9704-125December 17, .1.997
Sudhaker P. Reddy'
51-735 Avenida Ramirez
La Quinta, CA., 92253
RE: Sewer Permit0704425
Dear NLr. 'Reddy
The purpose of this letter is to inform youthat your Sewer Permit #9703-024, for the project at
4. _,
51-735 Avenida Ramirez, has expired Iri accgrdance,with 1= 99411JBC.section 106.4.4, no. .
further work may be performed until a new permit has been ;issued
Please co 'ntact.Daruel-P Crawford Jr., Building.Inspector 1,41(760) 777.-7012 to obtain any
information you need regarding a new permit, and/or'`an'y required' inspections. Should' you
choose not to complete the project, we w,ouldatheri have to pursue any or all of the following
actions f
1) Abatement of the.project through the City Attorney's Office and Code Compliance Division.
2) Notice of non conforming structure placed upon property profile. r
_-3)`Action filed with,ContractorState License. Board: Optional if Ovi!nerBuilder.
Please' us at your earliestconveruence gnorto 10 working days to resolve this issue, and
'for any questions,you may have
Sincerely, Val \
Mark Harold
Build ` g &Safety Manage
Daniel P. Crawfor Jr ;
Buildin&spector L'` `
cc: file `
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