid6d. BURNER - All steel, multipprt bumer for. im 01, pr. ved. combustion efficiency. FSGT has a stainless steel burner. FSG -75. & FSG: - 100 have a cast iron bumer.- SELF CLOSING INNER DOOR - Supplied,as'd standard feature an F -'-GT models only. Standard cover platd'on all others. DRAFT DIVERTER - Suppliedwith screw anchor tabs for secure connection to the top cover. NON-LINTING ENERGY SAVING PILOT BRASS DRAIN VALVE- On all FSGH and FSGT models only. Non-metallic valves on all others. HIGH RECOVERY 'moV ELS AVAILABLE — FSGH/FSGT models are the best value.- CALIFORNIA - Models for sale -in California are.,buiit to -special . requirements. See Califomia'specificabon sheet, available from. sales office., ERGY .".SAVER E-SIDENTIAL WATER HEATERS 5q, FSGL, FSGH & FSGT 6 . YEAR. LIMITED TANK WAAR�,, If. the tank should leak any time during the ,.first 6yeart, under the terms of the warranty, A..0. Smith will;fumish a replacement heater. In stallabori, labor, handling and local delivery are extra. When used commercially, Warranty is for 1 year. THIS OUTLINE IS XQJ A WARRANTY. 'For complete information, consult thd,written warranty or A. O. Smith Water Products Company. Warranty does not apply to product installed outside of the United States of America or its territorial possessions and Canada. V. 74K _ ��� PLUG ANODE NOTVVATFR OUTLET PIPE I T PIPEvEWr Ie° PE INLET UNION ENSAVE R . D„�r GAS,GLASS LASS -LIN ED WATER H EATER HMO �I II a+suunoN FLIjE amm OAS SUPPIY PIPE \ MAW MANUAL VALVE UTOFF KNor GROUND_I� JOINT UNION LEG LEG PIPE / CAP I�I t? GAS W.Er DIP TUBE 'TEMPERATUREANO PR_ESSURe RELIEF .wuvE EMBLEM AND RATING PUTT: TYPICAL INSTALi3k-nON' : GAS I i THERMOSTAT MUTTER + . TEMPERATURE - AOJUSTDC OIAL ORJYN VALVE , II,FLOOR ORAIM OUTER ODOR 'INSTALL W AC., ;ROAD MTM LOCAL CODES, T 3/4' NPT RELIEF -, OUTLET.: 3/4' NPT PLUG ANOOE - ' A NPT' 9 I NET,. ; .RMN VALVE �J itI I -V FRONT -VIEW 8't 3/4- NPT INLET - 4- . INLrR/OUTLET 1' ON 75 GAL 1AOOELS t t/a� ON 100 GAL MOOELS. ! 18' ON 75 AND 100 GAL MODELS TOP VIEW 'i, -o ror each 1.000 feet above sea level.. ALL DIME'JSIONS IN INCHES. overy capac,'ty should be recused aoproximatery Recovery capacities are based on OOE method of test. SUGGESTED SPECIFICATIONS `Nater Heater(s) shall be Model No, - gas-fired, equipped to bumas manufacured by A. O. SMITH, or an approved equal. -Heater(s) shall be glass lined, design certified to meet the latest ANSI Standard by the American Gas Association. Heaters) shall have an input rating of BTU/HR and with a recovery capacity of GPH at . orgreater. Gas control shall total 9 Supply er temperature rise and an energy factor of totally regulate the. as su Ito main and pilot burners. Heater(s) shall have'a,maximum.workin Of 150 psi, a nominal storage tank capacity of gallons with a J4' tapping for 9 Pressure maximum cathodic protection. All internal surfaces of the Fieater(s) exposed to water shall be glassvalve y nledtlwith an alkon and 'a aline ne borosidly oilicate composrtioon tused-to-steel. Heaters) shall also be equipped with an automatic shutoff device to shutoff enUa as supply ank Heater(s) shall also be equipped with an A.G.A. certified draft hood. Tank shall be foam insulated (75 and 100 gallon - vermin -proof glass 9 pply in event of excessive temperature in giber insulation) or equal. Outerjacket'shall have a baked enamel finish. Heater shall have,a 6 year limited warranty as outlined in the written warranty in a residential installation, (1 year in a commercial installation): 'Fully illustrated instruction manual to be included. Heater(s) shall comply with the 'National Appliance Energy Conservation Act of 1987. A.O. Smith Water Products Co., Inc. On Line wwwhotwatercom A d Smith. . Water Products Company For Technical Information and Automated,FazService, - Irving; TX . A Division pf A. O. Smith Corporation ` Phone: 800527-19W A. 0. Smith Corporation reserves the right to make product changes or improvements ofariv time.with„. o .,...;, A. O. Smith Residential.'Heaters Gal Vent BTU's or Energy Special Features Size WattsNolts Factor Dynaclean Casf Iron Brass ' Mag Anode'Smartvalve -Bumer' - . Dip Tube Drain Valval I ank ! 2 year parts limited warrantyy jFSGFHi-40' Standard Models30 1 3 • I38,0001 0561 L 40 1 3 1 38,0001' 0:551 I I 1 FSGH-50 1 50I 3 1 38,0001- 0.531° I I SSG -75 1 751 4 75,0001 0.48.1; I yes FSG -100 i 1001 4 I 75,0001 0:431" yes •yes ' I Extra High Recovery Standard Models l I I yes FSGT-40 1 40 1 4 1 50;0001 • 0...a81° I I I FSGT- -0 •1 50 ! 4 _._.:' 60,C001': ..0.541 .... . High Recovery 2" Insulated Models 1... 1 FGR -30 1 30 1 3 .1 38, C.001 0.621 1 FGR -4040 1 3 I 3 C001 8, i 0.311 I FGR -50 50! 3 3E,CCflI 0.60! ; I FGR -75 75 4 1 75.0001 0.48i I F=R -1 CC . 1 Cow 4 78.000; I rower `Dent- vents unth a.LS, PVC cr CrVC 0 -C -cr 46.000€ 0.52. 65 CCO O d0 ,lam i J 0 5u? Ves _ :nsulatec Mcdets _ tsics aii G ,es C. C,: 42. C' =' year ;ank / 3 year :arm limited •,varrarri ?1lcdeis =C^ CC 8• r0 0.57 ves UC e :, s 3E.-00! 0 5i yes yes CCA i C _ yes - yes r i 1 2C.CCC! _C. /es C yes yes c �a -icn"Recover, ,=rcvlax Mcdeis yes .0 4 50.000! 0.57 yes 1 FCGT 50 4 W.Coa l 0.54 yes i yes Thigh Recovery 2'"Insulated PrcMax,jModeis yes ' C7-LCi 40 3 40.CL0'I O.o�! yes l 1 CTG-StC. 50 i yes y� 1 ' 3 40.Ca01 0.62! yes �. yes.. Yes I 1 1 C year tank / 2 year -arts limned warranty !. !Rich Pec --very Standard !Models. I PGXH_:O i •30 , 3 i 38,000I 0.561 1 I PGXH-4C 3 .38,0001 0.5�i 1 yes 38,0001 0.551 1 PGX-E7ih�Rcv�eta,"r�idard I yes Ey� aodels i FGA --?0 140 ,4 50.0001 0.571 f PGXT-50 50 ' 4' ! 60.0-00! 0:541 ' y� I yes 10 year tank / 10 year parts limited warranty I I • I h Recovery 2^ Insulated Models 1 CG -40 140 1 3 ' I I 40,0001 0.631 yes 1 rPGCG-:z0 1 yam' I 1 50 ; 3 f 40.0001 0.62! yes 1 yes j yes es` I ` 'es I y � . - yes ErerCy fac:cr based on October 2CC,0 GAMA Cirectcry ...._.._. .._ ':fit •. , Representative photo only, some models may vary in appearance. MANUFACTURED FOR NATURAL GAS CONVERTIBLE TO (LP) PROPANE GAS NOTE: These furnaces' are not designed for installation in a corrosive atmosphere, containing Chlorine, Fluorine, or any other damaqinq chemicals. WARNING This furnace is not designed for use inside mobile homes, trailers, or recreational vehicles. Such use could result in property damage, bodily injury, and/or death. Fr® VPFLO,W HO- RIZONTAL 40" . OPERATIO,N 80%,AFUE efficiency range. • "Electronic ignition device. Induced draft combustion blower. ,HEAT EXCHANGER Four pass aluminized steel. •; 20 year limited heat exchanger warranty. BURNER ASSEMBLY • In -shot monoport burners. BLOWER ASSEMBLY • Multispeed, pre -lubricated PSC motors, dynamically balanced, resilient mounted to reduce vibration and noise. • Entire blower assembly mounted on rails for easy service. WIRING CENTER • 40VA transformer. • Terminal board allows easy selection of motor speeds._ • Electronic air cleaner and humidifier connections provided. CABINET • Painted steel cabinet. • Fully insulated cabinet. _SAFETY - • Flame sensor constantly monitors flame. Provides 100% gas shut off if flame is not sensed. • Redundant gas valve. • High temperature limit control. Flue blockage>pressure switch. • Blower door interlock switch prevents furnace operation if door is removed. INSTALLATION • May be installed as an upflow furnace or as a horizontal left or right furnace. . • Compact 40" design. • Convertible to (LP) Propane Gas. • 0"' clearances on sides and back..' • Twinning kit available to operate two furnaces in tandem. • External side'or bottom filter rack (sold seperately). C,y IT IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-EFFICIENCY O g ' ® �` RATING" 'CERTIFIED CIA C� ama:. GG APPROVED, `. Design Certified'4RR A by A.G.A. 441 11 2601 03 MODEL NUMBER IDENTIFICATION GUIDE "�F Unit is designed for bottom may vary from furnace duct opening size. Always return or side return. consult evaporator specifications for duct size, F MARKETING REVISION PRODUCT FAMILY PRODUCTGROUP FURNACE WIDTH Electrical C Return Air Gas Connections ""I I Side Right Side Left Side Capacity FUEL G Natural Gas O=Oil NOMINAL AIR FLOW (Tons) L L.P. Gas H = High Altitude Natural Gas A = Heat Only G 3.5 E Electric 13=1 411j 1-175/16 - -23 :181 2 ':171/8 6 = 6000 9= 9.000 NOMINAL INPUT MBTUH NOTE: Evaporator 'A7 coil drain pan dimensions. "�F Unit is designed for bottom may vary from furnace duct opening size. Always return or side return. consult evaporator specifications for duct size, F Return air through back of Cabinet Electrical C Return Air Gas Connections ""I I Side Right Side Left Side Capacity 151i 411j 1-175/16 - -23 :181 2 ':171/8 � /4 ;'12 F=I/8 125KJ 2 /2 - CONVERSION pm6 � M1) poz (321) ~ (311)=Pw) ~ Cem FROM INCHES — --~-`|| ~ �xs (64) ' �rs uxYo ~ (606) ) J� ~^^^,~^ 22 ~P ~�»� 17 �~(11(114) o \m1/4 -~(5m) ~�,V 221/2" (572). N� uo�^~ (n� r~ � 26U| ALL DIMENSIONSININCHES (millimeters) SPECIFICATIONS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE waLjo t13fand4ff Igh AM' LP If it" P To UaL Igh SI e or wkh Filter"" -LP Gas Kit Kit Nat Gas 0564 AIL Twinninj Kit 75F$..- NANAbOkl' NZA' NTI33onit NIA NTG31' 00GF- NT.G3'IOOKF- NIA NAHAGOITX:- _,NAHL002Lp NAHF002NG NAHAOOJFFl 11609911160993 * *100951.0 *1160992 NANA003M NTG3125Kj- NAHAQ02FF- Fast Parf.number "ApPlications-'Of NTG31'90KFA & NTG3125KJA,above 1650 CFM requires two side'returns, bottom return stand-off filter kit. Bottom return applications with the NTG.3125KJ require the 4 x 25 bottom return Or NAHAOO I TK 20 x 25 duct NAHA001 FF aPPlication: NTG3075HF', NTG31 OOGF & NTG31 urn filter kit, NAHAO02FF. N/A Not ApPlicable OOKF'bottom or side return, NTG3125KJ side return only. Furnace mason Chirn6y Mod,IN0. Draft Draft Hood Kit Required *Outlet Dla'.- NTC3050FB NTC3075FB NA.1-11-6070H V NTC3075HF NAHLO08DH NTC310OGF 5' NTC310OKF NAHL0090H 5" NTC3125KJ NAHLOiODH EWA W r1eA77NG&C00L11VGpF I ?ODUCTS INTERNATIONAL COMFORT PRODUCTS CO . RPORATION (USA) 650 HEIL- QUAKER AVE LEWISBU;G, TENNESSEE 37091 Prfnted In U.S.A. RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL SYSTEMS I SPLIT SYSTEMS - PACKAGED AIR CONDITIONERS COMBINATION GAS -/ ELECTRIC . UNITS * HEAT PUMPS • AIR HANDLERS • MANUFACTURED HOME AI • R CONDITIONERS 0 GAS, OIL AND ELECTRIC FURNACES SPECIFICATIONS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUTPART NO. 441 11 2601 04 (4/98) NOTICE Replaces 441 11 2601 02 (9/97) i.. '.. ., • . • •lip • • • EPD / EXD. A6-1/2. \ B 1/2 \O 3-1/4 Suction. 1-1/4 Liquid, I n � 11-3/8 i I 1-1/4 JAI , �A 20-1/2 ALL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES PURPOSEDUAL • D• • • Model No. Dimensions (Inches) Weights Refrigerant Control Connection Liq. O.D. Suc O.D. A B C Net Shpg EPD18615A 15-1/2 14 15 19 23 .053 5/t6 3/4 EPD24815A 15-1/2 14 22 27 31 .059 5/16 3/a EXD24615A 15-1/2 14 22 33; 37. TXV '/16 3/a EPD30615A 15-1/2 14 22 29• 33 I .065 5/t6 3/a EPD30F19A 19-1/8' 17-3/8 22 `34 38065 'Its '/a EPD361315A 15-1/2 14 22 33 37 072 5/16 3/4 EPD36F19A 19-1/8 1775/8 22 39. 43 072 5/16 3/a EPD36J22A 22-3/4 21=1/4 24 44 48 .072 '/t6 3/a EXD36F19A 19-1/8 17-5/8 22 38 42 TXV 5/16 3/4 EPD42F19A 19-1/8 17-5/8 22 45 49 .078 5/16 3/a EP042J22A 22-3/4 21-1/4. :24 50 54 .078 '/16 3/4 EXD42J22A 22-3/4, 21-1/4 24 43 48 TXV 5116 3/4 EPD48F19A 19=1/8 17-5/8 30 47. 52 .079 '/ts 3/4 EPD48J22A 22-3/4- :w: 21-1/4 24 56 62 .079 3i8 '/e EPD48N26A 26 3/8 24-7/8 24 56 62 .079 ale 7/e EXD48N26A 263/8 24-7/8 28 78 85' TXV 318 `/a EPD60J22A 22-3/4 21-1/4 30 63 70" .090 .3/8 7/8 •EPD60N26A 263/8 24-7/8 28 . 78 85 .090 ale '/8 EX060N26A . 263/8 24-7/8 30 82 91' TXV 3/8 (1) Orifice Pin shown is installed at the time of manufacture. SPECIFICATIONS SUBJECT To CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DIMENSIONS - HORIZONTAL SLAB COIL .. . . ...... ons Model No. "a _c _11 Height' V Net. Sum EAH5524SA 7 .22�-1/4 15-1/8. -18 14' .40 .056 5116" 3(4" EAH5536SA 7 28-1/4 -"24- a7. 54 .071 5116" 314" EAH5548SA 7 ;.41..3/4`, 67 .084 3W 7/r EAH5560SA 7 - 24, 18 .69 78 .089 3W 7/8" EAH55fA, 4 1-3/4 5-V2 SUCTION C E U661D 3-1/2 3 I 318 B 2 314 FPT ?-1/2 DRAIN ALLDIMENSIONS IN INCHES SPECIFICATIONS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE FURNACE SPECIFICATIONS- •HORIZONTAL Model Number NATURAL GAS`.' NTG3050FBA NTG3075FBA` NTG3075HFA NTG3100GFA`, NTG310OKFA NTG3125KJA INPUT (btuh)• 50,000 75,000 75,000 100,000, h 100,000 125,000 HTG. CAP. (btuh) 40,000 59,000 60,000 79,000 79,000 99,000 AFUE %'(ICS) 80.0% -80.0% 80.0% 80.0% 80.0% 80.0% CSE 73.0% 73.0% 73.0% 73.0% 73.0% 73.0% TEMP. RISE (deg. F) 35-65 35-65 25-55 35-65 35-65 40-70 VOLTS/PH/HZ 11516011. 11516011 11516011 11516011 11516011 11516011 F.L.A. 9 ` 9 12 12 12 12 TRANSFORMER (V.A.) 40 40 40 40 40 40 GAS PIPE SIZE (IN.) 112 112 112 112 g 112 112 CATEGORY I VENT SIZE 3" 4" 4" 4" 4" 5" COOLING CAP. 3.0 TON 3.0 TON 4.0 TON 3.5 TON 5.0 TON 5.0 TON SHIPPING WEIGHT (LBS.) 127 129 147 149 161 200 DIMENSIONS (in.) HEIGHT 40 40` 40 40 40 40 WIDTH X DEPTH 15112 x 28112 157/7X:28 12 197/8 x 28112 19118 x 28112 19118 x 28112 22 14 x 28112 BLOWER• Model Number NTG3050FBA"MG3075HFA� NTG310OGFA '� NTG3100KFA NTG3125KJA BLOWER TYPE AND SIZE 10x8 10 x 10' 10x 10 11 x 10 llx10 MOTOR H.P. (TYPE) 13 .12 13 14 14 MOTOR SPEEDS` *„ 4 3 4 :; 4 4 .10 ESP IN. %.A/.C. LOW 675 675 1503 815 .1210 1264. MEDIUM LOW 859 859 - 1043 1441 1520 MEDIUM - - 1722 - - - MEDIUM HIGH 1015 1015 - 1324 1773 1841 HIGH 1394 1394 1887 1649 2104 2161 .20 ESP IN. W.C. LOW 662 662 1460 783 1201 1251 MEDIUM LOW 846 846. - X1030 1430 1506 MEDIUM - - 1660 - - MEDIUM HIGH 999 999 - 1302 1740 1803 HIGH 1342 1342 1810 1616 2078 2132 .30 ESP IN. W.C. LOW 651 651 1420 755 1.197 1249 MEDIUM LOW 819 819 - .1021 1453 1486 MEDIUM - - 1.608, - - MEDIUM HIGH 977 977 - 1280 1740 1772 HIGH 1289 1289 1752 1592 2061 2079 .40 ESP IN. W.C. LOW 636 636 1370 '' 735 1191 1219 MEDIUM LOW 795 795 - 989 1441 1456 MEDIUM - 1540 - - - MEDIUM HIGH 952 952 - 1255 1718 1736 HIGH 1227 1227 1670 1546 2020 2042 .50 ESP IN. W.C. LOW 608 608 1318 704 1167 1168 MEDIUM LOW 765 765 - 968 1425 1427 MEDIUM - - 1484 - - - MEDIUM HIGH 914 914 - 1218 1707 1702 HIGH 11.63 1163 1599 15022005 1991 .60 ESP IN. W.C. LOW 564 564 1250 668 1160 1178 MEDIUM LOW 735 735 941 1390 1415 MEDIUM - - 1400 - - - MEDIUM HIGH 870 870 - 1171 1676 1672 HIGH 1086 1086 1520 1425 1953 1914 70 ESP IN. W.C. LOW 514 514 1182 646 1130 1143 MEDIUM LOW 685 685 - 881 1365 P1425 1358 MEDIUM - - 1322 -. - - MEDIUM HIGH 818 818 - 1100 1654 1614 HIGH 1002 1002 1 1353 1917 1838 SPECIFICATIONS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE r� p': yx < Y O Rellab/e Compressors Most 10. SEER models features reciprocating compressor `while most 12 SEER models feature a scroll compressor. All condensing units have been 100% run tested. © Copper Tube/Aluminum Fin•Coff Resists corrosion and lasts longer than aluminum tube coils, also delivers,. greater efficiency. Coils are 100% leak tested at three different checkpoints. -0 Prepainted -Fins -Provide' additional corrosion resistance; also resist fading and bleaching, so they look good for years on end. O Galvanized Steel: Cailinet Finished with a triple -step paint process for the ultimate in corrosion resistance and weatherproofing. 0 Top -Discharge Design, Vents hot air up and away from plants and shrubbery. O Coil Guard Protects coil from accidental damage. 10SEER r• _r , .:.. . NAC018AKA 24 x 24'/4 x 2614 NACO24AKA 26 x 24-1/4x 26'/2 NAC030AKA 26 x 24'/, x 26'/2 NAC036AKA 28 x 241/ x 261h NAC042AKA 32 x 24/, x 26/z NAC048AKA 28 x 29'/+•x 32N NAC060AKA 32 x 29'/+ x 32'/ 12 SEER NAC218AKA 26 x 24'/+ x 26/2. NAC224AKA 26 x 24'/4 x 26/2 NAC230AK k 26 x 24'/+ x 26/2 NAC236AKA 32 x 29/4x 32/4 NAC242AKA 34 x 29'/ x 32/4 NAC248AKA 38 x 29'/4 x 32/4 NAC260AKA 38 x 29'/. x 32'/. fllustrations and photographs in this brochure are only representadre. Some V Product models may vary. As Part of its commitment to quality, International Comfort Products reserves the right to change specifications on its products 9MAp without notice. All Heil air conditioners use EPA -approved refrigerant that pi cable to .'? SEER units only will continue to be manufactured in the U.S. until 2020. er,.a. sar inoo.a ur smaa ry f..,.vr emcRr. All systems tested and listed by the appropriate testing agencies. _ "1AA44 , Uu/jwwa c�mrMao 630 Heil Quaker Ave. • Le.sisbu,, TN 37091 MEWIRM6 slswheit-hvac.com HEATING Al COOLING PRODUCTS NACO/NAC2 Series m 2000 Intemadonal Comfort Products A member of the United Technologies Corporation family. Stock symbol UTX. • Part No. 421.12.3001-00/Printed 05/00 s 1981 20th..Anniversary 2001 Consulting Electrical`. Engineers 19031 Highway 18 Sfe:20Q' 72330"CagVon I aiie' Apple Valley, CA'92307 Pahn Desert, CA 92260' Phone: (760) 2423369 Phone:'('760) 77374478 Fag:" (760)-242=1092 Fax: (760)242-1092 dreamjoe a@cliarter net drenmjoe@aoLcom TITLE 24, JANUARY2001 ENERGY;EFFICIENCY"STANDARDS FOR LOW RISEIRESIDENTIAL'BUILDINGS WALLTMILES:;RES 1J60` :SQ. FT 6/21103 Energy Budgets for this building were determined using the CALRES VERSION 1.4 certified by the California Energy Commission. The,GaIres'analysis attached was conducted using tables from the- Residential'Manual for Compliance With the Energy.Efficiency Sfandards (for Low Rise Residential Buildings)'JANUARY.2001, certified by California Energy Commission. *'* HOUSE COMPLIES *** ***REFERENCE C -2R PAGE 1*** I hereby certify that, the California Energy Commission. Conservation Division regulations establishing. Energy Efficiency Stadards for Residential Buildings'; Title -24, Part 6, have been reviewed and the design submitted-substantiallycomplies with these regulations. rq/ Joseph K- Nolan A-,-_ Electrical '.Engineer ATTACHMENTS: #1 - C -2R (4 PAGES) #2 CF -1 R'(3. PAGES) #3 -MF -1 R Mandatory Measures Checklist: Residential (2 PAGES) #4 CF=6R Installation.Certificate (13 PAGES) #5 '`FHA'FORM'J Heating and Cooling Calculations (1. PAGE) #6_ -Calculation Work. Sheet (1 PAGE) , #7 -Adjusted Energy BudgetWorksheet -Additions, Only (1 PAGE) C:1Documents and Settingsldesk\NsktoplTITLE 24.docTITLE •24 - RESI CITY OF LA QUINiA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED 5�. rye . /F4ono COMPUTER METHOD'SUMMARY Page 1 C -2R Project Title,: WALLY MILES•1760`S,Q: FT. Run: 507 21 -Jun -03 Project Address: 51645 RAMTRAZ.AVE. WALLY MILES 1760 SQ. FT (ft2)'factor ------ LA QUINTA,• CA -92253 Rval ---- ,Rval ----- Building�Title: WALLY.DILES 176Q SQ'. FT. Building Permit # Document Author: DREAM;ENGINEERING INC. (760)773-44-78 Zone = HOUSE Telephone: Plan Check / Date Compliance Method: CALRES2 1.4.02 Field Check / Date Climate Zone: 15 3 90'_90 Yes ENERGY USE SUMMARY (kBtu/ft2-yr) Energy Use Standard Design Space Heating 3.10 Space Cooling 39.25 Water Heating 14.15 Total 56.50 GENERAL INFORMATION Conditioned Floor Area: Average Ceiling Height:. Building Type: Building Front Orient.at on:. Glazing Area, % of -Floor Area: Average Fenestration U -Value: ;,Average Fenestration SHGC: Number of Dwelling•`Units: Number of Stories: Floor Construction, Type: Number of Conditioned -.Zones: Total Conditioned Volume: BUILDING ZONE INFORMATION Proposed Design ---------------- 3.01 .41..67 11.71 ------ C6mplies 56.39 Yes 1'760 ft2 9'0" ft -in SFDSingle Family Detached 90.deg (East) 11.8%' 0.65 0.39 1.00 1 Slab on grade 1 158.40, ft3= Floor Vent Zone Area Volume Thermostat. Height Name. (•f t2) (ft3) Type Type (ft) HOUSE 1760 15840 Conditioned CEC Standard 210" OPAQUE SURFACES Surface Area. U- Insl Total Tru Slr Construction Type ---------- (ft2)'factor ------ ------ Rval ---- ,Rval ----- Azm.Tlt --- --- Gns --- Type ------------ Location/Comments ------------------- Zone = HOUSE Door 20.0 0.330 0 3 90'_90 Yes DOOR Outside Wall 320.0 0.065 19 15 90 90 Yes W19.2x6.'16 Outside Wall 343.5 0.065 19 15-1.80' 90,Yes W19.2x6.16 Outside Wall 263.3 0.065 19 15 270 90 Yes W19.2x6.16 Outside Wall 357.9 0.065:,.19 15 0 90 Yes W19.2x6.16' Outside Ceiling 1760.0 0.024 38 42' -- O.Yes 838..2x4.24 Attic Floor 1760.0 -- 0 -- -- 180 No Slab140C Grade COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 2 C -2R Project Title. WALLY MILES •176.0 SQ. FT. Run: 507 21 -Jun -03 PERIMETER LOSSES Insul Perimeter Length F2 Insul Depth Type (ft) -;Factor R -vat (in) Location/Comments ------------------- ------ ----- ------ ---------------------------------- Zone = HOUSE Exposed 16810" 0.507 - - Unconditioned FENESTRATION SURFACES Fenestration Exterior Shade Over - Fenestration Area ------='===- --- Tru ----------------- hang Name Type (ft2) U -factor. SHGC Am Tilt Type SHGC /Fins Zone = HOUSE FRONT._GLAZ 'Window 20.0 0.65 0.39 90 90 BugScrn 0.76 None LEFT _GLAZ Window 52.5/1 065 0.39,'-180 90 BugScrn 0.76 None BACK_GLAZ Window 96..7 .0:6,5 0.39 270 90" BugScrn 0.76 None RIGHT_GLAZ Window .38.1 0::65 0.39 0 90 BugScrn 0.76 None OVERHANGS Fenestration -------------------------- Length Height Left Right Name Width Height 'H' 'V' Extension Extension None FINS Left Fin. Right Fin Fenestration Dist Dist ------------------------- --. Fin Fin Htfrom Fin Fin Ht from Name Height Width Depth Height IV' fenes Depth Height 'V' fenes None THERMAL MASS Vol Cond- Area Thck Heat duct= Construction Insd Mass Name (ft2) (in) Cap ivity'Type Rval Location/Comments Zone = HOUSE INTMASS 300.0 1:0 19 0.09 .Tile 0 Interior. SOLAR GAIN DISTRIBUTION Fenestration Winter Summer Targetted Name Fraction Fraction Thermal Mass Comments None COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 3 C -2R Project Title: WALLY MILES 1760.SQ. FT. Run: 507 21 -Jun -03 HVAC SYSTEMS Refrigerant Minimum Charge -and. Equipment' Duct Location System Name System Type Airflow.TXV Efficiency and R -value Zone = HOUSE GasFurn.80 Furnace N/A 0.80°AFUE Attic R-4.2 ACsplitl2 Air cond.-'central,spl-it, No 1'2.00 SEER Attic R-4.2 HVAC DISTRIBUTION.EFFICIENCY DETAILS Duct`Leakage Supply Target Duct Surface. ACCA Manual.6 (leakage cfm/ System Name Area Design % of. fan cfm) •:.Fan CFM CEC 100%R4.2 475 No n/a'1232 WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Distrib Water Water # of Energy Volume System Name Type' Heater'Name Heater•Type Htrs Factor (gal) ------ StandardGas Standard StandardGas Storage gas.," 1. 0:63 50 SPECIAL WATER HEATING SYSTEM CREDITS Solar savings Wood..stove '.Wood stove System Name fraction boiler?'.;" boiler•. .pump? Standard Gas -- No No SPECIAL WATER HEATER/BOILER DETAILS, Rated Pilot Water Recovery Input Standby Tank Light Heater Name Efficiency AFUE (kBtiih): Loss' R -value (Btuh) StandardGas 7.8% -- X42.00 -- -- -- HYDRONIC DISTRIBUTION AND TERMINALS Pipe Pipe Insul Insul System/Name TypeNumber run (ft) diam (in) thck (in) R -value None r COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 4 C -2R Project Title: WALLY MI=LES .1760'; SQ' FT.. Run: 507 21 -Jun -03 SPECIAL FEATURES', REMARKS, AND''NOTES .: 1. Heating duct register location: Ceiling,: 2. Cooling -duct register location: Ceiling.. CERTIFICATE OF: COMPLIANCE:,_Re,sidential -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 1 CF -1R Project Title: WALLY MILES 1760,SQ. FT.- Run:, 507 21 -Jun -03 Project Address: 51645 RAMTRAZ AVE. WALLY MILES 1760 SQ. FT SFD' LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Building Front Orientation: Building Title: WALLY MILES 1760 S.Q. FT_. Building Permit # Document Author: DREAM ENGINEERING INC..'(7..60)773=4;478 Exterior Overhang Telephone: (ft2) Plan Check / Date Compliance Method: CALRES2 1:4.02 '0'39. 20.0 Field Check / Date Climate Zone: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 Window South 52.5 •0.65•. Number of Dweling�Units: GENERAL INFORMATION Conditioned Floor Area:.. 1760 ft2 Exterior Conditions/Descripti Average Ceiling Height: 9'0" ft -in Yes ----------------------- Grade Building Type: SFD' Single Family Detached Building Front Orientation: 90 deg (East) Glazing Area, % of Floor.'<,A•rea: 11:.'8 Fenestration Exterior Overhang Average Fenestration .U-Value:0.65 (ft2) U -factor SHGC Shading Average Fenestration SHG -C-. '0'39. 20.0 0.65 0.40 Number of Stories:. 1 Window South 52.5 •0.65•. Number of Dweling�Units: 1.00 None Window West 96`.7 Floor Construction Type: Slab on grade None Window North BUILDING SHELL.INSULATION... 0.65 0.40.. BugScrn None Cavity Sheathing Component Insul,. Insul Total Assembly Type R -value •:R -value 'R -value U -value Location/Comments Door 0 -- 3.03 0.330 Outside Wall i9 0 15.38 0.065 Outside Wall 19 0 15.38 0.065 Outside Wall .19, 0 15.38 0:065 Outside Wall 19 0 15.38 0.065 Outside Ceiling 38 0'. 41.67 0.024 Attic Floor 0 0 3.3.8 0:295 Grade Slab Perimeter 0 0 0 " 0.'507 Unconditioned FLOOR TYPES AND AREAS Construction Type Area (ft2) Conditioned? Exterior Conditions/Descripti Slab '1760* Yes ----------------------- Grade FENESTRATION Area. Fenestration Fenestration Exterior Overhang Type/Orientation (ft2) U -factor SHGC Shading and Fins Window .East, 20.0 0.65 0.40 BugScrn None Window South 52.5 •0.65•. 0.40 <BugScrn None Window West 96`.7 0.165 0.40 BugScrn None Window North 38.1 0.65 0.40.. BugScrn None CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: Residential Page 2 CF -1R Project Title: WALLY MILES 1760 SQ. FT. Run: 507 21 -Jun -03 ------------------- THERMAL MASS Area' Thick Type Cover '(ft2) (in) .Location/Comments Intmassl 300.•0 1.0 Interior HVAC SYSTEMS Refrigerant Distribution System Charge and. Location Type Efficiency Airflow,TXV,. and R=value Furnace 0.80-AFUE N/A Attic :R-4.2 Air cond. - central split. 12.:00 SEER No Attic R-4.2 HVAC DISTRIBUTION EFFICIENCY DETAILS Duct'.Leakage Supply Target - Duct Surface ACCA Manual D (leakage cfm/ System Name Area Design % of fan cfm) Fan CFM CEC 100%R4.2 475 No n/a 1232 WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Distrib Water Water I of Energy Volume System Name Type Heater Name Heater Type" Htrs.`Factor (gal) -- Standard-Gas Standard StandardGas_ Storage gas 1 0.63 50 SPECIAL WATER HEATING.•SYSTEM CREDITS Solar savings Wood .stove Wood stove System Name fraction boiler?' boiler pump? ------------ ------------- ---------- -----------=- Standard Gas -- No No SPECIAL WATER HEATER/BOILER DETAILS. Rated Water Recovery Input Heater Name Efficiency AFUE (kBtuh): StandardGas 78% -- 42.00 HYDRONIC DISTRIBUTION.AND TERMINALS'' System/Name Type Number -------------- ------------- ------ None Pilot Standby., Tank Light Loss R -value (Btuh) Pipe -Pipe` Insul run (ft) diam (in) thck (in) Insul R -value CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE:'Residential Page 3 CF -1R Project Title: WALLY`MILES 1760.;SQ. FT. Runk: 507 21 -Jun -03 SPECIAL FEATURES, REMARKS, AND NOTES 1. Heating duct register location: Ceiling. 2. Cooling duct register -location: Ceiling. COMPLIANCE STATEMENT This certificate of compliance lists the'building,features and performance specifications needed to comply with.�the Energy Standards in�Title 24, Parts 1 and 6, of the California Code of Regulations, and.the Administrative regulations to implement them. This certificate'has been Isigned. Iby the individual with overall design responsibility.. When this certificate of compliance is submitted for a single building plan to be built in.multiple orieritations, any shading feature that•is varied is indicated in the Special Features„ Remarks, and Notes section. DESIGNER OR OWNER DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR DREAM ENGINEERING INC. (760)773-4478 (760)899-2936 ertification #: ' Signed bat Signed' 7 Date ENFORCEMENT AGENCY Name: Title: Agency: Telephone: Signed Date 1512 168 1760 9'0 EAST LA-QUNITA 112 30 N/A vonsumng:&:jecrri.cot &p9moors. 1*01 fjuihNa'- IN 1W 700 '123jO 611WOTOEA�UO Appil,'NQWIY,'ia 4M7 Palo. ttA. 92260 fli'mq: 'pioiaez '('760),71,34-478 rovpoj 2aZ=tp93 ToNt (70) 242-1092 dtcAa oe�iL�d kor.i let FORM -EQUIPMENT LOADS PROJECT: 22 BTU/SQ FT DREAM ENGINEERING' INC. "19031 HIGHWAY 18 -SUITE 200 WALLY MILES 1760 SQ FT APPLE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA (760)242=3369/F1092 LA QUNITA CA HTM HTM AREA/ BTU BTU NUMBER OF FLOORS, CLG HTG LENGTH CLG HTG EXPOSED WALL (SQ FT) GROSS EXPOSED WALLS FOOTPRINT - PERIMETER (FT) FIXED WINDOWS 25 0 0 0 BUILDING,DIMENSIONS (SQFT) SLIDINP' 26 206 0 H .WINDOWS 5346 CEILING EIGHT . FT) WINDOWS & NORTH 29 38 1102 DIRECTION FACING GLA§S,bOO_RS: EAST 86 20 1720. LOCATION SOUTH 46 -52 .23.92 SUMMER'DESIGN OUTDOOR - 78 WEST 86 96 9290.4, WINTER -DESIGN OUTDOOR = 68 SKY LIGHTS 0 0 0. 0 0 UBCzo-� OCCUPANCY FANCY, OPAQUE DOORS 38 25 -20 - 764 503 DISCLAIMER: NET EXPOSED WALL R19 1.9 2.0 1512 2873 3024 13HE BUILDING HEAT LOSS & RESULTING MAXIMUM HEATING -AVE CEILINGS. R38 1.49 - 1760 2629 1478 EQUIPMENT OUTPUT CALCULATIONS IN THIS REPORT MEET THE CEILINGS (R#2) - 0 0 CRITERIA OF T.ITLE.,2 -JHIS MAXIMUM MAYBE EXCEEDED .FLOOR (SLAB,- PERIMETER) 0 28.3 1,68 b 4754 WHEN THE FURNACE IN THE SELECTED PRODUCT, LINE MUST BE (RAISED . -FLOOR) . . FLOOR' ' 0 0 0 0 LARGER TO MEET COOLING LOAD WW� RFLORE66IREMENTS. SUBTOTAL BTUH LOSS 15105 23HE BUILDING'SENSIBL . E ; HEAT GAINCALCULATED IN THIS DUCT BTUH LOSS,(15%) 1813 REPORT MEETS THE,CRITERI,KOF-T,1TLE 24 AND MAYBE HEATINGJOTAL BUTH LOSS 16918 USED BY THE MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR NTRACTOR IN EQUIPMENT REPPLE &APPILIANCES 1200 SELECTION AND SYSTEM DESIGN. THE ARI STANDARD,21 0 SENSIBLE BTU GAIN 20910 RATED CAPACITY OF THE EQUIPMENT SELECTED MAYNEED DUCT BTU GAIk (1t511) 3146 Td -BE HIGHER THAN THAT STATED IN THE"CACtuLATibNS SUM OF SENSIBLE AND DUCT GAINS 2411*6 BECAUSE THE DESIGN CONDITIONS FOR THE LOCATION ARE COOLING: TOTAL BTUH 'GAIN (TOTAL X 1.3) 31351 DIFFERENT FROM THE TEST CONDITIONS USED IN THE RATINGS. HTG UNIT SIZING = BTUH LOSS X 1.3 + 10 X AREA = 37079 BTU HEATING OUTPUT, MINIMUM REQUIRED CLG UNIT SIZING = BTUH GAIN X 1.15 = 39588 BTU COOLING SENSIBLE, MINIMUM REQUIRED 1512 168 1760 9'0 EAST LA-QUNITA 112 30 N/A Calculation Work Sheet Perimeter 168.0 Slab, 1,760.0 Area 1,760.0 Glazing 206.4 Avg. Ceiling Height 9.0 Intmass FRONT 9.0 GLAZING W H AREA - 5.0 4.0 20.0 u 0.65 sc 0.40 CODE A J DREAM 20.01- 0.65 •-0:40 HEIGHT. 9.0 WALL AREA LEFT FRONT 40.0 360:0 NONE LEFT 44.0 396.0 AREA BACK 40.0 360.0 CODE RIGHT 44.0 - 396.6 3.0 12.0 1,512.0 0.40 Eng�naerfing InoorpsocaQ d 1981 20th_ 'A .nlyers4ry. 2001 C6naumn.0 Efeatrleel eny/moor. >'na�ulgpw ;�M rte amr 1z4ip i�av,r�in:M np�to v,:uoT, '' Ww Yamc, csanl a+iaaan venue: (�n'n>'Tvt-ia�n ►war. i'itN saa•+twa w:.. c�3tnira-]lWi �.�e�ILri7;ntw'.r�a.ae: n.c�.No:.,ry;notam.. SKYLIGHTS - CODE W H LEFT u sc NONE W GLAZING H AREA u sc CODE B 4.0 3.0 12.0 0.65 0.40 C 5.0 4.0 20.0 0.65 0.40 C 5.0 4.0 20.0 0.65 0.40 52.0 '0[65 0.40, SKYLIGHTS - CODE W H AREA u sc NONE W - AREA e ' TOTAL CODE #DIV/01 ;###if# DOORS CODE .W BACK AREA FRONT 1 3:0 W GLAZING H AREA u so CODE D 6.0 6.7 40:2 0.65 0.40 D 6.0 6.7 40.2 0.65 0.40 E 4.0 4.0 •'16.0 0.65 0.40 96.41 07571 0.40. DOORS CODE .W . ,H. AREA FRONT 1 3:0 6:7 20.1 IUTAL .t 1U.1 l RIGHT GLAZING W H AREA u sc CODE E 4.0 4.0. 16.6 0.65 0.40 E 4.0 4.0 16.0 0.65 0.40 F 2.0 3.0 6:0 0.65 0.40 ^.38:0 :. 065'. 0.40 206.4 MANDATORY MEASURE ES CHEMLIgST: RESIDENTIAL - i of 2> ' MF -1 R - .. rFiY�� Note: Wwrise rosW=dat ba ngs subject to the S-'ddaciis mast oomaae sliest meas ",Of tLc eomQ2iance approach need. '•' Ittats'riiiiikod weth ao tistensf< ('); tatay bo ettperseded, by tnoi q anngetrt complisuce regaiapiiia iris li>;text on the C gate of (:oanoe3nce , QVlaeia tltia;ches ir]itst iI nwQipam,, into:the perimit 8pcnmuts, the 1 EtaTea ttOtEd tdlntt be considered by e11 parties as .: obngwntxrt perfiomanee t�enficamarra far the ttmK�o'y measures vtal►eMetr. dsey me ehowri'blseovhese ®dre documara or on MIs eaboddist only; Insttuctions: Check o'r initial applicable boxes vAicn completed or enter N/A. if iiot applect3ble. DESCRIPTION _ DESIGNER:'' :-ENFORCEMENT EuiMing LnvdoprlVleasaitces: �t , f, ¢ i SO(o): Minimrm R-19 oedting iiasaladou.: • 4 t40fby iaae fill inraladern mama6ectQtmts labeled R demo. • 8130(c): Mt>M M R 13 wall iemtation in wend framed Walls ex equhmelmt U -Factor is meta franc walls duos nut awlyt.0 exterior - arafit • V90(4 Minimum R-13 taised fluor iondaticu m tamed floom. J 130(0: Slab adp. hnmladoo - Teter abaurptiee rate no garter daac 0.3SG; late no then 2.0 pcmeh. 1119: hewalatUm speeifuod or instaUed meets kaaulasOn quality atar4ssids. b ulwafe tyre and form: §116-L7: FaaHCatlooPrndae�,TxtctimL]n+ts.and lalihratfat�7i(ilrtadonCoom►!s d. Doors and itiz aaa beta eea owdi temed'airmiiamndiikresd diieiggad to Beat ear kakW. 2. felt aw- pmdom (exeept faeld bWj ided) hm* label wo aartitied U -Factor. eeeifred Soles Hem Gsm Coeiriic6t (sHdq, and thfiltr diin oalificatiQ& 3. Elie' fur doss ad v! ndaws wralhcratrippedi all Joints mtd pcwtr&40= caulkhd and staled. 4l �(8): �� �!►� ��y io Ctimett 2atls 14 mid 16 only. . $ I UK* -special wiitrettora Es� kr iestaNed to ex►irtpty With � 1 Sl ` Cooflniasioe gWfity ateadsi+ls. ¢ 140;e): lc3sllatee� za .lnr ao, C � alive Gas AppP.mes and Gas UaWL .1. ±%Atsmvy and L tcuy:ba ift:fitepte a him a..Closecble- meta! ar Bim dear - b: Catside air batakt with'dampe. n ad ountrol e. Flan deaper and..,xiam) Z No amtin— bm"Ing Sea Oka IW is allowed. .Space Conditioning, Water Heating and Platnbittg Svstm Menures: 0 104113: 1VAC egtaptneat, wsoer dceterx; drov os6e • aqd faac cattitied fry the Com. . (1 St`(ar} Htatt>;g aecy�r onpliag toed+ ip eoet§r LW= taridi ASHRAFi SMACKA w A(r-k 4150(0: SltbaekihaJ1U08tar em all applicable boating and/or eoolhtg t�'Jittl'16. 41W:. Pipe and teak itirnlatiqu IStinOjle gats vrmerhaaters ri9ed wrt6 ®Ftxt�r feeler 1p� dash OSA alma bs. extsreally wram E4 with uasulilien hsngS-nrr u:stalltd.thi�eil ri�isibmex vl' R-12 cigieear: ' 2 Find 4, fact of pipnc c!cuxt ro wadi hcatQ tam r►�rt-s eeiteulalutA ryfiaans. ias-.ileted (RA Or r,neatnr) 3 Rptk-ap tr olo ft solar sy■tam. unfired alotage tmb, or other faadasct Fot fro srer tanks have: R-12 clterr�J'.77 natdslitm or ^.,..! t5•�opa!sinad ierrrallas�anl i�rsletiuo.•' c+ es e in �r�t iia aeaic of Bmt tuner aystnrm. ';Ct:�^_'.lgg +ysteoa pfg' isafow 19'. F. iniaintkd. 6. Pi;ring iirulete�d betWoen lacaaiug"anurai and. indirmt bot water tank. Comlig al Forms k-5 MANDATORY, MEASURES CHECKLISTi'.RESIDENTIAY..(Piec2ef2) MF -IR Note: Lawrisc mawcalid buikltngs aubod to die''Smndartls mintrcaetatn'theae meI =_ :S' rtput0eas of the eomptieace approach used. rtimm ttrarksil;wrth tm`asierutc;(. may besvpmtlodod bY.mote sttytrgtirie oon>;;tiardoa eegttitemantt: tined an the Cetiseate of Coa�ltancc a:,1V�co thi§ ehgckttsf 1s itioorp<tnited;into ilte t+eimit documents, ttre'featinw notal hall be considered by all pwrtiw as minimttrrt ccttriponent performm�caspecificattotu for the. ttawdatay a asuros wt -Aar they ate shown CWC%Vhcm in the documernts tx on chis checklist amty:.. - .,.a, < , lnshvcdms: Check or: initial applicable boxes v;�completed or caterN/A if not applicable. DESCRIPTION DESIGNER ENFORCEMENT space Coadltl n ig, water Heatimg iind Plumbing Syste'in'Mefsari2ss (continued) • f)50(m�- Ducts and Fins ). All ddeu and pleotmts iodta@ad, pealed and }ueatatod 1b 010011130 tegoiretmwit a f the 1998 CMC BMtittoaGOl, 603.604. and Stiotds[d f 3: ductt imuWed b a ao msteiled kvd of It -A 2 or mebeod mdrdjr m ; oaaditietr»dspat ii Opmiggs tietl,beaeakdwtti'i 4dttow.ttq>Gaesoeoi seitha;matbaduet!dasme Itiat moots t�eppliwb10 tequasoeola ad' 11[:181, UL 181A w UL 181t utrtdalic'ca tapo iii ;used to"Boal opoaiogl gcreux.tival 1/4 inch,' lte c ties of tmtsic and elthar nei nh a rape Rh U ho toad sdktinae oaroitia� tfiiill trot b� ttsed for000! eveyiojg is tdtticoed elr. Iasi. rind aeanu!'.. duct vineta`s; and their ootcpanrars atsdl Bat he'sealed svilph eldlh back -t' aftwve duet ud® tgreb tape is treed to coo. iasiaa with honk arid'drnwbt .' . 2. tiuildng �nvititai support platfortne furairitwA m, endplenupnt defined oionnumctedsilt tnew6ils adax 01M 'caw Sheet rnehl. duct boatel to fleatNe duet won m i be':u' &x. emtvcymg Cor da Honed err. tluilding WYttiad and sapp0st ptatforats rosy Onntbit dMte Duch, ttstallcd )A aavhim and snppatt pi tkrmd shall nd bE Cnalpaeated !O e w rMatUma al th0 CtYa9 aactleaal. arae Sithe daft 3. loltaa and aaniB ofdoct rstd tlteacumpoomI diaA wt -be usled with claffi back rubber ad5eive'dact tapes tmti a t o* a loll io eadtbiaetim with tmetie and dcx*Wndu. 4. Exhaust fan syataim Leve bmf dta4 cretrt dampas.� S. G-AVity veatdating *v. swing nem panned sltoee have ebh,- automatic or rtedily rteeem'We, manually kited dwrtpem 6. Pnoedon of lowistiaL b%md@Wn aitch be pniloated 11am daatdgS tneEaBbtg that daC m wtadgh; . aioisatre. agtttpmeol radtttewaoe, ries wmd brit Hol tiimted b the follorri�_ hntolation extkwetl to v+eatAet' shell 1+e autlabie--tee twtdots tx=vtee e.g:, ptatocted by alntttiinrot. wheel iuclal, panned , 'tetidri or plastic boyar.' cAdar'foeam 0iM' shell be Vatected as ove abcr ponied with a.tiowiog;Chat is water retardant mid des sffidit &w soler radiation dial can's ` en of the msteiial It 14: Pact and Spa Heaft Systems tad Eq*,.L I . System isoto ified wi.1h A. dtataul t tTicieaey, awfl awitcb, tpmaf opet>mn8 iasttaioliate, t►o elawic rtscMace heating and no pilot fight, L System is installed with: as At least 3V' of pipe but .tem Lkar and beew for tiitrae solar beating. h. Cava fa ttttttkrnr poakt orao0door dpaa. 3. Pounl aystcm has dkoctimal Wm aril a cism1mim ptmV tiurie,switdL bt 1 S. t:)aa fired craw fns u—% lad witers, qR lie"nt ar Ittiitaalrfld 000klog spQUeeoea bare np , h-Umba>i t3srramCuied wilh < ISO Budhr oils (1k cod Roof aostMw amat speeiiQbd eiutaio Lighting Mtysores: . 4 Lsark)t.: lamrbatt* fergmatal Itgtms�g io totebos diad boyo lamps vlift Qi dtlimy of 4o h-mvomn or greater for gm¢ril ligietvig is kia0ltans rya► ggtaaI lig *w awl be Qwlii ed by a swlt3eb oa a readily aocedsible ' 'eontml�' at ac eatrao0emthc,titclida I 1 S0(k)2.: Rooms with a show+? nrhtub' baimusi bavo *kW' et )MR rote iwt01aite with In* with as c or �Y Lf 4011 gtrmcr it!vhcbod at the entrattoe to the rootsor Otte of the aItaeatives, to this toQaheaomt allordad to gI30(bj2;, ®A iaoeytdcaot>tt toeesded oeiliag fctteiteii ai+e K (lnaoltitlntt govCfj Compliance Forms August 2001 A-6 INSTALLATION. CERTIFICATE" _(Nge,I of 13)' CF -6R Site Address Permit Number An installation certificate is required to be posted at the building site or made available for all appropriate inspections. (The information provided _on this -form 1sy required; howevcr, use of this form to provide the information is optional.) After completion of final inspection, a copmust-be provided to the buildtnk4do rtment'(upon request) and the building owner at occupancy, per Section I'0 -103(b).. RVAC SYSTEMS Heating Egaipinent Equip. # of Efficiency Duct' Dotct or Heating Heating Type (pkg. CFC CerhfiM M& Name ldeutt6t (AFUE etc.)' Location Piping Load Capacity he�atpgnia) and Model Ninnbcr Svstents Iz[ F_IR valuel (attic etc.1 R --value' ($nor? (Bttt/Itrl Cooling Eq*ment Egcup. CEC Certified Comprrssor . H of Ef Li envy Duct Cowling Cooling Type (rkg. Unit Mfrme Naand Identical (SEER,.otc.)' .. - Location Duct Load Capacity heat Duron) Model Niunber Systems f>CF-IR valuel (attic, cW3 R -value Wtuairl . tau Irl 1. > reads greater than or equal to.. I, the undersigned, verify that equipment listed above is 1) is.fhe actual egliipmenf installed; 2) equivalent to or more efficient than ,that s�iecified in the certificate of.compltance (Farm CF -IR) submitted for cornpliancc with the Ene,gy E(riciency Standa,ds for residential buildings, and3)' equipment that meets or ezcecds the appropriate requirements for manufactured devices (from the Appliance L•fciency Regulations or Part 6), where applicable.' Signature, Date Installing Subcontractor, (Co. Narne) OR General Contractor (Co. Name) OR Owner . WATER HEATING SYSTEMS: Distribution if Recir- # of Rate& 'rank t' F.f t- External Heater CK. Certified Mtr 'Fype (Std, culetion Identical Input (kW Volume J.ciency2 Stantlh- Insulation lypc Name & Modcl Number Point -of -Use) Control Tvae Systems or Btu/hr) (Kallons) I(FF, RF.) Loses ("/o) R-valuc3 2 For small gas storage (rated input of less than or equal to 75,000 Bt /iht), electric resistance and heat pump water beaters, Gat Energy Factor. For targe gas storage water b."Iere Gated input of greater than 75,000 Htu/hr). fist Reenvery E(rcien'ey, Standby Loss and Rated inpuL For instantaneous gas water beaters, list Recovery Efficiency and Rated lnput.` 3. R-12 cxn real insulation is mandatory foe ciorage,water heaters with an energy factor of less than 0.58. Faucets & Shower Heads: All faucets and show&hcads installed are certified to the Commission, pursuant to.Titic 24, Part 6, Section 111. I, the undersigned,. verify that equipmcnt listed above'* signature is: 1.) the. actual equipment" -installed; 2) equivalent to or more efficient thiai that. spccrfted ip the certificate -of compliance (Form,CF-'IR) submitted for compliance with the l nerd Efficiency. Standar•ds`,for residential buildings; and J)"c' that'meets or ;exceeds the appropriate requirements for manufactured devices (from the Appliance Efflcienay Regulations or Part 6), where applicable. Signature, Date Installing Subcontractor (Co: Name) OR General Contractor (Co. Name) OR Owner COPY TO: Building Department HERS Provider. (if applicable) Building Owtaer at Occupancy Compliance Forms 'August`2001 A-23 U-Factor: (5- S1h3c1 (5'. U of Product Square Device or Comments/Locatiom' Manufacturer/flandN.uy CF-tR'valU0 CF4jLvaluc)=-• Pana "'(Onitorid� Feef __Overhang Snecialfeatuics (GROUP LIKE PRODUCTS) l , 2. - 3. 4. — - ---- 5• — -- — 6, — 7. 9. 10. 12. 13.. ---- 13. _------- - — - 4. 15 --- — - ' Manufactured fenestration products use the values,,from the product label. Field fabricated fenestration products use the default values from Section.116 of,the Energy Effrciency'Staadairls. t Installed U-Factor must be less than or equal to values, from CF-1 R. Installed SHGC must be less than or equal to values from CF-1R, or a shading device'texienor or overbang) is installed as specified on the CF-IR Altcmatively, installed weighted uvemge U-Factors for the"total fenestration area- are 'less than or equal to values from CF-1R I, the undersigned; verify that the. fenestration/glazing listed above "my signature: 1) is the actual,. fenestration product installed; 2) is equivalenrto or has'a lower�U-Factor'and lower SHGC.than'that specified iri the.certificate of compliance (Form CF-1R) .submitted for com%pliance with the Enerq� .E��iency. Stmr�3ards for• residential buildings; and 3) the product meets or exceeds the appropriate requirements for manufactured devices`(fr' m Part 6), where applicable. item ft Signature, Date Installing Subcontractor`(Co. Name) OR (if applicable) General_Contraccor (Co.Namc) OR Owner OR Window Distributor Item ft Signature,,Dat,e .Installing Subcgntractor (Co. Name) OR (if applicable) General Contra'c'tor (Co.:Name) OR Owner OR Witidow.Distributor' iketrr #s Signature Data' Installing Subcontractor (Co. Name) OR (if applicable) General Contractor (Co.rName)'OR Owner OR.Window Distributor' COPY TO: Building Department HERS Provider (if applicable) . Building Owner at Occupancy Compliance Forms .ist- 2001 A-24 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE,.;, . {Page 3 0>l it3) CF -6R Site Address Per i t`Number DUCT LEAKAGE"AND DESIGN D. GNOSTICS ❑ DUCT LEAKAGE REDUCTION Pressurization Test Results' (CFM'@:25. PA) Test.Leakage (CFM) _ Fan Flow If Fan Flow is Calculated as 400 cfin/ton x, number of "toils, or as 21.7.x Heatmg..Capacity inThousands of Btu/hr, enter`calculated.Jalue here `If fan.flow is measured; 6ii&.meaiured value here Leakage Fraction = Test Leakagc/(Measured or Calculated Fan Flow) Pass if leakage fraction S 0.06 ❑ ❑ Pass Fail ❑ For AEROSOL, T.YPE.SIEAL.A.NITI OINLY. The following diagnostic testing was completed:' Duct Fah_Pressuriziltton at:rough-iii mcasured'leakage (CFM) CHECK AFTER FINISHING WALL: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Pressure pan test or House.pressurization test 11 Yes ❑ No ❑Visual Inspection ofDucfC6nnections 11 13 Pass Fail ❑ THERMOSTATIC EXPANSION VALVE (T?CV) 13 Yes 13 No Th' '666 Expansion Valve is installed and:Access.is provided inspection ❑ ❑ Yes is a pass Pass Fail ❑ DUCT DESIGN 1. ❑ Yes ❑ No 2. ❑ Yes ❑ No ACCA Manual,,D Design;calculations have been completed,'Duct-Design is on•`the:plans and duct, installation matchcs.plsns.' TXV. is installed or Fan flow'has 666,',vciified. If no TXV, verified fan flow matches de`s gn from CF -'IR. Measured Fan Flow = ❑ ❑ Yes for both i and 2 is a Pass Pass Fail ❑ 1, the undersigned, verify that the'above diagnostic test results and the work I performed associated with the test(s) is in conformance with the requirements for compliance credit (Tltibidia& shall provide. the HERS provider a copy of the CF -6R signed by the builder employees or sub-contractorsf gtiat certit'diagno..stic..testitig and.installition meet the requirements for compliance credit.] Tests Signature, Date Installing Subcontractor (Co. Name) OR Performed General Contractor (C6.'Name) COPY TO: Building Department HERS Provider (tf applicable) Building Owner at Occupancy Compliance Forms August 2001 A-25 .. r „fes.+F E.) l�wl i 'ti4•.:.to ! i.::s INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE (Page a of 13) CF -6R Site Address Permit Number REFRIGERANT CHARGE AND" AIRFLOW .IV EASUREMENT Verification for Regmred Refrigerant Charge acid Adequate Airflow for. Split Systcm:Space Cooling Systems without Thermostatic Expansion Valves Outdoor Unit Serial # Outdoor Unit Make Outdoor Unit Mode] Cooling Capacity Btu/hr Date of Verification Date of Refrigerant Gauge Calibration (must be checked monthly) Date of Thermocouple•Calibration (muss be.checked monthly) Standard Charge and Airflow Measurement (,outdoor air dry=bulb 55 "F.and above): Note: The system should be installed and charged in aecordance.iuith the manufacturer's specifications before starting this procedure. Measured Temperatures. Supplv`(evaperator leaving). air dry-bulb temperature (Tsupply, db) Return (evaporator entering) air; dry-bulb temperaiure (Trcturn, db) "P• Return (evaporator entering) air wet. -bulb tcmpe tore (Treturn, wb) OF Evaporator saturation -temperature (Tcvaporator, sat) OF Suction line temperature (Tsuction, db) -� "F Condenser (entering) air dry-bulb temperature (Tcondenser;db) "F Superheat Charge Method Calculations for Refrigerant'aarge Actual Superheat = Tsuction, db - Tevaporator, sat "F Target Superheat (from Table 1) OF Actual Superheat=Target Superheat,. "F (System'passcs`if between 75 and +50F) Temperature Split Method Calculations for Adequate Airflow Actual Temperature,Split = T return, db- Tsupply, db OF Target Temperaturc'Spiit(froin Table 2) OF Actual Temperature Split,r Target Temperature Split, OF (System -panes, if between . -3°F and +3'F or, upoa rcmeasurciiicnt, if berivccn +3°F and, -25°F) Standard Charge and Airflow Measurement Summary: ' System shall pass both refrigerant charge and adequate airflow, calculation criteria from the same me'a'surements.' If corrective actions were taken, both criteria, must be rc measured'and,recalculatcd System Passes yes or no Compliance Forms August -2001 A-26 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE (Page 6 of 13) CF -6R Site Address Permit Number Table K-1: Target Superheat (Suction Line Temperature - Evaporator Saturation Temperature) 55 50 51 1 52 1 53 54 ' 55 56 57 38 8.8 10.1 11.5 12.8 14.2 15.6 17.1 18.5 20.0 35.9 56 8.6 8.3 7.9 7.5 7i0 9.9 9.6 9.3 8.9 '8.4 11.2 11.012.3 10.6 10.2 "9:8 12.6 12.0 11.6 11.2' 14.0 13.7' 13.4 13.0 12:6" 15.4 15.1 14.8 14.4 14.0 16.8 16-5 16:2 15.5 `15.4 182 17.4 17.6 17"2 16.5 19.7 "19.4 19.0 18.6 1'8.2 57 58 59 60 ' e. 4 m 61 6.5 6.0 5.3 - - _ 7.9 7.4 6.8 6.1 5.4 9.3. B.8 6.3 7.6 7.0 6.3 9.5 - 10.7 10.2 9.7 9.1 8.5 71 - 7.1 63 5.5 .12.1 I L7 H-1 10:6 10:0 1 9.3 : 8.7 8.0 7.2 6.4 13.5 13.1 12.6: 12.0-13.5 11.5 10.8 10.2 .9.5 8.8 8.1 14.9 14.5 14.0 12.9 12.3 11.7 11"1. 10.4 9.7 16.3 15.9 15.4 14.9 14.3 13.8 13.2 12:6 1.1.9 11.2 17:7 17-3.63 16.8 16.3 .15.8 15.2 14.6 14:0 13.4 12.7 62' 64. 65' 66 67 68 69-- 70 29.3 28.7 30.7 30.1 32.1, 31.5 F S "? A 71 - - - - - 5.6 7.3 6.4 ! 5.6 - - 8.9 8:1 '7.3 6.5 5.6 10.5 9.8. 9.0 8.2' 7.4 12.1 11.4 163 _9.9 91 72 73' ..74 75 j 0 U 76' "28.1 29.6 31.0. 32.4 - - - - - 36.4 6.6 5.7 8.4 7.5 . 6.7 5.9 .77 78 79 80 19.1 - 21.9 233 24.7 26.1 27.5 29.0 - 31.8 - 34.6 35.9 - 82 93 84 85 18.7 20.1 86" - - .25.5 27.0• 28.4 - - 31.3 32.7 - 35.4. 36.8 E8990 39.4 39.0 Return Air Wet -Bulb Temperature CF) 21.5'23.1 21.2 22.7 24.6 24.2 26.2 25.7 21.6 27.3 LY:4 28.9 ?!.0 30.5 az., I 31.8 J�-* 33.2 ate. 34.6 35.9 �••• 37.2 - 38.5 - 39.7 41.0 42.2 43.4 44.6 20.8 22.3 23.8 25.3 26.8 28,3 29.9 31.3 32.6 34.0 35'.3 36.7 ' 38.0 37.5 39.2 38.7 40.5 40.0 41.7 41.3 43.0 42.5 44.2 43.7 20:4 21.9 23-3 24.8 26.3 2 7. 8 27,2 29.3 28.7 30.7 30.1 32.1, 31.5 33.5 32.9 34.8 34.3 36.1 35.6 36.9 38.3 39.5 40,8; 42.1 •.43.3 20.0 19.6 21.4 21.0 22.9 22.4 24.3 '23.8 .25.7 -25.2 "266 "28.1 29.6 31.0. 32.4 33.7 35.1 36.4 37.8 39.1 .40:4 .41.6 42.9 19.1 20.5 21.9 233 24.7 26.1 27.5 29.0 30.4 31.8 33.2 34.6 35.9 37.3 38.6 39.9" 41.2:.42.4 18.7 20.1 21.4 22.8 24.2 .25.5 27.0• 28.4 29.9 31.3 32.7 34.1 35.4. 36.8 38.1 39.4 39.0 407E 40.3 42.0 41.6 18.2 19.6 20.9. 22.3' 23:6 25.0 26.4 27.8 129.3. 30.7. 32.2 33.6 33.0 34.9 36.3 35.8 37.7 37.2. 38.5 39.9 41.2 17.7' 190 ' 20.4 21.7 23.1 24.4. 25.8 253 273 26.7: 28.7 28.2 30.2 29.7 31_.6 31.1 32.5 34.4 33.9 35.3 36.7 3$.1- 39.4 40.8 17.1 16.6 18.5 1B.0 19.9 19.3 21.2 20.7 22.5 0 23.8 232 24.6 26.1 ;27.6 29:1-. 30.6 32.0. 33.4 34:9 36:3' 37.6 39.0 , 40.4; 16.0 17.4 18.8 20.1 ,32 21:4 22.7 24.1 25.6, '27.1, 28.6 30.1 31.5 33.0 34.4 35.8' 37.2 38.6 39.9 '39.5' L5.5 16.8 182 79.5. 20.8 .22.1 23.5 25:0 26.5 28.0" 29.5'' 3L0 32.5 33.9 35.3 34.9. 36.3 38.G' 37.7 39.1 14.8 16.3 17.6 19.0 20.3 21.5 22.9 24.4 26.0 .27:5 27.0 29.0 28.5:.30.0 30.5 32.0 31.5. 33.4 33.0 136,1 34.4 35:9. `37.3 38.7 14.2' 15.7. 17"0 118.4 =17.8 19.7 20.9 203 22.3 21.7 23.9: 23:3 25.4 24.9 26.4 28.0 29.5. 31:0 32.5' 34.0' 35:4 36.9 3R.3 13.6 12.9 15.0 14.4. 16.4. 15.8 17:2 .19.1 18.5 19.7 21:2 22:8 24.3 25.9 ' 27.4 "29:0` 30:5' 32.0 33.5 35.0 636.5 379 ',37.5 12.'_ 13:7 15.2 16.6 17.9 19.2 20.6 222 23.8 25.4- 26.9 28-5 ,300 31.5 33 1 34.6 160 11.5 13.1 14;5 15.9,, 17.3 18.6 20.0 21.6 ,23.2 24.8=.26.4 28.0 .29:5°, .31:1 326 34,1; ' 33.7 356 37.1 3 -J 10.8 '114 13.9. 15.3 :16.7 18.0 19:41: 21.1 22.7 24:3' 23.9 ' 27.5 291. 30.6 32.2 _352 10.1 [1J '13.2 147 16.1 17.4 1R,9. 20.5 22.1 23.5 25.4 :27.0. 28.6..30.!' 29:7 31.7 31.3 33:3 32.8 34.8: 34.4. 36.3" 36.0 9.3 11.0 12.5 .14.0 15.4 16.8' 18.3 20.0 2L-6 23.2 24.9 26.5 28.1. 27.6 292.. 30"8 32.4; 34.0 35.6 8.5 1.0.2 11.8 13.4 14.8 16.2 17.7 17.1 !19.4 1R.8 21:1 20.5 22.7 22.2 24.4 23.8 26.0 25.5 27.1 28.8, 30.4 32.0 33.6 35.2 7.7 6.9 9.5 8.7 11.1 10.4 12.7 _12.0 14.2 13.5 15.6 15:0 16:6 18.3 .20.0. 21.7 23.3 25:0 26.7, 28:3 29.9 31.6 332 34.8 6.0 7.9 9.7 11.3 12.9 14:3 16.0 MT 19.4 21.1 22.8 24.5 26.2 27.9' 29.5 3 L 30.7 32.8 32.4. 34.4 34.0 5.2 7.1 " 8.9 10.6 12.2 13.7 15.4 17.2 18:9 20.6 22.3 '23.0 23.5 25.7 25.2 27.4 26.9 29.1, 28.6 30.3 6.3 8.2 9.9 1 L6 10.9 i 13.1 12.5 14.9 14.3 . 16.6. 16.1 18A •17.8 20.1 19.6 21.8 21.3 .23.0 24.8. 26.5. 28.2 29.9" 31.6 33.3 5.5 6.6 " 7.4f7.0 103 l l"9 13.7 15.5 17.3 19.0 20.8 22.6 24.3 X26.0 27.8" 29"5 31.2 '30.8 32.9 - 5:8 9.6 I1:3 13.2 15.0' .16.7 18.5 20.3" 22.1. 23.$ ?5.6 27.3 29.1 '2$.7 32.(i 32.2 5.0 8.9 L0.6 12.6. 14.4 16? 1R.0 19.8 2L6 23.4 25.1 26.9 26.5 26.3 304 30.1 31.8 $ 1.0.0 12.0 13.9 15.7 17.5 19.3 2Ll 22.9 24.7' -6.R 7.5 9.4i 18.8 110.9 12.8_ 14.6 16.5 18.3 20.1 22.0 23.8 25.6 275 29.31 31.1 Compliance Forms August 2001 A-28 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE (Page 7 of 13) CF -6R Site Address Permit Number Table K-1: Target Superheat (Suction Line Temperature - Evaporator Saturation Temperature) (continued) Compliance Forms August 2001 A-29 Return Air Wet-tfuln temperature I -r) " g • E~ a t� c>a' . y y d a �j 9I 55 _ - 56 - 57 I 58 - - 59 60 - '61 62' _ 63 6:1. 5.4 - - 64 8.1 7.5 6.8 6.2 ' 5.6....8.1 65 10.3 9.8 9.2 • 6.7 66_ 12.2 1 i.7 'Y 1'.1 10.6' 10.0 67 14.1 13.5 13.0 .12.5 12.0 68 • •15.9117.8:19.7 15.4 ` 14.9 14:4 13.9 6') 17.3 ; 16.8 16.3 70 19.2 18.7 :.18.2. .17:8 71 21.5 21.1 20.6 20.2 _19.7. 72 23.4 .22.9 22: - 22.1 7.1.6 73 25.2 24.8 24.4 24.0 23:6 74 27.,1 26.7 26.3 25.9. 25.5 75 28.9 28.5 28.2 27.8 27.4 76 30.8 30.4 30.1 29.7 29.4 50 - _ ., 51 52 53 - 54 92 93 94 . 9V. - - _ - _ :.. - - - - ._. - - - - - - - - - 7.5 7.0 6.4 5.8 5.3 9:51C4 8.9 8. 4 7.9 7.3 6:8 6:2 3 7 52 ` 10.9 10.4 9.9 9.3 8.8 8.3 7.8 7.2 6.7' 13.4 12.9 12.4 11.9 -11.4 10.9- 10 4 9.9' 9:3 "8:8: .15.8 15.3 14.9 14.4 13.9 13.4 ,12.9 12:4' 1,1.9 11-5 11.0 17.3 16.8. 16.4 15.9 15.4 15,0 14:5 14.0 13.6 13.1 19:2 18.8 18.3 17.9 17.5 17.0. � 16:6 161; 15.7 152 21:2 20.8 2C.3. 19.9 19 5 19 1 18 6 '182 '17.8 17:4 23.2 22.7 22.3 21.9 21.5 :21:1 20.7 Z0:3 19.9: 19.5 25.0 24 .7 124.3 Z4.0 423.6 23 � 22 8' 22.4 22.1 21.7 37:1" 26:7 263 .26 0 25 6 .,Z53 24 9 24 5 242 23.8 29.0 28.7 28.3. 27.0 :227. 273 :$7.0-: 26 7-. 263 '26.0' 9b " - - 97: 96 :99_ ,100' 101 102 1�, 104 - - - - ',105 - - _ _ - 6:2" 5.7 5:2 8:3 7.4 7:4 6.9 6.4 10.5 10:0•. 9.5 9.1 8.6 126 122 1 l 7 11.3 10:8 14:7 144,..166 13 9' 13.E 13.1 17.0 16 1; :15.7 153 19:1 18.7 :18.4 18.0 17.6. 21.3 2i0 20 6 20.2 19:91 23.5 '232 22.9 22 5 22.1: 25.7 25:4 23.1 24:7 24.4 106; - - - - _ - l� l � 109' ::110' - - _ �- - - - - _ - _ . - - 5.9 ' 5.4 - - 8.1 76. 7.2' 6.7 ` 10:4 -9.9 9.5- 9:0' 12.6 .12.2 11.8 ' 11.4 149 14 14.1 13.7 -17:2; '16:8 16.4. 16. !' ;19.5' 19.1 18.x, 18.4 21 8 21.5 21.1 20.8 .24.I 23:7 23:5 23:1 - 112 113: 114 - _ 1 _ 6.2 8.6 10:9 I3.3 15.7 ' 18.1 20.5 22:9 ` Compliance Forms August 2001 A-29 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE (Page 8 of 13) CF -6R Site Address Permit Number Table K-2: Target Temperature Split (Return Dry -Bulb - Supply Dry -Bulb) Return Air -Wet -Bulb ('f) (T ,.„r. ,,yb) 50 51 1 52 53 1 54,1 55. 56 1 57 1 58 59 60 1 61 62 63 64 65 1 66 1 67 68 69 1 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 70 20.9 20.7 20.6 20:4120.1119.9 19.5 19.1 18.7 18.2 17.7 117.2 .16.5 15.9 15.2 14.4 13.7 12.8 11.9 11.011D.0 .9.0 7.9 6.8 5.7 4.5 3.2 71 21.4 21.3 '21.1 20.9 20.7. 20.4 20.1 19.7 19.3 18.8 18.3 17.7 17.1 16.4 15.7 15.0 14.2 13.4 12.5 11.5 10.6 9.5 8.5. 7.4 6.2 5.0 3.8 _ 8 - 21.9 21.8 21.7 21.5.. 21.2 20.9 .26.6 20.2 0.8 19.3 .18 .8 19.2 ' 17.6 17.0. 16:3 15.5: 44.7, ,13.9. 13.0 12.1 11,.1. 10.1...9.0 : ;.7.9. � ; 6.8: 5.6.4 413 . 72 773 ' 22:5 22.4 22 2 22,0 21 8, 21.5 21.2 20.8 20.3. 199 19.4 18.8 18.2 17.5 16.8 16.1 153 .14.4 13.6 12.6 11.7 10.6 9.6 8.5 7.3 6.1 , 4.8 v 23:0 22.9 22.8: 22.6 22.3 22.0 2 0 21.3 26.9 20.4-19.'9, 19.3 18.7 18.1 17.4 16.6 15.8 .15.0' 14.1 I12 12.2 11.2 10.1 9.Q 7.8 ` 6.6, 5.4 74 w 23.6 23,5 23.3 23.1 22.9 22 6 22:2 21:9 21,4 21.0 20.4 l9 9 1:9:3 "] 8.6 .17.9 17.2 16.4 I5,5 14.7 13.7. ,12.7 L1.7 l0 7 .9 8 4. "7 2 5.9 75- 76 24.1. 24.0 2191. 23.7 23.4 23.'1 22.8 22:4 210 21.5 -21.0 20.4 19.8 19.2 18 5= •17.7 .1.01k6.1 15.2 114.3 13.3 12.3 11.2 16.1 8.9,. 7.7. '6;5' a - 24:6 24.4 24.2 24.0 23.7 23.3 22.9 22.5 22.0 21.5 21.0, 20:4 19.7 1,9.0 18.3 17.5. 16.6 15.7 � 14.8 13.8 -12.8 11.7 10.6 9;,5,. '83,1..7.0 77 78_ - - - 24.7 24.5 24.2 23.9 123.5. 23.1 22.6 22.1 `21:5 20.9: 20;2 19.5, 18.8 18;0 .17.2 16.3!15.4 .14:4 13.4 12.3 l L2 10 0. `8 8. 7.6' Y } - - 24.8 24:4' 24.0 23.6 23.1 22.6. 22.1 21-4 .20.8 20.1' 19.3 18.5. 17.7 16.8 15 9 14.9 13 9 12.8 ;11.7 10.6 `9.4' 79 - - - 25,0. 24.6 24 ' 23-.7,123.2-122.6 22.0 21.3, 20 6 ,19.9 19.1 18.3 17.4: 1'6.4 i5.5. 14.4 ,13.4 12.3 .11.1 9.9 ' 8.7 80, 2.5 '24.7 241 23.7 2311- 22.5 21.9 2,1.2 20:4; 19.6 18.'8. 17.9 17.0.:16:0 15.0 .13.9 12.8 11:7. 10.4 .9.2 y ` ,.,,1. 24.8 24.2 23.7 23:1 22.4 21.7 21:0 20219.3 18.5 17.5 16.6. 15.5 14.5 13.4 12.2 11.0 ,9.7 B2 a - - - -" 25:3: 24.8 242 23.6 23.0 22 3 21.5 =20 7, '19;9 19.0 -18:1 17.1 16.1 15.0 13.9 .12:7. 11,5 10.31 B3 - - . 25`9 25:3 24:8 24;2 23.5: 22 8 22,1 213: 20.4 19.5 18:6 17-6 16.6 i5.6: 14:4 133 :12:1 • 10.8 i 84 Compliance Forms August 2001 A-30 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE. (Page 9.:6f 13) j.CF-6R Sitc Address Permlt:Number DUCT LOCATION AND AREA REDUCTION DIIAGNOSTICS ❑ DUCT IN C0NbM0.kE0:SPACE ❑ Yes ❑ No Duct: in .conditioned. space criteria matches CFA R Yes is a Pass Pass Fail ❑ REDUCED'DUCT SURFACE AREA Measured duct extedocsurfaoe:area;in'the following uncor Attics Crawlspaces Basements Other (e.g., garages, etc.) ;d duct locations (square feet): ❑ Yes ❑ No Duct surface area matche's`CF-1 R?13 11 Yes is a Pass Pass Fail ❑ 1, the undersigned, verify that the duct surface.area and duct locations claimed;.for. duct surface area reductions and duct location improvements be' yon&those covered by:def tlt assumptionsmatch-.those ot► ttie (flans fne.builder shall provide the HERS provider a` copy of the CE -6R signed !by the'b4def employees or sub-contractois.certifying that diagnostic testing and •installation mcet the requirements for.compliance credit.] Tests Signature; Date Wtalling Subcontractoi (Co. Name) OR Perfornied General:Coiittactor (Co 'Name) COPY TO: Building`Department' HERS Pi ovider (if applicable) Building Owner at Occupancy Compliance Forms August 2001 A-31 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE_ - (.Page 10 of 13), CF -6R Site Address Ferni . it Ntimber BUILDING ENVELOPFIR-LEAKAGE DIAGNOSTICS 0 ENVELOPE SEALINiC.*M'lt,TRATION;RLe'l)"UC.'tlO N Diagnostic T&sting'R.esults Build ing Envelope Leak -age (CFM @ 50 Pa)as measured by Rater 1. ls.measurcd envelope leakage less than br equal, to the required level ffoni. . . ........ Yes No CF -IR? 2. 0 Is Mechanical Ventilation shourn as required on the CF4R? Yes No C] 0 lfMechanical Ventilation is quired-onthe Cf-iR:(Yesinline 2).has it Yes No been installed? 0 13 q6ck this'boxykes if mechanical. ventilation is required (Yes in line 2) Yes No and ventilation fan wafts are no greater than sliown o . t . i. CF4 . R. Measured Wafts 3. 0 ❑ Check this box yes if . mei�s�fcd'building0infiltration ("' I—. . - . ... . : z. . I —&M @,:50 Pa) is Yes No greater than file CFM @ .50'Nalucs-shown. for an SLA of 1.*,; on CF -1R (If this box is checked no,a iicalv' n' 11 e �.ation is required.) 4. .:-Check this'box yes if"me-sured b0ding infiltration (CFM 50 Pa) is less yes No than'h'�� CF1v1,,21 Values sh0'V-MfbT;�an% SLA of L5 on Cr- - I R. m L .tinicAl veli on'=allcd,aiiid h6usie._`�ressurc is ter than it9r" 't.s ."Pa, 6,1 with all IstIans,operaTing. Pass if d. Yes in line and line 3, or C. Yes in line I and fijie2.2a, and 2b, or f. Yes in line I and Yes in line 4. Otherwise fail 0 0 Pass Fail C3 1, the undersigned, verify that the building envelope leakag6 meets the 1*64Uirements claimed for building leakage reduction below dcfhultassumptio'ns as' used for Compliance on the CF -1.11. This is to certify that . the above diagnostic test results and the work I performed tis'ciated w" the test(s) is in, qofif6iina'hcc -,vith'tli6TcquiTcmc6tsf, or compliance credit. ['11ie builder shall provide the HERS provider a copy of the. CF -6k signed by tile,bui.ldcr employecs or sub -contractors certiti-iiithat diagnostic -testing and 'installatipn-meet the rcquir=6lls for compliance ice cr4t.] Test 11:rDate COPY TO: Building Departinent HERS Provider (if applicable) Building CA,,ner,at 06cupancy Compliance F r rns Augbst 2001 Tc.-tilig' $ibcQjtractor (Co. Name) OR GencrAl-Coritftic,tor (Co: Nanic) A-32 INSTALLATION. CERTIFICATE (Page 1.1. of 13) CF -6R Site Address Permit Number The following is an explanation of many of the input values required on this.form. HVAC SYSTEMS Ilealinn F.Aninm&mt Tvnr mire[ hP nnr of 4hn ft,11 A. — - Furnace: f as (including Liquefied Petroleum Cases) or oil -fired central furnace & space heater - Boiler: Gas or oil -fired boiler PckgHeatPump: Packaged central heat pump' . SplitHeatPump: Split central heat pump RoomHcatPump: Room heat pump I,gPkgHeatPump: [large packaged heat pump (,_;65;000 Btu/hr output) Electric: Electric resistance'heating (fixed HSPF = 3.413); radiant electric resistance (fixed HSPF = 3.55) , CombineciHydm; . Reference water heater,under water heating systems below CEC Certified Manufacturer Name & Model Number from applicable Commission approved appliance directory. # of identical Systems is .for those systems with. the same efficiency, duct location; duct R -valise and capacity. Efficiency from. applicable Cominissiou certified._appliatic_c"dircctory, Duct (or Piping) Location is attic, crawl space; CVC crawl ;space; conditioned space, unconditioned.space or none. Duct (or Piping) R -Value from Directory of Cerdited Insulation Materials and/or manufacturer's data. HeatinglCoolingLood refer to Commission approved Load cnlculation procedure. Heating/Cooli.ng Capacity from the applicable Commission. certified appliance directory. Note: location elevations over 2.000 ft above sea level require a derating or output capacity (refer to manufacturer's literature). Coolinn Enuinment Tvnn m,rct ha nnr of fhn SplitAirC(Ind: Split system air conditioner N PckgAirCond: Packaged air conditioner Split Heat`Pulrip: Split system heat pump PckglJeatPump: Packaged heat pump . RoomHcatPump: Room.heat pump ; LgPkgHeatPump: Large packaged heat puiup (>_ 65.000 Biu/hr output). Substitute EERfor SEER when SEER. is not available RoomAirC.ond: Room air. conditioner.. Minimum SEER varics* LCY gP.kgAirCond: Large pacKagcd air cnnditi.oncr (_ 65,000 Btu/hr output). Substitute EER for SEER'when•SEER is.not:available EvapDirect: Direct evaporative cooling :system. For compliance calculation purposes, fixed values: SEER= 11.0; duct location - attic. duct insulation R -value = 4.2 Evapindirect: Indirect evaporative cooling;system. For compliance calculation purposes. fixed values: SEER = 13.0; duct location — attic; duct insulatliin .R=value = 4.2 Compliance Forms August 2001 A-33 INSTILLATION CERTIFICATE,: -.,(Page 12 of 13) CF -6R Site Address Permit Number t The following is an explanation of many of the iuput'valu'es mquircd on this form: WATER HEATING.SYSTEMS Distribution Sv%tems Ref&,tn Residential Mdm.al fnrinnre'detaits•_: Standard`. Standard" Supply pressure Based system, no pumps �^ Pipe Insulation:: Pipe Insulation `ott.a". 3/4 -inch pipes" POU/HWR: ";Point of Use/Hot Water Recty- M System Recire/NoControl:. �J� v Recirculation loop .with no controls RecircfTimer: .,y Recirculation loop with A timer Recirc/T'euip: Recitculation 16op.x'vith'tempm-aniire control itecirc/Time+Temp: Recirculation. loop with a timer and temperature: control Recirc/Demand:. • Recirculation loop with demand contr6il . Watch. Heater Tvoc Storage Gas, Oil or Electric Hent Pump Instantaneous Gas Instantaneous Electric Large Storage Gas Indirect Gas (Boiler) F>ENEST'RATiON/GLAZING . Yes No No No Yes . No No No No Yes No No Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes No Ycs (AFUE•) No Yes Fenestration: " Window's, sliding°glass doors, French doors, skylights, garden windows, and any door with'moie`tlian one square foot of glass Operator Type: Slider, hinged; fixed. " U -Factor: Installed U -Factor must be less than or equal to value from CF -IR OR Installed weighted average U -Factor for the total fenestration area is less than or; equal to value froin CF4R SHGC: Installed SHGC must be less than or adtial to value from:C.F-1 R OR Installed weighted SHGC. for the total fenestration area is less than or equal to value from CF- l R OR An interior shading device, overhang, or exterior shading device is installed consistentwitt"the CF -IR Shading Device: include when the building complied using an ewerior shading -device: woven sunscreen; louvereii="slmscreen; ]ow sun angle sunscman,,rolt-down awning. roll -down blinds or slats (do tint -list bug screen); or an overhang (include depth if) feet - Compliance Forms August 2001 A-34 INSTALLATION. CERTIFICATE (Page 13 of 13)CF-6R Site Address Pcrmit,Number The Foilov6ng is an explanation of manv of the input values ,required on the Diagnostic portion of this form (page ? of C): TYPE OF CRFD.rr Refer to Rc sideminl Xfunual Chapters 4 and 5 for more details: Reduced" Duct Surface .Arca: Calculated a, the outside area of the duct. Areas must hemeasured and veri..fted by a HERS rater: improved Duct Location: Supplyduct located `iiiotherahan attic; as verified by location of registers (docs 1101 nre - ir veri6catibn)." Catastrophic Leakage: Pressure Om test readings mist be less than 1..5 Pascal at a house pressure of 25 Pascal.. 1 XV: Access cover required to facilitate verification. Infiltration Reduction: ' Infiltration is measured withouf mechanical ventilation operating. Mechanical ventilation>isrequired fur very tight house cori"stiiiction when credits for infiltration reduction using diagnostic testing arc being used for achieving coritphance. These very tight hoitres are defined'as those with SLA of less than 1'5 The compliance documentation (CF=1A) will contain the measured CFM target valtie;:from a' blower door test at 50 Pascal pressure diffetrnc'that tepres'chts this SIA off. -S. Mechanical ventilation is also required if tfie buildct choitses to design the building to use mechanical ventilation and claims a credit for`infiltrAtion h6low. an SLA of 3.0. The compliance documentattom (CF-iR) will containthe measured CFM target value that represents this 3.0 SLA". , if the 6w Ser claim' creciil in a design for infiltration reduction thatnis at an.SLA of 3.O or iiigfier,.arid.the actual measured SLA is 1.5 c+� gtegtcr, then ntcchanical ventilattowis not required. If the 5LA ui;thiscasc were"bcloNw L5, thennutigatic ti such as mechanical ventilation): woul.d�be,rcquired. A-35